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will be taken to givenursesand midwives a greater say
have brought together some 800nursesand midwives and given them
this is international nurses weeknursesand midwives are central to
to recruit retain and valuenursesand midwives being delivered through
to recruit retain and valuenursesand midwives being delivered through
the sake of making scotsnursesand midwives different but for
the gaps financial support fornursesand midwives during their training
of the pressures that thosenursesand midwives have shared with
recognises the central role ofnursesand midwives in delivering high
recognises the central role ofnursesand midwives in delivering high
the executive the minister mentionednursesand midwives in his speech
that i have received fromnursesand midwives in my constituency
getting the right number ofnursesand midwives in the right
that will help to retainnursesand midwives in the service
states the career journey fornursesand midwives is often ill
for 15 000 newly qualifiednursesand midwives scotland has the
recognition of the fact thatnursesand midwives should be at
and for the future asnursesand midwives take on expanded
investment in skills development fornursesand midwives that extra investment
and retain appropriate numbers ofnursesand midwives to serve scotland
sake of ensuring that thenursesand midwives who work in
sturgeon glasgow snp i thanknursesmidwives and health visitors for
team however this is internationalnursesweek nurses and midwives are
the rcn said to attractnursesand keep them for the
smith rcn scotland s valuenursescampaign for text of motion
2054 rcn scotland s valuenursescampaign lodged on 27 june
2054 rcn scotland s valuenursescampaign lodged on 27 june
rcn on its successful valuenursescampaign over the summer recess
smith rcn scotland s valuenursescampaign the motion was agreed
smith rcn scotland s valuenursescampaign wednesday 3 october 2001
to the rcn s valuenursescampaign which was successful in
we are still losing existingnursesfrom the profession the rcn
a survey of 6 000nursesthe rcn identified the key
to recruit retain and valuenursesand two amendments to that
recruit and retain rural gpsnursesare required to undertake out
to recruit retain and valuenursesbe agreed to are we
to recruit retain and valuenursesbe agreed to motion agreed
to recruit retain and valuenursesfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
to recruit retain and valuenursesgiven that that has proved
recruit in ever increasing numbersnursesin different parts of scotland
trying to retain and recruitnursesmany of those problems are
how we can recruit morenursespay and conditions remain major
ability to recruit and retainnursestackling low pay in the
desire to recruit and retainnursesthe deputy presiding officer mr
nursing let us retain thenurseswe have let us ensure
democrat manifesto 2003 health morenursesand doctors free eye and
that because of their experiencenursesare much better than doctors
is carried out by doctorsnursescarers and fundraisers across the
women doctors patients groups andnursesexcluded from serving on the
not given our doctors andnursesfar more say in the
lawyers for our doctors andnursesfor our social workers and
only for doctors but fornursesif we are to have
employ more doctors and morenurseswe now have 500 extra
executive how many qualified psychiatricnursesare currently employed on the
need why do many qualifiednurseschoose not to return to
potentially 1 500 newly qualifiednursesdue to graduate across scotland
of living why do qualifiednursesface often inflexible working patterns
of nhs hospitals on agencynursesis maintained newly qualified nurses
of well qualified highly motivatednursesthe nursing profession is full
to the 10 000 qualifiednurseswho are currently not working
number of newly qualified scottishnurseswho are lured away to
student loans of newly qualifiednurseswho continue to work in
scotland for all newly qualifiednurseswho want that i think
nurses is maintained newly qualifiednurseswho work in nhs hospitals
of recruitment and retention ofnursesfirmly on the political agenda
the recruitment and retention ofnursesin scotland in setting up
the recruitment and retention ofnursesin scotland we have recruited
better retention and recruitment ofnursesin the nhs in england
specific areas of concern fornursesincluding recruitment and retention continuing
the recruitment and retention ofnursesseriously we must consider making
and retaining young people valuingnurseswould assist retention and reduce
biggest deterrent to recruitment ofnursesis the level of remuneration
half of school nurses practicenursesand health visitors are eligible
april 2001 and all districtnursesand health visitors are now
tommy sheridan s1m 1787 communitynursesand health visitors lodged on
david davidson s1m 1787 communitynursesand health visitors lodged on
parking badge system for communitynursesand health visitors when visiting
1227 health visitors and communitynurseslodged on 28 september 2000
fact that half of schoolnursespractice nurses and health visitors
of health visitors and communitynursesrecognises the difficulties they often
russell health visitors and communitynursesthat the parliament commends the
the availability of specialist consultantsnursesand physiotherapists given that scarcities
notes that cancerbacup s specialistnursesanswer more than 50 000
per cent of specialist asthmanursesdo not hold the appropriate
introduce more specialist infection controlnursesempowering them to play a
need for more specialist epilepsynursesfor counselling and support that
has been placed on specialistnursesfor multiple sclerosis epilepsy asthma
location and number of specialistnurseswhen i asked the minister
mentioned some of the specialistnurseswho were recently recruited to
leave before completing their coursesnursesages and nurses pay in
ever before a shortage ofnursesalso means that nurses have
encourage more people to becomenursesand while new nurses are
many nurses are now undertakingnursesare also worried about the
become nurses and while newnursesare being recruited we are
good work life balance fornursesare essential where nurses are
and medical procedures that manynursesare now undertaking nurses are
for nurses are essential wherenursesare particularly stressed psychological help
the work that scotland snursesdo in international nurses week
on recruiting retaining and valuingnursesgiven that nurses provide 80
of nurses also means thatnurseshave to do extra shifts
in the borders sexual healthnursesin edinburgh nurses working with
their courses nurses ages andnursespay in my opinion the
and valuing nurses given thatnursesprovide 80 per cent of
level i believe that mostnursessupport that nurses want progress
mums really you know thenursesthe nursery nurses were all
that most nurses support thatnurseswant progress to be made
s nurses do in internationalnursesweek and throughout the year
know the nurses the nurserynurseswere all because you were
sexual health nurses in edinburghnursesworking with the homeless in
them to employ more nurserynursesand pre school staff who
duncan hamilton s1m 2099 nurserynurseslodged on 3 august 2001
alex neil s1m 3990 nurserynurseslodged on 5 march 2003
it was reported that nurserynurseswho had worked for 32
pay and conditions of nurserynurseswith a view to producing
a successful strategy to valuenursesand value the nhs i
of nursing for its valuenursescampaign the wording of the
value on the work ofnursesempowering them to undertake a
rely on the flexibility ofnursesi value this opportunity to
executive s commitment to valuenursesparticularly as this is international
we discuss the value ofnursesthat although it is questionable
how much we value ournurseswe will have to take
promoting the well being ofnurseswould show that we value
examine the use of agencynursesand to employ permanent staff
need to use fewer agencynursesand to stop relying on
and not fewer temporary agencynursesare being employed i hope
am sure that individual agencynursesare excellent people but i
is the position that agencynursesare in i hope that
permanent staff instead of agencynursesat the time 562 agency
is the use of agencynursesaudit scotland s report into
how many bank and agencynurseshave been used at ninewells
training another issue is agencynursesi am sure that individual
use of bank and agencynursesin the nhs business bulletin
instead of using expensive agencynursesinsist that health boards pick
absenteeism and reliance on agencynurseslowering nursing turnover improving morale
on using bank and agencynursesover the last year s1w
into the use of agencynursestemporary measures managing bank and
at the time 562 agencynurseswere employed every day in
scotland s nursing work forcenursesaccount for one half of
with training sessions for fivenurseson family health nursing i
nursing turnover improving morale andnursessafety and reducing stress promoting
to nursing the number ofnursesthat is required to fill
nursing posts we have lostnursesto the south for a
will we get more permanentnursesemployed in the health service
scottish executive how many districtnurseswere employed in each quarter
scottish executive how many diabetesnurseswere employed in each quarter
the scottish executive how manynurseswere employed in the north
increases in pay for allnursesand increases in student bursaries
pay that we give ournursesand to attract more people
bit sarah boyack says thatnursesare delighted to pay increased
particular 40 per cent ofnurseshave to pay the cost
to enhance pay rates somenursesin london will be on
of improving the pay ofnursesin our hospitals that is
bursaries the pay increase fornursesis 3 6 per cent
the pay scale if valuingnursesis to be more than
only bone of contention fornursesis undoubtedly pay the major
scotland have different priorities ruralnursesmay pay more in travel
deal with the issue ofnursespay the executive believes that
a central one in consideringnursespay we must not forget
to increase pay rates fornursesto reward them properly for
highly why do we rewardnurseswith pay scales that are
by margaret smith last septembernurseswork excessive hours for pay
by recruiting 2 000 extranursesand 300 extra consultants above
more than 1 600 extranursesin 1999 liberal democrats said
chiropodists employ 2 000 extranursesover and above existing plans
shona robison s1m 1928 internationalnursesday 2001 lodged on 10
lewis macdonald s1m 1928 internationalnursesday 2001 lodged on 10
particularly as this is internationalnursesweek however i emphasise that
as it falls in internationalnursesweek it is obvious that
scotland but in this internationalnursesweek recognises the central role
scotland but in this internationalnursesweek recognises the central role
hold this debate during internationalnursesweek since 1997 labour has
some time today during internationalnursesweek to recognise the central
crowd of nu- er studentnursesand er m815: ma sister
received many letters from studentnursesat queen margaret university college
improvement in bursaries for studentnursesis a great start but
to these points that studentnursesmade to me at lunch
the special convention for studentnursesthat we will hold in
drop out rate of studentnurseswhich is as high as
student intakes 10 000 morenurseswill qualify in scotland by
be a return to enrollednursesi am an enrolled nurse
the policies that affect themnursesin glasgow are considering return
considering return to practice schemesnursesin the forth valley are
return to practice courses fornurseslodged on 12 september 2001
if we are to enablenursesto remain in or return
it is making in encouragingnursesto return to practice s1o
schemes which will enable 150nursesto return to work in
should be available to allnurseswho wish to return to
the retraining costs of formernurseswho wish to return to
training opportunities and conditions fornursesaddress the drop out rate
to better the lot ofnursesand improve their training there
than that of teachers whennursesare in education and training
further move to ensure thatnursescontinue their training here in
structure improving training and expandingnursesresponsibility my second point relates
it is difficult for manynursesto get in service training
training because we cannot expectnursesto take on more responsibilities
needs of the thousands ofnursesalready working within the nhs
a message of confidence tonursesand to the nhs across
it is working to attractnursesback into the nhs s1o
that we need many morenursesin the nhs since 1997
is that the nhs needsnursesit needs their skills their
to a further 150 experiencednursesretraining and rejoining the nhs
nhs employers are to offernursesthe flexible working patterns and
that we can to encouragenursesto remain in the nhs
in the number of nhsnurseswhose specialty is classified as
has delivered 20 000 newnursesacross the uk and has
recognised the role of prescribingnursesup to 3 000 had
there are 1 000 fewernursesworking in our health service
has recognised the fact thatnursesare playing a growing role
the most important issues facingnurseshas been their extended role
that the developing role ofnursesis not accompanied by an
recognise the central role ofnursesparliamentary bureau motions the presiding
of the role that ournursesplay in delivering health care
practice pilot scheme for 150nursesis a step in the
a huge issue for manynurseswho are in practice or
such as pharmacists and practicenurseswho may be better suited
health and community care thenursesagencies increase of licence fees
215 29 june 2001 thenursesagencies increase of licence fees
health and community care thenursesagencies increase of licence fees
registration scotland act 1938 thenursesagencies increase of licence fees
will increase the number ofnursesattracting back trained staff who
of the pockets of scottishnursesthrough his increase in national
and delivering flexible working fornursesare not options they are
communities the shortage of banknursesexacerbates working problems a shortage
are defining flexible working andnursesin tayside are working to
the many trained and experiencednurseswho are not currently working
because we are listening tonursesand front line staff who
as shop assistants catering staffnursesand others is protected by
rigid in employing staff andnursesare no exception however i
happens no matter how seriousnursesare the front line staff
15 hours a week staffnursesat grade d for 15
about staff in this casenursesbeing able to find work
improvement the central message tonursesfrom today s debate is
week however i emphasise thatnursesare only one part of
that ministers are aware thatnursesand other health professionals are
issue in prisons and thenursesand the health centre have
they have no control manynursesare not leaving the health
endoscopists in ayr infection controlnursesin the borders sexual health
con the contribution that ournursesmake to our health care
s first 11 family healthnursesthat is an example of
many people who are notnursesand should be based on
the scottish executive how manynursesare expected to graduate from
needs many more of themnursesare fundamental to the effective
many of the hundreds ofnursesaround scotland to whom i
the part of many enrollednursesat the end of the
to offer flexibility yet manynursescannot practise without it the
scottish executive how many graduatenurseshave entered the one year
95 per cent female manynursesneed a level of flexibility
many whole time equivalent schoolnursesthere were in each of
asked the minister how manynurseswho specialise in epilepsy there
that a huge number ofnursesare being forced out of
in the number of qualifyingnursesi hope that that trend
are doubling the number ofnurseson leadership programmes today i
doubling of the number ofnursesparticipating in leadership programmes and
such as the number ofnurseswho leave the profession the
have doubled the number ofnurseswho will participate in leadership
work out why in germanynursesare happy well trained and
is quite simply about rewardingnursesbetter for the work that
or areas within which thosenursesclassified as other work s1w
appreciate the work that ournursesdo i will highlight some
problem of recruiting and retainingnursesfurther welcomes the work of
more in travel expenses citynursesmay fear violence at work
a demoralised work force leadsnursesto leave the service and
there are 11 500 registerednurseswho no longer work in
for illness holidays or emergenciesnurseswho work in rural areas
development donald gorrie mentioned thenurseswho work in the minor
a long way to gonurseswork against a backdrop of
find that several hundred scottishnurseswork in london and that
in london and that scottishnurseswork in other parts of
based on sound research intonurseswork loads we have already
my question relates specifically tonursesbursaries given his experience of
for community care and districtnursesin scotland given the potential
scotland we have recruited morenursesfor specialties such as intensive
paying more money to attractnursesfrom outwith scotland to scotland
career prospects but ensures thatnurseshave more influence at a
there are far more consultantnursesin england than in scotland
we have also recruited morenursesin new areas such as
care and cancer and morenursesin primary care and in
of our more experienced specialisednursesleaving for other jobs or
it is not only thenursesand carers who are involved
songs in their youth fromnursesand servants and who themselves
people who would make excellentnursesbut who are unable or
morning it is not onlynursesbut whole families who have
board in scotland will havenursestrained in clinical leadership who
get less job satisfaction thannurseswho continue to look after
cent of the 11 500nurseswho could benefit from it
notes that there are fewernursesand fewer acute beds in
profession it is vital thatnursesare able to see real
the reasons for walking outnursesare at the forefront of
would crumble therefore ensuring thatnursesare happy and motivated is
no longer take the pressurenursesare hugely committed to a
the end of next monthnursesare important leaders of change
board i have found thatnursesare keen to talk about
rearranging deckchairs on the titanicnursesare leaving because they are
service if things go wrongnursesare the first to experience
i do not think thatnursesare unanimous in their support
and some two thirds ofnursesemigrate are denuded of professional
of which i know thatnursesin england and wales are
that there are 900 fewernursesthan in 1996 and that
contributions are they really thenursesthat i have spoken to
for public esteem as fornurseswe are beginning to address
not just a minority ofnurseswe are playing a full
promoted and the needs ofnurseswith families are accommodated employee
isles of lismore and gighanurseslive in the local community
professional development a third ofnursesget no financial support from
measures to develop and supportnursesthroughout their careers there will
in which we train ournursesand to consider offering a
in our existing and futurenursesas a key part of
possibly being left short ofnursesat g grade and other
medical teams and about temporarynursesbeing brought in to fill
day to day pressure onnursesaffects patient care every nurse
how much we rely onnursesand i look forward to
[cough] f1026: but even evennursesuniforms i mean look how
one big gap is thatnursesbecause of their dedication and
general hospital in oban wherenurseskindly gave me their valuable
in their own time othernursesmay be supported financially by
their careers we will consultnurseson the best possible use
as self rotas in whichnursesorganise their rotas collectively to
recruits into and to enablenursesto continue their career where
often at the expense ofnursesin scotland the scottish conservatives
scotland cabinet meetings mccrone agreementnursesmotion moved malcolm chisholm amendment
section 33 6 of thenursesscotland act 1951 the public
to continue to talk tonursesthroughout scotland in the past
is faster and greater andnursesfeel that rather than just
to be valued not onlynursesi move amendment s1m 3078
on all those occasions thenurseswere truly wonderful not only
those issues because we owenursesa great deal and all
pick up the cost ofnursesand other professionals retraining in
drink i assure members othernurseslooked after me very well
not that intended to attractnursesto london from other parts
currently exist for a auxiliarynursesand b ancillary related jobs
c pharmacists c dentists dnursesand e veterinary surgeons for
herself learned them from thenursesand old women of her
is important to say tonursesand patients that we have
notes to keep her innursesand single sheets for years
frightened and perhaps in painnursesbear the brunt of all
a consultant or a doctornursescarry a huge and a
and the penalties that youngnursesface when trying to qualify
in the profession and rewardingnursesfor taking on expanded roles
has changed and developed andnurseshave been flexible enough to
on recruiting retaining and valuingnurseslet us not forget the
agenda recruiting retaining and rewardingnursesmust be a key priority
conditions and morale of allnursesnot just a minority of
the homeless in perth andnurseson medical wards surgical wards
s amendment we believe thatnursesshould be valued and left
all these years and thenurseswere like mums really you
discussion to be continued withnurseswe have added to the
do not believe in usingnursesas a human shield when
were the main issues thatnursesconsistently raised in particular 40
was for appointments with diabetesnursesin each quarter broken down
situation is particularly acute amongnursesin general practitioner practices as
is daft i understand thatnursesin london receive a london
eight so there s nonursesin practices anyway the receptionist
onus that we place onnursesin society although the scottish
the highest attrition rate fornursesin the uk a quarter
to go in public esteemnursesrate very highly however in
receptionist cause there were nonursesworked in practices in these
as better information for potentialnursesabout what the job is
done to improve opportunities fornursesprofessional development a third of
janis hughes made about enrollednursesthe reason for the withdrawal
was no shortage of macmillannursesbut they were moved to
me to meet hundreds ofnursesat the national convention that
of the main problems thatnursesface is the significantly anti
but the average age ofnursesis increasing the average age
far it is clear thatnursesundertake an incredible range of
the cost of using suchnurseswas s1w 20874 mr andrew
is that the public valuesnurseshighly why do we reward
clinic which is run bynursesi owe them a lot
to considering further increases tonursesbursaries malcolm chisholm there will
to the fact that whennursesembark on a career path
said to een o thenursesget me a feathery duster
to the girls john fallsnurseshis wound his friend kicks
boards to ensure that thenursesvoice is heard at every
step towards ensuring that allnursesget the continuing professional development
low so that the thenursescould see out f631: mmhm
that will impact positively onnursesthe minister has announced 5
was like the old fashionednursesbikes now ye know the
mr kenneth gibson glasgow snpnursesnow take on greater roles
after executive document relies onnursesfreeing up general practitioners time
the sanatorium noddit tae thenursesan nippit intae the ward
ony pain jist squeeze thenurseshand an they wull freeze
you hiv tae haud thenurseshand you widnae believe this
it wis ane o thenursesmovin ahin him sortin the
but they could be crispernursesthe presiding officer sir david
ahind the reception tae thenurseswaulkin aboot thay aw seemt
her purse tae pye furnursesan bein ower ill tae
bit it wis a mannienurseshand i got tae haud
e an you haud anurseshand if you feel ony
roon but there wis naenursesnur doactors nur nuhin ther

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