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shei hed ae fareweel praisentationoae clock whan shei left
clock wis kept a quarteroan oor ahead o the
no get up at sixoclock a ll no get
be leavin sherp at yinoclock a pause an ah
various fluency exercises at oneoclock a stentorian russian voice
flittin it wis aboot sixoclock ae nicht as jonsar
ah wrocht up till eleivinoclock an ah felt tyred
stertit catter batterin at seivinoclock an at nyne ah
the old quarter around eightoclock an early tramcar clunks
an walked till efter twaoclock an had juist rendevoused
tastit denner wis at 11oclock an he d be
example got up at 5oclock an helpit wi the
to your bed at sevenoclock an i ll put
that woulda been aboot seevenoclock an i mean there
oh me me first saxoclock an my supper that
tae himsel good lord tenoclock an nae a dish
in the morning atween auchtoclock an nine is as
jonsar eck in at eenoclock an oot at fower
ilka sunday forenuin at eleevenoclock an sae on this
nou ah read or foweroclock an syne gaed ti
tae get in for eightoclock an then it went
tae be in for sixoclock an they were there
canteen at di- at threeoclock and get a cup
if i sleepet through 12oclock and got up at
1 o clock until 6oclock and his entry had
discover that it is 1oclock and i have not
m upset saturday morning tenoclock and i m trussed
jist that but at seevenoclock and no earlier aye
even if it was twelveoclock and not half twelve
in the morning at fiveoclock and returned home at
done a show at sixoclock and then a c-
both of us about fouroclock and thereafter for all
to school it was 4oclock and time to go
awa oot just afore eightoclock and you werena up
it wis noo aboot sevenoclock at nicht an jonsar
have a cuppie efter 11oclock at nicht nae wonder
up the m6 at tenoclock at night an it
they all finished about tenoclock at night and you
know it s about tenoclock at night eleven o
in the morning to sevenoclock at night five six
nine half past nine tenoclock at night m815: yeah
o clock at night elevenoclock at night where are
at night was aboot elevenoclock back tae cairnryan m608:
night prayers about nine tenoclock because we thought maybe
nae half past nae sevenoclock bit six on the
one o clock f1136: oneoclock [blow] [blow] f1135: two
know f1135: three f1136: threeoclock [blow] [blow] i want
two o clock f1136: twooclock [blow] f1135: what s
four o clock f1136: fouroclock [blow] f1135: what s
what the time is oneoclock [blow] f1136: one o
squat off at the 11oclock break one student for
will be taken at 5oclock business motion the presiding
f639: yeah f640: at sixoclock but i was there
7 50 for my 8oclock class the guy who
struggled up for my 8oclock classes we played call
forceful up and sideways 2oclock drag as the kitchen
a scot lit tutorial twelveoclock every friday so f1155:
notice i mean from fiveoclock f1054: i know i
f1097: fitt time m1098: eightoclock f1097: eight o clock
did he say m1098: eightoclock f1097: fitt time m1098:
up this morning f1104: sixoclock f1103: no you didna
didna get up at sixoclock f1104: what time did
m1106 : past eight erm eightoclock f1105: that was the
s f1116: mm f1115: eightoclock f1116: ah there s
six o clock f1136: sixoclock f1135: big blow f1136:
one o clock f1136: oneoclock f1135: blow again then
three o clock f1136: threeoclock f1135: blow big blow
ten o clock f1136: tenoclock f1135: one more f1136:
seven o clock f1136: sevenoclock f1135: right blow again
o clock [blow] f1136: oneoclock f1135: right you do
what s next f1136: twooclock f1135: uh huh blow
f1136: n- nine f1135: nineoclock f1136: [blow] f1135: ten
f1136: [inhale] [blow] f1135: eightoclock f1136: eight o clock
more f1136: [blow] f1135: elevenoclock f1136: eleven o clock
blow f1136: [blow] f1135: fouroclock f1136: four o clock
on here [blow] f1135: oneoclock f1136: one o clock
blow f1136: [blow] f1135: oneoclock f1136: one o clock
f1136: oh aye f1135: sevenoclock f1136: seven o clock
[blow] then what f1135: sixoclock f1136: six o clock
clock f1136: [blow] f1135: tenoclock f1136: ten o clock
again f1136: [blow] f1135: threeoclock f1136: three o clock
clock [blow] [blow] f1135: twooclock f1136: two o clock
mornin first thing at tenoclock f1144: yeah oh are
[laugh] every day at fiveoclock f1150: yeah the fire
so have i at twooclock f1154: [tut] twelve o
tae be home by nineoclock f640: because ye d
and i started at eightoclock f641: mmhm m608: mm
up next mornin aboot 6oclock fair stiff a cauld
it wis lang past echtoclock fin a young lad
the morning sometimes at sevenoclock for the ships coming
tae the back o fiveoclock fowk of coorse were
it was up for eightoclock gettin ready an stuff
a there s a tenoclock group and an eleven
s colleague valeria at 6oclock he d promised to
got to work at 10oclock he looked at his
he goes awa at sevenoclock he s awa to
for his tea and eightoclock he s away oot
thaim lest nicht aboot twaloclock here did ah no
spring morn as the saxoclock horn steirs day shift
due at work for nineoclock i can lend you
extend the debate until 6oclock i expect the debate
on advertising and at oneoclock i gave my class
dentist and eh at fouroclock i got to sit
to be here at 10oclock i have an important
there margaret f637: for nineoclock i m not f638:
apparently passed oot about sixoclock i passed oot m815:
came on duty at tenoclock i suppose when the
if we finish by 12oclock i will take the
the minister has until 5oclock if he so wishes
to bed just after 1oclock if you would like
horn tae blaw at seevenoclock ilka mornin gittin up
kinno uneasy rhythm at saxoclock ilkie mornin the cairts
there the back o fiveoclock in case in case
we set aff at achtoclock in e mornin for
would have dinner about threeoclock in the afternoon eh
for their tea by threeoclock in the efterneen an
of the house by 9oclock in the evening but
act i it is eightoclock in the evening the
dae their washin at fouroclock in the mornin an
[inaudible] he disappeared about sevenoclock in the mornin and
tae be up at fiveoclock in the mornin but
m815: [laugh] m816: aboot sixoclock in the mornin but
i was sittin about twooclock in the mornin freezing
goes on till aboot twooclock in the mornin have
sky it wis noo nineoclock in the mornin jonsar
about half past four fiveoclock in the mornin missus
hid a pound at nineoclock in the mornin nae
there kids there at elevenoclock in the mornin peggy
tae be up at 3oclock in the mornin tae
moved off by that twooclock in the mornin that
the mornin but before fiveoclock in the mornin the
breakfast never varied at 6oclock in the morning a
it left between 9 10oclock in the morning and
was absolutely plastered at threeoclock in the morning and
in the backie aboot fouroclock in the morning chappin
she would arrive at twooclock in the morning f963:
f965: people round till fouroclock in the morning f963:
wi her milk by echtoclock in the morning lang
room it is past twooclock in the morning off
came to agreement at 3oclock in the morning on
re walking home at sixoclock in the morning someone
it was something like eightoclock in the morning till
them got up at 5oclock in the morning to
no lookin to work sevenoclock in the morning to
air restaurant it is oneoclock in the morning we
hit its territories until elevenoclock in the morning who
eight o clock f1136: eightoclock [inhale] [blow] f1135: what
know f1135: five f1136: fiveoclock [inhale] [blow] then what
past fower is gane fiveoclock is comin still a
you ken damned fine sixoclock is fan we hae
sometime between 7 and 8oclock it was always porridge
a hunner pound at nineoclock it wid be spent
at the chalet at sevenoclock it wis a auld
dumplins for supper at sixoclock it wis back tae
of the room for elevenoclock it wis [laugh] f631:
it wis weel past threeoclock jonsar eck wis fer
neest day so at tenoclock jonsar eck wis sittin
nae gettin awa or tenoclock jonsar eck wisnae in
world war three at nineoclock jonsar wis asked in
tae yer work for eightoclock ken f1011: every mill
o clock f1154: [tut] twelveoclock [laugh] f1155: i m
eleven o clock f1136: elevenoclock let me take that
eight o clock f1097: eightoclock m1098: aye sunday f1097:
it s nae really eightoclock m1098: no f1097: it
sometimes even afternoon about fouroclock m818: jeez oh cause
say it s onlie nineoclock masha lat s gang
its effect and by 10oclock most of us drifted
count one o clock twooclock [motorbike] f1136: that motorbike
the broadcast of a sixoclock national and international television
tae come back at tenoclock neest day so at
know things like the nineoclock news an the the
time to hear the sixoclock news and was invariably
mcgrigor s1m 918 scottish sixoclock news lodged on 30
918 michael russell scottish sixoclock news that the parliament
d come back about nineoclock nine half past nine
the night man at tenoclock not five past he
went to bed about 9oclock not just to save
late it s eftir echtoclock nou ferapont that s
nocturne 1955 it was fouroclock on a cold november
tae be home by nineoclock on a sunday and
day phone goes by eightoclock on christmas day hi
s visits till after fiveoclock on saturday morning last
ey arrived hame at sixoclock on sunday mornin as
and this was about 6oclock on sunday night oatcakes
silly dad it s eightoclock on that clock past
an executive statement after 5oclock on the long term
at sort of six sevenoclock once everybody s home
in at the the sixoclock one he s like
out where it was threeoclock one mornin paid us
only works till like oneoclock or half one [inaudible]
f806: mm until probably fiveoclock or half past five
gettin there [laugh] about elevenoclock or something m816: mm
it half past three fouroclock or that so m608:
usually go to the tenoclock right m818: aye m819:
he wis started aboot tenoclock ronald an tam were
a lot earlier than 5oclock secondly i am sure
wax he s got tenoclock shadow the too grief
ll be ere at echtoclock sharp stanley growled dinna
leaves for work about fiveoclock so it s not
and came back around 3oclock some farmers were known
hey an watter at eleyvenoclock sune efter minnie s
clock went off at eightoclock surfacing into consciousness i
fur a break at echtoclock tae sup tay frae
a whistle went at eightoclock tae wairn ye tae
down the hill at 11oclock thank god i m
had gone just after tenoclock that morning to assist
called off just before sixoclock that wild winter evening
no [laugh] it s threeoclock the big hand s
timekeepin ye telt us foweroclock the bus would arrive
after the votes at 5oclock the deputy presiding officer
was about 5 to 6oclock the horses were cleaned
the first tee for aichtoclock the morn s mornin
o clock till about threeoclock the next mornin m815:
it wis juist gone twaloclock the nicht wis young
s a relief aboot foweroclock the note is soor
all the lights at 11oclock the only distraction was
the coastguard just after oneoclock the whole situation changed
[laugh] m816: ni- eight nineoclock there how re you
was about 12 to 1oclock there wis broth files
they do is aboot eightoclock they clear the pub
pub oot and then nineoclock they open the doors
be in office at 5oclock this afternoon the first
the rector s at foweroclock this eftirnuin a bit
up and out at 2oclock this morning painting green
this was from about sevenoclock till about three o
that we wait until 5oclock to see what decision
uh huh m1174: from twelveoclock to two o clock
documents 2001 02 until 1oclock today despite the fact
heads in shame come 5oclock tonight their founding fathers
so we caught the 8oclock train on saturday morning
you ve to count oneoclock two o clock [motorbike]
had been waiting from 1oclock until 6 o clock
on the easy going 12oclock upward drift of ralph
to arrive just before fouroclock was the portpatrick lifeboat
church or castle at 3oclock we trooped outside with
in the lobby at threeoclock we watched as the
it wis weel efter twaeoclock whan big mick woke
was coming up for sixoclock when archie got off
twelve o clock to twooclock when most women were
same time but at 6oclock when they came in
mulsintoun on steid it 6oclock whit ae glorious sense
haunds cam roond tae seevenoclock whit soondit like a
in the broch at tenoclock wi a load o
me fine breakfast at eightoclock would allow me to
back of four or fiveoclock yabbering m608: aye mmhm
it s nae near fouroclock yet want to go
it last year by echtoclock you d passed oot
o clock wi a loadofirewid tae a wifie jonsar
fae midnicht tae the backofive o clock fowk of
they were there the backofive o clock in case
aye fund the hypnotic buzzothe alairm clock in the
dementit fur oors fair heedlessothe clock an niver think
a wire throu the backothe clock face sae it
like fite haar the tickinothe clock on the mantle
a soon bit the tickothe clock on the mantlepiece
her wame as the haunsothe clock trailed roon tae
granfaither clock at the fitothe stairs first ava an
alien broomstick rider fearie flegotickin clock in a roon
clock whit ae glorious senseouimour yid hed n nou
tickin clock in a roonowab an spider fit wid
the clock an niver thinkowriter s block a wondrous
feet o yer deid feetoyer deid feet ticking clock
the lassies tak the bannocko8 care nocht that ane
tae it a m aneoa few warm in oor
landlord an wes ane exempiloa guid modren inventioun he
en thouch ane definin pointoa leid is satisfied distinct
frae the wee table aneoa pair she d gotten
in singin the fishin aneoa radio ballad series makkit
ehm aye i cannae thinkoa richt ane for r-r-
is mair o an approximationoa standard english accent ane
a new hauf uncle maistoaa ane as saft in
hale houss wes a bayinoalairms thare wes ane fur
haes jynt as a resultoane a ma veesits ah
moaning no i couldnae thinkoane either f1040: no m1042:
kie than wi the smylloane legaiter he says ye
the wab round the brainchesoane o the trees plankit
cannas wes thikfauld wi stouroane orenge cullour at wes
wis born ane ex pupiloat schuil ae wuman hed
bluid mither hid bin aneoauld joe s flash in
a cauld grue shae myndedoaw hir sorraes in ane
luik this wes bot aneoaw nummer o surpreises ti
sairins o greens an aneobeef syne they set aathing
wis ane o the deukobuccleuch s game keepers ma
the end o the pocoonter wi ane o wir
ye mele me ane exempilod the inglish ar aye
l suin regrait the tinsellinod the lad misquotted ane
baun wes ane aire furmod the styall wes lowse
o sodden feet wi shoutsodelighted grief october each ane
ane i tink usually bressayodem aa er f960: uh
fling pit mirk s aneodracula s dothers legs in
ane bein mappin the leidsoedinburgh bein cairried oot by
ane o the best weysofawin asleep tryin ti byde
buik o ruth is aneofive megilloth and was leart
crosses alang wi the sonogod but ane o thaim
aweill lat him be aneogod s sojers nou gin
a heron itsel as aneogod s wonders micht juist
a tray wi fower sairinsogreens an ane o beef
hoose hei wis ithoot dootoguid intelligence an ane cuid
ane is in rael dangerohaein his life nivver mind
the advocate o the weysoharald blacktooth ane o wur
s sib ti the sternoheiven abune this ane an
fand she d left aneoher gloves on the wee
the troot wallie cottars aneoher granmither s dairymen in
photies lay at the fitoher kist ane wis a
tint a shae frae aneohir front feet sae he
fluir ye snekkit aff aneohir haunds an threw it
hir days an billy aneohir laddies tae the best
road hame she tint aneohir slippers the prince fand
whan she liftit up aneohir wee fingirs an raened
up wi us thraw aneohir whalps intil the sie
juist ane but aw thrieohis bairns weill gret wes
an made luiv til aneohis dochters bi name o
like as no wi aneohis feed men tho jessie
enclose john macnab on aneohis forays pp 131 2
daen fur him on aneohis fordson tractors monie monie
ocht the day but aneohis mates had taen five
man tae pu aff aneohis shoon and gie it
wife maun pu aff aneohis shoon and spit in
howes at liggit unner aneohiz meidies bi the tyme
aw lichtlied him an aneohiz sins cryed him chukken
becam ane o the maidsohonor ti the yung princess
ane o the major disadvantagesohow scots perceive their ain
troot will be the matchoilka ither ane i catch
ane thar s anither sourceoinformation wurdie o listenin til
gaelic medium primary education aneoits findins shawed hoo in
ve aareadies mintit wis aneojockie telfer s ferms efter
shair ah m the neistokin thair s ane mair
this halie rhyme ane blinkolivin licht ti see is
the ryal airforss aince sayedom aircraiftsman young hez ane
he stertit out as aneoma faither the elder warden
can tell ye hou aneoma freins bure that same
in scots ah see aneoma functions as gettin new
true aneuch he cums aneoma men ootran him here
slee an sleekit cannie aneoma thochts is teetin ahin
i ll gie ye aneomaister matty s buiks tae
s pipes nott a streamomerriet plumbers with ane o
godly he wis twinin aneominnie s lang black curls
mither saw ane eftir anitheromysie s fiers that warna
fite beens wi raggedy clootsooo hingin atween them ane
the ryal faimlie as aneooorsells morag sobs agreement morag
s aye been lyke aneooorsells shona shona aweill haes
chuisit maisik as ane weyoout pittin thair feillins thai
discoverie wis that this processorepression is a naitrul ane
aboot his fowre wheeled placeoresidence ane maun bot kum
in grewe hagiographa the buikoruth is ane o five
scots glossary an ilkie aneos hid tae pyke oot
it ane o the ongaunsoscots tung is tae expose
lunnon alang wi the staneoskoun the ane o the
stovit a whein ti warnishosmeik ane ti let stoutherie
an pyntit ti a smadosmeik ishin frae ahent ane
in the grun the sealosolomon ane stude on its
only ane that she thoughtosomethin tae dae that was
mairch wes bot a rikkilostanes wi ane enorm saltyre
wur imaginations is ane weyosublimatin wur instincts popular leiterature
bot ane o aw nummerosurpreises ti be hed thon
a parable i sall speakot wi twa heids ane
then a great big ashetotatties an each ane just
folk it s no aneothae fearsome hills whaur daft
as though she s aneothae floating death kists they
the maister needs is aneothae great clumpin steeds bruce
them here it wis aneothae physick mongerin lads o
wechts an ance even aneothae wee square widden frames
a ane wad be gledothaim ah want naething belangin
he gaed up til aneothaim an spiert whit wey
ane at wes the brawestothaim aw thinkin it the
wycer whit ails me twaothaim bled me ane o
the ae chaumer macbeth aneothaim cawed oot god bliss
wurk it wis it aneothaim dances whaur a masel
door an shuir aneuch aneothaim fittit the lock the
son o god but aneothaim gaed ti heivin i
ti the fluir an aneothaim grippit jennie bi the
for years there no aneothaim haes been heard speakin
tottiest bluidmerk on aither aneothaim he wes that syne
o thaim bled me aneothaim poulticed me an the
scartit thair heids then aneothaim proposed tae cry it
verra tyme ti open aneothaim sae she did juist
wad luik braw on aneothaim sae she wappit the
no ane for pomes maistothaim soonds lyke haivers ti
the relationship lippens on aneothaim stertin up a new
an drukken thair fill aneothaim stuid up an threipit
doun ablo an in aneothaim thare war his twa
ahint thaim aw but aneothaim that haed daidilt ahint
this letter for ilka aneothaim the stw cairries eleeven
richt aneuch nanse shuirlie aneothaim wad tak ti ye
cryin no thaim suin aneothaim wes keikin throu the
mak amaist ane eyland fortraceothair hame whan the truips
sum mae bacca in spiteothair relief ane s left
keing an queen gied aneothair sairvants til the reid
ane at the other sideothat bridge there f643: there
best ane a good aneothat is a lad in
left raither than the lawsothe ane he is in
near echt month gone aneothe baby boom fowk said
z onkil at wes aneothe baun ye maun be
tae feenish music s aneothe best ambassadors scots ains
aw nicht that s aneothe best weys o fawin
hir mither taen doun aneothe blek puddens frae the
she s sneddin aff aneothe brainches juist see hir
identifie wi ane or mairothe characters and ack out
up the stairs til aneothe chaumers he haed seen
re ane o the dominiesothe cloister on the five
us haein spoken wi aneothe club members wha d
tale ae games wikk aneothe cuddies wad neither boo
since it s ane partothe culture quhilk reflects scotland
ane cuid sei the ruifothe curlin club shed frae
sherp gullie cut aff aneothe deid wumman s haunds
bade whan hei wis aneothe deuk o buccleuch s
oniegates the nixt day aneothe doctour s sins ettilt
is faur fae siccar aneothe documents o the nuffield
drink gin ye re aneothe dominies o the cloister
ane bield ye in consentothe enlichtencie o divinite twa
ye r juist lyke aneothe faimlie aiblins she l
time meenister for education aneothe first issues for the
dod mathieson hid bin aneothe first men ontae the
we ken he was aneothe fisher fowk wha dwalt
o the nicht lifting aneothe fishermen s boats awa
ruif cam doun in aneothe flets frae the neipours
scott wis born i aneothe fowre hooses it the
whyt kye at ane enothe gairden wes an auld
sumhin or ither whan aneothe gethern shoutit ben til
ane cuid ca ae byproductothe growthe o the mills
at the first but aneothe guildbrithers drappit his wark
frae meadshaw mr bowie aneothe hawick blacksmiths wrocht the
tae dree its weird aneothe heidmaist javan scholars hid
you licht leddy heichest aneothe heivens an my life
stop see i the housothe hie ane at the
but whan he gat aneothe hogney s hairs for
englis border frae the backothe hoose ane hes ae
breaths sang intae oblivion aneothe images that run is
ane langsyne in the daysothe judges thair was a
houss an ane fur ilkaneothe kers out by on
d be kent as aneothe kin carers an wad
ti ly doun in aneothe kists hoy on nou
the deid sea is aneothe laichest bits in the
him an he poued aneothe lang course hairs oot
the ane the ferr endothe langest lobbie o aw
an aa i the housothe law ane an bi
syne she set for aneothe leddies ti cum an
thirsels the bandaras war heidothe list fur ane o
gairdenfit cottages wullie mackinnon aneothe local roadmen an his
conservative government an tho aneothe macnabs alastair sutherland the
post or she becam aneothe maids o honor ti
she greitin ah m aneothe maist misfortunate weimen leeivin
things nivver chynge politics aneothe maist unco things about
yit a forerunner tae aneothe major disadvantages o how
the driver had escaped aneothe mcgintys had run the
no it s wi aneothe men whaur are all
that is the political hertothe modren macnabs the ane
pace fur a meinit aneothe neifs wes at thai
door tae fin neil aneothe new byllies pechin on
the house in the middleothe nicht lifting ane o
stane o skoun the aneothe nok gune nae langir
tyme in ane outlin pairtothe north o scotland thare
siccar ane o the documentsothe nuffield inquiry on leids
hid thocht it wis aneothe nurses movin ahin him
read an write it aneothe ongauns o scots tung
ella the auldest marriet aneothe pow s o the
blacktooth ane o wur symbolsothe primeval id the consumation
her pairtner anaw the blithenessothe relationship lippens on ane
this puddok as a memberothe ryal faimlie as ane
europ as the modren suppriseothe scots leid bi ane
park a whylie back aneothe scythemen cuttin roadies tae
husband wis jock short aneothe shorts whae yince fermed
he fell in wi aneothe smaa fuit fowk at
an ma grandfaither wis aneothe snoot kirk elders gey
telt at billy dickson aneothe sons is nou bidin
athout this sair smitch aneothe spinstresses sat bi hirsell
oo hingin atween them aneothe spring lammies isie telt
pat his horse in aneothe staws in the gret
s the three different usesothe the ane word like
wi his warriors send aneothe thirlmen til him bi
bi birth jude wis aneothe traivellin fowk sae niver
ah tryit it on aneothe trees for ti see
round the brainches o aneothe trees plankit hirsell doun
year aulder than minnie aneothe troot wallie cottars ane
time he d feinisht aneothe twa buckets an ti
o the list fur aneothe upgyangin quarrytowers apairtments set
ane o the pow sothe vales anenst newmill on
machine whaur i the nemothe wie man hed ane
back again ae nicht aneothe yowes fell owre the
wad be lyker mairriein aneothe yung princes that war
he maun hae been aneotheir best tae win promotion
ma ain faither is aneotheir biggest financial backers an
faither jist keep it aneotheir cuddies back fin they
a royal a stewart aneotheir kings whaur ma journey
that the israelites got aneotheir maist parteeclar thochts o
in the dock an aneotheir mithers glowerin frae the
need fresh beddin an aneothem needit liniment rubbit inno
o merriet plumbers with aneothem she ran aff doon
but no the ae aneothem wad sell him drink
ither modal verbs in placeothi lost modals ane possible
modren scots an english aneothi main systemic differentiations exists
standard english at ane endothi scale an scots at
aw eftir sum betterment aneothir packmen offert hir a
twa sheilins nou in aneothir riggs bi a green
saicont sicht this is aneothir unco tymes an ah
intention an ane famous ensaumpleothis is utterit bi thi
northeastern scots ane interestin featureothis transcript is that thire
a mynd richt wis aneothum an agane gin a
fairish bi naem wis aneothum an shei marriet frankie
fowre sons an ilk aneothum gaed tae universitie an
skechin about on the bartisansotornes lik ane auncient norman
that no the ae aneous ll can come near
dure said na fient aneous we ir aw tapsalteirie
trie isna bot ane objekovaill ti the fowk bot
p o coonter wi aneowir wee posters hingin frae
atavistic impulses i the warldowur imaginations is ane wey
weys o harald blacktooth aneowur symbols o the primeval
unsteik the dure shuirlie aneoye aye stauns on thrie
common no the ae aneoye ll can come near
an nou the fift aneoye said finn whit div
stuils creepie stuils lat aneoye unsteik the dure shuirlie
says dinna mak me aneoyer concubenes hoose vaishle wull
minnie ane fur ilkie yearoyer faither s life his
heeze the birns wi aneoyer fingers mishanter faa ye
dinna tak me as aneoyer hoose vaishles when denner
says dinna mak me aneoyer jurrs or servin lasses
yirsel an yir son guidsiroyir ane guidwill forby ye
an faimlie bidin i aneoyon cottages an hei wrocht
his heid nae doot aneoyon irish americans hame fur
belt neil vrocht fur aneoyon multinational merchant bank companies
there will fa fur aneoyou his singin is gey
ill syde ti d ilkaneoz hes ane sell eimage
uiswal throu the mediat tungoz onkil at wes ane
for ivver ere wis tentsoa a kind press tents
twa ere wis the sounoa bell ringin an jonsar
ere s a wee bitoa draught comin in geordie
ere wis still a chanceoa fluffer o snaa ye
ere wis e tail eynoa hey soo stannin still
ay mak roon e edgesoa park ere wis a
roses ere s nae muckleoa plot for greens though
e binder ere wis mairoa shear on e dowp
ere wis a fleein flizzemoa shooerie o hailsteens e
s nae at e backoa steen ere an e
ye could wi e shelteroa stook ere wis ae
ere d been a bitoa storm at wid come
neepers for ere wis plintyoaal craiters in at hooses
shimmerin again ere wis lotsoactivity on the water boats
ere s nae a breathoair i div froon thursday
e grun ere wis plintyoammunition i kent be em
pairt ere wis e foonoan aal hut circle bankit
skin bit ere wisna muchoat it s jist aboot
an slopes ere wis eenobest craps o blaeberries i
wither ere wis some tracksobirds bit nae a geese
it ere wis a scatterinoblack drappins at e boddem
ere wis an aafa skwyleobrakes as e bus wis
rucks ere wis e chanceobrakkin a cairt or foonerin
world communications or e prestigeobritain at at time ere
onywye ere wis dizzens hunnersobutterflees an e lass wis
ere s a fer bitochange doon comes the rain
ere d been a pooeroconcentration in at teet intill
village wis wide wi heapiesocoo sharn here an ere
an ere s a bitocountry steeped in history it
thole or en es businessocushions weel ere is twa
an ere wis a sprinklinodarker specks tee fin i
mair o e aal wyesodeein aye i ken ere
broth ere wis twa wyesodeein files a hen got
ferfochen ere wis twa wyesodeein if e post wis
ye ere wis twa wyesodeein swappin an edderin it
e papers are nae langodrappin a subjick gin ere
oot ere wis a touchodry rot in e fleer
ere ll be a colonyoe craiters in t fin
e wird hairst tae eenoe fairmers ere he d
black affrontit be e linthoe foggitch ere s nae
ere an aifter e caaloe gab o mey fin
place wir guide e ladyoe gasthof hid been ere
it up till e tapoe great cliffs faar ere
ere hearkin till e soonsoe hennies hard by yer
t here at e backoe hoose ere wis a
e plantin at e backoe hooses sae ere wis
in scalloway on e dayoe land sports ere wis
for e bigger on tapoe load bit ere wis
it in front o eenoe music centre loodspikkers ere
big steen in e nyeukoe park ere aye jock
wis tiret in e nyeukoe park ere d been
loon i haaled awa twaoe shafes an ere wis
side in e early pairtoe spring fin ere wis
em bit in e walloe stair ere wis fit
up till e threshin platformoe traivellin mullie ere was
so be makin ae roomoe twa ere wis mair
winny nicht fae ilky edgeoe wid ere wis a
be spottit ootside e bounsoe wid ere wis a
ere wis e zip zipoe wings o peesees black
gin ye d run ootoeesefae thochts ere wis a
ve sattled doon an maistoem are lyin ere chaain
moose wobs ere wis someoem in swirlies e size
side ere wis a lotoem it wis faar e
an ere wis a lotoem sae i stopped nae
the distance as the twaoem stood ere fer spell
ere wisna aften a lotoem tae get oot e
sae ere wis as littleoem touchin e grun as
ere cood be ither wyesoenjoyin himsel shak an shudder
till im willie spak ootoere e roaret openin er
scenery an seas e likeoes ere d niver be
fox ere s aafa hullocksoes toonser foxes nooadays i
far i keepit a storeoferlies ere wis nae laidder
a chance o a potofine maamie broth ere wis
the sawmill for a loadofirewid ere is nae eese
d been some fleein flizzemsofite shoories bit ere wis
enyeuch ere wis a lotofite speckies an fit ye
e sides ere wis spraysoflooers an leaves an ere
ere d be a faimilyoforkies left haimless tee bit
16 ere s a touchofrost affa cauld as weel
bare ere s a touchofrost bit it is fair
an shortly wi a touchofrost ere wis silence i
ere s a fer bitofrost fin we rise doon
ere s a fer bitofrost in o the win
ere s a wee touchofrost in the air it
ere wis aye a bitofunnin wi em especially willie
ere wis wide spacies fullofuns an breem an roddens
times ere d be flocksogeese honkin awa even in
ere wis a gweed smarrachogeets aboot e place aa
saa fit a fine congregationogrey moose wobs ere wis
aboot ere wis still pucklesogweed steen dykes bit ey
ere wis aye a bitohaikin for aa e tools
dis blaw ere s shoorsohail sleet an en sna
mn a been a lotohelp fae neepers for ere
ere the sweat poorin affohim bleed poorin fae his
wid ere wis a lotohistory in at wid an
for ere wis siveral glaissesoimitation plastic liquid in different
ere wis a wee bitoinformation tellin fowk a a
sae ere wis aye plentyokinnlin inside i set up
on ere wis a lotolabour in e startin o
gied ere wis ate plintyolachin at piece time ere
ere wis aften e soonolaiverocks in e air noo
ere wis siveral foggitchy clumpsolang taily stuff at ey
reests ere wisna a lotolicht got in an it
seein ere wis aye plintyolicht twa ir three o
garrt me start tae thinkolife an death ere s
maitter at brook e eggshalloma trustin world ere wis
in wir sichts a mountainomagnesite ere mn a been
e parks ere wis crapsomaize feed for man an
it even in e wyeomakkin clews ere wis change
bit ere wisna a lotomeevement at least neen ye
bit ere wis nae signomochs aifter at it wis
ere wis mile aifter mileoparks different colours depennin on
bags o sticks ten bagsopeats each ere wis a
aiberdeen fae ere doon eenopittie s parks by fit
eck pit doon a bitoplastic sheetin far ere wis
thochts ere wis a lotopleesher in sittin in e
time ere wisna a lotoprivacy in a big park
ll aften hear e squeeryinsorabbits an files ere s
ere s been a lotorain ere s a fer
bittie ere s a hullockoraspberry canes it wis e
mair respect ere s degreesorespect for aa craiters if
ere wis a big patchorhubarb for makin jam at
fin ere wis a parkoripe corn within sicht tae
ere wis a big patchorollt metal i d better
ere s nae a lotoroom tae alloo for swallin
bykit up wi im nedderos sayin onything ere wis
ere s aye that sparkosatisfaction yet efter 40 eer
ere s usually less chanceoseein onybody onywye ere wis
tae nicht ere s plentyosin a richt fine sicht
files ere s a blinkieosin an wi aa es
day sae gran wi plentyosin bit ere s a
efterneen ere s a blinkosin mak me feel affa
suddenly ere wis a dayosin shine sin shinin in
day an ere s plentyosin wednesday 20 temp 11
day lang ere s plentyosinshine tuesday 28 temp 12
ere wis aye a bittieoslack atween e pulley itsel
3 16 ere is shoorsosleet an some o hail
6 16 ere s shoorsosleet an some o sna
dis blaw ere s shoorsosleet an some o sna
ere s a fer coverinosna fin i rise mair
4 ere s twa inchosna fin we div rise
0 ere s a coverinosna fin we div rise
be ere s a coverinosna for us tae see
again ere s a flurryosna saturday 5 temp 2
again ere s a flurryosna sunday 20 temp 0
eck ere s aye witherosome kind at this time
larry ere s aye witherosome kind noo i ll
min ere wis a lininosome kinna composition boordin covered
ere wis aye a lotosortin tae dee e birz
ere wis a gweed lotospace for e hens on
t fae e bigger quantityosteens at turnet up ere
shoories bit ere wis patchesostrong meenlicht tee brakkin throwe
fin we set aff fullostudents fae e university ere
d hae a gairden fooosycamores an naething else ere
ere i wis at sureot i couldna think it
roddens ere wisna mony nyeuksot i didna ken ere
a licht styoo raise affot till ere wis enyeuch
at ere wis jist acresot wi a greyichtie fite
hame tae hae a cupotay as he sat ere
day ere wis nae sichtoteenie ata eenie went aboot
ere s a spit inothe air an for the
ere s a nip inothe air en the sin
22 temp 1 8 inothe air ere s a
ere wis a sharpness inothe air he shook his
ere s a spit inothe air saturday 26th temp
ere s a cauldness inothe air thursday 2 temp
ere s a spit inothe air wither for the
easier ere wis nae bendinothe back noo he stood
2 7 win blaws ootothe east eence mair ere
spectacular swoopin aboot the tapothe moutains ere wis eagles
fillin up the last bagothe order fin ere wis
8th temp 14 24 ootothe sooth ere s a
gale force win blaws ootothe wast ere s a
s aa jist a maitterotime an place ere wid
yer back ere s dizzensotufties haalt oot is wis
cairt ere wis a wyeoturnin an layin e shafes
up ere wis a shoorotwa o sna bit it
secont time bit e meenitoveesion wis ere aa e
pint ere wis silver balliesowater on e heids o
time ere wis an eruptionowee reed spiders inside e
ere s a wee pirowin a fine hairst day
colour ere wisnae a breathowin an the bonny blue
bit wi a warm pirowin comes oot fine ere
affa balmy nae a breathowin en ere s rain
ere s a fer pirowin fine day fin i
cool ere s a pirowin gran day an ere
ere s a wee pirowin it s gey bare
ere s a cauld pirowin later in the day
ere s a fer pirowin we wrap up weel
sooth ere a cauld pirowin we wrap weel an
meenit ere cam e furrowings an e soon o
mild ere s nae signowinter bein ony wild cataract
spring ere wis e flooersoyalla lilies an fite lilies
steens bit na na neenoyer keyser s bairns ere
firewid ere is nae eeseoyou comin doon here if
e hill ere s squaadsoyoung fowk gang aboot on
tap ere wis a croodoyoung fowk in e kinna
i didna get a bitoa backhander fae e fairmer
em in swirlies e sizeoa bairn s niv wi
d tae tak e hannleoa besom lay t on
jist like e squaar meshesoa big net at wis
t an e front byeurdoa bun in bed e
bit oot o e insideoa cairt wheel syne ye
wis mair in e shapeoa car startin hannle wi
em oot wi e claasoa claa haimmer ye cwidna
e parks in e winoa clear day at a
e that trunk a bitoa dicht it s a
haimmert in at e backoa dyke maybe jist wi
tap hinge in e middleoa jungle o wobs ey
e mysel a birthday presentoa new nightie i could
even half o e sideoa post awa at e
wis aa ye wid kenoa queer smell in e
ye d gie e tapoa split post a canny
e stirries hoverin in frontoa veesion at s nae
yer hairt gweed e roaroa weel iled ingine bit
aabody seems tae hae plentyoaathing nooadays bit in e
e trees wis e foonoan aal hoose faar a
got stuck anaith e couplesoan aal hoose faar e
tack there s e taleoan elderly crafter his wife
tae be in e middleoan interestin snippetie fin ye
pulley itsel an e pintoanchorage on e strainer es
f1115: e i e ioand on that farm he
park ae day e picteroat black ily rik cam
riv peyed not one iotaoattention till e loss o
a line at e fitoaye anidder page ilky day
diffrent aiblins an inferior formobad moothit english or e
tae dee e birz birzinobeasts heids as ey tried
forgettin e eynless howkin upobishop weed in e yard
e sense in t teeobreathin a sigh o relief
spelt f o r foc h e n f1054:
landrover aige cha tèid f982: ocha tèid e idir se-
streak in e general fitenessochack an styoo e maister
a cur a mach [gàire]ochan e m979: chan e
tae gie t a shofelfaeocoal i aye likit e
e cloodies hiv a lotocolour aboot em for a
job maybe cairryin hivvy bagsocorn up e stairs intil
been deein since e beginninocreation maybe followin oot eir
sooth windaes faar e lichtoday wis sypin throwe i
gey near at e pyntodrappin er calf e d
ir mair noo ower plooinoe aal style wi e
withoot thinkin syne e picteroe bag cam intill eez
snod for tyin e tailsoe ban roon t twistin
an laid it on tapoe ban ye d pit
fingers maybe on e spikesoe barbit weer ilky pair
d tak a hyow ootoe barn an use it
first ontill e concrete fleeroe barn i knockit masel
strae at the strae eynoe barn on thrashin days
an toast it in frontoe bars o e grate
throwin an aix at eenoe big tree trunks aifter
up again ma heid fulloe birds i couldna bit
wik catchin a fair pucklyoe bonny black craiturs syne
left it at e fitoe brae an e hisna
left it at e boddemoe brae an niver feesht
e holies in e bankoe burn at e bog
e midden at e backoe byre ye cd graip
it sat aside e moooe close in e nyeuk
aff aifter steepin e leavinsoe comb wis put intill
e couples o e reefoe corn laft till e
have access to the shorteroe d too foetid is
s nae in e tailoe day e riv didna
yer chowdlers for e restoe day i niver speert
still tae let e thochtsoe day sattle if ye
aye interestin tae tak noteoe different diets o the
yallas or e swads ootoe dreel in hard frosts
sic places nae tae spikoe dried dubs aff fool
ingine wis lood e roaroe drums wis even looder
rapin yet e shuttle shapeoe edderins wis mint for
through the middle bit maistoe eggs wis sellt tae
got tae read fae someoe fairm chiels wi eir
last seen in e viceenityoe fairm o linshie auchterless
likely it was e pammerinoe feet o a cattle
at lit up a bittieoe fleer an ower e
an ye cd peek ootoe fower peened gale windae
rubbish hid been dumpit ootoe gairden sae in e
in front o e barsoe grate an clairt some
e poker ower e ribsoe grate an if ye
flooery tiles at ilky sideoe grate ye cd keep
graan tae hear e clickoe haimmer heid on e
e fairmer at e eynoe hairst an welcome enyeuch
oot wi a sidewyes pulloe heid bit e ruckies
e weer on ilky sideoe heid o e staple
the quarry at e heidoe hill it wis oot
mell stuck inside e middleoe hivvy iron bit oot
an spak till e manoe hoose aboot eez wye
boortree busses at e backoe hoose an e big
riv an atween e porchoe hoose an e yard
e d harly gang ootoe hoose at aa except
henhoose biggit ontill e eynoe hoose es henhoose wis
bit roon till e backoe hoose it got tae
lang line ye geed ootoe hoose throwe a green
for e day e soonoe horns e clankin o
syne crossed ower e foonoe hut circle an doon
ma fit on e edgeoe ice i didna gang
wid a been e caaseoe ily rik peer willie
e hivvy iron bit ootoe inside o a cairt
fin es wis full eenoe jobs i files did
tae take bilin water ootoe kettle abeen e fire
wis a richt fairm tounoe kin we eest tae
juttit oot fae e backoe kitchen alang wi a
widden railin jist in frontoe kitchen windae aye e
craa an e iverlaistin sangsoe laiverocks or e steery
coom ceiled at ae eynoe landin an at e
ye didna need e abeelityoe latter oot ony mair
wi willie flappit on tapoe load fair teen wi
doon e lang black holeoe lum mair tae the
misst oot on a vyowoe maister in e dresser
took a take e wyeoe midden afore gaan till
as far as e backoe milkhoose at juttit oot
belts for e different bitsoe mull bit though e
it cam aff e shakkersoe mull it wis ower
wheels tak a gweed gripoe ootside edges an pull
ken fae e nethmist straansoe palins faar i cd
e cornyard at e eynoe park abeen e road
a bonnet at e heidoe parks kye cd wanner
heid on e blunt eynoe picker an it maks
pair een on ilky sideoe pole e blade whir
fyow faalt pages fae eenoe press and journals at
tae be deen ae eynoe rape aboot a nivfae
wis keepit on e couplesoe reef o e corn
fleg fin i meeved insteadoe reglar sailin back an
trees in e main bitoe riv i aye likit
ay on e zig zagginoe roadies makkin t easier
brunt in e fire boxoe roller at wid a
frieryke wes i the furmoe ross esq ettlin ti
yer wye roon e heidoe ruck es time ye
rale canny ower e shoodersoe ruck in e richt
roon an roon e croonoe ruck till ye d
get in fit wis leftoe ruckie an fit wi
files a hen got ootoe run an ontill e
e fairmer d get haadoe scythe an e steen
s jist aboot e eynoe simmer at ye daarna
e metal wi e nyeukoe spaad tae gaither ilky
thermal caased be e warmthoe spring sin ye cd
e hecks at e frontsoe staas an e beas
notice em on e curtainsoe stair windae an on
ilky side o e heidoe staple for it wis
a d rether ey kintoe stars fleein ower thir
d been by e eynoe steadin e hey soo
some scrattins at e heidoe strainer some prood lad
eez shoppie for a lotoe time haimmerin tackets into
mn jist mak e bestoe times ey live in
teen up in e cupsoe traivellin belt till e
e wid at e backoe trees wis e foon
a tuftie ontill e hyeukoe twister syne e lad
a meenit till e nyeukoe waa blockit e vyow
cowp to tip empty crapoe waa wall head creesh
e tap fae e forceoe wallop fae e mell
craalet doon at e sideoe wechts weighing machine he
turn tae grip e eynoe weer fin ye wintit
mint tae tak e strainoe weers in twa directions
tae eke oot e storyoe wid an fit hid
e back o pitties sideoe wid faar i eest
e close in e nyeukoe widden shed at wis
mair decent at e onsetoe wik e d aye
an e mrs wavin ootoe windae as she geed
t tae dodge e warstoe wreaths ower till e
riv ran roon twa sidesoe yard roon e back
i corralled it in frontoeen o e music centre
o attention till e lossoeen o eir nearest an
ma han intill e hairtoeen o em an god
e hill it wis ootoeese bit fowk dumpit aal
eez face anaith e snootoeez bonnet an i jined
wid a maittert e legsoeez briks wis gey sypit
e laddie d heen someoeez freens in aboot een
tae throwe e trailin edgesoeez mowser weel aye e
willie tae tak a basketfaeoeggs till e merchant s
john caldwood m865: corbett coeh r b e double
till e loss o eenoeir nearest an dearest aye
faar a fyow trees eenoem a rodden an e
wis jock kent e maistoem es day be e
ye wis plooin e feckoem s clean cleart awa
e en the maist hummleoenglish anes for aw the
haad o twa ir threeoes iron traps wi e
e kent an aafa lotoes sangs i min eence
faar e lairds an maistersoes spidery universe geed oot
f1103: e i e iof1104: yeah f1103: oh f1104:
farm e i e iof1115: e i e i
teeth chitterin an e dreamofeathers roon its chowks syne
an noticin e filterin inofite styoo an bitties o
an up till e heidofleer s hill skirtin roon
ma torch ahin e bitsofurniter i haikit aawye bit
as firm s e rockogibraltar bit naething in life
they ca d im mainsogravats he loot e place
a deer shoot a braceogrouse or e en fush
fleein flizzem o a shooerieohailsteens e bullets stung bit
gettin in anaith e heidsohard driven staples an syne
guana bag wi e bitsoheid an up tae the
wid ha e bin ootohid a thegither but ah
e that squint wee smileohis and shout ta ta
aal days on e reefsohooses first e pit on
marker funny at e reetoilky post wis a wee
bit hiv ye nae traceoim ava e got e
squeak wid ye get ootoim es day though e
meltit braiss i d haardoin turra an on e
it aye brocht a bitoincome till e hoose my
sooth ye hear e roaroingines as a shuttle heids
wis comin till e eynoits life e bark wis
bit think on e pooerolife at e warmth geed
doot there s a lotolore aboot e countryside and
up again at e tapoma gairden in anaith a
foon willie geed clean ootoma heid again e neesht
bit i took e pyntoma knife an scrapit a
i scrapit wi e taeoma tacketie jist a hale
wid hae e tastiest tooshtiesomait i stoppit tae swap
e caal o e gabomey fin it cam warmer
deein wi e steen wisonae god s eese fitsaeiver
deein t in a stateonaiter iv coorse e breets
gate intill e riv madeonettin weer on a frame
hoose an e fine freedomoootside wark gies ye mair
on fit roon e boonsoordley an gray won he
he cuist in wi freinsoour ain h e warden
a n t i nop l e anti disestablishmentarianism
intimmers wi a handy bitopalin weer even e hens
wis gey near greetin ootopeety for e coo stannin
maybe jist wi ae straanopikit weer tae keep e
e middle wis a lineoposts at some lads d
since the d i vor c e so horrid
tee o breathin a sighorelief noo at e main
wirkin fither on e tapsorucks or in e aal
chokit an full o bitsorun metal at e fite
poille bheag m979: ah uillos e bha a bheil
chancy wirk bit e twaos kept at it an
features quhilk are historically characteristicoscots i e nae final
influential effect oan thi teachinoscots in schuils e en
cd a coontit e numberoshafes put throwe e mull
an see aa e queeriorumsoshapes e snaa hid been
throwe e railin an ootosicht bit ey dinna aa
and lien ower lang ootosicht in a dreel e
styoo e maister s shoutosilence didna quairten e lachin
e slates o the marksoskylies ye jist hid tae
like jockie drappit a hanfaeosnaa doon e lum dyod
e ootcome wis a pattrenosquaries as ye lookit at
gyang tae see e circleosteens at aquhorthies weel e
goin on aa e orralsosticks aboot e place aal
s nae jist e politestostories bit i jist gee
o hait tae wi plintyosugar till e forkers in
happent tae see e reekot aboot e cross it
caddis is ma only memoryot an e front byeurd
some disturbance at e sideot e same s a
neep split aff e colourot for aa ye d
ha e to get ridot georgie coming to her
winna dee e queer bittieot is it s ither
bore holes in e fitot iv coorse it didna
for e licht e airmsot s ower heich aa
intill e heap e haleot stuck egidder an comin
kettle hotterin for a cupotae e time e pottitch
e transfer is tòrr airgeadoteam air choireigin eile m979:
season due be e timeothackin e craps wis weel
e en in informal forgaitherinsothair peers efter bein telt
we sat on the backothe bike wi e t
it up in e directionothe fire be ill luck
fiddlers for their bows someothe loons wid tak e
kept tae clean e slatesothe marks o skylies ye
and e en an incarnationothe primal id john macnab
fin e heard e clatterothe taepot on the steen
jokes an e en sklytesothe tongue as outlets for
tae be in e thickothings wi e students sae
thir peers an ti readothir star fan e sheets
slimy place at e bestotimes nae at ull for
brocht in through a rangeotopics like environmental studies e
bit e d a loopieotowe roon eez wrist tee
mull be coontin e numberotows aifter e thrash es
ear easter an e timeoturra show caal ir warm
e door they were madeotwa bits o stick wi
an seen insteid the guidotwa leiditness or e en
dee canna stop e wheeshinotyres an e bum o
a suffer just because someous want to ha e
hid deen t fullin pailsowater at e pump in
beet an see e dribletsowatter comin up atween e
awa at e safter bitsowid tae get cellulose syne
addin till e nivereynin soonowin an cries o birds
heid followin e simple systemowirkin doonhill syne i d
o pleesher an a bitowirry as e hard road
baans e skeps wis madeoye cd mak strae mats
cd dig in e taeoyer beet an mak a
ready tae pick caff ootoyer chowdlers for e rest
wid dig intill e sideoyer finger as ye vrocht

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