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detailed index htm scottish esfobjective3 2000 scottish esf objective
by the programme scottish esfobjective3 2000 the scottish esf
principally lowland scotland scottish esfobjective3 2000b p4 the scheme
programme 2000 2006 scottish esfobjective3 2000b scottish esf objective
objective 3 2000 scottish esfobjective3 operational programme 2000 2006
information on the scottish esfobjective3 operational programme and on
objective 3 2000b scottish esfobjective3 operational programme programme complement
provided by the scottish esfobjective3 operational programme the fund
3 2000 the scottish esfobjective3 programme management executive also
behalf of the scottish esfobjective3 programme the direct or
community organisations within the scottishobjective3 programme area principally lowland
been revised principally the overarchingobjectiveof the partnership continues to
the scottish operational programme forobjective3 expenditure under the new
about producing their works forobjectivecriticism perhaps they too were
what might underlie that policyobjectiveit is clear that producing
we intend to pursue theobjectiveof producing and disseminating data
to pursue that with theobjectiveof producing and disseminating data
availability of structural funds particularlyobjective1 and objective 2 funding
funds particularly objective 1 andobjective2 funding under the new
is objective 3 in scotlandobjective3 funding is provided by
social economy principal clients isobjective3 in scotland objective 3
to ensure that it isobjectivedriven rather than process driven
to ensure that it isobjectivedriven rather than process driven
executive to actively pursue thisobjectiveand recognises that the most
by which they pursue thatobjectivethat is contained in article
accurately targeted method of securingobjective1 funding that relates to
that consistent with the coreobjectiveof securing a better deal
agriculture will contribute to itsobjectiveof securing social justice s1f
if the area had retainedobjective1 status and is the
that we do not haveobjective1 status because the uk
would have been received underobjective1 status fergus ewing displays
wanted to fight to getobjective1 status for the highlands
commission regarding the loss ofobjective1 status for the highlands
and islands should now haveobjective1 status secondly will he
was made when we lostobjective1 status that lie is
highlands and islands has lostobjective1 status the executive must
agree that if we hadobjective1 status we would automatically
and repeated areas that hadobjective1 status would have qualified
in the redrawing of theobjective2 status map for scotland
funding and areas with fullobjective2 status s1w 7141 mr
2006 36 5 of theobjective3 budget in scotland is
may be neutral suggesting anobjectiveor scientific viewpoint lexical sets
are only authorised if anobjectivescientific test demonstrates that such
are only authorised if anobjectivescientific test demonstrates that such
first steps in meeting theobjectiveof a bigger better and
first steps in meeting theobjectiveof a bigger better and
first steps in meeting theobjectiveof a bigger better and
first steps in meeting theobjectiveof a bigger better and
the funds received by anobjective1 area we will use
with regard to applications forobjective3 funds and other european
isabella williamson kirkton the mainobjectivein meeting apart from the
isabella williamson kirkton the mainobjectivein meeting apart from the
but also a lack ofobjectivetrustworthy patronage apart from her
are times when this relativelyobjectiveadult voice controls it and
establishment d impersonal voice dobjectivevoice d voice dt duzna
establishment the impersonal voice theobjectivevoice the voice that doesn
been contravened if there isobjectiveand reasonable justification in policy
can be justified on anobjectivereasonable basis there is ample
is a reasonable and achievableobjectivethe scottish executive is funding
the highlands and islands transitionalobjective1 programme support of 2
2000 06 programme we haveobjective3 money which is 500
to continue work towards itsobjectiveof ensuring a modern adaptive
to continue work towards itsobjectiveof ensuring a modern adaptive
shipping we share the sameobjectiveof ensuring that the seas
highlands would have qualified forobjective1 assistance at a recent
has been mention today ofobjective1 assistance for the highlands
of the transitional payment asobjective1 so that the highlands
highlands require a proper andobjectiveassessment of the correct way
the current funding package toobjective1 does he recognise that
as the fine tuning ofobjective1 funding and the carping
look at what happened withobjective1 funding look at the
1999 robin harper s1m 332objective2 funding lodged on 26
to the european commission forobjective2 funding notes that every
the european union criteria forobjective2 funding supported by roseanna
gorrie s1m 332 tommy sheridanobjective2 funding that the parliament
2000 06 this scheme providesobjective3 funding in the form
to go back and regrantobjective1 assistance dr ewing it
case when wales applied forobjective1 assistance it fine tuned
and i share a specificobjectivehe has had a duty
we should all share thatobjectivei am happy to take
the european commission the mainobjectiveof the year is to
a hoose cammy the mainobjectiveof this support group stew
instituted in 1883 their mainobjectivewas to circulate a number
convener we already have theobjective3 document would members like
implementit 15 in repone taeobjective2 1 2 a feasibility
implemented 15 in response toobjective2 1 2 a feasibility
been slaw in particular wiobjective2 1 5 the implementation
objectives has been slower particularlyobjective2 1 5 the implementation
its full diversity under thisobjectiveis key priority 2 1
priority 2 1 unner thisobjectiveis tae promote scotland s
states is to ensure theobjectiveof social inclusion is incorporated
policy memorandum states the coreobjectiveof the bill is to
decision which states that theobjectiveset for the union to
this will be a keyobjectiveof its draft transport bill
20 years with a keyobjectiveto eradicate child poverty the
is fundamental to that policyobjective14 15 robin harper i
you said nonetheless the policyobjectiveof the bill is related
paper on the financing ofobjective2 regions was to follow
against the background that oneobjectiveof the scheme is to
to the past rather thanobjectivejudgments the convener it is
tenancy does that undermine theobjectiveof achieving a single social
which they have pursued thisobjectiverecognises the economic and social
in servicing those areas theobjectiveis to have a contract
changes in its powers ourobjectiveis to move to a
use to determine whether itsobjectiveof modernising government is being
like factual recounts they useobjectivelanguage and avoid personal feelings
which was a long heldobjectiveof the scottish liberal democrat
again that should be theobjectivean obvious example of how
that should be the theobjectiveis to acquaint children with
once they had achieved theirobjectiveshould be established consultation and
to say clearly in eachobjectivewhat government should do lee
that might be the ultimateobjectivehowever if brian adam is
an accent it is moreobjectivehowever to regard all systems
it is fundamental to thatobjectivein that the bill tries
conservation zone where the overridingobjectiveis strict protection of natural
primary and secondary schools thisobjectiveis to be achieved with
mother tongue takes place theobjectiveis to develop in the
13 year olds but ourobjectiveis to stretch ourselves to
i presume that the ultimateobjectiveof ash is the cessation
committee for ssis because theobjectiveof parliamentary procedure is to
of the sea 1982 theobjectiveof the organisation is to
is difficult to imagine howobjectivetests of need could be
keith raffan for supporting thatobjectivethe development group is not
that we disagree on theobjectivelet me also take this
that we have acheived ourobjective16 wednesday to links market
capacity to meet our healthobjectiveof improving the national diet
been not only the statedobjectiveof making clear to readers
sort of f745: be moreobjectivei suppose f746: yeah i
more important to give themobjectiveinformation and a framework in
what seems a more distancedobjectivenarrative vor manchen manchen jahren
such bodies professing a conservationobjectivesupported by dr elaine murray
and norway to achieve thisobjectiveafter debate the amendment was
was not a connection oneobjectivethat we have not quite
whether it conformed with theobjectiveof developing public confidence in
benefits for patients with theobjectiveof high quality care for
benefits for patients with theobjectiveof high quality care for
advice from a company calledobjectiveperformance ltd which i announced
would be the focus andobjectiveof the proposed water environment
as i understand it theobjectiveof the strategy was to
or of historical events areobjectivereconstructions of experience concentrating on
iraq supports the united nationsobjectiveto rid iraq of weapons
tried to maintain a properlyobjectiveand dispassionate tone throughout as
department say quite clearly thatobjectivemeasures to define rural deprivation
the committee recommended that anobjectiveto make scotland the most
started by saying that myobjectivewas to get the minister
entry being admirably factual andobjectiveas well as exactly the
explain ed what s theobjectivehere ed gittin in touch

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