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the lochan quiver this ioffertae ye o craa foraye
an lichtsome weather this ioffertae ye o hawk foraye
muir an heather this ioffertae ye o snake foraye
each raxxin feather this ioffertae ye o tod foraye
funding package that is onoffercould it be that we
that the latest funding packageofferthat was made to sue
skills the company will notofferthe training package because that
to the rescue package onofferto hampden football stadium and
to the rescue package onofferto hampden football stadium from
to the rescue package onofferto hampden football stadium is
by the rescue package onofferto hampden football stadium s1w
9 million aid package onofferto the salmon farming industry
general fe colleges these collegesoffera broad range of courses
encourage and fund colleges toofferbusiness management courses to people
land based colleges these collegesoffercourses with a focus such
number of private colleges alsoofferhe courses further education covers
many further education colleges alsoofferhigher level courses such as
trying to expand what weofferby way of courses all
beneath a college and weofferfull time courses for the
for the scottish parliament toofferadvice and training a to
a confident court practitioner weofferan initial training course and
the training outreach service theyofferand consider the need to
educational institutions and business tooffermore apprenticeships and training opportunities
education and training establishments whichoffersqa qualifications issue certificates to
patients and staff as theyofferenhanced opportunities to develop new
and development of renewable energyoffernew opportunities for enterprise innovation
msyps an organisation must eitherofferservices or volunteering opportunities to
opportunities that information technology couldofferto help to address some
of the new century theseoffervital opportunities for reflection on
are run by subpostmasters theyoffera range of 170 different
practices in rural areas tooffera wider range of services
directory of local businesses whichofferfor hire a range of
that the two present vacanciesofferto widen the range of
and public private partnership projectsofferbest value to scotland s
businesses to develop products whichoffergreater value for money as
best quality and best valueofferi thought that i had
does not in any wayoffervalue for money and it
support custody plus orders whichofferan opportunity for more effective
long term care bill willofferan opportunity for the parliament
almost 2 billion i cannotofferdavid davidson the opportunity to
has arrived slightly late andofferhim the opportunity to comment
explain our position and toofferthe opportunity to discuss saving
the opportunity gap is tooffervulnerable people real choice and
to find out which canofferbest access to citizens she
of his contribution and toofferhim best wishes in his
best advice that we couldofferhim rather than take the
best that contemporary culture couldofferllull s name is still
best time elaine thomson ioffermy apologies then the convener
the parliament s existence ioffermy best wishes to him
the developments now envisaged surelyofferthe best prospect for fulfilling
hncs and hnds some alsoofferdegree level programmes but like
level in the parliament iofferher my support to continue
scheme for private landlords tooffertenants and neighbours a level
sector and that we shouldofferthem the same level of
executive whether it intends toofferbreast cancer screening services to
available and that bus servicesofferconvenient links between communities and
resources to every citizen andoffermodern and efficient public services
reads amongst the experts whoofferrelevant services are those who
might read amongst those whoofferrelevant services there are some
when implemented the recommendations wouldoffersubstantial improvements to the services
that they continue also tooffertheir existing services at post
assurance enable housing associations tooffera factoring service for private
of private sector verifiers mightofferadvantages for the public in
exile they only came toofferhim help and did not
did ah no hear youofferkyndlie ti help hir nou
just happened to you knowoffermy erm [tut] help to
the house refusing her everyofferof help or even sympathy
wants lilian oh yes youofferhim money and see what
put into it unb wouldofferme a place and money
that is why work mightoffera better alternative for them
that the universities devise mightoffera way forward that would
before cinema even might iofferjim hawkins in treasure island
the approach right it mightofferus a route forward i
you might have something toofferus on this next one
brian adam does the billofferany substantive improvements for secure
report because that does notofferany view about the other
yet the pool does notofferdanger only water is traditionally
traffic what advice does sheofferthe council to address the
what does he have toofferto the study of literature
it would be sensible toofferas much extra support for
and youth organisations in scotlandofferas much support pro rata
of the support that weofferit is important that we
but fitt else did iofferi offered you something else
i had an off- anofferof something like a lab
setting targets is important theyoffersomething that is tangible quantifiable
boddam with fifteen sports onofferthere was always something to
information anent the pairlament awofferinternet facilities sae ye can
information about the parliament allofferinternet facilities so you can
the environmental issues involved iofferthat to members as information
her poetry has much tooffercatriona montgomery too began writing
the world like this doesnyoffermuch in that line more
some of the newer medicamentsoffermuch more practical ways of
city with nothing much toofferthe casual tourist we went
bad practice exist some landlordsoffera good factoring scheme and
at some point agree tooffercompensation it seems that some
a negative move not tooffersome form of translation of
written for family and friendsoffersome gentle humour at the
if mabel hildebrand were tooffersome input into simon watkins
media in scotland finally ioffersome statistics based on returns
to some 500 million consumersofferthe possibility for trade and
protection that the directive wouldofferi also agree strongly with
act to follow i alsoofferiain gray every good wish
drap o fusky an widnaoffertae sheet us a drappie
easier but [laugh] they didofferto run us f122: easier
scotland bill whether he wouldofferus his opinion is that
the first slot he canofferus you didn t answer
higher is an attempt tooffera new more adult context
funding and resources many fundersoffershort term funding for new
colossal economic market that shouldofferthe basis for a new
executive how many secondary schoolsoffera latin and b classical
trusts find it difficult toofferflexibility yet many nurses cannot
know how many employers canofferyou security and they can
interpretation only but it willoffera full translation into that
informants or undercover police officersofferthe only realistic means of
the only audience when weofferto him the sacrifice of
in what it has tooffer16 47 mr adam ingram
i do not want tooffera catalogue of possible disasters
who thinks that they couldoffera home to those children
criteria with the intention tooffera realistic incentive to less
it may be hard tooffera satisfactory definition to replace
this closeness permitted lyndsay toofferadvice to the king freely
secondary the intention is toofferall teachers involved in children
am a little reluctant toofferan absolute 100 per cent
partnership network 5 uhi facultiesofferan academic collegiate dimension to
the question had failed toofferan effective means of measuring
university of stockholm seems toofferan interesting solution he proposes
extra two minutes so iofferan intervention to assist in
if i were allowed toofferangus mackay the snp s
the m74 but unable toofferanything to address the current
i have been asked toofferback dated and future copies
at millennium moggies inc weofferdesigner pets tailor bred to
forms from members willing toofferdisplays for congress in april
normal practice for hunts toofferdogs for rehoming we do
to shrink journey times andoffereasy access to city centres
have talent and ability toofferfor example older people have
it expects local authorities toofferfrom august 2002 s1w 23059
have the minister here toofferfurther explanation the letter explains
should i ever choose toofferhospitality a sagging armchair s
rather attractive holidays that theyofferhowever i have to say
as the british council mayofferinteresting approaches to the scottish
to identify that the freeofferis a control box for
chimneys restaurant that the parliamentofferits warm congratulations to the
scheme and we propose toofferno etymological note and to
we on the snp benchesofferno opposition to the general
their experiences are not iofferno solution to the brainwashing
if nhs employers are tooffernurses the flexible working patterns
s permission christine grahame theofferof a visit to a
it attached to mary sofferof the use of ca
the most up to dateofferon resources was made the
board will be able toofferpatients with an eating disorder
for the first time toofferpavel and natasha a wee
participate 36 took up theofferprior to the tests he
no 5 and 7 andofferprivacy to the back gardens
there are any plans toofferproduction incentives in the form
is necessary to continue toofferprotection and security to a
and the rural community initiativeofferreal benefits to older people
stanzas of verses jl142 43offerreferences to swiss and scottish
schemes available to the sectorofferresources that are complementary and
claims what has burns toofferschools today in what follows
the option to make theoffershould properly be available to
its core function is toofferstrategic direction and effective monitoring
study the paper proceeds toofferthe following solution a return
national framework for employers tooffertheir employees health screening and
normal practice for hunts toofferthem for rehoming so we
that qualifying landlords have toofferthemselves to tenants of councils
the decision on whether toofferthis benefit however is for
what older people have toofferthose who write off people
i welcome the minister sofferto contribute to the payment
in the plan which wouldofferto converting farmers the security
to to to to toofferto donate a version of
this seems to balance theofferto folwe hir wyl in
a complex yin arveragus disnaeofferto gie ower aa pouer
that i should make anofferto go to the other
house is surveyed and anofferto purchase is received that
thank the witnesses for theirofferto send a report from
we can certainly make thatofferto sue ryder care when
we have made a wideofferto work with anyone involved
out no one was tooffertransport back to palrna to
have been similarly encouraged tooffervaccination to relevant staff i
the more sympathetic souls whooffera few compassionate coppers would
of local authorities who stillofferfree music lessons and believes
was published i got anofferfrom erm leslie grantham who
are direct purchasers who wouldofferparticular deals and i do
not have those powers iofferthe fact that he was
being mild the water willofferno menace as we make
that men and angels canofferwill not make a better
i think that these waysoffervery sound evidence that that
states a member should notofferor accord any preferential access
unlikely that any such conditionalofferwould be made or if
house george lyon i canoffercome clarification as i know
agencies so that we canofferstaff the flexibility that they
the amounts that we canofferthe industry are tightly constrained
terms of what they canoffertoo often in the past
sole business is lobbying wouldoffera get out clause are
that the implementation of theofferin its current form would
ally s contention that theofferof free booze would tease
s pert bottom may ioffermy sincerest apologies as i
drew breath we may allofferoor opinions later please let
dawson management say that anofferhas recently been made for
executive which nhs board areasofferfirst aid as part of
bell college in hamilton typicallyofferprogrammes at first degree post
aff at the first guidofferthat kythed aweill she haedna
f1117: fitt else did iofferyou f1118: i want chicken
advanced higher arrangements which nowofferpapers in scottish as well
variety which lyndsay s worksofferthe asls annual volume for
unit in august ehm weofferthe cùrsa comais which is
passion fur her let meofferma braith tae the goddess
the yird in reverence taeofferrice or incense or flooers
ettlin tae gang oot anoffertae kick the cuddy an
eence or twice it disoffertae rain day is aboot
a bowl o rice taeoffertae the guairdians o the
for ten pound easter eggofferf1037: yeah fo- f1038: and
minister for social justice iofferher my congratulations like other
when there s a specialofferlike three for a fiver
for ye mysie thocht thisofferwes owre guid ti be
even deep space exploration weoffera selection of japanese cyber
is inclosit inower we ayeofferoor cairds on a sale
twa cairds we hae onofferthis year samples o the
various herbal remedies are onofferwe took that as our
pay and conditions that theyofferin a survey of 6
hated it you try anofferthem somethin else and they
an if they got theofferthey wad nane o them
fiction and traditional tale tellingofferthe beauty of this ballad
proved i wouldn t generallyofferthis but perhaps my dear
that the increased spending willoffera complete answer it will
the church that was onofferactually erm okay m608: mm
the details of cosla sofferand agrees that the implementation
before district courts a conditionalofferis a fixed penalty that
agree that what is onofferis the possibility that the
on the salaries that universitiesofferis very difficult it requires
term counting days and theofferof a definition of that
that when gray got theofferof the parish he had
members oh there is anofferthat he cannot refuse i
assurance that the contract onofferwill be reconsidered if the
few empty double seats onoffermost of them in eavesdropping
and the fire brigade mustofferan advisory report on the
an she gat a guidofferfrae a callant nou he
yeah yeah i had anofferfrom aberdeen as well f806:
tuik their arles an theoffero sax months work fan
start with commenced with anofferof 1 1s per 1lb
and i had a anofferof nursing and erm i
naither byte nor murlin tiofferye an whit the morn
house had not accepted itsofferof a meeting and on
have never taken up theofferi am all in favour
thing themselves ronnie weel theoffers there pause have ye
it s no mukkil tiofferbut it is gien in
the ither wichts thai didnaofferti halp he stak hiz
aside you i declined theofferbut wasn t surprised by
depend on his availability ioffermsps and members of the
100 i refused jimmy sofferof a tranny and begged
and on what date theofferwas declined s1w 23062 michael
over the five years andoffera saving of 25 million
cosla s pay and conditionsofferdated 20 august 1999 by
religions the official religions onofferer both er protestant and
over the five years andoffersavings of 50 million over
and variety of food onofferthrough local outlets across scotland
mm f943: strongbow is onofferjust now [laugh] m944: do
the defects in cosla sofferare the result of a
be calmed down with theofferof a biscuit fiona takes
north british hotel group sofferof a ct scanner because
laden clinch with the kindlyofferof a cup of tea
burly council foreman refused hisofferof a drink the job
pantiled roofs seagulls keen radiosoffersnatches of pop music or
o tinklin bells drawn curtainsofferlakshmi narayan twa deities the
bi the daemon lover soffero gowd the daemon lover

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