
See this word as a collocate cloud

to 2 15 pm presidingofficer14 30 dr winnie ewing
first minister on the presidingofficer15 33 the first minister
out as its first presidingofficer15 38 mr john swinney
a letter from the presidingofficer3 questionnaires the committee will
a letter from the presidingofficer3 questionnaires the committee will
glasgow ind rose the presidingofficera case of mistaken identity
a what the deputy presidingofficera party political broadcast mr
a statement the deputy presidingofficerall i can tell you
the leeway that the presidingofficerallowed i revert to the
agreed to the deputy presidingofficeramendment 3 is grouped with
agreement withdrawn the deputy presidingofficeramendment 31 is grouped with
the letter to the presidingofficerand ask for a brief
parliament election of the presidingofficerand deputy presiding officers members
of the parliament the presidingofficerand please correct me if
of goodwill to the presidingofficerand the members of the
of goodwill to the presidingofficerand the members of the
of goodwill to the presidingofficerand the members of the
be announced by the presidingofficerand the sitting will be
i apologise to the presidingofficerand to members i thank
to the role of presidingofficerand to this new parliament
i know that the presidingofficerand tom mccabe were very
i represent the deputy presidingofficeranswer and close mr sheridan
a point of order presidingofficerapparently the press have been
gave the perfect reply presidingofficeras a bit of good
agreed to the deputy presidingofficeras amendment s1m 1589 2
about the procedural matters presidingofficeras i am sure that
the chamber the deputy presidingofficeras i have already said
in fife the deputy presidingofficeras i say i have
30 minutes the deputy presidingofficeras no member has asked
those points the deputy presidingofficeras no other member wants
the draft order the presidingofficeras the minister explained the
a letter from the presidingofficerasking conveners to draw it
a point of order presidingofficerat the beginning of the
motion s1m 2251 the presidingofficerat the moment you are
reported on the deputy presidingofficeratypically phil gallie has been
first minister on the presidingofficerbe agreed to motion agreed
the minister and the presidingofficerbecause i expected to have
care i must apologise presidingofficerbecause i have to leave
year applause the deputy presidingofficerbefore i call the minister
sutherland report the deputy presidingofficerbefore we proceed i must
i am very sorry presidingofficerbut i asked for a
to today s debate presidingofficerbut i thank you for
be copied to the presidingofficerbut should not be communicated
issue today the deputy presidingofficercan we have a point
lyon okay the deputy presidingofficercarry on duncan hamilton no
voluntary sector the deputy presidingofficercarry on please mrs mcintosh
scottish parliament the deputy presidingofficercathie craigie asked that the
shown an interest the presidingofficerconsiders extending the time allocated
returned oaths and affirmations presidingofficerdeputy presiding officers 12 may
are set by the presidingofficerdes mcnulty we could add
state for scotland the presidingofficerdid that we are no
world in other words presidingofficerensemble nous pouvons développer un
9 june by the presidingofficerexplained the current state of
should write to the presidingofficerexpressing concern about the time
pm election of the presidingofficerfollowed by election of deputy
and i thank the presidingofficerfor agreeing to mark the
been passed to the presidingofficerfor consideration the meeting closed
3 letters to the presidingofficerfor information emergency questions and
scotland snp thank you presidingofficerfor letting me in i
have to thank the presidingofficerfor preventing me on one
of thanks to the presidingofficerfor text of motion see
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
white to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
deacon to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
deacon to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to his answer to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the answer to
macaskill to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the answer to
macaskill to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the answer to
tosh to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the statement by
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the statement in
ewing to ask the presidingofficerfurther to the statement made
in the chair deputy presidingofficergeorge reid deputy presiding officer
in the chair deputy presidingofficergeorge reid deputy presiding officer
in the chair deputy presidingofficergeorge reid deputy presiding officer
in the chair deputy presidingofficergeorge reid deputy presiding officer
in the chair deputy presidingofficergeorge reid deputy presiding officer
officer patricia ferguson deputy presidingofficergeorge reid labour party business
officer patricia ferguson deputy presidingofficergeorge reid labour party business
for today will the presidingofficergive us an assurance about
each party the deputy presidingofficergiven that we are now
business managers and the presidingofficergiving some guidance on that
the complaints procedure the presidingofficerhas agreed to this is
9 10 6 the presidingofficerhas agreed under that rule
rule 9 10 the presidingofficerhas agreed under that rule
9 10 6 the presidingofficerhas agreed under that rule
am conscious that the presidingofficerhas already invited the minister
a young parliament the presidingofficerhas been in scottish politics
the role of its presidingofficerhas been particularly important in
will sing again the presidingofficerhas been presented with a
parliamentary corporate body the presidingofficerhas been responsible for the
honest the convener the presidingofficerhas decided that permission should
announcements ministerial statement the presidingofficerhas decided to take a
role of our first presidingofficerhas indeed been an historic
with recommendations speedily the presidingofficerhas indicated that he will
general for scotland the presidingofficerhas indicated that he will
distinguished service that the presidingofficerhas rendered to parliament in
public service trusts the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
programme for government the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
in their areas the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
long term future the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
the official report the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
the uk parliament the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
the scottish ministers the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
renaissance of scotland the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
local authority revenue the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
21st century scotland the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
bill be passed the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendment
culture sport committee the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
regulation in scotland the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
scotland s future the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
compromising public safety the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
to the parliament the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
and feel safer the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
and sustainable scotland the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
network in scotland the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
and community trusts the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
to public services the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
guaranteed for all the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
entitled to expect the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
fishing industry depends the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
range of disposals the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
iraqi citizens lives the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
pupils to understand the presidingofficerhas selected the following amendments
the scottish executive the presidingofficerhas this morning decided to
the business bulletin the presidingofficerhas yet to select any
for the position of presidingofficerhave been received mr george
highly appropriate for a presidingofficerhe had been a lifelong
his four years as presidingofficerhe has seen it in
have spoken to the presidingofficerhe is content that we
writing again to the presidingofficerhe is well aware of
we have a deputy presidingofficerhere in the chamber the
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerhow long after the post
ingram to ask the presidingofficerhow many british sign language
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerhow many cost accountants are
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerhow many milestones in the
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerhow many milestones remain to
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerhow many of the members
ingram to ask the presidingofficerhow many parliamentary debates and
elder to ask the presidingofficerhow many staff the parliament
ewing to ask the presidingofficerhow much of the 854
muldoon to ask the presidingofficerhow much public funding the
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerhow often actual progress on
gibson to ask the presidingofficerhow the scottish parliamentary corporate
body private secretary to presidingofficerhuw williams assistant private secretary
know much more the presidingofficeri am afraid that my
health service infrastructure the presidingofficeri am interested in the
without notice the deputy presidingofficeri am minded to accept
a point of order presidingofficeri am not clear whether
are speaking the deputy presidingofficeri am not setting a
bit please the deputy presidingofficeri am not sure how
flawed process you know presidingofficeri am sorry but sod
with hepatitis c the presidingofficeri am sorry that was
t bad the deputy presidingofficeri am sorry to tell
thank you very much presidingofficeri apologise for my failure
a point of order presidingofficeri appreciate that the statement
the situation the deputy presidingofficeri ask members to keep
everything down the deputy presidingofficeri beg your pardon i
of practice the deputy presidingofficeri call angus mackay to
of scotland the deputy presidingofficeri call duncan hamilton 16
scotland bill the deputy presidingofficeri call linda fabiani 09
i pass the deputy presidingofficeri call lord james douglas
be sorely missed the presidingofficeri call margo macdonald dorothy
grahame rose the deputy presidingofficeri call margo macdonald ms
12 15 the deputy presidingofficeri call michael matheson to
agreed to the deputy presidingofficeri call michael matheson to
on resuming the deputy presidingofficeri call nicola sturgeon to
this afternoon the deputy presidingofficeri call peter peacock to
amendment 8 the deputy presidingofficeri call phil gallie to
the executive the deputy presidingofficeri cannot and nor can
in that context the presidingofficeri close the last members
take it the deputy presidingofficeri do not think that
a point of order presidingofficeri draw to your attention
tricia marwick thank you presidingofficeri draw your attention to
you accepted the deputy presidingofficeri have accepted two amendments
decision time the deputy presidingofficeri have no knowledge whatever
were wronged the deputy presidingofficeri have no wish to
in scottish education the presidingofficeri have quite a long
o clock the deputy presidingofficeri have received a request
s question time the presidingofficeri have some good news
we represent the deputy presidingofficeri have taken your point
now put the deputy presidingofficeri have the power to
members no the deputy presidingofficeri hear dissent therefore there
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficeri hope that it is
of order the deputy presidingofficeri hope that this is
with the greatest respect presidingofficeri hope that you will
a point of order presidingofficeri hope that you will
legislative proposals the deputy presidingofficeri invite fiona hyslop to
people throughout scotland the presidingofficeri invite those who would
so as well the presidingofficeri know that it is
this year the deputy presidingofficeri must admit that that
and ride the deputy presidingofficeri must again ask members
is nonsense the deputy presidingofficeri must ask mr smith
of order the deputy presidingofficeri remind you of the
repeat that the deputy presidingofficeri said that the information
a point of order presidingofficeri seek your guidance when
and beyond the deputy presidingofficeri should explain to the
ez dela thank you presidingofficeri thank irene oldfather for
committee s report the presidingofficeri thank the convener of
a point of order presidingofficeri thank you for your
mr harding with respect presidingofficeri thought that we were
a point of order presidingofficeri understand that motion s1m
a point of order presidingofficeri understand that under rule
of having been your presidingofficeri use the word privilege
singing occurs the deputy presidingofficeri was about to say
in the future the presidingofficeri will allow injury time
motion agreed to the presidingofficeri will call irene mcgugan
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficeri will finish the introduction
minute left the deputy presidingofficeri will give you another
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficeri will hear ms marwick
me the cold stare presidingofficeri will mention just one
sized grants the deputy presidingofficeri will tempt you with
angus mackay thank you presidingofficeri would like to reply
person may inform the presidingofficerif he or she considers
to intervene on the presidingofficerif he were to say
mackay you will understand presidingofficerif i approach this speech
its continuation the deputy presidingofficerif mr adam the snp
debate today the deputy presidingofficerif we move to the
snp i thank you presidingofficerif you are sure that
is gaelic the deputy presidingofficerif you wish to speak
and equality the deputy presidingofficerin closing this meeting i
the debate the deputy presidingofficerin election times i think
point of order the presidingofficerin english members en français
be channelled through the presidingofficerin the first instance is
first minister today the presidingofficerin the first place i
open 16 42 the presidingofficerin the first round of
young 16 04 the presidingofficerin the first round of
matter for me as presidingofficerin the interests of the
well 16 25 the presidingofficerin the second round of
a point of order presidingofficerin your response to duncan
chief executive and the presidingofficerinterim clerk chief executive paul
the parliament s current presidingofficeris a member of the
the letter from the presidingofficeris clearly a holding reply
to be done the presidingofficeris giving me that certain
channel and that the presidingofficeris happy with that the
a debate tomorrow the presidingofficeris it agreed that a
a point of order presidingofficeris it not important that
the office of the presidingofficeris it not out of
a point of order presidingofficeris it not the case
of the second deputy presidingofficeris now open 16 42
the election of the presidingofficeris now open the following
the agreement of the presidingofficeris obtained the member should
sheridan rose the deputy presidingofficeris this another point of
and that of the presidingofficeris wise committee members and
questo discorso laughter the presidingofficerit has been agreed that
to do so deputy presidingofficerit is especially pleasing to
a point of order presidingofficerit is normal practice in
for that kind remark presidingofficerit is not every day
been an historic one presidingofficerit is with gratitude and
before us the deputy presidingofficerit is with real pleasure
a point of order presidingofficerit may just be due
minor amendments the deputy presidingofficerit might help if i
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerlet me continue please if
wallace rose the deputy presidingofficerlet the minister in mr
you presiding officer the presidingofficerlet us hear from the
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerlet us see how we
his amendment the deputy presidingofficermalcolm chisholm replied on behalf
before 16 12 the presidingofficermembers have one minute remaining
the agreement of the presidingofficermembers will continue to be
voluntary sector as the presidingofficermentioned we have a new
the matter as the presidingofficermight know i have submitted
last week the deputy presidingofficermiscalled a vote because neither
later this afternoon the presidingofficermodesty prevents me from commenting
personal statement by the presidingofficermotion of the first minister
30 roads the deputy presidingofficermr george reid good morning
older people the deputy presidingofficermr george reid good morning
finish there the deputy presidingofficermr george reid i call
convention once the deputy presidingofficermr george reid i think
decision time the deputy presidingofficermr george reid in view
of the second deputy presidingofficermr george reid john young
much mair the deputy presidingofficermr george reid not in
give way the deputy presidingofficermr george reid order mrs
the motion the deputy presidingofficermr george reid several members
the report the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the advice
and gaelic the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the final
bill timetable the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the first
of thanks the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the next
11 01 the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the next
stage 1 the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the next
operation bill the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the next
justice bill the deputy presidingofficermr george reid the next
16 10 the deputy presidingofficermr george reid we move
stage 3 the deputy presidingofficermr george reid we now
helps businesses the deputy presidingofficermr harding i have been
a point of order presidingofficermr john swinney north tayside
a point of order presidingofficermr lloyd quinan west of
stage 1 the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh good morning
the motion the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh i invite
be chaired by deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh members of
time osteoporosis the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh the final
retain nurses the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh we come
her efforts the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh you do
and vigour the deputy presidingofficermr murray tosh you have
are not showing favouritism presidingofficermr rumbles might be correct
smaller parties the deputy presidingofficermr sheridan please come to
it was the deputy presidingofficermr sheridan you must speak
of order the deputy presidingofficermr swinney i was about
10 30 the deputy presidingofficermr wallace will respond to
officer george reid deputy presidingofficermurray tosh labour party business
officer george reid deputy presidingofficermurray tosh labour party business
officer george reid deputy presidingofficermurray tosh labour party business
officer george reid deputy presidingofficermurray tosh labour party business
officer george reid deputy presidingofficermurray tosh labour party business
cake either the deputy presidingofficernext time allan wilson it
wallace rose the deputy presidingofficerno the minister must wind
yes certainly the deputy presidingofficerno we cannot keep doing
for selection by the presidingofficernotices of amendments to motion
the positions of deputy presidingofficeroccurring thereafter an official photograph
clerks will notify the presidingofficerof a member s interpretation
12 00 the deputy presidingofficerof course it is not
to have been the presidingofficerof the first scottish parliament
elected as a deputy presidingofficerof the scottish parliament applause
elected as a deputy presidingofficerof the scottish parliament applause
elected as the first presidingofficerof the scottish parliament before
to the office of presidingofficerof the scottish parliament most
be issued by the presidingofficeron advice from the parliamentary
courtesy call to the presidingofficeron monday 12 august at
9 may 2002 the presidingofficeropened the meeting at 09
march 2003 the deputy presidingofficeropened the meeting at 09
january 2001 the deputy presidingofficeropened the meeting at 09
december 2002 the deputy presidingofficeropened the meeting at 09
september 2000 the deputy presidingofficeropened the meeting at 09
september 2001 afternoon the presidingofficeropened the meeting at 14
february 2000 afternoon the presidingofficeropened the meeting at 14
cognisance of what the presidingofficeror his deputies say at
committee should be the presidingofficeror his deputy that the
to the parliament the presidingofficeror other members i am
coalition interruption the deputy presidingofficerorder dr simpson the snp
taken 19 months the presidingofficerorder hugh henry i have
time interruption the deputy presidingofficerorder i cannot hear the
doing applause the deputy presidingofficerorder interruption mr cleland i
sod this the deputy presidingofficerorder language bruce crawford i
a serious point the presidingofficerorder let me hear the
publish the letter the presidingofficerorder let us have no
by interruption the deputy presidingofficerorder mr mccabe it will
all applause the deputy presidingofficerorder mr mccabe that will
the amendment the deputy presidingofficerorder mr sheridan you submitted
inappropriate interruption the deputy presidingofficerorder nicola sturgeon the government
border interruption the deputy presidingofficerorder there are far too
is up to the presidingofficerotherwise there will be chaos
not interruption the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson before the deputy
in the chair deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson deputy presiding officer
in the chair deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson deputy presiding officer
the executive the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i am in
about them the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i call dr
the elderly the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i call mr
the motion the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i call tommy
check with a deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i do not
do so the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson i will come
do that the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson it is always
the parliament the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson presiding officers as
my colleagues the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson surprisingly many members
robert burns the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson the final item
17 18 the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson the first question
12 34 the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson the next item
the elderly the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson the next item
channelling funding the deputy presidingofficerpatricia ferguson wind up please
an example the deputy presidingofficerplease begin to wind up
members speak the deputy presidingofficerplease close ms macdonald ms
receive mainstream funding the presidingofficerplease move to a close
or shetland dialects the presidingofficerplease proceed irene mcgugan the
of justice the deputy presidingofficerplease wind up dr ewing
the agreement of the presidingofficerprocedures are in place to
being on call the presidingofficerquestion 5 has been withdrawn
my question the deputy presidingofficerquestion 6 has been withdrawn
those proposals the deputy presidingofficerquestions 8 and 9 have
about to do so presidingofficerrather than duplicate the administrative
the bill the deputy presidingofficerrhona brankin did not quite
assistant private secretary to presidingofficerroy devon office manager angela
the nomination period for presidingofficerruns from 12 30 pm
on going to the presidingofficers desk the president of
which i crave the presidingofficers indulgence the deputy presiding
of the exchequer the presidingofficers letter suggested that there
the parliament and the presidingofficers office are required to
have already informed the presidingofficers office that the scottish
the clerk in the presidingofficers room in the assembly
the other day the presidingofficersaid that approaches had been
in scotland the deputy presidingofficerseveral names are left on
both positions of deputy presidingofficershould pick up nomination papers
subject of whether the presidingofficershould wear robes ever actually
on taking office as presidingofficersir david donned the mantle
30 on resuming the presidingofficersir david steel before we
the draft order the presidingofficersir david steel before we
30 on resuming the presidingofficersir david steel before we
at 09 30 the presidingofficersir david steel before we
business patricia ferguson the presidingofficersir david steel decision time
the sector interruption the presidingofficersir david steel far too
the procedures committee the presidingofficersir david steel i am
notice 14 35 the presidingofficersir david steel i am
constabulary about staffing the presidingofficersir david steel i am
debate 15 58 the presidingofficersir david steel i see
with civic scotland the presidingofficersir david steel i thank
is working correctly the presidingofficersir david steel if you
2 30 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
2 00 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
2 30 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
2 30 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
2 30 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
2 00 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
12 15 pm members presidingofficersir david steel in the
sign language interpreters the presidingofficersir david steel it is
margaret jamieson made the presidingofficersir david steel it was
great northern partnership the presidingofficersir david steel our final
we will do the presidingofficersir david steel question 2
tribute to our first presidingofficersir david steel sir david
committees europe day the presidingofficersir david steel the final
day of languages the presidingofficersir david steel the final
of europe convention the presidingofficersir david steel the main
cobbleigh and all the presidingofficersir david steel the member
be crisper nurses the presidingofficersir david steel the next
clock business motion the presidingofficersir david steel the next
responsible business motion the presidingofficersir david steel the next
report 17 04 the presidingofficersir david steel the next
of the elderly the presidingofficersir david steel the next
parliamentary bureau motions the presidingofficersir david steel the next
motion 17 04 the presidingofficersir david steel the next
time 15 11 the presidingofficersir david steel the next
future voluntary sector the presidingofficersir david steel the next
motions 17 00 the presidingofficersir david steel the next
time 17 01 the presidingofficersir david steel there are
time 17 05 the presidingofficersir david steel there are
time 17 00 the presidingofficersir david steel there are
time 16 04 the presidingofficersir david steel there are
deputy presiding officers the presidingofficersir david steel this time
time for reflection the presidingofficersir david steel to lead
time for reflection the presidingofficersir david steel to lead
new national qualifications the presidingofficersir david steel we come
british sign language the presidingofficersir david steel we move
powers scotland bill the presidingofficersir david steel we now
time 17 00 the presidingofficersir david steel we now
of jim wallace the presidingofficersir david steel we now
i wanted to say presidingofficerso to conclude i would
agendas referral from the presidingofficersubordinate legislation committee 8th meeting
out as its first presidingofficersupported by mr john swinney
best advantage the deputy presidingofficertapadh leibh a mhaighstir moireasdan
finish my point the presidingofficertechnically the minister is in
public policy the deputy presidingofficerthank you for your brevity
the bill the deputy presidingofficerthank you minister please wind
suffering clerks the deputy presidingofficerthank you very much mr
and independent lives the presidingofficerthat concludes decision time i
john farquhar munro the presidingofficerthat concludes decision time osteoporosis
cannot do that the presidingofficerthat concludes question time michael
that they need the presidingofficerthat concludes question time mr
contact with it the presidingofficerthat ends question time michael
for enterprise the deputy presidingofficerthat is a matter for
for that advice the presidingofficerthat is certainly not a
allow us the deputy presidingofficerthat is not a point
to know the deputy presidingofficerthat is not a point
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerthat is your second conclusion
4063 mr jack mcconnell presidingofficerthat the parliament expresses its
owners are the deputy presidingofficerthat was helpful sarah boyack
in 2001 the deputy presidingofficerthat wis a braw wee
in order the deputy presidingofficerthe chair will not comment
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerthe chamber will come to
corrected thank you deputy presidingofficerthe clg as it is
a point of order presidingofficerthe confusion about what we
support the motion the presidingofficerthe decision on that motion
a point of order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer i
a point of order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer i
a point of order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer i
a point of order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer let
minutes or four minutes presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer let
chamber today in conclusion presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer that
should call some order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer the
out as its first presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer the
a point of order presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer we
time is that right presidingofficerthe deputy presiding officer you
scotland con stood the presidingofficerthe election will proceed in
the uk parliament the presidingofficerthe fifth question is that
publish the report the presidingofficerthe fifth question is that
and other initiatives the presidingofficerthe fifth question is that
and beyond the deputy presidingofficerthe final question is that
and john young the presidingofficerthe final question is that
the uk parliament the presidingofficerthe fourth question is that
of the sector the presidingofficerthe fourth question is that
outstanding issues the deputy presidingofficerthe fourth question is that
been accepted the deputy presidingofficerthe key to the issue
local government committee the presidingofficerthe last question is that
wallace rose the deputy presidingofficerthe member can deal with
on that point the presidingofficerthe member is in her
give way the deputy presidingofficerthe member is in his
are delivering the deputy presidingofficerthe member will remember my
enforced appropriately the deputy presidingofficerthe minister is in his
minister give way the presidingofficerthe minister is winding up
me on the hop presidingofficerthe minister s speech was
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerthe motion is agreed to
for legislative proposals the presidingofficerthe next question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe next question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe next question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe next question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe next question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe next question is that
of the first deputy presidingofficerthe number of votes cast
of the second deputy presidingofficerthe number of votes cast
of the first deputy presidingofficerthe number of votes cast
a point of order presidingofficerthe opposition parties depend on
scott you are right presidingofficerthe parliamentary bureau will reflect
the election of the presidingofficerthe period during which nominations
something nice about you presidingofficerthe presiding officer let us
over the summer the presidingofficerthe question is about lpg
to rural scotland the presidingofficerthe question is about services
angus mackay the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that amendment
my amendment the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that amendment
my amendment the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that amendment
a vote the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that amendment
you applause the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that motion
is important the deputy presidingofficerthe question is that motion
peter peacock the deputy presidingofficerthe question on the motion
could make the deputy presidingofficerthe quicker the better fiona
the agreement of the presidingofficerthe requirement for msps to
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
scotland con the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
scotland snp the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
north lab the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
cunninghame north lab the presidingofficerthe result of the division
scotland con the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
fife snp the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
north lab the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
of scotland con the presidingofficerthe result of the division
margo lothians ind the presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
north lab the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
fife snp the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
central scotland snp the presidingofficerthe result of the division
fife snp the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
robin lothians green the presidingofficerthe result of the division
robin lothians grn the presidingofficerthe result of the division
and berwickshire ld the presidingofficerthe result of the division
margo lothians ind the presidingofficerthe result of the division
nora gordon ld the presidingofficerthe result of the division
north lab the deputy presidingofficerthe result of the division
disagreed to the deputy presidingofficerthe second question is that
sp paper 531 the presidingofficerthe second question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe second question is that
building scotland bill the presidingofficerthe second question is that
motion disagreed to the presidingofficerthe second question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe sixth question is that
rule 6 3a the presidingofficerthe sixth question is that
would be a deputy presidingofficerthe suggestion is not that
agreed to the deputy presidingofficerthe third question is that
under the act the presidingofficerthe third question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe third question is that
amendment disagreed to the presidingofficerthe third question is that
for the position of presidingofficerthe total number of votes
instantly 16 26 the presidingofficerthe voting period in the
only 16 06 the presidingofficerthe voting period is now
ballot 15 51 the presidingofficerthe voting time for this
vote 16 13 the presidingofficerthe voting time for this
be played by the presidingofficerthe wording could be interpreted
a point of order presidingofficerthere appears to be a
legal advisers the deputy presidingofficerthere are different rules for
latter category the deputy presidingofficerthere are still two members
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere is disagreement so there
extremely slowly the deputy presidingofficerthere is no compulsion to
i shall apologise the presidingofficerthere is no need for
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
agreed members no the presidingofficerthere will be a division
members no the deputy presidingofficerthere will be a division
been selected the deputy presidingofficerthere will be an announcement
mcaveety voluntary sector the presidingofficerthis morning s business is
from his responsibilities as presidingofficerto act as the lord
oral questions to the presidingofficerto allow msps to exercise
i therefore invite you presidingofficerto come and have a
rights and instructs the presidingofficerto convey to the disability
rights and instructs the presidingofficerto convey to the disability
rights and instructs the presidingofficerto convey to the disability
parliament calls upon the presidingofficerto express to the scottish
in glasgow invites the presidingofficerto launch an immediate investigation
i appeal to the presidingofficerto recognise the will of
and calls on the presidingofficerto schedule such a debate
the permission of the presidingofficerto speak in the chamber
process and urges the presidingofficerto take up the matter
the election of the presidingofficerto the clerk in the
corporate body and the presidingofficerto the recommendations made by
go back to the presidingofficertomorrow on behalf of the
in stone by the presidingofficertricia marwick i was going
a point of order presidingofficertricia marwick mid scotland and
set down by the presidingofficertricia marwick so that is
to check with the presidingofficertricia marwick yes the convener
a point of order presidingofficertwenty minutes ago i raised
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerunder what conditions and on
one of course the presidingofficerwas handed the poisoned chalice
warm evening and the presidingofficerwas very welcoming bonsoir monsieur
s indulgence the deputy presidingofficerwe are behind time already
a point of order presidingofficerwe are in your hands
my time the deputy presidingofficerwe can be a bit
agreed to the deputy presidingofficerwe come now to amendment
the motion the deputy presidingofficerwe come now to the
conflicts exist the deputy presidingofficerwe come to the closing
take it the deputy presidingofficerwe could hardly judge it
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficerwe have deemed that the
members no the deputy presidingofficerwe have dissent so there
the bill the deputy presidingofficerwe have made good progress
disagreed to the deputy presidingofficerwe have made good speed
silence then the deputy presidingofficerwe have no wish to
members when the deputy presidingofficerwe have to move to
agreed to the deputy presidingofficerwe have up to an
of authorisations the deputy presidingofficerwe move now to amendment
for years the deputy presidingofficerwe move now to the
directed surveillance the deputy presidingofficerwe move to amendment 10
by commissioner the deputy presidingofficerwe move to amendment 63
the issue the deputy presidingofficerwe move to some brief
voluntary sector the deputy presidingofficerwe move to the open
fewer powers the deputy presidingofficerwe move to winding up
section 5 the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
surveillance commissioner the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
section 18 the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
section 1 the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
agreed to the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
and duration the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to amendment
the issue the deputy presidingofficerwe now come to the
remain independent the deputy presidingofficerwe now move to closing
dae that the deputy presidingofficerwe now move to the
sovereign state the deputy presidingofficerwe proceed to winding up
to it the deputy presidingofficerwe will now move to
motion agreed to the presidingofficerwe will now proceed to
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat a independent and b
a point of order presidingofficerwhat amendments have you accepted
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat arrangements the scottish parliamentary
mcleod to ask the presidingofficerwhat budgetary provision has been
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhat capital contracts are currently
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhat capital contracts are currently
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhat capital contracts have been
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat classes of resources there
deacon to ask the presidingofficerwhat consultation there will be
deacon to ask the presidingofficerwhat consultations there will be
russell to ask the presidingofficerwhat criteria are used to
watson to ask the presidingofficerwhat disability awareness training is
the matter the deputy presidingofficerwhat i said earlier to
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhat information the scottish parliamentary
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat internal peer review processes
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhat is the legal status
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat matrix of authority is
davidson to ask the presidingofficerwhat minimum notice periods must
wilson to ask the presidingofficerwhat plans the scottish parliamentary
robison to ask the presidingofficerwhat plans there are for
robison to ask the presidingofficerwhat plans there are for
hamilton to ask the presidingofficerwhat plans there are to
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat project management software is
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat proportion of resources have
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhat proportion of resources have
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhat specialist cladding services were
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhat steps the scottish parliamentary
harding to ask the presidingofficerwhat the costs were of
elder to ask the presidingofficerwhat the full cost is
ingram to ask the presidingofficerwhat the policy of the
brankin to ask the presidingofficerwhat the total cost is
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhat the total cost of
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhat the total value is
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhat use has been made
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhat works packages have still
be considered by the presidingofficerwhen deciding which amendments are
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhen the landscape design contract
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhen the management team of
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhen the mechanical and electrical
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhether a condition of the
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhether all works packages issued
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether an independent inquiry into
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhether any contracts have been
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether any legal action against
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhether embt rmjm ltd provided
watson to ask the presidingofficerwhether epilepsy awareness training is
gorrie to ask the presidingofficerwhether he is satisfied that
cunningham to ask the presidingofficerwhether he will list by
neil to ask the presidingofficerwhether individuals organisations and companies
russell to ask the presidingofficerwhether provision will be made
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether shepherd and wedderburn ws
monteith to ask the presidingofficerwhether the church of scotland
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhether the cost plan allowances
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhether the holyrood project is
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhether the holyrood project team
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhether the members of the
macaskill to ask the presidingofficerwhether the parliament s travel
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhether the project control methodology
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhether the register of members
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
gorrie to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
rumbles to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
mundell to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
macdonald to ask the presidingofficerwhether the scottish parliamentary corporate
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhether the spcb will publish
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhether the value of any
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwhether there has been any
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhich of the works package
gorrie to ask the presidingofficerwhich recruitment agencies the scottish
stevenson to ask the presidingofficerwhich reports generated by the
tosh to ask the presidingofficerwhich works packages still to
i hope that the presidingofficerwhoever that may be will
russell to ask the presidingofficerwhy all the first minister
unfinished of which the presidingofficerwill be delighted no doubt
i hope that the presidingofficerwill be tolerant and allow
the election of the presidingofficerwill commence the nomination period
writing his memoirs the presidingofficerwill no doubt reflect on
can see that the presidingofficerwill not allow me to
members who like the presidingofficerwill retire from parliament before
i know that the presidingofficerwill rule me oot o
of the parliament the presidingofficerwill suspend the meeting for
for the position of presidingofficerwill take place at 2
the positions of deputy presidingofficerwill take place in the
sure that the deputy presidingofficerwill take this matter forward
the appointment because the presidingofficerwill tick me off the
a point of order presidingofficerwill you share the advice
of the parliament the presidingofficerwishes to announce that subject
bearsden by elections the presidingofficerwishes to make the following
to 18 june the presidingofficerwishes to notify members that
to have had a presidingofficerwith international experience and international
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwith regard to paragraph 17
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwith regard to paragraph 20
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwith regard to paragraph 22
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwith regard to paragraph 22
ewing to ask the presidingofficerwith regard to paragraph 25
harper to ask the presidingofficerwith respect to the design
lead committee or the presidingofficerwith the minister for parliament
the job of the presidingofficerwould actually entail or about
wishing to speak the presidingofficerwould find it helpful if
a point of order presidingofficerwould it be possible for
in the chamber the presidingofficerwould normally give a warning
a point of order presidingofficerwould you be minded to
a point of order presidingofficerwould you rule on whether
will not the deputy presidingofficeryou actually have about two
accept that the deputy presidingofficeryou are eating into your
presiding officer the deputy presidingofficeryou are indeed you must
the executive the deputy presidingofficeryou are misquoting me mr
i may say so presidingofficeryou are wearing a rather
restate it the deputy presidingofficeryou asked for that mr
mention pensions the deputy presidingofficeryou do not have a
detail now the deputy presidingofficeryou do not have time
finish soon the deputy presidingofficeryou have about 20 seconds
of time the deputy presidingofficeryou have five minutes mr
the first minister said presidingofficeryou have given outstanding service
of voters the deputy presidingofficeryou have one minute mrs
has been withdrawn the presidingofficeryou have pre empted me
the form the deputy presidingofficeryou must wind up mr
ettrick and lauderdale ld presidingofficeryou should turn a deaf
significant role to play presidingofficeryou will be relieved to
a well educated man presidingofficeryou will remember that in
aileen keel deputy chief medicalofficer3 proposed contingent liability the
3 provides that an authorisingofficers deputy is under an
sir david carter chief medicialofficerscottish executive health department on
mmr to the chief medicalofficerafter the evidence session on
constable the chief environmental healthofficerand others they would all
report by the chief medicalofficerat the department of health
schedule including the chief medicalofficerchief dental officer hm chief
report by the chief nursingofficerfor scotland s group on
smoking by the chief medicalofficerfor scotland s1w 1113 donald
page from the chief medicalofficerfor scotland who states i
chief medical officer chief dentalofficerhm chief inspector of constabulary
who is the chief pharmacyofficerin the scottish executive and
review by the chief medicalofficeron the mapping of the
advice of the chief nursingofficerpoint 29 of the report
report of the chief nursingofficers group on free nursing
to this debate chief medicalofficers report 1999 health in
now the craignelder hotel chiefofficershirley duckels lived in nearby
a asks the chief medicalofficerto come to parliament to
a asks the chief medicalofficerto come to parliament to
it expects the chief medicalofficerto conclude the work on
throughout scotland the chief nursingofficerundertook the task of considering
van der kuyl chief executiveofficervis entertainment tom hunter entrepreneur
mac armstrong the chief medicalofficerwhich contained a series of
medical officer that responsible medicalofficerf any curator ad litem
specified person s responsible medicalofficermalcolm chisholm 60 in section
carers and the responsible medicalofficermr adam ingram 153 in
may be that responsible medicalofficermrs mary mulligan 184 in
period that the responsible medicalofficerproposes to specify in the
and b the responsible medicalofficers reasons for proposing to
and b the responsible medicalofficers reasons for revoking the
and c the responsible medicalofficers reasons for specifying those
from hospital the responsible medicalofficershall not revoke the certificate
patient has a responsible medicalofficerthat responsible medical officer f
patient had a responsible medicalofficerthe person appointed under subsection
media officer it specialist financialofficeradministrative staff information officer and
information manager rosemary everett educationofficeralan mcclosky assistant education officer
buildings adviser business manager grantsofficerand a revenue officer the
financial officer administrative staff informationofficerand research project based staffed
officer of the body theofficeras well as the body
about to appoint a gaelicofficerbut will appoint no officer
officer but will appoint noofficerfor any other language the
such as legal officer mediaofficerit specialist financial officer administrative
officer alan mcclosky assistant educationofficerjackie speirs visitor centre manager
marie o neill finance communicationsofficerjim reville project officer official
staff required such as legalofficermedia officer it specialist financial
result of neglect by anofficerof the body the officer
communications officer jim reville projectofficerofficial communications vicky o donnell
grants officer and a revenueofficerthe city of edinburgh council
bowling green road while radioofficerdavid broadfoot resided round the
and david bookbinder the policyofficerfor the scottish federation of
estate david howell national strategyofficerscottish natural heritage professor alan
submitted and that the boardofficerwas instructed to call on
crime prevention dept and anofficerwill call and advise you
the point about the authorisingofficerbeing the person who triggers
reminded that amendments to lawofficerappointments may be moved without
fill the post of youthofficervera trinder order [censored: forename] [censored: surname]
forward please called the courtofficerthe drunk beside john jolted
coming in with dogs anofficercan question whether they should
will ask the crime preventionofficerfor a section for the
kay mccorquodale senior principal legalofficeri ask you to make
and rank of the authorisingofficeri therefore ask mr gallie
park prior to this anofficergroup comprising staff members from
bill from john deighan parliamentaryofficercatholic church in scotland mary
thain who is the parliamentaryofficeri am delighted that you
businesses john downie scottish parliamentaryofficerjohn millward managing partner fraser
claire o neill parliamentary documentationofficerjonathan elliott document supply manager
conclusion it means the parliamentaryofficerof say the road haulage
wider for example the parliamentaryofficerof shelter deals with a
that organisation employs a parliamentaryofficerthat person should be registered
the front door the secondofficercleared his throat and flicked
ferry fortunate too was secondofficerleslie unsworth transferred to another
four crewmen under the secondofficerwas sent to close them
calm stay logical the prisonofficernext the ones that aren
council ray de souza principalofficeraddictions and hiv edinburgh city
stirling council richard barron accessofficerdonald balsillie countryside service manager
we took evidence from anofficerfrom glasgow city council i
ann hamilton principal policy developmentofficerglasgow city council councillor james
f950: he s a councilofficerhe s a- at the
morag anna macleod gaelic developmentofficerhighland council c llr helen
council has been the principalofficerinvolved through the homelessness task
maria lucia macconnachie senior educationofficerscottish borders council councillors councillor
and sarah o neill legalofficerscottish consumer council 4 budget
sarah o neill legal advisoryofficerscottish consumer council hugh love
to the south ayrshire councilofficerwho faxed me yesterday to
bob kerr is sports developmentofficerwith shetland islands council he
s secretary and its monitoringofficeran interesting title mr smith
today and the principal accountingofficeri welcome you mr russell
sheriff i m afraid theofficers voice trailed off mr
c 46 or as anofficerto assist a prosecutor mr
respective areas the senior educationofficerfor marr 30 11 98
a full time dedicated allotmentofficerand no local authority has
by the time an investigatingofficerhas tracked down a senior
has tracked down a seniorofficerto obtain authority to approve
inspector and brian henaghan staffofficer5 petition the committee will
will be given to churchofficerbouquets are ordered for artists
prospective attendance will consult churchofficeretc about prospect of using
will we have a scotsofficerfor the parliament despite assurances
will mother hen matron deputeofficerin charge what s in
a mission tonight but theofficerin charge will not tell
will provide that an authorisedofficeror a constable may issue
risk rests with the authorisingofficerso a disclosure will not
it is unlikely that anofficerwill just come across such
we now have a gaelicofficerfor the scottish parliament which
now erm as the schoolsofficeri ve been to erm
managed to persuade a japaneseofficerto part with it now
finance brenda campbell financial policyofficer3 community care and health
to a relevant mental healthofficera in subsection 1 above
are to a mental healthofficerappointed by the local authority
are to a mental healthofficerappointed by the local authority
obtained from a mental healthofficergive notice in accordance with
[censored: surname] said an environmental healthofficerhad called at his flat
b that the mental healthofficeris unable to obtain the
by a relevant mental healthofficers evidence on oath a
to the particular environmental healthofficertogether with the complainants to
certificate d the mental healthofficerwho was consulted under section
and d the mental healthofficerwho was consulted under section
insert and the mental healthofficerwho was consulted under section
unusual title i am returningofficerfor about 11 msps as
if the member were anofficer5 if an offence committed
director deborah burns property registerofficer7 recent consultations the committee
wee chum explained the policeofficeralmost apologetically a little awed
liaison i m the schoolsofficerand james is the editor
corbett who is the policyofficerand michael thain who is
and swearing at the supervisingofficerand uttering threats and so
each of them a courtofficerapproached the public gallery and
the side door a courtofficerarrived only just in time
[censored: surname] i m the lifeboatofficerat the glasgow humane society
i was the national developmentofficerat the time on that
to ensure that the authorisedofficerattempts to issue the fixed
one himself then the exciseofficerbrought him the two things
required to appoint a monitoringofficerby section 5 of the
new scuil wab from outreachofficerchris robinson the wark tae
japanese prisoners who were theofficerclass m608: mm m636: cause
surprisingly the young russian customsofficerdidn t give him too
crown agent is the accountableofficerfor all the spend within
scotland the new uk lawofficerfor scotland see section d
alan mckeown the housing developmentofficerfor the convention of scottish
shall also be the informationofficerfor the purposes of this
legal services or a legalofficerfrom passing the relevant papers
the cock o the northofficerin charge big charlie matron
he said i phone theofficerin charge couldn t you
door i ve rung theofficerin charge he said to
can t you ring theofficerin charge i asked aye
only the night man theofficerin charge ll sort ye
bring a grilling from theofficerin charge the police my
or scribble or with theofficerin charge when he condescends
animated discussion with the customsofficerin russian and so after
the 1980s i was anofficerin stirling we had good
ma man is a hieofficerin the gaird at the
thare an ah wes anofficerin the same brigade to
the part of the authorisingofficeris it likely that that
and d where the accountableofficeris not the commissioner the
a duty where the accountableofficeris required to act in
not because a certain professionalofficeris the leader but because
management and the customs exciseofficerit was traditional that the
the tyme ye quat itofficerit wes an even thing
and stuart drummond law reformofficerlaw society of scotland the
education service s creative linksofficermanaged the overall project co
that is because a policeofficermay well take the view
guilty of the offence 3officermeans a director manager secretary
to the search a policeofficermight not have the specialist
less than half a policeofficermore than when the conservatives
o the central mart anofficero the united free kirk
this act 3 the informationofficerof each authority is to
the honorary secretary and monitoringofficerof the association of registrars
[censored: surname] i m the lifeboatofficerof the glasgow humane society
a different and less anglicisedofficerof the university eit eat
joint inspections getting the fireofficeron board to do an
l no be a singilofficeror sojer in the toun
that surveillance unless the authorisingofficerperceives a significant risk in
that surveillance unless the authorisingofficerperceives a significant risk in
ve tae dress fur theofficers mess an the uniform
the reasoned presentation of anofficers own views the governor
bars on the windows theofficersaid that because the rules
dr peter collings principal financeofficerscottish executive on the report
1989 c 42 the monitoringofficershall also be the information
lord advocate the senior lawofficersolicitor general for scotland these
an interview with a kgbofficersounds like the black farce
the shetland arts trust craftofficersourced materials gave technical support
class room with the prisonofficerstrategically placed between him and
but was told by theofficerthat it would be forwarded
in court roared the courtofficerthe drunk hiccuped and wiped
andy o neill cosla policyofficerthe meeting adjourned at 10
duin ma cuisin weil duinofficerthe re mair ti tell
more able than a policeofficerto assess the significance of
police who was the lastofficerto be murdered on duty
it intends to appoint anofficerto promote the development of
is treated dependent on whichofficerturns up hector currie the
love match the navy blueofficerwalking out of the ultramarine
rescue two of them pettyofficerwarren dived into the sea
ye go tae sheriffmuir theofficerwho reputedly died for the
in her class the prisonofficerwho supervises it and the
the post o jynt educationofficerwi the sld an the
the autumn the crime preventionofficerwould be invited to a
the individual concerned the authorisingofficerwould be told to review
the process perhaps the authorisingofficerwould take that action quite
first wherever possible an enforcementofficershould attempt to hand or
staff includes an urban designofficerconservation architect buildings adviser business
morning that a twentieth policeofficeradmitted to casualty last night
falsely given to an enforcementofficerby allowing him or her
to a replace all sheriffofficercommissions and b ensure that
to be a sports developmentofficerin an island where sport
leave out from procurator toofficerin line 7 and insert
year was thorough as anofficerit is unsatisfying to go
to apply to a rentofficerto have their rent fixed
person authorised by such anofficerto search for or catch
address to a local authorityofficerwhen requested to do so
withdrawn currently only an authorisedofficerwould be able to withdraw
banquo maun shuirlie been disjaskitofficernae mair dounkuist war they
been issued by an authorisedofficersimilarly only a constable could
have worked as a deskofficerand as an individual official
with attendants enter a woundedofficerduncan what bluidie man is
of section 15 an authorisedofficeris any person who is
end insert except that noofficerprovided as is mentioned in
are set by a rentofficerthat provision is not general
there is another secret serviceofficerthere and his job is
is it likely that thatofficerwould refer himself or herself
was in a place andofficerum [?]crogrammes[/?] and there was
regarding assaults upon a policeofficerhow many such reports were
or employees as its informationofficer2 where a scottish public
doctor a scottish doctor anofficera porter an old man
scottish executive heather aitken policyofficerlocal government constitution and governance
of a creditor or anofficerof court on his behalf

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