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i thank the minister andofficialsfor attending the committee and
and community care and theirofficialsfor attending the committee budget
thank malcolm chisholm and hisofficialsfor attending the committee subordinate
side ie political ministers administrativeofficialscivil servants may perhaps over
administrative machine of ministries andofficialssee the entries for scottish
groups of administrative and professionalofficialswho have the expertise and
regular contact with uk governmentofficialsand we have the opportunity
i have ensured that ourofficialsare in regular contact with
first minister mr jack mcconnellofficialsare in regular contact with
his point very well ourofficialsare in regular contact with
representatives these are usually seniorofficialsfrom their respective ministries of
council to send senior educationofficialson a 1 800 overnight
city international and his seniorofficialswere present and whether it
a water emergency the seniorofficialswho handled that area of
was contact with health departmentofficialsbut that was based on
direct contact with audit scotlandofficialsin advance of the next
tasked the clerk to contactofficialsin the scottish executive for
executive and i believe thatofficialsthere have been in contact
gray group director and otherofficialsdepartment of social security susan
committee will take evidence fromofficialsfrom the department of enterprise
health department the oft visitedofficialsin the department for a
which probably includes ourselves andofficialsin the development department has
also like to thank theofficialsin the justice department who
financial administration lifelong learning departmentofficialsmr graeme donald assistant director
june 2001 when health departmentofficialswill report on their discussions
cropscience ltd and when aofficialsand b ministers were advised
issued to ministers and theirofficialsand if so what these
whether the executive is meetingofficialsand ministers at westminster to
the confidentiality of exchanges betweenofficialsand ministers concerning policy advice
necessary to scrutinise exchanges betweenofficialsand ministers on policy issues
place between ministers and orofficialsand the eu over the
parliament and its committees iiofficialsare accountable to ministers and
ministers to restrict angling effortofficialsfrom the salmon freshwater fisheries
been made for ministers andofficialsfrom the scottish executive to
been made for ministers andofficialsfrom the scottish executive to
the relationships its ministers andofficialshave in connection with the
trumpeted by education ministers andofficialsin circular 2 2001 that
deal with a ministers andofficialsof her majesty s government
are available to ministers andofficialsr s1w 3626 david mundell
of travel by ministers andofficialsto meetings and use of
them do the ministers orofficialswish to make an opening
have already had discussions withofficialsfrom the city of edinburgh
effect that he seeks executiveofficialshave already had discussions with
thank the minister and hisofficialsfor all their assistance both
thank the committee clerks andofficialsfor their co operation in
thank the minister and hisofficialstommy sheridan and mike dailly
deputy rhona brankin and theirofficialsfor their assistance before we
the assistance of scottish executiveofficialsis gratefully acknowledged arrangement of
the local roads network theofficialsdo not seem to understand
will all be lost theofficialsdo not seem to understand
understand the constraints upon theofficialsrobert brown glasgow ld i
robust analysis that i understandofficialswill make of the oft
or so i understand thatofficialswill meet with representatives of
for pharmaceutical care in scotlandofficialsand i have met stakeholders
on how many occasions itsofficialshave met members of moray
executive when it last metofficialsof the national union of
go through the westminster processofficialshave agreed with home office
from the following scottish executiveofficialsjames logie solicitor s office
from the following scottish executiveofficialsmurray sinclair solicitor s office
have agreed with home officeofficialsto amend our scottish schedule
competitors at that scottish officeofficialswanted to fight to get
take evidence from scottish executiveofficials2 negative instruments the committee
will take evidence from executiveofficialsdavid dickson mary bradley leslie
committee will take evidence fromofficialsfrom the scottish executive environment
will take evidence from executiveofficialson the executive s intended
will take evidence from executiveofficialson the executive s intended
referral we have invited executiveofficialsto give evidence on the
to meet with european commissionofficialsand discuss maritime transport in
a range of issues myofficialsand i meet the disability
i are due to meetofficialsfrom the other departments on
learning to meet trade unionofficialslocal councillors msps and other
from the following scottish executiveofficialsdavid ford branch head fisheries
from the following scottish executiveofficialspaul parr bill team leader
from the following scottish executiveofficialsthea teale head of community
process has been driven byofficialswho have been following an
deputy minister for rural affairsofficialsfrom the food standards agency
with the deputy first ministerofficialsof the scottish executive and
his new deputy and byofficialswe are expected to report
an urgent meeting with executiveofficialsand sought information on definitions
the scottish executive how manyofficialsand what budget have been
support in that endeavour executiveofficialsare meeting the company at
need to recognise as executiveofficialsdid to their credit when
committee are discussing proposals withofficialsfrom the scottish executive we
understanding by questioning the executiveofficialsi will come back to
the clerk to work withofficialsin the executive to implement
team to discuss with executiveofficialspossible procedures which the committee
were under way scottish executiveofficialspressed for and gained agreement
has been suggested by executiveofficialsthat the scottish executive is
the executive has not sentofficialsto any working party on
the scottish executive has sentofficialsto seven meetings or working
answers from the scottish executiveofficialsto some of our questions
one of the scottish executiveofficialsto the social justice committee
concerned which is why executiveofficialswere in aberdeen last week
minister for justice and hisofficialsas usual committee members have
the minister and all hisofficialsfor participating in this morning
also welcome the minister sofficialsi make it clear that
minister for transport and herofficialson the vital importance of
i pointed that out toofficialsthey said that the minister
to the minister and herofficialswas what is the rural
the minister confirm whether theofficialswho are sitting at the
disclosures by north lanarkshire councilofficialsat the weekend that the
can be nominated by councilofficialsbut a constable must withdraw
design work of local councilofficialsenables them to keep expertise
an assurance from him thatofficialsfrom western isles council will
previous explanation given by itsofficialsto north ayrshire council s1w
between fire masters and councilofficialsyou have just mentioned an
present are a number ofofficialsfrom the food standards agency
robertson and some of theofficialswho are present here today
question that i asked myofficialsthe answer is technical and
scotland and i have askedofficialsto prepare plans for how
particularly good i asked myofficialsto speak to the primary
social inclusion network comprises governmentofficialsand representatives of the various
many central and local governmentofficialsregard the voluntary sector as
regulation and guidance represents governmentofficialsshould not issue guidance on
we should recognise local governmentofficialsvalue and their contribution my
the integrity of local governmentofficialswe should remember that local
so some teachers councillors educationofficialsand head teachers have said
of the meeting between itsofficialsnational air traffic services the
into fees the researchers andofficialshad a valuable meeting with
have had our meeting withofficialsin the other departments and
services peter peacock and hisofficialsand keith harding who is
year and have spoken toofficialsand to community volunteers who
rural development ross finnie andofficialsincluding derek feeley who is
who will haggle with otherofficialsthe sensible arrangement is to
bring in some of theofficialswho have been more closely
from the fact that theofficialswho have considered a proposal
period was hmi and theofficialswho i presume continued to
a new mezzanine floor ofofficialswho will haggle with other
extend an invitation to theofficialswitnesses and so on who
kingdom bodies and local authorityofficialsand agrees that the relevant
resource implications prevent planning authorityofficialsfrom informing msps representing constituencies
2002 what access planning authorityofficialshave to the scottish parliament
that i have read fromofficialswe are trying to concentrate
of the members clerks andofficialsof the justice and home
those issues about which myofficialshave been in touch with
and young people and herofficialsto do so in local
not an issue for theofficialsit is an issue for
be a matter for treasuryofficialsthe convener is it agreed
march and in later lettersofficialsand politicians have not given
is a short debate theofficialsdo not appear to have
commended on that approach myofficialshave provided the committee with
much time he or hisofficialshave spent at each prison
and whether any of itsofficialshave written authorisations to lodge
and it follows that whileofficialscan provide committees with factual
particular problems with getting coachesofficialsreferees and so on i
scotland s less favoured areasofficialswill work with the industry
were performed by the 24officialswith responsibilities relating to the
has not issued instructions toofficialsabout whether the practice of
sure whether any of theofficialsknow about the situation before
is in terms of councillorsofficialsand other members of the
man and some other startledofficialsto down half drunk cups
by returning officers and theirofficialsin respect of the requirements
that period to question ourofficialsclosely about the rigour and
makers including elected members andofficialsreceive full and accurate reports
old enough the man womanofficialswere laughing because its so
by ministerial authorisation or byofficialsacting within immigration laws or
by ministerial authorisation or byofficialsacting within immigration laws or
them by the uk commissionofficialsadvised that the directive allowed
a half day consultation byofficialsit was not about going
that the mental welfare commissionofficialsshould be used by the
authorities to provide the informationofficialscan come clean about some
maladministration should we call theofficialscommissioners ombudsmen or something else
suggesting that we start takingofficialsand bits and pieces out
hiatus in glasgow when theofficialsand the fire master could
and external affairs or ofofficialsfor it i am asking
nothing terrifying and the customsofficialswere pleasant two of the
were issued in may 2000officialsresponded to 433 tender inquiries
neebors be yallin an cooncilofficialsaa swaarmin aroond so here
be separate so far asofficialsgo however it looks as
be rather strange perhaps theofficialsgot mixed up when drafting
time of voluntary groups paidofficialsis spent scrabbling around for
develop further support materials forofficialsthe improvement in conditions for
arrange for all four matchofficialsto give post match press
possibly even as an enemyofficialsdo not like the fact

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