See this word as a collocate cloud
the poust ti be hysted | ontil | the sorrit horss an it |
stook aye tae bennachie forkin | ontil | e cairt or ontil e |
forkin ontil e cairt or | ontil | e rucks in e cornyard |
littil postern door that opent | ontil | sum nairrae steps that gaed |
say nocht ti the faimilie | ontil | thai cuid furm a consait |
and biggin intil glitterin stooks | ontil | i clatterin combine chased aabody |
ti rin fir life itsel | ontil | i stooks stood sillered leeful |
oniegates it wuidna be explened | ontil | the morn s morn sae |
cairrit the deid queen back | ontil | hir ship an sent it |
no hyst the auld wutch | ontil | his back but he cairrit |
the bluid sae it dreipit | ontil | the eiss whaur it steyed |
yae seturday day nicht gittin | ontil | bert nichol s bus anenst |
skowth ti tel hir thrain | ontil | thai wes weill setified at |
herbour bar twis washed back | ontil | the shore bit aa its |
micht hae gane awa back | ontil | the hill tae the sheep |
yetts an barnekins thai trauchilt | ontil | the ful vyow o the |
gowd through lang licht nichts | ontil | i corn wis ready fir |
the morn he wes liftit | ontil | a wain an out harled |
the mirk testin ilk wattir | ontil | he wes shair at he |
thocht o sic boits flaitin | ontil | thair strauns sae thai telt |
a whyllie an tak ludgins | ontil | aither the guidwyfe wes better |
rab raxt his haund roun | ontil | his back in the waesum |
vehikil grun inti the gavel | ontil | it brocht doun the hale |
hiz dug wes flang out | ontil | the grun whan he wun |
haund is ee gaed doun | ontil | the main road yonner it |
thrang aince tho he cam | ontil | the rink an no bein |
be yibbils ti sei m | ontil | the nixt veisitin day ane |
wes walcummed up the brig | ontil | the glissin blak buccar it |
wi a happ ower him | ontil | a wey cuid be fand |
the richt lenths fur furein | ontil | teugs aince the stane an |
i wis left my lane | ontil | ae nicht a tread on |
gangril wes gien the pig | ontil | his back an awa he |
lik an out spittin flaesoks | ontil | the hairth the barr wes |
seids thair shaddaes wes kest | ontil | the steikit winnok hingers bi |
communities tae access an haud | ontil | their community leid 29 102 |
the burds hed taur pentit | ontil | the howes o thair feit |
telt the lad ti byde | ontil | the transport cam ower the |
set oot she wisna back | ontil | december her doctor bizzed thon |
thaim aff the schep an | ontil | the kie whaur a beddal |
thocht nae mair o d | ontil | he retoured a fyow days |
ken ye r a truphane | ontil | eftir ye hae fugiet wi |
ken the vaill o drink | ontil | ye r deprivat aye a |
befawn syne he hystit hir | ontil | his horse ahint him an |
gairdens an a pleasance openin | ontil | a lang streitch o hether |
fozie bie the bizzin incressit | ontil | wi a roush an a |