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and exclusion and close theopportunitygap 2 business motion euan
its inability to close theopportunitygap agrees that the lack
raising attainment and closing theopportunitygap and supports the executive
raising attainment and closing theopportunitygap and supports the executive
the debate around closing theopportunitygap because social justice has
and exclusion and close theopportunitygap bill aitken moved amendment
and carers and end theopportunitygap for carers older people
the wind to close theopportunitygap for older people and
margaret curran on closing theopportunitygap for older people and
curran s motion on theopportunitygap for older people be
margaret curran on closing theopportunitygap for older people be
margaret curran on closing theopportunitygap for older people be
executive debate on closing theopportunitygap for older people for
today we are debating theopportunitygap for older people i
have begun to close theopportunitygap for older people if
serious debate about closing theopportunitygap for older people if
march 2003 debates closing theopportunitygap for older people motion
homes we are closing theopportunitygap for older people not
ms margaret curran closing theopportunitygap for older people that
at 09 30 closing theopportunitygap for older people the
in the forthcoming budget theopportunitygap for older people would
s commitment to close theopportunitygap for scotland s older
s commitment to close theopportunitygap for scotland s older
s commitment to close theopportunitygap for scotland s older
is committed to closing theopportunitygap however although some worth
best way to close theopportunitygap is to offer vulnerable
that we can close theopportunitygap many schools have used
of older people and myopportunitygap may well deteriorate in
its determination to close theopportunitygap often as i have
that makes to closing theopportunitygap on another front if
debate is about closing theopportunitygap one way of doing
to it what is theopportunitygap people are prevented from
are contributing to closing theopportunitygap s1o 6471 9 brian
notes the document closing theopportunitygap scottish budget for 2003
welcomes the document closing theopportunitygap scottish budget for 2003
our determination to close theopportunitygap so that those who
is working to close theopportunitygap that exists for so
scottish ministers 6 closing theopportunitygap the minister for social
which is about closing theopportunitygap the scottish parliament is
justice and to bridge theopportunitygap we promote citizen focused
this problem at the earliestopportunity6 question time questions were
to provide at the earliestopportunitya full report to the
measure at the earliest possibleopportunityben wallace north east scotland
with recommendations at the earliestopportunityfor consideration by the parliament
with recommendations at the earliestopportunityfor consideration by the parliament
be implemented at the earliestopportunityirene oldfather dennis canavan raises
instrument at the earliest possibleopportunityit was put on our
for scotland at the earliestopportunitylodged on 1 june 1999
the a75 at the earliestopportunitype452 petition by mr james
the parliament at the earliestopportunitysupported by mrs margaret ewing
implement legislation at the earliestopportunityto alleviate the nuisance caused
concerned at the earliest possibleopportunitywe of course had a
hmo licensing offers us anopportunityand a mechanism to deal
which it offers not onlyopportunitybut danger it provides the
a lesson offers the bestopportunityfor explicit teaching of techniques
supporting people programme offers theopportunityfor that and provision has
other renewable technologies offers anopportunityfor the creation of manufacturing
fifth stanza which offers anopportunitynot only to her fictional
schools the census offers anopportunitythat is too important to
scottish parliament offers a uniqueopportunityto collect information which can
agency approach offers the bestopportunityto facilitate a permanent solution
the bill offers a goodopportunityto include such provision with
every pupil has equality ofopportunityand access to every possible
discrimination to promote equality ofopportunityand good relations between persons
amsterdam now makes equality ofopportunitybetween men and women one
comprehensive principle of equality ofopportunitybut are opened up to
will contribute to equality ofopportunitybut we cannot consider equality
the curriculum supporting equality ofopportunityenabling and promoting a high
is committed to equality ofopportunityfor all and that of
as sexual harassment equality ofopportunityfor men and women was
harper s1m 366 equality ofopportunityfor people with hearing impairment
366 cathy jamieson equality ofopportunityfor people with hearing impairment
social inclusion and equality ofopportunityfor these groups supported by
taken to promote equality ofopportunityin the fields of education
can better secure equality ofopportunitythe main parts of that
ensure equality of access andopportunitythrough the bill but we
the report was a missedopportunityalthough the report says that
choose their landlord has anopportunitybeen missed in that tenants
this report is a missedopportunityfor the less well off
it is outrageous that thatopportunityhas been missed you asked
the 2001 census as anopportunitymissed as weel as scots
the 2001 census as anopportunitymissed as well as using
t happen so a missedopportunitypossibly ehm so as you
bill unworkable or has theopportunityto improve it been missed
to this stage a usefulopportunitywas missed let us remember
described as linguistic cousins anopportunitywas missed to study whether
because it gives me anopportunityto clarify the current position
eadie that gives me theopportunityto congratulate you on the
because it gives us anopportunityto debate several important issues
the bill gives us anopportunityto encourage local authorities through
cover that gives us anopportunityto examine the modernising government
gives the scottish executive anopportunityto highlight the languages and
the initiative gives people theopportunityto improve their understanding of
as it gives me theopportunityto raise some key issues
by his department gives anopportunityto review not only the
curriculum gives the teacher theopportunityto revise and apply oral
question gives me a pleasurableopportunityto say that perhaps the
the bill gives us anopportunityto say to building companies
2001 which gives people theopportunityto visit and explore for
before but this is anopportunityto comment and to make
provide a full and inclusiveopportunityto comment on the development
provide a full and inclusiveopportunityto comment on the development
am happy to have theopportunityto comment on the draft
year members have had anopportunityto comment on the matter
late and offer him theopportunityto comment on the paper
hotels may have had theopportunityto comment on the proposed
and the public given anopportunityto comment these arrangements are
bill but we have theopportunityto make our comment we
that we will have ampleopportunityin another context to discuss
as today s provide theopportunityto discuss and examine the
would like to have theopportunityto discuss it at our
the scottish parliament its firstopportunityto discuss osteoporosis i hope
position and to offer theopportunityto discuss saving and transitional
second language and having theopportunityto discuss similarities and differences
previous fisheries minister had theopportunityto discuss that report with
finance committee should have anopportunityto discuss the issues on
meeting will give us anopportunityto discuss the matter if
time we have had theopportunityto discuss the scots language
when i will take theopportunityto discuss with her the
attend will she take theopportunityto discuss with the danish
are pleased to have theopportunityto discuss with you the
but danger it provides theopportunityfor broader communications ease of
theatre now provides the onlyopportunityfor hearing the scots language
particular that provides a greatopportunityfor you to get involved
census provides us with anopportunityto collect information about every
the scottish parliament provides anopportunityto create something new scottish
public service obligations provides anopportunityto ensure that the specified
public service obligations provides anopportunityto ensure that the specified
the process also provides theopportunityto showcase best practice in
pensioners without which talk ofopportunitymeans nothing older people need
depriving older people of realopportunitypensioners need to keep the
to give older people theopportunityto get back into work
it slightly i welcome thisopportunitybecause it is the first
as this i welcome theopportunityfor acpos to say at
and hard i welcome theopportunityfor builders architects and designers
rhona brankin i welcome thisopportunityfor early dialogue with the
authorities we also welcome theopportunityfor private sector verification to
on it we welcome theopportunityof a ministerial statement a
welcome the debate and theopportunityonce again to pledge scottish
pollok lab i welcome theopportunityto contribute to the debate
scottish conservatives welcome today sopportunityto debate and highlight the
west lab i welcome theopportunityto debate the census not
the debate i welcome theopportunityto debate the social justice
jim wallace i welcome theopportunityto have this debate and
susan deacon i welcome thisopportunityto set out to parliament
kilsyth lab i welcome theopportunityto speak in support of
of scotland i welcome thisopportunityto speak to this committee
bute ld i welcome theopportunityto support the executive in
english although i welcome theopportunityto use gaelic i will
it is giving to buildingopportunityand capacity for participation by
for giving the parliament thisopportunityand for having the courage
four hours is giving ampleopportunityfor assistance to reach her
renewable energy by giving theopportunityfor communities to purchase land
disappointing 6 giving students theopportunityto explore the wonders of
and giving young people anopportunityto put forward their opinions
lauderdale for giving me theopportunityto serve in this historic
ewing for giving me theopportunityto speak on this subject
committee for giving us theopportunityto speak to you today
convener for giving me thisopportunitywith your indulgence i would
given us stability and anopportunityfor this young parliament to
if he is given theopportunityhe will be an excellent
days a week given theopportunityi read with interest the
football league are given theopportunityof promotion to the scottish
football league are given theopportunityof promotion to the scottish
1945 congregation was given theopportunityof voting on women elders
amazed that when given theopportunityordinary people can make real
not have given them moreopportunitythan we have tried to
represented on sportscotland given theopportunitythat the two present vacancies
information or be given theopportunityto access it the information
scotland must be given theopportunityto approve any such treaty
midwives and given them theopportunityto be involved in shaping
visitscotland was not given anyopportunityto consider any scheme other
he has given us theopportunityto debate these issues i
that we are given theopportunityto decide how european decisions
bill will we have theopportunityto delete that list given
aberdeen 1955 congregation given theopportunityto go to montrose to
copy and is given anopportunityto make representations on it
management they were given theopportunityto meet with david bisset
of 16 are given theopportunityto obtain qualifications that are
made accepted given that anopportunityto pay without prosecution will
deaf should be given everyopportunityto realise their full potential
has given us all theopportunityto recognise the massive contribution
neil has given me theopportunityto respond on that matter
we have given ourselves theopportunityto understand our multi ethnic
that has given us theopportunitytoday to finish the debate
under threat however given anopportunitywe would be prepared to
create wealth and provide economicopportunityand security for all which
cross party groups provide anopportunityfor msps individuals and external
the need to provide anopportunityfor objections to be made
of remploy to provide moreopportunityfor people working in their
s3 may also provide theopportunityfor some pupils to begin
legislation which would provide anopportunityfor those who find themselves
it would also provide anopportunityfor us to bring this
of languages will provide anopportunityfor us to celebrate language
they provide students with theopportunityto make mistakes exactly the
should want to have moreopportunityto provide signing so that
in england has offered theopportunityto provide tailored services on
scottish executive should take thisopportunityto provide the islands with
significant first there is anopportunityto provide trickle down compensation
we are not a grandstandingopportunitywe should provide recourse for
been great to have thisopportunityand i thank the presiding
lab thank you for theopportunityto address the committee i
we thank you for theopportunityto address the justice and
time thank you for theopportunityto be here today and
thank david mundell for thisopportunityto celebrate burns it is
thank all concerned for theopportunityto have the debate and
thank the parliament for theopportunityto make the statement i
thank the committee for theopportunityto present evidence on a
roberts may we take thisopportunityto say a big thank
scotland i will take thisopportunityto thank the committee and
with indeed i take thisopportunityto thank the minister and
glasgow snp i take thisopportunityto thank winnie ewing for
me that we have anopportunitynot only to address the
reluctant to take up theopportunitythat should address the gender
the clerk offered us theopportunityto address concerns that have
the scottish retail consortium theopportunityto address members today the
the minister will use thatopportunityto address some of the
exist if we have theopportunityto address that deficiency by
is the minister s firstopportunityto address the committee and
i am grateful for thisopportunityto address the committee i
important in a debate aboutopportunitygaps it is vital that
the parliament will have anopportunitynext week to debate any
elected meps should have theopportunityto debate and vote on
are delighted to have theopportunityto debate the future of
and that we have theopportunityto debate the important issues
this has been the firstopportunityto debate the issue in
the parliamentary bureau for theopportunityto debate the issue of
scottish parliament has had anopportunityto debate the issue westminster
we will also have theopportunityto debate the matter further
scottish parliament will have anopportunityto debate the proposed amendments
parliament will have a furtheropportunityto debate those measures when
see this debate as anopportunityto promote many of the
that the debate provided anopportunityto raise such pertinent questions
i am grateful for theopportunityto speak in the debate
today however members have anopportunitybetween now and the final
in february today is anopportunityfor all msps who are
of today create a newopportunityfor cultural tourism establishing executive
today we have a goldenopportunityfor the executive and the
believe that we have anopportunityhere not only through today
of time today is theiropportunityto help old people in
today we have an unrivalledopportunityto put the record straight
europe today however is anopportunityto reflect on the good
today the parliament has theopportunityto say that we want
used the committee has anopportunitytoday to consider the bill
years ago i take theopportunitytoday to extend the hand
diversity give school pupils theopportunityfor hands on enterprise initiatives
teachers give every child theopportunityto access free music tuition
but i give her theopportunityto add anything to the
this would give someone theopportunityto advance their skills in
that you will give anopportunityto all the parties in
to give the executive theopportunityto come back on it
to give pat bagot anopportunityto come in on that
outlined would give us theopportunityto examine the millan recommendations
give the parliament an earlyopportunityto express its will on
to give young people theopportunityto express their ideas identify
postings to give them theopportunityto get to know their
not to make this anopportunityto give speeches as we
the draft bill had theopportunityto give their views on
i did not have theopportunityto give you a written
might give fergus ewing hisopportunityto have constituency input fergus
you we will have theopportunityto hear you give a
fixed period to give anopportunityto remove weapons from communities
will give us a wonderfulopportunityto sort out the nhs
will give each organisation anopportunityto talk not about the
at least to give anopportunityto the parliament to do
scottish executive to take theopportunityafforded by the delay in
that we should take thatopportunityand that is why the
intends to take up theopportunityand will decide the nature
will take advantage of thatopportunityi acknowledge the support for
westminster we will take thatopportunityif however we believe either
should like to take theopportunityof thanking our regal patroness
not being exploited take theopportunityof the 250th anniversary of
route will he take theopportunityof the additional two year
reluctant to take up theopportunityor unable to find suitable
cultural community to take thisopportunityseriously his concern after all
might want to take thisopportunityto be very clear in
the future this is youropportunityto come along and take
justice and i take thisopportunityto congratulate margaret curran on
would like to take theopportunityto congratulate mr mcletchie on
will continue to take everyopportunityto expand the export potential
the minister will take theopportunityto explain exactly how that
centre will he take thisopportunityto extend the principle of
everyone will take up thisopportunityto help glasgow improve its
officials and we have theopportunityto influence what they take
would like to take theopportunityto make a few brief
only agree i take thisopportunityto pay tribute to mr
that we should take theopportunityto reconsider the matter at
let me also take thisopportunityto remind members what we
you like to take thisopportunityto say that some of
will ben wallace take thisopportunityto say that the conservatives
that i would take theopportunityto speak again in support
if you would take theopportunityto submit a small paper
water is much softer theopportunityto take up calcium is
procedure there is also theopportunityto take written and oral
his rusk i take theopportunityto tell the students that
other members i take theopportunityto wish those who are
that we can take theopportunityto work together throughout 2001
business take advantage of thisopportunitywe will support the development
encourage people to take thatopportunitywhich will be of great
who wish to take thatopportunitywill be provided soon regular
of congratulating itself at everyopportunity16 18 george lyon argyll
ministers have explored every legalopportunityavailable and we will consider
the surplus labour at everyopportunityby by sittin an readin
certainly yes yes mmhm everyopportunityf1073: and it s quite
careful and consistent development everyopportunityneeds to be taken to
have stated at every availableopportunitythat we should listen to
sector it is my firstopportunityto speak from our front
and i ve taken theopportunityto speak to a couple
again and to have anotheropportunityto speak to amendments to
parliament we will have theopportunitybecause of the provision made
sarah boyack would appreciate thatopportunitybut i still have a
of local authority contracts whatopportunitydo i have to do
whenever they have had theopportunityfor example at the end
period within parliament and anopportunityfor parliament to have input
implement we would have thatopportunityhowever if scotland were a
they should have such anopportunityi am not however in
who would not have theopportunitynor since his stylistic assumptions
is that they have theopportunityof sending their children to
school not have a betteropportunityof using the experience he
scotland will have the sameopportunityscotland is disadvantaged as a
and everybody should have theopportunityso f806: that s a
suppose if you have theopportunitythen why not [laugh] f978:
of ministers we have noopportunityto affect the development of
the committee should have theopportunityto ask questions as well
ensure that members have anopportunityto ask some final questions
that they should have moreopportunityto be actively involved within
we have all had theopportunityto be vip volunteers some
citizenship we now have theopportunityto build on a good
we have never had theopportunityto carry out rehoming trials
fact that we have theopportunityto change the bill through
we now have a greatopportunityto change the system it
the parliament have had theopportunityto consider a matter in
that all parents have ampleopportunityto consider the merits and
members will have had theopportunityto consider the report which
children are to have anopportunityto develop a coding orientation
throughout scotland also have theopportunityto do so at the
or do not have theopportunityto do so producing the
who do not have anopportunityto earn a living and
night delegates will have theopportunityto enjoy typical scottish scenery
repeat that we have anopportunityto ensure that a utility
brankin and i have theopportunityto ensure that when applying
which we have had anopportunityto examine i intend to
convention should have been anopportunityto examine the real issues
euan robson i have theopportunityto exercise some influence over
to everyone we have anopportunityto explode the myth that
but will they have adequateopportunityto express their disagreement cathy
emerging do we have theopportunityto feed that information back
network but we have noopportunityto force the minister to
particularly gifted children have theopportunityto fulfil their talents when
have not have had theopportunityto go into all the
not like to miss anotheropportunityto have a duel with
that young people have theopportunityto have a healthy diet
good practice we have anopportunityto have a more open
join in we lose anopportunityto have a say and
the launch i took theopportunityto have an informal but
scottish parliament is having theopportunityto have its say i
which is verification particularly theopportunityto have private sector verifiers
would have been an idealopportunityto have some sort of
the parliament should have theopportunityto hear the results of
members have not welcomed theopportunityto improve legislative operations in
executive would have taken theopportunityto improve on energy efficiency
henry we still have theopportunityto influence the process because
i have hardly had anopportunityto look at the bill
have only just had theopportunityto look at the paper
members have now had theopportunityto look at the text
inspector i have had theopportunityto look the utilities providers
would never have had theopportunityto m608: yeah mm f643:
day applause i have theopportunityto make a short speech
enterprise but we have anopportunityto make the situation better
are delighted to have theopportunityto outline our views on
am pleased to have theopportunityto present the social justice
that we have a legislativeopportunityto proceed with the marriage
might otherwise not have theopportunityto pursue music the meeting
people have had plenty ofopportunityto question her i say
will not really have theopportunityto question the minister about
members will therefore have anopportunityto raise specific points of
that local authorities have anopportunityto raise that issue if
i have now had anopportunityto read that paper which
i have not had theopportunityto read the documents in
and others will have theopportunityto remove tobacco related livery
would wish to have theopportunityto respond there has been
scotland will not have theopportunityto scrutinise the crime international
we do not have theopportunityto scrutinise the proposals because
i did not have anopportunityto see the document scotland
glaswegians have had too littleopportunityto see the home grown
the committee to have anopportunityto see the issues from
local authorities will have theopportunityto tender for the repair
glad to have a thirdopportunityto use my own language
mention that we have theopportunityto work in partnership with
bigger nightmare we have anopportunityto work with the voluntary
grasp that market as anopportunitywe have had the opening
circumstances we have lost anopportunitywe might have moved a
also see it as anopportunityto consider how we improve
had not yet had anopportunityto consider it so i
the committee has had anopportunityto consider that response 3
opportunities committee had had anopportunityto consider the matter and
the standards committee has anopportunityto consider what action might
scheme will there be anotheropportunityto consider whether the money
subsidiarity our wish to promoteopportunityfor our people and our
that there is a businessopportunityfor people and that if
different levels there was anopportunityfor people to contribute ben
such short notice without anyopportunityfor people to influence the
people are grateful for thatopportunityi hope that that opportunity
court as people took theopportunityof the hiatus to cough
people see a profit makingopportunitythe government is looking into
independent youth hostels for theopportunitythey bring for many people
the people of scotland anopportunityto express their views on
to be used as anopportunityto make people from all
that this is a magnificentopportunityfor us to build still
said that there is anopportunityfor us to influence the
concert hall it is anopportunityfor us to recognise and
bill presents us with anopportunityto eliminate the problem of
it left us with theopportunityto move to a better
redundant however he took theopportunityto remind us that we
in january 1998 8 theopportunitya purpose built parliament offered
scottish parliament this provided anotheropportunityfor both young and old
the parliament we provided anopportunityfor personal care of the
whether there will be anopportunityfor the parliament and interested
care bill will offer anopportunityfor the parliament to hold
that choice it is anopportunitythat we as a parliament
substantial the parliament has anopportunitythrough the implementation group and
scottish parliament with an importantopportunityto play a full role
issues there had been anopportunityin the summer and it
think this really is anopportunityto make a case for
members wish to accept anopportunityto make a visit outside
the target language a furtheropportunityto make explicit the link
the executive has had plentyopportunityto make its position clear
individuals or groups a similaropportunityto make representations des mcnulty
future and it is anopportunityto make some well i
trunk roads that is anopportunityto make sure that we
opportunity exists and making theopportunityaccessible to them in terms
to tackle poverty lack ofopportunityand unemployment and to raise
to do that when theopportunityarises the convener that is
opportunity i hope that thatopportunitycontinues to be afforded to
to examine how access andopportunityfor all those in the
supervision orders to reduce theopportunityfor breaches and recidivism commission
the fishery however reducing theopportunityfor fishermen to catch fish
their coming into force andopportunityfor making objections to them
me and this is anopportunityfor me to do something
and there will be anopportunityfor members to push for
products this creates a massiveopportunityfor new industries to be
a problem here and anopportunityfor practical christians to do
london there would be anopportunityfor scotland to link into
saw the event as anopportunityfor the children to visit
the speech community and anopportunityfor the incoming children to
be a valid and logicalopportunityfor the local authority to
she saw it as anopportunityfor the minister to step
backcourts initiative this was anopportunityfor three backcourt organisations to
that there might be anopportunityfor you and i to
equally they are not anopportunityin macho parlance to square
pupils to them whenever theopportunityis presented the start of
income we must grasp theopportunitynow i therefore appeal to
to use it when theopportunitypresents itself michael russell on
clarify anything this is theopportunityso to do donald gorrie
you an indication of theopportunitythat s there to revisit
we need to use theopportunitythat will be afforded by
the case that a splendidopportunityto allow registrars to undertake
whether there will be anyopportunityto amend or replace that
that there is still anopportunityto amend the bill but
there was of course moreopportunityto be bad in london
glad that you took thatopportunityto be clear ms macdonald
the prosecutor has had anopportunityto be heard on the
the prosecutor has had anopportunityto be heard on the
outstanding natural heritage and theopportunityto benefit from such european
yes stock transfer is anopportunityto bring housing up to
and [censored: forename] leapt at theopportunityto buy some green bananas
fish stocks and increase theiropportunityto catch fish research papers
9 may is an annualopportunityto celebrate the eu s
political speech but as anopportunityto celebrate the fact that
roll on independence and theopportunityto change that and many
is the minister s lastopportunityto come up with an
building control departments had theopportunityto contract out some of
driver not having an adequateopportunityto defend himself or herself
to use your example theopportunityto deliver a high value
in planning the sector sopportunityto deliver a service must
dispute it would allow theopportunityto describe potential stumbling blocks
tomir watching waiting for anopportunityto destroy me and did
think it s an idealopportunityto develop erm industry and
drawn from journalism and theopportunityto develop interest in the
traditional higher youngsters had theopportunityto do assessments be regraded
minister before he misses theopportunityto do so when he
thought okay it s anopportunityto do something different again
january there is clearly anopportunityto do that unless i
in particular is a goodopportunityto do that what everybody
to study new languages theopportunityto do vocational use of
of denmark who seized theopportunityto dominate the global market
together the committee has theopportunityto draw all the threads
building standards might present anopportunityto encourage house owners to
in café and market theopportunityto establish contact with speakers
know that we support theopportunityto extend civil marriage facilities
at the issue and anopportunityto focus if we so
because you ve got thisopportunityto go and read up
stane and we had theopportunityto incorporate some idea of
scottish national party opposes theopportunityto increase international co operation
that there is a realopportunityto increase investment in housing
new body has a superbopportunityto increase its own accessibility
otherwise we will lose anopportunityto increase our access to
working party which has theopportunityto influence the content of
funding not just for theopportunityto innovate but because of
timetable we will miss theopportunityto input our views to
area is a particularly fruitfulopportunityto involve the pupils in
new student eagerly grabs thisopportunityto learn how to write
on the wrong day theopportunityto leave then he bowed
from indigenous cultures offered anopportunityto link a schools craft
inquiry i valued having theopportunityto meet representatives of voluntary
the schools there was anopportunityto meet their first minister
braemar primary school declined theopportunityto participate in the study
voluntary sector had a hugeopportunityto participate influence and act
gift will we get theopportunityto pay another charge fee
the scottish executive whether anopportunityto promote tourism has been
one person to whom anopportunityto purchase must be afforded
we will miss a goldenopportunityto put scotland at the
and we should grasp theopportunityto raise deaf awareness to
level of support and theopportunityto redraft the initial attempt
partnerships in legislation including theopportunityto register a long term
cannot offer david davidson theopportunityto respond at the moment
monitorship represented my one realopportunityto save this year the
great pleasure in taking theopportunityto say a few words
of nurses i value thisopportunityto say yet again how
parties and independent msps theopportunityto scrutinise the work of
of sale this is anopportunityto show leadership miss annabel
mrs mcintosh there is anopportunityto state a different crime
this would be an idealopportunityto study children fresh from
looking for there obviously theopportunityto study new languages the
summer recess i took theopportunityto support the campaign by
about local authorities having theopportunityto tender for repair work
this would be an idealopportunityto to kind of erm
cent by 2020 present anopportunityto transform millions of tonnes
owners is there now anopportunityto try to modernise the
mail technology as should theopportunityto undertake projects which highlight
in paisley i had theopportunityto visit that project recently
months ago i had theopportunityto visit the bethany christian
that a registrar had anopportunityto visit the location the
must not miss this historicopportunityto vote for warm dry
peter peacock has taken theopportunityto write to the committee
motions including such information thatopportunitywas open to you mr
of spare money and theopportunitywere prepared to open pharmacies
am pretty sure that noopportunitywill be lost to remind
because it is sexy photoopportunityworthy and attractive to the
see i i had thatopportunitybecause my father s a
dundee and he had naeopportunitytae see them let alane
a threat rather than anopportunitywhereas the smes that had
should be seen as anopportunityfor developing responsive services rather
should be driven by economicopportunityi agree with iain mcmillan
population we should use thisopportunityof agreeing the content of
should view it as anopportunityrather than a penance tricia
yet but it is anopportunityand and the one thing
enlargement considering enlargement as anopportunityas well as a threat
the new economy as anopportunitybecause of the oil and
wi ye or choice anopportunityensaumple 12 ye kin either
s erm it is anopportunityerm for er for what
as its first option anopportunityexists although there are difficulties
5 14 curriculum including anopportunityfor a dynamic curriculum forum
implemented or is there anopportunityfor a flow of information
that will what an excellentopportunityfor a good blether on
paterson is the year anopportunityfor a wider discussion on
tokenistic there must be anopportunityfor feedback and what is
plus orders which offer anopportunityfor more effective sentencing provided
etc there was also anopportunityfor some of the children
is a pity that anopportunityhas been lost here particularly
bill we will miss anopportunityif the executive says that
excluded from individual and communityopportunityin this way in an
new knowledge is a lifetimeopportunityit is not an opportunity
in the 16th century anopportunityof making the spelling of
opportunity it is not anopportunityonly for young adults as
is perceivit as missin anopportunityparticularly as there a national
is perceived as missing anopportunityparticularly as there is a
victims charter at an earlyopportunitysupported by ms sandra white
or no will hae anopportunitytae develop linguistic skills acquire
it was i suppose anopportunitytae see the world an
the potentially lucrative niche marketingopportunitythat such an image could
that i will use thisopportunityfor the benefit of the
that the patient has theopportunityof making use of those
question at this point ifopportunityallows i will come back
the bill following the photoopportunitythere will be a follow
could also be a prominentopportunity5 civic organisations in scotland
particularly if there is alsoopportunityfor music burns himself said
equal opportunities and observe equalopportunityrequirements the bill also proposes
utilities we forsake this goldenopportunityat our peril 10 16
on this bus realized heropportunityfor violent affection with lurch
in her life this unfulfilledopportunitythe request disturbed me and
and do not miss thisopportunitywe are disappointed that the
stopped for the obligatory photoopportunityand then we drove down
sunk so that virtually noopportunityexisted for design flaws almost
employment as a right andopportunityfor all guaranteeing adequate income
the european union is theopportunityfor interregional co operation in
registrars as a career developmentopportunityfor registrars the truth of
power of advocacy and theopportunityfor social empowerment brian adam
the new year providing theopportunityfor states with a direct
that there s a betteropportunityfor that because if we
of the bill when theopportunityarises at stage 2 mr
our chosen children deserve theopportunityof a better home cathy
at last we took theopportunityof phoning sue and sanya
it is unfortunate that thatopportunitywas lost that happened not
monboddo would probably tak theopportunityafore he expired tae see
in subsection 1b below theopportunitya of making representations whether
it away at the firstopportunitybefore i conclude i suggest
few years the disparity inopportunitybetween areas cannot be overemphasised
and individuals know that theopportunityexists and making the opportunity
i ve got the perfectopportunityf745: uh huh f746: [laugh]
m1163: if i get theopportunityi d i ll definitely
set up a separate photoopportunityin the edinburgh area it
and future pensioners of theopportunityof a comfortable retirement gordon
1888 22 prospectively therefore theopportunityof becoming a regular contributor
official report and took theopportunityof watching the european committee
legislation at the first availableopportunityso that in all future
instrument at the next availableopportunitythat is pretty civil of
digitised form presents the readyopportunitywhich the strictures of the
case there is a goldenopportunityon which i am sure
being used as a photoopportunitymm m055: weel i cudnae
huh f1149: be a goodopportunity[laugh] [laugh] f1148: [laugh] f1149:
way improve life and widenopportunityin scotland s less advantaged
into her own pools ofopportunityi thought she d stay

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