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any contribution to the rescuepackageon offer to hampden football
made secure by the rescuepackageon offer to hampden football
is making to the rescuepackageon offer to hampden football
co funders to the rescuepackageon offer to hampden football
the parliament on its rescuepackagefor the national stadium at
been attached to the rescuepackages1w 1963 fiona mcleod to
the 10 million textile aidpackageannounced in june for the
rates under the rates reliefpackageannounced on 28 march 2001
package was announced when thepackagecame into force and when
announced a 6 million fundingpackagedesigned to support the development
executive 2003 announced an aidpackagefor fishing communities worth up
implement the 100 million carepackagefor older people announced on
the recently announced 5 millionpackagefor special educational needs i
of the 10 million aidpackagefor the textile industry announced
we announced a massive investmentpackageof 100 million a year
in this direction the furtherpackageof proposals announced by the
in this direction the furtherpackageof proposals announced by the
the elderly there is thepackagethat has been announced as
sturgeon supported the home carepackagethat susan deacon announced in
announced a 6 million fundingpackageto run from 2003 04
s decision making process thepackagewas announced on 5 october
executive when the 2002 decommissioningpackagewas announced when the package
anaemia prompted a 9 millionpackagefor salmon farmers yet no
to announce a 245 millionpackagefor the northern extension of
re balancing the 27 millionpackageof measures for the fishing
how the additional 3 millionpackageof support for peripheral fishing
light of 9 million aidpackageon offer to the salmon
areas for the 1 millionpackagethat we introduced in august
of the 15 million fundingpackageto expand the use of
forward a 50 million aidpackageup to 40 million is
the 50 million fisheries aidpackagewas taken and whether it
areas scheme the 1 millionpackagewill include payments of 3
will not offer the trainingpackagebecause that is the most
understand that the latest fundingpackageoffer that was made to
is not just the fundingpackagethat is on offer could
executive 2003 press release aidpackagefor fishing communities se304 2003
of any scottish executive aidpackageshould be on transitional aid
the introduction of a compensationpackagea through review of current
with an associated financial compensationpackageapplied on a transitional basis
to finance an appropriate compensationpackagefor scotland s farmers and
hours it offers a comprehensivepackageof care for that vulnerable
four parts is a comprehensivepackageof measures that will improve
infrastructure we propose a comprehensivepackageof transport initiatives to link
executive to publish urgently apackageof funded measures to assist
let us look at thepackageof measures as a whole
hard to produce a robustpackageof measures mr jamie stone
been withdrawn put together apackageof measures to ensure the
as part of a widerpackageof measures to improve dental
it proposes to implement apackageof measures to improve the
put in place a goodpackageof measures to improve things
learning committee to develop apackageof measures to promote small
improvement task force contain apackageof measures to take us
mcleish 5 september 2000 thepackageof support measures for the
50 000 per annum pensionpackagefor less than six years
s1m 3315 tommy sheridan pensionpackagefor scottish executive permanent secretary
is like buying a pensionpackageit is difficult to get
excessive severance payment and pensionpackagewhich will be made available
plan allowances for each workspackageand whether the cost plan
2001 which of the workspackagecontracts let in relation to
officer which of the workspackagecontracts let in relation to
the value of any workspackagecontracts let to date in
the granting of a workspackageor contract to it iii
the timescale for each workspackages1w 12274 mr murray tosh
been broken down by workspackagewhat the original estimate of
as a hotel offers apackageit might incorporate its licensing
parliament while welcoming the furtherpackageof proposals to improve care
have ensured a 50million supportpackagefor affected fishing communities we
allan wilson s1m 3884 recoverypackagefor the fishing industry lodged
lloyd quinan s1m 3884 recoverypackagefor the fishing industry lodged
part of a previous fundingpackageand if it is when
be included in its fundingpackagefor the aberdeen western peripheral
under the schools estate fundingpackages1o 6413 15 susan deacon
funding for the home carepackageshona robison that is a
of a 300 000 fundingpackageto carry out a study
reclassification of the current fundingpackageto objective 1 does he
going to change the fundingpackageto provide resources to local
full details of each suchpackagewhat the a original and
right to claim that thatpackageof proposals investing up to
possible i trust that ourpackageof proposals with the announcements
b ensure that any financialpackageimplemented protects employment in the
the eu for the financialpackagethat will be required because
a share of its financialpackageto fight transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
put in place a financialpackagewith immediate effect and extend
part of their health carepackageevery year we can keep
be part of a biggerpackagemalcolm chisholm absolutely out of
staff indeed part of thepackageof 1981 was that after
and is part of apackagethat aims to provide the
part of the agenda 2000packagethey are part of an
an essential part of anypackageto make the system of
the question is why thepackageas a whole was not
sight of the whole censuspackagethe census is probably the
of the care needs assessmentpackagefor the elderly should be
in that a community carepackagehad been identified and brought
it can provide the totalpackageanywhere in the world that
of the cladding and windowspackageand if so whether full
products we propose a fullpackageof tourism and transport improvements
scotland although elements of thepackagecover all areas of scotland
the longman miniconcordancer although thispackageis far from perfect in
wait until then yesterday spackageshould be considered although there
bill will require a supportpackageto be put in place
was in respect of eachpackagewhether any provision for bomb
on 28 january 2003 thepackageconsists of up to 40
its licensing charges into thatpackagei think that it is
these days its t shirtpackagetrips firewalkers tread a trench
vessel was decommissioned under thepackages1w 33022 richard lochhead to
being made on the employmentpackagethe european parliament welcomed both
give a breakdown of thispackages1w 33537 michael matheson to
the implementation of the newpackagefor all the fine words
exercises designed as a revisionpackagefor beginners in the subject
as a career option thepackageincludes increases in pay for
to shetland with the rightpackageof sports events i am
resources has involved a detailedpackageof work the matter is
per cent of the totalpackagethat is not in proportion
798 henry mcleish the dtipackagehas not been allocated according
took a hertin fae epackagean held it up in
lad wis openin up hispackagein a canny wye sayin
then drew up a trainingpackagetrained them m608: mmhm aye
cannot wait to get apackageand to get out early
achievement was to post apackagehat and photos on son
so there is actually apackagei suppose where y- whaur
it ll be a mixedpackagei would think equally important
a new pay and conditionspackagein educating our children teachers
we now have a completepackagethat will address the fundamental
about that it s apackagewhich will manage the decline
ardent old man carrying apackagewith a linen cover he
we have added to thepackagethat makes nursing more attractive
spelling and grammar checking softwarepackageguidance on bilingual design and
spellin an grammar checkin saftwarepackageguidance on bilingual signs an
systems were the office automationpackageand the systems that handle
are hugely disappointed with thepackagemaureen o neill from age
as he got inside hispackagehis nose geed in e
tourists karamazov about fictional sovietpackagetourists in torremolinos i ll

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