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many employees are officially lowpaidand what action it is
definition puts the number ofpaidemployees at around 107 000
input services are provided bypaidemployees but voluntary activity is
to be around 107 000paidemployees in the scottish social
suggest around 55 60 000paidemployees in the sector for
paragraph applies only to employeespaidthrough the spcb payroll service
employees of organisations that arepaidto lobby the convener i
much is expected to bepaidby recipients of grants in
it takes of any taxpaidby the recipients of grants
grants which are to bepaidin future s1o 2178 the
showing a how much waspaidin grants and loans to
rsa scheme grants are typicallypaidin instalments linked to implementation
it will detail the grantspaidin relation to freight facilities
loans and grants to bepaidon a monthly basis s1w
c that grants may bepaidon such terms as the
how many grants have beenpaidto convert motor vehicles to
regulations authorising grants to bepaidto or in respect of
that grants may not bepaidunless such conditions as are
huh m952: but i neverpaidany much attention m865: okay
into scots law without havingpaiddue attention to the consequences
m952: but eh i neverpaidenough attention tae it m865:
included alcohol previous governments havepaidinsufficient attention to the major
bubbles never appeared the bubblepaidlittle attention to him and
the executive and local councilspaidmore attention to the huge
no i ve really neverpaidmuch attention although i worked
m952: [cough] i really neverpaidmuch attention to the fock
his mind but he spaidnae attention so he s
weather patticular attention must bepaidto close the circulating cock
often too little attention ispaidto core funding there is
affair and little attention waspaidto it at auchenderran no
certain that particular attention ispaidto making the programme relevant
attention therefore needs to bepaidto the effect of policy
suspect that undue attention waspaidto the matter by the
is assessed specific attention ispaidto the pay gap between
no doubt careful attention waspaidto these instructions for the
events less attention has beenpaidto whether things needed to
the dates when rents werepaidand when farm workers were
fairly amongst those workers whopaidinto the fund the meeting
council workers in scotland arepaidsomething like 17 a week
from the shoulders of lowpaidworkers and pensioners and place
from the shoulders of lowpaidworkers and pensioners and place
from the shoulders of lowpaidworkers and pensioners and place
scotland s voluntary sector thepaidworkers and the volunteers without
19 million full time equivalentpaidworkers equivalent to 27 of
during the summer from lowpaidworkers in schools and colleges
whether they are volunteers orpaidworkers work harder or are
more likely to be lowpaidand are certainly more likely
council tax system on lowpaidand pensioner citizens of glasgow
the number of unemployed lowpaidhomeless and socially disadvantaged and
the number of unemployed lowpaidhomeless and socially disadvantaged and
centres being sweat shop lowpaidjobs the new economy is
shortages for example among lowpaidnursing auxiliaries nurse consultants and
architecture in the snow andpaida brief visit to a
ploschad nogina in between wepaida quick visit to gum
insch and once when ipaida visit these had just
school and the children thenpaida visit to the house
weeks last spring and wepaidbrother john a visit young
committee the visit will bepaidfor by the european parliament
mackie the local policeman havingpaidhis weekly visit to the
and if a visit waspaidit had to be returned
three o clock one morninpaidus a visit carolanne did
the total amount of fundingpaiddirect to the fisheries research
economy s share of totalpaidemployment in each of the
total amount of the contributionspaidinto the fund by the
total agricultural subsidy that ispaidto farmers is 440 million
the total amount of moneypaidto the board by the
the total amount of moneypaidto the board by virtue
for measuring because he waspaidby the amount done and
s true that dickens gotpaidlike for the amount of
astonishing amount o money waspaidout in broken windows and
about how much people werepaidand about markers being paid
compulsory agrimonetary compensation to bepaidit will be paid there
paid and about markers beingpaidless this year can you
m1174: with er paid presenterspaidmembers of staff and they
m608: mm m1174: with erpaidpresenters paid members of staff
be paid it will bepaidthere is no question about
that the money should bepaidbecause i believe that that
the money that is currentlypaidby westminster to scottish pensioners
lot but the students moneypaidfor that eh ye know
any money that has beenpaidin respect of the fixed
was like i was gettingpaidlike pretty decent money to
some art galleries people actuallypaidmoney to admire hogarth s
while for calculations for moneypaidout through the state pension
there should be in moneypaidout to pensioners yet using
notes that this money ispaidto her majesty s treasury
who this money is beingpaidto s1w 12165 mr kenneth
money in each year waspaidto what were the performance
clarity the definition of apaidlobbyist should include all staff
the voluntary sector either aspaidmembers of staff in charities
ensured that we have betterpaidstaff and better equipment and
000 organisations with 100 000paidstaff and up to 500
consider the possible divides betweenpaidstaff and volunteers and the
and the fear that somepaidstaff have of litigation for
regarded as including consultancies withpaidstaff or individuals whose business
to cover them and theirpaidand voluntary helpers from claims
would otherwise have to bepaidfor we owe the voluntary
the time of voluntary groupspaidofficials is spent scrabbling around
approaches lyndsay mcintosh and otherspaidtribute to the voluntary sector
radio station were now gettingpaidfor presenting m608: oh okay
t believe i was gettingpaidfor to draw for drawing
business you were still gettingpaidm608: aye m1163: which was
and i m still gettingpaidm608: mmhm aye m1163: you
me if he was gettingpaidmore than me i just
executive how much has beenpaidboth by a it and
executive how much is beingpaidby each of the co
on how much tax waspaidexpressed as a percentage of
service and how much ispaidfor that cover under section
and how much they werepaidfor these s1w 26368 fergus
how much compensation it haspaidin cash and real terms
how much a has beenpaidin recent termination packages to
how much each has beenpaids1w 1068 bruce crawford to
2000 and how much theypaids1w 6044 mr duncan mcneil
and how much will bepaidto any consultants appointed s1w
much overtime each police forcepaidto police officers in each
how much people should bepaidtowards the cost of care
holidays and [censored: forename] and ipaid4 roubles each for all
charges have had to bepaideach year since for each
were housed each farmer waspaidfor the grazing and steading
how many in each categorypaidi the whole tuition fee
by each office were fullypaidin each of these years
police speed cameras have notpaidthe appropriate fine in each
costs are still to bepaidto or billed by each
sector 96 of advertised vacanciespaidless than the unit s
fees will have to bepaidout of public sector funds
all public sector trainees arepaidtrade union negotiated rates of
dishes at that time pupilspaid2½d per week for dinner
this would require to bepaidfor a week beforehand mrs
too but i ll getpaidin a week or so
fiver a week so ipaidit up a fiver a
the week they are alsopaidwhich obliterates another preconception about
seems i can t bepaidfor being anything other than
in hand and is beingpaidfor from guild funds 4
full fare once i vepaidfor my thesis being bound
prevent their nursing care beingpaidfor point 26 says that
times what i was beingpaidfor the same period of
evidence of outrageous fees beingpaidpayment being made on a
the next room was beingpaidthree times what i was
when and how they arepaidare to be decided by
up as sub agents andpaidas sub lobbyists how the
about how the papers arepaidfor and the system needs
on how infrastructure will bepaidfor if on the one
f812: how did you getpaidper mushroom f813: [laugh] [laugh]
they have or have notpaidtheir council tax how will
m608: right f637: but yepaidf638: nowadays they have tae
twenty pound a month yepaidm608: hm that s two
uh huh f637: and yepaidmaybe thruppence or something m608:
the dividend an it waspaidoot once a quarter m608:
done your apprenticeship then theypaidye off m608: mmhm m194:
say whether compensation will bepaidand if so at what
know whether anyone could bepaidenough to marry someone at
scottish executive whether any moniespaidinto the scottish consolidated fund
the scottish executive whether moniespaidinto the scottish consolidated fund
by a person working whetherpaidor otherwise for a care
a fixed penalty had beenpaidor whether a hearing had
the scottish executive whether fundingpaidto the fisheries research services
issued to all households whetherpaidup members or not we
5 10 men would bepaid30 15s 1 1 gross
on pricing tenderers will bepaida lump sum for winter
the interest annually to bepaidand divided among the poor
these monies are to bepaidand what steps have been
would 10 such men bepaidanswers 1 28 tons of
way in which benefits arepaidare to be implemented next
costs including compensation to bepaidarising from implementation of the
agency it could also bepaidby local authorities most of
the regulations they may bepaidby the scottish ministers or
in future it could bepaidby the scottish ministers through
member is eligible shall bepaidby the spcb only upon
excess of 10 will bepaidc the salary and employment
basis because people might bepaiddifferently by different councils it
of principle continue to bepaiddoes the minister agree that
that all benefits should bepaidelectronically this would be under
through which farmers might bepaidfor adopting environmentally beneficial management
mcgugan made has to bepaidfor because the delivery of
selective discount which will bepaidfor by others who do
in 2002 03 will bepaidfor by the 2003 04
to domestic customers should bepaidfor by using an income
which that support will bepaidfor that support is likely
and what is to bepaidfor we cannot define the
ll be great and wepaidfour pounds it went round
personal care costs should bepaidfrom general taxation first i
it was vanse mitchel hadpaidhim to be on hand
twine the net must bepaidout and hauled as quickly
financial penalties these must bepaidout of the budget controlled
funds in question to bepaidout of the scottish consolidated
which development funding may bepaidout to development agencies at
[inhale] m811: because you gotpaidso they d be picking
not tuition fees will bepaidsupported by fergus ewing fiona
example registrars have to bepaidthat is a simple fact
mmhm f639: had to bepaidthere was there were a
agrees that tributes should bepaidto a distinguished parliamentarian and
employers pension contributions to bepaidto an employee s choice
of the professionals who werepaidto be there if you
the regulations they may bepaidto persons providing education or
the required membership fee bepaidto the commonwealth parliamentary association
the required membership fee bepaidto the commonwealth parliamentary association
senior citizens 50p may bepaidto the treasurer or to
that freelance writers should bepaidwhere possible so i wondered
to which the dividend ispaidwould be relevant trading operations
many contractors have already beenpaidfor disposing of rendered material
in 1965 so it hadpaidfor itself many times over
all right which british steelpaidfor many many years ago
girl guide members have rightlypaidtribute to many different volunteers
relevant dividend means a dividendpaidby a body corporate which
i claimed from and iipaidby contractors detailing the reason
protection agency to refund feespaidby farmers for authorisation of
or part of their rentpaidby the dss and to
that had haen their passagepaidby the government [inaudible] a
a contract job i gotpaidby the hour but there
is then under whatever agreementpaidby the scottish executive for
when they are appointed andpaidfor by a client directly
when they are appointed andpaidfor by a client directly
that are not purchased orpaidfor by the nhs but
the m74 in glasgow ispaidfor by the public purse
hand a trunk road ispaidfor by the scottish executive
10 11 the shed waspaidfor by the social club
sums have so far beenpaidin this respect by the
patterns and the number ofpaidjobs held by individuals reflecting
under deduction of such amountspaidto or claimed by members
commission was charged by orpaidto the agency or individual
fund comes mostly from duespaidto unesco by state parties
acre of swedes and waspaid7 6 the acre for
english irish and welsh europeanspaida very heavy price for
sum due has not beenpaidand a request for a
separate figures for interest chargespaidand penalties for redemption in
have use of pre postagepaidenvelopes for constituency business will
and postage stamps or postagepaidenvelopes to a member for
was buried and i hadpaidfor a grave for myself
enjoyed giving it i vepaidfor and received my air
work longer than they arepaidfor and we must address
and coffee warmth and apaidfor cat which disdained to
overtime than we ll getpaidfor demanded mr scott the
it is what i ampaidfor eventually we should reach
only without the millionaire thatpaidfor everything aye cause i
think it s some f689: paidfor everything sort o upfront
assessment according to need andpaidfor from general taxation supported
leave and after he dpaidfor his coffee too however
that s what they repaidfor isn t it m822:
is not free they havepaidfor it for years with
so good but davidson getspaidfor it i ll shove
you mags the college haspaidfor it so we might
their men but they apaidfor it those two have
lunch token if they havepaidfor lunch and directing them
wanted and mrs smith waspaidfor milking and looking after
2346 fife free press bestpaidfor newspaper of the year
or downright independent is notpaidfor someone who values their
with mild dementia is notpaidfor the care of someone
training grant which has beenpaidfor the past 20 years
neen o s will getpaidfor the rest o the
dance you please yourself ipaidfor the ticket and i
has regular gigs an getspaidfor them and stuff m959:
what they expected what theypaidfor they are off in
is mine is bought andpaidfor trick or treat when
philp what their registrars arepaidis already a matter for
glad that you are notpaidmore for catching more mrs
jacket pocket for loose changepaidthe girl at the till
28 before section 26 insertpaidtime off for councillors not
after first section insert sectionpaidtime off for councillors not
oh ma why she spaidto do it for ye
the tribute that alex neilpaidto henry mcleish for his
ld i join those whopaidtribute to the minister for
enormous scale we have oftenpaidtribute to you for the
m942: teen witch thing m941: paidtwelve pound for that as
the original penalty is notpaidwithin the period for paying
me peggy he s beenpaidaff then neil was richt
if it has not beenpaidand a hearing has not
the veggie man had beenpaidand auld waltams had clattered
executive what sums have beenpaidfrom public funds to a
created special rates have beenpaidin london in recognition of
he may have just beenpaidm815: yeah m816: i mean
a fixed penalty had beenpaidor a hearing requested within
no grant has yet beenpaidout s1w 9314 christine grahame
made the allegations have beenpaidsomething in the region of
after death duties had beenpaidto 17 19 2 with
the tributes that have beenpaidto the convener of the
would apply the definition ofpaidlobbyists should include people who
should include people who arepaidto lobby that is not
i joined the short queuepaidmy rouble and made off
s my 2 months debtpaidoff hallowe en 1 40am
was to allow citizens whopaidhigher council taxes in the
of this a tenant whopaidhis rental in grain might
repaid to the person whopaidit i indicated earlier that
baxter who taught primary 5paidno heed to this lament
category of lobbyists who arepaidto lobby on behalf of
referring to people who arepaidto lobby tricia marwick my
border special rates are alreadypaidever since the health service
circumstances whose costs are currentlypaidfrom the public purse the
that tuition fees are onlypaidif students study in england
miller at present registrars arepaidon standard local authority scales
their actions they are eitherpaidor it is perceived that
and the capital sums arepaidoutright to the contractor that
fiscal fines which are fullypaids1w 8723 michael matheson to
prisons are no less wellpaidthan in publicly operated prisons
in the amounts that arepaidthat is a further complication
and to whom they werepaids1w 1942 mr kenny macaskill
c 1999 2000 were fullypaids1w 8720 michael matheson to
wasn t as if hepaidhis way he was only
given so that tax waspaidonly on the drinkable portion
home online and were onlypaidwhen they were working if
last three years the amountspaidand to whom they were
yeah f209: guys were beinpaidat the time an absolute
threshing time farm servants werepaidevery six months domestics were
every six months domestics werepaidmonthly and also received supplies
travel ticket purchased or farepaidin making a journey or
travel ticket purchased or farepaidin making a journey or
tight i imagine i getpaidon the 26th or 27th
penalty was or was notpaidon time or that a
which a retainer fee waspaidaggle mess geng go ithoot
under which very few peoplepaidand which looked at individuals
writers of our land havepaidher the homage which is
per hour which she ispaidsince she has arrived there
the next day though m811: paiddouble well they didn t
scheme that they could havepaidinto so that they could
they giv- was it wellpaidm811: it was it was
than 110 cash because theypaidme as a proctor rather
their old age they havepaidnational insurance with that expectation
in they did not getpaidthey had no control over
new year with debt youpaideverything before the new year
pay it up aye yepaidit up in a year
of fairness those people havepaidinto the national health service
late robert barclay allardice havepaidto the kirk session the
erm i don t getpaidas the coach i m
crew an fit we getpaidat the end o the
shelter so we dinna getpaidchrissie that s my fault
get something a lot betterpaidif i don t let
that such an approach haspaiddividends and that the bill
dominie s wife she waspaid2 per month when her
to that when we discusspaidadvocacy do you think that
in particular when it ispaidin arrears and it is
1927 when the interest waspaidinto the cruikshank suttie account
a nightmare when it ispaidlate as is often the
from the event 79 peoplepaidat the door sales items
it was not a wellpaidindustry but people can now
4 per day i waspaid2 at the age of
was limited to those inpaidemployment but since 1993 any
sanday etc malt scat waspaidin barley and called bere
basically like i was gettinpaidlike a good bit more
architectural metals uk limited waspaidto a flour city and
effect was impressive numbly ipaidup and began to chip
from the zero i vepaidafter working it all out
length of netting is graduallypaidout as the boat moves
becomes revenue expenditure that ispaidout over time in our
of the legal right topaidannual leave from three weeks
to minute that this sumpaidover from the rankine bequest
the cottage from what hepaidthem ritchie could also give
from education with particular regardpaidto pupils with disabilities and
from education with particular regardpaidto pupils with disabilities and
lobby on behalf of clientspaidlobbying is their business the
such support did not putpaidto financial problems and in
nice step forward then ipaid1 rouble 60 kopecks to
of india to the ukpaida courtesy call to the
in regard to the taxpaidas a result of the
us the scottish executive andpaiddirectly to the secretary of
the drive looked new apaidfakir to amuse tea coffee
to happen i would vepaidit back agnes agnes here
scottish qualifications authority sqa ispaidto a senior managers b
that belong binmen that spaidto cart rubbish away wi
the whole we found itpaidto describe ourselves as a
of the 854 067 feepaidto flour city architectural metals
insurance schemes tied to rentspaidto social landlords as too
found time to act aspaidtutor to the junior hebrew
5 if 1 docker ispaid3 6s 1s minus 4s
possible while interest is stillpaidand in all cases the
yeah erm no one ispaidat all it s all
the shoulders of the wellpaidand the wealthy and believes
the shoulders of the wellpaidand the wealthy and believes
the shoulders of the wellpaidand the wealthy and believes
and i think i gotpaider the equivalent of three
escape a grin and wepaidhim his 5 roubles fare
with a linen cover hepaidhis fare and took the
in childbed at ballindean butpaidthe doctor s bills and
frightened little woman she nervouslypaidup and the inspector put
the establishment of the firstpaiddevelopment worker within the field
tae pay it f643: hepaidit up in about a
the stones but he getspaidsomething like fifty million pounds
ain hoose an a weelpaidjob efter the war teenie
computer virus that hid pitpaidtae aa records fur the
wye at he sood apaidmair heed ta da wind
dinna think hauf a guineapaidtae a barber in dundee

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