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people but health professionals ordinaryparentsand grandparents and ordinary members
to sound less like theirparentsand grandparents er because of
born locally of north eastparentsand grandparents frequently spoke english
english of their in comingparentsand grandparents it was also
a local church although theirparentsand grandparents may have attended
as carers volunteers community activistsparentsand grandparents the term social
of his or her respectedparentsand loved grandparents deepened the
i- you listen to talesparentsf963: mm m762: or grandparents
abyssal sea teachers doctors shopkeepersparentsgrandparents people living in the
study were asked if theirparentsgrandparents were local or non
passed down from grandparents andparentsin an oral tradition that
told that the way itsparentsspeak and its grandparents speak
failed scottish teachers pupils andparentsand calls upon the executive
failed scottish teachers pupils andparentsand calls upon the executive
effective and easier for teachersparentsand pupils to understand the
for the services school childrenparentsand teachers being called to
the attitudes of pupils theirparentsand teachers into its use
and support for the pupilsparentsand teachers of stane primary
addressed the concerns of pupilsparentsand teachers we have taken
whose results were disappointing theirparentsand their teachers are concerned
are accessible to pupils toparentsand to teachers of other
good communication with teachers myparentsas i said are very
of papers readable for candidatesparentsclass teachers and lawyers some
education authorities schools teachers andparentsin raising attainment and closing
education authorities schools teachers andparentsin raising attainment and closing
for the pupils teachers andparentsin the scottish educational system
god bless them head teachersparentsknow us have worked with
in which we can tellparentspupils and teachers that there
and against the wishes ofparentsrhoda grant do the teachers
decision making to teachers andparentsshould be the goal of
account the opinions of pupilsparentsteachers and employers in developing
are we making sure thatparentsteachers and young people are
councils school boards teachers andparentsto check the previous minister
conference on vulnerable children whoseparentsare being treated for drug
i remember as boys whoseparentskept pigs we frequented the
medium education for children whoseparentsrequest it and new opportunities
4 year old children whoseparentswant it the abolition of
and four year olds whoseparentswanted it now all of
enjoy the support of thoseparentswhose children already have a
support it is providing forparentswhose children are addicted to
authorities on placing requests fromparentswhose children will be five
importance than the needs ofparentswhose children will be five
given to placing requests fromparentswhose children will be five
know a young woman whoseparentswould regard themselves as being
parliament shares the concerns ofparentsand pupils in east kilbride
develop an information leaflet forparentsand pupils which will draw
of great concern to pupilsparentsand staff throughout scotland we
and rigour of feedback toparentsof pupils at s1 and
the responses of 16 adultsparentsof the pupils selected who
had to be signed byparentspupils had to pass the
the effects on pupils andparentssays that one of the
judgements about pupils learning andparentsto be involved with their
the people whom pupils andparentstrust most are god bless
among others pupils and studentsparentsworkers job seekers the speakers
not children with central scotsparentsacquired north east speech characteristics
have been very popular withparentsand children and may account
that we could have withparentsand children coming in cause
categories families with local bornparentsand children families with local
proposals following its consultation paperparentsand children the scottish executive
do you accept that someparentsand children were more likely
silver jubilee congratulates all thoseparentsand children who have contributed
children and out of stateparentsand families with out of
for the children of workingparentsand how many such places
but children just overtake theirparentsand just very quickly er
education choices and opportunities involvingparentsand seeking to empower children
health and providing support forparentsand young children middlefield is
and responsibilities particularly those ofparentsas those of children are
which pushy articulate middle classparentscould advantage their children ron
the children of drug abusingparentsdoes the scottish executive have
a little bit alongside theirparentser alongside their children we
as looked after children thoseparentsfeel that that is inappropriate
angus education authority to discourageparentsfrom sending their children to
meaning children of north eastparentsg g s m 2
to return to their naturalparentsif the children so wish
children are vague about theirparentsjobs and it was felt
studio over thirty children andparentsjoined in along with two
to make children and theirparentsmore aware of the importance
currently being expressed by theparentsof children attending st vigeans
light of any concerns fromparentsof children that will be
that a large proportion ofparentsof children who receive respite
no access to services disabledparentsof disabled children have been
there are issues with theparentsof disabled children in that
approach to improving services forparentsof pre school children diagnosed
of region born children andparentspayne s findings revealed that
for the children of workingparentss1w 24816 jackie baillie to
sample from children and theirparentsselecting one primary school children
begins in the home andparentsshould support their children s
know easy access if ifparentswant to send their children
fallen to just 13 childrenparentswere then given the choice
imagine the plight of theparentswhen the children reverse the
four children of deeply religiousparentswho adhered to the free
we were children but ourparentsyou know because it like
were either both of yourparentsborn in the north east
north east one or bothparentsborn in the north east
to be born smaller thanparentsfend for themselves seahorses cant
north east if one bothparentshad been born in the
of certain words if theirparentshad been born there and
them are born to hearingparentsthis statistic is not clear
that unless a child sparentswere born and raised in
if born locally unless theirparentswere born and raised there
one or both of theirparentswere born in the north
school to support parents becauseparentsare quite anxious although they
because parents want this andparentsare supported and they re
as a school to supportparentsbecause parents are quite anxious
three to eighteen school isparentsbecause parents want this and
given their parents while theseparentsmove lovingly into the shadow
[laugh] yeah so presumably yourparentsparents were also shetlanders were
response to some parents wereparentspushing for that do you
eighteen school is parents becauseparentswant this and parents are
yeah so presumably your parentsparentswere also shetlanders were they
done in response to someparentswere parents pushing for that
that heaven has given theirparentswhile these parents move lovingly
hand and the child sparentsand local community on the
when a child frae hisparentsand native land if judgment
the living styles of theparentsand the child couldn t
from gender differences to loneparentsgetting into work and child
classrooms every day yesterday theparentsof a deaf child who
what advice is available toparentsof a disabled child in
about the extent to whichparentsof a disabled child may
cut child benefit for theparentsof truants will have on
we will improve information forparentson their child s progress
reduce child poverty by givingparentsreal opportunities to increase their
child like dependency upon hisparentsrobertson smith in contrast quickly
for a bill to allowparentsto withdraw a child from
people to see to empowerparentswe need better child care
know my my dad sparentsare both well and truly
earliest moments really erm myparentserm were both gaelic speakers
urban subjects had one bothparentsfrom the north east compared
with the adults if bothparentshad been to church it
both the f- the theparentshad businesses m608: aye m1163:
endearing feature of both myparentsjim and nancy they had
a family in which bothparentssuffered from hearing impairments and
to the farm both morrisonparentswere of country stock and
the same time both myparentswere very very proud of
analyst in many families bothparentswere working graham in the
of urban subjects reported bothparentsworking compared to 65 of
champion the cause with theirparentsa difference for health spend
pairts o africa and thatparentsaften sell their ain bairns
unmerried fowk bedd wi theirparentsanither directive pit oot bi
be singled out because theirparentsare clear that the materials
or maths or whatever theirparentsare familiar with it but
of the white stick andparentsare ushering their offspring back
his school sample and theirparentsas ss and the random
at being escorted by theirparentsas the stragglers disembarked john
get the taps o theirparentsboiled eggs later they got
elderly people would buy theirparentscouncil house on their behalf
of local speech if theirparentsdid not come from the
come home with george butparentsdidn t like their girls
the people either f- theirparentsdidnae come fae here ye
meet their expectations and theirparentsexpectations has not been in
be expected given that theirparentshad moved into the area
they have to go toparentshave to go to their
of whichever one of theirparentsheld the highest job in
as their mouthpiece for theparentsi deal with one of
to promote the involvement ofparentsin the education of their
them having fun while theirparentskeep them why should not
on the circumstances in whichparentsmay choose to educate their
it was a sunday theirparentsmight collect them there were
year young people and theirparentsmust get that message which
notes that they and theirparentsnow have a greater awareness
qualifications that they and theirparentspotential employers and colleges know
1900s that some of theparentsrefused to let their bairns
support as possible to givingparentsthe choice to educate their
educate their peers and theirparentsthere was also strong emphasis
their horse cheeked excuses forparentsto get off their vast
in the speech of theirparentstrudgill 1986 38 trudgill concluded
had to live with theirparentsuntil they managed to find
wheeched them aff fin theirparentswaurna luikin there wis a
in their separate ways ourparentswere engaged in the war
raised on deeside but theirparentswere incomers and their speech
fretting about her offspring hisparentswere rubbing their hands hadn
dreams for this we thenkitparentswha gied us o their
now care for their elderlyparentswhy does the westminster government
an influence themselves and theirparentswill be important as their
seen it before and theirparentswill have watched it for
was used to help theirparentswith household expenses or went
tae get signed fae theirparentsye know f606: mmhm f1039:
recognises the further concern ofparentsin east kilbride that the
involvement of and accountability toparentsbuildings books equipment and support
strategies in place to supportparentsincluding homework booklets where things
incomes we are getting moreparentsinto work through support for
centre and the st macharparentssupport project bring communities and
restricted to providing support toparentswho are about to embark
school for girls where myparentsaspired to send me here
school and local authority thatparentslikely to be affected by
went to sunday school herparentsnever went to church she
great until secondary school myparentsseparated us and everything changed
the school s relationship withparentsthe daily use of varieties
moreover the school can encourageparentsto feel part of the
e mails being sent toparentsto say that the school
boarding school so you knowparentsweren t really consulted and
my gra- you know myparentsand that you know er
of it and ehm myparentsare very committed ehm very
t- tae the day myparentsdied the living room was
tarland who lived with myparentsfor 16 years her mother
and apparently erm [laugh] myparentshad like missed one of
f640: erm no my myparentshad no church connection at
keen listener to what myparentshad to say about almost
and she s and myparentshave lived in en- er
i ve left home myparentshave suddenly become overwhelmed with
my boyfriend or in myparentshome f1150: yeah f1151: er
very proactive along with myparentsin developing erm from from
my mum lived with herparentsin er monifieth for a
of art to annoy myparents[laugh] m608: [laugh] f641: [laugh]
about a year before myparentslet me buy a pair
a bit less cause myparentslike weren t totally [inaudible]
when i lived wi myparentsm999: aye aye f1001: which
have been unimaginable to myparentsmy late father was a
the doctor said that myparentsneedn t know about the
we didn t well myparentsnever went to church erm
40 years he was myparentsnext door neighbour after the
you know my mother sparentson bo- on her side
the infrequency with which myparentspersuaded me that i should
i can t erm myparentssaid they ll help me
you don t know myparentssir i added hurriedly his
the matter with my moribundparentsso highers and sixth year
my mum s boyfriend sparentsso we re stayin wi
oh right m642: um myparentsstayed and we stayed all
no sir discuss with myparentsthat ll be the day
it up it was myparentsthat noticed it this ye
in charge the police myparentsthe same routine gulag fashion
a phone call to myparentsto come and fetch me
i don t want myparentsto see even the outside
was a term that myparentsused a lot m999: have
m1016: couch just cause myparentsused it as that so
it came from either myparentsused it that s why
when we got older myparentsused to take us to
f1148: erm yeah like myparentsused to when we when
the south inch from myparentswe d been playing on
that my i think myparentswent down to the station
and eh and eh myparentswere so keen that i
aye [inaudible] m819: my myparentswere were through cause we
these city trips with myparentswhen i was about fourteen
me here lynn phoned myparentswith the result that mum
hard life is for myparentswork on the land is
never uses it and myparentswould never have sung it
young people youth workers andparentsabout the idea of a
young fowk youth warkers anparentsan idea for a commissioner
make absolutely certain that employersparentsand young people understand what
for young people but forparentsin the areas where gaelic
scottish executive to send theparentsof young offenders to jail
scottish executive to send theparentsof young offenders to jail
healthy drink when mabel sparentswere young in the second
and are you- are yourparentsalso were they also scottish
have latched on to thatparentsappeals were accompanied by a
the long established roles herparentshad assumed were now reversed
they were tae be theparentso mary queen o scots
national debate on education wereparentsor organisations that included parent
said that you heard fromparentsthat the materials were being
wore them in mabel sparentstime buttoned boots were fashionable
bewildering conditions from when ourparentswere alive crime violence and
his fault paternal deprivation theparentswere always blamed weren t
you know like where herparentswere an i- they had
went to tiree because hisparentswere emigrating to vancouver and
up in dumbarton and herparentswere impeccable scottish labour party
can bear one night herparentswere out and not due
be very late and herparentswere so bad tempered these
suggests that around 10 ofparentswere still involved with farming
m1036: so i had twoparentswho were fluent gaelic speakers
register two of them wereparentswho were looking after properties
us we probably have threeparentswho would say we were
you began to correct yourparentsyou see if you were
careers we seek to involveparentsmore constructively in the education
shall respect the rights ofparentsto ensure such education and
as some of those otherparents12 00 mr monteith your
f1154: so where are yourparentsactually from then f1155: [laugh]
your home scots do yourparentsalways speak scots no they
pick it up from yourparentsan an f1054: somebody say
m944: and they but yourparentsare the ones that are
you weren t with yourparentsas you d told me
f826: ian you said yourparentscame from banchory area did
are being a historian yourparentscan in turn take you
than as you say yourparentsdidn t go to church
would go and tell yourparentsf963: yeah mm f965: that
so erm no so yourparentshave been here for twenty
sewage disposal sir will yourparentshave reported you ah mm
ye hear is fae yourparentspresumably so therefore if f826:
yeah f1054: why did yourparentsuse that f1027: i ve
you have memories of yourparentsusing different stuff or you
[cough] f965: family where yourparentswould beat the living daylights
something wrong f963: and yourparentswould mind that you had
t answer back to yourparentsyou know if they said
in em missing boy sparentsdistress reward offered for information
to be inappropriate to contactparentsfor this information however a
information on that matter toparentsthat are concerned about the
are in place to assistparentsto obtain information from hospitals
the scottish executive whether allparentswill be given information relating
who d arrived wi herparentsa few months afore david
the lack of understanding amongparentsand others who are confronted
complaints that i get fromparentsare from those who have
who could benefit from adoptiveparentsare slightly older than the
health week congratulates all theparentscarers professionals and organisations who
car window what if herparentsdid split up who would
was pitten tae the squeelparentsguide t who crouches then
through viewing pornography and supportsparentsin the uk who are
you know you ve gotparentswho come in an go
also says that pushy articulateparentswho have demanded that an
also the continued involvement ofparentswho if they hadn t
as an alternative for thoseparentswho request it for a
and is met by hisparentswho show shock at his
which shows that babies ofparentswho smoke are at risk
being brought against hospitals byparentss1w 16816 alex neil to
it can to reassure localparentsthat the agreement is being
i have had reports fromparentsthat these materials are being
and we ve also gotparentsat the end of a
or even of different agesparentscan also help the process
also possibly other authorities whereparentssee er if it s
what ever became of herparentsafterwards beaumont you ken as
too but wiry enough herparentsare retired now too and
her she lived with herparentsat mill of delgaty and
as mabel could remember herparentshad only one weekend off
of local lore from herparentshere is some of what
originally it belonged to herparentsin law but now they
boredom and mediocrity of herparentsmarriage brought her a wholesome
from the outside at herparentsmarriage she had cast her
that was used by herparentsof speaking the scots language
sunday she spends with herparentsthey go out for lunch
the marriages of her friendsparentstoppled like ninepins as wedlocks
a fine bairn really herparentswill complain though warned sally
her teens she regarded herparentswith grudging admiration the marriages
just very quickly er erparentstry to keep up but
local community on the otherparentscan be encouraged to come
is the local authority theparentsgo round in circles cathy
mainly in the bride sparentshouse sometimes the local hall
the neighbourhood the local dialectparentsmay say you know or
boarded out far from abusiveparentsand family caused an outcry
of cosmic journey of hisparentscoming over from m762: that
from glasgow from english speakingparentsdo you find that they
it has received from scottishparentsfor a public enquiry into
apply to appeals in generalparentsfrom affluent backgrounds might put
we have heard that fromparentsin various places rhoda grant
s where the the theparentsoriginally came from m608: okay
with an accurate response fromparentssupported by phil gallie lord
range of specialist schools forparentsto choose from offering excellent
advice and advisory services forparentsand carers of those diagnosed
others to listen to thoseparentsdouglas hamilton without beating them
had one more scots speakingparentscompared to 69 of rural
uh huh f965: you knowparentshad been regimented f963: mm
if she had stayed withparentslike yon we all took
on 14th september 1917 hisparentsreceived news that he had
the year at meetings withparentswe had told them that
they had to travel theparentswent with them once but
it was used by oorparentsbecause again they come aff
did happen with deana sparentsafter that mrs boyter dow
normal family background with twoparentsand a brother not the
with the language of hisparentsas he constructs for himself
have a meeting with theparentsgroup s1w 16812 lord james
bad or ugly and someparentshave collaborated with this treatment
and so the grand- hisparentsleft him there with his
eight ninety nine and theparentslobbied long and hard with
similarly 3 the links withparentsmentioned above are only part
put out to consultation withparentsprofessionals and other stakeholders for
line with the wishes ofparentss1m 1838 angus mackay international
service is especially liked byparentssix months trial rental with
in households with benefit dependentparentsthat is double the percentage
i think too kevin sparentsare away until 9th june
reported in may 1986 manyparentsare engaged in skilled work
attend further notes that manyparentsare expressing ignorance of the
it and ensuring that loneparentsare involved there is a
and the needs of singleparentsare regarded in legislation or
bottle fed we all loseparentslate or soon are orphaned
raises we are told thatparentsshould be involved in sex
life surely it is theparentsthat are guilty o a
it gets back to someparentsdo you know what i
know about that but aboutparentsin general he s right
f638: aye know an yerparentssaid oh that i think
beds which always shocks theparentsto the core you know
denmark whereby any group ofparentscan come together to establish
f1160: i think max sparentscome down for that they
s okay [laugh] well hisparentscome fae aberdeen maybe no
seen an nae heard hisparentsalways admonished him now today
haein been abducted frae hisparentsand his country at a
and he said that hisparentsand his girlfriend visited him
boy back up to hisparentsand the older one was
fin oot aboot his naitralparentsbit wis telt aboot the
yeah m762: and whereas hisparentscame to england [laugh] and
report to this to hisparentsdid i pass the test
news was conveyed to hisparentsin the same month in
in m959: oh f958: hisparentslive in clarkston m959: mmhm
and was a gamekeeper hisparentslived in gourdon [note: photo: 'both pages: sympathy card for wm middleton, hairmuir, benholm, killed in action on 6th april 1917, aged 19 years 11 months.'] william
aquherton farm kintore aberdeenshire hisparentsmoved to arbuthnott around 1943
flew by he visited hisparentsonly as duty demanded studiously
his wife and john sparentsonly mary s mother attended
will have in relation toparentsability to choose which mainstream
mmhm f1011: it was yerparentsas weel they would have
the lounge doubles as theparentsbedroom while the kids have
have if they hadn tparentshadn t bought into gaelic
parliamentary session so that allparentshave ample opportunity to consider
the scottish executive how manyparentshave applied to hospitals for
a new development fiona sparentshave assumed that she can
to put it bluntly opportunisticparentshave latched on to that
autism acknowledges the genuine reservationsparentshave regarding sanctioning the use
of previous centuries like manyparentsi have been involved in
have been more stark theparentslived in a sensuous tumble
do they have gaelic speakingparentsprobably now the majority is
t want to live whereparentswould say oh that was
reason or another if theparentswant to appeal they appeal
airms lay noo if yerparentshid a god hid a
it and some of theparentsapproached him about it and
that was interpreted by someparentsas mr macintosh was it
than average number of singleparentssome 53 per cent of
comments on hostel owners andparentsit has been said that
rates of disadvantaged groups loneparentsand ethnic minorities in the
i track down carolanne sparentsand get someone to stay
pass it on to theseparentsand in addition is holding
the polite name andy sparentsand older brother and sister
the labour market for singleparentsand so on in the
process and that attendance byparentsat these seminars is worryingly
it is taking to helpparentsbalance work and family life
notes the challenge faced byparentscarers and organisations such as
there to ensure that singleparentschildless couples and older people
increase drug misuse awareness amongstparentsfamilies and others to ensure
schools and more choice forparentsfurther believes that class size
fifty nine lahore and theparentslove affair that s completely
promised and the demands ofparentsmust be met 16 37
maybe but try asking theparentsof holly wells and jessica
by birth and cammy andersonparentsof kieran b 1960s jenny
waving distance of one sparentsor friends and to keep
and that a lot ofparentsprobably don t go oh
by the teaching profession andparentsrepresentatives about the details of
kitchen and the room theparentsslept in a box bed
and representations made by adoptiveparentsthat one of the difficulties
unholy alliance of police andparentsto return home before i
church and community leaders andparentsto work together so that
and even challenge one sparentsviews and beliefs davidson s
house later on carole sparentswill be coming and us
to take full account ofparentswishes and not dismiss them
the guardian angels formally scottishparentsfor a public enquiry into
reid on behalf of scottishparentsfor a public inquiry into
o them that owns theparentsi wouldna wish tae cause
a way that nobody sparentsever would safe to say
the fact they hate itparentshated it f606: yeah [laugh]
hid a god as yerparentshid a god they blessed
of action groups established byparentsacross aberdeenshire in response to
on upper deeside to incomerparentsbrought to the interview situation
anxiety caused to prospective adoptiveparentscathy jamieson i am aware
bill s proposals to suchparentsis to send a copy
the sqa in response toparentspushing for it alex easton
instructed to call on certainparentsregarding continued irregularity [note: photo: 'miss milne, teacher at arbuthnott school in 1913.'] before
has any plans to allowparentsto appeal against the provisions
whether the consultation process enabledparentsto be heard s1w 34795
all that easy for ourparentsto ensure a supply of
the opposition expressed by theparentsto the proposed closure by
no worries no reponsibilities noparentsto think of i was
of the impression given toparentsto which mr barrie refers
visitors will be kevin sparentsat the end of the
such legislation is on helpingparentsby means of educative change
a number of seminars thatparentscan attend further notes that
calming the fears of theparentsespecially on the last occasion
s book unser elternhaus ourparentshouse the narrative of a
up in glasgow of skyeparentsin maryhill f606: mm m1036:
through involving ethnic minority communityparentsin the life of the
it is totally unacceptable thatparentslive in an era of
else arra arrow auld yinsparentsbag aff wi somyin get
the placing request procedures ehmparentsdo not really get a
in upholding the convention includingparentsaction for safe play kirkshaws
we r the bairns oparentsthat despises wark enter natalia
the [censored: surname] family bought theparentsa lovely coffee table kind
calls the two sets oparentseh granny an grandad [censored: surname]
no barry s dad anparentsemigrated eh many years ago
14 year jail sentence mightparentsface a similar jail term
forbye whar tae fin baithparentsgin she d the need
there could be no appealparentswrote demanding a re mark

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