
See this word as a collocate cloud

members of the public takepartin parliamentary proceedings or participate
lawyers who seemed not whollypartof the proceedings but without
so that debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
so that debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
so that debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
so that debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
so that debate on eachpartof the proceedings if not
shall now resume when thispartof the proceedings is over
be passed for the firstpartof the proceedings members should
authority bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the stage 3 proceedings
scotland bill debate on eachpartof the stage 3 proceedings
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
scotland bill debate on eachpartof those proceedings shall be
sector must play an equalpartin developing strategy for volunteering
that they can play apartin that strategy the healthy
were sometimes grown together aspartof a farming strategy which
in construction related trades aspartof a general strategy to
advertising ban is only onepartof a long term strategy
extend central revenue support aspartof a longer term strategy
an hour it must bepartof a rolling strategy that
qualifications could be obtained aspartof a strategy to enhance
more effective if introduced aspartof a tobacco control strategy
04_spnew2 21 this is aspartof a wider strategy some
strategy the ees also formedpartof an inquiry by the
measures are being taken aspartof its child health strategy
prescribing rights to drugs aspartof its financial recovery strategy
taken forward or planned aspartof its national cultural strategy
valid land use 1 aspartof its open spaces strategy
of the said devices aspartof its strategy for reducing
to be more active ispartof our strategy to improve
however any change must bepartof the broad strategy of
peer review is an importantpartof the employment strategy the
not in latin this waspartof the reformers strategy of
26 the clusters approach formspartof the scottish enterprise strategy
speak up and the firstpartof the sport 21 strategy
worldwide economic interests the secondpartof the strategy is a
nairn s golf clubs aspartof this strategy s1o 4710
the part of the authorpart1 spring 2010 a moment
the quarry pages 1 42part1 spring 2010 part 2
areas the final part ofpart2 deals with tenant participation
5 part 7 part 6part2 part 8 the schedule
5 part 7 part 6part2 part 8 the schedule
5 part 7 part 6part2 part 8 the schedule
42 part 1 spring 2010part2 summer 2023 part 3
2010 part 2 summer 2023part3 autumn 2046 part 4
2023 part 3 autumn 2046part4 winter 3000 the characters
3 to 5 part 7part6 part 2 part 8
3 to 5 part 7part6 part 2 part 8
3 to 5 part 7part6 part 2 part 8
1 parts 3 to 5part7 part 6 part 2
1 parts 3 to 5part7 part 6 part 2
1 parts 3 to 5part7 part 6 part 2
7 part 6 part 2part8 the schedule 3 organic
7 part 6 part 2part8 the schedule s1m 3728
7 part 6 part 2part8 the schedule the motion
resulted was a refracted syntaxpartaccident part design this method
benjie the atavistic urchin ispartbeast or leastwyes fish part
in part by them inpartby a variety of charitable
four universities and funded inpartby them in part by
seemed to be part templepartcomplex of caves more impressive
a refracted syntax part accidentpartdesign this method based on
suppose she was probably thinkingpartfondly part resentfully that i
sounds rhyme full rhyme startparthalf rhyme or part rhyme
part beast or leastwyes fishparthuman an represents the inner
virtue of this part orparti and c in each
part there is inserted orparti b in subsection 2
virtue of this part orparti of this act 4
continues boxing bj is havocparto it is spoiling part
part o it is spoilingparto it pat moves to
thing a knife it becomesparto ye part o your
it becomes part o yeparto your han she gently
big coils isn t thatpartof a motor part of
that part of a motorpartof a- an electric motor
part of me erm andpartof me er works towards
identity m608: mm m078: butpartof me erm and part
designated pressured areas the finalpartof part 2 deals with
well she- shetland is ispartof scots eh scots part
break through then you becamepartof that line part of
became part of that linepartof that team f965: right
are pure conjecture on thepartof the author part 1
the norm ehm [click] sopartof the er part of
might be part of thepartof the game m741: mmhm
like the difficulty might bepartof the part of the
part of scots eh scotspartof the scots language is
so part of the erpartof the th-th-th- the poem
or by virtue of thispartor part i and c
or by virtue of thispartor part i of this
was probably thinking part fondlypartresentfully that i would be
start part half rhyme orpartrhyme hart hurt rhythm regular
part voltaire without wit andpartspurgeon without eloquence 44 and
the place seemed to beparttemple part complex of caves
and ii after the wordpartthere is inserted or part
calculated on the basis thatparttime or part year employment
was he a theological hybridpartvoltaire without wit and part
basis that part time orpartyear employment is exactly half
schools need to play theirpartfully in promoting the growth
recycling operators play a fullpartin all planning and development
executive will play an activepartin all those discussions in
role play or to takepartin assemblies oral reports on
play no less vital apartin english studies in england
that they play a centralpartin identifying priorities and developing
it cannot play its fullpartin increasing the size of
play a far more prominentpartin my professional life than
scotland and play a hugepartin passing on information and
us to play a significantpartin providing it 15 00
that such initiatives play apartin scotland enjoying profile and
that such initiatives play apartin scotland enjoying profile and
the debate will play apartin showing that there is
with other people play theirpartin society and as john
seat i can play nopartin that she gave me
trouble silc would play apartin the arrangements for coping
tourism will play an importantpartin the economic development of
kingdom scotland must play itspartin the fight against such
we are to play apartin the formation of a
sought to play a fullpartin the future of europe
we in scotland play ourpartin the parliament we have
who did not have apartin the play were put
voluntary organisations play a crucialpartin the protection and enhancement
committees concerned should play somepartin the sifting process if
expected to play an importantpartin the war effort by
the parliament will play itspartin those developments i move
able to play a greaterpartin united kingdom affairs to
private sector to play itspartit has issued a lot
play an important and noticeableparto life in scotland and
i began to play thepartof the gullible householder as
in dundee last month thepartthat cabx play in developing
stayed here to play yourpartthe obligements that you didny
authorities which obviously have apartto play i believe that
humour had a more prominentpartto play if you were
state administrations have a significantpartto play in delivering some
scottish premier league have nopartto play in determining the
quite frequently have an importantpartto play in initiating and
and attitude have a largepartto play in making the
older people have a vitalpartto play in our democracy
act as having an importantpartto play in the lives
local government we have apartto play in this i
should we play an activepartwe can participate or we
doing this we are takingpartin a process this is
proud to have played mypartin that process on behalf
marked participant who was takingpartin the action process what
a company that played apartin the tendering process be
a company that played apartin the tendering process how
gone tomorrow but will bepartof a determined process to
huggins the planning process ispartof a dialogue between central
parents mentioned above are onlypartof an essential process of
that we agree them aspartof our process on the
us that parliament will bepartof that process to ensure
in the third and finalpartof the budget process as
seminars that were run aspartof the consultation process the
to take as an earlypartof the consultative process i
using word processing technology aspartof the editorial process had
youth work are an integralpartof the education process and
recognises voluntary youth work aspartof the educational process s1w
event next year the convenerpartof the evaluation process is
development dr black that ispartof the integrated management process
known to the executive aspartof the legislative process i
that scrutiny is an essentialpartof the legislative process i
assessments that are done aspartof the licensing process and
their activity which would bepartof the monitoring process but
contacted directly by developers aspartof the notification process i
limit or constrain an importantpartof the parliamentary process i
that knowing that committees werepartof the process and involved
in scotland during the initialpartof the process as the
to do things a keypartof the process is work
makes whatever adjustments are appropriatepartof the process of adjustment
in primary schools this ispartof the process of reading
opportunities for nurse practitioners arepartof the process of rebuilding
in the pension plan aspartof the process of winding
so and is developed aspartof the process the minister
authorities certification is a vitalpartof the process there is
found it an illustrative exercisepartof the process was informal
not the watchdog but justpartof the process work programme
systematic press preparation that becamepartof the production process at
depletion on fisheries management howeverpartof the scrutiny process is
way in there that spartof the songwriting process in
that question i hope thatpartof the sport 21 process
articulation of that process aspartof the upper end of
away the cultural commission ispartof this process a scan
council of ministers should becomepartof a bicameral legislature that
for an area to becomepartof a social inclusion partnership
that order would not becomepartof statute law the convener
see scots become a compulsorypartof teaching m055: tut well
registrars pay does not becomepartof that marketplace free for
anxious but determined to becomepartof the community and so
of bute and inchmarnock becomepartof the core area of
of the ombudsmen must becomepartof the debate they should
outside the croft had becomepartof the farm of curriedoon
that la will soon becomepartof the gow clean up
the building had almost becomepartof the landscape itself the
arrived to settle and becomepartof the north east linguistic
the official report they becomepartof the philosophy behind the
become an integral fully integratedpartof the prison structure and
assessment procedures would have becomepartof the programme which would
advice to ministers may becomepartof the questioning is it
income has become a majorpartof the sector s income
of the scottish parliament becomepartof the uk statute book
and jordanhill which have becomepartof the universities of edinburgh
become scottish eh wh-wh- waspartof this and so this
the children that were takingpartand i enjoy that f639:
to do often with takingpartf963: oh yeah but when
for the school environment takingpartin a dialect survey of
are not prohibited from takingpartin all the business of
bar a person from takingpartin any voluntary organisation or
single thing without taking anypartin decision making castrated by
given to police surgeons takingpartin joint paediatric forensic examinations
will be interested in takingpartin some of those consultation
between 13 and 17 takingpartin sports where do those
of ninewells hospital for takingpartin the bbc television series
who may not be takingpartin the debate today mrs
just exist taking a minimalpartin the routine of living
of subsidies to companies takingpartin the trials of satellite
of whom happily are takingpartin this conference my own
am pleased to be takingpartin this debate i am
of scientific enquiry 13 takingpartin this great enterprise baynes
involved saw themselves as takingpartin those meetings on behalf
as we must restrict eachpartof today s evidence taking
certainly be barred from takingparton the ground of evincing
sports groups and individuals takingparton the mainland they are
mum and dad taking fullpartwas signalled by the sounds
which his work forms apart10 important work was also
it has played an importantpartand it was around before
was important that he tookpartif he could despite his
religious question plays an importantpartin defining one s identity
public transport plays an importantpartin many older people s
that football plays an importantpartin our social culture and
social economy plays on importantpartin scottish society research by
health centre plays an importantpartin sorting out prisoners partly
me it s an importantparto a fuel pump or
the debate as an importantpartof developing the discussion in
tradesmen vans were an importantpartof life in arbuthnott until
1603 it is an importantpartof our cultural heritage for
is an important and enjoyablepartof people s lives yet
are important as a centralpartof scotland s natural heritage
regrets that such an importantpartof scotland sunderland and south
the bill is an importantpartof that but it would
reducing waiting times an importantpartof that progress is a
bill it is an importantpartof the bill that general
sale was an important elementpartof the challenge is working
the communities is an importantpartof the issue before we
however this is the importantpartof the letter the convener
scottish executive so important aspartof the public sector s
on that is an importantpartof the science that underlies
scotland that is an importantpartof the support that we
an important point the smallpartof the trunk road contract
think it s an importantpartof who you are and
to be able to takepartin this afternoon s debate
inappropriate for me to takepartin this debate as it
who would like to takepartin this debate to press
of funding played a majorpartin today s debate johann
to the scottish office aspartof an informed debate about
including postage and distribution aspartof its national debate on
that the issue will bepartof the continuing national debate
we move to the openpartof the debate as a
the answers are that ispartof the debate george lyon
now move to the openpartof the debate members who
among the population the otherpartof the debate which we
debate this may come underpartof the licensing system but
take on international criminal gangspart4 of the bill implements
companies have agreed to takepartand whether a list of
i was asked to takepartas the conservative speaker in
it s just tae takepartaye f1054: i dinnae ken
of this parliament can takepartbut not vote in any
four or five to takepartelaine smith perhaps it would
definition of eligibility to takeparthas been drawn too tightly
if i did not takeparthelen eadie i certainly support
same as you to takeparti don t m1017: it
although i did not takeparti felt that it was
nominate a representative to takepartin a european parliament funded
at weilburg preparing to takepartin a fiesta she put
she invited everyone to takepartin a ribbon dance later
jamie stone declined to takepartin agenda item 4 due
involved in committee events takepartin an on line discussion
encouraged or compelled to takepartin any activities about which
interest and not to takepartin any decisions mr mcconnell
united kingdom forces should takepartin any military action without
for all schoolchildren to takepartin at least two hours
common courtesy those who takepartin debates ought to be
of the court and takepartin determining the application of
associated with those who takepartin fox hunting across great
000 dogs across britain takepartin informal coursing 27 there
designated as able to takepartin joint paediatric forensic examinations
united kingdom did not takepartin meetings on the laeken
candidate for the party takepartin on line discussions www
would be best to takepartin partnerships uk although great
by the executive to takepartin public consultation exercises but
encouraging more volunteers to takepartin scottish life that is
encourage young people to takepartin sport s1w 28605 donald
representative from cosla should takepartin the consultation the convener
any members want to takepartin the event they should
those early days to takepartin the holyrood poetry link
at any time to takepartin the initial consultation their
narrators 1 6 can takepartin the mime described by
designated school kaimhill to takepartin the pilot scheme but
immediate family eligible to takepartin the scheme 9 disability
education authorities agreed to takepartin the scottish language project
people it expects to takepartin the sustainable development forum
for interested persons to takepartin the sustainable development forum
have been invited to takepartin this project by offering
renfrewshire council area who takepartin voluntary activities since 1997
from all communities who takepartin voluntary activities to achieve
cent of adults regularly takepartin voluntary activity the outlook
cent of adults regularly takepartin voluntary work i emphasise
encourages all msps to takepartin volunteering activity throughout the
s motion and to takepartin what i expect to
a game colin m1016: takepartm1014: i struggled tae think
fox hunt do not takepartnor do locals as hunt
will consider whether to takepartof item 7 in private
take it into consideration aspartof its deliberations on future
committee will take evidence aspartof its inquiry into aquaculture
committee will take evidence aspartof its inquiry into water
committee will take evidence aspartof its inquiry into water
we will take evidence aspartof our aquaculture inquiry previously
take that on board aspartof the new skills development
we take this matter forwardpartof the reason for wishing
that we can take aspartof uk wide legislation that
man had to take hispartor break with the domestic
those who wish to takepartshould press their request to
not been able to takepartwe will have to rely
asp 00 and registered underpart1 of that act 3
on the general principles ofpart1 of the bill at
executive to points raised onpart1 of the bill business
signing up to the measurespart1 of the bill concerns
support for it is necessarypart1 of the bill deals
meet these obligations are inpart1 of the bill parts
report that was incorporated intopart1 of the housing scotland
provisions in the uk billpart1 of the international criminal
2 2 of schedule dpart1 of the minute of
referred to in schedule dpart1 of the minute of
and how does schedule dpart1 of the minute of
care home service registered underpart1 of the regulation of
headed persons formerly subject topart1 of the sex offenders
such a service registered underpart1 of this act and
false statements in applications underpart1 of this act shall
the criminal justice scotland billpart1 of which relates to
context of scottish parliament legislationpart10 of the criminal justice
not least in relation topart10 of the criminal justice
the patient in accordance withpart13 of this act of
as it thinks fit 5part2 of schedule 2 has
sewel motion is relevant onpart2 of the bill and
not reached the end ofpart2 of the bill that
proceed beyond the end ofpart2 of the bill the
arrangements within the meaning ofpart2 of the local government
existing life prisoner to whompart2 of this schedule applies
fraud or money laundering casespart3 of the bill concerns
legal technicalities to escape justicepart3 of the bill covers
they are set out inpart3 of the rome statute
etc of certain health bodiespart4 general 19 interpretation 20
to drive in another countrypart4 makes a variety of
member state among other thingspart4 of the bill extends
executive when the review ofpart5 of the adults with
bill the committee will considerpart5 of the bill at
bill the committee will considerpart5 of the bill at
is detained in hospital underpart5 or 6 of this
made on the implementation ofpart6 of the housing scotland
treatment ministers should also considerpart9 of the bill which
foreboding about the operation ofpart9 of the bill which
as in rule 8 ofparta of the members allowances
a tour of scotland inpartaccompanied by him caledonia was
that we are playing ourpartand influencing the future of
their visotactile sensation for eachpartand portion of the persons
advertising ban has to bepartareas of current deprivation have
those discussions came about inpartas a result of the
for the purposes of thispartas if the reference in
it was for was thatpartat the side of the
five years is in substantialpartattributable to the skills of
in paragraph 1 a ofpartb on 1 april each
subject to paragraph 1 ofpartb rule 10 allowances general
within 50 metres of anypartbill aitken 40 in section
of the materials the otherpartcomes from the fact that
to the succession arising inpartdue to the circumstances of
and consultancy services it willpartfund the professional costs of
contribute to tourism through thepartfunding of area tourist boards
godden the story of apartgypsy girl and her struggles
no momento even of theparthe played in salvador s
of inebriation not on myparti hasten to add but
1975 act was replaced byparti of the wildlife and
corresponding to the provisions ofparti of this act and
statistical account of scotland 1843partii 1086 includes a speciman
necessary because amendment 7 repealspartii of the 1987 act
meaning as it has inpartii of the children scotland
information under the terms ofpartii of the code of
provides for the repeal ofpartii of the debtors scotland
for that amendment 19 insertspartii of the debtors scotland
as a regional language underpartii of the european charter
subject of an order underpartii of the proceeds of
of the languages concerned 20partiii of the charter serves
65 measures set out inpartiii of the charter the
disabled people the duties inpartiii of the disability discrimination
schools recognition of scots underpartiii of the european charter
of the european charter notpartiii under which gaelic is
of course not we tookpartin a session with 30
and we sort of tookpartin that village life and
patients and playing a majorpartin the development of public
know of her mother spartin the loss of her
of the prisoners who tookpartin the session detailed their
of cost is twofold onepartis the development costs of
be a qualifying disclosure underpartiva of the employment rights
range of suggested improvements topartj of the building standards
funding also plays a keypartobviously levels and stability of
cost the library the bestpartof 1000 to acquire and
been underway for the bestpartof 20 years it s
james vi s essay ispartof a 16th century genre
had more planes he waspartof a 500 strong british
a wee village more thanpartof a big city like
wall and indicates it waspartof a building perhaps most
to ernest benach who waspartof a catalan delegation to
bad state of affairs sliderpartof a cattle binding slokit
end insert where all orpartof a charging scheme is
scotland s mixed fishery aspartof a cod recovery plan
in edinburgh in 1584 aspartof a collection of essays
a boggy moat and ispartof a complex of palaces
sara hildénin museum is apartof a complex on the
the administration of oxygen aspartof a course of therapy
large statement or to bepartof a culture actually breaks
of design m608: were youpartof a department or f643:
this erm because it waspartof a er the my
canny mak oursels art andpartof a felony i couldny
point to keep that aspartof a generalised discussion and
renaissance of glasgow art beingpartof a generation that reacted
2003 exhibitions and events aspartof a glasgow wide festival
i am proud to bepartof a government whose first
essentially that the pharmacy ispartof a health team that
to looking at pharmacies aspartof a health team that
in making a journey orpartof a journey by public
in making a journey orpartof a journey by public
measure reckoned at a fortiethpartof a kemple and weighing
that war goes on aspartof a larger political struggle
in international law terms waspartof a larger unitary state
are stored on the sesllpartof a local area network
in their own hands aspartof a longer term reform
pilot project it is nowpartof a mainstream european activity
as we have said beingpartof a major european nation
s composed songs are onepartof a many stranded tradition
the week actually it waspartof a meeting and during
up the voice was likepartof a muddled dream until
states that they should bepartof a multidisciplinary approach and
for an outlet that ispartof a multiple chain four
for each outlet that ispartof a multiple chain those
which is lying fallow aspartof a normal crop rotation
for older people and ispartof a package that aims
two texts the first ispartof a personal description and
we introduced in august aspartof a phased programme to
such a procedure would bepartof a preventive approach perhaps
resources or whether it ispartof a previous funding package
liable to serve the punishmentpartof a previous sentence frame
match people to homes aspartof a programme to help
match people to homes aspartof a programme to help
fiscal fine is a usefulpartof a prosecutor s armoury
to encourage such partnerships aspartof a range of funding
to encourage such partnerships aspartof a range of funding
to encourage such partnerships aspartof a range of funding
than marriages those are onlypartof a registrar s function
as an annual fixture aspartof a renewed home international
as an annual fixture aspartof a renewed home international
description and the second ispartof a report a there
usu oatcake gen the fourthpartof a round as the
a community level sportscotland aspartof a scotland based distributor
any reference to a punishmentpartof a sentence shall be
any reference to a punishmentpartof a sentence shall be
which is not treated aspartof a single term under
the kitchen with the bottompartof a sowens sieve sow
is that we can bepartof a successful operation which
organic farming can operate aspartof a sustainable and market
i am proud to bepartof a team that is
resource transfer and consider aspartof a total settlement making
that good either is thispartof a trend towards serious
not i m not apartof a union or anythin
fast those companies could formpartof a well founded industry
recognise that the bill ispartof a wider agenda but
dorothy grace elder this ispartof a wider and very
of partnership and that ispartof accepting our humanity so
is seen as an essentialpartof allowing scots to flourish
in principle to the firstpartof amendment 11 although you
person s address the secondpartof amendment 6 proposed subsection
in deprivation in a racistpartof america she said that
the fact that she ispartof an administration that has
controversial sometimes people in onepartof an area will want
other words the pupils arepartof an ethnic minority community
released after five months aspartof an exchange with fascist
staff complement and b formpartof an existing member of
and lay for the betterpartof an hour while the
in german literature the firstpartof an intended series which
below the surrendered land becamepartof another large marshalling yard
transitional provisions are a necessarypartof any legislation that changes
transitional provisions are a necessarypartof any legislation that changes
in scotland is an essentialpartof any package to make
school or elsewhere 71 aspartof any research it is
also remit any sum orpartof any sum if it
of highland western isles thatpartof argyll and bute which
comhairle nan eilean siar thepartof argyll and bute which
yeah it s it spartof australian m815: them on
in my constituency which coverspartof ayrshire in those terms
and that that approach waspartof being accountable which is
it was f963: mmhm f965: partof being your ch- your
wear casual elegance mallorca ispartof catalunya and as such
these brewers distillers are allpartof conglomerates m608: aye m642:
dignity and security a criticalpartof creating a fairer scotland
in a vacuum language ispartof culture and as such
mmhm yeah yeah it spartof culture and knowledge yeah
in the round and aspartof discussion on how housing
in the hilltown a poorpartof dundee north and east
see scotland as an abberantpartof england then scots becomes
that are provided that ispartof ensuring that the proper
quite a long while aspartof er coming to terms
for granted we are nowpartof europe and the challenge
are because we were notpartof europe as we are
that if the uk waspartof europe we should use
and it is a greatpartof european heritage we are
grammatical component is an essentialpartof every unit and course
to be very much apartof everyday life mabel and
areas where gaelic is stillpartof everyday life where gaelic
because they re a biggerpartof f833: mm f835: the
know what operation they arepartof for example no one
decisions will be made aspartof future major investment programmes
[inhale] [inhale] [cough] so whatpartof glasgow are you from
you always stayed in thispartof glasgow if not please
man could undo i waspartof god i was christ
was here really the largestpartof her life ehm here
was a reluctance on thepartof her majesty s inspectors
felt her beside me everypartof her sweet jesus said
to avoid facing her onepartof him scared and the
great battles of the earliestpartof his career was the
someone who is to bepartof his family and today
where he lived a considerablepartof his life it also
sees it as just onepartof his lifetime commitment to
your bubble gum the logicalpartof his mind started to
living with that member aspartof his or her family
of european union institutions aspartof his or her parliamentary
style and obviously this ispartof his propaganda obviously this
his propaganda obviously this ispartof his purpose in convincing
move on to the nextpartof his speech andrew wilson
stage for us a fundamentalpartof improved work force planning
need for income on thepartof individuals on the other
marks occur and a considerablepartof innermessan lay west of
declaration of inverness which becamepartof international law in that
moving equipment shifted a largepartof it across the road
we re just a tinypartof it all human beings
s mandate to joshua wellpartof it an he says
you know cut off anypartof it and certainly the
s lair lair was par-partof it and so m1021:
it but gaining language waspartof it as well or
i have tried to explainpartof it but i doubt
industry nick johnston that waspartof it elaine murray hit
franco i suspect that spartof it he had been
and certainly the liberal democratpartof it is keen to
i am delighted to bepartof it it opens up
f1155: or a pa- apartof it or something it
up in a pretty roughpartof it so f1150: yeah
and yet each is apartof it the snake s
knight but that was onlypartof it there was fear
and many of them soldpartof it to the grocer
f640: well that s maybepartof it too that the
scheme for public bodies aspartof its 21st century government
ferry service network and aspartof its consideration of pe96
for witnesses giving evidence aspartof its consideration of the
of questioning for witnesses aspartof its consideration of the
to the scottish executive aspartof its consultation on the
the scenery in the upperpartof its course m kerlie
executive what recent discussions aspartof its cultural responsibilities it
discussions it has had aspartof its cultural responsibilities with
be taken into account aspartof its current consideration of
it has also chosen aspartof its current work programme
support groups is a keypartof its drugs and social
commissioned by caledonian macbrayne aspartof its fares review in
the committee took evidence aspartof its inquiry into genetically
progress on these issues aspartof its inquiry into the
scottish borders textiles industry aspartof its inquiry into the
sectors of scottish agriculture aspartof its overall commitment given
sectors of scottish agriculture aspartof its overall commitment given
of culled animal remains aspartof its programme to tackle
of markers and setters aspartof its remit it became
that the issue will formpartof its report sub group
the scottish executive whether aspartof its social inclusion policy
the rural development committee aspartof its stage 2 consideration
s hoose in de nortpartof lerwick f960: oh f961:
yeah f978: er so thatpartof life f746: but oh
road work is the majorpartof local authority maintenance activity
stand alone policies or aspartof local structure plans s1w
soller and nearly every otherpartof mallorca engages in every
dissatisfaction and frustration on thepartof many enrolled nurses at
textile sector is a vitalpartof many local economies in
you have saved the bestpartof me and saved it
the same sort of valuespartof me does because my
mm m1036: it was alwayspartof me erm from my
the sensibilities but strangely anotherpartof me exulted in her
to be genuinely helpful butpartof me is worried that
jaundiced whites of her eyespartof me recoiled in terror
two ways by the requestpartof me wants to be
there is willingness on thepartof ministers council leaders and
energy or effort on thepartof ministers or the fsa
to respond to the earlierpartof miss goldie s question
wandered down arbat street thepartof moscow that is supposed
four hundred scottish outlets arepartof multiple chains that are
i said well that spartof my job to bring
was told queues are nowpartof my life for food
been famous but it spartof my life now and
some more then he droppedpartof my own haddock into
specific those elements will bepartof my report as i
bowling for compo the firstpartof my shift was all
and so this was m-partof my thing to link
save up the erm firstpartof my tuition fees before
why he moved to thispartof new york is just
standards board for scotland nowpartof nhs quality improvement scotland
be recommended for use aspartof nhs trusts strategies to
and dyin away or becomingpartof normal society or m816:
examples from the very earlypartof of of of the
sat on the couples andpartof one side was used
do use westbank quadrant thepartof otago street from gibson
by john mcallion a corepartof our agenda for the
saying that it should bepartof our complaints procedure that
right medicine again that ispartof our deliberations given the
raise the comments will formpartof our deliberations over the
see it as an integralpartof our economic development processes
why literacy and numeracy arepartof our four key educational
wolf hounds for example arepartof our gut buster range
traffic control is a keypartof our infrastructure and has
thought of phoning the policepartof our job would be
that mr hamilton is thispartof our legacy paper does
tolerance and respect which arepartof our national character andrew
rather than on any researchpartof our overall assessment will
petition will be considered aspartof our overall review of
times more beds the secondpartof our plan to cut
work force development centres aspartof our positive response to
us however it is clearlypartof our remit to look
out the sponsoring body aspartof our response to the
evidence that we consider aspartof our review fiona mcleod
be picky but is thatpartof our role although i
voluntary sector is an integralpartof our society and this
we can show that everypartof our society is involved
so that the petition becomespartof our telecommunications inquiry then
to prevent the sale ofpartof overtoun park rutherglen glasgow
dancer himself wyllie made dancingpartof palace cultural affairs thereafter
time the most high profilepartof parliament s business and
stake in the public sectorpartof partnerships uk the provision
4 premises or the relevantpartof premises acquired as parliamentary
1 premises or the relevantpartof premises acquired as parliamentary
negative responses that are nowpartof proposals that we all
you could view it aspartof psychoraag but it s
individual involved will now bepartof puk in a sense
it s like it spartof [?]reason[/?] is poetry and
language were made a significantpartof robert burns im deutschen
industries have been an integralpartof rural scotland for centuries
up those comments i spentpartof saturday morning in one
and steel boxes hit thispartof scandinavia and its architecture
this area became a permanentpartof scotland after the battle
explore social change in thatpartof scotland in the first
of the vocabulary of thispartof scotland is however derived
nothin m865: well you repartof scotland officially m952: well
promote restorative justice programmes aspartof scotland s action programme
purchase they form an irreplaceablepartof scotland s food price
create songs that themselves becamepartof scotland s traditional music
highlights a potential problem forpartof scotland s transport system
happens to live in apartof scotland that is economically
act of settlement was madepartof scots law through the
the doors open day initiativepartof scottish archaeology month 2001
our language is a greatpartof scottish heritage and it
and so i understand thatpartof scottish identity m608: mm
something eh which w- waspartof scottish rad- radicalism er
of language is a necessarypartof scottish school education knowing
was trying to sell apartof skye for a lot
after the function of thispartof speech has been introduced
profitable when used with thepartof speech which is itself
different examples of the samepartof speech would create a
students in scotland still beingpartof such a huge country
such a journey or anypartof such a journey is
possible by editing the firstpartof t in the fashion
also consider economic inclusion aspartof that agenda perhaps local
think like that immigration spartof that but m741: mmhm
i do because they werepartof that coming to terms
relief and voluntary agencies aspartof that effort 15 57
better town planning are allpartof that equally i welcome
any exercise but that waspartof that extremely liberal movement
21st century government does notpartof that involve doing things
the community fund the gallingpartof that is that the
i will answer the lastpartof that question first the
scots [inhale] but i thinkpartof that question would be
refused to be art andpartof that scheme mrs beaumont
transparent as possible reports arepartof that that is just
issue could be considered aspartof that that would be
civil judicial co operation aspartof that title they are
m845: we hope to bepartof that twenty point three
of things so a bigpartof that we can say
means improved efficiency and thatpartof that will come through
the work of that sippartof that work is ensuring
described the transient nature ofpartof the aboyne population and
east through what is nowpartof the academy playing field
at the end of thispartof the agenda generally speaking
stepping down arrangements that arepartof the agreement but which
and berwickshire which originally formedpartof the ancient kingdom of
pleased to say that aspartof the announcements that were
remember if this place waspartof the archipelago or whatever
solution and people in anotherpartof the area will prefer
the parliament that that ispartof the argument that we
my clothes off was thispartof the assessment too i
different culture and there beingpartof the auc with its
wrote that it was desolatepartof the autobahn can be
they leave curtain scene viipartof the battlefield enter macbeth
states in europe and beingpartof the bigger picture when
recognises that such resources arepartof the biggest ever investment
the environment committee he waspartof the bill s stage
are recommended will not formpartof the bill we will
will make up a substantialpartof the board why are
me what was the bestpartof the book f1122: erm
borders and my constituency coveredpartof the borders a long
he had visited the oldestpartof the building closed now
comparator will be calculated aspartof the business case for
friday night in the earlypartof the century premature deaths
er you know the earlypartof the century you know
least presume that a majorpartof the change is a
excited at all m1019: pa-partof the change of of
to them if they repartof the church here father
walls this is the earliestpartof the city and there
scrutiny of european matters aspartof the clerks legacy paper
places al- in sydney alongpartof the coast used to
fishing grounds last year aspartof the cod recovery plan
standards for msps in thispartof the code members should
scottish executive and thereby notpartof the collective the scottish
committee report and is thereforepartof the committee s general
cohort that crucial question ispartof the committee s remit
talking skills paper 9 aspartof the communicative classroom there
by family businesses that arepartof the community and that
skill of writing is notpartof the compulsory assessment and
little disagreement except on thepartof the conservatives on the
context or is covered aspartof the consideration of the
which is so much apartof the context of the
the bill is only onepartof the continuing modernisation of
limited review of the quantitiespartof the contract and will
ppp contract it is notpartof the contract i think
is familiar with even apartof the corpus of scots
had been built it becamepartof the council property it
carry the news to everypartof the country in the
in this town in thispartof the country in this
in dingwall but not everypartof the country is so
configuration of services in everypartof the country mr duncan
steps are taken in everypartof the country only today
came originally from the upperpartof the country xiv 1791
are determined to tackle thatpartof the culture of violence
pleased to hear that aspartof the current research into
of a moor latin waspartof the curriculum at that
too often been a hiddenpartof the curriculum but yet
not any realisation on herpartof the danger so narrowly
bairns that would surely bepartof the deal and counted
that even though the secondpartof the delay that you
members on the convention aspartof the delegations from the
whether in their view thepartof the design that they
kinna strategies m741: mmhm m605: partof the dif- difference is
purpose of meeting all orpartof the difference between the
convener i will draw thatpartof the discussion to a
authority within whose area anypartof the district salmon fishery
point we could amend thatpartof the document accordingly members
of the glen the dreariestpartof the dreary scene dull
pretentious erm in the firstpartof the episode he uses
action for both languages aspartof the european year of
scotland s indigenous languages aspartof the european year of
beasties but it was alsopartof the everyday working system
those comments into consideration aspartof the evidence gathering that
for periods of time aspartof the evidence if you
formal referral the petition becomespartof the evidence that we
petition so that it becomespartof the evidence that we
renewable energy developments on thepartof the executive and the
communities scotland is of coursepartof the executive however resources
are to submit it aspartof the executive s consultation
murray individual learning accounts arepartof the executive s programme
the last sentence in thepartof the executive s response
the valley in hiding aspartof the exercise as the
in fact the most difficultpartof the exercise is not
other aspects that are notpartof the existing scheme might
winter it s just apartof the f746: yeah in
rural communities are a keypartof the fabric of scotland
more than previously planned aspartof the facing the future
as totems others some arepartof the family i know
the whole tuition fee iipartof the fee and iii
would be depends on whichpartof the ferry industry we
cusco to see the mainpartof the festival there we
rape which was planted aspartof the field scale trials
chimes are concentrated in onepartof the field where i
statement that should have beenpartof the financial memorandum such
v this may well bepartof the foundations of the
other services were checked aspartof the framework which is
will those provisions are onlypartof the full picture there
poem that s kind ofpartof the fun erm but
mm mmhm m762: that spartof the fun of it
into the issues raised aspartof the future of europe
rail system as an integralpartof the gb rail network
rail system as an integralpartof the gb rail network
of the eypd bus aspartof the get on board
review our budgets as everypartof the government does to
that pharmacies are a centralpartof the health team and
term support for pharmacies aspartof the health team in
little east of the northernpartof the hills the hamlet
the station s significance aspartof the historic core of
schemes where tenants can buypartof the house and rent
fun held in the oldpartof the house other than
of the house and rentpartof the house what consideration
pretend with that i mpartof the human race i
complex area that is notpartof the immediate plans the
we want to publish aspartof the inquiry do members
shares and subsequently in 1909partof the investment 113 was
religious foes and creditors thepartof the jewel most often
is about completing the lastpartof the jigsaw if this
on the journey or thatpartof the journey by means
to quantify this is indeedpartof the justification for any
have come to the poshpartof the land i don
urban dialects of scotland aspartof the language known as
and scholars during the earlypartof the last millennium latin
city feel themselves to bepartof the late twentieth century
down drains for example aspartof the law we have
and what financial consideration formspartof the lease on what
the car deck occupied onlypartof the length of this
languages should be valued aspartof the life of the
mackay announced before christmas ispartof the local authority settlement
there is satisfaction on thepartof the local authority that
assessed by communities scotland aspartof the local housing strategies
queue i gave the secondpartof the macdiarmid talk in
it difficult to access thatpartof the market i think
your hero gettin wounded ispartof the mechanics of the
of administration for a goodpartof the medieval period after
like to round up thispartof the meeting johann lamont
letter i bring the publicpartof the meeting to a
the removal of all orpartof the member s allowances
and frequency of checks aspartof the monitoring procedures s1w
the sentiment in the firstpartof the motion as we
amendments can only delete thatpartof the motion relating to
will be to delete apartof the motion relating to
but for me that spartof the mystery of faith
fish by enmeshing them nopartof the net may be
contact with the coastguard aspartof the normal emergency planning
upper deeside is a smallpartof the north east region
north of ire- a bigpartof the north of ireland
that osteoporosis is only consideredpartof the older age group
handling the data for thatpartof the operation merge with
crawford pointed out correctly thepartof the order that relates
additional works which were notpartof the original project and
the scottish executive is onepartof the overall government machine
adam will know that formspartof the overhaul of the
am trying to find thepartof the paper that says
deaf issues are a fundamentalpartof the parliament s equal
varying power in the latterpartof the parliament scottish liberal
also be identified under thispartof the plan bringing together
use them it is notpartof the plan to say
kelso broomlands primary school wherepartof the playing fields have
that other practitioners can benefitpartof the point of the
in the water the deepestpartof the pool guinness black
direct resources for that keypartof the population it is
assurances have been checked aspartof the power generation section
one we can learn thatpartof the preparation of sowens
the a68 and the a7partof the problem is that
local authorities will complete theirpartof the programme by april
30 month old cattle aspartof the programme to eradicate
that have been culled aspartof the programme to eradicate
acknowledge that it must bepartof the public health agenda
the point of sale aspartof the public health tobacco
and planned relocation reviews aspartof the public service job
has recently focussed on aspartof the publicity surrounding rangers
i have forgotten the secondpartof the question mrs smith
will pick up the firstpartof the question on whether
area waste plans the secondpartof the question was on
about broadband because that ispartof the range of issues
the people which is surelypartof the reason for having
colleges know the value ofpartof the reason why i
the new mechanisms proposed aspartof the reformed common fisheries
committee given that it ispartof the remit of this
some time the proposal describespartof the research s objectives
scottish borders over recent yearspartof the response from the
be asked to be apartof the responsibility for m741:
more effective public involvement thirdlypartof the review will be
tribes also as an intrinsicpartof the ritual and as
aunt pol s reaction waspartof the ritual too this
primary schools are an intrinsicpartof the rural way of
areas of land were formerlypartof the same agricultural unit
dominions thereunto belonging or anypartof the same or to
dominions thereunto belonging or anypartof the same or to
in further education colleges aspartof the school based curriculum
community education as a fullpartof the school community encourage
can encourage parents to feelpartof the school community through
just told us that onepartof the scottish executive is
let down by the labourpartof the scottish government malcolm
are not civil servants orpartof the scottish government see
pilgrimage to salzburg the mainpartof the second round opened
reference to a the punishmentpartof the sentence as is
reference to a the punishmentpartof the sentence as is
1993 act or b anypartof the sentence which has
1993 act or b anypartof the sentence which has
extensive grounds only a smallpartof the site has a
throughout britain can identify aspartof the standard dialect various
s working or if thepartof the story s working
and after read a smallpartof the story themselves onto
courses of action that illustratespartof the strange experience of
local health board it ispartof the strategic response to
ruin it but conventions arepartof the structure suspension of
or criminal offence on thepartof the surveillance commissioner nor
letters of comfort are stillpartof the system and if
to replace or omit anypartof the text of an
reader on to the particularpartof the text that the
royal pardon is an integralpartof the thai judicial system
i certainly think it waspartof the the prevailing climate
used to extreme reactions allpartof the therapy dimps fuckin
the economists report the convenerpartof the thinking behind my
totem meal as an essentialpartof the totemic religion 20
made available for training aspartof the tourism budget will
they assemble at a certainpartof the town an where
all the boys in thatpartof the town frequainted the
the study abstract the latterpartof the twentieth century brought
that the scottish executive aspartof the uk delegation is
that the scottish executive aspartof the uk delegation is
that being in europe aspartof the uk gives us
he was an interesting manpartof the united irishmen movement
a scotland that was nowpartof the united kingdom his
scotland was a very powerfulpartof the united kingdom of
scotland was that was thenpartof the united kingdom so
scots by far the greaterpartof the vocabulary of this
of safety in tbe secondpartof the voyage following very
committee to raise funds aspartof the war effort in
of controversial because that spartof the where the language
best of both worlds beingpartof the wider uk being
e f718: does the flechiepartof the word mean anything
the local authorities for doingpartof the work of deciding
on young people in thispartof the world and the
like it s from anotherpartof the world does your
n- not used in thispartof the world i don
and one words in thispartof the world i suppose
so many girls from thispartof the world into cocktail
that when i visited hispartof the world yesterday i
over there m1163: mmhm m608: partof the year here an
yeah m608: at least spentpartof the year when when
concerned may pool all orpartof their allowances under this
to feel that it ispartof their culture too i
packages that people maintain aspartof their daily business to
or other renewable energy aspartof their design oppose plans
taught to all children aspartof their general language education
of britain which should constitutepartof their knowledge and understanding
was exciting books weren tpartof their lives they didn
yeah mmhm m762: that spartof their lives you know
the scottish executive have forfeitedpartof their ministerial salaries for
use the word university aspartof their name 9 open
and b have all orpartof their rent paid by
have an interest in thatpartof their wider regional constituency
of recording our achievements aspartof their work environment and
cost of those expenses orpartof them when the person
the 1997 act states thispartof this act applies to
the term nothing in thispartof this act shall require
allow ministers to disapply anypartof this act this is
new framework for the cfppartof this framework is that
that it is that spartof this greater variability the
evidence submitted so far aspartof this inquiry the committee
and community care committee aspartof this morning s evidence
drawing up the management planpartof this remit is to
moors having spent the largerpartof three massachusetts winters surreptitiously
with lobbyists that is thepartof today s discussion that
site and writing the firstpartof today s entry then
use exploit historic links aspartof town and suburb regeneration
steep hill doon oose lowerpartof village doos pigeons een
surviving traces are only apartof what existed at innermessan
that will be only apartof what was spent the
a restriction in only onepartof what we contend is
artists from near and farpartof what we wanted was
a moving apt and permanentpartof what will be the
that like unique to apartof where yo- glasgow or
from there to the gardenpartof which can be seen
the foundations and one wallpartof which has been partially
in the round in aberdeenshirepartof which i represent there
an extended ceremony in quechuapartof which included a mock
watercolour of a carnival maskpartof which represents a condor
nomination of community councils anypartof whose area is within
and on environment projects aspartof work experience placements recognise
it s still it spartof you know the world
house that came about aspartof you know your particular
james isn t there apartof you that longs to
defer to her is justpartof your act and nothing
weird second until the rationalpartof your brain worked it
that jack and i arepartof your family harry yeuch
i agree with the firstpartof your point i am
to reply to the firstpartof your question and i
the future of europe contentspartone background 3 the laeken
of the boys from anotherpartour area have been seen
6 was handed over inpartpayment of dividend recovered on
respect of which a punishmentpartrequires to be but has
the work of the criticalpartshirk it as a man
of which your property ispartthe sender is intimating to
of the parliament the nextpartthen comes back to general
of north ayrshire for thepartthey have played in the
intensive degree of skill isparttime and therefore does not
funeral bobby is doing aparttime job in one of
of a business magazine andparttime language teacher here to
maybe hadn t heard ofparttime musician and call centre
i know of is aparttime one that is run
squyer meldrum also seem inpartto interrogate notions of chivalry
the measures erm outlined inparttwo of the european charter
decisions on childcare workers underpartv of the police act
of the 1973 and insertpartvii finance of the 1973

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