
See this word as a collocate cloud

relation to environmental impact assessmentsparticularlyas there is no third
certificates there is an issueparticularlyin relation to certain areas
as those of other carersparticularlyin relation to consultation over
relocation of public service jobsparticularlyin relation to departments or
protection of rare invertebrate faunaparticularlyin relation to development proposals
local management of scottish forestsparticularlyin relation to economic social
for significantly enhancing such servicesparticularlyin relation to education housing
highlighted issues of multiple discriminationparticularlyin relation to families from
committee will consider the matterparticularlyin relation to forestry i
clear voice in giving evidenceparticularlyin relation to funding the
the past couple of monthsparticularlyin relation to how the
and the more negative aspectsparticularlyin relation to internal assessment
of the scottish spending reviewparticularlyin relation to investment plans
specific changes to the schemeparticularlyin relation to issues associated
social inclusion in recent yearsparticularlyin relation to older people
terms and conditions of employmentparticularlyin relation to pay and
cover the scottish music industryparticularlyin relation to popular and
dated before 1 july 1999particularlyin relation to the agricultural
licensing i have heard complaintsparticularlyin relation to the planning
group on women s offendingparticularlyin relation to the proposal
have examples of such competitionparticularlyin relation to the provision
now 47 the situation isparticularlyacute among nurses in general
in awarding this contract andparticularlyamong ferry staff who at
in the public health arenaparticularlyamong our young people there
examinations and improving visual healthcareparticularlyamong the elderly who are
a family history of osteoporosisparticularlyamong women the incidence of
smuggling problem but increased smokingparticularlyamong young people since then
off in participation in sportparticularlyamong young women our target
stated that ehm tsk erparticularlythe older generation among [laugh]
disabled people has not beenparticularlywell publicised among organisations or
communities develop pride in themselvesparticularlyfocusing on areas of social
get considered and detailed responsesparticularlyfrom those areas currently under
an enormous role to playparticularlyin areas of multiple deprivation
constituency we have such problemsparticularlyin city centre areas where
cognitive benefits for the bilingualparticularlyin curricular areas where such
of breakfast services to childrenparticularlyin deprived areas s1o 6499
post offices to local communitiesparticularlyin deprived areas welcomes her
to promote tourism from overseasparticularlyin low risk areas unaffected
may attend courses is difficultparticularlyin remote and rural areas
difficult to estimate fox populationsparticularlyin rural areas 2 foxes
offices play in scottish communitiesparticularlyin rural areas and deprived
to improve public transport servicesparticularlyin rural areas make transport
who are in constant demandparticularlyin rural areas notes that
who are in constant demandparticularlyin rural areas notes that
the service provided to patientsparticularlyin rural areas of grampian
by everybody there are problemsparticularlyin rural areas one point
housing for first time buyersparticularlyin rural areas s1o 5790
in its spoken dialect formsparticularlyin rural areas such as
that often are significant employersparticularlyin rural areas the minister
large number of opencast sitesparticularlyin the areas in east
waiting times in the nhsparticularlyin the areas of heart
is time consuming and wastefulparticularlyin the areas where gaelic
grammatical structures will be seenparticularlyin the following areas control
standard grade into those areasparticularlyintermediate one and two partly
whether any such decline wasparticularlymarked in rural areas and
primary care teams in areasparticularlyrural ones which struggle to
which exists in some areasparticularlyrural ones with dentists where
all parts of scotland membersparticularlystrove to visit rural areas
small to medium sized businessesparticularlythose located in rural areas
and in many areas isparticularlyunsuited to significant volumes of
areas that do not interfaceparticularlywell with each other there
teachers of other subject areasparticularlywhen we move into the
that supports many of theparticularlydisadvantaged communities that we know
valuable role in local communitiesparticularlyfor the less mobile but
communities it is also aparticularlyimportant resource for those who
a day depriving whole communitiesparticularlyin already troubled rural communities
libraries in schools and communitiesparticularlyin fostering and sustaining readership
vital service to local communitiesparticularlyin rural or more deprived
to the quality of lifeparticularlyof disadvantaged communities in both
service would help elderly peopleparticularlythose in outlying communities we
of rural parts of scotlandparticularlybecause of the ban on
in a number of waysparticularlybetween urban and rural economies
five years imprisonment following aparticularlydifficult case in which a
gallie s amendment was aparticularlydifficult case which i spent
fool that last year wasparticularlydifficult for the scottish economy
wits end as it isparticularlydifficult to persuade people who
curve it is often difficultparticularlyfor small businesses to make
not difficult for all membersparticularlythose in my party as
are entitled to that isparticularlyimportant because changes to the
in new build that isparticularlyimportant because such people can
felt that this would beparticularlyimportant for any regulations which
and accidents those powers areparticularlyimportant in multi owned older
grampian area this issue isparticularlyimportant in my constituency where
its presiding officer has beenparticularlyimportant in shaping it it
human beings adolescents would beparticularlyimportant subjects as they are
of land managers will beparticularlyimportant they suggest that all
function is likely to beparticularlyimportant to a child s
big consultation exercise which areparticularlyimportant to a curriculum for
open tomorrow and which areparticularlyimportant to fisheries in the
resources and their prioritisation isparticularlyimportant we have to strike
tae be considerit an isparticularlyimportant wi regards tae scots
giving councils important new functionsparticularlyin public health and the
is important that the saleparticularlyof the newspapers helps to
although it might not beparticularlytight it is important to
we will cause serious problemsparticularlyfor finance gathering in local
people with drug misuse problemsparticularlyproblems related to heroin or
was because of practical problemsparticularlythe impact on the response
would be if the problemsparticularlythe resource problems were sorted
passage of supertankers through thoseparticularlydangerous waters the first minister
19 per cent those areparticularlyencouraging statistics that underline our
support adequate voluntary sector trainingparticularlyfocused on those dealing with
services personal health plans willparticularlyhelp those who would not
disliked strangers are those closestparticularlyif they appear to be
get complaints from existing tenantsparticularlyof council housing saying those
those pupils who pose aparticularlysevere risk to their own
initiatives on life long learningparticularlythose aimed at increasing the
low income groups in societyparticularlythose applying for income support
surprising because many roman catholicsparticularlythose from ireland had come
impressions ron tuck board membersparticularlythose from the education sector
possible number of older peopleparticularlythose in greatest need and
possible number of older peopleparticularlythose in greatest need and
of the issues of contentionparticularlythose involving the police let
criteria with other local authoritiesparticularlythose of fife council when
thank them for their contributionsparticularlythose of my colleagues john
be on rights and responsibilitiesparticularlythose of parents as those
taking steps to assist householdersparticularlythose on a low income
taking steps to assist householdersparticularlythose on a low income
men will be swept awayparticularlythose on my right a
been taken to encourage businessesparticularlythose that operate premises in
extract from each health boardparticularlythose where cover is non
speakers of english in skyeparticularlythose who also have a
warrants on council tax payersparticularlythose who are elderly disabled
the first is existing tenantsparticularlythose who are legitimately seeking
effective cohesion with other pupilsparticularlythose whose tendency is just
of children and young peopleparticularlythose with disabilities and at
cases across all scottish hospitalsparticularlythose with the lowest survival
those speeches in turn iparticularlywelcome the inquiry by the
past older people do notparticularlycare which agency provides a
middle aged older asian menparticularlyfirst generation asian men who
target venues that may beparticularlygeared towards older people one
as well there was aparticularlygood line in abusive terms
of entries for measurement termsparticularlyin craigie s volumes merely
an improvement across the boardparticularlyin terms of energy rating
policy towards the social economyparticularlyin terms of european funding
immediate impact of the billparticularlyin terms of priority need
powers consistent with their dutiesparticularlyin terms of section 17
excellence for food and drinkparticularlyin terms of the potentially
in sport across the boardparticularlyby local authorities the delivery
being placed on local authoritiesparticularlyfor securing advice and providing
about organisations say that fundingparticularlyfrom local authorities has been
so with key local authoritiesparticularlyglasgow city council and the
rogue landlords some local authoritiesparticularlyglasgow city council and the
charged by the larger authoritiesparticularlyglasgow city council and the
first 12 months some authoritiesparticularlyglasgow city council are taking
authorities to deal with roadsparticularlyof the type that i
what decisions local authorities makeparticularlyregarding funding but why they
of man authorities were proposingparticularlythe idea of a curfew
we asked every contributor butparticularlythe local authorities about exemptions
the authorities that are responsibleparticularlywith the commissioners of care
a lilt to their voiceparticularlyand and my children haven
of burns throughout the yearparticularlyfor children i attended alloway
children s education ensure thatparticularlygifted children have the opportunity
disturbing frisson that children loveparticularlyif there is also opportunity
validity and should have supportparticularlyin the highland area children
about the prescription of ritalinparticularlyits prescription for children under
all children in edinburgh andparticularlysciennes primary school and throughout
people about the health risksparticularlyto children posed by such
people about the health risksparticularlyto children posed by such
if you really don tparticularlywant to be around children
the processes meet their needsparticularlywhere young children are involved
challenges are for young childrenparticularlyyoung women and girls a
led to increased risk takingparticularlyamongst the young it will
on its initiative i amparticularlydelighted to welcome the young
advocate for local people andparticularlyin my patch for young
o young folk that sparticularlymodern in their dress jewellery
the ever increasing night economyparticularlyof young people attracted to
of the person receiving themparticularlyyoung people better sexual health
delivery for example is notparticularlyappropriate for the voluntary sector
losses in the sector haveparticularlyhit the scottish borders over
rent in the private sectorparticularlyin houses of multiple occupation
is doing to scottish jobsparticularlyin scotland s trading sector
relationships that have been establishedparticularlyin the commercial sector between
and four expanding childcare facilitiesparticularlyin the public sector and
impact on the sector isparticularlywidespread given that the wages
by people of all kindsparticularlyconstituents about issues of interest
from within its own ranksparticularlyif such issues were given
on key issues for scotlandparticularlyin our lifelong learning inquiry
guideline has tightened up enoughparticularlyon issues such as airborne
the executive and committee membersparticularlyon systems issues it is
care committee for further considerationparticularlyon the issues that have
bedroomed ex council house notparticularlyattractive area ehm last year
east of scotland water andparticularlyfife council on their efforts
surprise glasgow city council isparticularlyunhappy about the idea it
of contact between here andparticularlybergen and during that period
degree of trust between nationsparticularlyin respect of allowing surveillance
between the various weight seriesparticularlyin the mid seventeenth century
between making the process useableparticularlyin the short term when
and therefore recommend further researchparticularlyon the relationship between exposure
for language fun in burnsparticularlythe crossing over between scots
relationship between the parliament andparticularlythe executive and local government
between central and local governmentparticularlythrough the recent local government
of information that method isparticularlyhelpful to msps i welcome
act quickly on our behalfparticularlyin this information technology age
mcmillan for information i amparticularlyindebted to captain robert bathgate
the paper states some sectorsparticularlyinformation technology suffer from a
the paper states some sectorsparticularlyinformation technology suffer from a
information we hear executive ministersparticularlyliberal democrats trumpeting the desirability
the executive for further informationparticularlyon how to achieve odour
the information for us nowparticularlythe column about testing the
the evidence that we gatheredparticularlyat local level we were
of census users in scotlandparticularlycentral government local government and
deliver the local housing strategyparticularlywith regard to evidence and
countries if required i amparticularlyconcerned about how the issue
would be unworkable i amparticularlyconcerned about that area the
parts of scotland i amparticularlyconcerned about the 6 000
we must consider i amparticularlyconcerned by the transfer from
one aspect that i amparticularlydisappointed in phil gallie okay
s debate i am notparticularlyglad that we are having
like euan robson i amparticularlygrateful to the executive for
in the budget i amparticularlyhappy about it because ever
the way forward i amparticularlyinterested in the material on
catch all provision i amparticularlyinterested that that means that
third world countries i amparticularlykeen on fair trade agreements
implementing such policies i amparticularlypleased that the executive is
that is why i amparticularlypleased that the motion pays
if i am not feelingparticularlywitty i ll just write
again unusual eh tae findparticularlyelderly people taking the shortcut
know victory over other peopleparticularlyf965: no no yeah no
of the matter is thatparticularlyfor people in hospital it
almost blanket use that peopleparticularlyfrom aberdeen city make of
not sure that it isparticularlyhelpful to consider the people
of many thousands of peopleparticularlyin some of scotland s
particular needs there are someparticularlyinnovative people in lanarkshire where
memorandum identified a revenue requirementparticularlyof the supporting people programme
in equality for disabled peopleparticularlyregarding the recommendations in devolved
people develop and retain skillsparticularlywhen they are looking for
of comments i was speakingparticularlyabout the scots language and
equally forcible reintroduction of scotsparticularlyas the across the board
welsh s scots is isparticularlyauthentic as a representation of
widely yaised in modren scotsparticularlyin urban varieties shall is
like they needn t beparticularlyscots but they were inclined
properly represented scots law andparticularlyscots criminal law faces the
were to analyse scots lawparticularlyscots criminal law one could
circles that scots is aparticularlysuitable language for use by
in tackling catullus scots isparticularlyuseful when the context is
century since henryson was writingparticularlywritten scots there has always
on in my mind erparticularlyas it s such a
it can be more severeparticularlyto crops such as peas
his commitment to regional theatreparticularlyto theatres such as the
bill maclennan who wasn tparticularlya scottish nationalist m1183: no
who are not on benefitparticularlybadly this is the new
a good and interesting debateparticularlyfor members who like me
across the world who recognisedparticularlyin mcdiarmid s voice eh
members of the ministerial teamparticularlymargaret curran who will make
facility innermessan boatbuilders were famousparticularlyone named peter who complemented
strengths of both sectors butparticularlyto the primary teachers who
who are writing in urduparticularlywho are published in pakistan
con i welcome the reportparticularlybecause it gives us an
or the or the broonsparticularlybecause of of the words
a long time were developedparticularlybecause of the infectious salmon
because erm i wasn tparticularlyencouraged to to speak street
i think not because sheparticularlyhated it here i think
significant increments to its programmesparticularlyin recent years because of
parliament but that practice worksparticularlywell because it provides an
it very very useful experienceparticularlybeing exposed to erm north
to do with south asiaparticularlyerm f963: mm mmhm m762:
pudding f718: mm mmhm m1078: particularlyerm there was semolina sometimes
for this year and ermparticularlyin sixth years heading in
scholarship over the years ermparticularlythat relating to gaelic erm
m819: erm er i meanparticularlythe sort o the erm
was a thi- this girlparticularlythis stella erm you know
lot of non english speakingparticularlywomen erm er living er
in pa- in erm scotlandparticularlyyou know i i felt
government in power and reliesparticularlyon the u s for
it is time that everyoneparticularlythe scottish government acted on
chamber under the labour governmentparticularlyunder gordon brown there has
pretty good money in itparticularlyas a designer working on
are for everyone what isparticularlygood about burns suppers is
down on his head isparticularlygood and if this isn
t remember the weather beingparticularlygood and it was just
and how he squealed aparticularlygood concert held by the
[laugh] that it wasn tparticularlygood er f718: [laugh] m734:
in grampian and aberdeen isparticularlygood i asked my officials
on water content of chickenparticularlygood served with new potatoes
duffin this year is aparticularlygood year given that there
say that this is aparticularlygood year to open up
with everything that he saidparticularlyabout consultants i agree that
kenneth black has just saidparticularlyabout joining up the regulations
sunset song they were commentingparticularlyabout what the author had
and about why you areparticularlyconcerned about them dr simpson
about f1009: [laugh] m1008: butparticularlyif the if the other
think about structure and stuffparticularlyin novels more than short
anything else you part- findparticularlymemorable about growing up or
ireland and the uk areparticularlysensitive about that the third
about the reduction in assessmentparticularlythe reduction in internal assessment
welcome the minister s speechparticularlywhat she said about increased
constituents appears to be patchyparticularlywhen they have inquiries about
the world for many centuriesparticularlyin south east asia lots
each element of external andparticularlyinternal assessment in many courses
many international examples with aparticularlylong running tradition in the
the environment many of theseparticularlyrecycling of waste and development
raised many points on aparticularlyshort bill in the experience
topics for projects have rangedparticularlywidely many of the writers
or language you don tparticularlylike in scotland where you
scotland that you don tparticularlylike where you d say
fields where french borrowings wereparticularlynumerous after the conquest while
are essential where nurses areparticularlystressed psychological help and counselling
used in numerous other statutesparticularlywhere administrative appeals are allowed
us that the community wasparticularlyactive in fund raising for
speak in it it isparticularlyappropriate that we are focusing
qualification authority courses in photographyparticularlyat intermediate and higher grades
by vandals in the churchparticularlyat the front m [censored: surname]
teachers therefore need to beparticularlyaware of bilinguals needs in
may not in fact beparticularlyaware of neighbourhood language if
beauty in song and poetryparticularlybut also its appropriateness to
industrial disputes in the 1980sparticularlyduring the miners strike of
that the eu has beenparticularlyeffective in driving forward action
costumes de jarl s squadparticularlyf961: oh yeah in inta
that is a huge problemparticularlyfor criminal law in scotland
advantages in reducing class sizesparticularlyfor the kind of pupils
included in the approval processparticularlyfor what is known as
we have evidence of concernsparticularlyfrom workers in the tobacco
agenda in the first placeparticularlygiven their track record of
finding that morale is notparticularlyhigh in the service len
funding for higher education researchparticularlyif changes to policy in
of languages for specific purposesparticularlyin a professional context by
existing rights of devolved nationsparticularlyin an expanding europe of
special plight of dairy farmingparticularlyin ayrshire calls upon the
now regarded as mainstream servicesparticularlyin child care but also
legislation at all its stagesparticularlyin committee at stage 2
units continued in widespread useparticularlyin country markets until the
courts a rise in crimeparticularlyin crimes of violence and
courts a rise in crimeparticularlyin crimes of violence and
courts a rise in crimeparticularlyin crimes of violence and
qui- quite a lot nowparticularlyin emails le deagh dùrachd
some of the gender imbalancesparticularlyin employment elizabeth holt year
school we used to p-particularlyin in textiles it was
secondary 1 and secondary 2particularlyin maths and english michael
paper makers in scotland andparticularlyin mid scotland and fife
to make at all stagesparticularlyin music and history but
heard members say one thingparticularlyin newspapers and on the
re going to look atparticularlyin nursery is just the
which show marked regional variationsparticularlyin pronunciation my poems are
giving it a high priorityparticularlyin recent years perhaps it
are appropriate to scottish studentsparticularlyin s5 and s6 s1w
that projects throughout the ukparticularlyin scotland are delivered to
seen be interacting with englishparticularlyin spelling but it was
the texts at any pointparticularlyin sports reporting which can
elements of extra curricular sportsparticularlyin the area of girls
tourism developed during the 1950sparticularlyin the burgeoning resort of
present day british dialectal variationparticularlyin the case of urban
number of our housing marketsparticularlyin the cities but not
councillors are well aware thatparticularlyin the cities there are
for museums and industrial museumsparticularlyin the context of the
s poetry calls out todayparticularlyin the earlier stages for
the situation under constant reviewparticularlyin the early months when
interesting thing that you getparticularlyin the eighties you ha-
direction of the scottish executiveparticularlyin the establishment of accommodation
is a real live issueparticularlyin the eu last night
i have made it clearparticularlyin the evidence that i
national party s policy thatparticularlyin the in the early
con does the minister agreeparticularlyin the light of this
of time has been allocatedparticularlyin the nhs to ensure
was rather disconcerting and emergedparticularlyin the north and north
significant increases in water chargesparticularlyin the north of scotland
the standing orders of parliamentsparticularlyin the west indies of
thi need fur modal shiftparticularlyin thi loss o sall
saying that the executive amendmentsparticularlyin this group have been
the barriers that prevent thatparticularlyin transport lifelong learning enterprise
a meeting of the parliamentparticularlyin view of the fact
common foreign and security policyparticularlyin view of the situation
they will result in someparticularlyinelegant language mr matheson pressed
i ve never really beenparticularlyinterested in but middle english
sixties and her work isparticularlyinteresting for the way in
control in the countryside theseparticularlyinvolve the use of dogs
accents but i don tparticularlylike the birmingham accent in
this seemed inevitable or evenparticularlylikely in the beginning for
with the public which wasparticularlynoticed in call centres there
not covered in the billparticularlyon private tenants we now
my colleagues in the executiveparticularlypeter peacock whom i knew
worked in genuine organisations thatparticularlyrely on fundraising know that
which expressed itself in aparticularlyrich and interactive way in
probably need to have aparticularlyrobust system in place scallop
my photographs with great interestparticularlyscenes of shepherding in the
the delay in treatment forparticularlyserious conditions this will be
and queen of the fairiesparticularlyso in their wrangling over
on gemynde this metaphor isparticularlystrong in the subcategory of
the pastry shops here andparticularlythe one in the port
in full without prior debateparticularlythe proposals to phase out
sutherland s recommendations in fullparticularlythe recommendation that personal care
in that regard that appliesparticularlyto standards and a review
weight of my own poemsparticularlyversions in italian in fact
that the current epidemic isparticularlyvirulent in sub saharan africa
that the current epidemic isparticularlyvirulent in sub saharan africa
at odds i remember aparticularlyvitriolic meeting in dover house
parliament indeed i did notparticularlywant to do so in
it has been my experienceparticularlywhen i worked in london
to do in psychoraag erparticularlywith zaf of course you
a bairn sang was notparticularlyamusing they also made suggestions
experienced by certain member statesparticularlydenmark but also france the
mink also damage economic interestsparticularlygame birds and the game
out by rds jack asparticularlyinnovative ye man also take
debate the parliament was alsoparticularlykeen to hear the views
long poem m608: mm m078: particularlybasil bunting s er m608:
teen years from er iparticularlyliked the heavy stuff cause
day f1038: yeah f1037: erparticularlyworking for something like an
are not obstructing it eitherparticularlyas the spending review 2000
20 mink are widely controlledparticularlyby game keepers control tends
are providing basic services andparticularlyeducation duty to prepare a
as introduced seem to beparticularlyexcessive and are similar to
garden and these critters areparticularlyfond of his green beans
maximum educational cultural and economicparticularlyfrom tourism benefits are gained
risks must be carefully assessedparticularlyif non indigenous species are
from the census and areparticularlykeen to hear from the
languages covered by chinese andparticularlymandarin and cantonese are to
of the guild we areparticularlypleased to have with us
we all know that hmosparticularlythe bigger ones are high
scotland are upheld i welcomeparticularlythe fact that given that
and a75 which are gearedparticularlytowards making the transit from
watchers and mountain walkers areparticularlywelcome since they already understand
are normal rules of petitionsparticularlywhen one is counting signatures
bit of gap for usparticularlywhen there are agenda items
way forward for scottish youngstersparticularlyat lower ability levels when
lobby governments we should beparticularlyaware of that when bodies
die every year dentistry isparticularlycost effective when regular visits
pressures that they were underparticularlyfrom march to june when
ve when i find thatparticularly[inhale] eh pointed is when
the way to school sheparticularlyremembers one day when a
quite fond of gaelic andparticularlywhen i went to staffin
i agree with you absolutelyparticularlywhen it comes to something
should be treated with suspicionparticularlywhen it deals with surveillance
is a very great dealparticularlywhen it is produced by
all the north coast townsparticularlywhen the sky is overcast
f963: yes yeah mmhm m762: particularlywhen they re looking back
help to make a differenceparticularlyfor your own organisations or
washin machine my mum wouldparticularlymake me hang the clothes
s speech it takes courageparticularlyon some benches to make
failed to make significant improvementsparticularlywith regard to recycling further
language contexts at higher andparticularlyat advanced higher level have
linguistic jigsaw and not aparticularlyflattering one their language is
additional questions on other topicsparticularlyincome language spoken at home
were asked during the recessparticularlythis year has resource implications
of north eastern speech andparticularlyaberdonian speech which is possibly
of our mixed fishery whichparticularlyaffects our valuable haddock fishery
climate which is currently notparticularlyconducive to high survival rates
the system needs urgent reviewparticularlyconsidering the stress under which
which the committee allows individualsparticularlyfrom ethnic minorities to access
tuition fees iain smith itparticularlyincludes tuition fees which have
disappointing as braemar is aparticularlyinteresting deeside parish which still
cosmopolitan which makes it aparticularlyinteresting topic of study george
that have been raised todayparticularlyinterpreting which makes a practical
of less common words andparticularlyof words like sσgenga which
class reduction that show theparticularlystrong effect which class sizes
i m over there andparticularlythe bordeaux dialect which makes
first point which is verificationparticularlythe opportunity to have private
this matter to our attentionparticularlythe refusal to accept a
of our economic development processesparticularlytourism margaret jamieson kilmarnock and
my words were probably notparticularlywell chosen our industry is
work will become more noticeableparticularlyby comparison with for example
contacts with the low countriesparticularlyflanders and france a number
it but i don tparticularlyget that impression with gaelic
i i agree with youparticularlyi think for literary purposes
habitually say and yet hereparticularlyintimate with the lane and
with the hansa towns separatelyparticularlylubeck and hamburg and indeed
october 2003 with a focusparticularlyon private rented accommodation des
sections 3 4 and 5particularlyrelevant to their work with
the key stakeholders this wasparticularlythe case with the 2001
do you think that isparticularlythe case with urban varieties
deal with very relevant subjectsparticularlythe transport petition that will
i anticipate some difficulties thereparticularlywith farmers i acknowledge that
same applies to tobacco advertisingparticularlywith lit signs above gantries
propaganda of smoking pressure groupsparticularlywith regard to passive smoking
i still disagree with youparticularlywith regard to your second
m glad i did itparticularlywith scottish lit or perhaps
sort of even just notparticularlyfrom cambodian [laugh] bugs but
the provision of renewable energyparticularlyfrom solar power i wondered
deliberations on cross party groupsparticularlyfrom voluntary organisations throughout scotland
deliberately bought from oxfam aparticularlyhideous mug too of the
principle of subsidiarity i wasparticularlypleased to see responses from
welfare of these kingdoms andparticularlyrecommending from your throne a
the week i made himparticularlysick of it judging from
should sit here and listenparticularlysince we had lectures from
evidence from the unions involvedparticularlythe college lecturers association and
say something is kind ofparticularlyand give an evaluative word
impact of another that isparticularlyappropriate for shellfish and perhaps
response this dialogic process isparticularlyappropriate to translation urquhart s
perceived as missing an opportunityparticularlyas there is a national
s commitment to value nursesparticularlyas this is international nurses
disappointed by my saying thatparticularlyas this is to be
is raised all the timeparticularlyby pensioners is the state
that is going on elsewhereparticularlyby the auditor general and
sums up the debate aparticularlycontentious issue is that of
reason is the fact thatparticularlyfor male speakers and primarily
new topic area is aparticularlyfruitful opportunity to involve the
sure that whatever we doparticularlyif it is new is
and western europe my concernparticularlyis the attitude held by
sure whether that is aparticularlynew factor however i have
croft croftmonnock mccrerie s croftparticularlynoteworthy is the 1543 reference
jessie kesson s work withoutparticularlynoticing that its simplicity is
not think that that isparticularlyrelevant transport aberdeen 15 richard
know whether he is aparticularlyscottish jekyll and hyde kind
is most effective for teenagersparticularlyteenage girls is openly debated
eh is the influence ofparticularlythe glaswegian way of speaking
visual impact of national organisationsparticularlythe trade union movement is
baguettes typical mallorcan bread isparticularlyunyielding to mature teeth and
put off this is aparticularlyuseful move if one loses
later might have some meritparticularlyfor three person and four
of the implications of purchaseparticularlyif some form of common
has already been some flexibilityparticularlyon the application of the
try and that s notparticularlybeing arrogant i would say
rates but i have notparticularlyfocused on the matter for
not just for pupils butparticularlyfor teachers that reduction will
it will not always beparticularlyobvious that one group of
the night before i wasparticularlypleased not to have taken
f963: yes f965: but notparticularlyskipping f963: uh huh f965:
that the scottish parliament andparticularlythe executive has not seen
that what i did notparticularlywant to do was to
douglas hamilton i do notparticularlywant to sit on planning
budget does not do thatparticularlywell despite its being a
if you d gone toparticularlyamongst the men if you
should be indoors if possibleparticularlygiven the climate and what
could seriously endanger their safetyparticularlyif the letter was misaddressed
rely on english reference worksparticularlyif you re doing things
the week if you haveparticularlylarge bulky items then please
scottish f832: i don tparticularlylike scottish accents [laugh] f835:
don t i don tparticularlylike that but m865,: yeah
wall the verse seems aparticularlyapt description of medieval innermessan
type of writing being developedparticularlyat higher level there has
aureate verse repetition of wordsparticularlyat the start of a
impressed by yesterday s visitparticularlyby the commitment of the
bill has been improved todayparticularlyby the removal of the
polished periodic sentences of theparticularlycatholic renaissance prose writers these
the groups of tenants thatparticularlyconcern us perhaps we could
be refined further we wereparticularlyconscious of that issue however
role as deputy first ministerparticularlyduring the absence of the
my father s shop andparticularlyfond of the turning lathe
of recent scottish executive announcementsparticularlyfunding announcements believes that the
of scotland we have aparticularlygrave responsibility for gaelic my
be scuttled at sea aparticularlyhorrible cargo of german nerve
minister and the executive moreparticularlyi welcome the creation of
you thought of as beingparticularlyitalian or m1163: well i
i found very interesting thatparticularlykind of the first artist
mediterranean coast of france andparticularlymarseilles was soller s business
thought of the british heparticularlymentioned major rogers and said
the availability of structural fundsparticularlyobjective 1 and objective 2
that interested her was historyparticularlyof ancient and prehistoric times
been gradual change by anglicisationparticularlyof gaelic and norse names
sutherland report includes means testingparticularlyof living costs but we
internal assessment that we doparticularlyof speaking and it s
the level of service providedparticularlyon waiting times would be
the review of charity lawparticularlyregarding timescales and membership of
one of the things iparticularlyremember was ehm the the
into aspects of scottish cultureparticularlyscottish literature and varieties of
the riveting storyline vibrant characterisationparticularlythat of the heroine chris
office overlooking the harbour noticedparticularlythe intervals of bright sunshine
culture of inverness and mostparticularlythe leachkin an leacainn the
to changing agricultural practices andparticularlythe reduced diversity of the
to represent the spoken voiceparticularlythe voice of the peasant
bookish person he loved burnsparticularlythe wee out of the
quite a bit of cuscoparticularlythe white bleached mediterranean style
of teenage pregnancy within scotlandparticularlywithin ayrshire and arran notes
it appears to have beenparticularlyactive normally performing three act
1875 1889 and had beenparticularlyinterested by smith s article
once after he had beenparticularlyinterfering and obtuse that he
the objectives has been slowerparticularlyobjective 2 1 5 the
opportunity has been lost hereparticularlysince the project was generously
know that doesn t soundparticularlyscottish but he uses other
and forestry grant schemes forparticularlybeneficial management practices snh seem
we will be looking atparticularlyfor fifteen plus but just
treaty provisions defining community competenceparticularlyfor immigration and asylum matters
and minimise unnecessary regulatory burdensparticularlyfor small and medium sized
revisiting the fire safety standardsparticularlyfor small hmos there should
resources to be made availableparticularlyfor teaching materials desire for
f643: for the peterhead accentparticularlym608: goodness did you find
salmon september 16 was aparticularlymemorable day for dr jimmy
on everything but it seemsparticularlyridiculous for me to spend
best for the future iparticularlysay a word or two
commitment shown by the staffparticularlyits work on drug and
were adequate per se moreparticularlyi was concerned that consequential
piacular forms though these wereparticularlyliable to distortions disgraceful to
paintings were really appealing weparticularlyliked the stormy nature paintings
pen and ink drawings wereparticularlypowerful heads spiralling out into
it were deemed to beparticularlysignificant michael russell did the
after their release that oneparticularlydangerous paedophile francis currens made
equal opportunities committee has raisedparticularlydialect i hope that it
this enhance the urban landscapeparticularlyby introducing a more effective
will be privatised i wasparticularlyimpressed by the disability rights
before us today i wasparticularlyintrigued by the snp amendment
by the river on aparticularlyprivate and secluded corner she
to travel by train andparticularlythrough the countryside the slower
just it wasn t aparticularlybig one it was like
one evening it was aparticularlynasty attack as the assailants
sales down here but iparticularlyremember one time i was
cheap trendy clothes and jewelleryparticularlya female a wee hairy
and disable all the lawsparticularlyarraigning the laws establishing the
national parks and to lookparticularlyat arrangements to establish national
welfare reform and pensions billparticularlyclauses 53 54 and 56
welfare reform and pensions billparticularlyclauses 53 54 and 56
welfare reform and pensions billparticularlyclauses 53 54 and 56
decade and focus education servicesparticularlyfurther and higher education and
marks data was causing operationsparticularlygrave concerns and we just
and proverbs to describe subjectsparticularlylofty subjects like gods and
here and i didn tparticularlym608: mm f643: want to
david and goliath mallorcan treesparticularlyolives and almonds can take
ways they contain insufficient detailparticularlyon the appeal process and
to strengthen the electricity gridparticularlyon the west and north
without access to a carparticularlythe elderly and urges travel
without access to a carparticularlythe elderly and urges travel
here now listen betty iparticularlywish you to be as
spending will benefit scottish companiesparticularlymanufacturing firms s1w 4822 irene
to visit the scottish parliamentparticularlythe petitions committee the request
the regulation ninety minutes butparticularlyat the week end could
but it takes increased resourcesparticularlytrained professional staff to solve
serve to link the sentencesparticularlylinking words or phrases related
to respond immediately the changesparticularlythe ones that relate to
these logs nor would iparticularlywant to the din they
would think the primary teachersparticularlywell placed to do that
markit an ane grammatical categoryparticularlyaffectit bi this obscuration wis
this service cease while othersparticularlyfemale gps may avoid out
that was a glasgow wordparticularlya bramair m1008: i thought
understannin added it isn tparticularlybroad nothing like the robbie
them f1159: do they f947: particularlyon the radio you can
awful lot can be doneparticularlyon the nutritious school meals
uh huh m1161: yeah f947: particularlyon the subway f1159: oh
perceivit as missin an opportunityparticularlyas there a national want
two stoaps pal said aparticularlysoiled mr glasgow as he
the valley s bountiful produceparticularlycitrus fruits until recently the
da laughed the child heparticularlyliked the grumphie it reminded
gave assistance at any stageparticularlygiuseppe bonaviri peter brand mariarosaria
[laugh] f1025: [laugh] f1026: noparticularly[laugh] f1027: [laugh] f1026: right
delicate lace a ribbon aparticularlypretty christmas card she had
it s it s noparticularlyspanish i think it s

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