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the labour and liberal democratpartiesand members of the opposition
to hear that the oppositionpartiesare not obstructing the bill
government i remember both oppositionpartiesbeing sceptical about that but
order presiding officer the oppositionpartiesdepend on the protection of
is interesting that both oppositionpartiesdesire to try to translate
be said of the oppositionpartiesfrom which we have heard
scotland act assistance to oppositionpartieshowever it does seem to
by the government and oppositionpartiesofficially acting together and not
funding scheme is for oppositionpartiesonly the liberal democrats have
certainly those from the oppositionpartiesopposed the minister s position
were supported by the executivepartiesor on opposition motions that
little about what the oppositionpartieswould change in the budget
its plans and the oppositionpartieswould say what they wanted
the chamber and among politicalpartiesabout the variety of strategies
affairs committee and the politicalpartiesacted in dealing with the
political representatives from across thepartiesand four professional representatives i
balance of the various politicalpartiesand independent msps in the
balance of the various politicalpartiesand independent msps in the
have been members of politicalpartiesand of which political party
the government the major politicalpartiesand service providers for young
if any of the politicalpartiesdo provide scots translations of
of the four main politicalpartiesduring the 1999 election campaign
schedule 7 to the politicalpartieselections and referendums act 2000
followed by motion on politicalpartieselections and referendums bill uk
the requests made by politicalpartiesfor extra facilities at the
with msps of all politicalpartieshowever there is always a
the efforts of those politicalpartiesin azerbaijan which are working
was composed of the politicalpartiesin scotland except the scottish
of each of the politicalpartiesin stirling council it would
the leaders of the politicalpartiesin the parliament and the
a political struggle in allpartiesin the uk after all
parliamentary decision making the politicalpartiesneed to take that on
middle of the recess interestedpartiesoutwith the political domain might
that of the six politicalpartiesrepresented in the parliament five
apply at all levels politicalpartiesshould not be able to
agencies and to all politicalpartiesthat are represented in the
is true of all politicalpartiesthat many activists in our
of members of two politicalpartiesthere is potential for confusion
will across all the politicalpartiesto find the way ahead
with the other main politicalpartiesto use their best endeavours
from across the different politicalpartieswelcomed the children to the
to ensure that all politicalpartieswere represented at each of
standing orders refers to politicalpartieswhich are not represented in
and representatives of all politicalpartieswhich demands a secure future
of the political party orpartieswhich supply its ministerial membership
the difference between the coalitionpartiesand the snp we are
election or a coalition ofpartiesforms the executive it is
or from a coalition ofpartieshow are new laws made
a coalition government between twopartiesministers cannot get what they
of one of the coalitionpartiesmr lyon would know that
chief executives and other interestedpartiesabout how to focus on
a debate involving all interestedpartiesand a discussion of the
by around one hundred interestedpartiesand a lot of discussion
work with all other interestedpartiesand organisations to develop a
the parliament and other interestedpartiesand to report on the
the parliament and other interestedpartiesand to report on the
to ascertain whether any interestedpartiesare out there i also
councillors msps and other interestedpartiesas a matter of urgency
a list up for interestedpartiesat the swimming club and
scottish ballet and other interestedpartiesi think that it intends
to help involve all interestedpartiesin the national park discussions
will shortly be consulting interestedpartiesincluding specifically the equal opportunities
organisations adequately represent the interestedpartieson the core issues of
makes theory accessible to interestedpartiesoutside the university gates through
a letter to key interestedpartiesscottish parliament rural development committee
an extensive consultation of allpartiesthat are interested in scottish
arrangements to include other interestedpartiesthe convener dr shelton do
regions detr and other interestedpartiesthe department of the environment
i hope citizens and interestedpartiesthroughout europe will access our
now available for all interestedpartiesto consider and for the
and calls upon all interestedpartiesto work together to bring
the summer with other interestedpartieswe have considered in detail
jewel of the parliament allpartiesare represented and everybody s
allows the msps from allpartiesand independent msps the opportunity
up of msps from differentpartiesindependent msps and individuals and
time that msps from differentpartiesmeet the health chiefs in
hope that msps of allpartieswill support the motion so
evidence of consultation undertaken withpartiesaffected by the ell department
goods that belong to thirdpartieson premises that are affected
on the matter with affectedpartiess1w 27416 andrew wilson to
the committee are concerned aboutpartieswho will not be affected
feudal land law or ofpartiestaking positive measures to create
scottish economy calls on allpartiesto support positive reform of
scottish economy calls on allpartiesto support positive reform of
scottish economy calls on allpartiesto support positive reform of
received wisdom recited at dinnerpartiesall along the nothern coast
the new year when teapartiesand dinner parties were in
husbands and er have dinnerpartiesand f1038: mmhm f1037: go
that had twa big dinnerpartiesin a week mrs laing
when tea parties and dinnerpartieswere in vogue with a
colleagues and friends from allpartiesand make it clear that
to me colleagues across thepartiesin central scotland were strangers
transparent way colleagues from allpartieswelcomed the conference with civic
something about colleagues across thepartieswho are retiring they will
and me not to thirdparties25 who that third party
to make payments to thirdpartiesit provides the legislative framework
take effect as respects thirdpartieson such registration section 94
a bill to provide thirdpartieswith a right of appeal
a bill to provide thirdpartieswith a right of appeal
from each of the majorpartiesi now call mr mccabe
members of all the majorpartiesin the parliament including richard
precedent the definition of majorpartiesmay change as you well
only members of the majorpartiesmay speak could set a
from each of the majorpartiestricia marwick on a point
registration and in various workingpartiesand groups from the copy
of us throughout the variouspartiesare in various ways trying
the changes that the variouspartieshave made in their portfolios
to continue supporting the concernedpartiesand to ensure continued working
enter into consultation with allpartiesconcerned including hm treasury and
acceptable to each of thepartiesconcerned s1w 33013 michael matheson
make a plea for allpartiesconcerned to get back round
a facility to allow allpartiesconcerned to reach an agreed
leaders and calls for allpartiesto work together to place
leaders and calls for allpartiesto work together to place
leaders and calls for allpartiesto work together to place
few people from across thepartiesarthur donaldson robert mcintyre alick
we can get agreement acrosspartiesbecause i do not think
many many friends across thepartiesi should tell members that
interest of members across allpartiesi will get to the
scottish executive to bring bothpartiestogether for a settlement through
scottish executive to bring bothpartiestogether for a settlement through
of different groups and workingpartiesalasdair morgan i will take
ve done like [inhale] streetpartiesan working an stuff ehm
uncomfortable and unsettling for bothpartiesbut working to ensure that
to be put on workingpartiescivil servants and ministers they
missed most of the workingpartieson co operation in criminal
made many friends from allpartiesand i will truly miss
will be representative of allpartiesand will have the figures
and balances so that allpartiesare clear at the outset
best speech from all thepartiescame from george reid i
forward to mps of allpartiescoming on board downing street
the chamber members of allpartiesdo not want what is
is lacking members from allpartieshave given their support to
committee and members of allpartieshave played in promoting the
scotland snp members of allpartieshave produced statistics on a
address concerns raised by allpartiesin the course of considering
the business managers of allpartiesin the parliament in the
before moving the motion allpartiesin the parliamentary bureau have
ministerial team and the governmentpartiesin the sense of all
an opportunity to all thepartiesin this parliament that would
happen to members of allpartiesinstead of listening to the
the hard work of allpartiesinto the press fiona hyslop
and frank dialogue with allpartiesmr john munro ross skye
support there in all thepartiespotentially but ye know spending
like the meeting between thepartiesprior to the hearing all
that debate members from allpartiesraised concerns regarding the impact
comprises representatives of all thepartiesthat will be involved in
been to all night beachpartieswhere the maori girls were
all true he went topartieswhere there was sin an
to be adopted for allpartieswho have a terminal illness
all those members of allpartieswho have campaigned for that
amendments every member of allpartieswill agree that most of
and other ministers from bothpartiesand from members from every
of posts between the twopartiesministers are ministers of the
scottish ministers should consult appropriatepartiesnotice of the effect of
the scottish ministers request forpartiesviews are currently under consideration
order facility visits of schoolpartiesand larger groups can be
no less than three parliamentarypartiesor groups and elected by
proceedings to ensure that thepartiesare ready i refer members
from members of the executivepartiesat the national level member
tories liberals or members ofpartiesother than labour and the
subject and to members ofpartiesother than my own irene
are put on members bypartiesto be frank i do
made by members of otherpartiesto wrestle with the issue
the support of members orpartieswho remain outside the government
equality of esteem between bothpartiesperhaps that should be widened
playing at cards for teapartiesthe fish wife supplied yalla
prove a bond at teapartiesunder the ainahau banyan stevenson
party right of appeal forpartieswho want to object to
party some remember attending halloweenpartieswith apple dooking and treacle
of member states parliaments otherpartiesare open about their opinions
the crowd on the otherpartiesbenches the first minister offered
that were felt by otherpartiesi think that it would
the stuc and other relevantpartiess1m 3846 johann lamont the
was held to involve otherpartiessuch as national parliaments in
the executive or to otherpartiesthe entire scottish executive listened
in common with the otherpartiesthe liberal democrats generally welcome
free vote for the otherpartiesthese are serious arguments i
right to say that otherpartieswere not given notice of
the snp and the greenpartieshave clear policies on scots
one of the very fewpartieswith a clear policy on
sense and equity between adjacentpartiesbe ascribed to the rule
room for negotiations between thepartiesthat is the traditional way
erm throws these ma- massivepartiesand ehm people don t
it was ki- not gardenpartiesbut ehm like ehm i
discos or m608: mmhm f643: partiesf641: mm f643: ehm so
about art school for thesepartiesit s bad enough ehm
there s mair room f823: partiesnow and ehm it saves
i remember lots of thepartieswe had and ehm [tut]
single member from the executivepartiescontend that if the parliament
supporting the government non executivepartiesappears to be the opposite
a new politics in whichpartieswould relate differently to each
motion and to urge theirpartiesbusiness managers to include it
it is the role ofpartiesin this parliament interruption well
of the parliament belong topartiesthat are committed to eventual
surprised at from the executivepartiesi am not sure what
concern from a number ofpartiesthe restrictions that the bill
gregarious figures who go topartiesand and book launches and
of individuals a who arepartiesto arrangements which qualify under
2000 or c who arepartiesto such arrangements and hold
judges will be hard onpartieswho are not prepared if
on 14 august 2000 whichpartiesare being formally consulted in
not back that up ifpartiesare dissatisfied mr hamilton i
be appalled if their constituencypartiestold them you are too
executive as in non executiveparties15 or non executive business
for the executive or thepartiesof the politicians it is
signed i ask that thepartiesbusiness managers and the parliamentary
recommendations with meps in theirpartiesand to consider how we
free of corruption supports thosepartiesin their ongoing struggle and
like mushroom clouds loomed overpartiesof japanese tourists their cameras
about weddings funerals and christmaspartiesa friend of pascal s
programme of speakers demonstrators christmaspartiesand outings they still meet
of the night held noisypartiesand played a radio so
an kind of having midnightpartiesand stuff like it would
on what will happen whenpartiesapply for a shortening of
have a whole host ofpartiesdeclining the prospect of the
15 describe hunting and shootingpartiesor the stationing of soldiers
states the republican and democratpartiesrecognised the value of what
the prior actions of thepartiessection 14 brian adam 129
be a point at whichpartiesgo to the judge to
a period in which thepartieswould need to agree amongst
to hear that the partnershippartiesat least sometimes speak with
month timetable is agreed thepartieswill be expected to adhere
nice new shirt for yourpartiesm1094: [child noise] f1093: oh you
yet unresolved by the twopartiesif the committee still thinks
it is important that statepartiestake on that responsibility it
f965: because we did havepartieswe had f963: right f965:
you have worn them topartieswhen did you wear your
have been involved in paintpartieswhen you moved into your
dress up at hallowe enpartiesand if santa comes what
countless concerts dances children spartiesand social occasions the hall
sort f965: has the loudpartiesand the f963: mm f965:
reason why he throws thepartiesand why he moved to
i see fast cars andpartiesi see them having fun
try again and get morepartiesto agree indeed john swinney
the liberal democrat and labourpartiestoday s very helpful amendment
years at that time thepartiescame to a budget debate
paid to unesco by statepartiesdeadlines for requests for financial
a vote among the stateparties10 30 dr brown articles
built in disadvantage for smallerpartiesthe deputy presiding officer mr
else do you play atpartiesf1140: disco f1139: a disco
we ve had some rarepartiesan i like a drop

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