
See this word as a collocate cloud

february dog fouling scotland billpassed13 march gaelic language scotland
february dog fouling scotland billpassed13 march gaelic language scotland
and attachment scotland bill billpassed13 november dog fouling scotland
arrangement and attachment scotland billpassed13 november dog fouling scotland
march criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
february criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
february criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
february criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
february criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
march criminal justice scotland billpassed20 february dog fouling scotland
and accountability scotland bill billpassed1 december subordinate legislation in
and accountability scotland bill billpassed1 december subordinate legislation in
fire services finance scotland billpassed1 november protection from abuse
march budget scotland bill billpassed10 february census amendment scotland
march budget scotland bill billpassed10 february subordinate legislation in
february salmon conservation scotland billpassed11 january subordinate legislation in
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february public appointments and
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february public appointments and
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february public appointments and
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february public appointments and
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february public appointments and
protection of children scotland billpassed12 february robin rigg offshore
bills agricultural holdings scotland billpassed12 march budget scotland no
bills agricultural holdings scotland billpassed12 march building scotland bill
budget scotland no 4 billpassed13 february building scotland bill
budget scotland no 4 billpassed13 february building scotland bill
budget scotland no 4 billpassed13 february building scotland bill
budget scotland no 4 billpassed13 february building scotland bill
budget scotland no 4 billpassed13 february building scotland bill
of wild mammals scotland billpassed13 february school meals scotland
of wild mammals scotland billpassed13 february school meals scotland
30 may housing scotland billpassed13 june international criminal court
5 july housing scotland billpassed13 june international criminal court
international criminal court scotland billpassed13 september police and fire
budget scotland no 3 billpassed14 february education disability strategies
investigatory powers scotland bill bepassed15 43 michael matheson central
census amendment scotland bill billpassed15 march ethical standards in
may scottish qualifications authority billpassed2 may tobacco advertising and
school education amendment scotland billpassed20 december school meals scotland
scottish local government elections billpassed20 december scottish public sector
11 january transport scotland billpassed20 december subordinate legislation in
13 february building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
13 february building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
13 february building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
13 february building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
12 march building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
13 february building scotland billpassed20 february commissioner for children
june mortgage rights scotland billpassed20 june police and fire
september mortgage rights scotland billpassed20 june police and fire
as mental health scotland billpassed20 march national galleries of
life etc scotland bill billpassed21 june family homes and
scottish public sector ombudsman billpassed21 march scottish qualifications authority
january land reform scotland billpassed23 january local government in
january land reform scotland billpassed23 january local government in
march land reform scotland billpassed23 january mental health care
january land reform scotland billpassed23 january mental health scotland
freedom of information scotland billpassed24 april land reform scotland
march title conditions scotland billpassed26 february subordinate legislation in
february title conditions scotland billpassed26 february subordinate legislation in
march title conditions scotland billpassed26 february subordinate legislation in
february title conditions scotland billpassed26 february water environment and
february title conditions scotland billpassed26 february water environment and
andrews postgraduate medical degrees billpassed26 june water environment and
15 march marriage scotland billpassed27 february protection of wild
scottish parliamentary standards commissioner billpassed27 june title conditions scotland
and pupils records scotland billpassed28 march freedom of information
shellfish amendment scotland bill billpassed28 september transport scotland bill
shellfish amendment scotland bill billpassed28 september transport scotland bill
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and water services scotland billpassed29 january subordinate legislation in
and training scotland bill billpassed29 june ethical standards in
with incapacity scotland bill billpassed29 march census amendment scotland
support scotland no 2 billpassed29 march family homes and
tenure etc scotland bill billpassed3 may abolition of poindings
tenure etc scotland bill billpassed3 may abolition of poindings
convention rights compliance scotland billpassed30 may housing scotland bill
regulation of care scotland billpassed31 may scottish local authorities
protection from abuse scotland billpassed4 october protection of wild
protection from abuse scotland billpassed4 october protection of wild
s schools etc bill bepassed5 00 pm decision time
public bodies etc scotland billpassed5 february robin rigg offshore
public bodies etc scotland billpassed5 february robin rigg offshore
public bodies etc scotland billpassed5 february robin rigg offshore
public bodies etc scotland billpassed5 february robin rigg offshore
appointments etc scotland bill billpassed5 july education and training
national parks scotland bill billpassed5 july protection of wild
march homelessness etc scotland billpassed5 march mental health care
march homelessness etc scotland billpassed5 march mental health care
march homelessness etc scotland billpassed5 march mental health care
poindings and warrant sales billpassed6 december education graduate endowment
and warrant sales bill billpassed6 december education graduate endowment
care and health scotland billpassed6 february education disability strategies
scottish local authorities tendering billpassed6 june sexual offences procedure
scottish local authorities tendering billpassed6 june subordinate legislation in
fur farming prohibition scotland billpassed6 march land reform scotland
fur farming prohibition scotland billpassed6 march land reform scotland
procedure and evidence scotland billpassed6 march tobacco advertising and
procedure and evidence scotland billpassed6 march tobacco advertising and
investigatory powers scotland bill billpassed7 september sea fisheries shellfish
local government in scotland billpassed8 january mental health scotland
local government in scotland billpassed8 january mental health scotland
local government in scotland billpassed8 january mental health scotland
local government in scotland billpassed8 january mental health scotland
april leasehold casualties scotland billpassed8 march mortgage rights scotland
homelessness etc scotland bill bepassedafter debate the motion was
criminal court scotland bill bepassedafter debate the motion was
scotland no 2 bill bepassedafter debate the motion was
scottish qualifications authority bill bepassedafter debate the motion was
shellfish amendment scotland bill bepassedafter debate the motion was
wild mammals scotland bill aspassedan act of the scottish
wild mammals scotland bill aspassedan act of the scottish
and health scotland bill aspassedan act of the scottish
and health scotland bill aspassedan act of the scottish
upsurge once the bill ispassedand people realise that they
soon as the bill ispassedand the uk ratifies the
land reform scotland bill ispassedas currently drafted s1w 16548
vote that the bill bepassedas i hope we will
investigatory powers scotland bill bepassedbe agreed to are we
the bill should not bepassedbecause of that it should
because of the bill beingpassedbefore the relevant order is
whan a bill has beenpassedby the scottish pairlament the
when a bill has beenpassedby the scottish parliament the
wants this bill to bepassedcan be found in south
and health scotland bill aspassedcontents part 1 community care
wild mammals scotland bill aspassedcontents section 1 offences 1a
water industry scotland bill bepassedfollowed by business motion s1m
scotland no 2 bill bepassedfollowed by business motion s1m
young people scotland bill bepassedfollowed by executive s nominations
fisheries consolidation scotland bill bepassedfollowed by final stage of
scotland no 3 bill bepassedfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
bodies etc scotland bill bepassedfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
scotland no 4 bill bepassedfollowed by stage 1 motion
galleries of scotland bill bepassedfollowed by stage 3 of
question that the bill bepassedfor the first part of
bill which we have justpassedhugh henry i do not
basis once the bill ispassedi believe that our act
after the bill has beenpassedi believe that the scottish
work when the bill ispassedi had certainly envisaged that
investigatory powers scotland bill bepassedi invite those who would
chance of the bill beingpassedin the next three months
months after the bill ispassedis that the case the
it gin the bill ispassedit is sent til the
it if the bill ispassedit is sent to the
that when the bill ispassedit works for everybody 10
newspapers if the bill werepassedjim raeburn the scottish executive
bill because it would bepassedmore speedily than a local
that when the bill ispassedno one is left in
duration until the bill ispassedor falls or is otherwise
duration until the bill ispassedor falls or is otherwise
duration until the bill ispassedor falls or is otherwise
duration until the bill ispassedor falls or is otherwise
duration until the bill ispassedor falls or is otherwise
society of scotland bill bepassedr followed by stage 3
government in scotland bill bepasseds1m 3623 1 glasgow to
investigatory powers scotland bill bepassedscots and gaelic the deputy
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 18b executive bill
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 20a executive bill
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 50b executive bill
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 57b executive bill
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 61b executive bill
the bill was reprinted aspassedsp bill 65b executive bill
homelessness etc scotland bill bepassedsupported by des mcnulty s1m
the building scotland bill bepassedsupported by hugh henry s1m
pupils records scotland bill bepassedsupported by nicol stephen margaret
salmon conservation scotland bill bepassedsupported by rhona brankin s1m
stand after the bill ispassedthat should be sufficient to
feel that once we havepassedthe bill we have made
closely before the bill ispassedthe committee recommended that the
homeless if the bill ispassedthe council believes that that
the bill as introduced werepassedthe following would be the
fisheries consolidation scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
appointments etc scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
society of scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
galleries of scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
young people scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
national parks scotland bill bepassedthe motion was agreed to
agricultural holdings scotland bill bepassedthe presiding officer has selected
that before the bill ispassedthere will be negotiations with
victims under the bill ifpassedthose are the direct changes
day if the bill werepassedtomorrow morning we would pick
local government bill would bepassedwhen will the bill be
jurisdiction under the bill ifpassedwill be wider than that
up after the bill waspassedwould flying registrars for several
was considerably modified and eventuallypassedas the wild mammals protection
here she said as wepasseda large building on the
road beyond soller i havepassedthe building often but have
the primary legislation has beenpassedand also depending on the
legislation would need to bepassedby at least fifteen other
enforce the legislation that ispassedby the scottish parliament we
other legislation not just legislationpassedby this parliament what is
after the legislation has beenpassedis in part if not
the legislation as it ispassedthe convener is amendment 6
on legislation that has beenpassedthe problem is finding out
the influence of what haspassedfor education in scotland in
been deracinated by what haspassedfor education in scotland while
s health if it ispassedscotland has the highest rate
agency scotland report that waspassedto the committee des mcnulty
of many scots had beenpassedwithout consultation with scotland and
result in job losses beingpassedby the parliament pe449 petition
petition should not have beenpassedon because the committee could
of this petition and havepassedrelevant papers to the education
that the petition should bepassedto both the transport and
priority this petition has beenpassedto education culture and sport
that the petition should bepassedto fife council asking it
wrong the petition will bepassedto the executive as it
committee as the petition ispassedto the health and community
that the petition should bepassedto the transport and the
the motion is i hopepassedthe fight must continue within
if the snp motion ispassedtoday we will expect susan
when the snp motion waspassedwhat will be the executive
recognition the european union firstpasseda resolution 12 years ago
juist waled elements the recentlypassededucation disability strategies an pupils
just selected elements the recentlypassededucation disability strategies and pupils
the information that is beingpassedout to the education authorities
presumably the director of educationpassedthe parcel sharpish with the
case justifies the material beingpassedto the education culture and
garden plots the people ipassedand the children playing all
of two greek children hadpassedquite unnoticed by herself jean
where she lived until shepassedaway in 1953 leslie s
holding our breaths until hepassedfrom our dappled sanctuary we
to the a77 until itpassedleffnoll north box where a
it took me until wepassedlike three o the aisles
lusty taunting until i vepassedout of earshot the pigs
will ensure that it ispassedon to the health and
an issue should normally bepassedto the health and community
religion of 1706 c 6passedby the scottish parliament was
loft after they both bothpassedaway i found an absolute
crown 14 the act waspasseddevolving the protestant succession after
suit just minutes after ipassedthe busker the other day
communal government and power beingpassedto regional and state governments
executory services board are beingpassedto the law society and
yer actions act a lawpassedby the scottish pairlament that
your actions act a lawpassedby the scottish parliament that
conservation act 2000 which waspassedin november it was too
act 2002 which the parliamentpassedrepresents a major step forward
a [censored: surname] the alteration waspassedunanimously 4 the president s
personal care provisions that werepassedby the parliament i am
fife council when the parliamentpassedfree personal care we all
that the approach will bepasseddown to local authorities so
the 1980s funding was thenpassedto local authorities who are
of that it should bepassedbecause it is a good
to parliament today should bepassedbecause pending the change to
that should not have beenpassedon in future we should
should the additional costs bepassedon to those who are
that a draft should bepassedto george lyon who is
investigation into lobbying should bepassedto the petitioner along with
that the petitions should bepassedto the transport and the
to ensure that it ispassedbefore the next uk general
there was some information sometimespassedbefore you went out on
stages before they can bepassedby the parliament and become
t mention it before hepassedon james made two requests
behind it before it ispassedto the executive i am
headin fur da beach beingpassedbi families wi dugs an
passing occasional walkers or beingpassedby cyclists on sturdy blue
that were unlikely to bepassedand i take the view
stages afore they can bepassedby the pairlament an become
the two having to bepassedby way of portpatrick wireless
thit kin be passed oanpasseddoon in true tradition lori
aye stories thit kin bepassedoan passed doon in true
s nae gonnae get kinnapassedon an i winnae be
happy for pe431 to bepassedon to it that committee
wilson s comments can bepassedon to its members i
text to be memorised andpassedon verbatim in the same
sufficiently for them to bepassedor negotiated in a day
an amended order could bepassedquickly it is important to
indicate that it had beenpassedthat would be important if
if need be as itpassedthere came a great rummle
the aggregates levy will bepassedto it for spending what
want the order to bepassedtoday so that the date
various documents have to bepassedup the line to the
of bsl the european parliamentpasseda resolution on sign languages
40 acts that have beenpassedby the parliament since 1999
that the scottish parliament haspassedin very recent times the
is already enacted it haspassedthrough the houses of parliament
on her ports through thempassedas well as commercial imports
one for each classroom andpassedin through a window to
distance at the brim wepassedthrough a few miles of
or around 12600ft here wepassedthrough a kind of portal
bus journey from tübingen theypassedthrough e germany and she
ducking his head as hepassedthrough the door the smell
through at all you werepassedto bob in finance no
in its management having beenpassedby its security staff if
oot his tongue rudely anpassedby ma misfortune an i
of his uncle as hepassedby me i was sorry
sum of 2700 which waspassedby means of a heritable
from annoying peter as hepassedby the brigend three weeks
in the kirkyaird minnie brucepassedby the warlock ilkie sabbath
leaving jesús the chief porterpassedby with a mate we
em had connections that bypassedengland and em em however
by the memories a minutepassedhe thocht he could dae
new york and venice hadpassedher by it s like
individuals who have phoned andpassedit on by word of
shorten watson applied the methodologypassedon to him by aitken
lyrics to haughton house werepassedon to me by stanley
entirely by whether they hadpassedor failed the exam the
schools and communities words arepasseddown from grandparents and parents
with many items altered andpasseddown from one child to
that so many people sprylypassedon the way down the
never written down and waspassedon verbally with no explanations
his head down when hepassedthe staffroom praying he was
down in evening more testspassedtonight 7 thursday have bad
in defiance once they dpassedwe walked down across red
c how many of thosepassedfor slaughter had been slaughtered
than 50 acts have beenpassedmany of which are significant
you know it s beenpassedon to the next generation
had been used the hourspassedquickly for i enjoyed sending
to those that have beenpassedto others the passage of
and paths that have beenpassedto owners of former scottish
committee the request had beenpassedto the presiding officer for
that had the information beenpassedto the scottish executive immediately
concrete coating when it hadpasseda railwayman s hut and
had tae go and getpassedat the the lab m608:
to reveal anything that hadpassedbetween us beaumont i wis
like ten minutes that hadpassedf943: no that s when
replied sweetly good that hadpassedmuster now quiero un medio
but gin anither oor hadpassedmy grief i scarce cuid
had gone a considerable timepassedthen a key was found
moment and when it hadpassedyou forgot about it moved
season on us when theypassedbut when myself and old
floor strangling me till ipassedout when he went to
reach the other door ipassedout when i came to
often about parkneuk when shepassedso we thought that we
get himsel killt the saicontspassedan naethin happened then oot
fished oot a disprin andpassedit up till er janko
d a ball i apparentlypassedoot about six o clock
echt o clock you dpassedoot in the middle o
about six o clock ipassedoot m815: [laugh] m816: aboot
s okay he s jistpassedoot wi the pain a
ye oot an ye haepassedthe test morag whit dae
own allmost 1900 years haspassedand gone since that but
flu bug has almost completelypassedaway now thankfully it did
village lane my life haspassedlike this white nile felucca
to ensure that it waspassedon time the snp has
of order considerable time haspassedsince the start of the
gie thanks that war haspassedus ower this time the
strang sun she could haepassedas a spanish grandee s
at every corner as wepassedat the foot of the
the whispered stories as ipassedeach white boulder i focused
fur veesitors as the lassiepassedher she noticed wi a
adopted a pseudonym too hepassedinto history as juan orth
the church as the cortegepassedmr mutch mrs aitken s
standards and the results arepassedon to organisations such as
as the rain and cloudpassedover us a glum israeli
alexander holmes hoose as towserpassedthe car his birse came
in front and as wepassedthe churchyard where my child
something tae ait as hepassedthe doocot he coodnae resist
ear were questin as shepassedthe larick belt an near
and beauty as the monthspassedthe rowan would bear its
o fyvie as jonsar eckpassedtheatre a for the third
saft an green an cushatspassedunheedit as i sat as
a time and as itpassedyour bit you quickly picked
ye noo fit if yepasseda kicked in shop if
his fit if i vepassedmy tribble ontae the bairn
back of bogeys if theypassedon the way to school
said what if i vepassedup the chance to save
secondary school so if youpassedyour eleven plus you could
the scottish executive whether itpasseda copy of the social
cankert wi ilka day thatpassedan she gaed aboot wi
hid a day or twopassedbit dan buoy wiz buoyant
o himsel at furst hepassedthe time o day an
the day an ere oopassedthe whitrigg road a mirky
pleasance falkirk seldom a daypassedwithout us having a session
are all different it waspassedalmost unanimously in 1988 but
countries recognise sign language waspassedin 1998 what are we
was a nice woman hepassedme the yellow pages phoned
and was fondling it ipassedout and was dragged away
i failed it twice andpassedit the third time f1049:
one and only time youpassed[laugh] f1027: [laugh] [laugh] f1023:
ti help eh bloke timepassedwho wiz at at eh
sauce would never exist timepassedwithout the man noticing he
m shair a d haepassedawa a m sae dwaibly
fine and that she dpassedher mphil so i picked
i heard that she dpassedm741: brilliant excellent m605: like
bug a thocht a dpassedthe winter snug an cosy
on hold till they dpassedtheir exams gone on to
and how the word ispassedalong and so many of
means that no sentence ispassedand the accused returns to
to courts however the sentencepassedin any specific case is
f978: but that phase ispassednow so eh well i
not about information that ispassedwilly nilly i would like
no i got the planspassedso i built a she-
i know dear i vepassedthe salt no really communicating
of times that have nearlypassedout of memory and i
but another lynn p- ehpassedout on the floor m1048:
early an raise early wepasseda man peein against e
wis aye goin on wepassede fairm faar e gypsy
s whose first home wepassedevery morning me trailing sulkily
feeling rather guilty we werepassedin to the front of
close till anither hut wepassedon e road a lot
cursory anything to declare andpassedon we stood at the
and a half years havepassedso far we do not
coarner oan three wheels wepassedthe haufwey inn an the
say to that committee wepassedthis matter to you on
reticence about the hamlets wepassedwith here and there something
estate the remaining funds werepassedon to the arbuthnott parochial
lapel otherwise he could havepassedeasily for a city civil
to them once they havepassedinto adulthood alan fraser that
this afternoon members will havepassedone of the many places
walking up sauchiehall street andpasseda fire appliance with two
m608: mmhm f637: and ipassedand then my mother says
eh for that event andpasseder paddy s milestone so
and later in aberdeen hepassedhis apprenticeship in 1879 div
end and the machine obliginglypassedit along its inky insides
her lips lit it andpassedit to jennifer the butt
took a quick swig andpassedthe bottle cheers he said
and using a short forkpassedthe sheaf from the forker
on scraps of paper andpassedthem to the front bradbury
and his faimly but thatpassedthen i began tae wunner
where family property and wealthpassedto one s sister s
m605: i understand that shepassedi haven t spoken to
she she got her vivapassedlast year m741: right m605:
brought chocolate cake which theypassedalong the pew he talked
life in dumfries sadly hepassedaway at the early age
the oors the first nichtpassedaff without misfit in the
een seeven hunner year haepassedan gaen since first the
ssss serrennnn deeeeep some monthspassedangus calder the poet phoned
wioot a myowt the fuskypassedaroon an wi it challenges
another guy s pass [censored: forename]passedbeyond the surly guards then
the ghost of a seagullpassedcutting the sky with its
across his shoulders i oftenpassedhim on the road to
the denburn an fin trainspassedin aneth loons eest tae
funnily enough i er pass-passedit er the the night
struck the oors midnicht wispassednurse mackenzie wis doverin ower
refusing to accept un resolutionspassedover the last decade demanding
gotten haufweys up the heinkelpassedower thair heids an banked
ti the wutch s bigginpassedpompitie athout ever seein him
tho thoosans o years hidpassedsin the global wars the
wir baith that blythe theypassedthe inn an niver kent
halie fundator paip mysteriopervador firstpassedon his warlockrie his mandment
im leen eez mither hidpassedon it wis her at
gypit then david s motherpassedhim over to his father
christine grahame to whom ipasseda note but i will
o ma bicycle clip yepasseda wee strippie o gairden
tightly krista that hackin coughpasseddoon handed doon fi generation
ah sklum gret craigs apassedexems an blethert lairnit lecters
salmonis a parasite of salmonpassedfrom farmed fish to young
their scots a burnin brandpassedhaun tae haun kinnelt a
went up to it ipassedjimmy hunter pooin neeps in
him ronald fa wis lastpassedjonsar eck s truck stated
chris de burgh s lyricspassedme a note thanking me
dee t masel minnie hidpassedmeg nae twa meenit s
a statute of david iipassedover two hundred years earlier

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