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greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
north and bellshill lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab mcnulty des
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
lyndsay central scotland con mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
highlands and islands lab mcneillpaulineglasgow kelvin lab robson euan
greenock and inverclyde lab mcneillpaulinemary glasgow kelvin lab mcnulty
agree with gordon jackson andpaulinemcneill about tommy sheridan s
maclean janis hughes sylvia jacksonpaulinemcneill alasdair morrison sandra white
investigated and resolved supported bypaulinemcneill alex neil dr winnie
gibson christine grahame nora radcliffepaulinemcneill alex neil maureen macmillan
a bill members can thankpaulinemcneill and christine grahame for
rest of the uk whichpaulinemcneill and phil gallie mentioned
will consider a report bypaulinemcneill and then take evidence
21 february 2000 christine grahamepaulinemcneill andrew wilson s1m 567
canavan donald gorrie robin harperpaulinemcneill ben wallace brian adam
macmillan lord james douglas hamiltonpaulinemcneill bill aitken scott barrie
white mary scanlon s1m 1199paulinemcneill breast cancer awareness that
the subject of sm1 162paulinemcneill breast cancer thursday 7
scanlon lord james douglas hamiltonpaulinemcneill brian adam marilyn livingstone
watson fiona mcleod malcolm chisholmpaulinemcneill brian adam marilyn livingstone
thomson helen eadie johann lamontpaulinemcneill brian fitzpatrick mr michael
thomson helen eadie johann lamontpaulinemcneill brian fitzpatrick mr michael
lodged on 26 march 2002paulinemcneill business bulletin no 116
mr alasdair morrison rhona brankinpaulinemcneill cathie craigie paul martin
ms sandra white fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill cathy jamieson dr richard
christine grahame mr keith raffanpaulinemcneill cathy jamieson margaret jamieson
wilson robin harper margaret jamiesonpaulinemcneill cathy peattie kay ullrich
mcallion ms fiona mcleod mspaulinemcneill cathy peattie mr jamie
a hash symbol s1m 3896paulinemcneill celtic connections 10th anniversary
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1118paulinemcneill childhood sexual abuse that
2000 be approved s1m 1234paulinemcneill children s and maternal
morgan andrew wilson s1m 149paulinemcneill children s cardiac services
aitken deputy convener scott barriepaulinemcneill convener mrs mary mulligan
convener scott barrie george lyonpaulinemcneill convener stewart stevenson apologies
mr david davidson ben wallacepaulinemcneill dennis canavan dr sylvia
mcallion mr duncan mcneil mspaulinemcneill des mcnulty cathy peattie
michael russell mr kenneth gibsonpaulinemcneill donald gorrie dr richard
of liquidation supported by mspaulinemcneill donald gorrie ms fiona
by david mundell shona robisonpaulinemcneill donald gorrie trish godman
condition or impediment supported bypaulinemcneill dorothy grace elder michael
ms sandra white fiona hysloppaulinemcneill dr richard simpson nora
johann lamont mr george reidpaulinemcneill dr winnie ewing tommy
lodged on 7 september 2000paulinemcneill dr winnie ewing tommy
lamont phil gallie angus mackaypaulinemcneill elaine smith marilyn livingstone
lamont phil gallie angus mackaypaulinemcneill elaine smith marilyn livingstone
macmillan mr duncan mcneil rpaulinemcneill elaine smith rhoda grant
mcleod kate maclean s1m 255paulinemcneill emergency 999 calls that
tricia marwick mrs lyndsay mcintoshpaulinemcneill euan robson also present
2002 elaine smith scott barriepaulinemcneill fiona mcleod helen eadie
tricia marwick dr elaine murraypaulinemcneill fiona mcleod michael russell
of the fund s1m 2967paulinemcneill fire safety at glasgow
by euan robson s1m 3847paulinemcneill firefighters dispute that the
phil gallie first i thankpaulinemcneill for her comments on
that deals with the issuepaulinemcneill for the record it
the subject of s1m 1334paulinemcneill funding of glasgow s
scotland act 1982 s1m 3736paulinemcneill glasgow city centre policing
misquote the snp s motionpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab and
meeting 2003 session 1 convenerpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab deputy
meeting 2001 session 1 convenerpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab deputy
the sewel motion 12 02paulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab i
is certainly very useful helenpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab i
is where it comes frompaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab i
will be the last questionerpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab i
macmillan highlands and islands labpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab michael
implementation of such international obligationspaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab michael
angus mackay edinburgh south labpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab mr
grahame south of scotland snppaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab mrs
lyon argyll and bute ldpaulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab phil
21st century entitlement cards 3paulinemcneill glasgow kelvin lab to
at 11 04 the convenerpaulinemcneill good morning everyone and
proposing is echr compliant aspaulinemcneill has pointed out the
in addition to handwritten onespaulinemcneill i agree that there
on that any other businesspaulinemcneill i apologise for being
available on a voluntary basispaulinemcneill i appreciate that there
happier place than stage 3paulinemcneill i do not know
different from hunting with dogspaulinemcneill i know what you
the changes angus mackay yespaulinemcneill i thank phil gallie
was about to take placepaulinemcneill i thought that the
other government in recent decadespaulinemcneill i too want to
are out christine grahame yespaulinemcneill i understand that committee
intervention of the scottish ministerspaulinemcneill i understand that point
have been a recent petitionpaulinemcneill if that is the
lodged on 8 january 2003paulinemcneill irene oldfather s1m 3750
mammal which is living wildpaulinemcneill is not that definition
intention goes wider than thatpaulinemcneill is solitary confinement different
be acquitted of the offencepaulinemcneill is there a definition
am getting at you gordonpaulinemcneill it is important to
consequences when they return homepaulinemcneill it is important to
macintosh mr michael mcmahon mspaulinemcneill john farquhar munro mr
come here i would thinkpaulinemcneill just for a launch
fiscal service inquiry s1m 3893paulinemcneill justice 2 committee report
different i can talk topaulinemcneill later about the other
amendment delivers what members wantpaulinemcneill like other members i
radcliffe mr adam ingram mspaulinemcneill lodged on 27 january
hamilton mr alex neil mspaulinemcneill lodged on 30 april
thomson maureen macmillan rhoda grantpaulinemcneill margaret jamieson dr elaine
mr keith raffan phil galliepaulinemcneill marilyn livingstone cathie craigie
14 december 2000 scott barriepaulinemcneill maureen macmillan mr jamie
marilyn livingstone dr sylvia jacksonpaulinemcneill maureen macmillan mrs mary
hamilton lloyd quinan tricia marwickpaulinemcneill mike rumbles business bulletin
hamilton lloyd quinan tricia marwickpaulinemcneill mike rumbles mrs margaret
mcgrigor mr david davidson mspaulinemcneill mr adam ingram mr
gorrie michael russell irene mcguganpaulinemcneill mr adam ingram tricia
gibson shona robison fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill mr adam ingram tricia
michael russell christine grahame mspaulinemcneill mr andrew wilson donald
linda fabiani mr jamie mcgrigorpaulinemcneill mr gil paterson mary
mr brian monteith bill aitkenpaulinemcneill mr jamie mcgrigor mr
mr adam ingram linda fabianipaulinemcneill mr jamie stone mr
michael russell mrs mary mulliganpaulinemcneill mr jamie stone mr
michael mcmahon john farquhar munropaulinemcneill mr kenneth gibson s1m
gil paterson tommy sheridan mspaulinemcneill mrs elaine smith lodged
jamie stone mr john mcallionpaulinemcneill mrs mary mulligan helen
chisholm irene oldfather linda fabianipaulinemcneill mrs mary mulligan nora
maureen macmillan tommy sheridan mspaulinemcneill ms elaine thomson irene
mcintosh mr michael mcmahon mspaulinemcneill ms elaine thomson mr
lodged on 19 march 2002paulinemcneill ms sandra white s1m
the same answer would applypaulinemcneill my question is more
and songwriting career s1m 3737paulinemcneill noise pollution that the
supported by dorothy grace elderpaulinemcneill nora radcliffe alex neil
cathy jamieson mr john mcallionpaulinemcneill nora radcliffe robert brown
was happening was an offencepaulinemcneill on the same theme
writing was difficult to readpaulinemcneill perhaps it came out
mcneill and phil gallie mentionedpaulinemcneill raised other issues and
of the path s1m 2964paulinemcneill refurbishment of glasgow city
linda fabiani mrs mary mulliganpaulinemcneill rhoda grant maureen macmillan
stone mrs nora radcliffe mspaulinemcneill rhoda grant mr duncan
ewing nick johnston fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill richard lochhead alex neil
johnston fiona hyslop fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill richard lochhead mr adam
mcletchie irene mcgugan michael russellpaulinemcneill richard lochhead mr adam
mr john mcallion fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill richard lochhead mr michael
macmillan alasdair morgan fiona mcleodpaulinemcneill richard lochhead mrs mary
tommy sheridan mr kenneth gibsonpaulinemcneill richard lochhead nora radcliffe
any necessary resources s1m 2965paulinemcneill river kelvin walkway that
grace elder ms sandra whitepaulinemcneill robert brown donald gorrie
by fergus ewing nora radcliffepaulinemcneill robert brown mr lloyd
by tommy sheridan shona robisonpaulinemcneill robin harper dorothy grace
of course i share fullypaulinemcneill s sentiments about tackling
supported by dorothy grace elderpaulinemcneill s1m 1088 andrew wilson
margaret smith ms margo macdonaldpaulinemcneill s1m 1095 mr gil
lodged on 14 december 2000paulinemcneill s1m 1473 scottish cricket
macdonald brian adam alasdair morganpaulinemcneill s1m 1813 offshore wind
donald gorrie mr david davidsonpaulinemcneill s1m 233 mr murray
lodged on 21 november 2001paulinemcneill s1m 2470 birthplace of
2002 elaine smith robin harperpaulinemcneill s1m 2906 criminal responsibility
lodged on 21 march 2002paulinemcneill s1m 2932 world association
lodged on 10 june 2002paulinemcneill s1m 2944 register of
lodged on 11 june 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3168 1 glasgow
lodged on 13 june 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3195 exposure to
lodged on 26 june 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3213 faslane peace
lodged on 27 june 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3254 action plan
bill butler mr kenneth macintoshpaulinemcneill s1m 3297 broughty ferry
personnel throughout scotland supported bypaulinemcneill s1m 3304 tommy sheridan
lodged on 20 december 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3723 ethical investment
lodged on 24 december 2002paulinemcneill s1m 3736 glasgow city
lodged on 6 january 2003paulinemcneill s1m 3738 fame academy
lodged on 7 january 2003paulinemcneill s1m 3741 the inverclyde
lodged on 8 january 2003paulinemcneill s1m 3742 lord jenkins
lodged on 8 january 2003paulinemcneill s1m 3753 regeneration of
lodged on 3 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 472 water charges
lodged on 9 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 505 closure of
lodged on 9 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 523 parliament subscription
lodged on 11 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 526 equal access
2000 christine grahame rhoda grantpaulinemcneill s1m 546 chinook lodged
lodged on 17 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 557 international women
lodged on 18 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 563 drugs strategy
lodged on 18 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 565 hospital infections
lodged on 21 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 570 milk in
22 february 2000 christine grahamepaulinemcneill s1m 576 st ninians
lodged on 22 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 578 breast screening
lodged on 22 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 579 pilkington optronics
lodged on 22 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 580 conservation of
lodged on 25 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 587 fuel poverty
lodged on 25 february 2000paulinemcneill s1m 593 kinlochleven economic
mr john mcallion karen whitefieldpaulinemcneill s1m 915 mr gil
marilyn livingstone mr kenny macaskillpaulinemcneill s1m 929 alex neil
ms sandra white s1m 892paulinemcneill saltmarket centenary that the
matter of urgency s1m 3318paulinemcneill scotland vs israel under
reads as a coherent wholepaulinemcneill section 2 2 of
confinement to cell is temporarypaulinemcneill so it is a
23 november or 7 decemberpaulinemcneill sooner rather than later
the constituency of my colleaguepaulinemcneill that institution is making
in scotland i say topaulinemcneill that the executive says
everyone agreed members indicated agreementpaulinemcneill the correspondent s mp
received from mrs margaret smithpaulinemcneill the meeting opened at
make judgments in individual casespaulinemcneill there are two or
be out by 24 novemberpaulinemcneill this is an important
to raise s1f 2196 3paulinemcneill to ask the first
has responsibility s1f 339 6paulinemcneill to ask the first
as at present s1w 16820paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of sex offenders s1w 26914paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
as a result s1w 33287paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
postcode search facility s1w 24810paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
30 pm question time 1paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
reached its estimate s1w 16799paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
glasgow harbour development s1w 24768paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
musselburgh east lothian s1w 34853δpaulinemcneill to ask the scottish
improvement task force s1w 24807paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
the planning proposal s1w 24809paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
in each prison s1w 26913paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
round training facilities s1w 16800paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
review will commence s1w 34746δpaulinemcneill to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 23035paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
scotland act 2001 s1w 24784paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
city growth fund s1w 33026paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
since may 1999 s1w 24808paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
to nuclear plants s1w 33024paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
improvement task force s1w 24805paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
enterprise in education s1w 34934δpaulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of the route s1w 23116paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
s hospitals s1o 3316 10paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
not be funded s1w 15067paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
headquarters from edinburgh s1w 1095paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of hardship funds s1w 23117paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
to public policy s1w 15068paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
at older universities s1w 15065paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of these years s1w 15048paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
competition act 1998 s1w 15062paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of the fund s1w 33025paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of the economy s1w 15064paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
will be announced s1w 23036paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
the research base s1w 15063paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
as sex offenders s1w 26912paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
meeting with msps s1w 24766paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
european transport regulation s1w 24785paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
landfilled or incinerated s1w 14979paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
uphill business s1o 4696 4paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
loch ryan operations s1w 24803paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
four discrete areas s1w 20842paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
such a plan s1w 6034paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
compiling his report s1w 13133paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
primary school s1o 6409 2paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
not yet approved s1w 19429paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
higher education students s1w 20843paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
employed in scotland s1w 1061paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
unit in glasgow s1w 22119paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
their employment s1o 298 30paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
rural areas s1o 5854 28paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and gas sector s1w 22118paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
area per capita s1w 20841paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
or 2 september s1w 1060paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
with the bbc s1w 1422paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
lawrence steering group s1w 22122paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
s response s1o 427 16paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
authority funding settlements s1w 9140paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
lawrence steering group s1w 22121paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
s cardiac service s1w 1423paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
in the future s1w 1062paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
on child health s1w 9143paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of the order s1w 33289paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
to be correct s1w 26910paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
from the police s1w 22120paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
at raf turnhouse s1w 24783paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
down by prison s1w 26911paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and railway corridors s1w 9145paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
primary school children s1w 26935paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
after three breaches s1w 33288paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
apprenticeship training places s1w 9141paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
sewerage industry s1o 3812 13paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
each authority s1o 406 8paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and railway corridors s1w 9144paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of the a96 s1w 9200paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
of edinburgh s1o 4891 3paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and seven children s1w 9142paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and academic staff s1w 15069paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
improvement task force s1w 24804paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
improvement task force s1w 24806paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
since may 1999 s1w 24769paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
and emerging subjects s1w 15066paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
review of cities s1w 24767paulinemcneill to ask the scottish
tried scott barrie tried andpaulinemcneill tried christine grahame should
smith mrs nora radcliffe mspaulinemcneill trish godman donald gorrie
sheridan mrs nora radcliffe mspaulinemcneill trish godman donald gorrie
at 10 01 the convenerpaulinemcneill we are now quorate
have been in the systempaulinemcneill while we are talking
convener the convener i callpaulinemcneill who will be the
the rafters newsletter spring 2002paulines column guid health hoo
abune newsletter autumn winter 2002paulines column hogmanay when ah
autumn 2001 pauline s columnpaulines column noo that the
up wi newsletter autumn 2001paulines column pauline s column
ms white i pick uppaulines point perhaps she feels
johnstone msp eleanor scott msppaulinecairns fiona campbell dougal carnegie
irene mcgugan i welcome thepaulineconversion of the minister for
spring 2001 mair words forpaulinein the past i hae
think that that was whatpaulinemeant we might say to
livin room wi ma auntiepaulineare you sure that you
actually sayin ma name spaulinecairns i come f606: mmhm
m hello there she stoodpaulineeh dream girl o eh
mum up one day withpaulinef1049: uh huh m1048: and
aw dae double or quitspaulinegrey s expectin twins they
it was an impulse buypaulinehad some found cash that
[sniff] although i hate takingpaulineplaces sometimes f1049: [sniff] [laugh]
she was she was f010: paulinetold me they were there
tae the kitchen ma auntiepaulinewis sittin at the table

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