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loretta na na it sperfectlyrespectable gladys outraged respectable a
at her angelica it sperfectlyrespectable ma it s to
to increase participation it isperfectlyacceptable for the opposition to
now stands it would beperfectlyacceptable for the regulations to
interior which would have beenperfectlyacceptable in london paris or
best in the world andperfectlyacceptable or that justice is
from the ruins would beperfectlyacceptable that is the kind
believe that it would beperfectlyfair and acceptable to have
that would make it aperfectlyhonest and acceptable memorandum that
leather bag i was alsoperfectlycapable of carrying on climbing
period i have found themperfectlycapable of expressing anything i
as he well knows isperfectlycapable of lodging an amendment
imagined that most members wereperfectlycapable of making that decision
of mike s points areperfectlyvalid do members see any
buck that some of theperfectlyvalid issues that have been
black traditions are not admittedperfectlyvalid kinds of theorising that
word we used a wordperfectlyinnocent er word it became
it was a stupid butperfectlyinnocent remark a youngster s
all these nonstandard dialects areperfectlyefficient and grammatical within the
number of native dialects allperfectlyefficient as language systems within
m1008: for that to beperfectlyhonest f1009: i had alley
their sector but it isperfectlyobvious that bt is not
of parts published it wasperfectlyobvious that you were not
reasons for that they areperfectlyentitled to pursue their position
this discussion the committee isperfectlyentitled to relay its view
ross finnie that is aperfectlygood question it is the
ross finnie i understand thatperfectlythat was a major question
this situation where we haveperfectlynormal decent law abiding possibly
and they are conducting aperfectlynormal legal activity however in
implement those commitments we areperfectlyhappy that the united kingdom
sir david steel i amperfectlyhappy to ask the procedures
is my view i amperfectlyhappy to hear what other
they werena feminists they wereperfectlyhappy wi the arrangement but
moving very fast it combinesperfectlytraditional skills and business methods
a skills gap that isperfectlytrue in certain areas there
stevenson i understand that pointperfectlymy question is not about
for your kind letter iperfectlywell understand your silence and
in context david miller knewperfectlywell and i was not
kept quiet because we knewperfectlywell and we wanted to
to make sure they wereperfectlyclean and no bugs got
area was cleared and sweptperfectlyclean as smooth as a
state the case which isperfectlyfair but why do you
fair mr davidson it isperfectlyfair mrs curran brought this
witnesses would regard as aperfectlylegal thing to do they
the staff were taking theperfectlysensible view that this was
thomson mr beaumont made itperfectlyclear last year that he
i want to make itperfectlyclear that we support the
clear that the executive isperfectlycontent with the work done
has been found to beperfectlyworkable by those who have
could see lloyd quinan actedperfectlycompetently and indeed timeously within
from that timetable it isperfectlypossible that the committee bill
before the 1470s it isperfectlypossible therefore that the 1426
[laugh] m811: he was aperfectlynice guy but i think
one wee delusion he sperfectlysane and a very nice
making rapes though it wasperfectlygood for thatching tattie pits
i m sure you reperfectlyright rowland and in a
mean that consideration cannot coincideperfectlyit is best to progress
elected local authorities that areperfectlyable to make such judgments
ll just put the marshmallowsperfectlyf1121: okay f1122: when they
go and pop the marshmallowsperfectlyf1121: okay you can f1122:
a well aimed shot aperfectlyexecuted cab window strike from
of the time i knowperfectlywell what they are saying
few weeks i see aperfectlygood reason why civil servants
group s report to beperfectlyblunt it has added very
counting day alternative that isperfectlyreasonable but it would also
would realise that i mperfectlyserious the way a princess
the convener that is aperfectlycompetent amendment to the proposal
cardiograph and his heart isperfectlyall right it seems now
is without graun is grandperfectlyfine salve nec minimo pirn
plan in 2002 he isperfectlyfree to reopen the matter
course of action it isperfectlylegitimate for the people of
be satisfied that he isperfectlyo k he hasn t
sexual flux she is thusperfectlyon line to become a
know i m i mperfectlym608: mmhm f641: mmhm f643:
wild salmonid fisheries are functioningperfectlynormally having seen the problems
invitation on the computer wasperfectlyplain all college personnel are
in oor submissions he remembersperfectlybeing taen up when a
that he lived in aperfectlycomfortable manner i should like
that happenin as he kensperfectlyweel he s jist takin
mmhm m055: eh they reperfectlymutually intelligible and yaise a
into the heavy metal aspectperfectlybut it s not related
her it fitted her shouldersperfectlyit clung to her breasts
sophistification of their engineering twoperfectlycarved stone feet remain above
on the contrary its delicacyperfectlyexpressed to me the miracle
caal an lack a maetperfectlydehydratit fit mair quid ye
the tiny creature had fourperfectlyformed legs each padded with

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