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the parliament campus on apermanentbasis lodged on 18 may
the parliament campus on apermanentbasis lodged on 18 may
censure mr muir russell thepermanentsecretary at the scottish executive
regarding disciplinary action against thepermanentsecretary muir russell in relation
scotland ready mr muir russellpermanentsecretary of the scottish executive
snp attended witnesses muir russellpermanentsecretary scottish executive craig russell
to the committee muir russellpermanentsecretary scottish executive thank you
regarding disciplinary action against thepermanentsecretary in relation to any
less than six years aspermanentsecretary is outrageous insensitive to
78 13 for example thepermanentsecretary s preface to the
pension package for scottish executivepermanentsecretary that the parliament condemns
be made available to thepermanentsecretary to the scottish executive
on housing authorities to providepermanentand suitable rather than temporary
on housing authorities to providepermanentand suitable rather than temporary
or part time temporary orpermanentor through an agency or
homeless people and to providepermanentaccommodation for unintentionally homeless persons
fisheries supported 109 full timepermanent112 part time permanent and
time permanent 112 part timepermanentand 432 seasonal jobs more
some researchers have questioned whetherpermanentstructures are the most effective
of creating and maintaining thesepermanentstructures is proportionate to the
2003 pending the adoption ofpermanentarrangements by the council in
adoption or other forms ofpermanentplacement janis hughes does the
commission and on ukrep thepermanentrepresentation of the united kingdom
at the top table withpermanentrepresentation on the council of
upper chamber to supporting apermanentdelegation to supporting a written
greater risk of death orpermanentdisability following the proposed closure
that a patient suffered apermanentphysical or mental disability as
the foreign ministers or theirpermanentrepresentatives to the coe of
eu via the committee ofpermanentrepresentatives to the eu coreper
compensate farmers and crofters forpermanentand severe climatic and geographical
properly reflects the degree ofpermanentdisadvantage that our lfa farmers
agency nurses and to employpermanentstaff instead of agency nurses
how will we get morepermanentnurses employed in the health
is supplied with material inpermanentform from which the patient
section 4 1 d untilpermanentarrangements are made for its
idea of time limits forpermanentarrangements for care or disposal
bidin in it on onypermanentbasis but they biggit it
and four of the fivepermanentmembers of the united nations
will take to provide apermanentgp on the island of
construction junction had now becomepermanentand bridged the bishop burn
scots to english may becomepermanenton deeside linguistic change has
years the idea for apermanenticc goes back as far
the stunning purpose built andpermanentbig top we had no
i leave having made 128permanentfriends and i thank members
northumbria this area became apermanentpart of scotland after the
is a moving apt andpermanentpart of what will be
best opportunity to facilitate apermanentsolution supported by mr brian
employers who create full timepermanentposts paying a wage of
that are now are morepermanentf746: oh right yeah f978:
need to be made morepermanenti have not heard it
to a kind of morepermanentradio station i mean presumably
property unsurprisingly subsequent and morepermanentsettlers were attracted to this
the costs of providing apermanentplace in a nursing home
the holocaust must have apermanentplace in our nation s
can look forward to apermanentplace in the borders economy
of time to make apermanentsupple cloth three dimensional seamless
in july 1999 requested apermanentyoung people s assembly young
thing that we need ispermanentupheaval does he agree that
when you have a crickpermanentor otherwise in your neck
whether it intends to appointpermanentsheriffs in order to reduce
white teeth slaps on apermanentgrin suppose he approaches the
his present job altho nothingpermanentis on the horizon i
when it will introduce staticpermanentspeed cameras on the a77
last your wounding is notpermanentno damage to the neo
inklin ti mak temporarie reparespermanenta wissna ti criticeise the
religious persuasion to be givenpermanentasylum no questions asked tanka
this could lead to apermanentdebilitating inferiority complex it would
to be kept as apermanentfund the income to be
agreed to set up apermanentinternational criminal court that agreement
o the crook an apermanentdreep at the pynt o
her tapmaist lip an apermanentlirk atween her broos like
humphrey was an expatriate apermanentresident of the hostal borne
ascertain the feasibility of apermanentwebcast facility covering the proceedings
leslie mitchell into sharp reliefpermanentfeatures of the centre include
have compensated owners for thepermanentremoval of their vessels however
what of the town spermanentresidents fortunately we know the
not it s obviously notpermanenteither you know they ve
hair that it wasn tpermanentand dyed all the tips
an scodge about mantenein thepermanentwey an whyles we pent
okay uh huh is thatpermanentthere in phoenix m1163: you
sock dressed in victorian blackpermanentfixture family almanac father s

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