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lanarkshire various jobs eh toperthand kinross and crieff and
which councillors of clackmannanshire fifeperthand kinross and stirling councils
roberts head of strategic policyperthand kinross council 3 european
hugh anderson convener planning committeeperthand kinross council 4 subordinate
roddy mcarthur director of financeperthand kinross council dave roberts
area and special parking areaperthand kinross council designation order
area and special parking areaperthand kinross council designation order
bean head of forward planningperthand kinross council hugh anderson
parking attendants wearing of uniformsperthand kinross council parking area
the road traffic parking adjudicatorsperthand kinross council regulations 2002
the road traffic parking adjudicatorsperthand kinross council regulations 2002
expenditure and council tax branchperthand kinross council roddy mcarthur
to dundee in response toperthand kinross council s development
to a report yesterday fromperthand kinross council the process
provide additional borrowing consent toperthand kinross council to enable
it will make representations toperthand kinross council with regard
of both south lanarkshire andperthand kinross councils in this
from aberdeenshire east dunbartonshire andperthand kinross councils s1w 1993
results as bruce crawford saidperthand kinross has produced a
1565 gaelic medium education inperthand kinross lodged on 18
example in dundee angus andperthand kinross there might be
ballie former director of financeperthkinross healthcare nhs trust mr
frank brown former chief executiveperthkinross healthcare nhs trust mr
inwood former director of nursingperthkinross healthcare nhs trust mr
the new regional office inperths1w 33702 roseanna cunningham to
s1m 1890 1 roseanna cunninghamperthsnp crime as an amendment
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp curran margaret patricia glasgow
of scotland snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp davidson mr david north
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp davidson mr david north
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp davidson mr david north
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp davidson mr david north
session 1 convener roseanna cunninghamperthsnp deputy convener gordon jackson
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp douglas hamilton lord james
dennis falkirk west cunningham roseannaperthsnp douglas hamilton lord james
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp elder dorothy grace glasgow
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp elder dorothy grace glasgow
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp elder dorothy grace glasgow
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp elder dorothy grace glasgow
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp elder dorothy grace glasgow
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
dennis falkirk west cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
dennis falkirk west cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing fergus inverness east
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing fergus inverness east
dennis falkirk west cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing fergus inverness east
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp ewing fergus inverness east
and fife snp cunningham roseannaperthsnp fabiani linda central scotland
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
a division for cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
berwickshire ld against cunningham roseannaperthsnp grahame christine south of
baillie dumbarton lab roseanna cunninghamperthsnp i assert that my
snp committee substitutes roseanna cunninghamperthsnp lord james douglas hamilton
a solemn affirmation roseanna cunninghamperthsnp the following members took
m642: we grew up inperthaye we re perth my
perth f1024: aye perth orperthbit different f1025: aye it
s a f1026: it sperthf1023: perth f1025: you re
you would say f1025: perthperthf1024: aye perth or perth
now scone f1027: yvonne [censored: surname]perthf1025: madge [censored: surname] originally perth
f1026: it s perth f1023: perthf1025: you re you re
fae perth we re faeperthf643: mm we re fae
fae perth we re faeperthjohn m608: oh right m642:
in perth aye we reperthmy faither s actually a
perth f1025: madge [censored: surname] originallyperthnow scone [laugh] [laugh] f1023:
perth people would say f1026: perthoh right f1024: aye it
f1025: perth perth f1024: ayeperthor perth bit different f1025:
is what everybody other thanperthpeople would say f1026: perth
say you would say f1025: perthperth f1024: aye perth or
well no we re faeperthwe re fae perth f643:
f643: mm we re faeperthwe re fae perth john
s advice to government snhperth12 snh access to the
snh s advice to governmentperth1999 13 cairngorms partnership personal
scotland a consultation paper snhperth4 snh 1999 national parks
s advice to government snhperth5 the scottish office 1999
the process of consultation snhperth8 cited in stirling council
snh s advice to governmentperth9 stirling council 1999 loch
of glasgow edinburgh dundee aberdeenperthand inverness on the friday
what was it inverness andperthf950: weel i m865,: i
office such as those inperthinverness or dumfries or manage
the middle like oh invernessperththat was m865,: mmhm f950:
s1m 3565 john swinney a9perthto inverness for text of
scotland for example in fifeperthglasgow edinburgh dundee and angus
used in fife and inperththey were used in glasgow
f1025: aye it s likeperthbut it s f1024: you
born and brought up inperthf1025: aye f1027: mmhm i
playing on the inch inperthf1025: mmhm f1027: [inhale] and
t if you come fromperth[laugh] f1023: [laugh] f1025: [laugh]
right f1024: aye it sperthreally it s f1025: mmhm
say f1027: well everybody inperthsays ken ken f1025: ken
yeah and ken f1025: aperthword as well and ken
paisley north paisley south stirlingperthdundee east dundee west tweeddale
i was in aberdeen dundeeperthm865: right mmhm m952: glenrothes
threatening to move hm prisonperthto dundee in response to
the best bit about theperthaccent [laugh] f1026: [laugh] no
s the same f1026: yeahperthf1023: where do you come
come from you come fromperthf1026: [cough] f1054: do any
heard until i came toperthf1054: ah f1026: vennel i
it s f1024: you saidperthit was just f1026: aye
f1026: mmhm f1027: maybe inperthmore than you would hear
know that s a rightperthone f1026: even at the
f1026: aye uh huh f1024: perthwhich is what everybody other
aye [censored: forename] grew up inperthaye i was sayin that
you you grew up inperthdid ye m642: we grew
aye f1023: but he sperthas well born and bred
as common as far asperthf1023: i would say i
f1023: er olive [censored: surname] originallyperthnow scone f1027: yvonne [censored: surname]
f1054: maybe it s aperththing f1023: i ve never
name of a lawyer inpertha mr andrew davidson who
tellin me there s aperthwriter cried andrew davidson that
earth fae auchterarder through taeperthadam no eve we daurna
noo we come doon faeperthwhen we was twenty five
the flood wid fa onperthan aberdeen an aw an
in communities in aberdeen inperthor in the borders people
edinburgh most of aberdeen andperththe bottlenecks will occur in
office at broxden business parkperths1w 33701 mr brian monteith
office at broxden business parkperthwill become fully operational s1w
yvonne [censored: surname] i live inperthand i ve lived in
president invited mr [censored: forename] [censored: surname]perthto present his display of
m642: we ve been inperthfor we re the fifers
held in dumfries edinburgh andperthcomments were very diverse but
i think that s aperthword because it s not
yeah but vennel s aperthword because ye talk about
know if that s aperthword or not but minted
f1054: okay this is theperthinterview continued so we just
f1054: are there any likeperthtraditions aroond babies or child
archie s rolling bides inperthdisnae ken whit he is
want it afore himsel inperthweel ye ken haud on
re saying ye come fromperthi would say that as
a lot of vennels inperthaye really when ye s-
would say it s veryperthas well to be skint
big house out on theperthroad she had come for
that were first attacked atperthby john knox s mob
with colin saturday 25 choirperthkessock we do quite well
it had the population ofperthf606: mmhm m845: and almost
bin run tae earth naeperthbit en suite in the
and i ve lived inperthall my life apart from
possibility of moving it toperthand invited comments and observations
possibility of moving it toperthand invited comments and observations
working with the homeless inperthand nurses on medical wards
the staff at hm prisonperthand their families and outrageously
a few of them inperthand they actually have names
of 51 brigade headquarters fromperthand what its position is
at a ninewells hospital bperthroyal infirmary and c stracathro
we had the declaration ofperthin the 1970s one man
in the records of theperthpresbytery of 1605 we find
wear i was working inperthat that time it had
in primary school ura conferenceperthaustralia several pieces of research
getting an awful row inperthfor being in the craigie
a k bell library inperthi mean it has a
the hunting tower hotel inperthi was very sorry not
settled by the synod ofperthin 1206 the chancel which
resource centre was established inperthin the same year professor
was the g a inperth[inhale] an you work monday
re- somebody read this inperthreadin what you do to
that point i lived inperththe rest of my six-
i was aside folk inperthyesterday that were sayin yeah
afore the sheriff court atpertha petition s been presented
pick up mary return viaperthafter high tea at stonehaven
10 20 get stuck atperthfor ½ hr lunch at
services at murray royal hospitalperthlodged on 30 may 2002
daily rate of 1 atperthroyal infirmary i assure the
stonehaven generator packs up atperthsunday 11 find a brush
a it s a typicalperthexpression you know oh i
i thocht ye gaed taeperthfur genteel holidays takkin the
gin ye r ever dounperthwey be shuir an caw
catherine cath mary no botherperthwas busy the load was
gud nae farder nort isperthbut ta add tae mi
rig aa the wye taeperthootside the toon he stappit
he streetched his legs fraeperthtae stirlin it wis the
admit when i came toperthi didn t notice i
historic listed building just outsideperthwhich has fallen into disrepair
the closure of hm prisonperths1m 3773 drug rape lodged
practise only one section forperththursday 24 [note: first line scored out] rbc bingo

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