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report on the workforce actionplanand whether the next steps
item 5 of the actionplanfor social services workforce how
item 1 of the actionplanfor social services workforce what
item 3 of the actionplanfor social services workforce what
item 7 of the actionplanfor social services workforce what
item 4 of the actionplanfor social services workforce what
executive further to the actionplanfor social services workforce what
item 11 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 5 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 12 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 7 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 3 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 10 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 12 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 6 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 2 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 3 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 3 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 8 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 9 of the actionplanfor social services workforce whether
item 8 of the actionplanfor social services workforce who
4 a revised cod recoveryplan5 target stock size 6
a cod and hake recoveryplanand as an interim measure
part of the cod recoveryplanand what the results of
grounds under the cod recoveryplanand whether there are any
council in the cod recoveryplanat its march meeting these
a cod recovery plan thisplanfirst proposed by the commission
be part of the recoveryplanfor cod and hake the
stock covered by the recoveryplanfor cod in the north
producing an appropriate cod recoveryplanfor presentation as a united
details of visitscotland s recoveryplanfor the tourism industry s1o
part of a cod recoveryplangiven the devastating and unjustifiable
controls in the cod recoveryplanif that can be agreed
multiannual cod and hake recoveryplanin a declaration following the
board foot and mouth recoveryplanlodged on 5 june 2002
a cod and hake recoveryplanon the final day of
developments with the cod recoveryplanon which final agreement was
the foot and mouth recoveryplanprepared by dumfries and galloway
the foot and mouth recoveryplanprepared by dumfries and galloway
are removed from the recoveryplanquotas the proposals introduce a
has considered the economic recoveryplansubmitted to the first minister
board foot and mouth recoveryplanthat the parliament notes with
industry a revised cod recoveryplanthe december council did not
board foot and mouth recoveryplanthe parliament debated s1m 3171
agree on a cod recoveryplanthis plan first proposed by
s foot and mouth recoveryplanwhich has already had considerable
s foot and mouth recoveryplanwhich has already had considerable
negotiations on a cod recoveryplanwith the european commission is
negotiations on a cod recoveryplanwith the european commission is
spcb s language policy actionplan1 where the parliament s
establish targets and an actionplan12 other countries have done
to the uk national actionplan12 preparations for the 2003
network tourism priorities and actionplan1999 2000 june 1999 19
1960s the uk biodiversity actionplan23 attributes this to changing
spcb s language policy actionplan3 background 4 the legal
the establishment of an actionplanaccording to the sunday herald
ensure the uk national actionplanaccurately reflects scotland s approach
will a complete an actionplanand b produce further waste
ten point youth crime actionplanand has allocated increased resources
out in the route actionplanand notes that the scottish
out in the route actionplanand notes that the scottish
these discussions 2 route actionplanand priority trans european network
could state that the actionplanand targets would fulfil certain
to implement the diet actionplanand to develop the work
council in implementing the actionplanand will report results in
how this and the actionplanannounced by the dti on
in the bill the actionplanas produced by the executive
the preparation of an actionplanas would the committee if
put targets into the actionplanbut not in the bill
nursing recruitment and retention actionplanby the minister for health
nursing recruitment and retention actionplanby the minister for health
nursing recruitment and retention actionplanby the minister for health
consulted on the employment actionplanby the uk government we
we drew up an actionplancalled facing the future which
be a strategy or actionplancontaining clear policy commitments and
acpos to produce an actionplandetailing how to turn that
working on producing an actionplandocument for the industry plans
departments to discuss the actionplaneach of the devolved administrations
from scotland to the actionplanfocuses on existing strategies and
of our national health aplanfor action a plan for
in our national health aplanfor action a plan for
of our national health aplanfor action a plan for
in our national health aplanfor action a plan for
in our national health aplanfor action a plan for
plan our national health aplanfor action a plan for
in our national health aplanfor action a plan for
of our national health aplanfor action a plan for
in our national health aplanfor action a plan for
a result of the newplanfor action on alcohol misuse
on page 75 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
on page 70 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
on page 71 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
on page 72 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
on page 70 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
on page 75 of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
for local delivery of theplanfor action on alcohol problems
a plan for action aplanfor change and across the
a plan for action aplanfor change and in executive
a plan for action aplanfor change business bulletin 24
a plan for action aplanfor change published in december
a plan for action aplanfor change s1w 12166 mr
a plan for action aplanfor change s1w 13147 mr
a plan for action aplanfor change will deliver increasing
a plan for action aplanfor change will deliver increasing
a plan for action aplanfor change with representatives from
we recently published an actionplanfor dental services in scotland
page 7 of an actionplanfor dental services in scotland
executive to produce an actionplanfor implementation of the 59
college to prepare an actionplanfor implementing the review s
have not produced an actionplanfor it there is also
the material on the actionplanfor population wide primary prevention
helping homeless people an actionplanfor prevention and effective response
helping homeless people an actionplanfor prevention and effective response
helping homeless people an actionplanfor prevention and effective response
of social work s actionplanfor promoting employer investment in
to publish a smallpox actionplanfor scotland s1w 32328 ms
stephen lawrence inquiry an actionplanfor scotland sp paper 15
year the new tourism actionplanfor scottish enterprise ayrshire identified
in the executive s actionplanfor social services notes that
in the executive s actionplanfor social services notes that
there is no route actionplanfor the a701 and whether
of a new route actionplanfor the a82 north of
draw up a route actionplanfor the road in question
on the 6th environmental actionplanhad been considered by the
the development of an actionplanhowever i feel strongly that
the scottish executive s actionplanin response to the auditor
set out in the actionplanin the action for inclusion
the scottish enterprise network actionplanincludes objectives for 1999 00
of the uk national actionplaninclusion outlines the policy frameworks
crying need for an actionplanindeed in your introduction you
publishing of the gaelic languageplanis an action to be
our action plan the actionplanis due for review at
yes a uk employment actionplanis in place which includes
notes that an organic actionplanis urgently needed to address
the paper and the actionplanmembers indicated agreement parliamentary questions
implementin i thair schuils aeplano action at wuid enshuir
to develop a concerted nationalplanof action policies to widen
pauline mcneill s1m 3254 actionplanon organic food and farming
brian adam s1m 3254 actionplanon organic food and farming
as a pre national actionplanon poverty and social exclusion
forth valley s draft actionplanon regenerating and diversifying the
programme 11 uk national actionplanon social inclusion 2001 11
2003 united kingdom national actionplanon social inclusion 2001 2003
2001 the uk national actionplanon social inclusion 2001 2003
social exclusion uk national actionplanon social inclusion 2001 the
a copy of our actionplanon the quality and practice
ministers for an effective actionplanotherwise there may be no
and the social justice actionplanour commitment to take positive
reassess the a75 route actionplanproposals with a view to
is interesting that the actionplanpublished by the department for
are included in the actionplanrather than set them on
the production of an actionplanresearch at the rodale institute
the justice department s actionplanroseanna cunningham moved amendment s1m
of the youth crime actionplans1o 5804 3 robin harper
advisory on alcohol misuse actionplans1w 8765 alasdair morgan to
break out of the actionplanshould address all the concerns
announced that a route actionplanshould be put in place
10 years however the actionplanshould produce the best balance
of the policy s actionplanstates specifically that the spcb
on the defra organic actionplanthat i submitted to the
will not produce an actionplanthat is likely to go
have done the first actionplanthat the executive would follow
george lyon organic farming actionplanthat the parliament welcomes the
robust framework for an actionplanthat will provide the basis
executive to produce an actionplanthat would encourage the market
services and develop an actionplanthat would work towards ensuring
services and develop an actionplanthat would work towards ensuring
of findings and our actionplanthe action plan is due
to the uk national actionplanthe annexes of the uk
reviewed each college s actionplanthe auditor general is planning
been made with the actionplanthe government in westminster is
the policy and the actionplanthe language policy group is
01 for its local actionplanthe third year of additional
be focused on the actionplanthere is a lack of
i would like an actionplanto be produced that is
develop a ten year actionplanto create smoke free restaurants
executive to produce an actionplanto do everything possible to
a coasts and firths actionplanto enhance the natural environment
the preparation of an actionplanto ensure those targets are
re use and recycling actionplanto include i additional support
hospitals believes that the actionplanto tackle delayed discharge will
report and an accompanying actionplanto the eapc no later
ewing there is an actionplanto which you referred to
the direct air services actionplanwas who commissioned the report
building on the diet actionplanwe will ensure that school
sound reasons in an actionplanwhich i hope exists to
introduction of an emergency actionplanwhich will take a corporate
introduction of an emergency actionplanwhich will take a corporate
work on the route actionplanwill start within the next
from nic lampkin an actionplanwith targets was established through
as i said an actionplanwould address that issue the
that a co ordinated actionplanwould consider upland grazings and
have thought that an actionplanwould drive towards the 20
per cent because an actionplanwould rationalise organic development for
the executive s first actionplanwould require it to conduct
board appointments scottish tourism strategicplan32 published in 1994 by
sent to members our strategicplanfor 2000 01 and our
ventilation c developing a strategicplanfor organic agriculture that would
and work on the strategicplanfor scottish tourism for the
and it published a strategicplanfor scottish tourism in 1994
the national level a strategicplanfor the industry was devised
in the 2000 2005 strategicplanfor tourism the committee recommended
annual reviews of the strategicplanhave been carried out the
1994 33 scottish tourism strategicplaninterim review march 1999 scottish
group 34 scottish tourism strategicplaninterim review scottish tourism co
1999 36 scottish tourism strategicplaninterim review stcg march 1999
1999 24 scottish tourism strategicplaninterim review stcg march 1999
set out in our strategicplanis to deal with serious
15 32 scottish tourism strategicplanscottish tourism co ordinating group
1998 10 scottish tourism strategicplanscottish tourism co ordinating group
be aware that our strategicplanstates our commitment to prioritising
preparation of the new strategicplanwith the publication scheduled for
been made with the nationalplanfor alcohol the establishment of
of the targets 2 theplan1 the plan shall include
years publish a gaelic languageplan2 the plan must a
and a north sea managementplana north sea management plan
plan means a gaelic languageplanand except in section 1
all children they re theplanbehind the plan behind the
re the plan behind theplanbehind the plan mentioning them
the bridge krista your planplanfur whit light fades della
about that len higson myplanis not only my plan
plan is not only myplanit is the office plan
the scottish public services ombudsmanplanmeans a gaelic language plan
regulation no 2020 2000 ecplanmeans the plan mentioned in
2000 ec plan means theplanmentioned in section 1 1
behind the plan behind theplanmentioning them at this stage
gaelic language plan 2 theplanmust a specify the measures
i discussed the scottish healthplanour national health a plan
by the bridge krista yourplanplan fur whit light fades
2 the plan 1 theplanshall include the matters listed
a national park plan theplanshould have statutory basis in
present a management plan thatplantakes account of the history
region to present a managementplanthat plan takes account of
to prepare a national parkplanthe plan should have statutory
plan it is the officeplanwhich i hope that all
plan a north sea managementplanwould still involve the danes
route a route accident reductionplanfor the a95 and an
stranraer in november 1940 toplanthe route on the ground
or a multi annual managementplanaid can be given over
to draw up this managementplanalthough such a task can
be accompanied by a managementplanalthough this was not the
to a north sea managementplanand that he would support
copy of its asset managementplanand whether it will place
have been using a managementplanbased approach for some years
year ahead on the managementplanbidding process we monitor the
up the new lanark managementplanfell initially to historic scotland
in relation to the managementplanfor the current 12 months
the part of management toplanfor the situation that the
designated site 6 the managementplanfor which was published in
the production of the managementplani am not getting at
has to submit a managementplani can give a concrete
as such the edinburgh managementplanis at a preliminary stage
cultural importance a cultural managementplanis currently being drawn up
aware that using a managementplanis not an exact science
for drawing up the managementplanpart of this remit is
policy framework and comprehensive managementplanshould be established to assist
is the sort of managementplanthat might exist in a
did not require a managementplanto be submitted with the
need now is a managementplanto ensure the scottish fleet
the introduction of a managementplanto manage financial and human
or a north sea managementplanwe must ensure that the
groups submits a draft managementplanwhich is considered by the
it seems that the managementplanwill be central to the
impact implement the organic developmentplanto develop the infrastructure needed
food market the organic developmentplanwill substitute and replace organic
landlord to produce a remedialplanas afforded to local authorities
glp to produce a newplanbefore the expiry of the
to produce a gaelic languageplanglp it is necessary to
the executive to produce aplani accept that a target
detail concerning the national parkplanand its relationship with other
the national park board andplanand their roles a large
board and the national parkplanfunding for the national parks
implementation of the national parkplanhowever they highlight crucial roles
conformity with the national parkplanprior to deposit having referral
propose that the national parkplanshould adopt a zonal approach
planning whereas the national parkplanshould be about visitor land
of the national park theplanshould be prepared in two
purpose of the national parkplanshould be to provide a
suggest that the national parkplanshould do more than simply
fit with the national parkplansnh propose that the national
these bodies the national parkplansnh suggest that the national
national parks the national parkplanthe recommendations relating to each
made consistent with the parkplanunless a justifiable argument is
internal and external consultation theplanaddresses the national and local
proposed contents of the structureplanas it affects the national
he said the national wasteplanbased on the area waste
local and national government toplanfor educational and other provision
publication of the nhs nationalplanfor england notes that the
inclusion in a national environmentplanfor scotland john scott moved
set eyes on the nationalplanfor the creation of jobs
scottish football association s businessplanfor the national stadium at
subsidiarity champion idea the newplanis for national member state
see table below the nationalplanprovides the analysis vision actions
that an undisclosed national executiveplanto induce labour at no
be more suitable a nationalplanto tackle hospital acquired infections
proposed contents of the localplanto work with the national
helps those who have toplanand deliver local services such
the greater glasgow nhs boardplanfor acute hospital services across
reach agreement on the businessplanfor acute services in fife
a recurring annual service improvementplanimprove services to people with
in the production of theplanthe social inclusion division is
milestones in the holyrood projectplanare not yet met and
is measured against the projectplanby the a project managers
on whose authority the projectplanfor the holyrood project is
the minister that a businessplanfor the project was first
achieved in the holyrood projectplans1w 34359 stewart stevenson to
are within the holyrood projectplans1w 34361 stewart stevenson to
resource within the holyrood projectplans1w 34362 stewart stevenson to
resource within the holyrood projectplans1w 34363 stewart stevenson to
13 scottish tourist board corporateplan1999 2000 2001 2002 14
15 scottish tourist board corporateplan1999 2000 2001 2002 16
board under its health improvementplanpe 165 petition by mr
board right for fife businessplanpe498 and pe499 organ retention
board right for fife businessplanpe498 and pe499 the convener
into the board s businessplanthe new ayrshire and arran
s contribution to the ukplanessentially consists of an overview
above 9 mcdermott uk pensionplanformer adversier employees the parliament
s1m 1463 mcdermott uk pensionplanformer ardersier employees lodged on
to the mcdermott uk pensionplanwhich was first introduced in
her about my change ofplanand asking if she s
stuck to the tory spendingplanhowever we welcome the change
a statement on the healthplan4 business motion mr tavish
on the executive s healthplan9 finance committee s ppp
deacon launched the scottish healthplana key aim of which
executive how the scottish healthplanaddresses the needs of argyll
matter for the lothian healthplanan approach for prioritising nhs
publication of the scottish healthplanand calls on the scottish
ministerial statement on the healthplanfollowed by business motion 2
outcome of the lothian healthplanin 2002 he is perfectly
context of the lothian healthplanit is suggested that that
contact the executive 8 healthplanprivate the committee considered possible
on the joint health improvementplanprocess pe462 petition by mrs
s discussion the scottish healthplanreaffirms our commitment to battling
version of the lothian healthplanwill be available from april
has been held review theplanand if they think fit
undertaking a review of theplanc the forecast level of
2 a review of theplanconsists of the public body
complete a review of theplanin accordance with subsection 2
include within its gaelic languageplanglp details of the way
and implement a gaelic languageplanglp when certain public bodies
of plans a gaelic languageplanhas a lifespan of five
of a particular organisation splanindigenous and minority languages gaelic
and implement a gaelic languageplanshetland islands council went further
and implement a gaelic languageplanthe bill also establishes a
months the ingredients of theplanare based on our performance
for sportscotland our overall corporateplaninvolves 40 million to 50
the maps even our falkplanis distorted he used to
the second part of ourplanto cut waiting times is
i ask madam what youplanto do for our society
session to discuss our workplanwill allow us to be
main point is that thatplanwould not have benefited our
strategy in our next corporateplanyou will see how we
committee will consider its workplan6 subordinate legislation the committee
the utmost urgency the workplandrawn up by the scottish
wark fir the group workplanfor 2004 05 signage the
on domestic violence this workplanis at the moment out
up a fairly extensive workplanof good practice and guidance
partnership 10 a detailed workplanoutlining actions that will be
committee will consider its workplanrural development committee 17th meeting
at stage 1 5 workplanthe committee will consider its
draft interim report 5 workplanthe committee will consider its
the bill 8 forward workplanthe committee will consider paper
26 september 6 forward workplanthe committee will consider paper
if she d guessed hisplanto find work was upping
the committee s future workplanwe can handle those items
in the development of theplanare described in spice briefing
it as replacing the developmentplanfor the area they suggest
the development of a culturalplanfurther recognises the immense economic
to scotland s rural developmentplanthat will enable lfa payments
towns who have established orplanto establish development trusts s1w
sindry organisations an individuals taeplanfor language beildin an giein
various organisations and individuals toplanfor language maintenance and increased
a susceptible mind the oldplanwas to borrow the language
package and whether the costplanallowances for each of the
presiding officer whether the costplanallowances for the substructure east
line staff and whether thisplanwas prepared within the specified
million left in the pensionplanas part of the process
under this part of theplanbringing together under executive control
under this part of theplanrange from the provision of
is not part of theplanto say to people that
made aware of the costplanallowances for each works package
we have to go forplanb where members of the
and calls for an alternativeplandevised in co operation with
of winding up the pensionplanexpresses its support for the
it will publish its statisticsplanfor 2002 03 s1w 26359δ
partnership on how the currentplanfor a modern transport system
value for money of aplanfor a privately built publicly
value for money of aplanfor a public sector prison
uphold access rights and toplanfor and establish systems of
for scotland on the corporateplanfor audit scotland 5 governance
ags 2001 7 4 corporateplanfor audit scotland the committee
owre for nou lat splanfor battle siward an nou
a new co ordinated supportplanfor children with complex or
of defence in preparing aplanfor economic aid to the
at any time amend theplanfor example by correcting an
them stark bauld pharoah splanfor increased wark tae hell
aw edward drew up somethingplanfor it ye ken faur
nationalised production facility and toplanfor pandemics are the plans
wul shuirlie be the bestplanfor she is uised wi
spcb to agree a financialplanfor the completion of the
to have the assurance toplanfor the future and the
the certificate unless a writtenplanfor the patient s care
for some time a subjectplanfor this area exists which
end we had a contingencyplanfor those matters where such
for so much from thisplangentlemen beaumont deed aye think
the residency [note: photo here of 'pharaoh, a hat'] the residencyplanhad allocated studio time for
the week the residence mealplanhas been shelved for the
driving this wasn t theplani thought for deep laid
that subsection applies where theplanmakes provision for the use
historic scotland responsibility for theplannow lies with south lanarkshire
there to be a contingencyplanshould the software for a
he pushes openly for theplanthat he believes in a
has enabled the sqa toplanthe arrangements for the exams
different kettle of fish theplanthen was for a line
youth charter for scotland theyplanto hold consultation events on
get involved for example weplanto look at privilege to
for my brother but iplanto read it when he
to submission of the structureplanto the relevant minister for
2 disturbances 3 kelvin localplan4 contact with community council
23 thursday everything goes toplanleave barrow 4 30 catch
been recognised in the defraplanparagraph 4 of the schedule
and 4 includes a replacementplanpublished under section 2 and
equality 4 before preparing theplanthe public body must consult
effect in place of theplanwhich has been reviewed 4
incorporating such revisions to theplanas the public body proposes
consulting on the draft replacementplanpersons appearing to the public
the reporter in a localplanpublic inquiry or b in
public body includes in itsplanthe provision of a service
education duty to prepare aplanthe public bodies consulted were
medium term priorities in thatplan3 ministerial statement the minister
have an interest in theplan3 on publication the replacement
3 on publication the replacementplanhas effect in place of
parliament and publish a revisedplanincorporating the modifications 3 interpretation
otherwise requires includes a revisedplanpublished under section 2 3
to prepare and implement aplansection 3 2 b allows
in an individual s careplans1w 27426 mary scanlon to
undertake before it approves theplans1w 28493 michael russell to
on page 70 of theplans1w 32308 mary scanlon to
intends to establish such aplans1w 6034 pauline mcneill to
recent dates amendments to theplanwere made s1w 34368 stewart
scottish executive when its cancerplanwill be published s1w 15031
have an interest in theplan5 the duration of the
5 the duration of theplanshall be five years beginning
allow local authorities time toplana three year budget is
research has been established toplanand organise the year in
the fifth year of theplans duration or earlier undertake
executive s ten year transportplansets out the new rail
on the next ten yearplanso that no time is
drawer to a ten yearplanthe main point being that
year following publication of theplanthe scottish ministers shall lay
what difference this four yearplanwill make to the income
arrival if all goes toplanhave a very happy new
from both ends the newplanwas approved and in january
ltd has produced a businessplanand or proposals to reduce
completion according to its presentplanand format as a major
long term nature of theplanand reaffirms its commitment to
on which the industry canplanits skills requirements and provide
against which local authorities canplanand set their objectives that
local authorities represented on theplansection 42 mr murray tosh
is contrary to the localplanwhen planning officers have recommended
he considers outmoded ideas andplana future which does not
which there was no contingencyplanand no one who could
could be adopted in theplanand which has been costed
farming targets and b aplansetting out the measures which
off with familiarity the mealsplanstarted tonight which took me
war ministry and a revisedplanwas demanded which placed the
of developing the area wasteplanwhich could accrue if the
force prepares an annual policingplanwhich draws upon internal and
to draw up a languagesplanwhich reflects the communities they
stranraer one disadvantage of thisplanwhich was accepted was the
would be detailed in theplanwhich would offer to converting
should have had some backupplanbut it seems hard from
should have came home [inaudible]planokay [laugh] okay okay well
take several months the careplanshould not be a wish
and 7 of the budgetplanthat the minister outlined in
prime minister tape that iplanto base a cultural talk
the prime minister but iplanto speak regularly with him
he will be showing hisplanand mock ups of the
human ant will alter theplanand purpos of gods universe
secretary will do the seatingplanassisted by miss m [censored: surname]
that will be taken theplanhas been discussed and agreed
will announce a detailed implementationplanin due course it is
or according to a singleplanit will be built through
it will be important toplanthe remit of that inquiry
fishing fleet notes that theplanunless altered will cause tremendous
day already but this deeperplanwill be counter productive if
when an announcement on theplanwill be made to the
of the scottish enterprise clustersplanwill be measured s1o 2184
out the direction that theplanwill take and the planning
bill 2 before preparing theplanthe scottish ministers shall consult
measures set out in theplan7 the scottish ministers may
that there was no contingencyplanthe scottish executive representative we
the production of such aplanby participant countries at a
a preparing a draft replacementplanincorporating such revisions to the
but a before modifying theplanthey shall consult such persons
those matters where such aplanwas possible that was reasonably
drawn up but the careplancan take several months the
to take the trouble toplanmedia campaigns beyond the easy
kind of a piss takeplansaying it s goin to
on everything so my initialplanwas to just take the
13 duty to prepare aplan13 enforcement of the bill
murderer wes that no theplan3rd murderer man we ve
a lot mair time taeplana move mebbe the big
medium term priorities in thatplanafter debate the amendment was
the more that we canplanahead using feedback from the
to respond to casework theplanalso enables us to look
the quick it used toplanan itinerary then stay home
means of a map orplanand iii the extent to
bevin agreed wholeheartedly with theplanand indeed became so enthusiastic
11 30 that was theplanand like those best laid
was appointed chief editor theplanas set out in baynes
over the duration of theplanas to the use of
myself this wasn t theplanat all children they re
each measure specified in theplanb the anticipated arrangements and
the morra it ll beplanb when the morra comes
her shoulders as a vagueplanbegin to form at the
the case and if theplanconfirms that that is the
are extremely relevant the policingplandetails what the force proposes
of their intention the groundplandrawn up quickly showed the
a rough guess the decommissioningplanequals around 160 vessels in
established a committee to helpplanevents across the country the
the operation conforms to theplanexcept that i have to
so hopefully that s theplanf1037: are you living at
statement on the transport deliveryplanfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
when it received the mineralsplanfrom south lanarkshire council and
proceed we have built thatplanfrom the bottom up and
by the time the beechingplanhad led to the destruction
discovered that this was theplanhe absolutely erm just absolutely
ll spoil everything ruin myplanhe takes the whip from
answering is still the bestplanhis big brother sniffs loudly
the shore at innermessan thisplanhowever did not find favour
not answering is the bestplanhurry up and wash your
is outlined in the careplani do not think that
the warld wide a betterplani ve gien mysel i
available this wasn t theplani wailed to myself this
the dark with no contingencyplanin case the system crashed
plates land on the drillingplanin guarded compounds spiders lie
a failure to implement theplanin that respect is to
to be included in theplaninterim objectives 1 a statement
the saudi arabians fahd peaceplanis being quietly resurrected so
is free once the careplanis drawn up but the
of money but again theplanis that it s gonna
keep the area dry theplanis to have this spot
sooth an maks the brawestplanmiscarry wi borders like the
evaluate the clinician led cancerplanmodel and extend it if
paragraph 6 specify that theplanmust include details of other
saying nothing is the bestplanno bun go up to
the smallest village namely theplannow before i proceed to
so by going off theplannow i ve probably saved
tried to think of anotherplanof attack the rack of
since 1998 when the firstplanon disadvantaged areas and people
ups of the proposed finalplanon sunday 1st of may
all financial aspects of theplanpe 144 petition by mr
any views on the proposedplanplease contact karl on [censored: phonenumber]
s a beezer o aplanrowland hm boyter the hand
before the end of theplans duration publish a replacement
the schedule refers to theplans interim objectives clearly setting
from the date of theplans publication it is estimated
it s often described asplanshow evaluate identify the outcomes
is also no agreed employmentplanso the employment policies paper
down version of the careplanthat gives someone the free
as a result of theplanthe aim is to address
cosy flet they say toysplanthe break oot massed in
area of a joint structureplanthe charging scheme may not
that s no according toplanthe curtains are raised from
the sqa first and thenplanthe data processing although an
to a specific gnp drugsplanthe gnp is now a
maps and hotel brochures toplanthe perfect trip we counted
lady who actually seemed toplanthe shots greeted me with
there was a failure toplanthe structure of the operations
in black it is openplanthe whole space lit by
and b on modifying theplanthey shall lay before the
way i started the mealsplanthis week the food quality
steps including preparation of aplanto achieve the targets 1
steps including preparation of aplanto achieve the targets introduced
offered 1 consideration of aplanto complete the editing of
i have not studied theplanto determine what might be
ever mixed up in iplanto enjoy the few days
12848 ms wendy alexander weplanto extend the remit of
his master had concocted aplanto foil the executioners a
we invest in and weplanto increase investment in the
be added as required weplanto make the card available
churches etc the european committeeplanto send individual members of
see the parade but weplanto stay in this afternoon
patterns how does the executiveplanto support those individuals and
you see th- the theplanwas to make me redundant
gloom of the afternoon theplanwas to wander around gum
keeping quiet is the bestplanwhen adults say they re
ve gone off the mealplanwhen carole arrives in april
oot tae the watter theplanwis tae mak the dyke
of the measures in aplanwould not carry other financial
executive to include in thatplanpractical and adequately funded proposals
to enable this organisation toplanahead on a more structured
to enable this organisation toplanahead on a more structured
we are following a deeperplanand challenging each other brutally
undertake when devising a mineralsplanand what process it undertakes
mate wis niver in maplanbut adam is a lanely
course a sweet and sensibleplanbut here we are following
kind of like a savingsplancause they give you like
failsafe what was your contingencyplandavid elliot that is a
it necessary to have aplandr black i want common
d didna really hae aplanfate tuik ower an he
of preparing and implementing aplanfinancial memorandum p6 it is
more straightforward if a simpleplanhad been in a manifesto
rüf he fell upo aplanhe wid geng doon da
s duration publish a replacementplanincorporating any revisions made as
up fizzling out so aplanneeds to be in place
of papers gilone john aplanof indermessan and inch c1795
taking salmon to prepare aplanor plans to improve river
and there s a gridplanso you can have one
than a comprehensive jobs regenerationplansupported by ms sandra white
that he would support aplanthat would give much greater
methods so they devised aplanto finish dost by means
circles slow he made aplanwi wits held good tae
3877 fife s ice safetyplanlodged on 7 february 2003
2002 8 scotland on sundayplanto close half of all
develop those understandings and abilitiesplanactivities to familiarise pupils with
are affected some time toplanand budget all remaining relief
me what you think ofplanegypt i d like to
you don t object toplanegypt obviously it s all
provided to allow organisations toplanespecially as we have made
crooks everything goes according toplanexcept that wee andy s
common in modern languages toplanin terms of three broad
we have said how weplanto accommodate members concerns we
stopped being jammed recently iplanto incorporate information about dsb
no i i my originalplanwas to do english literature
bum hones- see havin toplanyour day to do nothin
south lanarkshire joint community careplan2001 04 summary of expenditure
say here is my careplanand this is what i
jist dinna see fit hisplanis but i ve tellt
what is missing from thatplanrobin harper i have not
tae sweem an dive anplanan pleuter at their leisur
there s an even deeperplani don t know about
his pram i plot andplanand mentally rehearse and re
that it had no contingencyplanbecause it could not substitute
tocht wid be da bestplanwhin dey realised foo clever
fitted till size fae ehplanat they d sent im
politics wha- what s yourplanf1038: erm well politics [inaudible]
so it s my pensionplan[laugh] m608: [laugh] f641: [laugh]
ain ma faither s guidinplanthat early gart me unnerstaun
s wrong duncan doesn tplanthese things he loses his

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