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in the mainstream of itspoliciesand activities and calls upon
in the mainstream of itspoliciesand activities and calls upon
in the mainstream of itspoliciesand activities and endorses the
in the mainstream of itspoliciesand activities but regrets that
in the mainstream of itspoliciesand activities but regrets that
able to access family friendlypoliciesas referred to on page
implementing flexible and family friendlypoliciesfor nhs staff s1o 3858
contracts and promote family friendlypoliciesin the nhs s1w 18268
another important issue family friendlypoliciessuch as child care provision
families are accommodated employee friendlypoliciesthat help to promote a
in premiums for house insurancepoliciesbefore i finish this report
were not covered by insurancepoliciesthe matter might have to
against the provisions of insurancepolicieswithout knowing the specific circumstances
a property owner s insurancepolicieswould determine whether they were
their employment and social protectionpoliciesas an area of increasing
and a paper on employmentpoliciesfrom the council of the
now co ordinate their employmentpoliciesin line with guidelines set
through the implementation of eupolicieson social and employment rights
next item is the employmentpoliciespaper i take it that
employment plan so the employmentpoliciespaper is asking how or
have much more liberal employmentpoliciesto allow people to continue
social exclusion since social inclusionpoliciesare less developed in the
the far sighted youth developmentpoliciesbeing developed and wishes livingston
on 27 march 2001 whatpoliciesthe scottish prison has developed
concerted national plan of actionpoliciesto widen access be developed
promote effective law and orderpoliciesin fife helen eadie dunfermline
of the scottish executive spoliciesto promote the social economy
of the scottish executive spoliciesto promote the social economy
of tory mismanagement sound labourpoliciesare delivering the deputy presiding
thomson i do sound labourpoliciesare now delivering for the
constituency have benefited from thepoliciesof the labour led executive
to examine the labour marketpoliciesof the others and to
priorities for their labour marketpoliciesone of the four priorities
the labour led executive thosepoliciesrecognise people s needs in
incorporated into economic and socialpoliciesat both the european and
public transport assess economic developmentpoliciesby their impact on the
her majesty s treasury regardingpoliciesfor economic growth s1o 4706
what role local economic developmentpolicieshave in countering this s1w
gray a wide range ofpoliciespromotes economic well being scottish
economic development agencies should pursuepoliciesthat would assist in the
recognised that stability and growthpoliciesthe economic progress made by
information which can shape thepoliciesaimed at improving social and
equality proofing and social inclusionpoliciesalthough the debate has tended
states implementing some european socialpoliciesand 15 member states implementing
peoples of europe it meanspoliciesand funding to address social
world in line with currentpoliciesfavouring ethnic diversity and social
responsible for many of thepoliciesimpacting on poverty and social
the development of social protectionpoliciesin the member states and
of member states social inclusionpoliciesis assuming greater importance the
the scottish executive whether itspolicieson social inclusion include provision
multiple sclerosis pe431 social servicespoliciespe432 foot and mouth disease
members indicated agreement social servicespoliciespe432 the convener pe432 from
third party reporting positive arrestpoliciesrecording and monitoring and social
a wide range of socialpoliciesso it is appropriate that
effect of that on otherpoliciessuch as refurbishment and social
equality proofing and social inclusionpoliciesthe executive has listened to
impact on its social justicepoliciesthrough an employer s requirement
in scotland which will enablepoliciesto improve the social and
focuses on existing strategies andpoliciesto tackle poverty and social
to exercise local control overpoliciesand their implementation rather than
especially where additional tobacco controlpoliciesare in place as they
are strict planning and controlpoliciesfor hmos although at the
legislators from introducing tobacco controlpoliciesindependent studies show that reducing
any control of the editorialpoliciesof the dictionaries or any
to see effective tobacco controlpoliciesput in place if you
we want effective tobacco controlpoliciesto be put in place
principles an objectives stellin thepolicieslegislation an practice o states
principles and objectives underlying statespolicieslegislation and practice and is
informed about the eu itspoliciesand its institutions in these
should be aware of eupoliciesand legislation as early as
administration and implementation of eupoliciesbe left more emphatically to
manufacturers where eu and ukpolicieshave an effect on the
eu countries and regions havepoliciesor practices that have been
and the development of volunteeringpoliciesby many local authorities and
development of its integrated transportpoliciesconsideration was given to introducing
on the development of aviationpoliciesfor scotland within the context
on the development of aviationpoliciesfor scotland within the context
coal deposits are accorded positivepoliciesin development plans as we
up staff and board developmentpoliciesit goes without saying that
development table which will makepoliciesmore responsive to the sector
in the development of executivepoliciessupport lowering the voting age
of the effect that itspolicieshave on the voluntary sector
demonstrated the effect of thesepoliciesin the context of the
impact on the individual ifpoliciesdo not have for their
assess the impact of existingpolicieswell into the new century
the scottish executive s healthpoliciesand current and future health
not believe that current governmentpolicieshave helped to produce stability
parliament believes that the currentpoliciesof the scottish executive are
the executive s integrated transportpoliciesand urges ministers to work
greener energy transport and procurementpoliciesfor the health service for
council to discuss her transportpoliciesgiven that 2 500 people
developing and delivering integrated transportpolicieshow many times each of
parliament then to extend thosepoliciesand to take them further
do they know that thosepoliciesare being implemented we examined
people have benefited from thosepoliciesbut many are still unaware
simply talk about those headlinepoliciesbut take on the job
in the parliament we debatepoliciesendlessly but how do those
endlessly but how do thosepoliciesfeed through to people how
it is clear that thosepolicieshave massive support throughout my
co ordinate and formulate jointpoliciesin this respect those policies
executive on their work andpoliciesin those areas other committees
policies in this respect thosepoliciesreflect scottish interests as well
on those groups and thepoliciesthat are required to overcome
was in power to introducepoliciesto deal with those problems
about how to improve thosepolicieswhen i talk to people
on the environment with otherpoliciesacross devolved areas s1w 24087
bodies will have responsibilities forpoliciesfor scotland in the areas
executive anent their wark anpoliciesin thir areas ither committees
are the very areas whichpoliciesthat are based on census
the scottish executive what itspoliciesare for the protection of
insert but notes that itspoliciesare not working care homes
a good record in itspoliciesfor gaelic delivered for example
the mansion hoose an itspoliciesmasel a ve nae idaia
whether it will detail itspolicieson issues relating to smoking
to the advancement of itspoliciess1o 5390 23 mr jamie
developments in its community regenerationpoliciess1o 5432 20 brian adam
into account in formulating itspoliciesthe race relations act 1976
to influence and inform debatespoliciesand legislation i believe that
when other departments are framingpoliciesor legislation that continual awareness
ask the scottish executive whetherpoliciesand procedures have been set
establish limits on future healthpoliciesset by the parliament and
these powers to deliver thepoliciesset out in the programme
these powers to deliver thepoliciesset out in the programme
the success of all thepoliciesthat are set out in
be possible to incorporate thepoliciescontained in this manifesto within
language policy and equal opportunitiespoliciescontained within the spcb s
this into more detailed zonalpoliciesand programmes of action existing
the result of successive governmentspolicieson charging what action is
that they can see howpoliciestranslate into action on the
the executive to abandon thesepoliciesand adopt a new environmentally
the budget proposals reflect thepoliciesand priorities of the executive
ask the first minister whatpoliciesand programmes the scottish executive
of the executive that thepoliciesare appropriate for the purpose
disease however the executive spoliciesare failing the most vulnerable
ask the scottish executive whatpoliciesare in place to reduce
where the executive s sustainabilitypoliciescan create new jobs and
the executive s most significantpolicieshas been the introduction of
off under the executive spoliciesi argue that we have
must be mainstreamed across allpoliciesin the executive it is
ask the scottish executive whatpoliciesit has to ensure the
pay for the executive spoliciesit is time that the
work is handicapped by thepoliciesof the executive some members
september 1999 believes that thepoliciesof the scottish executive to
the scottish executive to pursuepoliciesthat will reverse this reduction
should not just have paperpoliciesanother issue that all nhs
s record of resisting thesepoliciesresulted in the denial of
care with just these sevenpolicieswe have changed the lives
in prisons and when thesepolicieswere or will be implemented
occurs directly and indirectly throughpoliciesaimed at shortening length of
problems that arise with taxationpoliciesare sometimes not thought through
through a focus on languagepoliciesrelevant to the ethnic minority
progressively to develop their ownpoliciesthrough a cycle of periodic
poverty through our early interventionpoliciesto ensure that every child
and the need to developpoliciesand services which address this
education and children s servicespoliciess1m 1443 fergus ewing less
of our local services andpoliciesthe cosla briefing outlined a
language because language and literacypoliciesare in the national interest
language acause language an literacypoliciesis in the national interest
d world congress on languagepoliciesscotland s linguistic landscape the
2002 world congress on languagepoliciesscotland s linguistic landscape the
be in work and governmentpoliciesmake work the route out
so this manifesto has freshpoliciesthat will work over the
reduce violent crime and pursuepoliciesthat work to stop people
role in helping to developpoliciesthat work we believe that
people we often get thepolicieswrong if we work in
sites are located and whatpoliciesare in place in both
scotland given that vision whatpolicieshave we put in place
acceptance of all his odiouspolicieshow many times did we
on msps to communicate whatpoliciesmean in practice many older
excluded from many of thepoliciesthat try to deal with
objectives into national and regionalpoliciesby setting specific targets and
agenda into national or regionalpoliciessetting specific targets the department
assessment process and joint workingpoliciesbetween local authorities and the
developing local compacts and fundingpoliciesfor their relationship with the
we examined the three keypoliciesof free off peak local
plans either as stand alonepoliciesor as part of local
authorities to design and implementpoliciesrelating to gaelic local authorities
deal with some of ourpoliciesand i will attempt to
we need to underpin ourpoliciesi can tell mr sheridan
which ultimately will make ourpoliciesmuch more responsive the compact
our first exit towards eglintonpolicieson a saturday we marched
centre stage in all ourpoliciessafety is an important element
important that in our planningpolicieswe design homes and communities
were marched up to thepolicieswhere we enjoyed our selves
we wish tae think onpoliciesfor helpin gar public attitudes
if we wish to devisepoliciesfor helping public attitudes to
travelling people and public sectorpoliciesinquiry in private the committee
travelling people and public sectorpoliciesinquiry the convener will update
the treaty on the variouspolicies10 how should a more
a result of successive governmentpoliciesscotland has become the pfi
a result of successive governmentpoliciesscotland has become the pfi
create some model good practicepoliciesand procedures for people to
and training health and housingpoliciesthis being complemented at community
remember that when devising theirpoliciesif the minister s support
their ways of pursuing ancientpoliciesthat date back to the
gray it is clear thatpoliciesmust be turned into real
that the lord advocate spolicieswere being implemented and whether
year flexibility as far aspoliciesare concerned we believe that
that enterprise and lifelong learningpoliciesare fully inclusive of older
march 2003 what the reportingpoliciesare that have led to
to improve the key flagshippoliciesthat are delivered throughout scotland
discuss education youth and culturepoliciesand if so whether it
more of the sort ofpoliciesthat thatcher and her little
move towards much more radicalpoliciesthere is some evidence that
have not heard much aboutpoliciesfrom the minister so there
the green parties have clearpolicieson scots ehm could you
you have to change thepoliciesright that s that s
will have to adapt yourpoliciesto meet the bill s
parliament we talk about thepoliciesas if they were implemented
as receivers of benefit orpoliciesfrom the scottish parliament older
do on the key flagshippoliciesthat define what the parliament
rather than adopt top downpoliciesfor a city such as
now working towards implementing suchpoliciesi am particularly pleased that
encourage organisations to adopt positivepoliciessuch as flexible retirement ages
management and integration of allpoliciesaffecting scotland s water environment
anti glasgow bias and adoptpoliciesand provide investment which will
hence english departments of writtenpoliciesand target setting to achieve
and the european commission pursuepoliciesdesigned to bring about a
of fisheries conservation and managementpoliciesis urgently needed and commends
lead to and integrate thepoliciesof existing land use plans
in the bloody and brutalpoliciesof israeli prime minister ariel
management flood prevention and environmentalpoliciesseek to double forestry and
century forms of vulnerability requirepoliciesthat create wealth and provide
design implementation and assessment ofpoliciesthe selection of indicators and
to prepare and implement gaelicpoliciesto guarantee the right to
will be available and whatpolicieswill be followed will the
help it to find somepolicieson which it might fight
twis gloamin on the sgianpoliciesthe lang swete fussle o
be drawn up with nopoliciesthe snp lectures us on
of civic society in shapingpoliciesfor scotland is one of
party to start talking aboutpoliciesat all we were promised
of licensing this may includepoliciesto improve enforcement reduce binge
in line with best valuepoliciesif that view is still
this manifesto we publish thepoliciesthat can do so only
shown that discrimination does existpoliciescan be targeted specifically at
in the middle o thepoliciestellin jane that she cood
be involved in shaping thepoliciesthat affect them nurses in
not say that the substantialpoliciesthat i described affect the
s roadies in the castlepoliciesa licht haar raisse frae
for tae bring thegither thepoliciesin the baith an mak
relaxt authourt the big hoosepoliciesis pairkhill ferm gin a
o the state the macklikpolicieso peace an weir wha
the mansion hoose an eetspoliciesthe herdins o ootersyde an
18nt centuar mansion hoose anpoliciesmr bruce a retired banker

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