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there a want o cohesivepolicyanent community leid provision 101
makkin a inclusive cohesive leidspolicyfor tae mak siccar the
throu a cohesive national leidspolicyforby sen the owerwhelmin view
be a cohesive national leidspolicyit is awned that a
be a cohesive national languagespolicyit is recognised that a
need for a cohesive leidspolicyjohn landon senior lecturer an
need for a cohesive languagespolicyjohn landon senior lecturer and
through a cohesive national languagespolicysince the overwhelming view is
through a cohesive national languagespolicysince the overwhelming view is
through a cohesive national languagespolicysince the overwhelming view is
throu a cohesive national leidspolicysince the owerwhelmin view is
throu a cohesive national leidspolicysince the owerwhelmin view is
creating an inclusive cohesive languagespolicyto ensure the development of
is a lack of cohesivepolicywith regard to community language
the financial memorandum is thepolicybeing quantified adequately in financial
the bill there is apolicymemorandum and an explanatory memorandum
scotland act 1959 both thepolicymemorandum and the explanatory notes
the implicit references in thepolicymemorandum and the explanatory notes
of the stick from thepolicymemorandum as i thought that
notes and other accompanying documentspolicymemorandum bile cànan na gàidhlig
body is noted in thepolicymemorandum but again that issue
referred as outlined in thepolicymemorandum have not been reflected
sp bill 69 en apolicymemorandum is printed separately as
sp bill 66 en apolicymemorandum is printed separately as
we would be investing thepolicymemorandum mentions displacement of exports
in the explanatory notes andpolicymemorandum of the need for
in paragraph 33 of thepolicymemorandum on the land reform
in paragraph 33 of thepolicymemorandum on the land reform
at the back of thepolicymemorandum once we had received
on sunday 2002 and thepolicymemorandum p1 concern has also
the decline in gaelic languagepolicymemorandum p2 the public body
inaction of a public bodypolicymemorandum p4 there are no
22 salmon conservation scotland billpolicymemorandum para 5 23 stair
will have noted that thepolicymemorandum says that the bill
bill 22 en and apolicymemorandum sp bill 22 pm
bill 24 en and apolicymemorandum sp bill 24 pm
bill 27 en and apolicymemorandum sp bill 27 pm
bill 5 en and apolicymemorandum sp bill 5 pm
bill 8 en and apolicymemorandum sp bill 8 pm
the convener thank you thepolicymemorandum states that the bill
achieved without adequate funding thepolicymemorandum states that the current
start the ball rolling thepolicymemorandum states the core objective
mind paragraph 2 of thepolicymemorandum states the long term
gaelic language scotland bill spolicymemorandum states whilst acknowledging the
and prosecute a crime thepolicymemorandum suggests that the icc
procedure paragraph 6 of thepolicymemorandum talks about the security
couple of matters in thepolicymemorandum to get them clear
the second paragraph of thepolicymemorandum to save time i
in paragraph 2 of thepolicymemorandum to the housing scotland
scotland was necessary 21 thepolicymemorandum to the salmon conservation
is touched on in thepolicymemorandum which says that the
the executive memorandum states thepolicyof both the scottish executive
3 the new common fisheriespolicy4 a revised cod recovery
a more coherent common foreignpolicyand defence policy be developed
flexibility in the common agriculturalpolicyand european structural funds s1w
of common foreign and securitypolicyand justice and home affairs
moving towards a common foreignpolicyand strategy but we are
withdrawal from the common fisheriespolicyand what the legal position
sector the new common fisheriespolicyat the agriculture and fisheries
common foreign policy and defencepolicybe developed 11 should the
resources under the common fisheriespolicybrussels european commission european commission
resources under the common fisheriespolicybrussels european parliament fraser of
years without a common fisheriespolicybut it is apparent that
first part of common fisheriespolicycfp reforms it also examines
to develop a common defencepolicydermot scott the eu does
directive employees rights common fisheriespolicyec water framework directive petitions
changes to the common fisheriespolicyenvisaged in the scottish fishermen
redirection of current common agriculturepolicyexpenditure new national parks rather
through a new common fisheriespolicyfounded on relative stability maintenance
a common foreign and securitypolicyfrom the outset the ec
reform of the common agriculturalpolicyinsofar as any such reform
the common foreign and securitypolicyis grounded in the principle
extension of the common commercialpolicyis underlined by the fact
s common foreign and securitypolicyit made explicit the possibility
review of the common fisheriespolicylondon uk fisheries departments 1
common in the decade ofpolicymaking in the scottish constitutional
major spending area common agriculturalpolicymarket support on farm payment
all of the common agriculturalpolicymarket support outside your department
the money is common agriculturalpolicymoney as i explained to
believes that the common fisheriespolicyof collective management has failed
the common foreign and securitypolicyparticularly in view of the
payments agency for common agriculturepolicypayments in england s1w 16742
1156 tavish scott common fisheriespolicyreform and zonal management that
reform of the common fisheriespolicyresponse from the minister for
reform of the common fisheriespolicys1f 1934 6 mr david
negotiations on the common fisheriespolicys1o 5412 24 karen whitefield
annually under the common agriculturalpolicys1w 24070 brian fitzpatrick to
review of the common agriculturalpolicys1w 24793 mary scanlon to
we have a common fisheriespolicyso we need to deal
has crept all over thepolicystatement accessibility is a common
january 2001 the common agriculturalpolicysupport schemes modulation scotland regulations
following instruments the common agriculturalpolicysupport schemes modulation scotland regulations
january 2001 the common agriculturalpolicysupport schemes modulation scotland regulations
to deliver reformed common agriculturalpolicysupport to take account of
reform of the common agriculturalpolicytavish scott does the minister
creation of a common defencepolicythat covers humanitarian and rescue
of common foreign and securitypolicythat situation lasted from 1985
of the reformed common fisheriespolicythat will be adopted in
committee reforming the common fisheriespolicythat zonal management committees should
committee september 2002 common fisheriespolicythe committee s recommendations on
reform of the common fisheriespolicythe committee welcomed the comprehensive
reform of the common fisheriespolicythe committee will take evidence
members indicated agreement common fisheriespolicythe convener the next item
reform of the common fisheriespolicythe executive has commented on
for common foreign and securitypolicythe french initials for that
because of the common agriculturalpolicythe situation is further complicated
development of a common defencepolicythere are various stages we
reforming common foreign and securitypolicythey knew that events were
the common foreign and securitypolicythose are the two pillars
the eu s common commercialpolicyto promote its worldwide economic
reform of the common agriculturalpolicyto shift subsidies away from
competence of the common commercialpolicyto the key areas of
relation to the common agriculturalpolicywe often talk about structural
the common foreign and securitypolicywhat amendments to arrangements for
look at the common agriculturalpolicywhich has spent billions of
a common foreign and securitypolicywhich may lead in time
time to a common defencepolicywhich may lead to a
the common foreign and securitypolicywhich will have to be
commission on the common agriculturalpolicywill have on farming s1o
2003 163 the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland amendment regulations 2003
justice 1 the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland amendment regulations 2003
march 2003 the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland amendment regulations 2003
justice 1 the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland amendment regulations 2003
the environment the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland regulations 2002 ssi
negative procedure the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland regulations 2002 ssi
the environment the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland regulations 2002 ssi
the environment the common agriculturalpolicywine scotland regulations 2002 ssi
to reform the common fisheriespolicywith what she called zonal
with common foreign and securitypolicywithin the first pillar we
regulations under the common fisheriespolicyyet europe now has fewer
on developing european union foreignpolicya policy planning and early
national parliaments and eu foreignpolicyand defence at the end
the coherence of european foreignpolicybe enhanced 46 how is
practically every area including foreignpolicydefence and taxation that can
dermot has already suggested foreignpolicyis one of the most
is essential to any foreignpolicyoperation also worth noting is
european union foreign policy apolicyplanning and early warning unit
position to jeopardise british foreignpolicypremium bonds since the last
to look briefly at foreignpolicyprogress has been necessarily limited
the european union s foreignpolicyprovision did not fit europe
post maastricht foray into foreignpolicywas widely considered to have
a new long term fisheriespolicyremote and rural communities are
external relations defence and securitypolicysimplification of legislative procedures and
in terms of wider socialpolicya single legal framework for
na gaidhlig s proposed nationalpolicyfor gaelic education framework for
a combination of a clearpolicyframework and comprehensive management plan
states still lack a comprehensivepolicyframework for lifelong learning supported
and curtis s 2000 thepolicyframework for tackling poverty and
commission as well as apolicyframework in which all stakeholders
its work within a clearpolicyframework why will he not
the need for a comprehensivepolicyframework with associated targets bearing
legal framework for agreeing socialpolicyin other words amsterdam integrated
the european framework for employmentpolicyit touches on issues that
agency but of the widerpolicymaking framework within which we
as a framework for presentingpolicyoptions and approaches the first
if we were considering energypolicywithin the framework of the
that a truly sustainable energypolicyas being adopted in germany
of a balanced sustainable energypolicyfollowed by debate on the
lack of a european energypolicyhas been a problem i
that responsibility for uk energypolicyis a matter for westminster
that responsibility for uk energypolicyis a matter for westminster
s1m 1388 a balanced energypolicylodged on 23 november 2000
1388 1 a balanced energypolicylodged on 27 november 2000
the energy field endorses thepolicyof support for offshore renewable
the energy field endorses thepolicyof support for offshore renewable
the energy field endorses thepolicyof support for offshore renewable
development of a european energypolicyperhaps the uk government or
future review of uk energypolicys1f 1179 5 richard lochhead
of a balanced sustainable energypolicys1m 2883 2 ms wendy
an investigation of european energypolicythat is not on our
continuation of yet another conservativepolicythe home energy efficiency scheme
development of a european energypolicywe may wish to see
to follow the land reformpolicygroup s recommendation that the
bob shannon head of planningpolicyand europe argyll and bute
bob shannon head of planningpolicyand europe highland council stirling
simply about checking national planningpolicyand guidelines but about ensuring
to the links between planningpolicyand licensing policy which is
for informing a range ofpolicyand planning issues that deal
linguistic landscape the lack ofpolicyand planning with scotland s
proved invaluable in planning gaelicpolicyby opposing the question on
the planning of a nationalpolicyfor scots in schools broadcasting
site scottish executive national planningpolicyguidance nppg 18 planning and
that the relevant national planningpolicyguideline was to be reviewed
examination of the national planningpolicyguidelines and other aspects of
review the relevant national planningpolicyguidelines and the committee agreed
glasgow city council s planningpolicyis aimed at controlling concentrations
it has to update itspolicyon planning agreements between developers
radio frequency radiation in nationalpolicyplanning guideline 19 the executive
linguistic landscape the lack ofpolicyplanning with scotland s place
and then because of planningpolicyrefuses planning permission that is
senior planning development officer economicpolicyrona gibb access project manager
between planning policy and licensingpolicywhich is working out in
l 2000 the eu socialpolicyagenda 20th report hl128 session
with the eu s socialpolicyagenda online press release available
also approved the eu socialpolicyagenda this is a five
of eu action in thepolicyarea of social inclusion it
3 background 4 the eupolicycontext 4 defining social exclusion
inclusion it outlines the eupolicycontext in relation to social
assuming greater importance the eupolicycontext the current approach of
for eu action on socialpolicyfor the next five years
the eu s fundamental socialpolicygoals although this provides the
the eu s fundamental socialpolicygoals the lisbon european council
society in the development ofpolicyin the eu as irene
stations and what the eupolicyis on this issue s1w
are dealt with by europeanpolicymakers if the eu ignores
contradiction to eu public healthpolicynotes that tobacco subsidies have
councils and regularly discuss eupolicyon eu matters with uk
of eu law and competitionpolicyor is open to challenge
of eu law and competitionpolicyor is open to challenge
of the eu s defencepolicyshould provision be made for
term review of the socialpolicyagenda this aims to take
term review of the socialpolicyagenda which will provide a
926 927 quoted in recentpolicyand financial management review of
reference will be of thepolicyand financial management review of
the recent consultation on thepolicyand financial management review of
june 1999 paragraph 847 23policyand financial management review of
public private industry support relationshippolicyand financial management review pfmr
scottish parliament may 1999 31policyand financial review of the
department paragraph 3 24 38policyand financial review of the
review stcg march 1999 37policyand financial review of the
board 4th november 1998 7policyand financial review of the
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding favour the more
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding has been held
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding promote an inclusive
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding that those areas
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding the funding levels
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding will have on
in universities review of researchpolicyand funding will have on
bsl task force to reviewpolicyand legislation with a view
assistance keeping under review lawpolicyand practice relating to rights
urgent review of its sentencingpolicyin relation to dangerous driving
whether it will review itspolicyin relation to the dipping
to begin to review thepolicymr andrew welsh angus snp
any plans to review itspolicyon council tax relief for
local authorities to review theirpolicyon gaelic letter from mike
a full review of thepolicyon the administration of landfill
wi msps scottish executive culturepolicyreview and commission the group
executive proposals for an adoptionpolicyreview public petitions committee 24
phase 1 of our adoptionpolicyreview recommended improvements in the
phase ii of the adoptionpolicyreview will commence s1w 34746δ
fund trustees to review theirpolicys1m 908 elaine thomson women
fund trustees to review theirpolicysupported by michael russell nora
was told to review thepolicywhich was possibly illegal once
a paper on the socialpolicyagenda and a paper on
the implementation of the socialpolicyagenda during 2002 2 the
between the two the socialpolicyagenda is not yet agreed
and consider the redrafted socialpolicyagenda ms macdonald i want
2003 european commission 2000 socialpolicyagenda online com 2000 379
scoreboard on implementing the socialpolicyagenda online com 2003 57
us the convener the socialpolicyagenda paper has been fairly
we start with the socialpolicyagenda paper since we received
before we consider the socialpolicyagenda we could spend a
for co ordinating social servicespolicyand performance and whether these
elected to talk about socialpolicyas that is my main
is based on the socialpolicychapter of the 1997 treaty
is based on the socialpolicychapter of the ec treaty
on the executive s majorpolicycommitment to pursue social justice
to the employment and socialpolicycouncil on 27 and 28
working in brussels on socialpolicyduring the 1990s and it
of society the employment socialpolicyhealth and consumer affairs council
has legal backing if socialpolicyis to be properly targeted
part of its social inclusionpolicyit will make representations to
relation to social and economicpolicyit would allow us to
as major players in socialpolicymaking at european level the
on poverty and social exclusionpolicymaking in this area remains
is therefore important european socialpolicymaking is now done by
discuss world social and economicpolicynotes that previous meetings of
the scottish executive whether itspolicyon social inclusion is meeting
that affect employment the socialpolicypaper shows that there is
of work quality of socialpolicypromoting quality in industrial relations
social inclusion process the socialpolicytask force was set up
how they deal with socialpolicythe achievement of the treaty
union 2000a by linking socialpolicyto economic and employment policy
and overseas and describes publicpolicytowards the social economy particularly
an impact on your allocationpolicywhich could have other social
a fragmented approach to socialpolicywhich did not make a
be better informed in makingpolicya key dialogue will take
succession scotland a key englishpolicyaim during the union negotiations
a key role in thepolicyand drafting of the bill
as a key partner inpolicydevelopment service delivery and the
two elements as a keypolicydirective for business there are
and the key to apolicyfor successful aging in the
underpinning its commitment to keypolicypriorities in particular education jobs
to two of our keypolicypriorities the promotion of improved
of key issues and thepolicyreviews which have helped shape
principle of unanimity in keypolicysectors 16 00 irene oldfather
try and identify the keypolicystatements in 1992 93 there
key objectives for scottish healthpolicytransforming the health of scotland
outline the executive s keypolicyviews we must focus on
scotland brian magee head ofpolicyactive communities development unit norrie
and the local authority onpolicyand development issues monitoring the
across the range of governmentpolicyand initiatives support the development
development of all areas ofpolicyand legislation from my experience
of the development of editorialpolicyand methodology for dost marace
performance of scottish economic developmentpolicyand the effectiveness of agencies
of coordination and development ofpolicyand work towards development and
on the development of employmentpolicybut we are talking about
cosla bob christie head ofpolicycllr willie dunn economic development
are let us have constructivepolicydevelopment and affordable measures for
and its growing role inpolicydevelopment and in strengthening communities
sector to input fully topolicydevelopment and to the delivery
at an early stage ofpolicydevelopment generating greater transparency in
at an early stage ofpolicydevelopment generating greater transparency in
scottish executive what cross cuttingpolicydevelopment is taking place to
1 from ann hamilton principalpolicydevelopment officer glasgow city council
in national regional and localpolicydevelopment recommends local authorities across
sector a place at thepolicydevelopment table which ultimately will
sector a place at thepolicydevelopment table which will make
order and our approach topolicydevelopment the last section of
every investment and in everypolicydevelopment we have addressed the
committees the voluntary sector spolicydevelopment work is firmly rooted
member states e g economicpolicyemployment education development co operation
the development of a languagespolicyfor scotland see australia and
implications for the development ofpolicyin terms of coordination and
for the development of apolicyon architecture for scotland which
they used these resources schoolspolicyon development and schools involvement
s language resources with publicpolicypriorities development of new and
a disappointing lack of developmentpolicyregarding scots offset against much
the development of a satisfactorypolicysubstantive research consultation and reporting
the development of a satisfactorypolicysubstantive research consultation and reporting
the development of legislation andpolicytime that is spent in
policy which runs counter topolicyand practice in other areas
now both the generator ofpolicyand the policeman of policy
we are at with thatpolicybut whatever that policy is
scottish executive policy the currentpolicyfor gaelic medium education was
that stems from the chargingpolicyif the policy was intended
that policy but whatever thatpolicyis it ought to include
has a sleekit policy itspolicyis tae let the leids
have a covert policy itspolicyis to let the languages
actual fact has a sleekitpolicyits policy is tae let
in fact have a covertpolicyits policy is to let
policy ye se hae thepolicystaur and for weir ye
of justice current scottish executivepolicythe current policy for gaelic
policy to economic and employmentpolicythe lisbon council recognised that
the charging policy if thepolicywas intended to generate an
policy and the policeman ofpolicywhich cannot be right if
unnecessary centralist approach to culturalpolicywhich runs counter to policy
he souchit they wir forpolicyye se hae the policy
the new approach to ruralpolicyall ministers recognise that they
as ever a highly irresponsiblepolicyand approach from the conservatives
which we can discuss thepolicyapproach richard grant when we
to the right to buypolicybut as ever their approach
which a technical rather thanpolicyfocused approach would help us
an inclusive approach to publicpolicys1w 15068 pauline mcneill to
the optimistic spirit of thepolicystatement with the approach taken
approach to trunk road signingpolicythe consultation process for that
both the event and thepolicywhich enables an open approach
division under the head ofpolicyand the management services group
change jess barrow head ofpolicyat age concern scotland said
peter wood head of publicpolicyat dtz pieda consulting we
as tessa harding head ofpolicyat help the aged states
cousins who is head ofpolicyat sportscotland this is a
lancaster matthew farrow head ofpolicycbi scotland amanda mcintyre head
and tom inglis head ofpolicyco ordination water scottish environment
director martin reid head ofpolicycolin moffat and geoff moon
council bob christie head ofpolicycosla jon harris director of
and morag mclaughlin head ofpolicycrown office and procurator fiscal
the deputy crown agent thepolicydivision under the head of
more constrained by head officepolicyguidelines they have been running
dave roberts head of strategicpolicyperth and kinross council 3
lynne raeside head of publicpolicyroyal institution of chartered surveyors
sportscotland lee cousins head ofpolicysportscotland 2 scotland s museums
alasdair brown deputy head ofpolicythe crown office and valerie
executive lynne raeside head ofpolicyunit iain hay and alan
humanitarian action financial assistance tradepolicyetc what can be done
of finance brenda campbell financialpolicyofficer 3 community care and
no financial constraint only apolicyor political constraint that is
stands in relation to itspolicyto withdraw direct financial support
and effective decision making inpolicyand practices the second is
people in relevant aspects ofpolicymaking and legislation in scotland
people in relevant aspects ofpolicymaking and legislation in scotland
at the heart of itspolicymaking and supports the executive
at the heart of itspolicymaking and supports the executive
used as a guide inpolicymaking and the establishment of
people outside the parliament intopolicymaking in a small way
involvement of remote areas inpolicymaking is important i am
process more clearly with existingpolicymaking processes and ensuring that
in the european structures andpolicymaking processes we should try
that are aimed at improvingpolicymaking those include the scottish
it is making in itspolicyon the location and relocation
disorders and to advocate publicpolicychange which promotes education research
their research report having apolicyfor the voluntary sector is
research particularly if changes topolicyin england from 2006 threaten
the oncome o a satisfactorypolicyresearch consultation an reportin needs
director of research strategy andpolicyscottish higher education funding council
this briefing 3 gaelic languagepolicy4 gaelic in scotland 4
and bute council has apolicyaccommodating enquiries from gaelic speakers
well to have a languagespolicybut gaelic and scots are
welsh language schemes gaelic languagepolicygaelic in scotland the 1991
two arms of the samepolicygaelic is a clearly identifiable
already has a full bilingualpolicyhighland council has a gaelic
role of educational and culturalpolicyin supporting and developing gaelic
role of educational and culturalpolicyin supporting and developing gaelic
role of educational and culturalpolicyin supporting and developing gaelic
role of educational and culturalpolicyin supporting and developing gaelic
scottish executive whether its gaelicpolicyis reversing the decline in
have already drawn up apolicyon gaelic for instance scottish
a want o cohesion inpolicyterms wi regaird tae gaelic
a lack of cohesion inpolicyterms with regard to gaelic
bill the scottish executive spolicythe official status of gaelic
the following issues scottish executivepolicythe secure status of gaelic
office summarised the executive spolicywith regard to gaelic as
corporate body spcb s languagepolicy1 our rules governing the
corporate body spcb s languagepolicy3 the scottish parliamentary corporate
briefing the parliament s languagepolicy5 comunn na gàidhlig information
corporate body spcb s languagepolicyaction plan 1 where the
corporate body spcb s languagepolicyaction plan 3 background 4
the corporate body s languagepolicyallows committees to ask for
rights scotland has no languagepolicyalthough at least the european
of the spcb s languagepolicyand equal opportunities policies contained
and will deal with languagepolicyand how we proceed with
language let alone a languagepolicyas far as scots is
promote a coherent and practicalpolicydesigned to encourage the language
which has no specific languagepolicyfor its indigenous heritage language
agreement has provided a languagepolicyfor northern ireland including a
executive to create a languagepolicyfor scotland as a matter
hauds that the owerairchin languagepolicyfor scotland maun be reddit
around which the overarching languagepolicyfor scotland needs to be
the action plan the languagepolicygroup is grateful to the
s procedures committee a languagepolicygroup was convened their report
s procedures comatee a languagepolicygroup wis convened their report
the point language an literacypolicyin scotland 9 visitin professor
is pertinent language and literacypolicyin scotland 9 visiting professor
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland p78 15 scottish
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland p78 6 scots
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland preamble 14 lobianco
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland preammle 5 lobianco
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland welsh language board
l 2001 language and literacypolicyin scotland welsh language board
a kind of language maintenancepolicyin the in the newspaper
parliamentary corporate body s languagepolicyis attached as an appendix
stephen hutchinson is the languagepolicyof the scottish parliamentary corporate
in need o a nationalpolicyon language acause language an
that scotland needs a nationalpolicyon language because language and
about a kind of languagepolicyor how you would did
groups in scotland the languagepolicypaper which addresses that issue
instruments public petitions languages languagepolicyparliamentary questions standing orders conveners
that therefore includes the languagepolicyscotland needs to watch as
corporate body has a languagepolicythat makes much reference to
orders members indicated agreement languagepolicythe convener item 3 on
s adoption of its languagepolicythe public petitions committee was
110 the parliament s languagepolicyto be published 1 wilson
teachers and current scottish executivepolicya member s debate on
the basis of its presentpolicyintentions in the current year
for that but the currentpolicyis not to ring fence
scottish executive what its currentpolicyis on charging business rates
scottish executive what the currentpolicyis on the use of
briefing says current government pensionpolicymeans that in the long
and believes that the currentpolicyof the scottish executive of
to ensure that any languagespolicyadequately deals with those needs
seem absurd to have apolicydocument on languages that was
in his paper to languagespolicyin the isles a conference
professor richard johnstone 18 languagespolicyin the isles paper by
professor richard johnstone 27 languagespolicyin the isles paper by
we welcome the change inpolicyand the increased money that
only a radically different economicpolicycan change this situation including
to embed any idea orpolicychange is to get people
if we are serious aboutpolicychange to solve scotland s
carter c 2002 institutionalist dynamicspolicyideas institutional change and political
not represent any change inpolicyin the type or level
it of a change inpolicyleading to there being not
was a general change ofpolicyon receipts which applied also
the spcb has adopted thatpolicyperhaps we should change the
communicative resources to change thepolicyseems nigh impossible the best
associated with a change inpolicythat would impact directly on
the apparent change of governmentpolicywith regard to the drug
majesty s government s fundingpolicyfor higher education in the
assembly a statement of fundingpolicyhow much each payment was
assembly a statement of fundingpolicyhow much each payment was
funding yet the snp spolicyis to abolish such partnerships
relation to achieving national publicpolicyobjectives in distributing funding to
assembly a statement of fundingpolicyto redress any imbalance in
assembly a statement of fundingpolicywill be earmarked for specific
assembly a statement of fundingpolicywill be used to offset
in the process of nationalpolicyconvergence june 2001 5 commission
in the process of nationalpolicyconvergence online report by working
national assessments ehm and ourpolicyis you know they go
the general public and amongstpolicymakers and practitioners including national
member states describe the mainpolicymeasures which national governments have
the benefits of a nationalpolicyon architecture supported by lewis
has to introduce a nationalpolicyon strategic retail developments s1w
the scottish national party spolicythat particularly in the in
the scottish national party spolicywhich a had a hand
detailed our influence on europeanpolicyand legislation through our participation
discuss the direction of europeanpolicyas it affects our expenditure
no european defence or militarypolicyhas been adopted as part
declaration of a general europeanpolicyintent with a requirement on
protection in the european unionpolicyissues and proposals for the
set out the five yearpolicyof the european union on
the european union s externalpolicythe strategy that lies behind
absolute priority for labour marketpolicywhen at each december european
between officials and ministers concerningpolicyadvice observes that other parliaments
ministers to account for thepolicydecisions they have taken iii
homes tenants given that ministerspolicyis to seek to transfer
between officials and ministers onpolicyissues arrangements should be made
the targets and b thepolicyof the scottish ministers for
media speculation as to thepolicyof uk ministers including reports
ministers on issues of tourismpolicyon resource allocation to the
consultation exercises the ministers withpolicyresponsibility for children and education
2000 by the ministers withpolicyresponsibility for children education culture
for important areas of publicpolicyscottish ministers each scottish minister
this issue within this overallpolicyscottish ministers will however continue
terms the ministers preference inpolicyterms was to retain those
sinclair mentioned it is ministerspolicyto keep the existing right
cover such issues as housingpolicyhousing benefits homelessness prevention and
bill a meet the initialpolicyintent b incorporate the issues
consultation focused largely on thepolicyissues and did not concentrate
that will deal with thepolicyissues as well as the
of the draft covenant sayspolicyissues impacting on local or
of youth opinion on variouspolicyissues other parliaments have as
regular and frequent consultation overpolicyissues with members of black
reflect the issues identified abovepolicyreviews relating to scottish tourism
issues the first is aboutpolicywhat is fair what is
country follows a conservative issuingpolicywith all issues being totally
that as a matter ofpolicyand must look with sympathy
introduced as a matter ofpolicyand the factor should weigh
give a firm undertaking thatpolicyin this matter will be
should this not be apolicymatter for politicians rather than
on an operational or apolicymatter s1w 32362δ mr duncan
refers to an operational orpolicymatter what procedure is used
should be a matter ofpolicyor a matter for judges
that as a matter ofpolicythe sewel convention is suspended
parliament as a matter ofpolicywe have asked many questions
matter is to do withpolicywe questioned the wording of
that as a matter ofpolicywhether or not one decides
only to consider areas ofpolicyand practice thematically but to
provide more detail on thesepolicyareas 3 ibid 4 see
questions are on more generalpolicyareas for example about advice
exclusion is mainstreamed into allpolicyareas including the use of
and the consistency with otherpolicyareas or objectives amnesic shellfish
in an increasing number ofpolicyareas the open method is
room for manoeuvre in achievingpolicyobjectives 22 for which areas
on human rights regarding thepolicyof designating areas for five
that we are straying intopolicyrather than finance areas brian
for important areas o publicpolicyscottish meenister ilka scottish meenister
council which has produced apolicyand guidelines on the scots
president jon harris director ofpolicyand legislation angus council stewart
council councillor len ironside convenerpolicyand strategy committee aberdeen city
wrong about the council spolicydown in dumfries and galloway
north lanarkshire council in theirpolicyof allowing free entry to
opinion a very ill judgedpolicyof selling off council houses
individual examples of a comprehensivepolicyon scots notably angus council
is an question about thepolicythe council is allowed to
admittedly that proved that thepolicywas probably illegal the council
vice president craig campbell seniorpolicyadviser and james withers public
towards other religious groups publicpolicycan be introduced to mitigate
developments a more dynamic publicpolicydriver to make available those
public of public health healthpolicyhighland nhs board maureen moore
of scottish agriculture and publicpolicyin support of scottish agriculture
of public health and healthpolicylothian health board sue laughlin
to the general public andpolicymakers alike in an open
a census to base publicpolicyon information that is 10
resources in scotland wi publicpolicypriorities bringin oot new an
the public service job relocationpolicys1w 33036 jackie baillie to
eight councils have issued publicpolicystatements in which they state
a major failure of publicpolicythe deputy presiding officer thank
an important implication for publicpolicythe information will greatly assist
as such is a publicpolicytool that should be bucketed
tool to meet its overallpolicyaims of reducing fuel poverty
landlord must ensure that itspolicyand rules on the use
the extension of its relocationpolicyannounced on 25 october 2002
a country haein nae specificpolicyfor its hamelt heritage leid
student awards agency on itspolicyfor the payment of travel
in scotland but for fiscalpolicyin its entirety that would
crime in relation to itspolicyin this area s1w 11800
appeared in 1973 the editorialpolicyinitiated by its founder j
the scottish executive what itspolicyis on promoting access for
the scottish executive what itspolicyis on the treatment of
the scottish executive what itspolicyis on the use of
the scottish executive what itspolicyis on the use of
long standing convention its generalpolicyis that it does not
the scottish executive what itspolicyis towards the provision of
the scottish executive what itspolicyis with regard to pay
agency will comment on governmentpolicyits responsibilities will relate to
2003 why it is itspolicynot to reveal whether it
principles i consistent with itspolicyof openness the executive should
what impact it estimates itspolicyof prioritising the provision of
inhabitants of its area developpolicyon allotments and administer allotment
oft report from its ownpolicyperspective but they must seek
to mainstream disability in itspolicyprocess along the lines that
it will be basing itspolicyproposals s1w 4 donald gorrie
to include in its housingpolicyproposals similar to those operating
the details of its transportpolicys1o 194 2 david mcletchie
details of its higher educationpolicys1o 318 2 david mcletchie
grounds it is not itspolicyto disclose the times and
executive whether it remains itspolicyto disperse its staff and
2000 whether it is itspolicyto refrain from answering written
currently work in its constitutionalpolicyunit s1w 27425 mary scanlon
the phasing in of itspolicyuntil april 2002 but 40
english minister said because itspolicywas all about the future
her majesty s government spolicyand undermines the sovereignty of
of the government s housingpolicyat this stage the body
or a shift in governmentpolicyat westminster in those circumstances
agents or deliverers of governmentpolicyi suggest that that distinction
government to consider a similarpolicyin these isles supported by
that the previous government spolicyof a continuing steady increase
majesty s government towards thepolicyof the conservative party which
soviet union it is thepolicyof the people s government
division scottish executive heather aitkenpolicyofficer local government constitution and
as a result of governmentpolicyolder people do not want
the uk government s overallpolicyon world heritage sites and
myself questioning my government spolicyregarding other drugs the official
asset the aim of governmentpolicyshould be to provide a
government 2002 bilingual future apolicystatement by the welsh assembly
for the government but apolicythat could be afforded this
illegal surely our government spolicytowards what drugs we are
of nppg 3 under apolicyadvice note to support nppg
office gillian thompson student supportpolicydivision enterprise and lifelong learning
of support services that newpolicyfor housing support services will
a cheap way of deliveringpolicyi support the view that
best support the executive spolicyintentions and on what should
education departments relating to schoolpolicyfor supporting pupils suffering from
scottish education a challenge forpolicymakers and practitioners in a
scottish education a challenge forpolicymakers and practitioners in a
and shortages and ensure thatpolicymakers education and training providers
education an imperialistic mono lingualpolicyo correct english has dominatit
employers in developing future educationpolicys1o 4933 4 mary scanlon
executive s housing stock transferpolicy5 future business the committee
executive donald dickie senior managerpolicyand standards sacro safeguarding communities
for the executive to makepolicyannouncements and to consider the
i do not have apolicydifference with the executive on
the scottish executive s artspolicyehm especially regarding literature and
to parliament the executive spolicyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
executive and dr alastair brownpolicygroup the crown office and
to parliament the executive spolicyhenry mcleish moved s1m 1299
ask the scottish executive whatpolicyhistoric scotland has on charging
was talking about scottish executivepolicyian jenkins no the member
figures on the executive spolicyinitiatives in that field we
the scottish executive s transportpolicyis adding excessive costs to
the scottish executive s transportpolicyis adding excessive costs to
why the executive s justicepolicyis failing in fife mr
other aspects of scottish executivepolicymr ingram i endorse much
does not achieve the intendedpolicyobjectives would the executive rather
executive whether it supports apolicyof decreasing the level of
executive is committed to apolicyof openness accessibility and accountability
the scottish executive whether thepolicyof the crown office and
i abjectly surrender but thepolicyof the executive must be
russell s1m 2716 scottish executivepolicyon advertising lodged on 7
bill complements the executive spolicyon community ownership but many
15 the scottish executive spolicyon the bill 15 wales
2002 the scottish executive spolicyon the bill the executive
of the scottish executive spolicyon the economy which has
the executive s own employmentpolicyone executive document states that
when the scottish executive spolicypaper on health will be
of the executive s housingpolicyrichard grant we do not
publication of the executive spolicystatement renewing mental health law
publication of the executive spolicystatement renewing mental health law
ask the scottish executive whatpolicythe crown office and procurator
endorses the scottish executive spolicyto increase the sustainable growth
endorses the scottish executive spolicyto increase the sustainable growth
executive whether there is anypolicywithin the children s hearings
that has brocht oot apolicyan guidelines on the scots
an effective and coherent externalpolicyas dermot has already suggested
has created a divergence inpolicydemand we have in the
service organisation has a writtenpolicyfor dealing with attacks on
provision mr hamilton once thatpolicyhas been decided different procedures
councils all over scotland thatpolicyhas benefited more than a
road and motorway tourist signpostingpolicyhas for individual tourist businesses
that the localised concessionary travelpolicyhas not worked and that
because it impacts on thepolicyintention mr harding has replied
right to buy scheme nopolicyintroduced since then has done
minister herself has said thatpolicyis designed to build on
and has pursued a particularpolicyit is clear however that
has drawn increased attention frompolicymakers in recent times it
production of the kind ofpolicynonsense that the snp has
received has been councillors makepolicynot an independent panel our
people has benefited from thatpolicynot only in publicity terms
brankin it has been thepolicyof successive governments not to
which has famously established apolicyof taking on older people
the level then flattened outpolicyon fiscal fines has not
which is the snp spolicyrichard lochhead brian adam has
objective and reasonable justification inpolicyterms beverly francis has suggested
buy scheme in 1980 nopolicythat has been introduced since
parliament has a no smokingpolicythat is simply not true
employer has a no smokingpolicythat takes it into account
will be a no smokingpolicythe parliament has not decided
world that has an explicitpolicyto bring about economic and
not adopted a no smokingpolicytricia marwick it has not
has established a no smokingpolicytricia marwick no i would
has established a no smokingpolicytricia marwick or the scottish
the crown office has anypolicywith regard to pursuing claims
in general terms about thepolicybehind the bill the convener
anything you said nonetheless thepolicyobjective of the bill is
know that the bill spolicyobjectives are set out in
welcomes the bill s generalpolicyobjectives many of which are
information on the bill thepolicyobjectives of the bill the
you specifically state in thepolicyobjectives that the bill aims
scotland bill from kathy cameronpolicyofficer cosla graham u ren
assumptions is contradicted by modernpolicyand practice which focus more
that it deals with apolicyarea for which that committee
procedure is to scrutinise thepolicycontent which is a subject
i am concerned that thepolicyobjectives to which i referred
our schools which is wherepolicyshould be directed however it
1999 there was a chargingpolicyunder which very few people
the way in which thepolicywas introduced without prior consultation
condemning in an opponent somepolicywhich he was later to
a new environmentally friendly holisticpolicywhich includes vaccination a switch
guidance or from their approvedpolicywhich is often essentially the
as those aspects of editorialpolicywhich most closely impinge on
a lack of joined uppolicywhich sees the connections between
health and culture with otherpolicydomains setting clear objectives and
management pe374 scottish parliament healthpolicype320 myalgic encephalomyelitis pe398 hepatitis
move on scottish parliament healthpolicype320 the convener the next
legal consultant and anil guptapolicyadvisor cosla eddie egan scottish
was an aim of scottishpolicyat least among some sections
a result of earlier educationalpolicydespite these difficulties the scottish
the product of an enlichtenedpolicyeh at the scottish arts
community scottish kings had apolicyof encouraging flemish weavers and
the presiding officer what thepolicyof the scottish parliamentary corporate
associations and david bookbinder thepolicyofficer for the scottish federation
a clear risk in scottishpolicythat the assertions of sovereignty
communities scotland pat bagot thepolicyand practice manager for communities
the oncome o a leidspolicyfor scotland see australia an
be the basis of ofpolicyin scotland and no just
the success of waste minimisationpolicyin scotland the committee agreed
matters in scotland it makespolicyon devolved matters and introduces
maitters in scotland it makspolicyon devolvit maitters an introduces
circumstances in scotland require differentpolicyresponses that is why the
guidelines in designing places apolicystatement for scotland were not
develop the nhs scotland environmentpolicystatement to require more efficient
and believes that the optimalpolicyto release scotland s full
and believes that the optimalpolicyto release scotland s full
and believes that the optimalpolicyto release scotland s full
equipped with the same competitivepolicytools as scotland s independent
equipped with the same competitivepolicytools as scotland s independent
equipped with the same competitivepolicytools as scotland s independent
we want to base ourpolicyand investment decisions on facts
we need a whole streetpolicygow commiserates with our neighbours
boyack it is our generalpolicynot to have a proliferation
the report s recommendations ourpolicyperspective is represented by the
proposals building on our previouspolicystatements i am keen that
our country that would enablepolicyto be informed services to
fine balance in shaping ourpolicyto promote the use of
will be a no smokingpolicydes mcnulty tricia should view
schemes should be more thanpolicyit should be a strategy
decided on a no smokingpolicyjohn young it should be
that should mean that visapolicyresidence permits and asylum procedures
people friendly a three strikespolicyshould be introduced in the
that all such matters ofpolicyshould remain under the present
allowed to have a chargingpolicybut it is debatable whether
anaemia and whether any furtherpolicymeasures are being formulated in
interested to learn whether thepolicyof mr adam and his
whether it will adopt apolicyon scanning what access will
requested an abandonment of thispolicyand if no such representations
cost of implementing such apolicyand if so what the
parliamentary debate on such apolicyand the consultative steering group
authority to decide such apolicyanyway tricia marwick however any
done before introducing such apolicybut the overwhelming view is
poverty with much made ofpolicyinitiatives such as the new
provision for coal such apolicyis not simply about checking
it will instigate changes inpolicyto address any such trend
would be if such apolicywas pursued s1w 33526 fergus
such as me such apolicywould have generated a lot
given to matters of apolicyand b operation s1w 32361
of environmental concerns in preparingpolicyand drafting legislation s1w 34784
further decentralising administration of forestrypolicyand management s1w 22079 fergus
in relation to any futurepolicydecisions regarding travelling people s1w
of a road equivalent tariffpolicys1w 24875 fergus ewing to
particular piece of legislation orpolicy5 united nations convention and
achievement of a uniform chargingpolicyacross the authority s entire
of environmental impact assessments andpolicyadvice note 58 guidelines the
we first heard of thepolicyafter it went live in
is increasing the number ofpolicyanalysts it employs s1f 1989
in the formulation of ukpolicyand conduct of international negotiations
in the area of structuralpolicyand funds and in the
cosla jon harris director ofpolicyand legislation cosla bob reid
decentralising the handling of forestrypolicyand management in the light
overdue examination of the editorialpolicyand of the procedures of
role of cultural and educationalpolicyand provision in supporting and
into the future of cohesionpolicyand structural funds post 2006
examine the operation of thepolicyand to see that it
against the fuel duty escalatorpolicyand urges all members of
the costs of the wrongpolicybeing adopted because of a
underlines this whole area ofpolicybut those methods can be
paid to the effect ofpolicychanges on their lives endorses
or action plan containing clearpolicycommitments and descriptions of the
davies assistant director mobile communicationspolicydepartment of trade and industry
of the sector to drivepolicydevelopments we want to recognise
environment in every area ofpolicyempowering people within their communities
heard of it if thepolicyhad been thought out and
he publishes his external affairspolicyhe encourages the efforts of
into the preparation for andpolicyimplications of the single currency
into the preparation for andpolicyimplications of the single currency
there is a no smokingpolicyin the latter because of
or explaining the application ofpolicyincluding attending meetings for the
a lack of political andpolicyinput into the process there
peter kenway of the newpolicyinstitute on the report monitoring
in the uk and thepolicyintent of the new regulations
on the principles of structuringpolicyinterventions around a life cycle
from the adoption of thepolicyit is important that in
care homes because of apolicyof free personal care in
in the light of thepolicyof mainstreaming with regard to
the question is about thepolicyof moving 270 jobs i
on the basis of apolicyof no arrangements at all
consultation that we have apolicyof not becoming involved in
other cases the usual draftingpolicyof only putting into legislation
group welcomed and endorsed thepolicyof providing free personal care
flats in line with thepolicyof prudent avoidance as recommended
they do not have apolicyof telling the subjects of
to report on the editorialpolicyof the dictionary and recommend
the evolving scope and editorialpolicyof the dictionary in the
notes that it is thepolicyof the liberal democrats snp
integrity and complying with thepolicyof the local authority or
does not agree with thepolicyof this parliament as the
long been a liberal democratpolicyon behalf of my colleagues
how gats will affect futurepolicyon involvement of the private
make the aims of futurepolicyon rail to increase the
in brussels we will introducepolicyproposals in advance of the
when it will bring forwardpolicyproposals on freedom of information
alex mcmahon advisor on nursingpolicyroyal college of nursing professor
that paragraph 14 of thepolicys action plan states specifically
more detailed history of editorialpolicysee editorial philosophy dost xii
care it endorsed the existingpolicythat the balance of care
of flexibility and family friendlypolicythat we have all been
of the staff and editorialpolicyto make recommendations concerning staffing
of state on natural heritagepolicytuesday 2 february 1999 6
authority s sum of sectorpolicywhen and to whom any
for any aspect of environmentpolicywill attend the next earth
the benefits of developing thispolicywith the homelessness task force
matheson s1m 3370 paul martinpolicyadvice on glasgow in the
give their views on assemblypolicyan initial conference for young
spreidin on the officiars opolicyan o weir tuik avisement
middle wi a double tosseltpolicyan weir belt an on
heard by those who makepolicyand decide on local services
were consulting on to castpolicyfor the future to get
decision on a no smokingpolicyis based on the inadequacies
and to ensure that thatpolicyis monitored and acted on
us exactly what liberal democratpolicyis on consultation with local
in order to consider urbanpolicylodged on 25 june s1m
questions are on more generalpolicymatters it may be worth
few parties with a clearpolicyon it then maybe people
on trunk roads and signingpolicyon local authority roads as
committee that authorised the originalpolicyon many occasions the panel
that were collected to informpolicyon osteoporosis in grampian general
individual swatches o a comprehensivepolicyon scots merkitly angus cooncil
improving the environment including integratingpolicyon the environment with other
s1m 2288 proposed liberal democratpolicyon tourism tax lodged on
often conflicts between tourist signingpolicyon trunk roads and signing
june 1998 20 draft sectoralpolicypaper on tourism highlands and
him bein sheriff on thepolicyside sae the sheriff principal
to promote an anti povertypolicythat can be applied on
first consultation on the chargingpolicytook place in november 1999
colleague ross finnie tomorrow thepolicywill be put on ice
can do is influence thepolicyand and go for the
it is deemed to bepolicyand is instructed by the
park bodies there is nopolicyand no direction the first
committee is content with thepolicyand the action plan the
words the principle in thispolicyarea is to go exactly
seeing today is liberal democratpolicybeing put into practice by
done afore introducin sic apolicybut the owerwhelmin view is
to commit an offence thepolicyconsideration behind the proposal is
is not about having apolicydecision that the convention will
wherever it occurs ensuring allpolicyformulation is evidence based a
and we try to influencepolicygenerally it is fair to
fourthly there are criminal justicepolicyinitiatives an example is the
be achieved given that thepolicyis about applying a short
secondary school although the recommendedpolicyis for pupils to continue
don t care what thepolicyis mr blaikie he was
writin across europe hit spolicyis ta mak available tae
holyrood article does not concernpolicyit is just an individual
foolishness is that now snppolicymr hamilton no it will
it is fundamental to thatpolicyobjective 14 15 robin harper
out what might underlie thatpolicyobjective it is clear that
gavin corbett who is thepolicyofficer and michael thain who
that opinion a political andpolicyproblem is looming for local
old is to risk thatpolicys irrelevance or even worse
is comprehensive and follows thepolicyset out in previous consultations
departure from that in thepolicythat is under discussion the
in the chamber for thepolicythat she is conscientiously pursuing
the building is dangerous thatpolicywas developed following the outcome
was 26 overnight the newpolicyappeared from nowhere the voluntary
never occurred before in anypolicyarea indeed it might never
to ensure that any legislationpolicyor practice that we pursue
more than anything a stablepolicyand economy that will allow
a group a say inpolicyand legislation or in bringing
regeneration hard lessons future directionspolicyand politics 28 4 493
subject advisors who could linkpolicyand practice in an identifiable
that there have been numerouspolicyand strategy reviews relating to
paragraph referred to joint ministerialpolicycommittees between westminster and edinburgh
required to have a writtenpolicyfor promoting race equality and
action plan inclusion outlines thepolicyframeworks and strategies developed by
police initiatives and changes inpolicyin determining staffing levels we
questions and answers the chargingpolicyin dumfries and galloway was
understanding and justice encourages educatorspolicymakers elected representatives church and
evidence from tom matthew transportpolicymanager highlands islands enterprise and
practice and information to improvepolicyoutcomes with the union s
and c strategic plans orpolicypapers it intends to publish
officially represent ministries and ministerialpolicypositions there are also two
the scheme to work outpolicypractice and working relationships between
intelligence and help shape officialpolicyreduce the cost to consumers
complex procedure 14 30 visapolicyresidence permits and asylum procedures
majority vote as will visapolicyresidence permits and asylum procedures
that in implementing the heatingpolicythe eaga partnership and others
sense to have a consistentpolicyto prevent international crime and
environment transport and the regionspolicyto upgrade the a1 from
had taken place however thepolicyunderlying the rome statute and
side and agreed that thepolicywas probably illegal and needed
notes with concern the poorpolicyadvice relating to glasgow provided
be nothing wrong with apolicyaspiration that says that people
tied in with their environmentalpolicyor their what they were
the census will progress thatpolicythe simple difficulty lies with
the mechanism for delivering thepolicywill be appropriate to rural
for us to make betterpolicyas they allow back benchers
guidelines for member state employmentpolicyfor 2000 for the first
law officers have reviewed prosecutionpolicyfor causing death by dangerous
i saw the british educationalpolicyfor the next four years
a bit like having apolicyfor the private sector the
may seem like a costlypolicybut in the long term
to adopt a real nappypolicyin order to reduce the
not introducing a zero tolerancepolicyin relation to violent attacks
in his paper tae leidspolicyin the isles a collogue
allow us to develop thepolicyin the parliament s second
role o educational an culturalpolicyin uphaudin an bringin oot
role o educational an culturalpolicyin uphaudin an bringin oot
role o educational an culturalpolicyin uphaudin an bringin oot
role o educational an culturalpolicyin uphaudin an bringin oot
been an increased effort bypolicymakers in supporting the role
da editor whit aboot apolicyo ha in at laest
anna donald who are teampolicyofficers in the homelessness team
eh in in in linguisticpolicypoli- politics are unprecedented eh
attributed to a flaw inpolicyrichard grant the regulator s
s hearings system some examplepolicystatements in pointing the way
in delivering integrated rural transportpolicysupported by mr jamie stone
said in major contributions topolicywe also share a recognition
bairn sae the officiars opolicyan the officiars o weir
sac speirin aboot their scotspolicyan their involvement wi the
to drift hugh dignon thepolicybehind the international criminal court
the convener councils indeed makepolicybut surely there must be
promote a coherent an practicalpolicydesigned tae encourage the leid
at that early stage thepolicyhad changed from what had
the parliament wants a differentpolicyi do not think that
atkinson viewed the relative incomepolicyindicator as insufficient to encompass
that this would be thepolicyintent behind the salmon conservation
adviser andy o neill coslapolicyofficer the meeting adjourned at
necessary to make the particularpolicyoperative may have meant that
whitehall department the committee spolicyseemed to be that it
a scan down the culturalpolicystatement was enough to send
this son o heiven thepolicystaur wis chief justiciar o
the field it was unspokenpolicythat jimmy kelly was only
a want o jyned uppolicythat sees the connections atween
to provide clarity about thepolicythe report found that there
to implement a race equalitypolicyto ensure the act s
the voluntary sector contributes topolicywe continue to fund it
as a vehicle to influencepolicycommittees are not therefore an
their their not free upgradepolicyf809: [laugh] f810: i was
s not a very wisepolicyi think it would be
voices must be heard bypolicymakers but that would not
scanlon refers to westminster pensionpolicybut i am talking about
his middle wi a doublepolicyan weir belt o corbie
clearly it was a deliberatepolicyi mean f963: mm mmhm
appear to represent either snppolicyor a commitment to go
ye were a kinna insurancepolicysometimes he wouldna even ken
s1m 1181 nick johnston transportpolicyadding costs to business that
s1m 1181 nick johnston transportpolicyadding costs to business that
if it cannae correct illegalpolicyi suspect that ignoring advice
operation 13 how can economicpolicyco ordination be stepped up
there wis monie words opolicyintil t forby an monie
asked if we had askedpolicymakers 15 years ago how

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