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recess interested parties outwith thepoliticaldomain might not have had
in the chamber and amongpoliticalparties about the variety of
home affairs committee and thepoliticalparties acted in dealing with
the balance of the variouspoliticalparties and independent msps in
the balance of the variouspoliticalparties and independent msps in
appointed have been members ofpoliticalparties and of which political
to the government the majorpoliticalparties and service providers for
know if any of thepoliticalparties do provide scots translations
three of the four mainpoliticalparties during the 1999 election
of schedule 7 to thepoliticalparties elections and referendums act
msps followed by motion onpoliticalparties elections and referendums bill
request the requests made bypoliticalparties for extra facilities at
but with msps of allpoliticalparties however there is always
notes the efforts of thosepoliticalparties in azerbaijan which are
and was composed of thepoliticalparties in scotland except the
leaders of each of thepoliticalparties in stirling council it
which the leaders of thepoliticalparties in the parliament and
in parliamentary decision making thepoliticalparties need to take that
is that of the sixpoliticalparties represented in the parliament
must apply at all levelspoliticalparties should not be able
government agencies and to allpoliticalparties that are represented in
it is true of allpoliticalparties that many activists in
composed of members of twopoliticalparties there is potential for
a will across all thepoliticalparties to find the way
discussion with the other mainpoliticalparties to use their best
msps from across the differentpoliticalparties welcomed the children to
necessary to ensure that allpoliticalparties were represented at each
15 standing orders refers topoliticalparties which are not represented
scotland and representatives of allpoliticalparties which demands a secure
distinct entity independent of thepoliticalparty or parties which supply
political parties and of whichpoliticalparty s1w 4775 roseanna cunningham
the progress group has threepoliticalrepresentatives from across the parties
its development have been apoliticalstruggle in all parties in
not undertake any significant partypoliticalactivity 3 a member will
babysitting is not a partypoliticalactivity i tried hard to
declarations and indications by partypoliticalaffiliation s1w 8738 tricia marwick
deputy presiding officer a partypoliticalbroadcast mr harding with respect
word independence since entire partypoliticalbroadcasts do not even mention
is most likely to havepoliticalconnections with that party mr
to take off his partypoliticalhat and to join all
of it becoming a partypoliticalissue along nationalist lines but
is not a great partypoliticalissue even though duncan mcneil
many unison members pay apoliticallevy to the labour party
clearly definable office space partypoliticalmaterial is not permitted to
all that suitable for partypoliticalmotions it is perhaps slightly
individual candidate or join apoliticalparty and try to become
would therefore not identify anypoliticalparty but we would identify
its committees the executive apoliticalparty group an individual msp
arrangement between more than onepoliticalparty group to form the
organisations and the largest radicalpoliticalparty have been declared terrorist
has no association with anypoliticalparty i am not suggesting
a supporter of their particularpoliticalparty i find much in
business manager of the relevantpoliticalparty initiate investigations into the
up of more than onepoliticalparty is a coalition government
as a member of apoliticalparty is the development of
too busy running his ownpoliticalparty [laugh] f809: oh yeah
undertake to vote for thepoliticalparty of the winner s
as a member of apoliticalparty or as an independent
be acquired in association withpoliticalparty premises but must be
is returned from a registeredpoliticalparty s regional list the
in parliament of a particularpoliticalparty some ministers such as
is important that irrespective ofpoliticalphilosophy or party view members
that is not a partypoliticalpoint i have seen the
scotland i deprecate narrow partypoliticalpoints being made at the
is important not for partypoliticalreasons but for reasons of
and regrettable that for partypoliticalreasons more than anything else
mean that in a partypoliticalsense it is important that
out in a non partypoliticalway we are engaging with
work is about ehm thepoliticalimplications of artistic form m741:
you know what are thepoliticalimplications of the romantic ehm
you know what are thepoliticalimplications of this apostrophe to
m605: what are the im-politicalimplications of this thinking about
there are m741: mmhm m605: politicalimplications to these artistic choices
new implications there are seriouspoliticalpoints to be made in
representatives to consider the socialpoliticalreligious and economic implications in
by side and engage inpoliticaland economic and social relationships
acquyntit with 3our southeron thepoliticaland economic circumstances of his
area in terms of socialpoliticaland economic co operation sees
be opposed on moral socialpoliticaland economic grounds opposes the
process of development not justpoliticalbut economic and social i
to the economic social andpoliticaldevelopment of scotland and urges
of extreme social economic orpoliticalpressures it is only in
our music and art ourpoliticalsocial and economic history overall
the eu s economic andpoliticalstructures are by products of
within the economic monetary andpoliticalunion of the united kingdom
within the economic monetary andpoliticalunion of the united kingdom
the balance o the sindrypoliticalpairties an independent msps in
the balance o the sindrypoliticalpairties an independent msps in
as a member o apoliticalpairty or as an independent
regardless of cultural diversity andpoliticalaffiliation those principles are our
in a time of greatpoliticaland cultural change and tasked
burns s relationship with thepoliticaland cultural events in europe
this proposal while there mibbepoliticalguidwill tae uphaud cultural inpit
proposal while there may bepoliticalwill to support cultural input
political history let alone scotspoliticalhistory hardly celebrated at aw
that could have changed britishpoliticalhistory let alone scots political
of the state given thepoliticalhistory of the previous century
where possible new forms ofpoliticalsolidarity the union is now
in the face of impendingpoliticalunion and the larger english
whan they got thirlit taepoliticalunion wi mair pouerfu neebours
whan they got thirlit taepoliticalunion wi mair pouerfu neebours
months and that some extremistpoliticalgroups and individuals have used
of scottish local authorities andpoliticalgroups are saying today as
consultation exercise with the variouspoliticalgroups in the parliament and
consultation exercise with the variouspoliticalgroups in the parliament and
is also why our differentpoliticalgroups need to engage in
groups in recognition of thepoliticalsettlement and the release of
key connection between religious andpoliticalissues in the revolutionary situation
dad s explaining the latestpoliticalsituation back ome britain seems
others equates well with thepoliticalsituation in thule if one
contacts down there however thepoliticalsituation is rather tense down
that are in a contentiouspoliticalsituation the reformation [inhale] the
can be established by thepoliticalexperts in europe those people
some of the other seniorpoliticalfigures in europe who seem
future of europe scotland spoliticalleader jack mcconnell has no
the minds of europe spoliticalleaders on a single conclusion
because there are very differentpoliticalstrands in europe one strand
term to denote both thepoliticaland administrative side of the
devolved administrative organisation including itspoliticalministerial side as appropriate in
a whole that is thepoliticalministerial side of the overall
the whole executive side iepoliticalministers administrative officials civil servants
get involved in the wholepoliticalside of things and even
to the public and theirpoliticalcolleagues ministers end up believing
ministers 6 scottish administration cpoliticalofficial media definitions 1 cabinet
junior scottish ministers or inpoliticalterms cabinet deputy ministers official
is developed in social andpoliticalcontexts and that too can
develops as a social andpoliticalprocess it is no accident
the chamber and across thepoliticaldivides today we ask members
made good friends across thepoliticalspectrum however members have not
commented that subsidiarity is apoliticaljudgement rather than a legal
practical issue rather than apoliticalone however in reality very
pretty cumbersome we need apoliticalrather than a judicial approach
13 the executive favours apoliticalrather than a judicial resolution
and there was no detectablepoliticaleffect there was however a
of the brickwork however thepoliticalfoundations that have been laid
the area and no consciouspoliticalmotive was attached however some
our comment was not apoliticalreflection however there seemed to
class i ken aboot youpoliticalagitators ye mak a great
is a great pity allpoliticalof course f1038: yeah i
under a great deal ofpoliticalpressure from people who live
to many and not withoutpoliticalrisk it took a great
a member lodges becomes apoliticalvirility symbol i hope that
on the cheap from mypoliticaland philosophical point of view
notified otherwise dennis canavan mentionedpoliticalfigures and his point was
or whatever to make apoliticalor other point that is
that i am making apoliticalpoint but we should have
debate to simple slogans orpoliticalpoint scoring the coalition executive
i will start with apoliticalpoint successive governments including the
themes to david steel spoliticalcareer during the past 40
first minister covered david spoliticalcareer in some detail in
minister referred to the longpoliticalcareer that sir david has
david donned the mantle ofpoliticalneutrality which we certainly believe
early 1990s sir david spoliticalphilosophy has not prevented him
he wasna gan to letpoliticalprinciples get in the wye
okay let s discuss somethingpoliticalso we sound intelligent f940:
by consideration of its ownpoliticalsurvival let me make it
focus thereafter because of thispoliticaldevelopment a tendency developed to
and you can determine languagepoliticalissues as well ehm first
you can also determine languagepoliticalissues ehm m952: yeah m865:
of a kind of apoliticalkind of ehm subtext m741:
thanks tae onie of ourpoliticalmaisters f785: okay ehm what
than meddlers in serious matterspoliticaland serious writing should implicitly
controlled and suffers from morepoliticalinterference than before although labour
noted this was of morepoliticalthan legal interest though it
established should this procedure bepoliticaland or legal in nature
body as subsidiarity is apoliticalconcept that body should have
clear that there was apoliticaldetermination that higher still should
there seemed to be apoliticaldetermination that that celebration should
we should consider creating apoliticalmechanism to police subsidiarity and
should not write directly ofpoliticalor serious matters and they
use of metaphor to cloakpoliticalsubjects they should be creatures
is a crude 20th centurypoliticalview that should not be
be implemented there was apoliticalwill that the timetable should
people are high on thepoliticalagenda i do not want
crucial factors not least thepoliticalcontexts that this nationalism spoke
removing relevant matters from directpoliticalcontrol i do not think
for councillors not to bepoliticaldonation 1 and 2 mental
for councillors not to bepoliticaldonation 1 in paragraph 4
not in nationalities but inpoliticalgroupings that thrill is still
do not often agree onpoliticalmeasures but we agree on
s lecture tho it ispoliticalnot linguistic now but you
of their comments were predictablepoliticalposturing snp members have not
relocates a farm is apoliticalproblem that i do not
one was to do withpoliticalreluctance although that did not
although it might make apoliticalsoundbite it is not legally
is a clear statement ofpoliticalwill not a royal commission
not say whether that waspoliticalwith a capital p teacher
not sure whether this ispoliticalwith a large or a
how many candidates declared apoliticalaffiliation or indicated an involvement
recognise that many of thepoliticaland official definitions or institutional
winnie ewing who was mypoliticalmentor for many years and
many interlocking strands historical constitutionalpoliticaltheological and this paper seeks
regardless of the government spoliticalcomplexion i hoped that the
and a different set ofpoliticalresponsibilities the westminster government is
together some of the recentpoliticaland constitutional argument and activity
has gained some currency inpoliticaland media circles it may
that there is clearly apoliticaldimension some of which the
souvenirs we bought some morepoliticalpostcards all lenins hammers and
to buy some cards andpoliticalposters to put up in
but eh wi oot somepoliticalprovision bein made for the
in some contexts in thepoliticalscience sense of executives as
a last resort after allpoliticaland diplomatic channels have been
higher still has been apoliticalfootball all the way through
used to this degree ofpoliticalinstability and for almost all
mr ingram it is apoliticaljudgment we are all supposedly
of recognition we have apoliticalone size fits all straitjacket
is the answer to allpoliticalproblems the recovery of stewartries
use of scots is necessarilypoliticaland could it explain the
scots is is essentially apoliticalquestion for example in the
her sisters is really apoliticalstatement scots is certainly a
to translate machiavelli s scandalouspoliticaltreatise the prince into scots
in his opinion as apoliticalfootball dr dauvit horsbroch also
it he s also apoliticalguy m608: mmhm m078: and
was also described as apoliticalmantra and a one size
documentation but also in generalpoliticalparliamentary and media discussion the
that higher still was apoliticalmantra to be pursued that
still was being imposed forpoliticalreasons and without adequate resourcing
our preference is for apoliticalbody as subsidiarity is a
independence day we conduct ourpoliticallives tolerantly and with mutual
course after 1707 scotland spoliticalabsorption is followed on the
legal judgement it is apoliticaland administrative judgement about governmental
disagree with that opinion apoliticaland policy problem is looming
time it is a semipoliticaland semi judicial body and
a judicial approach because apoliticalapproach is liable to proceed
novels but neither is maistlypoliticalas christopher harvie says buchan
it works without doubt apoliticalcommitment is required for that
constraint only a policy orpoliticalconstraint that is the germane
f963: mm mm mmhm m762: politicalconstruct which is flawed i
programme the result is thatpoliticalcorrectness is preventing the best
this is a matter forpoliticaldebate but the need for
appropriate that the last mainpoliticaldebate of the session is
it is a personal andpoliticalembarrassment that we find ourselves
autonomy on the altar ofpoliticalexpediency that is a crude
change in stance micht bepoliticalgin it is strange tae
cless murray that is thepoliticalhert o the modren macnabs
have frequently disagreed that ispoliticallife but no one could
cigarettes is used as apoliticallobbying tool by the tobacco
international covenant on civil andpoliticalrights which is the united
but this is buchan spoliticalveesion pit simply gear is
it is an issue ofpoliticalwill and today it is
my final sentence there ispoliticalwill in the parliament to
stopping it is lack ofpoliticalwill ross finnie in may
ll only come to apoliticalagreement after thousands have been
the connection ca- after thepoliticallink er collapsed after the
which aims to implement thepoliticalcommitments agreed at lisbon by
break with the domestic andpoliticalcommunity to which he belonged
m605: and there s apoliticalcontext in which this has
tv s most important popularpoliticalprogramme ever coming back which
be actively involved within thepoliticalsystem which has a direct
may say so given thepoliticaltraditions from which he comes
a significant element in apoliticaland constitutional settlement with complex
with the other dealing withpoliticalco operation and how to
transmitted to the next generationpoliticaldirection lies with the executive
awash with quotes from majorpoliticalfigures extolling the concept of
lie with the sqa spoliticalmasters pat cairns there was
by my two colleagues andpoliticalrivals and agree with them
ireland and believes that closerpoliticalties and links with the
who spoke them submitted topoliticalunions with their more powerful
made it more of apoliticalally for knox and the
using my blog as apoliticalbitch fest i have made
activities such as industrial andpoliticalactivity or demonstrations could come
number of special advisers orpoliticalappointees that it has appointed
that that s erm apoliticalchoice or do you th-
such as religious beliefs orpoliticalopinions 17 the memorandum of
individual candidate or jine apoliticalpairty an ettle tae become
drunkenly chanted slogans or sangpoliticalsongs whether pro revolution or
national parliaments in the preparatorypoliticalwork or to encourage a
dad are both dead kindapoliticaland everythin has to be
has been a lack ofpoliticaland policy input into the
and has demonstrated throughout hispoliticalcareer no doubt that perspective
has no confidence in thepoliticaljudgement and sense of proportion
opposed to something has considerablepoliticalsignificance we can see that
was a child er nopoliticalconnection in any way the
list of outlawed organisations andpoliticalgroupings in no way advances
be regarded as a subversivepoliticalact to judge by the
response referred to candidates acknowledgedpoliticalaffiliations as a reason to
appear to be as muchpoliticalas linguistic judgments and the
we have the dislocation ofpoliticalaspects such as lower turnouts
in his opinion as apoliticalfitba dr dauvit horsbroch argies
uisean the leid as apoliticalfitbaa an watchan it dee
the young girl asked aspoliticalmovements shifted surveillance data was
be regarded as a narrowpoliticalpurpose like john kelly i
have the same legal andpoliticalrights as others around the
as an occasion for apoliticalspeech but as an opportunity
as part of a largerpoliticalstruggle says youngest son willy
particular reason at a particularpoliticaltime as margo macdonald said
in the area of europeanpoliticalco operation such co operation
there will be a heavypoliticalperspective in such instances judges
attached the islands to thepoliticaladministrative system of then emirate
sheriffs took account of thepoliticalaffiliations of those recommended for
of nurses firmly on thepoliticalagenda recruiting retaining and rewarding
a powerful enactment of thepoliticaland intellectual battles of women
once thought an object ofpoliticalattention to use means for
whit s been won thepoliticalcolour o the return of
barbara kruger at goma thepoliticalconfrontation of risk at the
the first minister of thepoliticaldeclaration by the constitutional regions
that the parliament welcomes thepoliticaldeclaration by the governments of
that the parliament welcomes thepoliticaldeclaration by the governments of
there seemed to be apoliticaldetermination that the implementation of
but about the sort ofpoliticaldimension of it m605: yeah
would be to reduce thepoliticaldiscretion of the council in
language certainly depends on thepoliticalfuture of scotland the term
was a period of insecurepoliticalindependence brought to an end
seems to go against thepoliticalmantra of equality of recognition
for the establishment of apoliticalmechanism for monitoring the application
preaching a sermon of apoliticalnature and chris had to
will be well aware ofpoliticalnuances in a certain report
maintained during a period ofpoliticalpressure the convener does donald
line of argument given thepoliticalpressures that are put on
inevitably be crossed by thepoliticalrequirements and parameters of the
of community initiative community planningpoliticalrestrictions on council employees the
felt that isocracy equality ofpoliticalrights could never work when
restoration of democracy human andpoliticalrights in myanmar supported by
international covenant on civil andpoliticalrights the universal declaration of
an ex ante method ofpoliticalscrutiny i turn to the
the groundswell of public andpoliticalsupport for her immediate release
for its demise must bepoliticala frequently held view was
but we would identify apoliticalculture in scottish school education
be bound by a sharedpoliticaldestiny their literary historical contours
there seemed to be apoliticaldetermination that it must go
about the single market apoliticalevent upset the apple cart
room but nobody and nopoliticalgrouping would give up a
obtain at them at apoliticallevel we have time and
he feared it hid apoliticalmotive the study into upper
a common theme for awpoliticalpairties f785: mmhm m055: active
and from a literary andpoliticalperspective you can see like
and present status constitute apoliticalproblem that cannot be tackled
you know like doing apoliticalspeech here what i mean
been a factor in thepoliticalstability and the continuing peace
the belief that a newpoliticalsystem would allow decision making
i mean m741: yeah m605: politicalwill in a do the
about i don t meanpoliticalwill in a top down
submissions wis fashed that thepoliticalwill tae introduce a national
the submissions expressed concern thatpoliticalwill to introduce a national
had said she was apoliticalwriter i m assuming it
plays and non fictional workpoliticaland religious treatises histories in
that the public and thepoliticalcommunity were fully involved in
and elsewhere to describe itspoliticalcomplexion especially when reflecting the
and danced the personal andpoliticalconflicts that tormented the artist
policy ideas institutional change andpoliticaldiscourse paper presented at the
least the nineteenth century frompoliticaleconomy to national epic and
used when referring to thepoliticalexecutive under s44 and the
requires massive subsidy and withootpoliticalfaith in the arts to
namely his english captors andpoliticalfoes he needs to impress
and imprisonment it was uponpoliticalgrounds that this conduct was
encourage active citizens to considerpoliticalissues at local level and
food succour and comfort topoliticalprisoners in the basque country
that very powerful possibility andpoliticalthing that he does f963:
very they don t getpoliticalenough about their about their
s she s very quitepoliticalf641: mmhm mm f639: an
are often left behind bypoliticalelites in the decision making
steps to ensure that hispoliticalmasters are present in the
if things are desperate ifpoliticalpressures are considered overwhelming the
i-i- it s about likepoliticalwill to be honest it
ain gait through elangin separatepoliticalentities in maist cases it
they were spoken in separatepoliticalentities in most cases it
s that s the bigpoliticalgap in the system if
three o the fower mainpoliticalpairties in the 1999 campaign
result in exclusion from thepoliticalprocess 13 the spcb will
result in exclusion from thepoliticalprocess in february 2003 the
leid in admeinistration an thepoliticalwarld an fither the executive
kids privately but she waspoliticalken the tories had come
to bring back from thepoliticalgrave the divisive tory educational
middle east m608: mmhm m1174: politicalerm m608: mmhm m1174: sort
it was politically expedient forpoliticaldebate to take place only
jaundiced jyner wi left wingpoliticalleanins decide tae revive the
mellowed him nor lessened hispoliticalinterest his conversation frequently diverges
arrangement atween mair nor aepoliticalpairty group for exaimple tae
fabiani s1m 1594 centre forpoliticalsong lodged on 26 january
know if if we getpoliticalsupport for guid initiatives like

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