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the nhs since the moripollin 1989 showing 74 of
bill 1 a mori telephonepollwas conducted between 1 and
in june 1999 a moripollwas conducted of 73 msps
tha i nas fhaisg airpollmòrag bheag agus tha glutaichean
ann taobh sholais a thapollmòrag bheag far an robh
june s1m 20 tommy sheridanpolltax amnesty that the parliament
scottish ministers to grant apolltax community charge amnesty in
scottish ministers to grant apolltax community charge amnesty in
they did topics ranged frompolltax to salman rushdie s
to be awkward with thepolltax because john will have
london for his pension drpolltax etc i have changed
address for my pension drpolltax etc to blackrod but
strike district councillor resigned overpolltax it s workin cless
be measured unless a strawpollof commuters is taken at
want to take a strawpollof what people think about
sibh air a dhol ampollcha robh fhios agam o
he will have seen apollshowing that 94 per cent
the day on which thepollat any general election to
the day on which thepollat the first election under
is dh fhalbh cnap mòrpolltha e coltach ri ice
nixt the king with anepollax on the hed and
life in fact a recentpollfound that only 13 per
a combined holyrood and councilpollwas held supported by david
fight gertie prods janie excitedlypolland battleaxe are getting tore
the next system 3 heraldpollshows a more than 3
the old people to thepolli promise members that that
to be elected in apollof all those on the

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