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the reasons were for itspositionin each case s1w 34954
the reasons were for itspositionin each case s1w 34955
the reasons are for itspositionon the extension or otherwise
detailing the reasons behind itspositionon the matter s1w 27412
detailing the reasons behind itspositionon the matter s1w 27415
the reasons were for thepositionon the matter s1w 31059
the reasons are for itspositionon the matter s1w 33960
the reasons are for itspositionon the matter s1w 34843
the reasons are for thepositionon the matter s1w 34848
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter and if
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter and in
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 14927
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 17640
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 17656
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27470
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27471
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27472
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27473
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27476
the reasons were for thepositionon this matter s1w 27477
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27481
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27483
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27484
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27485
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27486
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 27487
giving the reasons for itspositionon this matter s1w 31083
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 31133
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 32293
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 32337
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 33300
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 33535
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 33966
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 33996
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 34342
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 34348
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 34349
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 34943
the reasons are for thepositionon this matter s1w 34947
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter s1w 34957
the reasons are for itspositionon this matter what contractors
the reasons are for thispositions1w 29249 michael russell to
the reasons are for thepositionthis matter s1w 27479 irene
to know what the europeanpositionis on the matter of
from perth and what itspositionis on the matter s1w
and to keep that idealpositionno matter how everyone pushes
appear to have changed theirpositionon the matter and are
the reason is for itspositionon the matter s1w 32335
countries and the dti spositionon the matter with a
the reason is for itspositionon this matter s1w 15122
are for the board spositionon this matter s1w 20850
scottish parliamentary corporate body spositionon this matter s1w 22080
this matter before and mypositionremains that the super affirmative
6 england 8 the currentposition10 iii recent developments 11
opportunity to clarify the currentpositionas he knows the deal
said that in my currentpositioni have to listen to
scottish executive what the currentpositionis in relation to discussions
august 1999 what the currentpositionis in respect of the
parliamentary corporate body s currentpositionis in respect of the
scottish executive what the currentpositionis on the ayr united
scottish executive what the currentpositionis on the future of
estimate and what the currentpositionis s1w 34332 ms wendy
stretching current measurements our generalpositionis that we need to
scottish executive what the currentpositionis with the award of
probably talk about the currentpositionof modern languages and how
under the current arrangements thepositionof the liberal democrats can
this discrimination believes the currentpositionof the scottish executive on
a whole on the currentpositionof the voluntary sector in
back urgently on the currentpositionregarding the new parliament building
back urgently on the currentpositionregarding the new parliament building
that the executive s currentpositionrules out the involvement of
plans to review the currentpositions1w 27503 alex neil to
scotland 1706 15 the currentpositionthe current law on the
scottish parliamentary corporate body spositionin relation to commercial confidentiality
society and establishing his herpositionin relation to them by
purchase powers and what itspositionis in relation to proposals
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
29 april and what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
the scottish executive what itspositionis in relation to the
two days to make itspositionabsolutely clear there was yesterday
in recent weeks made ourpositionabsolutely clear to the european
seen let me make ourpositionabundantly clear we have said
me set out our generalpositionand make it clear from
on this law make thepositionclear and we do not
the drafting to make thepositionclear as the meaning is
hesitation and having made mypositionclear at stage 2 i
we need to make thatpositionclear at the outset the
equal opportunities committee made itspositionclear there were jitters all
plenty opportunity to make itspositionclear to the chamber the
are others on which thepositionis less clear under the
year took a fairly clearpositionon scots an aw eh
compensation i have made mypositionon that clear to uk
should come to a clearpositionon what the national fire
clear need to review thepositionthere doesn t appear to
o scots its leid dialectpositionaince again became undecidit syne
two days to clarify itspositionand it is disgraceful that
the scottish executive reconsider itspositionand make representations to her
1692 shows its relatively modestpositionby now in the pecking
has agreed to change itspositioni hope that the debate
certainly have to defend itspositionin law i find it
the scottish executive what itspositionis in regard to self
the caledonian canal but itspositionis marked and the name
the scottish executive what itspositionis on fishing zonal management
the scottish executive what itspositionis on recent research which
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the appointment of
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the charging of
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the ec regulations
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the future of
in glasgow and what itspositionis on the issue s1w
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the operation of
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the recent case
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the recent comments
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the spreading of
16 may 2002 what itspositionis on the statement made
the scottish executive what itspositionis on the views expressed
as technology an science itspositionis sae complicatit that e
and relocated to its presentpositionit has been a temple
oh land and giving itspositionit was an archipelago of
the moon constantly reaffirming itspositionlean pickings in winter nests
council is in the fortunatepositionof having completed its housing
the windfall to improve thepositionof its pensioners regrets that
the windfall to improve thepositionof its pensioners regrets that
committee had taken a unanimouspositionon an issue its amendment
executive has said about itspositionon business rates but i
it did not give itspositionon the appropriateness or potential
s withdrawal today from itspositionon the catch all power
the commission will publish itspositionon the midterm revision of
appreciate the seriousness of itspositionor its responsibility to assist
language teaching salt in itspositionpaper learning and teaching modern
support will have on itspositions1w 24792 colin campbell to
and the reasoning behind itspositions1w 26909 andrew wilson to
whether it is still itspositionthat there is no need
rivers the head for itspositionthe mouth for its function
twist on the lid andpositionthe valve precisely on its
to reach agreement on itspositionthere is a strong argument
will also be in apositionto demonstrate its responsiveness to
malcolm chisholm in a difficultpositionhowever if the committee or
been left in a difficultpositioni welcome the fact that
parliament are in a difficultpositionif the bill were not
his father in a difficultposition[inhale] when aberdeen was taken
i am in a difficultpositionthis afternoon because of the
opportunities committee in the difficultpositiontoday of having to decide
putting him in a difficultpositionwhen aberdeen was taken by
plac t in a difficultpositionwi regards tae thi dichotaemy
of the recent fisheries managementpositiondata on the value of
to set out the scottishpositioni also attended the recent
is highlighted in the recentpositionpaper by the scottish association
when it is in apositionof budget deficit s1w 20855
in order to address thispositions1w 10867 mr john home
make any changes to thepositions1w 27373 fiona hyslop to
that lets you see thepositionmodern languages is in but
i ll hopefully highlight thepositionof modern languages and the
to the group about thepositionof modern languages as john
the group and about thepositionof modern languages i think
out the uk government sposition33 as you know the
lab you are taking apositionagainst a uk wide ban
statute the uk government spositionas i understand it is
position the uk government spositionis that it urges the
s1m 3304 tommy sheridan ukpositionon iraq that the parliament
has not the uk spositionon the form of the
be negotiated from the ukpositionthe treasury took the position
of the us government spositionthe uk government s position
uk would be in apositionto go back to the
bill the uk government spositionwas that suggestions about amendments
main points of the ukpositionwere the need to reduce
report on the council commonpositionfor adopting a european parliament
18 to 20 is commonpositionkey issues the paper poses
council finally agreed a commonpositionon the proposed directive that
to agree to the commonpositionor to propose amendments when
on basis of the commonpositionparagraphs 7 to 17 i
presentation of our common lawpositionwe are rehearsing what we
are forced into a subordinatepositionin a hierarchy of languages
regarding english language and thepositionof all languages so what
than through teacher pupil discussionpositionpaper 5 how do we
something about looking at onepositionpaper by the way i
the premise upon which thispositionpaper is based is that
change in the executive spositionand assurances from jackie baillie
about the scottish executive spositionas an employer sixty is
that as the executive spositionbeing overturned in the courts
courts vindicated the executive spositionbut did not the judge
executive has arrived at thispositionbut having tried to satisfy
keith harding has explained thepositionfully the executive supports his
it with the executive spositionin order to find the
scots language the executive spositionis all the more remarkable
scottish executive what the presentpositionis at the scottish cardiopulmonary
scottish executive what the latestpositionis on agri monetary compensation
clarify that the executive spositionis that the amendments that
not support the executive spositionnot so long ago one
as reporter to monitor thepositionof the executive and report
what is the executive spositionon employing people who are
be the executive s finalpositionon nhs beds the convener
which sets out the executivepositionon the bill the deputy
happy with the executive spositionon the electronic system does
s1m 3633 scottish executive spositionon the fire brigades union
in detail the executive spositionon the petition if we
the scottish executive whether thepositionon the use of military
symptoms given the executive spositionon the value of epidemiological
why emergency plans are inpositionthe executive is updating them
to support the executive spositionto allow time for a
executive would be in apositionto do that during the
would adjust the executive spositionusually undertakings given to parliament
unclear about the snp spositionwhen the executive listens to
view on the executive spositionwhich came to light after
could accept the executive spositionwhich was articulated clearly by
executive not move towards ourpositionwhy is the minister being
year baseline that is ourpositionwith regard to the executive
the victoria had given herpositionas five miles east of
south west of the apositiongiven by the ship a
she has been given apositionin the scots leid associe
for clarification of the legalpositionis given in paragraphs 7
her way north to thepositionoff corsewall point given by
deputy convener given that thatpositionseems to be a stepping
is reasonable to find apositionwhere we know given the
or is there a reservepositionhaving it translated in summary
that are in the anomalouspositionof having a separate internationally
when he acquired a highpositionin mr blair s government
if my understanding of thepositionis correct the government will
is disappointed in the inconsistentpositionof her majesty s government
and conditions further notes thepositionof her majesty s government
it has sought about thepositionof the belgian government in
it has received about thepositionof the belgian government on
late they came to thatpositionthe term listening government may
mr sheridan to explain ourpositionand to offer the opportunity
oral health that remains ourpositionarrangements for the consultation will
would be in the samepositionas a range of our
it be worth clarifying ourpositionby adding on a new
has had in his newpositionhave been fundamental to our
but doing our best thepositionis hopeless the ship will
gallie it certainly is ourpositionmurray tosh lodged his amendment
today we have stated ourpositionon many of the issues
reid s view of ourpositionthe letter does not say
could be our fall backpositionwhen we seek resources it
that would compromise our negotiatingpositionwith providers if we clearly
what my position was mypositionand that of the scottish
and greeting about the scottishpositionhe focused entirely on what
o my faimily and mypositionin society lilian what right
such proceedings know what theirpositionis and can sensibly judge
people should know what theirpositionis i think that both
considered and if so whatpositionit will take and who
answers please what s yourpositionon free range eggs should
point but that is thepositionthe member asked what my
that anybody was in apositionto quantify what the bill
would be in a goodpositionto tell us what is
the member asked what mypositionwas my position and that
from your evidence what yourpositionwould be if a ban
policy and what the legalpositionwould be if such a
know the first minister spositionafter the previous debate on
to his success in hispositionand to the on going
convener we will check thepositioni move on to confidentiality
had consulted on scotland spositionin his submission to the
the minister agree that herpositionin the on going negotiations
on literature in scots mypositionis to adapt jack slightly
is quite different from thepositionof gaelic on which we
maureen macmillan s1m 2687 untenablepositionof independent assessors lodged on
in standing orders on thepositionof junior ministers and recommend
hector currie reporting on thepositionof local authorities and we
europe s future 11 thepositionof the scottish parliament on
scottish parliament engagement 7 thepositionof the scottish parliament on
michael matheson touched on thepositionof the working group i
the detail of the legalpositionon a potential route for
the minister to reconsider hispositionon a question on language
firmly persuasive texts take apositionon an issue and justify
people who put forward apositionon behalf of a particular
held an important and valuedpositionon estates in 1924 jack
s1m 3595 british medical associationpositionon gm crop trials lodged
not necessarily satisfied with thepositionon super affirmative procedures i
will set out clearly thepositionon that issue as the
you take us through yourpositionon that the convener please
the case andrew normand thepositionon that varies throughout the
varied in their support andpositionon the bill cosla commented
central scotland con the conservativepositionon the bill has not
not try to use yourpositionon the committee to sway
word about the snp spositionon the details of the
all depends on one spositionon the timeline of life
research note provides an updatedpositionon these schemes these include
of the ferry s desperatepositionshe was now on her
decided to rely on thepositionthe victoria gave understandably but
committee is not in apositionto comment on individual cases
we will be in apositionto deliver on the verdict
at this stage in apositionto make a commitment on
should just put the factualpositiontricia marwick the decision on
in a strange curled uppositionand her hands are over
ireland are in a differentpositionfrom other member states it
clearer statement of the baselinepositionfrom which we are starting
parliament we are in apositionin which we have to
we are still in thepositionof being in 2 places
genre are dealt with inpositionpapers 6 and 7 1
if we feel that thatpositionprovides the safeguards that are
are in a much betterpositionthan we were in at
at all that is thepositionthat agency nurses are in
are several candidates for thispositionthe one you find may
are also in a goodpositionto assess the area s
they are in a similarpositionto petition pe474 because there
are not normally in apositionto represent their own interests
those people are in apositionto roster their staff so
that we are in thatpositionultimately that compliance can be
are never again in thepositionwhere the procedure confuses members
orders are made the finalpositionwill be checked before the
group that is the factualpositionkaren whitefield it could be
mr davidson has affirmed thepositionof the conservative group that
european court of justice apositionthat the group s newly
the scottish public about thepositionof local organisations assessed under
from the outset that thepositionof the scottish crime squad
dennis canavan is that thepositionof the scottish trades union
stakeholders we agree with thepositionthat the convention of scottish
will be in a goodpositionto see how the scottish
who is taking up apositionwith scottish women s aid
is sensitive to the scottishpositionwould not there have been
will the minister reconsider hispositionand stop this doubtful experiment
agreed to continue in thispositionand was duly elected for
with this which was hispositionat stage 2 it is
monies have accrued why thispositionhas arisen when these monies
in fact for this thepositionhas not changed 35 during
was in a much strongerpositionthan f or ÊŒi this
that this is exactly thepositionthat mammon assumes when he
content to occupy a subordinatepositionthis impression is reinforced by
not in fact attain thispositionuntil the town was well
perhaps in an even worsepositionwe must work at this
may i also abuse mypositionas convener and urge members
confidence in his or herpositionas convener therefore would a
without wishing to abuse mypositionas convener too much i
published before i disclose mypositionthe convener as mr russell
know why that is yourpositionalthough perhaps not now as
as pressure mounts threatening hispositionand his business james is
for a change of apositionand mr galbraith is obviously
is the difference between thatpositionand the new procedure the
2 it is not hispositionany more i cannot argue
need to identify the strategicpositionbecause that is important to
that is ronald jack spositiondecorum explains the language shifting
is a compromise between thepositionheld by the federation of
how we could strengthen thepositionin scotland and there is
parliament is in an advantageouspositionin that it can approach
major settlement innermessan s dominantpositionin the rhinns is underlined
unchanging and unchangeable but hispositionis actually very different frae
further affirms that scotland spositionis best represented within the
s landmass notes that thepositionis modest when compared with
under threat for scots thepositionis not beyond hope the
into effect while the wholepositionis properly scrutinised furthermore we
exploitation for opencast mining mypositionis somewhere between the two
bill that his party spositionis that an independent scotland
legal constraints therefore the generalpositionis that the parliament may
was to reflect that thepositionis under review and the
the work force but thatpositionis under review and we
to be cruel but thatpositionis unnecessarily divisive as i
however that is not thepositionjust now we will try
of the 1997 capital spendingpositionlaw and order is a
is delayed one understands thepositionmembers of the deaf community
has outlined the snp spositionmy point is that organisations
he s ever held apositionof authority and is just
although that is not thepositionof ben wallace who makes
s deliberations it is thepositionof his party as for
the committee to consider thepositionof isea it is all
is that that is thepositionof the catholic church as
that the conservative party spositionphil gallie it certainly is
has been in a dangerouspositionsome form of relationship is
brian fitzpatrick is it yourpositionthat evidence that a ban
law which will clarify thepositionthat is the difficulty with
for example that is thepositionthat was reached in 1996
supermarkets come from the samepositionthere is a split in
been argued out of thatpositionthere is no way that
sector is in an importantpositionto deliver a social justice
he is not in apositionto demonstrate that it is
is theseus really in apositionto make a judgement in
community body is in apositionto pay an amount equivalent
and is now in apositionto present to the students
agreed supports richard simpson spositionwhich is that we write
because of a person spositionwhich is why we must
community care to reconsider hispositionand refuse to support the
in his or her presentpositionas at 31 october 2001
open mouthed then recollecting hispositionas guardian of the peace
when the minister defended hispositionbefore the committee he was
would to someone in hispositionding the feet frae yon
body were in a uniquepositionfrom which to observe his
amendment we will support hispositiongordon jackson i hope that
minister of foreign affairs apositionhe held until his death
of his quality and hispositionin the canon have swung
north and leith understand hispositionmalcolm chisholm i have already
and the insecurity of hispositionnicholson 1974 365 mcgladdery 1990
english in assessing the socialpositionof his subjects he sought
the first minister recall hispositionof seven years ago when
his knees into a comfortablepositionstarted to whistle a tune
for a man in hispositionto be seen consorting with
should use his or herpositionto help any lobbyist get
do was radio his exactpositionto the other rescue ships
transmitting the ship s estimatedpositionuntil his equipment failed him
role des comes to hispositionwith some advantages and disadvantages
to eilidh she adjusts hispositionwith the cushion at his
tea and after supper theirpositionat table not being interrupted
being in your proper geographicalpositionf606: yeah but i was
to transmute reality from apositionf963: mm m762: without being
avowed catholic was in thepositionof also being supreme governor
being done to address thepositionof suicide as the leading
1990s they felt that theirpositionwas being abused and patronised
have determined the minister spositionif i have to write
parties opposed the minister spositionwhen she made her statement
a hunger for authority forpositionand for fame has been
assurances regarding the grant awardpositionat viasystems has at any
at legislation to regularise thepositionbut none has been successful
know he has filled thatpositionfor the last 21 years
person in lloyd quinan spositionhas 30 days instead of
were somewhat unrealistic the americanpositionhas been much criticised by
the church of scotland spositionhas been set out as
it has to improve thepositionof homeowners in scotland s1o
she has sympathy with thepositionof the petitioners and has
ingram tricia has misrepresented mypositionsomewhat essentially i am arguing
to elevate scots to apositionin the 21st century as
scots at schuil level thipositiono scots at university level
dialect adds tae scots uncertainpositionsome linguists believe that a
made before sportscotland endorses thepositionmichael russell when will sportscotland
months before i created thepositionsnp members were calling for
taut before stapling it intopositionthe taings were novelties to
be in a reasonably goodpositionalister to tell us about
you have to ehm takepositionan stay in it when
should be in such apositionand believes that every effort
cent preparedness people in mypositionand ministers have naturally been
years recognises the yard spositionas a major employer in
someone in such a distinguishedpositionas a member of the
m in a gey ticklishpositionat the moment if you
in confidence that and theirpositionat the top of the
in the doctor hugh jollypositionbetween us which he often
put it in an awkwardpositionbut i believe that we
re in a a funnypositioncause you re sort of
place farmers in a securepositionensuring that for the foreseeable
reel time in a crouchingpositionhe then hops slowly round
not in a strong negotiatingpositionhowever the deal hit a
it represents merely a majoritypositionin a free and democratic
the beginning he had apositionin mind for her the
now to analyse the presentpositionin the age of multi
puts one in a betterpositionin the long term however
especially in light of thepositionin the united kingdom the
weel a man in thatpositionkens afore he begins that
s gonna be in thatpositionm741: yeah but i mean
main entrance girders still inpositionmark the railway bridge over
other young women in herpositionmight have that she had
be plac t in apositiono less importance despite thi
was in the supplicant spositionobediently i signed suddenly grey
b prejudice substantially the competitivepositionof a person in the
to put myself in thepositionof a profoundly deaf person
to be put in thepositionof denying church of scotland
displace english entirely from apositionof importance in the national
in the election for thepositionof presiding officer the total
i have referred to thepositionof principal deputes in describing
disadvantage in comparison with thepositionof sheep producers in england
in the past week thepositionof steam fruit pudd in
was designed to protect thepositionof the church in scotland
of settlement in return thepositionof the established protestant presbyterian
to maintain and expand thepositionof the gaelic language in
the light of the fundingpositionof the methadone programme in
stared in amazement at thepositionof the two bodies inside
be read in conjunction withpositionpapers 1 mentioned above and
english in scotland as withpositionpapers 14 15 and 20
s signal to establish herpositionportpatrick malin head in the
in at aince the halepositionshe saw that adam s
in the answer that thepositionshould ease in the very
these words in in finalpositionso there s a lot
eh we re in apositiontae hear your spouse callin
maybe nae in the bestpositiontae judge them peggy i
we find ourselves in thepositionthat we do today with
were in such an unhappypositionthe committee was determined to
muller as i understand thepositionthe tobacco advertising ban in
have not been in apositionto answer ms white i
ferguson i am in apositionto answer that point of
will not be in apositionto call up a case
in scotland s evolving constitutionalpositionto hope for the preservation
discipline should be in apositionto jeopardise british foreign policy
i am not in apositionto judge highland council s
in fact in a similarpositionto mallorcans scotland like mallorca
seems to be in apositionto overlook the whole of
would not be in apositionto reassure pupils pat cairns
i am not in apositionto reveal or even to
it will be in apositionto say whether compensation will
it s a really comfypositionto sit in m608: mmhm
urban network remains in apositionto successfully deliver a high
industry must be in apositionto take advantage of the
i am not in apositionto tell you why all
be any change in thatpositionwe cannot say anything further
and we should maintain thatpositionwe invest in and we
sleep in a half sittingpositionwe wandered from the museum
i i was in apositionwhere my my school was
and could be kept inpositionwith a snib so there
defeated lying in the foetalpositionwith her hands over her
twa meenits in the samepositionye re in ye ll
that my answer makes thepositiona little clearer ms macdonald
it does not alter mypositionalex johnstone north east scotland
or relevant to my ownpositionit was with some trepidation
ll jalouse that my haillpositionwill be ruined if the
sighing noises from a sedentarypositionchristine grahame only when brian
could think of connected withpositionpapers was when was the
that would create an anomalouspositionwhen compared to other investigation
when she later sought apositionwith mrs dunlop she already
georgie she takes up herpositionbehind the bench and eyes
to come and take herpositionnext to me at the
a long way from thepositionof her original amendment including
estimate of the victoria spositionput her seven miles south
die alone since her truepositionwas just outside belfast lough
can continue to hold herpositionyesterday we witnessed labour s
true grimness of the financialposition5 see the dost corpus
practical and operational terms thatpositionalso recognises the potential that
locked the straw ring intopositionand made a fine firm
firmly back into a recliningpositionand turns down half the
year can you clarify thepositionandrew shanks i am a
between the conservative party spositionas submitted to the convention
the table can vary theirpositionas the opening or final
to the united kingdom spositionat the convention and i
flooded and the ship spositioncritical at 1308 he signalled
re statement of the openingpositione g we have seen
get hold of the linepositionhopeless cannot lower lifeboats but
there was not a fallbackpositionif the software did not
necessary steps to introduce thepositionof a commissioner for bullying
subject will easily understand thepositionof a man who says
to benefits further notes thepositionof agricultural and tourist related
accord with the established constitutionalpositionof all the members of
stories knows that the exactpositionof an operating transmitter can
for the withdrawal of thepositionof enrolled nurse was the
12 would not alter thepositionof fixed penalty notices that
it will review the financialpositionof lothian university hospital trust
he further agree with thepositionof members of the european
following valid nominations for thepositionof presiding officer have been
and the election for thepositionof presiding officer will take
the parliament agrees that thepositionof rector of glasgow university
so i speak from apositionof some ignorance the controls
language that was the unanimouspositionof the equal opportunities committee
as religion especially the constitutionalpositionof the established churches 26
football transfer fees and thepositionof the european commission 4
to address directly the basicpositionof the monarchy itself perhaps
issues r brazier the constitutionalpositionof the prince of wales
devoted to speaking practice thepositionof writing as an optional
and i offered him thepositionof ye know ehm sayin
the ship s last statedpositionoff corsewall point the lighthouse
the order bill butler thepositionseems anomalous colin campbell the
for establishing the ship spositionshe carried radar but the
the wife of bath spositionshe disnae pretend to be
the consistent difference between thepositionshe gave and that calculated
made stringed instruments from primepositionstalls the sengalis appear othello
have never resiled from thepositionthat higher still was for
position the treasury took thepositionthat the maximum for that
however i understand that thepositionthat was outlined to you
of those data gaps thepositionthat we adopted and discussed
the keyboard to the actingpositionthe same actor can play
it would have complicated thepositionthe working days of the
keen to hear about thepositionthere and were both reassured
we can jump from onepositionto the other because there
turned east towards an incorrectpositiontowards which the jeanie spiers
socialist party the leader spositionwas untenable and a general
back and consider the globalpositionwe can see a problem
estimates of the vessel spositionwere almost certainly accurate meanwhile
the department getting to thatpositionwhere you could enable another
to the committee the otherpositionwhich could address both views
cultures and linguistic backgrounds thepositionwill become even more complicated
confess that the precise constitutionalpositionwith regard to the isle
with children accepts the consensuspositionwithin the voluntary sector that
able to secure such apositionwithout the cessation of any
were applied straight away thepositionwould be held until an
beaumont now you understand thepositionyou d better think things
right have you to thatpositionbeaumont ilka day for fifteen
no reason to change thatpositionmore generally financial assistance for
paris to underline scotland spositionas a prime wind energy
and lothian acknowledges edinburgh spositionas a tourist gateway to
and it will help topositionayrshire s hannah research park
night only waking to changeposition[censored: forename] however slept badly and
from field bondage to apositionof trust and safety but
have been elected to apositionof trust to look after
perfectly entitled to pursue theirpositionwith which i agree but
be drenched with their exactpositionas regards miss paterson and
bored with a check outpositionno i wouldn t countered
were women displaced from theirpositionas tradition bearers but that
applicable next month scotland spositionwill be decided today we
described as significant and thatpositionmust be questioned i remind
universal free personal care thatpositionincluded richard simpson who today
s get a check outpositionnice discount decent pay sedentary
burn provides an excellent defensivepositionenhanced by a broad ditch

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