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turnips see turnip tattie chapperpotatomasher tattie potato ted term
tattie chapper potato masher tattiepotatoted term of endearment also
riumsa f980: bha am mashedpotatomath m979: aidh chuir mi
ah uill chòrd am mashedpotatoriumsa f980: bha am mashed
potato more f1116: s- sevenpotato[exhale] one potato f1115: two
potato four five potato f1116: potatof1115: s- come on now
potato f1116: two potato threepotatof1115: three potato four five
s- seven potato [exhale] onepotatof1115: two f1116: two f1115:
f1115: three potato four fivepotatof1116: potato f1115: s- come
s basket f1115: [inaudible] onepotatof1116: two potato three potato
potato three potato f1115: threepotatofour five potato f1116: potato
your turn six potato se-potatomore f1116: s- seven potato
on now your turn sixpotatose- potato more f1116: s-
[inaudible] one potato f1116: twopotatothree potato f1115: three potato
cur double cream dhan mashedpotatoaige an da thràill eile
1 egg 1 oz meatpotatocakes use mashed potatoes softened
it means a kind ofpotatoscone fardel l fardel l
item atop some instant mashedpotatosometimes this turns out to
t gonnae caw it thepotatocarrot pea an sweetcorn famine
why was it called thepotatofamine and not just the
explain to you what thepotato[laugh] famine meant [laugh] f940:
on the gangril man spotatopatch and returns it to
gangril man is digging hispotatopatch hen wyfe in a
reach the gangril man spotatopatch where the gangril man
scott counted the papers reverentlypotatocrisp bag he called out
not tens of tenners inpotatocrisp bags then i could
produced a folded and flattenedpotatocrisp packet what on earth
we say peer you saypotatowe say tattie you say
done f1122: carrot beans apotatof1121: what s that one
heat 8oz grated cheese sprinklepotatoonion tart pastry 6 oz
layer finish with layer ofpotatosprinkle with remaining cheese bake
1915 attendance declining owing topotatolifting and again on november
with the harvest and thepotatolifting as the population in
bake 20 mins at 400potatochahkee 2 med onions sliced
at 350 for 1 hourpotatonut roast 1 med onion
blend and pour over cornishpotatocake 1lb potatoes cooked sieved
for about 1 hour quickpotatosoup 2 lb potatoes peeled
nice tae be a couchpotato[laugh] f1143: couch definitely mmhm
the wee lad with apotatosack every morning to the
add cook c 5 minspotatoscones 4 oz plain flour
for 45 mins leek andpotatosoup 2 tbsp oil 1
soup which was accompanied bypotatoand rice outside in the
having studied the recipe bookspotatosoup and milk soups that
school re opened today afterpotatoholidays 19th 31st october but
plain white fish the boiledpotatowith its sprinkling of parsley
do not boil until thickpotatostuffing for goose 3 oz
and cocas con patatas apotatoflour bun unique to valldemossa
either it either sounds likepotatoor sausages or something like
from school in october atpotatoharvesting time most of the
simmer for about 20 minutespotatoand bacon salad time 15
takes more mutton and somepotatowith his mouth full even
informed her it wes johnpotatothe infant mistress was puzzled
and punched the courgette thepotatomade eyes at a golden
1996 lists soda wheaten andpotatofarls fowat dost s unhelpful
sugar as in sweden thepotatoseemed to be the only

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