
See this word as a collocate cloud

made in exercise of thepowerconferred by paragraph a or
water may not exercise thepowerconferred by subsection 1 a
other enactment in exercising thepowerconferred by subsection 1 above
subsection 4 for the wordspowerconferred by subsection 1 above
land preliminary to exercising thepowerconferred by subsection 1 above
access rights are exercisable thepowerconferred by subsection 1 above
local communities 5 where thepowerconferred by subsection 3 above
social housing body 4 thepowerconferred by subsection 3 above
manner which is within thepowerconferred on it by section
of the dwelling 4 apowerconferred under subsection 2 b
make the difference installing solarpowerand energy conservation measures throughout
was spent on a windpowerb wave power c solar
a wind power b wavepowerc solar power d biomass
b wave power c solarpowerd biomass and e energy
renewable energy particularly from solarpoweri wondered whether there might
community renewable energy especially solarpowerin towns and cities long
supported housing increasingly incorporate solarpoweror other renewable energy as
ensure new homes incorporate solarpoweror other renewable energy sources
in the absence of solarpowerthe battery is flat each
f1089: does he [paper crumpling] m1090: powerrangers f1089: power rangers tell
going to dress up [inaudible]powerrangers f1095: but you dinna
power rangers the orange likepowerrangers f1121: is it like
power rangers is it f1122: powerrangers f1121: okay f1122: now
f1121: is it like apowerrangers is it f1122: power
open yeah f1089: can itpowerrangers m1090: [inhale] [child noise] princess
[paper crumpling] m1090: power rangers f1089: powerrangers tell mum- tell mummy
f1122: it s from frompowerrangers the orange like power
commission s conclusions that nuclearpowercaused a decline in quality
word critical in the nuclearpowercontext and i apologise for
the operation of its nuclearpowergenerating stations within their current
1 dorothy grace elder nuclearpowerin germany as an amendment
s1m 1045 john scott nuclearpowerin germany that the parliament
new reactor at chapelcross nuclearpowerplant lodged on 8 october
decommissioning of scotland s nuclearpowerplants and nuclear weapons bases
gas circulators at torness nuclearpowerstation and give an assurance
3367 robin harper torness nuclearpowerstation that the parliament considers
sheridan glasgow ssp torness nuclearpowerstation that the parliament notes
parliament notes that torness nuclearpowerstation was recently fined 15
it and the other nuclearpowerstations are a major economic
2 ms wendy alexander nuclearpowerstations as an amendment to
2 ms wendy alexander nuclearpowerstations as an amendment to
2883 1 john scott nuclearpowerstations as an amendment to
2883 1 john scott nuclearpowerstations as an amendment to
government to close down nuclearpowerstations believing that such action
plans for any new nuclearpowerstations in scotland change planning
tommy sheridan s1m 2883 nuclearpowerstations lodged on 12 march
can you give about nuclearpowerstations muir russell they have
decision to close their nuclearpowerstations notes that this move
decision over consent for nuclearpowerstations now and in the
for nuclear and other electricitypowerstations over 50 megawatts under
for nuclear and other electricitypowerstations over 50 megawatts under
for nuclear and other electricitypowerstations over 50 megawatts under
30 am debate on nuclearpowerstations s1m 2883 bruce crawford
campbell german closure of nuclearpowerstations that the parliament notes
s1m 2883 bruce crawford nuclearpowerstations that the parliament notes
are not daft and nuclearpowerstations were at the top
issue of safety at nuclearpowerstations with the energy minister
the hazard of nuclear generatedpowerwill no longer be present
a reference to exercising thepowerby taking no action and
a reference to exercising thepowerby taking no action and
discharging in relation to apowerincludes a reference to exercising
discharging in relation to apowerincludes a reference to exercising
local authority in exercising apowerto enter into a contract
required before exercising these powerspowerto make regulations several respondents
repressing someone or even exercisingpowerwhat they think they are
repressing someone or even exercisingpowerwhat they think they are
stations operate including their maximumpowerare specified in the operator
of sea water coolants atpowerstations and what the eu
in the exercise of theirpowerare not afraid to devolve
of the exercise of thepowerare set out or implied
use or exercise any regallpowerauthoritie or jurisdiction within the
use or exercise any regallpowerauthority or jurisdiction within the
in order to exercise apowergiven by subsection 1 5
in order to exercise apowergiven by subsection 1 that
an appellant to exercise thatpowerin his favour the prosecutor
exercise their functions a similarpowerin relation to verifiers will
upon them the exercise ofpoweris exactly the same in
require the exercise of apowerof entry search and seizure
exercise to grant local authoritiespowerto carry out emergency repair
raised by the consultation exercisepowerto make regulations consultation and
on the exercise of thepowerto modify that section 11
religion and did exercise thatpowerto the subversion of the
protestant successor exercise the regalpoweruntil he or she swear
operate a 3mw hydro electricpowerstation on the abhainn cuileig
wid hing aboot cockenzie thepowerstation opposite fife s beach
available on the impact ofpowerstation seawater coolants on fish
m642: the rai- f643: longannetpowerstation was every three and
i see someone at apowerstation wielding huge levers like
give an assurance that thepowerstation will not reopen if
the wa della faithir spowercam oot they shadeies power
the power mirrors a similarpowerin section 39 of the
but points out that thepowermirrors a similar power in
looked at is a hierarchicalpowerstructure which imposes its power
power structure which imposes itspowerthrough the medium of language
power cam oot they shadeiespowerti keep us aw thigithir
s taxes except marginally nopowerto borrow and no power
power to borrow and nopowerto do anything beyond dividing
244 since labour came topowerand that hospital nurse numbers
jobs since labour came topowerand that the modest projection
were when labour came topowerand there are fewer police
the labour government came topoweras disclosed in a recent
labour administration has been inpowerfor three years homelessness is
were when labour came topowergeorge lyon made a point
scotland since labour came topowerin the uk a the
scotland since labour came topowerin the uk a the
scotland since labour came topowerin the uk a the
when people realise that thepowerof withdrawing their labour can
labour s first year inpowerwhen for the first time
it exercised the tax varyingpowerfor the years 2000 2001
to use the tax varyingpowerhowever we are concerned that
scottish parliament s tax varyingpowerin the latter part of
snp use the tax varyingpowerit has not said whether
3 per cent tax varyingpowerit is not enough for
it uses the tax varyingpowernot once has the snp
parliament that is devoid ofpowerover income tax social security
use the income tax varyingpowerto a raise or b
should give local authorities thepowerto charge council tax in
this subsection applies to anypower4 the person shall discharge
the judge immediately after thepowerin subsection 5 c of
on the use of itspowerto move tenants under subsection
removal of the catch allpowerfor ministers to authorise surveillance
for the first time apowerfor ministers to make building
ministers could not use theirpowerof direction in any way
the scottish parliament 5 anypowerof the scottish ministers to
ministers should be given thepowerto amend lists in the
it gives scottish ministers thepowerto appoint a day from
2 would give ministers thepowerto exclude advertising in stores
scottish ministers to delegate apowerto make certain grants and
also gives the scottish ministerspowerto make further saving and
3 gives scottish ministers thepowerto make regulations on receipt
would grant scottish ministers thepowerto make regulations regulations would
25i and insert scottish ministerspowerto pay off loans made
25i and insert scottish ministerspowerto pay off loans made
25i and insert scottish ministerspowerto pay off loans made
section 25i insert scottish ministerspowerto pay off loans made
does apply 14 scottish ministerspowerto require delegation etc between
of staff 14 scottish ministerspowerto require delegation etc between
compliance which offers ministers thepowerto require the compliance of
bill will give ministers thepowerto set such targets what
provision that gives ministers thepowerto undertake any of the
to give a constable thatpowerchristine grahame so that may
give some idea of thepowerof gordon s female repertoire
primitive people related to thepowerof women to give birth
would give a long termpowerto any executive to use
to give local authorities thepowerto ensure that people can
in the light of itspowerto give grants for rail
it must be decided whichpowerto give to the local
that excrement and to givepowerto impose a fixed on
should give local authorities thepowerto license as i recall
the bill would give thepowerto make regulations the royal
will give local authorities thepowerto regulate buses if they
to give environmental protection officerspowerto require a person to
give the scottish executive thepowerto take a stake in
give much greater decision makingpowerto those with a direct
since his party came topowerwhat comfort can he give
leave out duty and insertpowermr kenneth gibson 20 in
117 after section 55 insertpowerto lay mains registration compensation
56 insert chapter compulsory purchasepowerto purchase registered land compulsorily
section 34 insert commission spowerto revoke emergency detention certificate
section 42 insert commission spowerto revoke short term detention
to do everything within itspowerto ensure that job security
but within nation states thepowerto initiate legislation must be
should do everything within itspowerto protect the right of
should do everything within itspowerto protect the right of
to do all within theirpowerto raise the international profile
role for regions with legislativepowerwithin the eu we also
had been drifting without enginepowersince her first distress signal
since margaret thatcher was inpowerwhen a paper machine was
pay and allow local authoritiespowerover business rates including the
provide local authorities with thepowerto deal with complaints regarding
provide local authorities with thepowerto deal with complaints regarding
and we will have thepowerto direct authorities to ensure
that in granting an enablingpowerto local authorities to make
authorities in relation to thepowerto make payments under section
to be a witch ofpowerand mystery make dog or
of services who need suchpowerin order to make the
effort the breadth of thepowerintroduced to make regulations in
the scottish executive has thepowerto make a positive difference
stake until we have thepowerto make a stake in
16a of the 1978 actpowerto make payments towards expenditure
scotland act 1998 c 46powerto make provision consequential on
of just permitted baits 37powerto make regulations under the
arrangements 3 regulations 1 anypowerto make regulations under this
bill would introduce a widepowerto make regulations which may
the legislative protection of salmonpowerto make regulations wider issues
regulations under this act includespowerto make such incidental supplemental
came forth at last withpowerto sift the elements chief
regulations about the conservation ofpowerand the promotion of sustainable
felt that only vesting thepowerto apply for regulations in
relaxations we are moving thepowerto relax regulations from local
and use them to wieldpoweralthough they may not think
and use them to wieldpoweralthough they may not think
no intention to use thatpowerin its written evidence the
no intention to use thepowerin the foreseeable future removing
to use the order makingpowerto ensure that it takes
officers have always had thepowerto stop i use the
in urban areas with limitedpowerto use revenue to tackle
have been for interdicts withpowerof arrest attached under the
function facilities by utilising theirpowerof community planning under the
fisheries it is under thispowerthat many net fisheries have
certificate under section commission spowerto revoke emergency detention certificate
certificate under section commission spowerto revoke short term detention
do not need the licensingpowerunder the 1982 act to
that taking action under thispowerwill require corroboration unlike the
decentralise control to not suckpoweraway from local government we
to the local authority thepowereither to license and approve
example by biomass or windpowerin the local area support
and not giving enough localpowernot only has the partnership
finance and local government 7powerof community initiative community planning
it intends to establish apowerof general competence for local
it intends to establish apowerof general competence for local
an extension of the existingpowerthat allows a local authority
the local authority has thepowerto appoint them from our
burst on its wheel canpowera whole episode of coronation
we could run from itspowera whole new world of
its citizens is to devolvepowerand decisions back to them
the executive should seek thepowerand state its intention clearly
life because of its spendingpowerand the talent that it
its its cultural product andpowerand ye know to have
its vital source of industrialpowerfor the messan burn flows
head i fear its wealthpoweriniquity seem the mightiest trinity
deep in the earth itspowero growth is still working
its functions or iii anypoweror duty to recover sums
but metaphorically represents an abstractpoweror possession its oe synonym
snake emerges thought made wordpowersits hissing in its slits
scotland has it in itspowertae strike a blow for
on the strength of itspowerto award taught degrees but
to do everything in itspowerto bring pressure to bear
does absolutely everything in itspowerto combat all forms of
to do all in itspowerto curb smoking and to
to do all in itspowerto resist anything which could
affection and she recognised hispowerand that she should not
the foreseeable future removing thepowerfrom the bill therefore should
that should be a ukpowermary scanlon how will the
entire meeting in considering thepowerof conveners we should examine
should have formal decision makingpowers1w 17701 colin campbell to
society the subsidiarity principle thatpowershould be devolved to the
with formal levels of governmentpowershould be exercised by the
difficult to understand why apowershould be granted without an
in the future the executivepowershould be the european commission
was appropriate that a delegatedpowershould determine the terms economic
europe is about where executivepowershould lie that is whether
that body should have thepowerto act before legislation is
university status and or thepowerto award degrees should be
registrar general should have thepowerto direct that an approval
the court should have discretionarypowerto order notification those provisions
body should also have thepowerto refer to the appropriate
should do all in theirpowerto support the bid and
jenkins we should approve thepowerwhich will be subject to
strong pro western government inpowerand relies particularly on the
built around communal government andpowerbeing passed to regional and
upon whatever government was inpowerto introduce policies to deal
government about any transfer ofpowerto the parliament with regard
government their lack of purchasingpowerwith the money that they
a minority government which retainspowerwith the support of members
this act has exercised thatpowerin favour of the appellant
act 1984 however there ispowerin the mental health care
of legislation granting councils apowerof general competence to act
justice act 1988 includes apowerto ban the manufacture sale
communications act 2000 c 7powerto modify legislation applies to
act will provide an enablingpowerwhen the minister sums up
over the parliament has thepowerand the will to improve
and another way is wrongpoweris exercised over a linguistic
said weir he gave mepowerover all things mitchel struggled
them she has exercised herpowerover gladys and is well
parliament does not have muchpowerover issues related to benefits
know it has a differentpowerover people m762: i think
in mainland europe giving peoplepowerover their homes and communities
in flood plains giving peoplepowerover their homes and communities
over business rates including thepowerto reduce them to attract
shift in the balance ofpoweras section 17 stands the
checked as part of thepowergeneration section of the infrastructure
the judge who exercised thepowerin section 103 5 c
before sentence in section 201powerof court to adjourn case
executive to account including thepowerto invoke section 23 of
compensation etc 1 section 23powerto lay mains etc of
delegated function or ii anypowerdelegated with the function 13
is without prejudice to anypowerexercisable by scottish natural heritage
and protocols as any otherpowergenerating company craig russell unusually
the men and loss anypoweri hae to dae guid
requirement to consult contains anypowerof veto it is sensible
a regent shall not havepowerto assent to any bill
to do everything in ourpowerto facilitate this any language
wiggins development of heat andpowergenerator that the parliament welcomes
are not therefore an opposingpowerin the parliament they have
to health and safety thepowerof the european parliament is
services the second is thepowerof this parliament i thank
adopted by the scottish parliamentpowersharing accountability access and participation
the parliament we have nopowerto alter the nation s
they could have an extrapowerto suggest that parliament could
then seemed to soar withpowerand brilliance beyond the confines
monarchy to an arbitrary despoticpowerand in a public proclamation
and so to increased consumerpowerand many lower priced goods
sales techniques of both scottishpowerand scottish gas and to
obstacle to their craving forpowerand their sexual desires but
to do so the bigpowerbrokers are the united states
forces to improve their purchasingpowerby coming together to negotiate
earl to consolidate his territorialpowerby furthering a marriage betwixt
attended the recent global windpowerconference in paris to underline
the exams burden devolve morepowerdown to schools including more
to specify the amount ofpowerexpected to be generated by
is an important regulation makingpowerfor obvious reasons to do
chamber devolution the transfer ofpowerfrom a central body to
out or implied in thepowerhowever he has agreed to
half human and all unpredictablepoweri had to pay some
is important to have thepowerin advance we will not
at all to include thepowerin the bill i will
to more complications the transitionalpoweris a catch all provision
covert human intelligence sources thatpoweris subject to affirmative resolution
to devolve it to devolvepoweris to trust the voluntary
questions to do with languagepowerm741: mmhm i think a
last to leave the stultifyingpowermad world of his youth
to the utmost of herpowermaintain in the united kingdom
to the utmost of yourpowermaintaine the laws of god
to the utmost of theirpowermaintaine the laws of god
i may even lead greypowermarches down to holyrood if
how satisfying to have thesepowermongering ass licking company men
society with centres of economicpowermoving to non english speaking
appropriate to grant such apowermrs lyndsay mcintosh central scotland
with regard to that particularpowernot the one that is
qualifications authority s functions thepowerof direction refers to the
it is not in thepowerof europe to go back
ll come back to thepowerof isabel s creative imagination
was concerned about the potentialpowerof proprietors to apply to
tyrranical symbolic conscience with thepowerof speech and forced to
fortress to destroy the symbolicpowerof the incan civilisation a
including the one covering thepowerof the registrar general to
nations that are not bigpowerplayers are often trusted to
they are subject to apowerrelationship articulated through the medium
which previously had such apowers1w 24741 linda fabiani to
from british telecom or thepowersector to ask what is
indignation melancholy sexual excitement lyricpowersentiment to sexual humorous and
did that or made thepowersubject to the affirmative procedure
is seeking to take morepowerthan is necessary to direct
purposes by means of apowerthat is equivalent to that
the most spiritual will topowerthe will to creation of
does not itself contain thepowerto a charge tolls and
the ministerial team has thepowerto address such issues it
provide further justification of thepowerto amend the primary legislation
does the icc have thepowerto announce that it will
sufficiently backed up by thepowerto appoint a special manager
of that it contains apowerto arrest in the context
the idea behind the proposedpowerto arrest when there is
be applied for once thepowerto award both taught and
scotland 9 universities have thepowerto award both taught and
an hei may have thepowerto award both taught and
type of qualification though thepowerto award sub degree level
research degrees may have thepowerto award taught degrees only
or may not have thepowerto award their own degrees
the wording of the enablingpowerto be certain of being
charities office despite having thepowerto be so the silence
the commissioner is given thepowerto carry out investigations into
public proclamation asserted an absolutepowerto cass annul and disable
presiding officer i have thepowerto change that and i
prison officers themselves have thepowerto confine a prisoner to
face of nature s chthonicpowerto create and destroy which
legislation i do not havepowerto delay the trial the
the judge will have thepowerto determine whether for example
control all the levers ofpowerto discuss this in a
to investigate intentionality to thepowerto do so although those
it is giving us thepowerto do so that is
that committees would have thepowerto do something about matters
moral choice and given ourpowerto england which has chosen
we will take a reservedpowerto ensure that that happens
the secretary of state thepowerto establish new higher education
are memory s name andpowerto fill her womb is
level we are also devolvingpowerto front line managers of
and the executive had nopowerto fund it so a
because you ve got thepowerto get out of er
from wind wave and tidalpowerto help scottish business take
waist knees bent to lendpowerto her steps innocence fused
relations amendment bill including thepowerto impose duties on public
home office minister has thepowerto instruct i can only
die we will have thepowerto keep the matter live
of course there is apowerto lay down directions with
that there is clearly apowerto lay down in statute
and rent there is thepowerto let at a reduced
troubled soul and had thepowerto lift him out of
thought that they had thepowerto prevent that offence from
communities and to have thepowerto provide appropriate services to
a duty or have apowerto provide community care services
wales cosla request that thepowerto raise money be explicitly
it will have the dramaticpowerto represent the spoken voice
it does not yet havepowerto select the commissioners when
minister do everything in hispowerto simplify the funding arrangements
courts do not have thepowerto stop an individual who
a cake he had thepowerto take he would take
eagle thought john with thepowerto tear his son s
by spot checks or thepowerto tell people could be
may not yet be allpowerto the committees but it
also common sense to devolvepowerto the nearest practicable level
the ambients are equall inpowerto the subtendent for by
the ambients are equal inpowerto the subtendent for by
world in respect of givingpowerto the zonal management committees
an exception it reserves thepowerto throw it in the
days chopin who possessed thepowerto tune the delicate perceptions
court of appeal will havepowerto vary the restriction on
is well aware of hispowerto vary the voting time
guess whether they have thepowerto veto and i am
we do not have thepowerto walk through the door
would clarify who has thepowerto withdraw fixed penalty notices
latin who want access topowerwant access to the written
question to ask the enablingpowerwas not in place when
unable to define why thatpowerwas required and for what
queried the fact that thatpowerwas to be subject to
do so given that thepowerwill come to the scottish
the exodus of decision makingpowerwith regard to consumer representation
withdraw fixed penalty notices thepowerwould allow such staff to
in the same way thatpowercomes through in homer f963:
s that kind of internalpowercoming through even in the
the highest levels of academiapoweris asserted through language olivia
parts of society [censored: tom leonard poem beginning "right inuff"] 8poweris exercised through language at
human rights through the transformationalpowerof art in society and
isn t there a visceralpowerwhich comes through erm f963:
not covered in the enablingpoweras we have pointed out
up weel those who havepowerdefine and maintain these standards
she writes those who havepowerdefine and maintain these standards
that did she really havepowerdid the branch obey her
have m805: he has thispower[kick] kick m804: kick and
scottish organisations such as scottishpowermuir russell those assurances have
have we got against thepowero the state an aa
issue rather than having thepowerof enforcement they could have
would not have a finalpowerof veto but could express
the registrar will have apowerof veto it says that
registrar will have the ultimatepowerof veto mr mcmahon you
although we will have thatpoweronce the legislation is in
disparities of income wealth andpowerwe have the dislocation of
motion i nivver thocht theirpowerabove me wes mine but
by childbearing and by thepowerof their insensitive husbands all
nightmares still exerting their banefulpowerthe narrowing strip of sea
not questioning the executive spowerbrian fitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden
not deny them that waspowerof a sort jean jean
that you accept that thepowerof arrest is not needed
set of verses on thepowerof partnership not just we
whole new world of industrialpowerrowland but are you not
will not pre empt thepowerthat we do not yet
was a different kind ofpowerwas it not but the
not believe that the generalpowerwith which the minister would
do his duty of allpowerand property held on sufferance
vitality of language and thepowerof the speaking voice are
used in the language ofpowerrevolution noam chomsky 1928 syntactic
in other words by exertingpowervia language the divisions in
it without having a statutorypowerof arrest such as is
has targets for offshore renewablepowergeneration and if so how
learning lessons for example scottishpowerhas learned some effective lessons
point i think where thepowerhas shifted so much f963:
that the introduction of thatpoweris novel and has no
and the tither has thepowertae tak it this is
is the symbol of americanpowerthe rain of course has
sure the expansion of wavepowerand other renewable technologies offers
if tobacco revenue releases spendingpowerin other areas of the
hand and a wide rangingpowerof direction on the other
are being given an importantpoweri will explain that from
is the possibility that greypowerin this country will become
very clear message about thepowerof the majority will of
if a mass of greypowerpeople come together they will
and adaptable workforce that willpowerthe scottish economy in the
it takes trainin an willpowerwhit dae you think agnes
interested in energy saving gerbilpowerwill generate a small battery
set up a relationship ofpowera hierarchy of languages what
is founded the sharing ofpoweraccountability and accessibility openness and
convener a high degree ofpowerand control it is certainly
lessons for the future thepowerand influence of the equal
as for the conservation ofpowerand sustainable development the social
men of means of profitpowerand yields with a doubled
of what they called greypoweras a huge voting block
influence on the corridors ofpowerat eu level in past
state of emergency friday 11powerblack out thro miners strike
at the centre of thepowerbut this s-s- but time
requirement as are provision ofpowercables water and sanitation we
her memory the poem spowercomes from the vitality of
the conservation of fuel andpowercowboy builders exist i can
in the insolvency bill apowerfor the secretary of state
executive whether the findings ofpowerfrequency electromagnetic fields and the
an abundant supply of waterpowerfrom the messan burn which
wiggins development of heat andpowergenerator lodged on 26 february
involved in a relationship ofpowerin the first few weeks
people a greater degree ofpowerinvolvement glasgow it is clear
images are full of positivepowerit is the blues singer
sips would take away thatpowerof advocacy and the opportunity
ventures one hopes that thepowerof community initiative that is
sqa s functions and thepowerof compliance that is given
matches the grand scale andpowerof elemental archetypes against small
is a gnome with thepowerof flight who finds a
be provided with a statutorypowerof general competence s1w 7698
wall he was relishing thepowerof his physical strength as
think he did too thepowerof human touch we both
is secure and where thepowerof law and order is
kingdom the freedom frequency andpowerof parliaments the religion liberty
about friendships as well thepowerof partnership and that is
time yesterday talkin about thepowerof partnership he quoted ecclesiastes
if they hadn t thepowerof putting two and two
of knowing that although thepowerof regulating serious powers is
1992 and ian bradley thepowerof sacrifice darton longman todd
mother irregularly transformed by thepowerof the child s zest
of three for the concretepowerof the corn horse men
at sea multiplied by kilowattpowerof the engine 4 a
the nile behind the awfulpowerof the high dam lake
vindication of the all conqueringpowerof the human heart i
and short circuiting the mediatingpowerof the roman catholic clergy
sit still i consider thepowerof words and meaning while
record my appreciation for thepowerof work that a number
position on the catch allpoweron behalf of the executive
ran a treasury with nopoweronly half of the taxes
of an issues paper onpowersharing justice 2 committee 10
if so what kind ofpowersometimes when she was alone
al 3 or texts ofpowerthat advantage dominant groups freeman
provide further justification of thatpowerthe executive s response draws
on the mechanics of thepowerthe issue is dealt with
a letter received from scottishpowerwhich enclosed a copy of
we could agree with thatpowerbeing used in this way
laughable and this guy waspowerken he could crush me
victoria had lost all enginepowerand was drifting before the
chase aa all po erpowerdey they is as slippit
union that is where thepoweris with all due respect
is cited as an enablingpowerbut there is no appropriate
education there is a clearpowerdynamic in operation a hierarchy
is required by the enablingpowerfor those reasons we believe
stew part o the abuserspoweris dimps pause gittin the
academy is a structure wherepoweris exerted unconsciously when a
the homelessness task force thepoweris in the bill but
ca na maria s electricpoweris low or non operational
broadsheet overtones what gives thempoweris the fact that they
it is important that thepoweris there for the courts
a report is from thepowerside the water side or
committees but it is somepowerthis is a significant moment
more and more associated withpowerand politics scots became more
concepts but ones with immensepowerfasold 1997 3 throughout the
drowning then swimming with extraordinarypowerin heavy waters then beginning
voiced and smooth but withpowerin the way his body
be recreated with vivid imaginativepowermany years later in the
if a member objects thepowerstill lies with the lead
as if drawn by somepowerbeyond themselves by a force
mammon assumes when he siezespoweri ll carve the world
gaelic when thi centre opowermoved frae edinburgh tae london
issue when they were inpowerthey decoupled the relationship between
when the conservatives were inpowerthey introduced gift aid and
reform i e sharing thepoweraccountability access and participation the
the conservatives 18 years inpoweran age concern members survey
distance fin jonsar seen thepoweran the shots played be
papist did assume the regalpowerand acted as king without
every living thing be justpowerbrings responsibilities the world s
and how history politics andpowercan determine the landscape from
build a combined heat andpowergenerator congratulates the company on
a theme about landscape andpowerhow landscape can influence the
26 6 and the equivalentpowerin the land reform scotland
ritualistic a fawning on dangerouspowerin the way the sergeant
the circumstances in which thatpowermight be exercised however there
tree hawds the life givinpowero oor lady the earth
can put it there thepowerpapers f1095: well go and
the disability as the enablingpowerrequires but rely solely on
as different from the hierarchicalpowerridden hapsburg societies as would
friday momin he took thepowersaw wi him an spent
the tories had come intaepowershe said if i didna
think if i read thepowerstructure correctly but i wouldn
and more important the mainpowersupply were installed and maintained
niver see bit then thepowerthat rules abune wha dwells
the cat oot the hevinlypowerthat rules on high says
from the fact that rfpowerunits from mobile phone base
access and increase participation sharingpowerand accountability are also important
her but were these thingspowerand if so what kind
and loyal wallace pith andpowermy last hour i ll
in persian there s apowerabout it f963: yeah mm
kettle if there wis naepowerhe then cleaned them an
that s good what whatpowerranger s this m1090: ehm
set stalling during a momentarypowerfreeze but even a hiccup
upon ae man s absolutepowerower anither but we note
sez ah m huvven apowersurge an you kin sleep
summon up a lot opowerti be completely invisible at
ti git strong an gitpowerback she did what she
eh exhaust pipe an nopowereh tide wiz on eh
fur her wad gie herpowerindeed she thocht he ll
escapes his sicht this heavenlypowersaw adam s state an
consider an issues paper onpowersharing at 09 30 2

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