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of their mockery of religiouspracticesafter the publication of the
of their mockery of religiouspracticesand maybe here there is
support the expansion of gppracticesin rural areas to offer
of services in small gppracticesincrease the number of salaried
pe 217 on single gppracticesthe committee will consider a
their specialised knowledge and socialpracticesthe loss of cultural and
their specialised kennin an socialpracticesthe tynin o cultural an
for adopting environmentally beneficial managementpracticeslinked with a local forestry
in adopting the principles andpracticesof modern governance indeed i
it speaks of wholly irregularpracticesserious concerns and wholly inappropriate
was to adopt further spellingpracticesfrom english since this was
dictionaries to reflect past spellingpracticesor malpractices and spelling reform
be linked to improving managementpracticesthree and four person hmos
s particular national culture andpracticesin connection with labour relations
account the national culture andpracticesof labour relations but with
has been improved by managementpracticessuch as liming and top
introduced to promote improved constructionpracticesto reduce heat loss and
from those basic principles andpracticesof good governance which we
tenement law and rethinking constructionpracticesto incorporate the eagan principles
more diverse range of workingpracticesand contracts this will include
order that licensing contracts andpracticesare brought into line with
health act 1999 fund holdingpracticestransfer of assets savings rights
health act 1999 fund holdingpracticestransfer of assets savings rights
available and how many medicalpracticesactively offered such screening in
relating to the scottish medicalpracticescommittee is repealed and mr
immigrants swamping schools and medicalpracticessuch comments are reminiscent of
owner to carry on establishedpracticesof land management section 34
schemes for particularly beneficial managementpracticessnh seem confident that their
reflect good employment or workplacepracticesand facilities for members and
employers we have good employmentpracticesby which we must abide
force we need good employmentpracticesunder which flexible working hours
and regions have policies orpracticesthat have been more successful
we will where appropriate takepracticesthat have proved successful in
these less familiar medieval customarypracticesand modern concepts of fairness
presented it modern comprehensive collectingpracticesprove that singers always have
to date with modern electronicpracticesthat suggests that they are
jamie mcgrigor s1m 3970 environmentalpracticeslodged on 28 february 2003
s1m 3970 phil gallie environmentalpracticesthat the parliament commends the
local government workers and unfairpracticesagainst workers including harassment by
there s no nurses inpracticesanyway the receptionist came in
among nurses in general practitionerpracticesas fully one third of
were no nurses worked inpracticesin these days now this
base and health and safetypracticesacknowledges that the scottish executive
into the safety and welfarepracticesin operation at jessiefield prison
careers structure and employee friendlypracticeswe must work to increase
make an amendment to existingpracticesif the legal advice indicates
public local press and legalpracticesin the borders supported by
presents some changes to workingpracticeshave been necessary and a
examine the organisation and workingpracticesof the staff and editorial
groups the impact of institutionspracticeson those groups and the
the impact of irresponsible lendingpracticeson social justice issues s1o
attributes this to changing agriculturalpracticesand particularly the reduced diversity
we know given the currentpracticeswhat is scotland s current
it is making in reviewingpracticesin hospital cleaning s1o 6372
decision making in policy andpracticesthe second is to build
can take a view onpracticesin the registered social landlord
exchanges of information and bestpracticespromoting innovative approaches and evaluating
organising the exchange of bestpracticessuggesting potential indicators and supporting
investigation of the alleged discriminatorypracticesboth at a national level
forefront of breaking down restrictivepracticesand old style professional boundaries
special needs sometimes preserve oldpracticesonce i was contacted by
these companies for highly immoralpracticessurely we should protect the
may show different language usagepracticeshe refers 1972 73 to
scheme there are different organisationalpracticeswithin councils depending on the
enough to believe that suchpracticesdo not exist elsewhere the
in negotiating with private dentalpracticesin caithness to support provision
however a move towards thosepracticesis important for the future
actually clamp down on theirpracticeseven though they are not
a transitional order that reflectspracticesat westminster the issue that
into careful detail on thepracticesritual purification as performed by
guess there s some dodgypracticesgoing on you know er
the coastal area the farmingpracticesthat are used or some
it is exacerbated by thepracticeso cruel or careless overseers
indecent or libidinous behaviour orpracticesvii shameless indecency and viii
grammar which embraced all thepracticesand assumptions discussed above while
complaint about its colditz likepracticesand has cut his trip
have been indulging in otherpracticesi took the blanket off
the judiciary to review thepracticesi do not know whether
write an essay on editingpracticesi hadn t done much
shone a light on thepracticesin fife but no one
on the relevant but outdatedpracticesof the makkars ramsay turned
questioning the value of chivalricpracticesnot only is the poem
see 100 per cent scottishpracticesthere the method of selection
weel a mynd it oorpracticeshou shei yaised tae pley

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