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be subject to the affirmativeprocedurealthough other orders can be
be made through an affirmativeprocedureand that is a significant
be subject to the affirmativeprocedureanyway so there will be
subject to the draft affirmativeprocedureas specified in section 2
paper mentions affirmative or negativeprocedurebut from what i took
be subject to the affirmativeprocedurei am informed that orders
to be subject to affirmativeprocedurei move amendment 22 amendment
believe that the super affirmativeprocedureshould be pushed i say
should be subject to affirmativeprocedurethat means that an instrument
power subject to the affirmativeprocedurethat would be a positive
be subject to the affirmativeproceduretherefore he thinks that it
helpfulness of the super affirmativeprocedureto the parliamentary process and
order subject to the affirmativeprocedurewe asked the executive to
regard to the super affirmativeprocedurewe have debated this matter
be subject to the affirmativeprocedurewe may agree that that
for having a super affirmativeprocedurewithout that right we have
remains that the super affirmativeprocedurewould be appropriate it is
proceeding and that the affirmativeprocedurewould be better i would
were being amended the affirmativeprocedurewould be necessary and it
normally think that the affirmativeprocedurewould be needed for this
incorporated in the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland act 2002
principles of the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill at
principles of the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill at
principles of the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill finance
debate on the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill followed
work programme 6 sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill in
report on the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill in
after christmas 6 sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill in
report on the sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill in
passed 6 june sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill introduced
published 11 july sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill introduced
february 27 february sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill passed
committee 16 april sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill passed
committee 18 december sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
committee 26 february sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
committee 22 january sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
committee 30 october sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
introduced 3 september sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
within their area sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
committee 6 november sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill stage
in private 3 sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill the
services union 4 sexual offencesprocedureand evidence scotland bill the
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurestatistical bulletin motor vehicle offences
2000 216 under the negativeprocedure5 petitions the committee will
2000 330 under the negativeprocedure6 proposed agriculture inquiry the
2000 345 under the negativeprocedure7 report into the impact
be subject to the negativeprocedurebecause it impacts on the
but there is no negativeprocedurefor recommending standing order changes
the use of the negativeprocedurefor the timing of the
that it mirrors the negativeprocedurein other fora donald gorrie
are to have a negativeprocedurein the parliament i would
says that where the negativeprocedureis prescribed it tends to
an annulment under the negativeprocedureit must be within the
can understand that a negativeproceduremay be appropriate but if
i agree that the negativeproceduremay not be the best
following instruments under the negativeprocedurethe common agricultural policy wine
following instruments under the negativeprocedurethe control of pollution silage
be subject to the negativeprocedurethe convener right we will
the effect of the negativeprocedurethe current procedural rule is
following instrument under the negativeprocedurethe import and export restrictions
following instrument under the negativeprocedurethe potatoes originating in germany
following instruments under the negativeprocedurethe sea fishing enforcement of
following instrument under the negativeprocedurethe seeds miscellaneous amendments no
following instruments under the negativeprocedurethe seeds miscellaneous amendments no
the following instruments under negativeprocedurethe sports and sporting events
following instruments under the negativeprocedurethe wildlife and countryside act
the application of the negativeprocedurethere are circumstances in which
dealt with under the negativeprocedurewe will go through them
appropriateness of using the negativeprocedurewe would normally think that
be subject to the negativeprocedurewhich seems all right where
9 a of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 allows procurators
is based on the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 also in
couple of them the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 and the
amends those are the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 and the
307 1 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 c 46
210a 8 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 committee reports
section 306 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 committee reports
27 4 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 in sheriff
the new provisions the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 is amended
and 26 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 s1w 7107
question relates to the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 the committee
17 amendment of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 the convener
section 47 of the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 will apply
the 1969 act the criminalprocedurescotland act 1995 will be
aims of study 3 3procedurephase 1 3 4 procedure
of a questionnaire 3 3procedurephase 1 prior to seeking
degree of initiative 3 4procedurephase 2 a pilot study
procedure phase 1 3 4procedurephase 2 the pilot study
the pilot study 3 5procedurephase 3 the rural study
consuming to administer 3 5procedurephase 3 the rural study
discussion of the interim complaintsprocedureit was clear at our
other points about the complaintsprocedureshall we leave it to
be part of our complaintsprocedurethat if msps raise a
we said about the complaintsprocedurethe convener that is what
to do with the complaintsprocedurethe presiding officer has agreed
different from the interim complaintsprocedurewhich will be propagated the
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe food protection emergency prohibitions
university title institutional guidance onprocedure19 see subject map further
instruments not subject to parliamentaryprocedureand agreed to raise points
subject to the same auditprocedureand protocols as any other
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureaudit committee 1st report 2002
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureaudit committee 2nd report 2000
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureayr college report of the
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureayrshire and arran acute hospitals
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurebritish tourist authority accounts 1999
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurecentral college of commerce board
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureclackmannan college financial statements for
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurecoatbridge college report of the
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureconstruction industry training board annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurecosts sentencing profiles and the
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureelmwood college report and financial
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureengineering construction industry training board
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureenterprise and lifelong learning committee
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureexplanatory statement with regard to
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureforestry commission scotland annual report
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurefurther education in scotland 2000
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduregovernment expenditure and revenue in
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurehealth education board for scotland
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurehighland acute hospitals nhs trust
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurehighlands and islands airports ltd
be subject to an appealprocedurein which detailed consideration and
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurelanarkshire primary care nhs trust
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduremedical health care and associated
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduremental welfare commission for scotland
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurenational museums of scotland accounts
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurenational museums of scotland annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedureregistrar general s annual review
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescotland s appropriation accounts for
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescotland s budget documents 2001
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescotland s census 2001 key
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish agricultural science agency annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish drug enforcement agency annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish economic report july 2000
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish enterprise skillseekers training for
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish executive core departments resource
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish executive letter to convener
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish fisheries protection agency annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish further education funding council
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish legal ombudsman annual report
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish prison service annual report
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish public pensions agency annual
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish teachers superannuation scheme resource
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurescottish transport group report and
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduresea fisheries shellfish act 1967
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduresouth glasgow university hospitals nhs
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurestatement of guarantee highland acute
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduresummarised account of the united
not subject to any parliamentaryproceduretayside university hospitals nhs trust
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instrument was laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instrument was laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instrument was laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instrument was laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instrument was laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instruments were laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instruments were laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instruments were laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurethe following instruments were laid
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurewater industry commissioner for scotland
not subject to any parliamentaryprocedurewest of scotland water annual
because the objective of parliamentaryprocedureis to scrutinise the policy
section 60 2 statutory instrumentprocedurethe words except section 3
scottish social services council appointmentsprocedureand access to the register
scottish social services council appointmentsprocedureand access to the register
scottish social services council appointmentsprocedureand access to the register
scottish social services council appointmentsprocedureand access to the register
regulation of care appointments andprocedureregulations 2002 ssi 2002 106
regulation of care appointments andprocedureregulations 2002 ssi 2002 106
or b the practice andprocedurein relation to criminal proceedings
competence in criminal law andprocedureor in relevant areas of
138 act of adjournal criminalprocedurerules amendment proceeds of crime
of minutes running through theprocedurefor scottish statutory instruments and
make regulations consultation and appealsprocedureemergency powers forming dsfbs in
it has a stage 1procedurea stage 2 procedure and
1 procedure a stage 2procedureand a stage 3 procedure
should a monitoring mechanism orprocedurebe established should this procedure
procedure be established should thisprocedurebe political and or legal
procedure and a stage 3procedurethere is also the opportunity
content of the rules ofprocedureand evidence and of the
routinely detailed draft rules ofprocedureand evidence have been prepared
has agreed to amend theprocedurefor any order under the
executive whether there is anyprocedurefor the extra judicial reviewing
any plans to review theprocedurefor the selection of jurors
any transparent and proper accountingprocedurei did not say that
i agree that for anyprocedurethat involves a penalty it
8 2 of that actprocedurefor orders under that schedule
appointed under the private legislationprocedurescotland act 1936 in 1996
out under the summary warrantprocedureamendment 36 is a saving
out under the summary warrantprocedurebut again we believe that
made under the bill includingprocedureregulations and regulations on fees
will have to undergo theprocedureunder the old rules because
sale under the summary warrantprocedurewhich paragraph 16 of schedule
difference is that the newprocedurewill apply under rule 43
we are familiar with theprocedurefor stage 2 there will
have to recommence the wholeprocedureand it is not clear
we do not have aprocedureas such for the formal
continue with their warrant saleprocedurebut it does not address
main concern is not trialprocedurebut local crime rates and
it s a very mechanicalprocedurebut try not to tense
do not think that theprocedurecommittee at westminster would be
not set out a formalprocedurefor dealing with bills that
not set out a formalprocedurefor the consideration of sewel
here what would be theproceduregiven that not every country
clearly his dependance on thisprocedurehad he not studied this
is responsible for commenting onprocedurewe were not asked to
automatically be timetabled and theprocedurewill not be truncated in
4 timeline 4 committee billprocedure5 provisions of the bill
henry that might be theirprocedurefor dealing with the bill
when the bill includes noprocedurefor ministers to scrutinise and
sort of bill an administrativeprocedurefor re examining every now
the bill suggests that theprocedurefor the reporting restrictions on
and sport committee committee billprocedurestanding order 9 15 sets
are members views on theprocedureand the report des mcnulty
the draft report on theprocedurebefore them it is proposed
a joint employment report thisprocedureis known as the european
171 the building standards andprocedureamendment scotland regulations 1999 ssi
1999 the building standards andprocedureamendment scotland regulations 1999 ssi
1999 the building standards andprocedureamendment scotland regulations 1999 ssi
section make regulations as toprocedureand such regulations may in
health service trusts membership andprocedurescotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
the health boards membership andprocedurescotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
detail requirements for the consultationprocedurewhen making new regulations the
will encroach on the interdictprocedurein scotland that is another
urge caution about formalising theproceduremr gil paterson central scotland
and country planning general developmentprocedurescotland amendment order 2001 ssi
and country planning general developmentprocedurescotland amendment order 2001 ssi
and country planning general developmentprocedurescotland amendment order 2001 ssi
and country planning general developmentprocedurescotland amendment order 2001 ssi
ec legislation in scotland theprocedurewould be for an individual
how is the co decisionprocedurebetween the council and the
to the council about theprocedurehas that had no effect
the form of a clozeprocedurein order to focus attention
assumed the victoria followed thisprocedurealthough on this point like
for your advice on whatprocedureshould be followed by the
wishes to comment on theprocedurethat has been followed dennis
to answer questions about theprocedurethat was being followed we
as it describes the sameprocedurethat we have just followed
development of a new diagnosticprocedureand management clinic for individuals
development of a new diagnosticprocedureand management clinic for individuals
something to do with thatprocedureparagraph 6 of the policy
ensure that we understand theprocedurethe convener at the local
section 58 9 is properprocedurethe convener okay we will
that position and the newprocedurethe convener the difference is
the lead committee the bestprocedurefor us would be to
this as a de factoprocedureor can the standards committee
reunion and lunch 1994 aprocedurethe committee will wear badges
of commons select committee onprocedurewho are in the gallery
paper on a proposed newprocedurefor handling public petitions and
be beefed up a newprocedurethat uses the continuous morbidity
providing a new sheriff courtprocedureto be known as an
should go through the properprocedurefirst we should respond on
of the parliament surely theprocedurefor committees should be different
has happened to get thisprocedureright we should incorporate both
members felt strongly that aprocedureshould be put in place
we should also examine theprocedurewhereby a ruling by a
of the fixed penalty noticeprocedureby local authorities section 8
dealt with through our usualprocedureof writing to the executive
through the whole burns supperprocedurewith tremendous energy and knowledge
setting up a due diligenceprocedurebecause it would be quite
would be no tie inprocedurebecause we have a clear
make to its impact clozeprocedurecan be used to focus
create a different mood clozeprocedurecould in fact be used
there would be a separateprocedurefor designating pressured areas and
punished there must be aprocedurefor rescuing this space craft
our suggestions is that theprocedureis to be adopted for
imrie yes that is theprocedureit has to be an
be established consultation and appealsprocedurethe salmon net fishing association
on the nature of theprocedureto be used i am
that it will be theprocedureunless it is modified by
leak s source such aprocedurewould be part of a
withdrawal of approval and 5procedureon refusal to approve or
summary application is an establishedprocedureand is used in numerous
operational or policy matter whatprocedureis used to determine who
there is a complaint aboutprocedurei would like an example
possible weaknesses in our departmentsprocedurefor equality proofing we must
that means that our currentprocedureincludes washing furthermore as fisheries
parliament so that our intendedprocedureis clearly recorded and available
which can emerge from clozeprocedureactivities also extends to those
ask the scottish executive whatprocedureairports must follow to apply
recommendations in regard to theprocedurein mesothelioma cases and other
to bring in an appealsprocedurein relation to comments delivered
we try to telescope aprocedureinto three days which is
they have to complete theprocedureit is impractical for members
has agreed to amend theprocedureonce again it is up
to the european arrest warrantprocedures1w 32295 fiona hyslop to
executive whether there is aprocedureto allow for carrying over
will consider speeding up theprocedureto lessen the anxiety caused
an inquiry commission or otherprocedurewith a view to providing
is it now an interimprocedureabout which we will inform
addressed hugh henry the technicalprocedurefor dealing with it will
whether it will outline theprocedurefor withdrawal from the common
as the minister explained theprocedureis complicated i will call
women who undergo an abortionprocedurems jane macmaster will make
it is a very complexprocedure14 30 visa policy residence
norwich 1974 25 this simplifiesprocedureand analysis somewhat but is
the tribunal is concerned withprocedureand is a creature of
a local enquiry and theprocedurefor holding the enquiry is
is now open the votingprocedureis as before 16 12
the presumption of innocence thatprocedureis certainly demanded by the
financial year and what theprocedureis for allocating these funds
nonetheless so that a clearprocedureis set out in one
and the participants an appealsprocedureis set out in the
difficult aspects of the adoptionprocedureis the length of time
have clearly been difficulties withprocedureit is important that we
there is the standard assessmentproceduresap rating and there is
it is a well triedproceduretricia marwick i have a
if there isn t aprocedurefor getting out if there
tobago that set off theprocedurefor negotiating the rome statute
for views on the applicationprocedurefor structural funds and the
for views on the applicationprocedurefor structural funds and the
executive whether the current tenderingprocedurefor the west coast ferry
of concerns about statutory fundingprocedureremain at last week s
handed and prescriptive about theprocedurethat councils must follow i
shared or compared are clozeprocedureand multiple choice with subsequent
in the position where theprocedureconfuses members and i believe
law or the practice andprocedurethe purposes mentioned in relation
group in a ritual bathingprocedurewhile [censored: forename] and i watched
out a sort of appealsprocedurebefore the results are issued
introduce levity into the horridprocedurehis mother assured him that
first sight that the currentprocedureseems unduly restrictive i have
was excused from the testingprocedurethere were materials available within
s responses were taped theprocedurewas as follows the researcher
brockit the fermtoon cat theprocedurewas straightforward the researcher read
allocated how does the allocationprocedurework before managers are asked
edinburgh university his slap dashproceduregave results which help explain
colombo fort pp9 13 thisprocedurewas almost a heretical deviation

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