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a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
a set of briefing papersproducedprimarily for meps covering the
briefing the audit committee hasproduceda report on skillseekers elaine
one s vision spice hasproducedan excellent briefing which shows
douglas gifford among other materialsproducedby enthusiasts associated with the
the four materials that wereproducedby healthwise do not only
produced materials er maybe novelsproducedby irish writers and they
submissions acknowledged the kist materialsproducedby learning and teaching scotland
because there are scottish executiveproduceddocuments behind the materials and
the teaching packages we haveproducedinclude materials for modern english
and and stòrlann have alreadyproducedmaterials er maybe novels produced
national assessment bank materials wereproducedon time although often later
the materials that have beenproducedseem to contradict and undermine
the language issue it hasproducedvaluable materials for use in
there was no consultation weproduceda document at a meeting
an example the home officeproduceda document on the implementation
ago the national osteoporosis societyproduceda document with a foreword
industry as well postcomm hasproduceda useful document on this
to them the executive hasproduceda welcome document are you
of the support groups hasproducedan excellent strategy document called
areas a similar document wasproducedfor urban post offices serving
000 since the document wasproducedin april the truth more
although the clerks in consultationproducedthis document the language is
most recent document that wasproducedwas by hmie and it
notably angus council which hasproduceda policy and guidelines on
welcomes the long awaited guidelinesproducedby the scottish intercollegiate guidelines
5 14 national guidelines wereproducedthese guidelines gave advice on
said perth and kinross hasproduceda detailed report of some
a more detailed report wasproducedaudit scotland had at my
although we have not yetproduceddetailed guidance for local authorities
is why we have notproduceddetailed proposals however some form
great literature in scots wasproducedby writers like barbour henryson
great literature in scots wasproducedby writers like barbour henryson
local writers in in homeproducedsketches or m1174: well there
baleares from the set salvadorproducedand published first in seven
a number of key documentsproducedby the executive underpinning the
the consultation documents that areproducedfor those future pieces of
scots documents that have beenproducednumber as far as i
to the minister the documentsproducedon behalf of her department
pioneering documents that has beenproducedon pharmacy we want to
that both documents are beingproducedtogether and that conclusions will
that if conventional food isproducedaccording to standards and stored
should be more organic foodproducedand consumed in scotland contributing
for the proportion of foodproducedand marketed that is similarly
for the proportion of foodproducedand marketed that is similarly
local food items alongside thoseproducedby organic and sustainable methods
local accreditation schemes for locallyproducedfood enhance producers marketing strength
routes and promote healthy locallyproducedfood help local authorities provide
can influence what food isproducedmore readily than it can
for the consumption of locallyproducedorganic food i might not
much more food will beproducedorganically that increase must be
mentioned before the task forceproduceda first report that was
time and in 1998 weproduceda report called one for
the registrar general for scotlandproduceda report entitled the population
am aware that the committeeproduceda report on amnesic shellfish
along with adam ingram iproduceda report on behalf of
economy the committee members alsoproduceda written report in support
report to the committee heproducedan extensive report some months
but now that we haveproducedan overview report on further
that this report should beproducedas soon as is practicable
to respond to the reportproducedby cosla s fireworks task
and discuss a draft reportproducedby its adviser dr amanda
parliament notes the recent reportproducedby soroptomist international into the
should have a draft reportproducedby the clerk on the
the findings of the reportproducedby the outbreak control team
s government s second reportproducedby the un committee on
s government s second reportproducedby the un committee on
s government s second reportproducedby the un committee on
s government s second reportproducedby the united nations committee
even before the report wasproducedhowever if the committee thinks
post 1998 according to forecastsproducedin a report for scottish
case the official report isproducedin gaelic as well as
means that it has notproducedits final report much work
of the report and itproducedits own recommendations i commend
domain when the report isproducedms white i understand that
chaired by professor d meekproducedthe report a fresh start
executive 2000 p4 the taskforceproducedthe report revitalising gaelic a
a report that has beenproducedthis very day by the
most recent tentative list wasproducedby dcms in july 1999
at the most recent figuresproducedby the scottish council for
and consultation of other dictionariesproduceda more sensible meaning click
white paper has also beenproducedi appreciate that the consultation
secret liaisons and in timeproduceda second child i make
agreed so we have notproducedan action plan for it
national employment action plans napsproducedby each of the fifteen
rationale for language that wasproducedby the action group and
bill the action plan asproducedby the executive which will
the total amount of wasteproducedtake action to meet the
an action plan to beproducedthat is practical and achievable
the executive although they wereproducedby learning and teaching scotland
aberdeen professor trevor salmon hasproducedwork on european issues although
the home many children whoproducedhigh scores on both kin
the automobiles which advancing technologyproducedtropical beaches turned into high
high prestige language variety andproducedtwo diagrams illustrating this concept
more than 70 medals andproduceda number of personal best
small proportion of those areproducedin scotland the number of
number of plays in scotsproducedin scots is so small
number of gallons of milkproducedon a farm were recorded
if simon watkins and iproduceda paper for the committee
government committee research staff haveproduceda paper that confirms that
paper and pencil were dulyproducedand very carefully david drew
sexist believes that the paperproducedby dr tricia cusack claiming
used a scots word itproduceda totally bewildered look around
in scots that could beproducedf718: yeah m017: er for
in scots are no longerproducedfor and by theatre television
mean that more writings areproducedin scots ehm that it
cultural resources in scots isnaeproducedony mair for an by
plays which have been recentlyproducedranges from the colloquial scots
version of macbeth which wasproducedwith actors with a scots
and islands airports ltd hasproduceda business plan and or
forward looking approach and hasproduceda new funding formula considered
and outreach service has recentlyproduceda video entitled let s
quickly the bill has beenproducedand is ready we would
the convener has the executiveproducedany costings dr simpson i
thrie estaites which has beenproducedas the centre piece of
this kind has already beenproducedin ayr division if not
nonsense that the snp hasproducedin the past few weeks
of scotland has not onlyproducedin the space of three
the evidence that has beenproducedis not the kind of
official list that has beenproducedit is the only list
history of delay nice hasproducedits final appraisal determination which
of that day ayrshire hasproducedmany skilled and expert people
poindings and warrant sales hasproducedno specific proposals and no
of interesting work has beenproducedon that matter the third
or milk that has beenproducedorganically but for which there
points on board and hasproducedthe practice note accordingly members
has employed in several waysproducedwork which didn t seem
a finnie kirkton who bothproducedand took the lead role
delicious balearic cheese which isproducedin both mallorca and menorca
all the albums floyd everproducedthe most perfect and most
faced by immigrants the spcproduceda common outline to assist
cut the amount of wasteproducedby 2010 drive forward to
a letter of comfort isproducedby a local authority building
example of an instructional textproducedby a p4 child working
and effective sound can beproducedby a subtle blending of
public exhibition of craft textilesproducedby all the pupils of
the committee if the opinionproducedby david pannick and presented
currently be using the materialproducedby leslie wheeler a former
minerals extraction and how plansproducedby local authorities will fit
excellent brochure on healthy livingproducedby our union amicus mrs
see from the helpful statementproducedby the chief executive of
that the tufts of grassproducedby the dunging of one
through the material especially thatproducedby the healthwise organisation in
for the standard to beproducedby the official cooper of
deal particularly when it isproducedby the public and the
clinical trial of blood productsproducedby the scottish national blood
multiple sclerosis in scotland wasproducedby the scottish needs assessment
of supplements vitamins and mineralsproducedby uk companies whose production
to act on the evidenceproducedin november 2002 by dtz
however as i recall weproducedthe electronic version by the
members might recall that weproducedthe original guidance by means
heinneman maths and it wasproducedalongside the new er scottish
about it is so wellproducedand fits in together er
it would need to beproducedin er f718: yeah m017:
that er macbeth should beproducedin what one would regard
was it er ayr collegeproducedit f1049: ah i don
familiar doric once more sheproduceda blue blazer buttoned him
changes to the nhs haveproduceda service that is more
future visitor leaflets will beproducedin more languages this will
of which have already beenproducedmany more such standards will
down below the bench andproduceda large sand glass which
task force which reported recentlyproduceda series of recommendations aimed
direct labour organisation dlo whichproduceda surplus of 1 59
and also the nail thisproduceda tail which came through
sound radio during which heproducedan invitation to dine with
f718: mmhm m017: which isproducedbut it didn t really
arab settlement of binibasi whichproducedexquisite fruit all the countryside
interpreting the descriptors which wasproducedfirstly as guidance for moderators
play toom byres which wasproducedin glasgow in 1936 other
few tv features which areproducedin scotland are starved of
executive which local authorities haveproducedminerals plans either as stand
glasgow where working class catholicsproduced70 local forms in contrast
obsolete a local landlord astorproduceda further short study of
tell ye what had beenproducedand ye entered these intae
a sense of having beenproducedas a result of mental
confirmation that they have beenproducedin accordance with animal welfare
of its publications have beenproducedsince 18 january 2001 and
cigarettes some figures have beenproducedto show that cigarette smuggling
of those booklets have beenproducedwhere are they being distributed
good job of work andproduceda good piece of legislation
clerks have in that paragraphproduceda programme of work i
written work that they haveproducedin the course of the
s best known names haveproducedthe least seen work in
[censored: surname] ruth [censored: surname] clones areproducedhowever quick thinking phoneticians have
punctuation and spelling all stellaproducedas well as electronic dictionaries
well on what the farmproducedbut now it s a
received a proliferation of wellproducedexpensive brochures and so on
able to determine a wellproducedf-f- film f718: not consciously
if there are such wellproducedglossy efficient and well presented
trendy pub in leith andproducedhis well trained labrador he
from primary upwards a wellproducedresource of this type is
well mrs boyter aye theyproducedyour play mr thomson didn
the recruits strove nobly butproducedonly a few squeaks from
that grammatical terminology should beproducedonly in response to need
statement of results can beproducedonly when the certification run
manufacturing in scotland what isproducedin those factories is being
ensure that the results wereproducedwould you say that those
offshoot of this we haveproduceda separate thesaurus of old
several volumes scotsoun have alsoproduceda tape on the ballads
dyspraxia is addressed we haveproduceda teacher s pack jointly
h i t entertainment haveproducedit onto tellies and books
members of all parties haveproducedstatistics on a variety of
debenture stock seems to haveproducedtwice yearly interest payments to
that i have that wasproducedweekly october to march is
the treaty 23 the praesidiumproduceda note for the convention
in 1993 an the boardproduceda strategy for the welsh
in 1993 and the boardproduceda strategy for the welsh
again weighty business cases areproducedfor all sorts of things
textile and clothing industry wasproducedfor scottish executive enterprise and
example indeed data are oftenproducedfor smaller areas to permit
they are mainly or especiallyproducedfor the scottish market the
developing viable markets for locallyproducedgoods as referred to in
for human or animal consumptionproducedin and around the area
information pack similar to thatproducedin england and wales for
is a market for organicallyproducedlamb you rightly mention that
sheep at one point thatproducedthe wool for them or
for a picnic her basketproducedwine bread black olives tomatoes
act 2000 will also beproducedat that time of the
that grammatical terminology should beproducedin response to need and
each sign guideline that isproducedit should certainly be possible
such a vaccine could beproducedbut we are still a
anti bodies are to beproducedfrom sharks to improve human
after the young stages areproducedin numbers it is likely
come on stream and areproducedin numbers it is unlikely
area in consequence tv playsproducedin scotland are seldom in
centred few television programmes areproducedoutside the london area and
the data that are beingproducedsuggest that there are changes
change the scheme will beproducedif necessary and that such
advertising were channelled into domesticallyproducedproducts such as services the
scottish executive how is condensateproducedduring the rendering process of
to account if the executiveproducedresults that ran counter to
escape into the sunshine theyproduceda book of russian folk
form and one class teacherproduceda booklet of doric rhymes
t it miss helen troyproduceda booklet with rows of
each other the bigger oneproduceda bunch of keys on
of my jeans mr scottproduceda folded and flattened potato
him a conspiratorial look thenproduceda half bottle of glenfiddich
of recording our achievements wereproducedand what the a production
of praise is a radioproducedbach cantata when i open
of guilt the advocate prosecutingproducedher own declaration made at
say souvenirs and contain massproducedmatroystika dolls heads of lenin
1 above the sum therebyproducedshall be the limit of
of net present value beproducedso that the proposals would
middle of september ideas wereproducedthat could be put into
400 as menus of theseproducedthe question of manila envelopes
to the fountain then heproducedthree loaves of bread while
early entries and the onesproducedtowards the end of the
product will continue to beproducedand consumed that means that
powers scotland act to beproducedat the same time as
and a reminder will beproducedbefore the public meeting to
the two dictionaries could beproducedconcurrently so that the one
lifelong learning strategy to beproducedearly next year s1w 32830
holes and the dirt itproducedhad to be taken away
public information leaflet will beproducedin arabic bengali chinese english
be useful if ash scotlandproducedit could i make one
how the savings will beproducedit is logical to presume
and scientific data can beproducedto substantiate that my concern
use them lumphanan school hadproduceda booklet entitled a drap
he said at last andproduceda crumpled and creased mote
pro active and they veproduceda homework helpline on a
a magazine in shetland ehproducedi think it s quarterly
last 50 years was aproducedin scotland and b imported
m608: uh huh m1174: weproducedlike a timetable a prayer
etc the first stamps wereproducedin 1952 with no varieties
ve achieved what they veproducedand saying what they did
with alternative amusement miss jambongrisproducedher clarinet and offered free
mclellan called jeddart justice wasproducedin 1934 and this was
no health worries about properlyproducedmarketed and stored conventional foods
the black goddess roman cultureproducedthe words mater and materia
the poem fish and poemsproducedwith different sweats gaudeamus igitur
ken that scottish natural heritageproducedan official brochure entirely in
view the figure that iproducedis the last that i
higher quality than some conventionallyproducedmeat increasingly research shows that
the scientific information that isproducedthroughout the european community the
in contrast to protestants whoproduced45 this factor was built
forward to seeing what isproducedearly next year as karen
an modifeed alangside the maetproducedin the ordnar wye in
complete the design feasibility studiesproducedlater in december 1997 showed
through the things they veproducedthe areas they ve covered
the scottish needs assessment programmeproducedadvice on protection against detection
up buying every album theyproducedall the way from the
about how it s actuallyproducedthe bottled water [cough] you
years sir john nisbet thenproducedthe major s own confession

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