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effective treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammesand further calls upon the
effective treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammesand further calls upon the
drug treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammeshave in improving health and
drug treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammeshave in improving health and
drug treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammesthat the parliament notes the
drug treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammesto support drug misusing prisoners
drug treatment rehabilitation and aftercareprogrammesto support drug misusing prisoners
diverting users into effective rehabilitationprogrammesacknowledges the dedication of the
to rehabilitation access to variousprogrammesand so on his opening
of drug treatment and rehabilitationprogrammesevery drug user who wants
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
these savings will have onprogrammesfunded by this budget s1w
is that most of theprogrammesthat are funded by communities
we have specific lottery fundedprogrammesthat are targeted at the
including education health and environmentalprogrammeswhich should be funded by
kind of half hour bbcprogrammesaimed at well certainly the
you know we had differentprogrammesaimed at youth erm specific
that delivers a number ofprogrammessome of which are aimed
m1174: so we had thoseprogrammesspecifically aimed erm to be
you re getting into tvprogrammescause [inaudible] f814: no but
tv we actually enjoyed theprogrammesespecially a concert of russian
tapes poems stories and tvprogrammeshad been used to expand
slots around 40 of tvprogrammesin catalonia are now in
i watch the foreign tvprogrammesin the shop windows of
poems stories tv programmes radioprogrammesor any other medium unlisted
local community poems stories tvprogrammesradio programmes or any other
tv his been waaterin doonprogrammesstumpit made in and made
are currently registered on methadoneprogrammesfor drug users s1o 3790
in afghanistan on breast feedingprogrammesand mother and baby programmes
programmes such as self monitoringprogrammesare laudable however some statutory
programmes work on providing suchprogrammesis being done lord james
other reasons and other monitoringprogrammessuch as self monitoring programmes
programmes and mother and babyprogrammesthey have been pulled out
shorter term prisoners also needprogrammeswork on providing such programmes
television produce a number ofprogrammesand m608: mmhm f643: you
entirely london centred few televisionprogrammesare produced outside the london
provide mair television an radioprogrammesin scots aye tae work
provide more television and radioprogrammesin scots continue to work
scots dialect featured on televisionprogrammesmainly emanates from central and
like you know to televisionprogrammesor maybe it was you
degree level work and hnprogrammesabout 60 of the activity
college in hamilton typically offerprogrammesat first degree post graduate
some also offer degree levelprogrammesbut like heis without degree
hnc d levels degree levelprogrammesoffered by such heis are
and accredit their own degreeprogrammesunder the scrutiny of the
colleges have developed taught degreeprogrammeswithin the regulatory framework developed
and had listened to radioprogrammesfeaturing scots they also had
i think i remember radioprogrammeson radio scotland but i
places currently available on accreditedprogrammesfor the treatment of sex
country we all saw effectiveprogrammesand projects local people or
up with more effective teachingprogrammesthe whole idea of the
studies social audits community learningprogrammescommunity profiling project specific feasibility
have not embarked on specificprogrammesthat is not our immediate
announce specific projects within thoseprogrammesthat will impact on rural
term we propose three specificprogrammesto make a positive investment
new opportunities fund to developprogrammesacross scotland without having to
and other partners to developprogrammesand services which seek to
and other partners to developprogrammesand services which seek to
partnerships with business and developprogrammesto help communities develop pride
we must ensure that trainingprogrammesare made available that will
skillseekers and training for workprogrammesbecause they are relevant to
training boards must make theirprogrammesflexible so that people can
skills and training agenda theprogrammesof its innovative department of
by supporting education and trainingprogrammesthat is underpinned by the
and other european structural fundprogrammesand community initatives response received
important we must fund existingprogrammesand work by voluntary organisations
allocations across the range ofprogrammesas the modernising government fund
of the excellence fund coreprogrammesin a 2001 02 b
the scottish executive whether theprogrammesunder the new opportunities fund
through support for new dealprogrammesby providing affordable child care
ask the scottish executive whatprogrammesare currently being run in
will detail any joint researchprogrammescompleted or currently being carried
and the other new dealprogrammess1w 1033 alex neil to
and the other new dealprogrammess1w 1034 alex neil to
to early entry to nationalprogrammessuch as new deal 18
trainers and promote new dealprogrammeswhich give unemployed people opportunities
house we ve watched theseprogrammesabout re decorating and marketing
for accreditation of youth justiceprogrammesand if so what these
and in which prisons theseprogrammesare delivered s1w 19648 stewart
people who are watching theseprogrammestend to be teenagers and
scottish executive what european fundingprogrammesare available to organisations in
funds available for independent advocacyprogrammesin the current financial year
the resources available for coreprogrammesin the period to 2003
you know there s erprogrammesthat are available in say
funding for home based educationprogrammesfor children with autism s1w
pro rata as the equivalentprogrammesin england s1w 31121 donald
the progress of independent advocacyprogrammesin nhs boards s1w 24833
take to progress independent advocacyprogrammesin the current year s1w
it has to start suchprogrammess1w 19663 stewart stevenson to
supply and demand under suchprogrammess1w 24832 colin campbell to
by the diversion from prosecutionprogrammess1w 27383 fergus ewing to
drugs strategies and community regenerationprogrammess1w 28488 brian fitzpatrick to
level of resources within theprogrammesthat we are managing the
of benefiting from the newprogrammes22 issues for scottish tourism
widen access be developed educationalprogrammesfor new plotholders be investigated
on new build and modernisationprogrammesin urban areas in particular
s service plans the newprogrammesthat the council will put
it was all english speakingprogrammesand a lot of them
sunset we had er allprogrammesin english cause then we
m assuming erm they hadprogrammesin english or or m608:
the of the english speakingprogrammesthere would be this voice
be you know tho-tho-tho- thoseprogrammeswere in english and then
iceland you get er englishprogrammeswith icelandic subtitles [inhale] and
so i was watching englishprogrammeswith portuguese subtitles and one
week the benefits of suchprogrammesare being discussed as far
prepared to participate in suchprogrammesmr kenneth macintosh eastwood lab
mrs [censored: surname] will give outprogrammesa 20 tip will be
two people to give outprogrammesabout 150 have indicated that
give me concrete examples ofprogrammesthat you will run to
taking to promote restorative justiceprogrammesas part of scotland s
education health and social justiceprogrammess1m 405 ms wendy alexander
the sorts of social justiceprogrammesthat it outlines for example
by ensuring where possible advancedprogrammesof work on which the
of the air she hadprogrammesfor delivering health that she
who will participate in leadershipprogrammesto ensure that every health
for restocking or other improvementprogrammesimpose a fishery assessment on
of nurses participating in leadershipprogrammesand action will be taken
all parts of all spendingprogrammesi will announce a detailed
of resources for key governmentprogrammesi will respond to as
which will examine all spendingprogrammesit will provide the essential
and sarah [censored: surname] who haveprogrammeson classic fm she will
priorities for allocating money toprogrammesthe committee will note that
whether it will detail theprogrammeswhich are operated and how
regime the scope of theprogrammeswill be unchanged so that
in the success of thoseprogrammes15 00 dermot scott it
had finished their central heatingprogrammesone of those local authorities
the concordance procedures through computerprogrammessufficient time for those checks
order to set out nationalprogrammesfor effectively working with young
mary bryden director of publicprogrammesnational museums of scotland john
mary bryden director of publicprogrammesnational museums of scotland john
suggested pantomime dames and comedyprogrammeswere also suggested as being
also the clear results fromprogrammesof class reduction that show
our news and current affairsprogrammesare broadcast without signing or
away this is awful theprogrammesare built around the commercials
scottish executive whether sex offenderprogrammesare operated at hm prison
in 2001 and if noprogrammesare operated why this was
ourselves that their year 2000programmesare robust and on track
very long term sentence theprogrammesthat one can receive are
scotland recognises the importance ofprogrammeswhich are well resourced and
scotland recognises the importance ofprogrammeswhich are well resourced and
supply under care and repairprogrammesis meeting demand for a
limited and targeted electronic revisionprogrammesfollowing the editorial standards which
grant for their housing developmentprogrammesfrom the executive which does
occasionally video or t vprogrammesand pupils have compiled their
attended the project s counsellingprogrammeshave benefited from their participation
in practice this means thatprogrammesoften have to project images
to scotland from similar ukprogrammesto what extent have consequentials
research institutes to expand theirprogrammesand take advantage of the
were used in their newsprogrammesthat evening two pupils from
erm we actually had moreprogrammesin urdu and punjabi m608:
had significant increments to itsprogrammesparticularly in recent years because
funding has been received fromprogrammesoverseen by the european union
executive motion on structural fundsprogrammes12 20 pm business motion
ask the scottish executive whatprogrammesexist for serious sex offenders
to ensure that when applyingprogrammesin scotland the executive departments
to be spent on theprogrammesof the scottish executive there
first minister what policies andprogrammesthe scottish executive has that
executive concerning the implementation ofprogrammesto eradicate sectarianism in local
through a variety of differentprogrammesnot all companies in scotland
been made on many infrastructureprogrammesthroughout the highlands and islands
importance of educational and culturalprogrammesand activities in promoting knowledge
several gross of old theatreprogrammesand catalogues to unremembered artists
reforestation in africa clean waterprogrammesfor mothers and babies fish
be required to encourage procurementprogrammesfor schools and hospitals for
assessment access to personal changeprogrammeshousing and information management it
teenagers and they re watchingprogrammeslike friends and that seventies
more detailed zonal policies andprogrammesof action existing plans of
aye uh huh f826: sameprogrammesover and over again like
perfume of flowering currant andprogrammesthe wind players nearly fell
the range and availability ofprogrammesto stop reoffending expand the
and beastie only like someprogrammeswe sit quietly and hope
be at home and theprogrammeswere in urdu m1174: mmhm
is cutting doon on sicprogrammesan even in gairdenin charlie
on like you know theprogrammeslike the eh the car
said about the targeting ofprogrammeson sip areas but there
number of nurses on leadershipprogrammestoday i can announce further
part of future major investmentprogrammesphil gallie south of scotland
of many of our basicprogrammesa difficulty with the bill
mean grampian s selection ofprogrammesat the time were dire
regarding the introduction of actionprogrammesfor farmers in nitrate vulnerable
part of continuous professional developmentprogrammesin each of the last
allocated to hypodermic needle exchangeprogrammesin each of the last
follower of t v detectiveprogrammesno evening was complete for
value is of school buildingprogrammesso far commissioned using the
of 5 february 2001 whatprogrammesthe 250 million committed to
very small percentage of certainprogrammesthe disability discrimination act 1995
group of unions set upprogrammeswith the employers to promote
wi its heidmaist remit asprogrammesfor younkers six a jynt
in allocation for the capitalprogrammesthat has to be good
there was there there wereprogrammeslike the bbc s or
american f1027: mmhm aye f1054: programmesas well maybe f1025: no
ads in lanely hairts columnsprogrammestae the nation the pair
to indicate that staff immunisationprogrammesshould be compulsory as they
they can do clean waterprogrammeshere they can do them
there s a lot oprogrammesfae aberdeen an a lot
tap o t hallowin eprogrammesmaybe wis a figure o

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