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union endorses the executive sproposalto nominate andy baird proposed
and endorses the executive sproposalto nominate andy baird proposed
parliament endorses the executive sproposalto nominate irene oldfather msp
and endorses the scottish executiveproposalto nominate mr brendan burns
and endorses the scottish executiveproposalto nominate mr brendan burns
to point out that theproposalin question centres on rule
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 alex
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 bill
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 bill
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 bill
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 donald
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 donald
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 euan
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 fergus
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 linda
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 michael
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 michael
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 michael
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 mike
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 mr
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 mr
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 mr
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 ms
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 ms
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 paul
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 robert
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 robin
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 robin
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 robin
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 scott
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 scott
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 shona
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 tavish
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 tommy
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 tommy
to give effect to thatproposalunder rule 9 14 tricia
representation for local government billproposalfor a bill to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
member who lodged such aproposalhas the right to introduce
exchequer should introduce this sensibleproposalin his forthcoming budget supported
soon to introduce a newproposalto abolish the deeply regressive
applied to scotland but theproposalto introduce reporting restrictions such
law society of scotland billproposalfor a bill to amend
retailers of fireworks scotland billproposalfor a bill to amend
proposed prevention of homelessness billproposalfor a bill to amend
andrews medical postgraduate qualification billproposalfor a bill to amend
sheridan proposed debtors amendment billproposalfor a bill to amend
harding proposed dog fouling billproposalfor a bill to amend
of scotland s land billproposalfor a bill to amend
of scotland s land billproposalfor a bill to amend
proposed prevention of homelessness billproposalfor a bill to amend
sheridan proposed debtors amendment billproposalfor a bill to amend
sea fisheries shellfish amendment billproposalfor a bill to amend
to give effect to theproposalof secure status for gaelic
crawford proposed litter scotland billproposalfor a bill in relation
craigie proposed mortgage rights billproposalfor a bill to enable
craigie proposed mortgage rights billproposalfor a bill to enable
russell proposed gaelic language billproposalfor a bill to establish
russell proposed gaelic language billproposalfor a bill to establish
russell proposed gaelic language billproposalfor a bill to establish
proposed special advisers etc billproposalfor a bill to limit
smith proposed breastfeeding scotland billproposalfor a bill to make
proposed protection from sectarianism billproposalfor a bill to make
proposed protection from sectarianism billproposalfor a bill to make
robson proposed civil marriages billproposalfor a bill to permit
proposed bank arrestment scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
proposed school meals scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
proposed school meals scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
ingram proposed leasehold casualties billproposalfor a bill to provide
proposed high hedges scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
proposed high hedges scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
ingram proposed leasehold casualties billproposalfor a bill to provide
proposed regulation of smoking billproposalfor a bill to regulate
proposed public appointments confirmation billproposalfor a bill to require
fabiani proposed scottish forests billproposalfor a bill to transfer
enforce the proposed provisions theproposalwould encourage offenders to co
announcement is expected on theproposalto build a 199 megawatt
make an announcement on theproposalto build a 2 0
make an announcement on theproposalto build a 2 2
make an announcement on theproposalto build a 3 5
make an announcement on theproposalto build a 56 megawatt
make an announcement on theproposalto build a 56 megawatt
the directive is a draftproposalbut it is never too
9th meeting 2001 session 1proposalfor a directive employees rights
is from john home robertsonproposalfor a directive employees rights
4 1 consideration of aproposalfor a directive of the
sp 1406 com 2000 347proposalfor a directive of the
convener item 1 concerns aproposalfor a directive of the
submitted firm views on theproposalbut i know that unison
was submitted how far eachproposalhas progressed in relation to
research and agreed that theproposalshould be submitted to the
february the industry submitted aproposalto the executive to use
authority and by whom eachproposalwas submitted how far each
on what date each suchproposalwas submitted to what local
food and farming targets billproposalfor a bill to require
boards requirement to consult billproposalfor a bill to require
residential fire sprinklers scotland billproposalfor a bill to require
food and farming targets billproposalfor a bill to require
residential fire sprinklers scotland billproposalfor a bill to require
health service boards scotland billproposalfor a bill to require
food and farming targets billproposalfor a bill to require
health service boards scotland billproposalfor a bill to require
of the commission s amendedproposalare described below subject to
cod and hake the commissionproposalas amended remains on the
commission 2002b published an amendedproposalfor a cod and hake
2002b com 2002 773 amendedproposalfor a council regulation establishing
article 10 of the amendedproposalfor a council regulation establishing
the member lodging the aboveproposalhas provided the following translation
a committee may make aproposalfor a bill in relation
prevention of delays scotland billproposalfor a bill requiring that
poindings and warrant sales billproposalfor a bill to abolish
of nhs prescription charges billproposalfor a bill to abolish
home education in scotland billproposalfor a bill to allow
tobacco advertising and promotion billproposalfor a bill to control
prostitution tolerance zones scotland billproposalfor a bill to enable
home safety officers scotland billproposalfor a bill to ensure
s and dementia care billproposalfor a bill to ensure
home safety officers scotland billproposalfor a bill to ensure
secure status for gaelic billproposalfor a bill to establish
protection of wild mammals billproposalfor a bill to make
protection of wild mammals billproposalfor a bill to make
rights of appeal scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
rights of appeal scotland billproposalfor a bill to provide
2002 sp paper 617 theproposalfor a committee bill was
july when i published myproposalfor a secure status bill
matter that seems sensible theproposalin the bill is dangerous
majesty s government opposing theproposalin the utilities bill that
bill which is why theproposalis before the scottish parliament
need for a bill theproposalis then considered by the
for a bill a billproposalmust be made in the
the bill therefore have noproposalto insert a provision for
of the drugs bill thatproposalwhich has been made because
our maximum share under theproposalwould therefore be 4 9
so edinburgh set out itsproposalthe scottish universities would give
the commission can make aproposaland the council and the
january 2003 european commission 2000proposalfor a decision of the
decision on the commission sproposalfor a multiannual cod and
the commission 2002a tabled aproposalfor this regulation on 28
cannot agree on a commissionproposalthe decision is referred upwards
consider the progress on itsproposalto commission external research 4
groups the committee considered aproposalto commission external research and
does the minister support theproposalto extend the commission s
european commission to make aproposalto the council of ministers
december 2002c com 2002 727proposalfor a council regulation fixing
november 2002 report on theproposalfor a council regulation on
may 2002a com 2002 185proposalfor a council regulation on
south lanarkshire secondary schools pppproposallodged on 11 march 2003
due to the long termproposalof remploy to provide more
provide detailed justification of anyproposalto levy differential charges on
state for some time theproposaldescribes part of the research
agriculture inquiry a draft researchproposalhas been circulated do members
will consider a draft researchproposalin support of an agricultural
equalities checklist and a researchproposalon mainstreaming equalities in the
8 equalities checklist and researchproposalon mainstreaming equalities in the
merited further consideration the latterproposalcontinued to be researched with
nature should we submit theproposalfor consideration members indicated agreement
the policy consideration behind theproposalis set out in paragraph
giving further consideration to thisproposalwhile there may be political
giein mair consideration tae thisproposalwhile there mibbe political guidwill
minister to lodge such aproposalat the meeting in december
such an imposition and anyproposalfor legislation in the scottish
such plans are whether theproposalhas been discussed by the
comments to make on theproposalto create such budgets alan
executive in relation to theproposalif the executive has not
particularly in relation to theproposalto set up time out
inviting comments in relation toproposalto vary or discharge community
1 committee debate on itsproposalfor a protection from abuse
grant maureen macmillan s1m 1392proposalfor a protection from abuse
council in connection with aproposalfor a feasibility study in
on board and phrased theproposalfor a joint council in
02 htm col9789 15 theproposalfor a subsidiarity council is
council s public private partnershipproposalfor secondary schools which if
that the council s financialproposalis underpinned by the closure
the consultation process regarding theproposalto transfer glasgow s council
perfectly competent amendment to theproposalfiona hyslop i support donald
scottish parliament will support theproposalfirmly on thursday afternoon the
support of this petition pe583proposalfor an inquiry into the
by the 2nd september theproposalhad secured the support of
parliament agrees to support theproposalmade by the association of
lending my support to yourproposalonly last month nicol stephen
area in support of aproposalshould be required before the
be widespread support for theproposalthat mr raffan mentions but
to resumed support for theproposalthe court will come into
cross party support for theproposalthe scottish conservative and unionist
officials who have considered aproposalare experienced in health matters
system like any other developmentproposalmembers who have had opencast
make us question whether aproposalfor a velodrome facility should
point to make on theproposali looked through the itinerary
plans to make to theproposalin the scottish higher education
2002 and supported the spcbproposaltogether with that to make
has not made a singleproposaland will take matters right
of three months an alternativeproposalcalled a right of disclosure
the equal opportunities committee thatproposalhas been withdrawn as it
and that is why theproposalhas come forward john henderson
will the minister consider theproposalthat has been made by
practical difficulties in implementing theproposalthe suggestion has also been
is trying to bounce aproposalthrough but the committee has
in english or gaelic theproposaltakes away all barriers to
number of signatures for thatproposaland i thank all the
for us to circulate thatproposalandrew mcnaughton is here to
not ask for licensing theproposalcame forward from the registrar
scottish parliament corporate body budgetproposalfor 2001 02 the committee
the status is of theproposalfor a centre for the
required in connection with theproposalfor a centre for the
end and insert convention sproposalfor a constitution or constitutional
transport executive s private legislationproposalfor a light rail scheme
place the report on theproposalfor a loch lomond and
the scottish executive on theproposalfor a national park in
the scottish executive on theproposalfor a national park in
are new laws made aproposalfor a new law is
are new laws made aproposalfor a new law is
should reconsider and endorse theproposalfor a rolling programme to
in scotland led to aproposalfor an institute for the
perhaps most recently through theproposalfor an institute of the
initiatives an example is theproposalfor drugs courts in glasgow
and telecommunications developments welcomes theproposalfor full planning control of
are in favour of thatproposalfor future years alex easton
daughter accepts the puddock sproposalfor her mother s sake
cobble together a rough writtenproposalfor him this friday he
a resolution to craigie sproposalfor securing dost s future
million to rolling out myproposalfor the community wardens scheme
the committee will consider aproposalfor the convener to attend
you can see a similarproposalfor the corner of otago
objectives set down in theproposalfor the development of a
the scottish executive whether anyproposalfor the management of deep
to note that on theproposalforms for some insurance companies
fishing quotas fishing effort theproposalintroduces a new system for
decision which is an outrageousproposalit would be acceptable for
internet and any implications thisproposalmay have for the scottish
up and say that theproposalrepresents value for money when
on fishing effort in theirproposalsetting tacs for 2003 the
for scotland s communities aproposalto appoint non executive directors
the proposal mr rumbles theproposalis extremely worth while we
place on that if theproposalwhich was worth while had
not we should adopt theproposalin the way suggested by
or recommend another place theproposalsays that the registrar should
that exploration of the formerproposalshould not be allowed to
authority considers that the developmentproposalshould now be subject to
ban we think that thatproposalshould proceed and assurances have
executive should find an alternativeproposalthat includes a vehicle carrying
conservatives welcome the executive sproposalthat verification should continue to
should take there is aproposalto expand the ethnicity question
should leave adoption of theproposalto our own timetable irene
then the convener is theproposalagreeable to members members indicated
the local community to thisproposaland considers that the executive
that he will consider thatproposaland i ask him to
the requirement to prepare aproposaland to go out to
services that is not theproposalbrian adam i want to
will not move against theproposalbut there requires to be
group intends to submit aproposalby the end of the
from peter peacock regarding theproposalby the executive to lodge
matheson made the executive sproposaldoes not lead to more
expressing his views on theproposalhe hurried to castle kennedy
of the existence of theproposalhowever i recently spoke to
be asked to approve theproposali therefore thought it important
we recommend adoption of theproposali would like to know
prepared to go with theproposalian jenkins i would like
take a view on thatproposalif the committee wishes to
is your view of thatproposalis it feasible to apply
amendments to its proposals thisproposalis likely to form the
been noted that if aproposalis noted to the dti
against 3 abstentions 1 theproposalis therefore disagreed to do
ron asher and how theproposalis to be taken forward
of what is planed theproposalis to remove the soil
the great advantage of theproposalis to us a 10
changed and which contains aproposalit is reasonable to take
signalled any opposition to theproposalit is sad that less
s approval to progress theproposalmr rumbles the proposal is
happy to return to theproposalnext week once i have
traffic services believes that theproposalposes a threat to safety
look forward to hearing theproposals being formally announced keith
to reconsider this deeply flawedproposals1m 4005 william symington and
the site of the planningproposals1w 24809 pauline mcneill to
of variation or discharge theproposalshall be intimated to all
committee s agreement to theproposalthat as is now traditional
exception to the group sproposalthat free personal care would
put on the table theproposalthat i have made to
discussed soon there is aproposalthat in a bid to
allow us to adopt theproposalthat is outlined in the
still the stuc executive sproposalthat resources be offered to
that we have is aproposalthat there are likely to
to reinvestigate and reinvigorate thatproposalthe executive would be happy
problems there is a newproposalto address the problem of
to prosecution appeals and theproposalto allow fresh trials in
18 leave out of theproposalto and insert to the
scottish parliamentary corporate body sproposalto appoint margaret jamieson to
scottish parliamentary corporate body sproposalto appoint tom mccabe to
act does not allow theproposalto be implemented that is
number of academics and aproposalto break down the christianity
in orkney led to theproposalto close macmillan house which
environment food and rural affairsproposalto cut the compensation to
invitation to comment on theproposalto designate national parks early
recognised it also supports theproposalto detail the areas in
is intimating to you aproposalto grant a deed of
of the regions supports theproposalto grant the regions a
authority sqa board on theproposalto include performance bonus payments
when there will be theproposalto increase the number of
housing revenue account with theproposalto move towards a single
services union to oppose theproposalto privatise 51 of the
a case in point theproposalto put a smolt rearing
notes with concern the executiveproposalto restrict gourock to dunoon
up i d my thesisproposalto rewrite and get typed
macbrayne further notes that thisproposalundermines action to upgrade dunoon
s immediate reaction to theproposalwas that something is better
the hardest hit if theproposalwere to go through in
down if this raw marketproposalwere to go through pharmacies
review further recognises that thisproposalis undermining confidence in the
review further recognises that thisproposalis undermining confidence in the
may 2000 further notes theproposalwhich emerged from that festival
as soon as possible theproposalbefore the scottish and westminster
colleagues and without a clearproposalbeing put before the committee
stake in partnerships uk theproposalthat is before the scottish
convener it is not aproposalthat is before us today
personal interests ahint our newproposalbeaumont well tell them boyter
agree with the convener sproposalwhich is the best way
a distinctly inferior option theproposalhad also been aired by
jeopardised would not the oftproposalhave a direct impact on
now do we have aproposalin front of our local
in contrast commented if thisproposalis a matter of civil
the committee today the oftproposalis a seriously big issue
about westminster because if aproposalis defeated in westminster that
as a result of theproposalof testing as a way
of a single currency theproposalwas well prepared by a
communities scotland about that specificproposalin the consultation paper co
snp amendment also supports theproposalin the european committee s
local government committee s specificproposalis matched by the 1
committee 2002 reported on theproposalon 13 november 2002 the
on the bones of theproposalthat the committee discussed we
have any comments on theproposalat this stage we are
on the details of theproposalif there are any questions
audiology services review is thatproposalokay members indicated agreement fife
provision is unknown another unacceptableproposalis as was stated earlier
limited economic value of theproposalis balanced against the social
the good friday agreement theproposalis that ulster scots will
was of the opinion theproposalis time consuming and wasteful
that we have no firmproposalon the idea that is
registrar that is all theproposalsays it does not say
yet there is no firmproposalwe will monitor developments carefully
of the older scottish thisproposalbore fruit as the dictionary
the scottish islands welcomes theproposalfrom the highlands and islands
the scottish islands welcomes theproposalfrom the highlands and islands
regarding the consultation on theproposalcontained within european parliament document
industry about two proposals theproposalfrom the industry was on
process we can leave theproposalhanging on the wall as
lomond and gretna however theproposalon national pay bargaining was
an improvement on the currentproposalwe will see what we
on what impact the oftproposalwould have will be based
inquiry into the wind farmproposalat robin rigg in the
raise different issues the firstproposalfollows the recommendation in paragraph
parking in otago street theproposalincludes traffic calming humps being
up recommendations and the finalproposallistening phase during the listening
understanding and implementation of theproposalstephen imrie clerk the stuc
everybody reasonably happy with theproposalstewart stevenson i have an
majesty s government opposing theproposalsupported by george lyon nora
constitution re financial year theproposalthat the financial year shall
south lanarkshire secondary schools pppproposalthat the parliament shares the
step beyond the snp sproposalthe issues must be explored
worst totally against the wholeproposalthey were however converted by
by mr lalit [censored: surname] theproposalwas approved unanimously by the
the testing boxes the otherproposalwas from the marine laboratory
in implementing the scheme theproposalwould increase the cost and
way of doing that yourproposalwould add another step because
says you say that yourproposalwould be more efficient than
heather was sandra s nextproposalheathers aren t murderous heathers
[censored: surname] they approved my thesisproposalso it s full steam

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