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politics and whether it willprovidea breakdown of any such
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of expenditure by
scottish parliamentary corporate body willprovidea breakdown of the 56
ask the scottish executive toprovidea breakdown of the anticipated
ask the scottish executive toprovidea breakdown of the current
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of the destinations
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of the estimated
ask the scottish executive toprovidea breakdown of the expenditure
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of the internal
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of the schools
scottish executive whether it willprovidea breakdown of the total
if so whether it willprovidea full breakdown of such
i will be happy toprovidehim with a breakdown of
already the details that youprovideare important given that the
member states to locate andprovidedetails of all bank accounts
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of all the organisations
hampden football stadium and toprovidedetails of any conditions relating
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of any current diversion
established and whether it willprovidedetails of any research into
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of how the management
ask the scottish executive toprovidedetails of the additional funding
services workforce whether it willprovidedetails of the analysis of
ask the scottish executive toprovidedetails of the expenditure on
ask the scottish executive toprovidedetails of the financial aid
ask the scottish executive toprovidedetails of the incidence mortality
services workforce whether it willprovidedetails of the integrated human
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of the number of
ask the scottish executive toprovidedetails of the numbers of
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of the plans to
services workforce whether it willprovidedetails of the scoping study
services workforce whether it willprovidedetails of the statements provided
services workforce whether it willprovidedetails of the survey of
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of the value of
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails of the work it
set up a website toprovidedetails of the work of
march 2001 whether it willprovidedetails of visitscotland s recovery
scottish executive whether it willprovidedetails regarding the proposed operation
expressed about people refusing toprovidedetails to the authorised officers
the details of the billprovidefor that money to be
scottish parliamentary corporate body willprovidefull details of each such
scottish executive whether it willprovidefull details of the computer
i will be happy toprovidefurther details if the committee
august 1999 whether it willprovidefurther details of its examination
health should be asked toprovidethe committee with details of
pension scheme and members shallprovidethe spcb with details about
industry it therefore aims toprovidea framework for and influences
aims meet local needs andprovidea personalised service to their
academic partners uhi aims toprovidea seamless garment of tertiary
organisations the project aims toprovidea social life for adult
the ossian project aims toprovidea user friendly scotland wide
and packages and aims toprovidean understanding of the tools
trust its aims are toprovideopportunities for training and qualifications
teaching this paper aims toprovideprimary and secondary colleagues with
roll out programme aims toprovidescotland wide coverage by december
this position paper aims toprovidesome information for english teachers
300 million which aims toprovidesupport for work related training
a package that aims toprovidethe most appropriate care in
social backgrounds which aims toprovidethe youth of scotland with
12aa assessment of ability toprovidecare 1 a person the
act assessment of ability toprovidecare 1 in section 12a
act assessment of ability toprovidecare 8a amendment of 1995
act assessment of ability toprovidecare for disabled child 1
act assessment of ability toprovidecare for disabled child 9a
the person s ability toprovidecare there is substituted 1
ability of soup kitchens toprovidefood for homeless people i
assessment of his ability toprovideor continue to provide care
the carer s ability toprovideor to continue to provide
the carer s ability toprovideor to continue to provide
assessment of his ability toprovideor to continue to provide
concern that our ability toproviderefuge for the genuinely oppressed
consider carefully our ability toprovidethe resources for that i
bodies to work together toprovidea framework for good communication
given that such guidance wouldprovidea framework in which local
of social landlords and toprovidea framework that allows more
its stated aim is toprovidea legal framework for police
will for the first timeprovidea legislative framework for the
contact with the health serviceprovidea national framework for employers
of town and city centresprovidea national framework for safe
fit together in order toprovidea uk wide framework we
framework is published it willprovidean appropriate framework within which
all confident that they willprovidethe right framework cathie craigie
phonology meaning and usage toprovidethem with an appropriate framework
all sorts of ways toprovideadequate facilities for profoundly deaf
the way in which weprovideand finance facilities in the
all have individual facilities andprovidebreakfast twin room normally means
share facilities encourage clubs toprovidecoaching facilities for schoolchildren to
need to be encouraged toprovidecoaching facilities for the schoolchildren
be accessed by schools toprovidecycle park facilities and a
in north east scotland toprovidedetoxification and rehabilitation facilities within
people and the people whoprovidefacilities i have recently been
contracts with outside suppliers toprovideinterpretation and translation facilities on
would be no need toprovideinterpretation facilities for any msps
dumfries and galloway council toprovidepublic toilet facilities in langholm
languages in primary schools andprovideteaching facilities in gaelic and
staffed by nurse practitioners whoprovideadvice and help on a
authorities among other things toprovideadvice guidance and assistance for
1a a local authority mayprovideadvice guidance or assistance for
sector and are happy toprovideadvice on that matter mr
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
a legacy paper which willprovideadvice to its successor committee
duty of the commission toprovideadvice to the scottish ministers
or some other body toprovideexpert advice and guidance on
the scottish arts council toprovidefunding and advice to independent
duty on local authorities toprovideindependent advice and more important
about a statutory duty toprovideindependent advice george reid s
duty on local authorities toprovideindependent advice that is essential
some distance from government toprovideindependent advice to government on
ws was first invited toprovidelegal advice on prospects of
ws has been invited toprovidelegal advice on whether any
to suit particular circumstances andprovidesnh with advice on behalf
about the services that theyprovidesuch as contraception advice methadone
work with the sqa toprovidesupport and advice to teachers
to establish a centre toprovidethe nhs with advice on
the advice that puk wouldprovidewould ensure that projects are
for information which the authorityprovidea as mentioned in subsection
to obtain information or toprovideaccess to any information the
2001 the following web sitesprovideadditional information eu european year
interpreted to include organisations thatprovidean information service on the
july 2000 whether it canprovideany additional information such as
be happy to try toprovideany additional information that the
will be very happy toprovideany further information or detailed
child the principal reporter mayprovideany information about the case
to give information or toprovideassistance to the police and
they wanted internal assessments toprovidebetter information about their progress
follows that while officials canprovidecommittees with factual information committees
not think that they willprovidecredible information moreover i believe
i will be happy toprovidefurther information to members before
and trust that it willprovideimportant information food for thought
new centre in glasgow toprovideinformation and support to anyone
out the best way toprovideinformation but some were more
be available in school toprovideinformation during the holidays furthermore
businesses was carried out toprovideinformation for either the forestry
of registered social landlord toprovideinformation on housing stock 1
and the scottish households surveyprovideinformation on small data areas
mr kerr will the ministerprovideinformation on that point sarah
mcconnell the scottish executive wouldprovideinformation on the support that
1 registered social landlords shallprovideinformation on their available housing
always be a tendency toprovideinformation rather than to withhold
corporate body the spcb shallprovideinformation technology and other office
corporate body the spcb toprovideinformation technology and other office
and whether it intends toprovideinformation technology training for all
duty of local authority toprovideinformation to carer 1 where
duty of local authority toprovideinformation to carer of disabled
ultra sound scanners which willprovideinformation to local health boards
ultra sound scanners which willprovideinformation to local health boards
additional obligation on landlords toprovideinformation to tenants before they
on a quarterly basis toprovideinformation to the parliament s
exempted from the commitment toprovideinformation under the terms of
we would be happy toprovidemembers with more specific information
the information sheet which willprovidemore guidance the flyer could
innovation in building it willprovidemore information for the general
but invited the petitioner toprovidemore information which has now
of assize texts these definitionsprovidemuch of the information that
a sample and therefore canprovideonly supplemental information it cannot
been given to all mspsprovideother sources of information about
relevance to our lives weprovidepublic information in a range
salmon fisheries legislation these sectionsprovidesome background information on scottish
the chief surveillance commissioner shallprovidesuch information as is appropriate
committee requested that the councilprovidethe committee with information on
shops for ancestral research willprovidethe detailed local information needed
the scottish executive agreed toprovidethe following further information to
of their request and shouldprovidethe following information a the
circumstances of the case toprovidethe information 2 the information
can instruct education authorities toprovidethe information officials can come
if we are unable toprovidethem with the information that
accessing the information that weprovidetherefore the parliament recognises that
have asked the clerks toprovidethis information for us a
there are no plans toprovidethis information on a route
most from their visit weprovidetourist information in a range
be affected could you alsoprovideus with information on locations
and include questions that willprovidevaluable information on the whereabouts
planned date the census willprovidevital information for the work
also using writing externally toprovidewritten information for others to
will be better placed toprovideyou with more detailed information
scottish executive whether it willprovideadditional borrowing consent to perth
of costs involved and toprovideadditional funding for the provision
scottish executive whether it willprovideadditional funding to local authorities
eu recognises the need toprovideadditional resources for the united
the gaelic development agency andprovideadditional support for gaelic medium
enough eh gaelic teachers toprovideadequate eh additional provision for
next three years we willprovidean additional 2 5 million
estimates that it needs toprovidean additional 285 units eight
add additional statutory requirements toprovidehousing for homeless people the
undertook any additional research toprovideresponses to any enquiries regarding
what additional resources it willprovideto glasgow lothian lanark and
executive what assistance it canprovideany residents of the luggiebank
to use the internet toprovideassistance for business start ups
urge the scottish executive toprovideassistance in setting up an
members that we intend toprovideassistance in the form of
european union grants and toprovideassistance in the preparation of
required to be able toprovideassistance to the icc in
the new pension credit willprovideextra assistance for pensioners living
the social economy it willprovideloan finance and technical assistance
angus mackay i want toprovidemr wilson with some assistance
taken is not effective cprovidesupport and assistance to those
so what assistance it willprovideto see more centres established
support to the campaign andprovidewhatever assistance is necessary to
enable it to continue toprovidea quality housing service supported
care centres can continue toprovideand develop the services which
to provide or continue toprovideappropriate care and support to
provide or to continue toprovidecare for the child 9a
to provide or continue toprovidecare for the person cared
but we would continue toprovideexemplification at least as copious
necessary to enable them toprovideor continue to provide appropriate
provide or to continue toprovidesuch care for that person
provide or to continue toprovidesuch care for the child
whether it will continue toprovidesupport for the community hospital
new system will continue toprovidethe basis for ensuring that
continue to be able toprovidetranslations of motions amendments to
the member the spcb shallprovidea payroll services for members
european unit in 1991 toprovidea range of services to
organisations in their struggle toprovideadequate services and to combat
and important services that weprovideand their delivery to women
to have the power toprovideappropriate services to promote true
are working together effectively toprovidebetter more responsive services and
promote citizen focused projects thatprovidebetter services and better access
is already under way toprovidebetter services more care at
carer in deciding whether toprovidecertain services to disabled person
or have a power toprovidecommunity care services and b
duty on local authorities toprovideday care services and further
has arrangements in place toprovideemergency dental services for unregistered
in section 20 applications toprovidegeneral medical services a in
of medical practitioners undertaking toprovidegeneral medical services for persons
of medical practitioners undertaking toprovidegeneral medical services kept by
social work and health toprovidejoined up services to ease
gaps in statutory services andprovidelifeline comfort and hope to
not least for maternity servicesprovidemore respite breaks for carers
loan finance it is toprovideprofessional support and consultancy services
to those who volunteer andprovideservices but to the recipients
three but we need toprovideservices earlier than that perhaps
in scotland they have toprovideservices for about 7 000
1993 some private businesses doprovideservices in welsh on a
they are being used toprovideservices on the cheap many
be accused of seeking toprovideservices on the cheap through
board and other agencies thatprovideservices richard lochhead has repeatedly
have to be able toprovideservices to any competitor in
how post offices can bestprovideservices to customers according to
we influence it or notprovideservices to scottish organisations my
whom they must or mayprovideservices under section 22 1
whom they must or mayprovideservices under section 22 1
those needs took action toprovideservices where they are not
procedures are in place toprovidesimultaneous interpretation services when members
it monitors how local authoritiesprovidesocial work services to such
to enable the spcb toprovidesuch services and make such
resources are in place toprovidesuitable support and counselling services
just society the sector canprovidesustainable jobs and services and
has offered the opportunity toprovidetailored services on a commercial
of the services that theyprovidethat would be very useful
services workforce whether it willprovidethe association of directors of
eed that the slrc shuidprovidethe group wi secretariat services
justice department to help toprovidethe important nursing services that
and constructively how we canprovidethe right configuration of services
the experience and expertise toprovidethe services previously provided by
and for the services theyprovideto be broadened and improved
addressing the services which theyprovideto british energy any difficulties
that many of these businessesprovidevital services to communities without
required by established organisations thatprovidevital services yet which often
training more audiology staff toprovidea modern high quality service
training and education that weprovideagainst what is required the
that the best people toprovideawareness training are groups who
of asking the executive toprovidefunds for training secondly it
languages of scotland 44 120providemore in service training for
steps are being taken toprovideon going training and updates
think of someone who couldprovidethe training 11 15 miss
to train wildlife protection officersprovidetraining for procurators fiscal to
notion of bilingualism and multilingualismprovidetraining for teachers through cpd
which the company will notprovidetraining if an employee does
transport consultation document which willprovidea full and inclusive opportunity
transport consultation document which willprovidea full and inclusive opportunity
party group cross party groupsprovidean opportunity for msps individuals
be consulted the need toprovidean opportunity for objections to
to enact legislation which wouldprovidean opportunity for those who
our business it would alsoprovidean opportunity for us to
european year of languages willprovidean opportunity for us to
upon the scottish executive toprovideat the earliest opportunity a
policies that create wealth andprovideeconomic opportunity and security for
term proposal of remploy toprovidemore opportunity for people working
a grandstanding opportunity we shouldproviderecourse for people who have
to have more opportunity toprovidesigning so that more people
she dislikes simulations because theyprovidestudents with the opportunity to
should take this opportunity toprovidethe islands with a properly
some schools s3 may alsoprovidethe opportunity for some pupils
debates such as today sprovidethe opportunity to discuss and
there is an opportunity toprovidetrickle down compensation to those
study precisely because they doprovideopportunities for insight into scottish
it will be important toprovideopportunities for linguistic development and
it will be important taeprovideopportunities for linguistic oncome an
other uses in order toprovideopportunities for onshore businesses to
did public investment early onprovideopportunities for people to be
that sector and fail toprovideopportunities for the next generation
that sector and fail toprovideopportunities for the next generation
topic areas which in turnprovideopportunities to develop the pupils
the topic in our societyprovidepupils with opportunities to examine
steps it is taking toprovideschoolchildren with greater opportunities to
early age and we mustprovidethem with opportunities to acquire
involved and we have toprovidethem with opportunities to do
support it will give toprovidea rail link to edinburgh
words of support it couldprovidea timetable so that decision
to support it glasgow wouldprovidean excellent base for emsa
toolkit to be able toprovideappropriate support for work placements
to do so and bprovidecare medical treatment and support
implications of sexual abuse andprovidecentral support to develop a
and at what level toprovideday care support to patients
it would not in generalprovidedirect support and in relation
the homelessness act 2003 toprovideeffective support for homeless people
worth preserving the executive mustprovidefinancial support fife council does
executive whether it intends toprovidefinancial support for the scottish
executive what support it willprovidefor regeneration of the river
on the scotish parliament toprovidefunding and support to promote
while other european member statesprovidegenerous financial support for their
school sports co ordinators toprovidelong term support ensure that
scottish executive how it willprovidelong term support for agriculture
of the voluntary sector toprovideon going financial support in
established with the remit toprovidepro active support for the
hoped that that bill willprovidesome support to the voluntary
osteoporosis support group the groupsprovidesuccour to families and are
to gain new skills toprovidesupport for the communities who
referred to the need toprovidesupport for volunteering and i
the scottish rape crisis networkprovidesupport for women and their
requirement in some circumstances toprovidesupport the convener i ask
is that the teacher shouldprovidesupport to lead them in
was awarded to edinburgh toprovidesupport to young single people
other partners we aim toprovidethat support two weeks ago
is is going to ermprovidethe academic support for this
situations where councils do notprovidethe care treatment and support
aberdeen area and that willprovidethe support they require in
front line voluntary organisations thatprovidethem do not get support
to support scottish businesses notprovidethem with threats for the
to allow local authorities toprovidea service that meets the
scottish executive which local authoritiesprovidea textphone service s1o 5439
local authorities are obliged toprovideallotments if there is a
to enable local authorities toprovideand maintain residential accommodation in
local authorities are able toprovideas the national insurance increase
available to local authorities toprovideconcessionary travel cards for pensioners
charging authorities acting jointly mustprovidedetailed justification of any proposal
water authorities have agreed toprovidefree water meters on request
scottish executive which education authoritiesprovidefunding for home based education
authorities wanted the executive toprovideguidance i am not asking
produced food help local authoritiesprovidehome insulation where this will
proposal for a bill toprovidelocal authorities with the power
proposal for a bill toprovidelocal authorities with the power
authorities have sufficient funding toprovidenursing home places immediately for
requirement on housing authorities toprovidepermanent and suitable rather than
requirement on housing authorities toprovidepermanent and suitable rather than
change the funding package toprovideresources to local authorities over
authorities in scotland no longerprovideschool swimming lessons acknowledges that
local authorities are failing toprovidesuch a minimum standard s1w
scottish executive which local authoritiesprovideswimming lessons for primary children
authorities to go ahead andprovidethe service derek miller on
duty on education authorities toprovidethe teaching of gaelic in
we have also sought toprovidethose powers to local authorities
the funding that local authoritiesprovideto voluntary organisations i am
it expects local authorities toprovidewhat system exists for ensuring
that the scottish executive willprovideadequate resources to the scottish
new resources in order toprovidegenuinely independent money debt and
revisiting the funding formula toprovidegreater resources for strathclyde police
to be done we willprovideincreased resources for a spectrum
that the scottish executive shouldprovideresources for its speedy completion
scheme in scotland and toprovideresources to meet the necessary
sector has the resources toprovidethe continuing monitoring that is
funding against them or notprovidethem with resources the committee
dedicated staff we aim toprovidethem with the resources they
the scottish executive to aprovideadequate funding to local agencies
funding is allocated i willprovidean example with regard to
that it was going toprovidedeficit funding and has now
it has any plans toprovidefunding for the production of
that the scottish executive shouldprovidefunding or extra capital borrowing
s government s decision toprovidefunding to compensate local sub
programme and whether it willprovidefunding to help voluntary youth
the millennium commission to immediatelyprovidefunding to save glasgow zoo
is no longer prepared toprovidefunding to the scottish science
with young people and toprovidefunding to voluntary groups to
term research contracts wherever possibleproviderobust funding for higher education
that are subsequently unable toprovidethe funding for repairs for
upon the scottish executive toprovidethe necessary funding to resolve
take immediate steps nationwide toprovideurgent funding in the interests
there are bilingual workers whoprovidean appropriate and culturally aware
a local authority does notprovideappropriate and adequate care and
parliament to tackle language barriersprovideappropriate materials for a specific
would also allow us toprovideappropriate translation for people to
mmhm mmhm m1174: er andprovidea a service for them
unions and pressing banks toprovidea more socially responsible service
unions and pressing banks toprovidea more socially responsible service
as the case may beprovidea service mr andy kerr
as the case may beprovidea service or iv in
acceptable service none of themprovidea service that could not
body or a failure toprovidea service which it was
in our communities as pharmaciesprovidea valuable service and the
and other key staff whoprovidea valuable service in supporting
post offices in scotland oftenprovidea vital service to local
many nhs dentists in grampianprovidean emergency service and where
many nhs dentists in taysideprovidean emergency service and where
as aberdeen drugs action toprovidean outreach service this weekend
manned police service which wouldprovideeffective neighbourhood policing and give
that such a service couldprovidein scotland in terms of
leids o scotland 35 120providemair in service teacher trainin
good quality service that willprovidethe outcomes that they require
fact that the staff whoprovidethe service are invaluable members
we were to attempt toprovidethe service at that venue
legislation to allow them toprovidethe service outwith council offices
allow its competitors also toprovidethe service that is not
that is done cabx cannotprovidetheir service on standstill budgets
concerns the proposed legislation toprovidea right of responsible access
interests access and intermediate coursesprovidea wide range of courses
education an professional oncome 121provideaccess tae mair material in
and continuous professional development 121provideaccess to more material in
housing estate is required toprovidebroadband access we should not
available to businesses wanting toprovidedisability access when renovating and
there are for businesses toprovidedisability access when renovating and
for the scottish parliament toprovideequestrian access closer to horse
what plans it has toprovidefree access by individuals with
the 73 partner libraries toprovideopen access to the official
systems of core paths toprovidereasonable access throughout their areas
housing association the association wouldprovideaccommodation on a probationary basis
encourage local housing providers toprovideadapted houses for older and
objects or functions is toprovideaffordable housing in local communities
homeless people eradicate rooflessness andprovidegood quality housing for all
of housing associations developed andprovidei am not aware of
should regulate all landlords thatprovidesocial housing but that would
are currently being progressed willprovidethe solutions that housing managers
wider local housing strategies willprovideus with a much more
to improve child health toprovidea free daily portion of
charter in scotland which willprovidefor free fuel public transport
charter in scotland which willprovidefor free fuel public transport
it will cost annually toprovidefree milk for children aged
the liberal democrats aim toprovidefree personal care for those
is watching the commitment toprovidefree personal care from next
clubs in scotland and toprovidefree toothbrushes and toothpaste to
establish a hardship fund toprovideinterest free loans to ensure
that if they do notprovideme with a free handset
proposal for a bill toprovideuniversally free and nutritious school
proposal for a bill toprovideuniversally free and nutritious school
matters and whether it willprovidea a note of target
inform debate and help toprovidea clear answer on whether
july 2000 whether it willprovidea date for publication of
an announcement whether it willprovidea list of such questions
executive whether it intends toprovidea list of the members
scottish executive whether it willprovidea progress report in respect
scottish executive whether it willprovidea specific definition of modernisation
scottish executive whether it willprovidean estimate of the cost
scottish executive whether it willprovidean estimate of the financial
september 2002 whether it willprovidean explanation of its statement
scottish executive whether it willprovidean update on its plans
situation whether it intends toprovideany financial aid to the
whether good or bad andprovideeach of our citizens with
scottish executive whether it willprovidefor the last three years
scotland whether it intends toprovidefull time computer technicians at
executive whether it plans toprovideincentives for home owners and
april 2001 whether it willprovideon a weekly basis figures
scheme and whether it willprovidethe figures now for those
efficiencies and whether it wouldprovidevalue for money compared with
efficiencies and whether it wouldprovidevalue for money compared with
1992 c 14 and bprovidewhether by amendment of that
saying is that we shouldprovidea bit of personal care
carer provides or intends toprovidea substantial amount of care
who provides or intends toprovidea substantial amount of care
who provides or intends toprovidea substantial amount of care
carer provides or intends toprovidea substantial amount of care
the people of scotland toprovidebetter fairer care for our
care arrangements are required toprovideemergency cover to those patients
action it will take toprovidegp care for the island
recognise that dentists in aberdeenprovidemore out of hours care
the joint futures agenda toprovidemore seamless care between the
through the joint future programmeprovidenhs step down convalescence care
joint community care project toprovidenon hospital care for older
used by the nhs toprovideresidential care to patients with
carer who provides or willprovidethe care in question a
answer and which will notprovidethe care the patients need
enterprise to provide or partprovideeach such seminar and what
contracted by scottish enterprise toprovideor part provide each such
trading can also deliver andprovidethat flexibility it can provide
provide that flexibility it canprovidethe total package anywhere in
scottish regional theatres that willprovidea basis for a national
social policy agenda which willprovidea comprehensive list of actions
scottish executive when it willprovidea definition of best value
fantastic it will help toprovidea focus for raising awareness
transport and the environment willprovidea further reply to that
we will be able toprovidea glass of sherry per
raised performance targets i willprovidea little light relief because
sustainable developments the bill willprovidea modernised building standards system
e and r bain willprovidea much wider range of
i will be happy toprovidea note to the committee
action it will take toprovidea permanent gp on the
not suggesting that we willprovidea range of alternative local
scottish executive when it willprovidea response to determined to
a historical document that willprovidea snapshot of the scottish
long term measures which willprovidea stable and secure economic
2004 the final document willprovidea starting point for discussions
scottish executive when it willprovidea substantive answer to question
scottish executive when it willprovidea substantive answer to questions
the parliament and i willprovidea weightier report later in
in due course i willprovidea written report as a
c12 13w the building willprovideaccommodation for 205 mps 26
use so shavian will notprovidean alternative system sir james
offices exist the scheme willprovidean effective and efficient means
hope that common sense willprovidean effective system cathie craigie
2 of that act willprovidean enabling power when the
good idea as it willprovidean indication of what we
scottish parliamentary corporate body willprovidean update on the timetable
new education initiative which willprovidearound 50 000 primary 7
that ms white you cannotprovideassurances that more moneys will
the whole process followed willprovidebest value in delivering road
address the main problems andprovideenabling powers that will make
companies to be called toprovideevidence to parliamentary committees will
gallery will be renovated toprovideextended exhibition space for the
a healthy surplus which willprovideextra finance for north lanarkshire
tercentenary souvenirs the school willprovidefloat for latter and the
that and what will itprovidefor citizens alan fraser the
which the public body willprovidefor its staff including an
which the public body willprovidefor its staff to learn
introducing early legislation that willprovidefor parole licence conditions to
has indicated that it willprovidefor such projects and when
sentences and orders it willprovidefor the potential detention in
will the scottish executive pleaseprovidefuture scottish generations with the
draft legacy paper which willprovideguidance for on going committee
will get adsl which willprovidehigh speed digital connections and
bias and adopt policies andprovideinvestment which will end glasgow
that we have lodged willprovideit amendment 35 clearly refers
i will be happy toprovideit before thursday afternoon john
it will be able toprovidejust eight new houses there
taken together the measures willprovideon average annual savings on
be 50p and greyfriars willprovidepolystyrene cups a block of
[censored: surname] mrs e [censored: surname] willprovideraffle prizes everyone will bring
scotland the new fund willproviderelevant voluntary organisations with an
the church house committee willprovidesandwiches tray bakes etc and
the same disk this willprovidescholars with a resource which
during winter emergencies i willprovidesome reasons why i believe
stock transfer programme which willprovidesubstantial investment through the replacement
arrangement whereby the parliament willprovidesuitable translation of petitions to
written to compass who willprovidetea coffee and biscuits for
secretary will ask compass toprovidetea coffee milk sugar cups
do so section 5 willprovidethat an authorised officer or
scottish executive when it willprovidethe 15 20 million pump
the sector as this willprovidethe basis for a shared
an action plan that willprovidethe basis for the delivery
have already commenced which willprovidethe basis for the establishment
all spending programmes it willprovidethe essential function of challenging
we will be happy toprovidethe executive with a copy
pupils with dyspraxia i willprovidethe member with further detailed
will be kind enough toprovidethe names of the members
convener the standards committee willprovidethe official view of the
fear that the bill willprovidethe police with greater scope
boyack no those bids willprovidethe same or higher standards
for the committee we willprovidethem i have forgotten the
of clear cases then willprovideus with a criterion of
provision that the bill willprovidewill do the same for
the local authority does notprovidea chaperon to accompany the
local culture are able toprovidechildren with role models demonstrating
of its local communities andprovidefor and enrich the enjoyment
of local communities and toprovidefor public enjoyment and understanding
what improvements does the billprovidefor tenants whose local authority
ambulance staff and police officersprovidein supporting the local community
rectify that situation they wouldprovidethat a local authority must
that such a facility wouldprovideand urges the scottish executive
that such a facility wouldprovideand urges the scottish executive
language learning such as matchingprovidedistinct cognitive benefits for the
such activities it would alsoprovideexceptions in certain cases for
such activities it would alsoprovideexceptions in certain cases for
omissions such as failing toprovidefood water or veterinary attention
i ask the minister toprovidefurther explanation of how such
such as denmark and swedenprovidegood examples of such an
improve physical well being andproviderecreational activities such as bridge
that such an image couldprovides1m 2888 end of life
enterprise s academies projects whichprovideskills for particular sectors such
that although he tried toprovidesuch a reason it was
buildings notices amendment 104 wouldprovidethat when such notices are
police forces to disclose orprovideto the tribunal all such
the benefits such work canprovideto volunteers through the development
high school for continuing toprovidea high standard of education
for more for example toprovideeducation not only for young
of substance abuse and toprovidehealth education to schoolchildren those
single site is essential toprovidethe best possible education and
homogenous educational system that canprovidethe right type of education
reasonable tae expect schuils taeprovidex medium education on demand
reasonable to expect schools toprovidex medium education on demand
upon the scottish executive toprovidea full and detailed analysis
that would be required toprovidea statistic showing executive expenditure
ask the scottish executive toprovidean estimate of pre school
ask the scottish executive toprovidean estimate of the total
that the scottish executive shouldprovidefinancial aid to those flood
we asked the executive toprovidefurther justification of that power
we asked the executive toprovidefurther justification of the power
upon the scottish executive toprovidethis document and include the
conclude that they exist toprovidea back up route to
the bill is primarily toprovidea better deal for tenants
act 1986 the following sectionsprovidea brief introduction to the
term working days and toprovidea definition of the term
parliament they are asked toprovidea delegation of 12 senior
agreed that the clerk wouldprovidea draft response to the
must be updated regularly toprovidea dynamic view of society
each level are intended toprovidea focus for the development
he has been asked toprovidea foreword the pieces have
his book las baleares toprovidea format for the roads
not been thought necessary toprovidea glossary keith williamson s
therefore these figures can onlyprovidea guide to the underlying
dost as an attempt toprovidea key to the whole
park plan should be toprovidea lead to and integrate
and recognises that this wouldprovidea massive boost to domestic
government policy should be toprovidea mechanism to ensure that
notice and amendment 11 wouldprovidea mechanism to resolve certain
on texts are a toprovidea model for the pupils
department as we aim toprovidea modern high quality public
a government initiative designed toprovidea one stop shop at
whatever steps are necessary toprovidea peace keeping force in
aps was not trying toprovidea revision of the statutes
and west lothian aim toprovidea safe environment in the
kingdom as a whole toprovidea safe haven for those
response to the requirement toprovidea satisfactory means of escape
ask scottish natural heritage toprovidea scientific justification for the
of robertson s volume toprovidea single and supposedly definitive
voluntary sector in scotland toprovidea snapshot of the voluntary
that time or subsequently toprovidea specimen of blood for
without reasonable excuse fails toprovidea specimen when required to
ancillary sectors notes that toprovidea stable future a complete
recommends bringing forward legislation toprovidea statutory basis for child
may be an attempt toprovidea suitable equivalent of warrant
individuals and companies seeking toprovidea tram or light rail
2000 has been able toprovidea uk wide publicity campaign
that area so as toprovidea welcoming environment not only
buildings could be restored toprovideaccommodation for tourists and where
to pay in order toprovideaccommodation suitable for a person
set out below are toprovideaccounts of events for others
in order for it toprovideadequate premises and staff remuneration
the requirement for msps toprovideadvance notice if they wish
on teachers of english toprovideall these critical skills m741:
they can be used toprovidean accurate and defensible estimate
we look to europe toprovidean answer john scott i
published in 1875 was toprovidean authoritative view of current
ear erm we tried toprovidean eclectic mix of programming
than the scottish average toprovidean explanation for the wide
these principles were designed toprovidean open accessible and above
any relevant public authority toprovidean ordinary surveillance commissioner with
i ve been asked toprovidean outside view of the
while encouraging all councils toprovideand promote a choice of
about things but not toprovideany solutions there are problems
6 8 and 8a whichprovideas to the functions of
again not for us toprovideassurances on that ms white
and bring forward plans toprovidebetter arrangements to enable msps
these issues are addressed toprovidebetter matching of people to
of construction is essential toprovidecitizens with the necessary safeguards
to publicise it and toprovideclarity about the policy the
multilingual society could help toprovidecohesion within and between communities
extinction of leasehold casualties toprovidecompensation in certain cases and
extinction of leasehold casualties toprovidecompensation in certain cases and
police college at tulliallan toprovidecourses to train wildlife protection
if our purpose is toprovidedata useful for the description
is important we want toprovidedetailed guidance on how building
depend on census data toprovidedetailed social economic and demographic
take the necessary steps toprovideeach of the three vaccines
government and private business toprovideeffective choices to people promoting
been better because eh toprovideefforts are are at an
precision of definitions or toprovideencyclopedic notes and comments beyond
has been written both toprovideenjoyable thoughtful scots prose for
rail scheme in glasgow wouldprovideenormous benefits to the city
so so we wanted toprovideer a high quality erm
m1174: so we wanted toprovideerm this time specifically for
are to be used toprovideestimates and evidence for appeals
with concern that official documentsprovideevidence of official efforts to
by witnesses who fail toprovideevidence requested and allowances and
time effort and energy toprovideevidence the ministers for responding
meaningful it is necessary toprovideexamples of real performances by
to assess informally and toprovidefeedback to the pupils as
new houses in achiltibuie toprovidefibre optic cabling there must
that underline our commitment toprovidefinancial security by april the
years of the parliament toprovidefinancial stability as regional government
where the intention is toprovidefood for human consumption but
protect growing crops or toprovidefood for human consumption but
of farm life used toprovidefood for the table control
been left unsown is toprovidefood or shelter for wild
not amendment 37 tries toprovidefor a definition of a
a motion without notice toprovidefor a ministerial statement on
intended to prevent homelessness andprovidefor a more effective response
action it is taking toprovidefor independent assessment of snagging
contracts and may in particularprovidefor single contracts to be
what plans there are toprovidefor the electronic servicing of
proposal for a bill toprovidefor the extinction of leasehold
proposal for a bill toprovidefor the extinction of leasehold
imposition of a levy toprovidefor the socially disadvantaged and
enterprise that s gaun toprovidefor the weelfare of thousands
stadium to someone who canprovidegreenock morton with the prosperous
this present note seeks toprovideguidance on one particular aspect
an alternative would be toprovideguidance rather than legislation murdo
course so that we canprovideguidance to members on that
railway locomotive loch moy toprovideheating this was luxury compared
surpluses in the fund toprovidehigher pensions for the former
by a few folk toprovidehoney bread bought from the
sat on the side toprovidehot water later you could
which i am happy toprovidehowever i shall look to
groups throughout the country alreadyprovidei would like to know
above may in particular aprovidein relation to some circumstances
by insurance companies not toprovideinsurance as reported in the
languages to be used andprovideinterpretation and translation when they
with something no problem toprovideit just let go but
in finding enough staff toprovideit our existing registration staff
am sure that we canprovideit to the member we
iva was not slow toprovideitself with alternative amusement miss
second to none we canprovidekennelling pet sitting and psychotherapy
an independent third party toprovidelandlords with a bond guarantee
it might turn out toprovideless clarity and transparency than
as ours to try toprovidelinks where we have them
essential to island communities toprovidelinks with the scottish mainland
of puk is not toprovideloan finance it is to
its purpose is not toprovideloan finance mr raffan i
body s role was toprovidelow cost alternatives to lawyers
risks of trafficking and toprovidemedical and psychiatric help witness
capability of community hospitals toprovideminor surgery and act as
tenses are consistent or toprovidemore detail through the use
the scope of entries toprovidemore emphasis on usage but
that craigie felt impelled toprovidemore than linguistic definitions the
not require him her toprovidemuch help to the student
that people are required toprovidenotification to jurisdictions in the
we anticipate being able toprovideon the basis of current
act 1995 requires it toprovideone enabled by the knowledge
question if we are toprovideother avenues for that exercise
available now all trainees toprovideown tridents octopuses for daily
the only answer is toprovidepensioners with a decent increase
for homeless people and toprovidepermanent accommodation for unintentionally homeless
based in secondary schools toprovideprimary school teaching in sport
seek to raise standards andprovideprotection for tenants that is
safeguards are built in toprovideprotection for the state and
operating from unsuitable buildings toprovidepurpose built campuses s1w 1046
matter of priority and toprovideregular reports to parliament on
census is uniquely able toprovidereliable authoritative and comparable statistics
what plans it has toproviderelief for voluntary organisations from
we want to try toprovideresearch that is as effective
proposal for a bill toprovidesafeguards for debtors with bank
back to the failure toprovideschools with copies of the
it was their function toprovidesection 5 1 c of
which called for legislation toprovidesecurity of tenure and rights
a range of activities toprovidesentence endings predicates for subjects
employer the spcb wishes toprovidesmoking premises for those unfortunates
and a linguistic study toprovidesolutions to these difficulties some
ingested some secondary criticism toprovidesome different approaches to the
am asking the clerks toprovidesome practical guidance for members
may be useful here toprovidesome suggestions for language projects
designation hierarchy but rather toprovidespecial governance arrangements for areas
of the world they canprovidespecial help to the poorest
examine the legal options toprovidestability and security for children
of teachers pay and toprovidestable employment contracts in place
to children s panels andprovidesufficient secure accommodation for violent
sites and artificial reefs toprovidesuitable areas for conservation of
of the bill the amendmentsprovidethat clarification in relation to
difficult and expensive bit toprovidethat is where the public
bill during its passage toprovidethat it does not come
in section 38 3 toprovidethat it includes a test
the parliament s standing ordersprovidethat motions amendments to motions
of amendment 25 is toprovidethat surveillance that involves a
jim wallace is designed toprovidethat surveillance that involves a
the code of practice alreadyprovidethat the actions referred to
form a continuing programme toprovidethe best environment in which
provisions amendment 11 attempts toprovidethe clear and comprehensive saving
to the debate that theyprovidethe committee with it is
larger building control departments toprovidethe expertise does the minister
task has been selected toprovidethe focus for discussion of
the country in order toprovidethe guarantee that irene mcgugan
we consider it necessary toprovidethe individual with the right
worked well for centuries toprovidethe island with fruits vegetables
doing this does the governmentprovidethe money to me to
of historical lexicography is toprovidethe most useful tool possible
scottish natural heritage a toprovidethe original data sheets for
in standard grade examinations toprovidethe pattern for classwork with
should be on them toprovidethe translation of the amendment
the onus be on toprovidethe translation of the amendment
be used by centres toprovidetheir candidates with formative feedback
over scotland in order toprovidethem with the highest levels
request when a failure toprovidethem would result in exclusion
in which a failure toprovidethem would result in exclusion
and iii after the wordprovidethere is inserted approved to
6 a after the wordprovidethere is inserted approved to
those subsections after the wordprovidethere is inserted approved to
proposal for a bill toprovidethird parties with a right
proposal for a bill toprovidethird parties with a right
up new skills and toprovidetime for rehabilitation there is
a year in order toprovidetime for the schools to
the scottish ministers propose toprovideto achieve the targets markets
the scottish ministers propose toprovideto achieve the targets other
member states and where constitutionsprovideto regions 16 should they
what compensation it proposes toprovideto residents affected by the
not apply the words fromprovideto the end as so
virtue of this act bprovideto the patient in the
paragraph a above and cprovideto the patient s carers
that are being made toprovidetourist attractions of the highest
consider requests by committees toprovidetranslations of their reports 14
consider requests by committees toprovidetranslations of their reports i
any scottish clothing manufacturers currentlyprovideuniforms and clothing to the
tweedbank link operating surpluses mightprovideup to 5 10m of
can ask the clerks toprovideus with a list of
the minister for finance toprovideus with because it refers
hope alasdair is going toprovideus with the answer to
found guilty of failing toprovideveterinary treatment for the dogs
managers could be required toprovidewhole farm or estate plans
of his initial ideas whichprovidea blueprint for an exciting
a national theatre which canprovidea focus for scotland s
liberal democrats said we wouldprovidea nursery place for all
initiated er where we dprovidea radio erm facility for
sense of community spirit andprovidea real focus for our
for modern languages might alsoprovidea useful model for developing
becomes most apparent it couldprovidea useful starting point for
any of these activities wouldprovidea valid context for using
can the minister for justiceprovidean assessment of how many
meeting on 16 november wouldprovidean ideal platform for the
discretionary charging and we canprovideand charge for absolutely everything
is that it does notprovideany new powers for the
for clubs and groups thatprovidecoaching for sports promoting good
can test other approaches andprovidedifferent doors for people with
for example how can weprovideeffective and reasonable staff cover
identify options or recommendations andprovideestimated costs for the improvement
certain ways the bill wouldprovideexceptions for certain activities directed
certain ways the bill wouldprovideexceptions for certain activities directed
debates about how we shouldprovidefinancing for that infrastructure the
the oversight mechanism the amendmentsprovidefor a chief commissioner ordinary
1 a health board shallprovidefor any child or young
wards a health board shallprovidefor any patient who a
that we have submitted alreadyprovidefor both of the points
these are national parks whichprovidefor the integrated positive management
2 sections 19 and 20providefor the investigation into and
tae see them let alaneprovidefor them so he saved
that ppp pfi specifications fullyprovidefor this recognise after school
land nothing what could iprovidefor you pause if i
charges 5 the spcb shallprovideforms for the purposes of
of this kind should alsoprovidegood models for the children
it s done is prosi-providelow payin labour for some
buchanan s latin poems wouldprovidemodels for classically educated scottish
concrete barges or beetles whichprovideplatforms for sea anglers three
of hmos the existing rulesprovidepowers for a self certification
hudson time spent in canadaproviderich material for a nummer
of sources which itself canprovidescope for confusion especially when
out with research that wouldprovidesome income for the scallop
at rosetta road peebles wouldprovidesuitable alternative accommodation for a
religion and ethnic background couldprovidethe basis for accurate research
bring visitors and tourists andprovidethe life blood for many
puss purrers cats you knowprovidethe maximum pleasure for the
idea o bilingualism an multilingualismprovidetrainin for teachers throu professional
needs of the area andprovidemore benefits than other approaches
series 00 10 gaelic gaidhligprovidemore detail on these policy
of introducing a standardised orthographyprovidemore television and radio programmes
make public transport more attractiveprovidesafe walking routes and promote
far more than you canprovideyou know your father s
central scots but it doesprovidea foundation on which a
listed in the bibliography whichprovidea rich source of activities
comments on scottish centres whichprovidean excellent standard of outdoor
engaged in the industry whichprovidearound ten thousand skilled jobs
engaged in the industry whichprovidearound ten thousand skilled jobs
point initiatives both of whichprovidemembers of the public with
special educational needs schools whichprovidenational centres of excellence that
that genre writing frames canprovidethe kind of scaffolding which
selection of language games whichprovidevalid and entertaining contexts in
er it does sort ofprovidea a bond with people
money and it does notprovidebest value the process is
bill as drafted does notprovideclear or comprehensive saving or
current scientific research does notprovideconclusive proof that genetically modified
biosecure environment that they canprovidedoes he also agree that
scottish ministers may by orderprovidethat that person is not
higson and frank crowe canprovidefurther explanation including perhaps an
desk etc teachers could alsoprovidefurther practice in the use
3 a health board mustprovidea copy of its carer
3 a health board mustprovidea copy of their carer
people register complaints they mustprovideevidence they must say what
whom they must or mayprovideor secure the provision of
our older people we mustprovidethe conditions that allow them
regulations under this section mayprovidea that grants may not
regulations under this section mayprovidethat an individual who is
of inter connectivity may notprovidethe most effective means of
cent trading rents and investmentsprovide30 per cent the public
new section amendment 106 wouldprovidea definition of dangerous building
the long term it wouldprovidea massive saving in human
future not only would itprovidea modest but steady income
weights and measures assize wouldprovidea series of definitions of
runs and chords would beprovidea short link between scenes
flowed directly from it wouldprovideclarity thirdly we were aware
not say that it wouldprovideloan finance obviously it cannot
risk the amended section wouldprovidethat if a person came
35 36 and 37 wouldprovidethe clarity that is required
deal with hunt saboteurs wouldprovideus cost savings the forces
are important club links canprovidea bridge and can be
kilbride believes that it canprovidea new and important focal
atmosphere the bilingual child canprovidean insight into a bilingual
degree awarding powers can designprovideand accredit their own degree
expensive the roxburghe can notprovidedinner on the date given
in clinical leadership who canprovideeffective leadership in clinical teams
of trade and industry canprovidein offsetting job losses in
around scotland the parliament canprovideliving and breathing evidence of
around scotland the parliament canprovideliving and breathing evidence of
early sexual activity i canprovidemembers with many examples in
of government can not onlyprovidethe human touch but relate
plan its skills requirements andprovideits workforce with security of
we dig it out andprovidemembers with copies of it
working age people into workprovideolder people with security in
request that the finance committeeprovidethe convener with papers from
in the passage we couldprovidethe pupils with an alternative
the petitioners and we couldprovidethem with copies of correspondence
day where glasgow city councilprovideus with a skip and
vale of leven and greenockprovideus with a solution argyll
am sure that we couldprovidethose andrew wilson i want
and a rail link couldprovidea new tourist route into
the rural affairs department couldprovideat an early date an
multilingual society could help taeprovidecohesion inwith an atween communities
term external research we shouldprovidea briefing on lifelong learning
of the bill we shouldprovidea definition of a large
is obtained the member shouldprovidecopies of the text of
workers in the uk shouldprovidethat legitimate product tavish scott
that hospitals university colleges shouldprovidethe necessary accomodation viz the
us the police do notprovidethe same protection alice and
its foremaist use is taeprovideus wi its juices the
that the bill did notprovidea definition of a large
the new national qualifications andprovidean update on how we
an a linguistic study taeprovideanswers tae thir problems some
of the political parties doprovidescots translations of some of
autobiographical novel open the doorprovidesome sense of the troubles
and a general conclusion theyprovidegeneralised treatments of creatures or
in the regulations or bprovidethat a person who in
real burden or counter obligationprovidethe statement specified and set
them in texts and thenprovidean input about them an
7 per cent and donationsprovide22 per cent not all
the health boards do notprovidereturns on how much it
and government agencies did notprovidey2k assurance it adds that
a number of measures thatproviderestrictions on reporting where that
valuing nurses given that nursesprovide80 per cent of direct
of the community and thatprovidea link and familiarity that
alcohol and drug dependency bprovidea properly funded network of
accidents within their areas andprovidea reasonable level of soundly
in setting their budgets cprovideas a matter of urgency
features of assize texts thatprovidecautions about their interpretation and
the office of commissioner andprovidedetail of the fundamentals of
french german italian and spanishprovideexemplification of the standards expected
19th september 43 catch returnsprovideonly a crude measure of
accounts of caledonian macbrayne ltdprovideresults analysed by area of
kind of programming did youprovidewithin that thirty days i
research intae modal shift michtprovidea greater understaundin o thi
the fife circle that mightprovidea hostile response i raise
out a towns review andprovidefunds on a similar basis
o introducin a standart orthographyprovidemair television an radio programmes
supplies 1 the spcb shallprovideoffice supplies and postage stamps
assize texts is that theyprovideonly the theoretical relationships between
choose as long as theyprovidean english translation the burden
broadband across scotland do youprovidethe impetus from the government
s now dead so cannotprovide[inaudible] evidence [laugh] m642: now
lookit at in oarder tprovidesum different approaches t d

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