
See this word as a collocate cloud

seat [raspberry] f1125: did youputall the sprinkles on the
the shop there f1125: betterputclingfilm roon this ains here
what else have we toputin f1126: crumbs f1125: no
up f1125: mmhm f1126: andputin more crumbs erm erm
all ready f1126: i amputin the f1125: oh it
in the biscuit here andputin there f1125: oh yeah
it there f1125: well youputit farr you want but
where it f1126: no youputit in aye f1125: goes
[inaudible] f1125: now f1126: andputit in here you go
f1125: you re going toputit in the box that
aye pick it up andputit in the bucket f1125:
f1126: there f1125: right youputit in then have i
sprinkle f1125: mmhm f1126: iputit in there and sprinkle
right there you go f1126: putit on my knee f1125:
f1126: [exhale] f1125: [running water] f1126: putit on my -ponge [child noise]
f1125: that one we llputit on your knee that
f1125: look f1126: [throat] youputit over f1125: will we
was there f1126: i llputit there f1125: well you
okay a plate f1125: plateputit there f1126: this one
this one f1126: right f1125: putit under this one right
f1125: will i go andputmair water on your sponge
f1126: [laugh] f1125: right weputmuffin mix that s the
cake on f1126: aye andputmy little cake on f1125:
f1125: [laugh] f1126: can iputon cartoons f1125: aye we
crumbs f1125: think mam couldputon the icing f1126: aye
[laugh] that s me iputon the seat [raspberry] f1125:
[inaudible] f1126: oh na- f1125: putsome a bittie more on
f1125: here you are f1126: putthat crumbs there shake shake
purple [laugh] f1125: mmhm f1126: putthat ic- one bittie there
bit missing [censored: familiar form of forename] f1126: iputthat one f1125: because f1126:
another one pingu one fitputthat one in there f1125:
itchy head f1126: no iputthat one there f1125: mm
okay speak nicely f1126: [child noises]putthat one there mm f1125:
oh wait f1126: right f1125: putthe boards like this no
f1125: cool down and thenputthe icing on then they
thank you f1125: thank youputthe milk back in the
[sob] [sob] f1125: got toputthe mixture into the cases
f1126: eh f1125: you canputthe sprinkles on the cakes
sweetheart now f1126: ah f1125: putthe timer on for fourteen
f1125: this one will weputthe top on this ain
f1125: are you goin toputthe whisk into the dishwasher
dearie me oh oh f1126: putthem all cleaned f1125: mmhm
there erm mak a noiseputthem all together f1125: that
it all again f1126: rightputthem f1125: dinna go too
hmm f1125: we have toputthem in the oven to
there f1125: that s itputthem in the wrong way
and roly mole is hereputthem in there f1125: [inaudible]
aye f1125: now you canputthem in they won t
f1125: way clever [inaudible] f1126: putthem more [child noise] and roly
cream f1125: there it goesputthem together f1126: them f1125:
the like that crumbs areputthere f1125: sprinkles f1126: then
that s it f1126: mmputthis bit in there f1125:
f1126: yeah you [?]will[/?] f1125: putthis in here oh ooh
eh f1125: right mummy llputthis into the bowl what
you help me [exhale] iput[tut] a f1125: now where
the stairs aye f1125: toputyour cake on f1126: aye
answer tricia marwick i willputforward a fourth point of
lobbyists lobbyists are people whoputforward a position on behalf
man government did the industryputforward a specific view on
will a uk recommendation beputforward a uk recommendation would
teaching of english language thisputforward a view of the
unless a justifiable argument isputforward and accepted by the
argument that the minister hadputforward and i am sure
other views that have beenputforward and to change our
mad and that has beenputforward as a proposition [laugh]
stable speech community he hasputforward as a theory to
scots the elphinstone kist isputforward as an example 30
in english which had beenputforward as the main requirement
of the arguments that wereputforward at stage 2 that
the principles that we haveputforward but at present it
the uk case as ineffectuallyputforward by her majesty s
selected her subjects from namesputforward by members of local
are some of the viewsputforward by several different feminist
parliament to reject all proposalsputforward by the greater glasgow
for the languages of scotlandputforward by the group chaired
the proposals for zonal managementputforward by the scottish fishermen
to argue your corner toputforward coherent proposals for whatever
the minister is obliged toputforward conservatives cannot be accused
is necessarily bad lobbyists canputforward good cases for integral
according to current research areputforward here adapted from languages
to oppose and reject plansputforward in a report by
arguments that have already beenputforward it does not do
such views have been honestlyputforward my belief of course
test received wisdom and toputforward new ideas and controversial
the fact that they usuallyputforward only one point of
for the keys stakeholders toputforward proposals to attract the
the course of interviews childrenputforward several reasons for this
which the road haulage associationputforward some interesting points which
do not accept the argumentputforward tanith muller ash scotland
english the argument is thenputforward that mainstreaming the teaching
called the solidarity factor sheputforward the idea that linguistic
alternative system sir james pitmanputforward the initial teaching alphabet
strengthens the case that weputforward the motion refers to
clearly we would like toputforward the points that were
the course of an interviewputforward the theory that originally
listen to them and perhapsputforward their concerns and those
encouragement of young people toputforward their opinions some examples
young people an opportunity toputforward their opinions to decision
the years many visionaries haveputforward their own ideas one
school had various suggestions toputforward these and many other
of the european council toputforward those arguments and win
that such changes will beputforward to europe so that
of negotiations nevertheless we haveputforward two specific points colin
listen to views that membersputforward which is to be
the university of leeds hasputforward yet another system on
spring mr black we haveputinto the forward work programme
way forward for scots proseputit in direct speech and
with some trepidation that iputmy name forward in those
forward however i want toputon record my dissent from
forward but i want toputon record on behalf of
it would be appropriate toputthem forward in the context
it s all gonna getputin f1126: it s crumbs
first and then we canputin the inside bits f1126:
are you doing first f1126: putit all together i see
but i ve got toputit in here f1126: no
mmhm f1126: you help meputit in i cannae go
s all dripping f1126: ermputit in the milk c-
finished hopefully f1126: ooh ermputit in there er yep
we keep in the boxputit like that f1126: no
that s right [?]i've cleaned up it[/?] andputscissors away f1126: erm nearly
s right f1126: and youputthe cakes in the oven
whisk f1126: right i llputthe crumbs in there and
two three four three f1126: putthe egg in here put
down and then we canputthe icing on f1126: is
you ready to help mumputthe spoon in f1126: [laugh]
on cakes first you canputthe sprinkles on f1126: eh
bittie runny [inaudible] f1126: [?]put the-[/?]putthe water in here and
now haven t we toputthem in f1126: aye aye
we dae aren t weputthem in here f1126: uh
to dry this bowl f1126: putwarm water on here an
s a boy m1094: iputa bit on there f1093:
yeah f1093: oh yes weputall your pennies into the
f1093: we ll need toputin erm [?]fairy liquid[/?] m1094: what
what f1093: we need toputin some bubbles m1094: [?]aye[/?]
you dry it will youputit away now f1093: okay
done m1094: they have toputit here f1093: put it
put this in can youputit in f1093: okay pop
one f1093: okay m1094: pu-putit in properly f1093: that
all the blocks finished m1094: putit in there f1093: not
on me f1093: mm m1094: putit on me f1093: [laugh]
two three m1094: can youputit on me f1093: mm
take it f1093: yeah iputit out already m1094: why
to put it here f1093: putit there then [clapping] yay
s nae up f1093: youputit up the stairs didn
go in there f1093: rightputmore bits on put mair
bottle in m1094: have youputmy jammies f1093: yeah m1094:
yeah m1094: will will youputmy jammies on f1093: mm
this one off can iputmy top on f1093: aye
it s nae okay [inaudible]putmy top on f1093: one
tummy rumbling m1094: can youputon this f1093: you ll
it one of these onputone of these on f1093:
mmhm f1093: [inaudible] okay rightputsome more bits in m1094:
everyone m1094: mmhm f1093: rightputsome water into the basin
clap m1094: [inaudible] f1093: rightputthat bit on this side
that s it now m1094: putthat bittie there f1093: there
m1094: i m going toputthat f1093: mm think that
find stars next f1093: rightputthat one over that bit
put this on now f1093: putthat ones on the top
s [?]still in[/?] f1093: now weputthat two on together that
piece goes it do youputthe other bit f1093: what
look they have it f1093: putthe seat here [inaudible] now
huh m1094: it is naeputthe shopping away f1093: has
down there f1093: go andputthe washing powder back into
do after the dishes m1094: putthem away f1093: yes m1094:
uh what f1093: right youputthem in m1094: [child noises] f1093:
m1094: what f1093: let sputthem in the middle right
do they go f1093: [?]we'll[/?]putthem into the drawer m1094:
here it is m1094: [laugh]putthem on your pairs f1093:
drying these anymore will youputthese away f1093: okay m1094:
on f1093: mm m1094: youputthese in here do you
these in here do youputthese in in here f1093:
this and aa will youputthis away f1093: mmhm m1094:
you m1094: mmhm can iputthis in my bankie f1093:
along [inaudible] m1094: can weputthis on now f1093: put
this f1093: mm m1094: youputthis one yet f1093: no
your hand where did youputyour hand must be f1093:
these in in here f1093: putyour jammies on m1094: why
need to be able toput2 coherent sentences together it
eaglesham in theory one couldputall the information together decipher
working together with others toputand keep rural scotland at
the kings men couldn tputhumpty m1090: kings f1089: together
salt mix all ingredients togetherputinto 2 2lb loaf tins
the way that he sputit together because you ve
aa f1102: juggling f1101: nowputit together f1102: i see
britain i ll have toputmy head together as they
have i we d betterputour heads together where s
to see whether we canputspecies together so that one
now i think you shouldputthat ones together wi that
private sectors were seeking toputthe bids together i was
evidence before we begin toputthe report together mr macintosh
gaelic it made sense toputthe two things together so
yeah but th- so iputthis argument together about like
said they were going toputtogether a a a picture
through 32 local authorities toputtogether a bid for a
body was funded we canputtogether a letter making those
committee which has been withdrawnputtogether a package of measures
that we are able toputtogether a reasonably coherent case
although we have not yetputtogether a report outlining the
useful for the committee toputtogether a short report for
a nuisance to wash andputtogether again a white enamel
collection of her work wasputtogether and her output is
simpson s reports it wasputtogether at the end of
construction of the bill asputtogether by the parliamentary draftsmen
of three volumes las balearesputtogether complete with watercolours and
the materials that have beenputtogether fulfil certain functions such
water 6 tablespns sauce piquanteputtogether into pan ¾ oz
break exercises e widdie wasputtogether one free evening in
should all work together toputtogether proposals for saving these
so how should that beputtogether should there be an
from the vast jumex collectionputtogether since 1997 by eugenio
older moscow soviet hands hadputtogether some food cheese again
after his death his studentsputtogether the book from his
no one was there toputtogether the pieces of the
any more than we couldputtogether the royal society for
on that the report wasputtogether using september 1999 returns
the executive are able toputtogether we have set up
away i was able toputtogether what i had glimpsed
of practice that could beputtogether with the help of
m1094: how many do youputhow many do you need
a boy m1094: will youputit in it will you
right put more bits onputmair blocks on m1094: i
[whistling] [whistling] m1094: will iputone of them in there
oh yeah that s itputsome bubbles on m1094: mmhm
i ll make some moreputsome more blocks in m1094:
this jigsaw m1094: you canputthat bit in [inhale] [exhale]
a little bit [cough] rightputthe pieces in m1094: are
other dishes m1094: [?]how come i have[/?] toputthem in next will you
in there for you m1094: putthis ain in put this
m1094: put this ain inputthis in with the other
right there s your pillowputyour bottle in m1094: have
hand m1094: where did youputyour hand where did you
m1094: [inhale] they re funnyputyour one on your back
tight it is important toputa scheme in place as
influence the decision or toputalternative quality provision in place
as if everything was gettingputback into place the whole
bad she has been andputher in the baddest place
disrespectful but you had toputhim in his place you
i did not do wasputin place a bureaucracy that
we are not attempting toputin place a different altered
that the scottish executive shouldputin place a financial package
in october and yesterday theyputin place a good package
a consequence of having toputin place a new enforcement
through grants we would alsoputin place a requirement for
executive which local authorities haveputin place a strategy to
the sheriff court we haveputin place a supportive structure
the isdn infrastructure had beenputin place about nine years
take the necessary steps toputin place across scotland all
of a knowledge economy toputin place adequate monitoring and
in the short term wereputin place although they may
each project is required toputin place an independent certification
oh right okay m1163: beputin place and it s
number of systems have beenputin place and we are
disadvantaged areas and people wasputin place and what difference
it has any plans toputin place any area closures
and further requires that itputin place appropriate funding mechanisms
and investment that the executiveputin place are bearing fruit
that the arrangements that weputin place are effective and
the arrangements that have beenputin place are robust that
that means that we mustputin place arrangements for closer
that she wants to beputin place as her project
route action plan should beputin place as part of
safety measures it plans toputin place at accident spots
is inevitable despite the safeguardsputin place beforehand and many
that hygiene regulations must beputin place but the executive
continuing employment strategy will beputin place early to secure
completed and a proper strategyputin place for the gradual
a workable alternative to beputin place gordon jackson tommy
the reforms needed could beputin place i still strongly
see effective tobacco control policiesputin place if you were
tobacco control policies to beputin place in scotland we
lindsay manson the executive hasputin place in the spending
for school improvement which itputin place in the standards
for school improvement which itputin place in the standards
the system that we haveputin place is innovative the
major improvement scheme can beputin place it is important
arrangements for interpretation to beputin place it would assist
and the kintyre initiative shouldputin place long term measures
to have difficulties when weputin place measures to ensure
a good point we shouldputin place mechanisms that will
specific time scale should beputin place members will not
ourselves why that is andputin place mentoring schemes as
that an arbiter should beputin place rather than saying
books that often and havingputin place something that was
new arrangements that have beenputin place such as the
calls upon the executive toputin place sufficient resources to
calls upon the executive toputin place sufficient resources to
within a single organisation andputin place systems to ensure
base if the ban isputin place that base would
at present however we haveputin place the actions that
and for legislation to beputin place the arguments for
cent but the executive hasputin place the central heating
system is about to beputin place the issue might
hard with the nof toputin place the liaison links
provided that adequate safeguards areputin place the measures deserve
urges the scottish executive toputin place the necessary procedures
is right that we shouldputin place the requirements while
a support package to beputin place the revenue support
action has been taken toputin place the tumour specific
services could be established andputin place there is no
mmhm mmhm mmhm mmhm f950: putin place they re recognisin
programmes that the council willputin place through its community
the procedures that have beenputin place to accelerate things
working that needs to beputin place to achieve that
different mechanisms need to beputin place to address rural
vision what policies have weputin place to assist the
or not plans should beputin place to celebrate the
minister what measures can beputin place to ensure that
arrangements will require to beputin place to ensure that
assurance that measures will beputin place to ensure that
what control mechanisms will beputin place to ensure that
there will be any measuresputin place to extend inoculation
what additional safeguards it willputin place to guarantee that
what measures it plans toputin place to improve the
satisfied that arrangements have beenputin place to protect the
an authorisation that measures areputin place to protect the
not what procedures have beenputin place to replace any
executive what mechanisms it hasputin place to report the
expressed what measures could beputin place to strengthen the
that a procedure should beputin place urgently members have
the key changes are beingputin place we must acknowledge
effective financial management systems areputin place we will continue
sort of structures that wereputin place were ideal for
saving arrangements that must beputin place when poinding and
and whatever system will beputin place when sutherland is
process if any will beputin place whereby the residents
principles that we want toputin place winnie ewing and
if an additional regulation isputin place without additional support
ban uk or scottish wereputin place would it have
mongering ass licking company menputin their place by the
staffing and resources to beputinto place schedule1 schedule 1
urges the scottish executive toputinto place without further delay
enter pat pat ah veputmah stuff roond your place
kind of you sort ofputthat in its place without
must see the place andputyou and your people in
create a safer place toputyour rubbish without fear of
ll put on m1092: mmputa elephant elephant f1091: right
missing is it if youputa s- if you put
be nasty or i llputaa i ll put aa
ll put aa i llputaa the barbies back to
clothes to put upstairs andputaway and then we re
ll put this diary awayputback the seat and dream
ye m1014: well i justputclothes i put garb that
f1117: the last one yepputdoon your cupcake put it
car m1098: aye please youputf1097: you put your towel
t remember we don tputfingers near it just put
i just put clothes iputgarb that s what i
put in 7 ware dishputgreaseproof paper then cloth over
put it on f1127: nopeputhim on aifter oh m1128:
that was aw i couldputi mean i didnae put
2 eggs beaten mix wellputin 7 ware dish put
flag f1104: yeah i veputin i ve put in
ve put in i veputin my blue yuck [inaudible]
put in the ga- youputin the car f1111: i
okay well done f1112: youputin the ga- you put
i know i would notput[inaudible] on to put on
but when we put theputit aa back to [censored: forename]
away f1118: [laugh] [inaudible] yesputit away f1117: put it
dinna put it off f1103: putit back on f1104: no
put it quite how toputit but it was a
stealed them child noise iputit i put it mammy
it too up m804: iputit i put it up
time f1122: no f1121: putputit in and we can
yes put it away f1117: putit in the cupboard and
put that in there m1092: putit in there f1091: okay
noise i put it iputit mammy look what i
we ll f1104: no dinnaputit off f1103: put it
on i put the iputit on er f1049: i
on f1127: eh m1128: naeputit on f1127: nope put
we- who put on whoputit on it f1089: aye
you put it on youputit on m1128: mm f1127:
put that on the radiatorputit on the radiator in
yep put doon your cupcakeputit on the table f1118:
pink pen here look youputit on you put it
wanna dae it yes iputit out i put the
t know how quite toputit quite how to put
the box m1096: put thatputit there cause aabody can
[inhale] f1089: right we llputit there so put the
i f1103: mmhm f1104: iputit up i put it
i put it up iputit up the stair last
m804: i put it iputit up too loud m805:
on thursday m1106: i canputmum i can put my
can put mum i canputmy face in the water
okay m1092: i i canputno put this one away
put i mean i didnaeputnothin but smashers or m1014:
p- i ll try toputon a i ll put
put on a i llputon a top f1101: mmhm
not put [inaudible] on toputon first f1121: right you
o f631: mmhm f689: gotputon hold and put on
got put on hold andputon hold and then what
f1091: okay right mam llputon m1092: mm put a
is put on some coldputon some cold f1111: i
f1112: uh huh it isputon some cold put on
t it m1090: we- whoputon who put it on
fast f1095: no you veputon you put on your
you ve put on youputon your hat divn t
to put people in inputpeople at ease but then
like things flowin and toputpeople in in put people
this time f1122: no f1121: putput it in and we
at this aren t yeputsome m- put some more
t ye put some m-putsome more on that one
it isna isna [inaudible] f1095: putthat ain in there put
f1113: that s for youputthat and then you put
m1110: put that awa f1109: putthat awa and that awa
f1109: put that awa m1110: putthat awa f1109: put that
m1110: whole page mum f1109: putthat awa m1110: put that
no no f1113: can iputthat can i put them
put a s- if youputthat circle in again [noise from toy]
put that ain in thereputthat in there and one
you re grumpy will iputthat in there m1092: put
f1089: can you go andputthat on the radiator put
f1095: get the box m1096: putthat put it there cause
put the egg in hereputthe crumbs here again [?]yeah[/?]
put the radio on iputthe i put it on
put this two bits youputthe next two bits right
hear it but when weputthe put it aa back
on m1048: uh huh iputthe radio on i put
ll put it there soputthe rest of the ironing
i put it out iputthe sp- spoon out f1117:
i put that can iputthem away in the cupboard
the batteries okay i llputthem away put them over
in the box put themputthem f1121: very good f1122:
put them in the carputthem in the back where
this [?]polo mints[/?] f1095: aye butputthem in the car put
put fingers near it justputthem in the holes that
f1121: [running tap] f1122: put themputthem in the water in
i ll put them awayputthem over there okay now
them back in the boxputthem put them f1121: very
hands always f1121: [running tap] f1122: putthem put them in the
put this there i llputthis apple on there [inaudible]
f1109: tell mam please m1110: putthis cover off and put
meanwhile i think i llputthis diary away put back
put this cover off andputthis here f1109: okay keep
dripping and dripping can youputthis in can you put
put that and then youputthis on top see sit
i i can put noputthis one away we do
millie there [inaudible] i llputthis there i ll put
sandwich in here i llputthis two bits you put
ve got that clothes toputupstairs and put away and
right just put yes justputwe ll pop that ones
leaving them f1111: right justputyes just put we ll
please you put f1097: youputyour towel through to the
them out m1096: hmm f1095: putaa the m1096: [exhale] f1095:
nope f1095: no you justputdoon ain and look the
ehm first i have toputglue on it f1095: mm
do [censored: forename] some f1095: rightputhis sandwich in here i
f1095: aye but i canputin on your jacket will
bit [inaudible] f1095: [computer printer] m1096: putit back f1095: [computer printer] oh
ain f1095: hmm did youputit back then [inaudible] m1096:
s a rubbish [inaudible] shouldnaputit in a bucket f1095:
f1095: mm somebody should haveputit in their bucket shouldn
f1095: that s right justputit next to it that
get f1095: [inaudible] we llputit off in a minute
no f1095: where did youputit then m1096: och um
erm f1095: aye we llputit there m1096: a broken
it you silly billy m1096: putits f1095: right one two
m gonna f1095: eh m1096: putmy [inaudible] in f1095: right
there [child noise] f1095: aye rightputon another bittie then cause
and get bonny lights toputon it m1096: aye f1095:
us ready okay m1096: mmputthat f1095: aye just wait
dae it f1095: aye rightputthat lace underneath m1096: [exhale]
[inaudible] m1096: [music] f1095: noputthat off here give it
blood on it f1095: dinnaputthat on your [inaudible] dinna
[inaudible] right m1096: will iputthe sausages on f1095: aye
four right m1096: i willputthem f1095: and we ll
[?]fixin, a fixin?[/?] f1095: no i llputthem in cause that grill
me dae that f1095: wellputthem in piles mmhm mmhm
then m1096: no f1095: wellputthem in the box then
packed lunches f1095: we llputthem in the car and
do it f1095: aye wellputthem in the piles m1096:
bunnies rabbits f1095: aye youputthem in the right pile
m1096: [inaudible] last one f1095: putthem in the same as
[inaudible] f1095: aye well youputthem in there and gie
my [inaudible] f1095: we llputthem in there m1096: no
them m1096: [sob] can iputthem on my [inaudible] f1095:
space f1095: right watch justputthem on the floor and
them open wide enough toputa bin bag through it
university of mainz when iputa quick question to them
them in the bin 5putall the fruit juice in
has enabled them to stayputand find employment in their
eyes apparently the doctor hadputdrops in them and fluid
them we are required toputeach ssi on to our
shame to see the grocerputher name wi them that
over the years i dputi d written them on
on we ll need toputicing on them darling m1128:
them scottish residents will beputin danger if their identities
that s them i llputin the crispies and then
we want them to beputinto the system for the
written on them you justputit in there f810: cool
to turn them off m944: putit on silent f943: no
stuff f826: oh right m827: putlittle lines round them so
get into them so iputma biker boots back on
do with them f806: [inhale]putmy assignment on [laugh] what
and reach them if iputmy stool my own special
them aa roon aboot andputnumbers on the back so
flick them into the boxputnumbers on them well dae
was two lectures that theyputon one of them was
them there me and beastieputon our thinking caps maybe
s a good idea f1112: puton some joggies to them
them across and i llputon the lid for you
take them oot m1128: iputon the stickers i hae-
used tae wear them theyputon their ganseys f1041: mmhm
them and hear how theyputon their phone voice and
thanks f1107: stirry stir rightputony of them will we
m194: but they got themputoot m608: aye m194: one
them whose stock were probablyputout to graze on them
though because the government hasputso much pressure on them
might benefit from them toputthat in context that figure
them like yeah we llputthat straight in the computer
dinna get them mixed upputthe black ones in there
mix them up i llputthe f1121: okay f1122: smarties
wi them yesterday ah dputthe glitter on quite thick
some of them forgot toputthe the er gas off
ony o them offerin toputtheir han s in their
take aboot three hours toputthem a in the fuckin
they re just too closeputthem a wee bittie apairt
f1103: aye it doesnae meanputthem aa awa but you
aa in okay then youputthem aa in f1104: yeah
well do you want toputthem aa in okay then
you [censored: forename] me mum rightputthem aa in there f1118:
aye but you need toputthem aa into their piles
pick up the bits andputthem aa on the different
right block wait a minuteputthem all along that way
women call the tune iputthem all at sea sl
cupcake [sniff] oh f1118: iputthem all in i m
i was like f814: justputthem all in m811: don
take that bit oot andputthem all in there f1118:
that old i would haveputthem as mid seventies m1078:
please the environmental lobby andputthem at their ease when
right i m gaun toputthem awa [censored: forename] m1096: mum
o us right we llputthem awa f1104: yeah i
front of it we llputthem away after we ve
after you dry them youputthem away it s nice
you winna be able toputthem away just now cause
i ve just going toputthem away m804: well g-
can the towels will iputthem away now f1114: yes
across the bridge f1113: okayputthem back and we ll
well ye wouldnae want taeputthem back aye f890: accept
you did them f1122: mumputthem back in f1121: what
we tidy them up andputthem back in the box
tidy them up and andputthem back in the box
re nae daein your jigsawsputthem back in the box
else have you got f1122: putthem back in the box
along the road and theyputthem back intae the water
the proceeds of crime andputthem back into communities to
f1113: aye but we llputthem back oot after you
and they repaired them andputthem back out m608: uh
they re here ye cannaeputthem back that s it
he was here tae maggieputthem by her sadie puts
we ve got room hereputthem doon turn them ower
last time i read oneputthem down and listen to
s a pair so youputthem down and that s
out the window will weputthem down here so that
there s your towellies rightputthem down that s a
mm aye we haven tputthem f1121: mm does it
they were just like youputthem f814: yeah f812: on
this here f1113: eh f1114: putthem here f1113: well i
cause they hadnae ye knowputthem high enough m608: aye
parcels in farr does heputthem how does he cairry
the shelf at home andputthem in a big knapsack
at the school remember weputthem in aye there was
slice them up will youputthem in f1130: no i
out of college being toldputthem in groups and and
tomatoes f1129: mmhm if youputthem in if i slice
[exhale] f1105: pop in m1106 : putthem in [inaudible] f1105: that
damp for lighting the fireputthem in light it and
no f1114: [squeal] f1113: rightputthem in like this look
f1118: [inaudible] eat them iputthem in my mouth [inhale]
ll help you if youputthem in piles you ve
take the seeds out andputthem in the bin 5
you can open them andputthem in the box it
different ones mummy s justputthem in the box you
you better tidy them awayputthem in the laundry basket
vegetables f1130: uh huh f1129: putthem in the oven look
gist of those reports andputthem in the public domain
baby six months he dputthem in the room with
would take them oot andputthem in the water again
bucket look there i llputthem in the water for
aye you ve got toputthem in their different ones
well i ve telt youputthem in their erm [tut]
there wait a minutie f1100: putthem in there f1099: canna
there f1099: canna sweetheart weputthem in there f1100: you
think f1122: i think somebodyputthem in there f1121: right
found f1122: i wonder whoputthem in there f1121: who
s f1113: [?]did we see dories?[/?] will youputthem in there for mum
got to be able toputthem in there into the
get mair cards we llputthem in there okay m1096:
dinna need them gaun toputthem in there which one
pick them up then andputthem in this box noo
the steps and i llputthem in [?]this thing[/?] [exhale] f1113:
phone calls to dalkeith saidputthem in through the normal
keep them as ornaments orputthem into a museum and
mmhm well you ehm youputthem into piles m1096: [inaudible]
ll need a spoon toputthem into the cupcakes f1118:
and then you can helpputthem into the cupcakes okay
them back oot after youputthem into their tub just
right this one we llputthem like that there we
took off the drawbars andputthem m642: no they werenae
two aye but you canputthem next to ain anither
i was new labour whichputthem off a bit sarah
troops m608: really m194: andputthem off and then of
came in the morning andputthem off f631: mmhm f634:
t they m815: try toputthem off fae the shoutin
on f1118: why she sputthem off [inaudible] f1117: maybe
you blundered to my clothesputthem on and ran barefoot
of chocolate so we couldputthem on cause there s
play wi them m1108: youputthem on f1107: mm mm
i m just going toputthem on f1111: no you
a wardrobe and kist andputthem on great fun for
her f1117: for her wellputthem on her eh f1118:
f1117: right okay right f1118: putthem on here f1117: now
choose to beth you canputthem on if you want
f1121: do you want toputthem on it what s
pairs do you want toputthem on no f1122: no
the truck the tour partyputthem on reluctantly adrian naebiddy
right you ve got toputthem on straight that way
ye had tae shift abootputthem on tae a wee
sprinkles that s a girlputthem on the cake just
take photographs an how taeputthem on the computer an
messages please ring back andputthem on the night service
your own ones as wellputthem on the radiator m1090:
highlands and islands which wouldputthem on the same competitive
plates f1122: i ll justputthem on the table f1121:
out of the bag andputthem on then she has
the sausages and you canputthem on there right and
a plate so we canputthem on to cool down
it s there will iputthem on to her she
t it f1112: [inaudible] justputthem on to your clippies
over needless to say iputthem on with the utmost
right m1096: right no iputthem on you need my
the dollies f1111: what f1112: putthem on your knee f1111:
cause this bit s hotputthem onto the plate to
had to wait until theyputthem out again we used
peggy had left she hadputthem out and now the
f1114: yes f1113: right youputthem over there right f1114:
them then right we llputthem that s one f1122:
you going to try andputthem thegither f1104: well i
on the line i neverputthem there f1024: [laugh] f1025:
on the fourth day youputthem through a search or
m608: mmhm aye yeah m1163: putthem through that done the
and then f1107: oh m1108: putthem to cook there f1107:
she took my hands andputthem to her feet he
for whatever it cost toputthem under that s why
and re- hi- ra- hi-putthem up higher for the
and all that they dputthem up m608: mmhm m194:
oops f1113: so i canputthem up on the wall
we don t need toputthem we have to sook
slug pellets and trying toputthem where all the cats
your m1106 : mum this iputthese in them lost them
you can get them f1101: putthis book ben into your
this meeting and the pointsputto them by the uk
them [inaudible] push you hereputyour feet up there f1136:
entirely if the process toputa highly specified target into
the scottish parliament older peopleputa huge amount back into
negotiating the statute the statesputa lot of effort into
and thoughtful and he hasputa lot of work into
a soft texture when youputa spoonful into your mouth
a fire into which youputa tattie stuck on a
so do you want toputaa these back into the
it i think we shouldputaa this thingies into one
it even more important toputall black rubbish bags into
to sort the washing outputall the clothes into the
one s [inaudible] right youputall the eggies back into
after yoursel an you reputawa into a home peggy
milk ½ oz sugar 1putb b and currants into
thickens pour ½ into tinputcochineal in other half and
percy so that he couldputdry coal into his fire
and the scottish parliament toputeuropean union laws into practice
ve had to try andputeverything into categories and sort
barrie s concerns i haveputeverything possible into my amendment
and toothy chap who obviouslyputheart and soul into his
he kissed the bairn andputher into ann s arms
was his slave that hadputher into that condition decided
shock gertie and partly toputher own apprehension into words
situation where you have justputhigh density traffic into a
i want to try toputhim into context [inhale] last
into rounds size of wineglassputin greased baking tin 300f
64 and then it wasputin its dish into a
rubbed onto the chest orputinto a basin of hot
of assiduous polishing which rlsputinto all his writings stevenson
the water it was thenputinto an earthenware milk basin
have to be you knowputinto bed and er i
at the previous election andputinto carrick cumnock and doon
biscuits and could even beputinto cheese when it was
hay was dry it wasputinto coles with a pitchfork
those resources will have beenputinto different bits of the
the time the committee hasputinto discussing community care and
but those methods can beputinto effect by a qualified
beating hard add pinch saltputinto fridge until 35 mins
graips to win and thenputinto hooicks they were left
these days so he wasputinto hospital and when it
were produced that could beputinto immediate practice american experts
commitment i d have toputinto it unb would offer
the love that has beenputinto it was made for
c 22 in part toputinto law what had developed
tupe will extra money beputinto local authority budgets to
to tell you he sputinto my hands the good
up their abode was beingputinto order so that everything
stock cook till boils seasonputinto pie dish top with
is liberal democrat policy beingputinto practice by the coalition
and how they will beputinto practice if they become
s shelf and are notputinto practice we could continue
the llullian community he couldputinto practise his vaguely formed
considerable resources that we haveputinto services for older people
exactly how much effort youputinto that rechannelling it was
are required resources must beputinto that the minister mentioned
to but we have notputinto the bill anything that
important therefore that rubbish isputinto the bins in the
they were dipped and thenputinto the cases m608: aye
amount of work that theyputinto the civic participation event
home the easter egg wasputinto the cupboard and we
the building ought to beputinto the design and construction
not possible for us toputinto the district court all
as she could get toputinto the hens pot along
under the tap before beingputinto the homogeniser to produce
f1077: and the ones weputinto the jumble sale down
door and a key isputinto the lock the door
production of beef each farmputinto the pool all their
contracts let will now beputinto the public domain given
involved such information should beputinto the public domain which
considerably more than what isputinto the public forum and
right yeah f965: that youputinto the pudding before you
it f1091: piglet unexpectedly isputinto the tub and kanga
how much resource will beputinto the whole sustainable development
basil coriander 2 egg yolksputinto well oiled loaf tin
went all hard got toputit back into its tubby
make a circl- will iputit into a circle for
circle for you will iputit into a circle hold
now is the time toputit into a proper statutory
ploatin i suppose if youputit into english it would
required rather than forcibly ehmputit into every second sentence
oz sugar 1 prepare fruitputit into greased pie dish
was thinking m1048: and likeputit into like coca cola
brother was sayin that theyputit into plastic bottles for
i think ma brother sputit into the best words
once you ve done thatputit into the cup and
up wi a knife andputit into the digger m1110:
troosers f1101: [inaudible] go andputit into the dressing up
cinnamon on top then youputit into the oven in
your pocket turn around noputit into your pocket it
your jacket on then andputit oot into the car
bring living creatures into schoolputit out this instant in
find the best way toputjoint working into practice there
round about me so theyputme into king s cross
sense into it you couldputme out in the garden
is a top priority toputmore money into the health
some justification that she hasputmore money into the voluntary
into her soft bitties andputmy arms round her neck
beaumont you re not toputnotions like that into his
it into the pan okayputon the lid please f1112:
climb had asked us toputour luggage into and took
a tendency for society toputpeople into categories and if
the binsheds in the backcourtsputrefuse bags into the green
and even more rubbish doputrefuse into the bins in
it goes into the binputrubbish into the bin gow
in a vase you alwaysputsome food into the vase
right if i if iputsome white into the green
what you ve got toputsomething into it f639: yeah
and how much will beputspecifically into agricultural modernisation ross
might not be appropriate toputsuch matters into guidelines because
out rowland you shouldn tputsuch outlandish notions into the
eggs ½ pt double creamputsugar rind juice yolks into
approach being taken if weputtargets into the action plan
ask my question might iputthat into straight layman s
yeah m762: and you canputthat into the [laugh] i
in one tub and thenputthe clothes into clean water
we find out more pleaseputthe date into your diary
paid up and the inspectorputthe money into the coin
f1117: right now i llputthe paper into the bucket
however it is necessary toputthe target figure into its
all their lives they haveputtheir bit into the public
too lazy f1114: [exhale] f1113: putthese into [censored: forename] s bedroom
raise awareness we can thenputthings into action we have
rescue operation a few factsputthis into focus the north
ends pointed the broom wasputup into sheaves and stooked
a home peggy naebody canputyou into a home if
o clock an i llputyou into your beddie aye
table [inaudible] [censored: forename] [censored: forename] wannaputyour hair bobbles into thae
an- first then when youputyour paintbrush into the white
f1141: mam ll hae toputyous into your bed won
okay f948: weel i wouldputa two for that bein
here as well okay youput[censored: forename] s one in there
okay come on we llputdad s shoes through look
some f1111: [?]we'll grate[/?] tons okayputdown the lid again f1112:
okay so far you couldputhe was getting hung because
here then okay we llputher there f1104: lila sure
him at the top f1121: puthim at the top okay
bottom okay no i llputhim back in no i
in like that just toputin a sandwich okay m1096:
[inaudible] f1111: okay will weputin a wee drop more
on it f1091: i llputin on okay right mam
here s the hay toputinside the cart okay f1114:
f1103: oh did you j-putit back through okay f1104:
okay i ll try andputit down there f1054: okay
i don t this meputit down there f1091: okay
there it goes f1113: okayputit in [censored: forename] do it
f1130: why f1129: you canputit in the dish okay
that s it f1105: okayputit in there [pouring milkshake] [laugh]
recorder okay right we llputit in your pocket don
one f1091: mmhm okay mamputit on for ye right
yeah f1103: okay f1104: rightputit on on your marks
we okay on your kneeputit on your knee again
it okay farr we gonnaputit so it doesna m1090:
like f1107: fitt no waitputit through the sieve okay
okay you ll have toputit through your till and
this okay right if youputit to the side f1121:
[inaudible] f1091: okay m1092: youputon it f1091: i ll
f1118: okay f1117: i llputon my apron f1118: it
can you give me thatputon that ain f1121: okay
to get icing okay andputon the icing that s
you go okay and thenputon your lid m1106 : mum
okay come up here andputon your socks [inaudible] f1114:
aye f1121: okay then f1122: putsome more smarties mix it
and that awa okay m1110: putthat awa and this awa
mum [inaudible] f1105: try thatputthat bittie in oh okay
s stuck okay [censored: forename] goputthat in that box again
a bittie loud we llputthat off okay we draw
cardigans and little flowers f1112: putthat on [inaudible] f1111: okay
bunch of flowers okay f1112: putthat one onto her and
awa and this awa f1109: putthat ower here okay that
f1091: okay right i llputthat softie there m1092: and
plug f1099: we re gonnaputthat there okay so it
watch then okay can youputthat through your till okay
just kee- i ll justputthe marshmallows perfectly f1121: okay
percy no f1109: i llputthis awa will i okay
mallows now right f1122: ayeputthis here f1121: okay i
okay hold on till iputthis on f1104: and i
move this over here rightputthis on top okay f1114:
one f1113: okay we llputthis one onto your trousers
okay that s it m1110: putthis ower tae here f1109:
f1121: okay you wanting toputyour finger in the water
is spot f1113: time toputyour lights okay time to
there see and we llputa baby baby one in
ca- they ll hae taeputa bridge ower cause ye
gansey ye ll have taeputa gansey on the day
come here and i llputa wee bittie in in
some more aye i llputa wee suppie on but
him jackie jackeson i llputa wee white jaicket on
will be f1121: i llputaa this ower to the
f1101: fitt f1102: i llputall the stuff on the
standards are slipping i llputall this in writing her
to granny and we llput[censored: forename] s in here right
f1127: we ll have toputchocolate on top of here
in at right we llputdad s tea in first
[humming] [singing] mum i llputeverything on the bed for
[inaudible] can you manage toputf1114: i i ll ke-
said och we ll justputher in her own class
i ll just have toputher in the car she
aye so right we llputher oot the road down
he goes [?]he's saying[/?] i llputhim at the top f1121:
you won right we llputhim doon in again f1104:
a bus [laugh] we llputhim in there cause he
sorry for yourself you llputhim off his feed he
he ll just hae taeputhis head on it like
f1122: i ll need toputi- the smartie on it
that ains cause we llputicing on we ll need
hot we ll need toputin a wee drop of
sit doon then i llputin a wee droppie mair
look aye but i llputin ehm f1124: it s
why f1127: right i llputin m1128: [inaudible] f1127: the
like this and we llputin some little eggs see
hand and then we llputin some more oh there
[?]mam is getting some[/?] f1127: right i llputin some of this and
f1129: we ll have toputin the tomato next and
that bit f1104: i llputin this bit [exhale] mum
things oot m815: [laugh] m816: putin we ll plant indigenous
think agnes maggie ll haveputit awa maist likely carolanne
that one and i llputit away it goes over
s your one i llputit back in its pouch
in the box we llputit back in the box
m1090: i ll i llputit back on f1089: no
[inaudible] phone off i llputit back on f1113: come
where [inaudible] we ll justputit down here m1090: yeah
f1104: i think i llputit [exhale] i think i
taste good m1128: aye iputit f1127: you ll be
here we go i llputit here [thirty seconds of background noise] it s
keep it on i llputit in a bag you
f1101: aye but we llputit in a box so
will you pu- i llputit in for you oh
on i see i llputit in for you she
s it it ll goputit in slowly it ll
in your box we llputit in the car and
clingfilm we ll wrap itputit in your box we
ll see neil don tputit off just make your
cook i think we llputit off while we re
hands and is about toputit on angelica i ll
it f1097: well i llputit on daisy will i
ll break it i llputit on in a minute
your jacket f1136: i llputit on in the park
i ll dae i llputit on the loaf and
of the box we llputit on top of the
minute mum ll sort itputit on top of the
f1136: i said i llputit on when we get
f1135: hmm f1136: i llputit on when we go
on after f1136: i llputit on when we go
the park f1135: you llputit on when you go
i ll read this youputit over a shelter f1111:
telephone f1089: maybe we llputit round is that better
take it look we llputit up all the way
[exhale] i think i llputit up in the tree
come over i ll justputit- aye okey dokey [inaudible]
and be safe i llputmy radiator up a bit
well we ll need toputoff that telly there s
f1097: he ll need toputon his life jacket m1098:
wi it though i llputon my apron dinna jump
militancy no doubt i llputon my best uncle nelson
side and you i llputon that bittie and you
m1096: can i can iputon that no that ll
to see fitt we llputon the list we ll
think we ll need toputon the tap and rinse
good girl now we llputon your apron f1122: [child noise]
here then and i llputon your m1106 : mum this
can do it i llputon your paste for you
f1113: no we ll noputon your shoes till you
again f1141: hey go andputthat back because you ll
[inaudible] f1091: right i llputthat back then m1092: hey
ll maybe burn your fingersputthat bit in the bucket
no ye ll hae taeputthat bit up m1090: [toys banging about]
was the bittie i llputthat bittie on here f1117:
s a bag we llputthat in the bottom f1122:
and i ll go andputthat in the kitchen f1103:
finished i ll go andputthat off that tv f1115:
this o- f1113: we llputthat one in here see
your hair done i llputthat ones away f1114: up
baby s right we llputthat over there and i
f1102: look f1101: i llputthat somewhere up here f1102:
over there and i llputthat there f1118: oh look
is that better we llputthat under your jumper m1090:
i i mean i llputthe argument in m741: you
are finished darling we llputthe fire on after aa
of subject peggy i llputthe kettle on tea ma
button f1089: well you llputthe phone off m1090: [rustling noise]
a pumpkin farr ll weputthe pumpkin m1128: i m
ll maybe be [inaudible] f1113: putthe toast in the toaster
yes f1113: wow i llputthe top back on the
hands key over ye llputthey cans right oot in
aafa noisy right we llputthis away now f1114: [inaudible]
bits there and i llputthis bits here was that
ll get some mair roomputthis book oot the road
leave it there we llputthis doon m1128: mm mm
that f1118: erm i llputthis here this way whee
ye see this i llputthis i ll strap this
mm we ll manage toputthis in f1121: will you
m1108: mmhm and i llputthis in here for a
stand up and i llputthis in there you ll
finding nemo right we llputthis one away f1114: finding
printing i think i llputthis one f1121: mm [laugh]
f1113: finding nemo i llputthis one over here wait
[throat] we ll have toputthis ones back in the
is coming [inaudible] we llputthis right on top o
holy moly [inaudible] i llputthis up here no want
i says right i llputtwa layers o felt on
mean the the lifeguards llputup signs blue bottles m815:
in the truck i llputyou in the truckie and
the cooker f1121: we llputyour hair up in a
we ll go up andputyour one back and we
ll hae him here againputyour trust in the haund
was away doon i iputa big stick john it
huh f634: so we wereputaway from the house you
be washed dried ironed anputaway m1146: oh yes f1143:
eh no want that ainputaway right go and get
right i said and weputaway the jack and the
is always telling mummy toputaway the records properly so
downstairs to f1114: [inaudible] f1113: putaway this stuff then [inaudible]
to we re going toput[censored: forename] s stool away ooh
in your district hope theyputhim away for a long
f1089: are we goin toputit away m1090: we re
no more bubbles f1112: justputit away over there f1111:
away to do f1112: justputon their joggies just now
m1092: behind the rabbit noputthat one away f1091: eh
away now f1114: [inaudible] f1113: putthe game back in the
off i m away toputthe kettle on peggy off
by my agonised bladder iputthe thing away without opening
right i m going toputthe toolies away in the
you can do can youputthese away cause i m
i m away up dinnaeputthis light oot will ye
will i make tea sadieputyer books away furst will
t right mum sadie justputyer books away gordon sighs
of course you d alreadyputall your swords in the
his head out will iputhim at your side so
we need to do isputit doon your back that
see [censored: forename] s one soputit in your pocket turn
in a bag you canputit on your back will
oops pull it over thenputit on your knee oh
for you and he wouldputit onto your bracket at
thanks for your letter iputoff answering it always hoping
what s the thing weputon your jamas ka- f1112:
back in that room andputon your school skirt and
right you stand there andputoot your arms f1114: i
you ready stand there andputoot your arms see if
fair will we will weputsome bubbles in your bath
pleased to know that iputup your net curtain in
slept on a kaff andputyour feet on a pig
fine smell that s [inaudible]putyour hand like this f1117:
shake your hand on theputyour hand over the plate
[inaudible] f1121: right go andputyour hands under the tap
here you go then rightputyour sandwich in there no
right rinse the soap offputyour sponge in the water
we ve to wash itputyour spoon in it f1118:
little plate for you toputyour sprink- sprinkles on now
[inaudible] wait wait right youputyour towel back through to

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