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to institutional governance and managementqualityassurance academic staffing administrative infrastructure
to institutional governance and managementqualityassurance academic staffing and administrative
1992 act the privy councilqualityassurance agency and the applicant
on uk wide basis thequalityassurance agency for higher education
education scotland act 17 thequalityassurance agency for higher education
under the scrutiny of thequalityassurance agency for higher education
submission is considered by thequalityassurance agency s advisory committee
be unsatisfactory by the relevantqualityassurance agency serious weaknesses of
c a recognised mark ofqualityassurance and d confirmation that
and staff underwent a majorqualityassurance audit notes the heavy
recruited or the fact thatqualityassurance checks could not be
and neighbours a level ofqualityassurance enable housing associations to
the other suggested solution concernsqualityassurance management i am sure
evidence to suggest that thequalityassurance of marking was any
more inspectorial role regarding thequalityassurance procedures 12 15 mr
marking and subsequent and accompanyingqualityassurance procedures to take place
dalkeith and through our internalqualityassurance there may well be
6 february 2003 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
ssi 2002 549 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
6 february 2003 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
ssi 2002 549 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
6 february 2003 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
6 february 2003 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
6 february 2003 the airqualitylimit values scotland amendment regulations
2001 rural development the airqualitylimit values scotland regulations 2001
2001 rural development the airqualitylimit values scotland regulations 2001
ssi 2001 219 the airqualitylimit values scotland regulations 2001
2001 rural development the airqualitylimit values scotland regulations 2001
improving scotland s drinking waterqualityacknowledges that substantial investment in
better access to stable andqualityemployment improving employability and to
arrangements while maintaining and improvingqualityin 17 subjects the reviews
highlighted in issues in improvingqualityin private houses the first
light of issues in improvingqualityin private houses the first
light of issues in improvingqualityin private houses the first
to in issues in improvingqualityin private houses the first
first report issues in improvingqualityin private housing the committee
scottish market improving and maintainingqualitymaximising information technology boosting tourism
fishing quotas and improving thequalityof advice on the health
a statement on improving thequalityof bus services in scotland
a statement on improving thequalityof bus services in scotland
and partly about improving thequalityof housing a concern that
suit their needs improving thequalityof housing adopting a long
individual s life improving thequalityof housing scotland s homes
a focus on improving thequalityof jobs given the importance
an important role in improvingqualityof life and extending opportunities
are allocated to improving thequalityof life for those gulf
the aim of improving thequalityof life in their areas
one way of improving thequalityof service throughout scotland if
quantity of services improving thequalityof services dealing with the
support continuous improvement in thequalityefficiency and effectiveness of local
making the decisions of nhsqualityimprovement scotland binding on health
sign network or by nhsqualityimprovement scotland i see that
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland order 2002 ssi
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland order 2002 ssi
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland order 2002 ssi
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland order 2002 ssi
ssi 2002 533 the nhsqualityimprovement scotland order 2002 ssi
11 at end insert nhsqualityimprovement scotland section 7 mary
intercollegiate guidelines network or nhsqualityimprovement scotland to undertake such
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland transfer of officers
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland transfer of officers
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland transfer of officers
and community care the nhsqualityimprovement scotland transfer of officers
ssi 2002 534 the nhsqualityimprovement scotland transfer of officers
scotland now part of nhsqualityimprovement scotland with the strong
improvement task force to improvequalityin the private sector today
improvement task force to considerqualityissues in the private sector
create lasting improvement to thequalityof life particularly of disadvantaged
association property to improve housingquality3 ministerial statement the minister
need to improve drinking waterqualityacross scotland further notes the
is taking to improve thequalityand rigour of feedback to
enterprise agencies to help improvequalityand standards in tourist businesses
the consumer and improve thequalityand variety of food on
association property to improve housingqualitybill aitken moved amendment s1m
will enable those in poorerqualityhousing to improve it raise
and varied work to improvequalityin health services and acknowledges
and varied work to improvequalityin health services and acknowledges
being taken to improve thequalityof care and support for
improve teaching i know thequalityof education in east lothian
not in itself improve thequalityof housing or increase investment
parliament has worked to improvequalityof life and governance in
fair and to improve thequalityof life for all those
that not only improve thequalityof life for older people
the will to improve thequalityof life for the growing
to improve older people squalityof life in her opening
this nature to improve thequalityof life of citizens s1m
project aims to improve thequalityof life of disadvantaged children
strategy to improve their overallqualityof life our efforts in
we seek to improve theirqualityof life with four key
on pay to improve thequalityof pay that we give
must improve the supply andqualityof scotland s affordable housing
to improve the frequency andqualityof services on the edinburgh
programme which will improve thequalityof some existing housing stock
to sustain and improve thequalityof teaching learning and qualifications
to retain and improve thequalityof teaching learning and research
skills improve the safety andqualityof the industry combat rogue
and service users improve thequalityof transport information to reflect
motor vehicles to improve airqualitys1w 7181 mr murray tosh
in scotland must have highqualityaccess to digital technology and
develop a range of highqualityalternatives to custody which fit
developing a range of highqualityalternatives to custody which fit
develop a range of highqualityalternatives to custody which fit
pay it must be highqualityand apply the highest professional
recommendations to ensure that highqualityand sustainable services could be
producing work of a highqualityand to use ict and
not of such a highqualityas a result of time
distinctiveness of scotland s highqualitybeef products and that scotland
with the objective of highqualitycare for all s1m 2207
with the objective of highqualitycare for all supported by
ensuring that access to highqualitycare is guaranteed for all
ensuring that access to highqualitycare is guaranteed for all
ensuring that access to highqualitycare is guaranteed for all
a wide range of highqualitycourses that are suitable for
make available to allow highqualitycycle training to be delivered
this has been a highqualitydebate worthy of the parliament
executive s commitment to highqualityefficient and responsible public services
s commitment to modern highqualityefficient and responsive public services
which operates in the highqualityend of the market and
of quite high-high- high enoughqualityerm i can say that
to provide er a highqualityerm newspaper erm tabloid er
so it was really highqualityf606: mmhm m691: an eh
whole community and include highqualityfacilities for drama music sport
are best at producing highqualityfarmed salmon at lower stocking
inflight meal was of highqualityfor an airline either a
4 million in providing highqualityfurther and higher education s1o
is renowned for its highqualityfurther recognises that the fresh
supports the provision of highqualityhealth education transport and other
expand the provision of highqualityhearing aids which to most
treatment of the same highqualityiain gray i acknowledge mr
and skills development a highqualityinfrastructure and a collaborative pro
the company is creating highqualityjobs in that disadvantaged rural
enabling and promoting a highqualitylearning experience providing an integrated
furs samovars food and highqualitylocal ceramics is the futuristic
to live with a highqualityof life duncan mcneil said
economic progress and the highqualityof life that many of
time and 2 the highqualityof scholarship can be maintained
with the sqa that thequalityof the markers was high
not of such a highqualityor not as appropriate as
and midwives in delivering highqualitypatient care and supports the
and midwives in delivering highqualitypatient care and supports the
least two hours of highqualityphysical education classes a week
to provide a modern highqualitypublic prosecution service it is
strong families communities and highqualitypublic services after debate amendment
to and investing in highqualitypublic services health transport social
its use in delivering highqualitypublic services while protecting the
scotland s capability for highqualityresearch on the use learning
the joint issue of highqualityscholarly and popular editions there
to some of those highqualityschools i hope that east
some of the very highqualityschools in the area one
who have delivered a highqualityservice are replaced by two
to provide a modern highqualityservice increase funds for the
to successfully deliver a highqualityservice to customers it is
and resources and uniformly highqualityservices across the country and
its reputation as a highqualityshipbuilder as recognised by the
the potential to anchor highqualityshops they are able to
to train and retain highqualitystaff enable teachers to work
to attract and retain highqualityteaching and research build excellence
alliance is concerned that highqualitytobacco manufacturing and related jobs
established reputation as a highqualitytourism destination by building on
across scotland invest in highqualitytravel information to give people
not of such a highqualitywe want those stories to
may have a a highqualitywhich which means it demands
are delivered to the highestqualityand achieve maximum value for
say are o the highestqualityand reflect weel on the
to ensure the highest possiblequalityand standard of care is
tourist attractions of the highestqualityin angus dundee and the
capable of delivering the highestqualityof care for all our
capable of delivering the highestqualityof care for all our
of the highest indicators ofqualityof life in the country
in delivering improvements in thequalityof scottish life through a
with delivering two hours ofqualitype a week for every
assessed as capable of deliveringqualitywere shortlisted the specifications were
and the supply of goodqualityaffordable rented housing the potential
that will be needed inqualityand supply which are largely
be demonstrated that supply andqualityhave improved sufficiently to allow
236 the water supply waterqualityscotland amendment regulations 2001 ssi
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland amendment regulations 2001 ssi
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland amendment regulations 2001 ssi
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland amendment regulations 2001 ssi
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland amendment regulations 2001 ssi
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
2001 the water supply waterqualityscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
in establishing quality partnership andqualitycontract schemes with bus operators
by local authorities in establishingqualitypartnership and quality contract schemes
2001 the existing facilities inqualitypartnership schemes scotland regulations 2001
2001 the existing facilities inqualitypartnership schemes scotland regulations 2001
2001 the existing facilities inqualitypartnership schemes scotland regulations 2001
which local authorities have establishedqualitypartnership schemes with bus operators
the veterinary medicines directorate byqualityschemes and by the supermarkets
people who are involved inqualityschemes are at risk but
impact is carried out withinqualityschemes by independent outside bodies
those who are outwith thequalityschemes for example samples of
those who are involved inqualityschemes if they are found
the subject professor richards currentqualityschemes take on board many
being widely undertaken in environmentalqualityschemes to prevent disease from
ensure the availability of goodqualityaffordable housing for those on
meet the demand for goodqualityaffordable rented housing from our
the present stock of goodqualityaffordable rented housing in scotland
in the delivery of goodqualityaffordable rented housing in such
social behaviour of neighbours poorqualityhousing and an inability to
help home owners tackle poorqualityhousing ensure that more homes
households that live in poorqualityhousing fall on hard times
provision and management of goodqualityhousing for all and sustainable
eradicate rooflessness and provide goodqualityhousing for all our citizens
the availability of affordable goodqualityhousing for those on low
is committed to eradicating poorqualityhousing last week i announced
queue and living in poorqualityhousing or the wrong kind
to continue to provide aqualityhousing service supported by fergus
enormous pressures to produce betterqualityhousing that is easier and
of an index of housingqualityshortly para 2 58 an
our proposals for a newqualitystandard for all social housing
provision of housing and itsqualitysupport issues which david orr
on the index of housingqualitythat will not dilute the
what we know about housingqualitywe hope to make an
life are of very goodqualityall in all i think
as saltmarket to ensure aqualitylife for local people so
yeah [laugh] m845: no thequalityo life is super an
we are f606: yeah m845: qualityo life it s it
didn t interfere with myqualityof life after a while
a real difference to theirqualityof life and a victory
society function with any realqualityof life and how could
power caused a decline inqualityof life and that the
their chance and that theirqualityof life as an older
it could interfere with yourqualityof life ehm and it
30 pm executive debate onqualityof life followed by parliamentary
jury to consider how thequalityof life for individuals and
a real difference to thequalityof life for pensioners and
and they add to thequalityof life for so many
know that good health andqualityof life go hand in
heating has made to theirqualityof life i was struck
create new opportunities and thequalityof life in our local
an adverse impact on thequalityof life in the local
a strategy to enhance thequalityof life of deaf people
impact on the wealth andqualityof life of economic activity
an enormous contribution to thequalityof life of many people
create a revolution in thequalityof life of so many
a standard of living andqualityof life that is regarded
affects people s health andqualityof life that is why
working age has a decentqualityof life therefore our long
modus operandi of doing businessqualityof life was another important
real difference to people squalityof life we are not
are fundamental to a civilisedqualityof life which is every
he has contributed to thequalityof public life throughout scotland
microbial life but of soilqualitythere is a substantial amount
partnership agreement agrees that thequalityof education in our schools
partnership agreement agrees that thequalityof education in our schools
transport act monitor whether thequalitypartnership powers included in the
grown tobacco is of poorqualityand low commercial value recognises
term unemployment low income lowqualityemployment homelessness poor health immigration
general more money for poorqualitygoods 28 sunday a nice
aal days bit quality squalityan it wid be fine
quality of social policy promotingqualityin industrial relations preparing for
quality which demonstrates that soilqualityin organic farming is much
employment and quality of workqualityof social policy promoting quality
action include full employment andqualityof work quality of social
met the stipulated quality standardsqualityran through the whole process
e gweed aal days bitqualitys quality an it wid
that they met the stipulatedqualitystandards quality ran through the
amount of research on soilqualitywhich demonstrates that soil quality
who puts forward the bestqualityand best value offer i
over time in operational requirementsqualityand value for money are
of the day we wantqualityand value for money the
5 increasing competitiveness by providingqualityand value for money the
system which took account ofqualityas well as cost value
public gets maximum value andqualityprovision in the further education
ensure that they meet commonqualityand safety standards s1w 1155
college s arrangements for maintainingqualityand standards are sufficient validation
mr alan cubbin director ofqualityand standards maritime and coastguard
1992 and their standards andqualityin scottish secondary schools 1994
9001 equivalent eu standards forqualitymanagement systems or any other
of these standards what otherqualitymanagement systems standards are being
meet the standards and thequalityspecified at the rates quoted
needed to increase further waterqualitystandards and enhance the protection
future skills scotland will setqualitystandards for lmi identify skills
public safety and secure higherqualitystandards help communities and victims
that any revised cost limitsqualitystandards or completion dates under
regarding any effect on airqualityaround the industrial plants at
justice 2 the draft airqualityscotland amendment regulations 2002 28
local government the draft airqualityscotland regulations 2000 22 february
local government the draft airqualityscotland regulations 2000 22 february
following draft instruments the airqualityscotland regulations 2000 ssi 2000
what matters most is teachingqualityin scotland cathy jamieson teaching
in scotland cathy jamieson teachingqualityis very important and i
the three sectors very muchqualityteaching and learning i have
their modern and er dynamicqualityand er also being able
material tend to be goodqualityjournalism and accessible modern literary
five properties that were goodqualitymodern ex council flatted accommodation
introduction still worth reading lastingqualitynot true of some modern
reporting and assessment of waterqualityand regrets the executive s
reporting and assessment of waterqualitybruce crawford moved amendment s1m
views of consumers regarding foodqualityand food safety notes that
and drink industries and promotequalityfood give local communities a
scotland s reputation as aqualityfood producer and recommends the
the world to sample thequalityhome made food served at
through education and improved foodqualityin schools and throughout scotland
plan this week the foodqualityis variable but generally good
revitalising the food industry thequalityof scottish food and drink
research for his report thequalityof data has improved significantly
much would depend on thequalityof the research evidence base
of research that receive aqualityrating in the research assessment
scotland s capability for tapqualityresearch on the uiss learnin
of their concern that thequalityand extent of care for
try to deliver the bestqualitycare for the older people
times treatment outcomes and likelyqualityof after care end postcode
deliver real improvements to thequalityof care provided to patients
on issues related to thequalityof care the balance between
on issues related to thequalityof care the balance between
of care in assessing thequalityof care the project will
natasha read the guarantee ofqualityout loud with great care
this year but on thequalityand delivery of education by
of people taking sqa qualificationsqualityassure education and training establishments
child s education providing aqualityexperience in pre school for
child s education providing aqualityexperience in pre school for
be achieved without harming thequalityof education again that should
that the parliament commends thequalityof education provided at st
curriculum for two hours ofqualityphysical education if we are
is the provision of goodqualityefficient public services in scotland
did not say that thequalityof public transport services is
as investment in and thequalityof services the need to
accessible co ordinated and goodqualityservices protection from the threat
will consider those issues furtherqualityhas been assured throughout the
transfer stock transfer might addressqualityissues but it will not
tenancy matters that relate toqualityissues however as the task
tackle issues of equality andqualityof employment if we consider
decision or to put alternativequalityprovision in place the parliament
specialist networks to promote trainingqualityservice provision and the exchange
service and we get goodqualitynew recruits we train people
an inspectorate to check thequalityof practice around the service
is an aspect of thequalityof service however it would
recognises regional differences and measuresqualityof service lodged on 22
are closely related to thequalityof service provided and those
system is providing a goodqualityservice that will provide the
process christine grahame is thequalityand practice review unit independent
gearing towards price rather thanqualityand skewing the tendering process
it is about a flawedqualityassessment process and a flawed
years for the signs thequalityassessment process is littered with
was writing contracts that builtqualityinto the process not in
fulfilled our argument concerns thequalityof the tendering process and
through the whole process thequalityproposals were carefully scrutinised and
with an interest in clinicalqualitybusiness bulletin no 158 2001
to be as good inqualityas our groceries dolly glanced
wilson we have heard goodqualityevidence although the witnesses are
the language loses its uniquequalitygood scots certainly cannot be
that there would be goodqualityjudges given the kind of
for i think that thequalityof the markers was good
but that polished satisfying literaryqualityowes a good deal to
does everyone agree that thequalitywas good or is that
that you said that thequalitywas good others have said
try to ensure that aqualityguarantee is built into their
is taking to ensure equalqualityof treatment for all children
trails and to ensure thatqualityprocedures are being used in
stand o best weddin presentqualitya plastic pyock full o
best practice to consider bothqualityand price in england the
nae the very best oqualitythis [inaudible] jigsaws are they
was the best and poorerqualitywas no treat beremeal and
scottish executive from which sourcesqualitymeat scotland receives funding and
and output targets are forqualitymeat scotland s1w 16819 mary
to continue to develop thequalityof scotland s world class
national symbol the number andqualityof songs collected in scotland
development for scotland will addressqualityof surroundings s1w 34866 bruce
in maintaining and enhancing thequalityof these areas historic scotland
with an interest in clinicalqualitycovers the public health institute
any plans to introduce aqualitymark scheme for public bodies
health develop the range andqualityof jobs accessible to those
the review must maintain thequalityof those published before the
were clearly of a betterqualitythan those of joseph knight
our action plan on thequalityand practice review unit it
commission civil law reform thequalityof our civil justice system
from visiting cyclists on thequalityof our roads they were
explore further the issue ofqualityit is beyond doubt that
expresses its concern that thequalityof representation may suffer further
often a snide sort ofqualityabout such town speech whereas
she observed that the sheerqualityand brilliance of his performance
what is a matter ofqualityand consumer protection and what
against the criteria of safetyqualityand efficiency s1w 24066 mary
documents have been of variablequalityand have not been strong
international status assessments of hisqualityand his position in the
totally uninformed about the originqualityand legality of the product
on the editorial task thequalityand size of the team
have been many speeches ofqualityand substance throughout the debate
been taken to increase thequalityand variety of homes in
the aim of getting betterqualitybuildings and a better system
must be of such aqualitydurability and civic importance as
let s go for thequalityend of the market let
from increased promotion of itsqualityfarmed goods including organic goods
being unable to reproduce thisqualityin a reversal of herder
got a kind of enchantingqualityin a way for m762:
s contribution with regard toqualityin relation to efficiency of
size and quantity rather thanqualitymiles of hideous tables inlaid
will not fight because thequalityof a language is a
76 160 eec on thequalityof bathing waters s1w 19410
published in english embody thequalityof consciousness in the japanese
stage management based on thequalityof course offered rather than
within the system maintain thequalityof degrees in addition over
building user brief content andqualityof designs and of presentations
women writers yet for thequalityof her poetry her unusual
he reminded them when thequalityof her yarn was not
attitude and reputation and thequalityof his proposals enric miralles
evidence that the difference inqualityof interactions could be divided
case if we get thequalityof investigation right a couple
other core issue is thequalityof investigatory work if its
result of questions about thequalityof justice and the sentences
has a notion of linguisticqualityof language which is independent
the explanations for that isqualityof marking are there any
be sure of sensing thatqualityof nature which robert graves
would enhance the productivity andqualityof nursing thereby reducing absenteeism
local authorities in addressing thequalityof performance of direct labour
general government all of superbqualityof production and covering all
particular notes that a thequalityof school buildings built via
tolerable that is not thequalityof school environment in which
first i apologise for thequalityof some of the information
it was agreed that thequalityof subsequently published parts of
differ and eh how thequalityof the books reflects the
are also doubts about thequalityof the data that would
member was impressed with thequalityof the evidence that the
example of the excellent literaryqualityof the lanarkshire dialect material
was terribly embarrassed by thequalityof the latter which seemed
is not important but thequalityof the leadership and the
peattie you talk about thequalityof the markers we have
figure that would enhance thequalityof the material in the
editorial independence integrity and overallqualityof the newspapers which presently
think as much of thequalityof the scotvec modules as
multiply despite the variety andqualityof these poets who began
hear this er th-th-the- thequalityof this is not brilliant
i don t know thequalityof this isn t brilliant
border in ballet competitions andqualityof training is puzzled by
canon by sheer volume andqualityof what we say that
1 on full employment andqualityof work relates to a
poet but it is thequalityof work that entitles him
i commend you on thequalityof your report and the
your reasons according to thequalityof your subject let all
some kind of historical perspectivequalityon the grounds then of
particular the two hours ofqualitype which you mentioned nobody
of scottish agriculture is inqualityproduce meeting consumer demand and
of scottish agriculture is inqualityproduce meeting consumer demand and
of scottish agriculture is inqualityproduce meeting consumer demand and
a whole in respect ofqualityrelevance efficiency effectiveness accessibility accountability
dr black membership of scottishqualitysalmon depends on adherence to
and a feeling of itsqualitystretching back in time the
it is of considerably higherqualitythan some conventionally produced meat
report is not of thequalitythat we have come to
would be considerable loss ofqualitythe joint council invited a
to produce mature poetry ofqualitywhich is diverse in theme
there is a dreamy reminiscentqualityabout her voice which suggests
have a vigor and emotionalqualityin scots which was not
list for replin which makesqualitytransportation fabrics includes boeing airbus
a unit such as thequalityand practice review unit inappropriately
outsource supplies for clothing fromqualityscottish companies such as daks
outsource supplies for clothing fromqualityscottish companies such as daks
per cent is applied toqualityand 40 per cent to
fully in keeping with thequalityand attention to detail for
not necessarily cynical about thequalityand practice review unit but
i agree is important thequalityand practice review unit is
rural villages a very cosmopolitanqualityand these newly forged social
want greater equity and higherqualityand we want more and
and trays keyrings and badgesqualitygoods at reasonable prices are
anderson this tea possesses extraordinaryqualityin liquor and is composed
screwed on the price versusqualityissue haddock and chips for
to bring new sustainable andqualityjobs to the scottish borders
and guaranteeing young people aqualitylearning experience take forward the
combat rogue traders with aqualitymark scheme and consider a
clear at pre tender andqualitymeetings that large lump sums
be sure it s aqualitymodel and erm that ehm
customers the lowest prices andqualitymodifiers for sale an absolutely
and we heard from scottishqualitysalmon that it expelled a
as necessary all met thequalitystandard and only then were
feeling compassion and gentleness thequalitythat john young and ian
complete the project without compromisingqualitywhile managing risks rigorously and
through the measures that allowqualitycontracts to be introduced i
e comrade captain bard oqualitymakker o freedom come all
at all is given toqualitymore experienced persons in fact
hameliness 13 a very differentqualityfrom hecht s heimatkunst to
not to have that samequalityi look forward to the
in a sad situation todayqualityis not at the forefront
them there is also aqualityissue because they will not
thomson we were told thatqualityonline learning is not a
have never been disclosed onqualitytenderers did not know what
did not know what thequalitythreshold was they were advised
scottish parliament he said thatqualitywas not in the contracts
well researched benefits for soilqualityas well as for general
worryin but eh kilts arequalityf835: kilts for a special
strong reputation for clyde builtqualityrecognises it as the major
well as for general wildlifequalitythe convener i thank robin
he is impressed by theirqualityrobin harper lothians green how
class though is tiny professionalqualitychristmas cards in spidery ink
what i mean m818: [laugh]qualitym819: [inhale] erm m818: is
mm mm m762: l-l- layeredqualityto scottishness whatever it is
these translations vary enormously inqualityf718: mm m017: eh if
a compilation that possessed thequalityin the reviewer s words
with an interest in clinicalqualitys1w 17593 mr adam ingram
there were 60 40 pricequalitysplits but in glasgow where
unable to produce a topqualityessay first time around three
rain had a decidedly sleetyqualitybut on the way to
the harder we press thequalitybutton the fewer units we
fair makit up wi thequalityenthusiasm an imagination o the
with a 50 50 pricequalitysplit i tell the minister
had a forrest gump likequalityto it i hope that
by deciding that a simplequalitythreshold would apply so that
i was like that squalityi don t actually have
you get a nice nicequality[inaudible] on it m816: yeah
foo modren wyes can spilequalityan syne ye get eest
a a an almost victorianqualityf718: mmhm m017: but eh
i know what his bathingqualitywas like i might keep
carnival horses lends a dreamlikequalitywi echoes o larkin s
apparently vulnerable gives everybody aqualitywince but crucially does no

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