
See this word as a collocate cloud

said in answer to thequestionabout local housing strategies training
not help to answer yourquestionabout newspapers dorothy grace it
answer to duncan hamilton squestionabout our falling behind in
answer to mr stone squestionabout our work with westminster
about would you answer myquestionabout the limited impact that
want an answer to thequestionabout the treaty of union
later which will answer thequestionabout whether prostitution should be
but i cannot answer hisquestionabout whether there will be
frank i cannot answer yourquestionall i can say is
simpson i cannot answer thatquestionall we can do is
group hpg are holding aquestionand answer session about the
galbraith did not attend thequestionand answer session and be
another six minutes for thisquestionand answer session if we
would not be at thequestionand answer session to be
2001 announcements holyrood progress groupquestionand answer the elected members
too many people so thequestionand its answer would be
was asking myself the samequestionand not getting an answer
answer to mr gallie squestionand reply to him in
an excuse i asked thatquestionand the answer that i
she asked for a writtenquestionand the answer that i
determine who should answer thequestionand who determines whether the
that does not answer myquestionare we not taking this
higson i will answer yourquestionas a budget holder no
it hard to answer thatquestionbecause in certain areas the
the accountants can answer thequestionbetter than i can all
know the answer to yourquestionbut i assure you that
debt i cannot answer yourquestionbut i can certainly write
have an answer to thatquestionbut what might be some
to answer the convener squestiondirectly however i hear what
tina oot this answer thequestiondoes she know am i
answer til yer yer lastquestioneh was aw weel in
will answer margaret smith squestionfirst it is not clear
be able to answer thatquestionfrom personal experience alan stewart
in answer to my unspokenquestiongrey face buried his nose
the short answer to yourquestionhowever who knows what will
serious answer to a seriousquestioni am here for a
a specific answer to thatquestioni have not heard that
knew the answer to thatquestioni hope that part of
answer pre empts my nextquestioni was going to ask
summer recess that was aquestioni would like an answer
answer to the member squestionif he disagrees with a
begun to answer my lastquestionif you are operating a
kinney i will answer thatquestionin a second but first
nursery classroom to answer aquestionin the hushed silence that
the answer to the firstquestionis also yes tommy sheridan
the answer to your firstquestionis cash the answer to
he following david eaglesham thatquestionis difficult to answer i
is difficult to answer thequestionis scots a language because
and the answer to yourquestionis slightly different for each
the answer to your firstquestionis substantially yes under resource
the answer to your secondquestionis that we now have
the answer to the secondquestionis yes but we must
the short answer to yourquestionis yes christine grahame scotland
short answer to the firstquestionis yes that does put
further to the answer toquestionnumber s1w 553 by susan
wood the answer to thequestionof what is the right
answer to a written parliamentaryquestionon 13 june i am
hamilton in answer to aquestionon how our deliberations fit
answer it gives you aquestionon the front yes or
unreliable an answer to aquestionon the scots language would
has said to answer thequestionproperly one would need to
further to the answer toquestions10 2748 by mr tom
further to the answer toquestions10 6183 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1f 2038 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1o 04422 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1o 1312 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1o 2005 by henry mcleish
and to the answer toquestions1o 2029 by mr john
further to the answer toquestions1o 2130 by sarah boyack
to the answer given toquestions1o 2590 on 23 november
to the answer given toquestions1o 2590 on 23 november
further to the answer toquestions1o 2956 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1o 3052 by neil davidson
further to the answer toquestions1o 3114 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3221 by jackie ballie
further to the answer toquestions1o 3427 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1o 3531 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1o 3541 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1o 3635 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1o 3658 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1o 3798 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1o 4268 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1o 4268 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1o 4268 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1o 4268 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1o 4613 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1o 803 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1o 841 by mr sam
to the answer to thequestions1w 100 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 10038 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 10039 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 10048 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 10064 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 10065 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 10065 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 101 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10150 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 10349 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 10397 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 10427 by mr sam
further to the answer toquestions1w 1049 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 10595 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 10595 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 10872 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 10876 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 10883 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 10970 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 11138 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 11138 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 11138 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 11262 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 11315 by mr alasdair
2000 and the answer toquestions1w 11344 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 11507 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 11591 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 11597 by jackie baillie
further to the answer toquestions1w 11828 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 11911 by mr tom
further to the answer toquestions1w 11988 by ms wendy
further to his answer toquestions1w 12272 on 25 january
further to his answer toquestions1w 12273 on 25 january
further to his answer toquestions1w 12278 on 22 january
further to the answer toquestions1w 12446 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 12536 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 12583 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 1260 by sarah boyack
further to his answer toquestions1w 12638 on 2 february
further to the answer toquestions1w 12675 by mr sam
further to the answer toquestions1w 12876 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 12945 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 13248 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 13592 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 136 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 13855 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 14015 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 14015 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 14126 by mr alasdair
further to the answer toquestions1w 14135 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 1415 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 14288 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 14288 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 14288 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 14302 on 3 april
2000 and the answer toquestions1w 14308 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 1436 by mr sam
further to the answer toquestions1w 14773 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 14773 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 14775 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 14776 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 14840 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 15092 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 15127 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 1557 by sam galbraith
further to the answer toquestions1w 15739 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 15753 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 15892 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 15892 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 15892 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 16039 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 16390 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 164 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 16412 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 16459 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 16509 by rhona brankin
further to the answer toquestions1w 16713 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 16978 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 17138 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 17195 by rhona brankin
further to the answer toquestions1w 17196 by rhona brankin
further to the answer toquestions1w 17197 by rhona brankin
further to the answer toquestions1w 17239 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 17277 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 17361 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 17365 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 17591 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 17592 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 18320 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 18321 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 18321 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 18323 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 18538 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 18850 by susan deacon
further to his answer toquestions1w 18874 on 1 november
further to the answer toquestions1w 18874 on 12 october
further to the answer toquestions1w 1891 by rhona brankin
further to the answer toquestions1w 19194 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 19777 by nicol stephen
further to the answer toquestions1w 19942 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 19963 by nicol stephen
further to the answer toquestions1w 19986 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 20218 by nicol stephen
further to the answer toquestions1w 20259 by iain gray
further to his answer toquestions1w 20307 on 7 december
further to his answer toquestions1w 20307 on 7 december
further to his answer toquestions1w 20307 on 7 december
further to the answer toquestions1w 20339 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 20526 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 20841 by wendy alexander
further to the answer toquestions1w 20841 by wendy alexander
further to the answer toquestions1w 2120 on 8 november
further to the answer toquestions1w 2120 on 8 november
further to the answer toquestions1w 2120 on 8 november
further to the answer toquestions1w 21535 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 21863 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 21886 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 22024 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 22041 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 22122 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 22172 by dr elaine
further to the answer toquestions1w 22242 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 22331 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 22351 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 22374 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 22478 by patricia ferguson
to the answer to thequestions1w 22872 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 23014 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 23014 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 23033 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 23111 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 23159 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 23160 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 23539 by mr jim
why no substantive answer toquestions1w 23569 has been issued
further to the answer toquestions1w 23834 by mrs mary
further to the answer toquestions1w 23849 by dr richard
further to the answer toquestions1w 2391 by sam galbraith
further to the answer toquestions1w 24007 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 24007 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 24010 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 24133 by dr elaine
further to the answer toquestions1w 24174 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24175 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24177 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24178 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 24181 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 24216 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 24217 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 24218 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 24233 by nicol stephen
further to the answer toquestions1w 24244 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 24249 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 24446 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 24579 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 24605 by mrs mary
further to the answer toquestions1w 24997 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 25070 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 25154 by dr richard
further to the answer toquestions1w 25268 by mr jim
further to his answer toquestions1w 25368 on 9 may
further to his answer toquestions1w 25368 on 9 may
further to his answer toquestions1w 25404 on 3 may
further to the answer toquestions1w 25569 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 25582 by colin boyd
further to the answer toquestions1w 25608 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 25632 by patricia ferguson
further to the answer toquestions1w 25808 by cathy jamieson
further to the answer toquestions1w 25808 by cathy jamieson
further to the answer toquestions1w 25820 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 25867 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 25867 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 25868 by dr elaine
further to his answer toquestions1w 26071 on 30 may
further to his answer toquestions1w 26072 on 30 may
to in the answer toquestions1w 26072 was previously commercially
further to the answer toquestions1w 26276 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 26276 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26295 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26322 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 26322 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 26323 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 26388 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 26602 by mrs elish
further to the answer toquestions1w 26693 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26711 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26712 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26712 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 26764 by cathy jamieson
further to the answer toquestions1w 26852 by allan wilson
to the answer to writtenquestions1w 27065 on 16 july
further to the answer toquestions1w 2718 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 2718 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 27361 by hugh henry
further to the answer toquestions1w 27414 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 27655 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 27655 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 27797 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 27798 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 28 by donald dewar
further to the answer toquestions1w 28050 by mr frank
further to the answer toquestions1w 28127 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28163 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 28420 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 28445 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28446 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28599 by dr richard
further to the answer toquestions1w 286 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28604 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 2877 by sarah boyack
further to his answer toquestions1w 288 on 13 july
further to the answer toquestions1w 28802 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28802 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28802 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28802 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 28802 by mr jim
further to his answer toquestions1w 29129 on 26 september
further to his answer toquestions1w 29131 on 26 september
further to the answer toquestions1w 29188 by dr richard
further to the answer toquestions1w 29299 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 29536 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 2971 by peter peacock
further to the answer toquestions1w 29718 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 29770 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 29870 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 29901 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 29901 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 29959 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 30033 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 30092 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 3010 by lord hardie
further to the answer toquestions1w 302 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 304 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 30691 by dr richard
further to the answer toquestions1w 30863 by lewis macdonald
website in the answer toquestions1w 30864 show the number
further to the answer toquestions1w 30870 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 30906 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 30941 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 30944 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 31101 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 31153 by malcolm chisholm
further to the answer toquestions1w 31210 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 31450 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 31487 and document bib
further to the answer toquestions1w 31487 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 31536 by mrs mary
further to the answer toquestions1w 31653 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 31675 by allan wilson
further to the answer toquestions1w 318 by the minister
further to the answer toquestions1w 31829 by mr jim
further to his answer toquestions1w 32000 on 10 december
further to his answer toquestions1w 32047 on 11 december
further to the answer toquestions1w 3205 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 3268 by sir david
further to the answer toquestions1w 3269 by jack mcconnell
further to the answer toquestions1w 3275 by sir david
further to the answer toquestions1w 32797 by patricia ferguson
further to the answer toquestions1w 32798 by patricia ferguson
further to the answer toquestions1w 32801 by cathy jamieson
further to the answer toquestions1w 32801 by cathy jamieson
further to the answer toquestions1w 32809 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 33022 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 33166 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 33304 by lewis macdonald
further to the answer toquestions1w 33400 by des mcnulty
further to the answer toquestions1w 33523 by mr andy
further to the answer toquestions1w 33538 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 33579 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 3365 by sarah boyack
further to his answer toquestions1w 33760 on 19 february
further to the answer toquestions1w 33923 by mrs elish
further to the answer toquestions1w 33923 by mrs elish
further to the answer toquestions1w 33923 by mrs elish
further to the answer toquestions1w 33923 by mrs elish
further to the answer toquestions1w 34019 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 34021 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 34021 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 34296 by ms margaret
further to the answer toquestions1w 34411 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 3458 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 3461 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 3497 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 3614 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 3635 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 3637 by sarah boyack
to the answer to thequestions1w 3641 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 3702 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 3711 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 3713 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 3734 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 3743 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 3763 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 4008 by jim wallace
further to the answer toquestions1w 4013 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 4122 by sarah boyack
when it will answer parliamentaryquestions1w 4411 which received a
further to the answer toquestions1w 4617 by angus mackay
further to the answer toquestions1w 4704 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 4886 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 4886 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 4886 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 5228 by mr jim
provide a substantive answer toquestions1w 5364 lodged on 1
further to the answer toquestions1w 5437 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 5474 by sarah boyack
to the answer to thequestions1w 579 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 5907 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 5914 by ms wendy
in the answer to parliamentaryquestions1w 6139 r supported by
further to the answer toquestions1w 623 by ross finnie
further to the answer toquestions1w 630 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 6426 by peter peacock
further to the answer toquestions1w 655 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 6583 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 6584 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 661 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 662 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 6774 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 6996 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 7079 by peter peacock
further to the answer toquestions1w 7270 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 7270 by henry mcleish
notes that in answer toquestions1w 7384 in the parliament
further to the answer toquestions1w 741 by the minister
further to the answer toquestions1w 7436 by mr sam
further to the answer toquestions1w 7436 by mr sam
to the answer to thequestions1w 747 by mr colin
further notes the answer toquestions1w 7586 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 765 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 7725 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 7755 by mr jim
to the answer to thequestions1w 777 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 7782 by nicol stephen
further to the answer toquestions1w 7948 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 7974 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 8058 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8271 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 8272 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8272 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8351 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8351 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8354 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8354 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8365 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 8386 by ms wendy
further to the answer toquestions1w 8498 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 8542 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 8632 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 8647 by mr sam
to the answer given toquestions1w 867 by john home
further to the answer toquestions1w 8807 by sarah boyack
further to the answer toquestions1w 886 by donald dewar
further to the answer toquestions1w 8864 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 887 by susan deacon
further to the answer toquestions1w 900 by mr jim
further to the answer toquestions1w 9166 by sarah boyack
bring notes the answer toquestions1w 9571 by iain gray
further to the answer toquestions1w 960 by mr jack
further to the answer toquestions1w 9641 by henry mcleish
further to the answer toquestions1w 9725 by mr sam
further to the answer toquestions1w 9959 by sarah boyack
the answer to a writtenquestionshall be lodged with the
report can you answer thequestionthat i asked stephen hutchinson
that that is not aquestionthat i can answer as
received an answer to aquestionthat i had lodged asking
keith harding to answer thequestionthat iain smith asked but
an answer to a writtenquestionthat she expects will take
be able to answer thatquestionthe bill does not seek
clerk and shall answer thequestionthe convener that would be
moment we cannot answer thequestionthe convener we are straying
in answer to the firstquestionthe defences in the bill
meaningless answer to any censusquestionthe definition of scots means
acknowledged in answer to myquestionthe other day the executive
started to answer a newquestionthen they should take a
in the answer to thatquestionthere are those who because
answer on 26 april 2001questiontime 1 bill butler to
answer on 1 june 2000questiontime 1 cathie craigie to
answer on 7 october 1999questiontime 1 colin campbell to
answer on 27 september 2001questiontime 1 dennis canavan to
answer on 7 november 2002questiontime 1 des mcnulty to
answer on 21 march 2002questiontime 1 fergus ewing to
answer on 27 june 2002questiontime 1 margaret smith to
answer on 20 february 2003questiontime 1 margo macdonald to
answer on 2 september 1999questiontime 1 michael russell to
answer on 16 september 1999questiontime 1 mr andrew welsh
answer on 5 april 2001questiontime 1 mr kenneth gibson
answer on 11 january 2001questiontime 1 mr mike rumbles
answer on 6 february 2003questiontime 1 paul martin to
mckeown that is a difficultquestionto answer directly given the
answer to alasdair morgan squestionto be provided in correspondence
answer to the second supplementaryquestionto question s1o 4625 by
answer to the second supplementaryquestionto question s1o 4625 by
answer to the first supplementaryquestionto s1o 5607 by lewis
perhaps you cannot answer myquestiontoday but it would be
s would he answer thequestiontruthfully or would he forget
refuse to answer the religionquestionunlike other questions in the
need an answer to thatquestionwe also need to know
financial transfer to answer thatquestionwe could correspond with the
an answer to my earlierquestionwhat is the executive s
answer to camera to thatquestionwhat use is this corpus
annabel goldie to answer thatquestionwhen she winds up are
answer to iain smith squestionwill you expand on that
answer to michael russell squestionyou explained that you had
adjourned until 3 40 pmquestionagreed to meeting adjourned at
355 3 30 pm emergencyquestionmr jamie mcgrigor to ask
2002 83 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 alasdair morgan to
education needs 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 cathie craigie to
for scotland 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 christine grahame to
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 dorothy grace elder
september 1999 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 duncan mcneil to
s fishermen 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 john farquhar munro
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 kay ullrich to
september 2000 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 lewis macdonald to
business list 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 michael russel to
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 michael russell to
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 michael russell to
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr alex salmond
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr alex salmond
378 3 00 pm openquestiontime 1 mr alex salmond
273 3 00 pm openquestiontime 1 mr alex salmond
lobbying firms 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 mr duncan hamilton
2001 104 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 mr gil paterson
112 3 00 pm openquestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
112 3 00 pm openquestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
10 pm first minister squestiontime 1 mr john swinney
march 2002 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 mr lloyd quinan
in clydebank 2 30 pmquestiontime 1 pauline mcneill to
business motion 2 00 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
executive business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
executive business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
executive business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 00 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
motion 2 30 pm openquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
in cupar 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
march 2003 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
motion 2 30 pm openquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
members business 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
estates review 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
deputy ombudsmen 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
national qualifications 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
deputy ombudsmen 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
house hospice 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm first
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm open
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime 3 10 pm open
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm committee
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm continuation
time 3 10 pm openquestiontime 3 30 pm debate
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm debate
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm debate
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm debate
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm debate
time 3 10 pm openquestiontime 3 30 pm debate
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
00 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm executive
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm ministerial
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm ministerial
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm ministerial
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm ministerial
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm motion
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm motion
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm scottish
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
10 pm first minister squestiontime 3 30 pm stage
15 pm first minister squestiontime 3 35 pm ministerial
40 pm first minister squestiontime 5 00 pm decision
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by ministerial statement
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no executive
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no executive
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
time 3 00 pm openquestiontime followed by no later
later than 4 00 pmquestiontime followed by no later
10 pm first minister squestiontime followed by parliamentary bureau
10 pm first minister squestiontime followed by parliamentary bureau
10 pm first minister squestiontime followed by stage 1
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
association glasgow 2 35 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
scotland bill 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
section f 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
deputy ombudsmen 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
00 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
bureau motions 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 00 pmquestiontime for text of questions
1999 3 00 pm openquestiontime for text of questions
business motion 2 30 pmquestiontime for text of questions
10 pm first minister squestiontime to conclude at 3
buchan were added to thequestion17 per cent answered yes
service delivery the most recentquestionanswered at westminster on the
have kind of answered myquestionbut what i was trying
the operation that kind ofquestioncan be answered only with
answered no to the simplequestioncan you speak scots or
to produce extra output thatquestioncannot be answered at a
first minister we answered thequestionearlier about the right of
if he had answered thequestionfirst will he admit that
we ve almost answered thisquestionhow strongly do you feel
has not answered the centralquestioni am willing to sit
would ve just answered thequestionm999: no you would hae
i had answered a difficultquestionmy mother rewarded miss hutchings
all people asked a writtenquestionthat was answered on 30
sorry if i ask aquestionthat you have already answered
minister has already answered myquestionthe deputy presiding officer question
before i answered a singlequestionthen i told him a
motion was agreed to 4questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
against 19 abstentions 0 7questiontime questions were answered by
hci hospital at clydebank 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 6questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 6questiontime questions were answered by
against 33 abstentions 0 6questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 4questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 5questiontime questions were answered by
against 28 abstentions 16 5questiontime questions were answered by
motion was agreed to 4questiontime questions were answered by
was agreed to dt 7questiontime questions were answered by
at the earliest opportunity 6questiontime questions were answered by
susan deacon i answered thatquestionto the best of my
levels i have a furtherquestionabout budgeting what happens when
today i wonder whether thisquestionhas thrown up any further
further to tommy sheridan squestionis the minister aware that
me neatly to a furtherquestionon scottish homes perhaps you
craigie i have a furtherquestionon three person and four
12 years ago the fundamentalquestionthat will arise further into
really have the opportunity toquestionthe minister about his further
committee that the length ofquestiontime should be considered further
announced i appreciate that thequestionwas about further south on
may 1707 further complicated thequestionwith reference to the connection
if you ask them aquestionabout their religion and i
did not see a religionquestionas a priority however we
did not see a religionquestionas a priority said that
amendment to introduce the religionquestioni do not want to
was made on the religionquestionif we are to have
possible to include a religionquestionin the order once the
main purpose of a religionquestionis to help prevent discrimination
on religion and an enhancedquestionon ethnic groupings and language
question on religion and aquestionon ethnicity and in the
committee we now have aquestionon religion and a question
in the census of aquestionon religion and an enhanced
has agreed to include aquestionon religion and has expressed
that he will include aquestionon religion and is willing
is correct to include aquestionon religion and to expand
has agreed to include aquestionon religion and to expand
that he will concede aquestionon religion and will consider
favour the inclusion of aquestionon religion however the jewish
we are to have aquestionon religion i am delighted
for the inclusion of aquestionon religion i am glad
on the inclusion of aquestionon religion i have that
if there had been aquestionon religion in 1951 1961
i am confident that aquestionon religion in 2001 and
on the inclusion of aquestionon religion in the 2001
support the inclusion of aquestionon religion in the census
will deal first with thequestionon religion it must be
in the census of aquestionon religion on the broadening
the parliament to include aquestionon religion once the primary
fit to agree to aquestionon religion scotland s reputation
legislation needed to allow thequestionon religion to be put
not to have a censusquestionon religion we should be
in future to include aquestionon religion we will need
amendment order to include aquestionon religion when the necessary
in the census of aquestionon religion will require a
has decided that a religionquestionshould be asked in the
delay we prefer a religionquestionthat includes a broad breakdown
have pressed for a religionquestionto be included in the
religion to say that thequestionwill not be compulsory and
this question susan deacon thatquestionhas arisen on many occasions
susan deacon richard simpson squestionserves to highlight how crucial
deliver in the sector inquestionsusan deacon i am happy
person to respond to thisquestionsusan deacon that question has
i am asking a specificquestionsusan deacon there are two
there had been such aquestiona good 30 or 40
will be concluded without anyquestionbeing put after 30 minutes
2 july 9 30 amquestiontime 10 00 am open
2 july 9 30 amquestiontime 10 00 am open
30 14 30 on resumingquestiontime scottish executive agriculture 1
30 14 30 on resumingquestiontime scottish executive paper industry
30 14 30 on resumingquestiontime scottish executive ritalin 1
are associated with asking aquestionabout income and speech in
the arguments for an incomequestionand on the practicalities as
the same for the incomequestionat the end of the
do not accept an incomequestionat this stage for this
service users for an incomequestionbut he ignored that michael
extent to which an incomequestioncan validate other kinds of
terms of difficulty the incomequestiondoes not seem to pose
the absence of the incomequestionfrom the census and are
the inclusion of an incomequestioni take on board the
when considering the income dataquestionin its letter stirling council
the inclusion of an incomequestionin the census is that
sheridan accept that the incomequestionmight be difficult for some
brought to bear on thequestionof income by organisations too
good arguments for having aquestionon income although i accept
and sweden all ask aquestionon income as do the
accept the inclusion of thequestionon income as it is
it is clear that aquestionon income does not lead
for the inclusion of aquestionon income has been made
that the inclusion of aquestionon income has cost implications
local government for a censusquestionon income however after careful
the form because of thequestionon income i hope that
ruling could apply to thequestionon income if there were
by many people that aquestionon income in a compulsory
for the inclusion of aquestionon income in the census
that deficiency by including aquestionon income in the census
question there must be aquestionon income in the census
have argued against including aquestionon income in the census
people often wonder whether aquestionon income is a real
have all argued that aquestionon income is not only
is the absence of aquestionon income it is said
west of scotland although aquestionon income might help to
that the inclusion of aquestionon income mr duncan mcneil
question on income why aquestionon income mr wallace said
some answers to why aquestionon income should be included
to talk about the additionalquestionon income the issue has
the census should include aquestionon income to suspend the
of data that includes aquestionon income we must grasp
and others argued for aquestionon income while we recognise
on the addition of aquestionon income why a question
a whole from including aquestionon income would be unacceptable
jim wallace said that aquestionon income would lead to
moreover i believe that aquestionon income would result in
which it was put aquestionon income would throw the
information from a single incomequestionthe census is designed around
interest is in the incomequestionthe deputy first minister indicated
for not answering the incomequestionthe response rate would be
the risk of an incomequestionundermining the valuable information on
census would find an incomequestionuseful for two main reasons
just about adding an incomequestionwe need to think strategically
the inclusion of an incomequestionwould affect different projects in
not just to the incomequestionwould fall by some three

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