
See this word as a collocate cloud

lodged on 13 september 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 9 january 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 19 june 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
5 to 11 july 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 21 january 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 29 january 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 21 november 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 28 february 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 5 december 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 27 february 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 12 february 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 11 march 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 27 may 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
from 16 to 22 augustquestionsmarked with a triangle δ
april to 5 april 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 13 march 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
2002 to 3 january 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 4 february 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 17 march 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 13 february 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 20 january 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 20 february 2003questionsmarked with a triangle δ
of information to the parliamentquestionsmarked with a triangle δ
lodged on 30 october 2002questionsmarked with a triangle δ
s1w 23640 20 westminster oralquestions14 02 2002 reference 380
co uk 10 westminster oralquestions14 02 2002 reference 380
junior ministers can answer writtenquestionsas well as oral questions
should seek answers to oralquestionsbefore dealing with written questions
december 2001 section d oralquestionsfirst minister s question time
friday 22 february 2002 oralquestionsfor question time on 28
members are reminded that oralquestionsfor question time on thursday
members are reminded that oralquestionsfor question time on thursday
other issues selection of oralquestionshandling of procedures committee recommendations
of asking written and oralquestionsis helpful in that it
oral questions section e writtenquestionslodged on 10 december 2001
oral questions section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 march 2002
oral questions section e writtenquestionslodged on 19 june 2002
oral questions section e writtenquestionslodged on 21 january 2002
oral questions section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 may 2002
business programme section d oralquestionssection e written questions lodged
committee meetings section d oralquestionssection e written questions lodged
business programme section d oralquestionssection e written questions lodged
committee meetings section d oralquestionssection e written questions lodged
business programme section d oralquestionssection e written questions lodged
may 2000 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 1
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 1
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 11
january 2000 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 11
january 2000 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 13
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 13
september 1999 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 16
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 17
may 2001 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 17
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 2
february 2000 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 2
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 2
august 1999 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 2
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 20
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 20
march 2003 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 20
february 2003 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 20
march 2002 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 21
january 2003 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 23
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 23
january 2002 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 24
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 26
april 2001 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 26
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 27
september 2001 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 27
june 2002 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 27
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 28
june 2001 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 28
may 2002 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 30
march 2001 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 5
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 5
january 2003 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 6
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 6
business programme section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 7
october 2002 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 7
committee meetings section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 7
september 1999 section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 7
business list section d oralquestionsselected for answer on 9
questions as well as oralquestionsthe recommendations are summarised in
already lodged written and oralquestionsto the executive and have
an immediate session of oralquestionsto the presiding officer to
the question was lodged butquestionsare not selected until monday
myself before i selected thequestionsnor had i seen the
on wednesday 20 february thequestionsrandomly selected on 20 february
so i appeal for shortquestionsand answers rather than long
probably better dealt with inquestionsand answers the charging policy
briefing outlined a number ofquestionsand gave some answers to
and pieces of chicken numerousquestionsanswers and small talk bandy
answers to some of thosequestionsbut not to others it
expectation that answers to suchquestionscan be found because the
have had answers to parliamentaryquestionsin which the minister has
substantive answers to written parliamentaryquestionslodged in the period 1
further to the answers toquestionss1w 11358 by susan deacon
further to the answers toquestionss1w 13080 and s1w 19055
further to the answers toquestionss1w 1415 and s1w 7180
further to the answers toquestionss1w 23664 and s1w 23665
further to the answers toquestionss1w 23664 and s1w 23665
further to the answers toquestionss1w 23664 and s1w 23665
further to the answers toquestionss1w 23664 and s1w 23665
further to the answers toquestionss1w 24174 s1w 24175 and
further to the answers toquestionss1w 24174 s1w 24175 and
further to the answers toquestionss1w 24175 and s1w 24176
further to the answers toquestionss1w 2876 and s1w 4259
further to the answers toquestionss1w 29496 and s1w 29959
further to the answers toquestionss1w 303 and s1w 304
further to the answers toquestionss1w 30864 and s1w 30870
further to the answers toquestionss1w 30879 and s1w 30880
further to the answers toquestionss1w 32797 and s1w 32400
further to the answers toquestionss1w 32815 and s1w 32816
further to the answers toquestionss1w 33093 and s1w 32973
further to the answers toquestionss1w 3702 and s1w 3706
further to the answers toquestionss1w 4038 and s1w 33935
day deadline for answers toquestionsthat are lodged in the
could seek answers to anyquestionsthat committee members have and
me the answers to thequestionsthat i asked previously but
that the answers to thequestionsthat we ask will satisfy
of the committee posing thosequestionsthe answers would be helpful
answers as well as shorterquestionsthey are full of good
deadline for answers to recessquestionswe are left with the
policy we have asked manyquestionswe have received answers to
answers to these two generalquestionswe turn to burns why
for their answers to ourquestionswe will be taking evidence
the aim is to havequestionsanswered within 10 working days
of rumour or speculation whenquestionsare not answered people perceive
he answered a lot ofquestionsconcerning mining and then he
that area i have answeredquestionsfrom him before i agree
it is okay convener myquestionshave been answered euan robson
have answered a number ofquestionson the issue in the
recall submitting a number ofquestionsthat were answered months later
instance having them set keyquestionsto be answered or by
be counterproductive we all wantquestionsto be answered timeously as
earliest opportunity 6 question timequestionswere answered by the deputy
agreed to 4 question timequestionswere answered by the deputy
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
at clydebank 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
abstentions 0 7 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 4 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 6 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 4 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
abstentions 0 6 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 6 question timequestionswere answered by the first
to dt 7 question timequestionswere answered by the first
abstentions 16 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
agreed to 5 question timequestionswere answered by the first
day on which written parliamentaryquestionscan be lodged before dissolution
seeking a moratorium on writtenquestionsduring part of the recess
questions before dealing with writtenquestionsi support what hugh flinn
to how many written parliamentaryquestionsin each year since may
written authorisations to lodge parliamentaryquestionsin the names of backbench
their written pieces with furtherquestionsintentionally focusing on issues of
minister rather than via writtenquestionsit is helpful to have
40 of the written parliamentaryquestionslodged and in the interests
1999 section e new writtenquestionslodged between 23 august 1999
august 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged between 23 august and
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged between 8 october and
october 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged between 8 october and
august 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged from 11 to 17
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged from 11 to 17
july 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged from 14 to 20
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged from 14 to 20
august 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged from 16 to 22
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged from 16 to 22
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged from 2 april to
april 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged from 2 april to
january 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged from 20 december 2000
business bulletin section e writtenquestionslodged from 20 december 2000
january 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged from 20 december 2000
january 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged from 20 december 2002
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged from 20 december 2002
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged from 29 june to
july 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged from 29 june to
july 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged from 5 to 11
december 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 10 december s1w
january 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 10 january 2000
january 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 10 january 2000
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 11 march 2003
march 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 11 march 2003
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 12 february 2003
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 12 february 2003
february 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 february 2002
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 february 2002
march 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 march 2002
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 september 2002
september 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 13 september 2002
may 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 14 may 2001
may 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 14 may 2001
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 14 september 2000
september 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 14 september 2000
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 15 november 1999
november 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 15 november 1999
november 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 16 november 1999
december 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 december 1999
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 december 1999
march 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 march 2003
march 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 march 2003
august 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 to 23
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 17 to 23
april 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 18 april 2001
april 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 18 april 2001
june 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 19 june 2002
september 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 19 september 2001
september 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 19 september 2001
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 july 1999
july 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 july 1999
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 november 2000
november 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 november 2000
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 november 2001
november 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 2 november 2001
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 20 february 2003
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 20 february 2003
january 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 20 january 2003
january 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 20 january 2003
january 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 21 january 2002
november 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 21 november 2002
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 23 june 1999
june 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 23 june 1999
may 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 24 may 2000
june 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 24 may 2000
june 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 25 june 2001
june 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 25 june 2001
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 26 october 2001
october 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 26 october 2001
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 february 2003
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 february 2003
may 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 may 2002
october 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 october 2000
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 27 september 2000
march 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 february 2000
february 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 february 2000
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 february 2003
march 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 february 2003
march 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 march 2001
april 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 28 march 2001
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 february 2000
march 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 february 2000
january 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 january 2003
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 january 2003
october 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 september 1999
september 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 29 september 1999
november 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 30 october 2002
october 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 30 october 2002
february 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 4 february 2003
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 4 february 2003
april 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 5 april 2000
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 5 december 2002
december 2002 section e writtenquestionslodged on 5 december 2002
business list section e writtenquestionslodged on 6 april 2000
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 6 february 2001
february 2001 section e writtenquestionslodged on 6 february 2001
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on 6 june 2000
june 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 6 june 2000
1999 section e new writtenquestionslodged on 6 september section
december 2000 section e writtenquestionslodged on 7 december 2000
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 7 december 2000
september 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on 8 september 1999
january 2003 section e writtenquestionslodged on 9 january 2003
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on 9 january 2003
committee meetings section e writtenquestionslodged on day date section
business programme section e writtenquestionslodged on day date section
programme section e new writtenquestionslodged on friday 4 june
1999 section e new writtenquestionslodged on friday 4 june
1999 announcements section e writtenquestionslodged on tuesday 25 may
may 1999 section e writtenquestionslodged on tuesday 25 may
today s bulletin written parliamentaryquestionsmembers are reminded that the
decided not to submit writtenquestionson a number of occasions
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionson its 2nd report 2003
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionson its 2nd report 2003
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionson its 2nd report 2003
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionsreport on changes to standing
them gaelic two were writtenquestionss1w 29230 and 34088 and
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionssp paper 783 and c
matters motions and lodging writtenquestionssp paper 783 and c
to ensure that all writtenquestionssubmitted prior to the dissolution
the rules for answering writtenquestionsthat apply during the summer
and to forward any writtenquestionsthat members wished to pursue
refrain from answering written parliamentaryquestionsuntil it has made a
experience in answering the writtenquestionswere because of unfamiliarity with
reply to all written parliamentaryquestionswithin the specified 14 days
can begin to answer membersquestionsa critical reason for the
answer more than 50 000questionsa year on all types
was able to answer residentsquestionsably he reminded everyone that
for lorimer mackenzie to answerquestionsabout the detail however i
handout and answer any generalquestionsabout the lecture or refer
are not here to answerquestionsabout the new commission or
before the committee to answerquestionsabout the procedure that was
placed to answer more detailedquestionsabout those matters on work
are here to answer yourquestionsafter i finish my three
be encouraged to answer suchquestionsalex fergusson that is not
re able to answer thequestionsan dae things f606: mm
were not able to answerquestionsas timeously as we would
like you to answer bothquestionsas we must stick to
mackay i shall answer thosequestionsas well as i am
that he cannot answer suchquestionsbecause he does not have
that colin boyd cannot answerquestionsbecause of disproportionate cost i
they are unable to answerquestionsbecause they do not fall
homicide the answer to thesequestionscame as a surprise there
warrington those are not easyquestionsfor me to answer we
have the chance to answerquestionsfrom the committee when they
could answer some of thequestionshe raised with me on
name now some of thequestionsi couldn t answer at
course pleased to answer membersquestionsi hope that today will
be available to answer anyquestionsmabel hildebrand scottish executive enterprise
to answer the committee squestionsmarilyn livingstone kirkcaldy lab in
he has come to answerquestionson the criminal implications of
i am happy to answerquestionson the financial memorandum of
we are happy to answerquestionson the objectives of the
officers who can answer yourquestionson the parliament and book
well qualified to answer anyquestionson this area on staffing
to the committee to answerquestionson this the convener could
very helpful and can answerquestionsor book tickets to see
ve got to answer twoquestionsout of fourteen so it
and could answer all thequestionsput by the smartypants young
have received in answer toquestionsraised in debate we have
provide a substantive answer toquestionss1w 12571 s1w 12983 s1w
further to his answer toquestionss1w 19252 and s1w 20308
further to the answer toquestionss1w 29277 and s1w 31448
further to the answer toquestionss1w 3812 s1w 3813 and
further to the answer toquestionss1w 4517 and s1w 4518
ve tae answer aa thequestionsshe speirs o ye like
i say answer aw thequestionsso that they can stay
then both attempted to answerquestionssome thorny what is the
is required to answer thequestionsthat are in my mind
up answer some of thequestionsthat i have previously put
adequately prepared to answer anyquestionsthat may be asked rev
me to answer the detailedquestionsthat members have asked members
principle we will answer anyquestionsthat members might have the
i can t answer anyquestionsthat might be in them
he will then answer anyquestionsthat the committee may have
be happy to answer anyquestionsthe convener do members have
are happy to answer anyquestionsthe convener thank you for
be pleased to answer anyquestionsthe convener thank you for
gorrie junior ministers already answerquestionsthe convener yes the changes
to answer the committee squestionsthe convener you have both
bill and to answer yourquestionsthere is strong evidence that
officials to some of ourquestionsthey have authority to answer
period for answer to parliamentaryquestionsthey highlight the difficulties that
been able to answer somequestionsup to a point and
to answer a couple ofquestionswe do not have the
a text without asking directquestionsat all g look at
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 10
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 30
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 30
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 30
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 30
question time for text ofquestionssee section d 3 30
question time for text ofquestionssee section d in business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section d of business
question time for text ofquestionssee section f of business
some bar against talking aboutquestionsbefore they were lodged and
official business of motions andquestionscan be lodged we should
2571 3915 and 3966 threequestionshave been lodged with translations
in the number of parliamentaryquestionsthat are being lodged i
a 14 day deadline forquestionsthat are lodged in the
know i have lodged severalquestionsto the deputy minister for
the fact that although sixquestionswere lodged and in spite
he will certainly be askedquestionsabout it later i invite
of companions you asked seriousquestionsabout my painting and whether
she asked him a pucklequestionsan the twa o them
room was asked a fewquestionsand collapsed on the floor
that we asked more directquestionsand got the information that
issues on aquaculture when thequestionsare asked could the witnesses
sorts of stupid and irrelevantquestionsasked and then back home
be given permanent asylum noquestionsasked tanka in the trossachs
exactly why i asked thosequestionscompulsory purchase can take a
asked awkward questions what awkwardquestionsdid you expect ron tuck
asked awkward questions what awkwardquestionsdid you expect the minister
have asked yourself all thesequestionsf1150: mm f1151: you know
two questioners have asked myquestionshowever i will take the
who have not yet askedquestionsif they indicate early enough
an audit of the parliamentaryquestionsit has been asked broken
the committee has asked suchquestionslen higson i will give
adult had ever asked himquestionslike that before it was
tuesday that several very importantquestionsneed to be asked about
tricia marwick has said thatquestionsneed to be asked about
believe that a lot ofquestionsneed to be asked when
if we felt that furtherquestionsneeded to be asked we
have asked members have putquestionsof detail and of principle
they were asked 10 simplequestionson the story and after
elsewhere who could be askedquestionson their work how could
have asked a series ofquestionsrecently on sips and it
asked them a series ofquestionsrelating to what europe means
and as iain smith saidquestionsshould have been asked in
point in relation to thequestionsthat annabel goldie asked i
is on the kind ofquestionsthat need to be asked
questions are not the onlyquestionsthat should be asked health
you know the sort ofquestionsthat they asked him sort
you have asked the samequestionsthat we asked mr hamilton
i will return to thequestionsthat were asked by margaret
increase in the number ofquestionsthat were asked during the
in when we are askedquestionsthe convener thank you we
committee about the type ofquestionsto be asked in the
then allow a few briefquestionsto be asked of the
curran kenny gibson asked severalquestionsto which i can give
to say that nothing happenedquestionswere asked solutions for this
session and be asked awkwardquestionswhat awkward questions did you
session to be asked awkwardquestionswhat awkward questions did you
be asked a few basicquestionswhat is a ballad where
called tess awa wi yiquestionswid huv been asked zeb
tack the convener please makequestionsspecific mr monteith section 2
time that is allocated toquestionsat first minister s question
bulletin on monday 25 februaryquestionsfor first minister s question
pm on wednesday 29 augustquestionsfor first minister s question
pm on wednesday 28 augustquestionsfor first minister s question
the religion question unlike otherquestionsin the census that may
bank would say the economicquestionsare not the only questions
in some tough questions m608: questionsaye m1163: you know because
[laugh] m944: what questions whatquestionshave always been at the
questions the cost of answeringquestionsi understand that colin boyd
was bringing in some toughquestionsm608: questions aye m1163: you
such pertinent questions the pertinentquestionsthat i would like to
pursuing in relation to parliamentaryquestionsthe cost of answering questions
opportunity to raise such pertinentquestionsthe pertinent questions that i
have taken decisions on whichquestionsto include and which questions
questions to include and whichquestionsto leave out following extensive
so [censored: forename] [laugh] m944: whatquestionswhat questions have always been
january if members have substantivequestionsabout the instrument on which
we got through only threequestionsin 20 minutes my colleague
14 normal days for recessquestionsthe period will be 20
of 1999 2000 there werequestionsabout when an outbreak becomes
ask the increase in parliamentaryquestionssince 1999 has resource implications
parliamentary business 6 motions andquestions7 the drafting of legislation
amendment to forms for parliamentaryquestionsand motions members attention is
parliament accordingly when lodging parliamentaryquestionsand motions members should complete
the forms for lodging parliamentaryquestionsand motions now that members
such recess period that parliamentaryquestionsare a reasonable method for
various ways in which parliamentaryquestionsare recorded and presented irene
backbench msps to lodge parliamentaryquestionsin order to enable it
in the volume of parliamentaryquestionsin relation to the other
donald gorrie msp 3 parliamentaryquestionsnon departmental public bodies the
1st report 2000 on parliamentaryquestionssp 169 hugh flinn chamber
petitions languages language policy parliamentaryquestionsstanding orders conveners group procedures
of monitoring arrangements for parliamentaryquestionsthat such monitoring should continue
douglas hamilton answering of parliamentaryquestionsthat the parliament notes with
so 4 enquiry into parliamentaryquestionsthe committee agreed to note
plan members indicated agreement parliamentaryquestionsthe convener hugh flinn joins
and in replies to parliamentaryquestionsthe first minister implied strongly
orders in relation to parliamentaryquestionsthis item arises from our
volume and processing of parliamentaryquestionswhich bears some relationship to
can have a discussion afterquestionsabout anything else that members
members want to ask mequestionsabout the incident i will
however members will obviously havequestionsand comments to put to
will allow members to askquestionsas issues occur to them
members i will stop takingquestionsat about a quarter past
do members have any furtherquestionsbrian adam currently there is
ask members to keep theirquestionsbrief johann lamont i am
am sure that members havequestionsbut before we ask them
there are no comments orquestionsdo members agree the format
then it is open toquestionsfrom committee members william mccormack
the meeting is open toquestionsfrom committee members you may
will then move on toquestionsfrom members hugh dignon scottish
as there are no furtherquestionsfrom members i thank the
we will proceed immediately withquestionsfrom members i will stop
minutes then i will invitequestionsfrom members of the committee
statement we will then takequestionsfrom members of the committee
members of the committee askquestionsgil paterson wants to make
you do members have anyquestionshelen eadie i note that
members want to ask supplementaryquestionsi will return to robin
also be some follow upquestionsif members would like to
be appropriate to submit thosequestionsin writing if members agree
will invite members to askquestionsjames lowman association of convenience
convener do members have anyquestionsmembers indicated disagreement the convener
several members want to askquestionsnicola sturgeon i want to
the committee members to askquestionson any points that they
and community care to ourquestionson health issues members should
provided and members will askquestionson the issue we have
we can deal today withquestionsor comments that members might
i invite members to askquestionsor to make comments mrs
hand over to members forquestionspart 1 deals with homelessness
both i remind members thatquestionsshould be put directly to
are only two minutes forquestionsso i ask members to
we move straight to membersquestionsstewart stevenson banff and buchan
members may ask follow upquestionsthat come to mind i
will assist members in thequestionsthat they may wish to
no other members have pressingquestionsthat they would like to
members will have seen thequestionsthat were put to the
happy to respond to membersquestionsthe convener to pick up
committee members will ask himquestionsthe deputy minister for health
will invite members to askquestionsthe deputy minister for parliament
lifelong learning committee to askquestionsthe other members of the
the paper do members havequestionsto add to what is
dailly members should not putquestionsto mr dailly as he
simon watkins should pursue thosequestionswith the executive members indicated
might wish to ask furtherquestionsabout that brian adam north
we will construct some furtherquestionsfor the executive and approach
if there are no furtherquestionsi thank mr elliot especially
convener are there any furtherquestionsif not we have probably
not allow me any furtherquestionsmichael russell never ian jenkins
reviewed but we had furtherquestionson health matters at that
now to the further additionalquestionsthat have been suggested by
wis seen an wis speiredquestions2 graddol d 1998 will
to ask these kinds ofquestionsabout andy and not all
to challenge pupils to askquestionsabout language this will have
to challenge pupils to askquestionsabout language which so many
to challenge pupils to askquestionsabout language which so many
i want to ask somequestionsabout that in the evidence
the committee will ask himquestionsabout the issues that have
appropriate to ask the ministerquestionsabout the matter in a
to ask the minister detailedquestionsabout the substantive nature of
they used it to askquestionsabout the work of the
after which we will askquestionsalan fraser scottish executive finance
georgie fit chrissie ask naequestionsan ye ll get tellt
allow the teachers to askquestionsand after some initial reluctance
a conversation they never askquestionsand so and you really
have the right to askquestionsand we take responsibility for
we want to ask thequestionsand we want to come
to ask a few generalquestionsas that is what we
ask the executive the appropriatequestionsas to what actions it
have the opportunity to askquestionsas well as to hear
will be invited to askquestionsat my discretion i will
you should ask the petitionerquestionsat this time dorothy grace
invited richard lochhead to askquestionsbut he has yet to
opportunity to ask some finalquestionsbut they should be kept
always healthy to ask thequestionsbut when mcaveety says i
i ask cosla the samequestionsdavid orr said that it
so we can ask herquestionsduring the meeting and she
well you ask my stupidquestionsf1104: that bit goes there
rural affairs to ask thosequestionsfergus ewing i was interested
often we ask young peoplequestionsget their views and say
have the right to askquestionsi appreciate that susan deacon
you know cause of thequestionsi ask kind of going
whether they wish to askquestionsi ask them to bear
people who want to askquestionsi call george lyon george
more detail and to askquestionsi do not think that
ask me all sorts ofquestionsi suggest that the option
mean one of the otherquestionsi wanted to ask is
radio ramadhan one of thequestionsi was going to ask
lab before i ask myquestionsi will go back to
petition it could ask thosequestionsirene oldfather in brief the
we will move straight toquestionsmr davidson i shall ask
teacher present or to askquestionsof policemen firemen or other
in this chamber to askquestionsof the minister when a
goldie wants to ask somequestionson essential services miss annabel
angus mackay to ask hisquestionson new species and polyculture
ask quite a few supplementaryquestionspetitions public transport passenger safety
not to ask such leadingquestionsphil phil gallie it is
t dare to ask morequestionsso i was left wondering
who would like to askquestionsso we will move on
develop we would ask obviousquestionssuch as will the treatment
of m741: mmhm m605: thequestionsthat i ask tend to
in and many of thequestionsthat i intended to ask
all we will ask thosequestionsthat is all for this
whole point is to askquestionsthat might on the surface
we take responsibility for thequestionsthat they ask the increase
get to ask all thequestionsthat they want to i
be able to inform thequestionsthat we ask during the
our minds on the specificquestionsthat we should ask at
the committee to ask relevantquestionsthere may also be some
family and the barrage ofquestionsthey are bound to ask
pharmacists and can ask themquestionsthey do not need to
the students anybody got anyquestionsto ask mrs ower and
i ask tend to bequestionsto do with language power
those who wish to askquestionsto press their buttons during
who would like to askquestionsto press their request to
and then we will askquestionswe have scheduled an hour
to ask you a fewquestionswhen they had finished i
registrars and i welcome anyquestionsyou may have to ask
ask a couple of generalquestionsyou state that 139 states
the census format to includequestionson caring responsibilities s1w 1148
there when the time forquestionscame there was the usual
s warrant working on examquestionscan concentrate better this time
the time period for answeringquestionsduring recess periods of four
the witnesses to respond toquestionsthat would shorten the time
comments during first minister squestionson 25 october 2001 that
the testing regime so myquestionsmay be for mr moon
media are invited to observequestionsmay be submitted in advance
a couple of brief factualquestionsto which you may or
it may be that somequestionswill relate to the evidence
i had a couple ofquestionsfor the minister the convener
the convener that concludes ourquestionsi thank our witnesses for
convener we will now havequestionson the state of readiness
convener are there any finalquestionsphil gallie convener the point
i am happy to takequestionsthe convener everyone would accept
convener in response to previousquestionsyou have already indicated some
hesitate to call with anyquestionsabout it nan [censored: phonenumber] next
on from christine grahame squestionsdo you have any idea
comment on are there anyquestionsfor elaine thomson nick johnston
michael do you have anyquestionsfor gil mr michael mcmahon
that are present have anyquestionsfor gil paterson about the
appear to be any morequestionsi note your comments about
appear to be any morequestionsi thank the witnesses for
motions amendments to motions andquestionsin any language 10 information
than any of the otherquestionsin the papers the crucial
on are there any morequestionsjohann lamont i was not
up are there any otherquestionsmr home robertson i have
any movement on the greatquestionsof security and defence given
helpful are there any otherquestionson judges ms margo macdonald
are there any comments orquestionson the petition scott barrie
thank you are there anyquestionsor comments christine grahame the
happy to take any specificquestionsrichard lochhead part of the
proposal if there are anyquestionsthat we cannot deal with
to explore any of thosequestionswe could do so at
include any of the additionalquestionswhen the equal opportunities committee
of industry those would includequestionsabout testing regimes elsewhere the
place of study those newquestionsalong with income are the
receptive and responsive to thequestionsand concerns of industry those
the difficulty with asking thosequestionsat the end is that
apologies for asking that thosequestionsbe included in the draft
police scotland act 1967 thosequestionshave been resolved and that
that the inclusion of thosequestionsin the census would validate
muscles on those two keyquestionsit is also important that
populations had called for thosequestionsmy main interest is in
things although there are stillquestionsover whether those other things
you have received to thosequestionsthat there is a limit
executive on religion and ethnicityquestionsthose are important for recognising
of 55 points which hequestionsugh so those will go
would be worth pursuing thosequestionswhether or not they are
1991 i will rehearse thosequestionswhich are on general health
that and will pursue thosequestionswith the minister we understand
the minister s decision significantquestionsabout future provision of services
filling in responses to thesequestionsaccurately the deputy first minister
in committee room 1 1questionsfor minister in private the
national qualifications i have twoquestionsfor the minister first does
be taken in private 3questionsfor the minister the committee
minister should return to howquestionson income can be incorporated
the deputy first minister onquestionson religion and ethnicity as
even during first minister squestionsthat would have shown courtesy
the form of several shortquestionsthe minister for health and
will come back with morequestionsthe minister s letter makes
defend the minister from awkwardquestionswe issue an invitation to
the view of the legalquestionscommittee that the discriminatory provisions
the committee will consider itsquestionsfor the disabled persons housing
the committee will consider itsquestionsfor the royal institution of
the committee will consider itsquestionsfor the royal institution of
and 10 in private 2questionsfor witnesses the committee will
and 5 in private 2questionsfor witnesses the committee will
progress of the inquiry 5questionsfor witnesses the committee will
be able to respond toquestionsi trust that the committee
castlehill edinburgh 1 consideration ofquestionsin private the committee will
castlehill edinburgh 1 consideration ofquestionsin private the committee will
rubella injections the committee forwardedquestionson mmr to the chief
and mr henderson for answeringquestionsthe committee is required formally
committee and dealing with thequestionsthis is obviously not the
committee considered the handling ofquestionsto witnesses without official report
dealing with the committee squestionswe welcome the committee s
of the committee for theirquestionswhich have been thought provoking
responded to richard simpson squestionsabout dosage levels by saying
from len higson on thequestionsabout glasgow len higson procurator
waiting times for treatment raisesquestionsabout how long people are
of the sqa some penetratingquestionsabout how we were progressing
very closely there ll bequestionsabout it afterwards when i
she was asking a fewquestionsabout it m608: mmhm m1163:
economy s performance there arequestionsabout that my last comments
to chat lisa asking mequestionsabout the british press and
that was in addition toquestionsabout the effectiveness of the
in a short quiz withquestionsabout the euro different european
the teacher asking the pupilsquestionsabout the language they are
a commitment to address themquestionsabout the need for markers
year of the scheme notwithstandingquestionsabout the operation of the
are subject to such disabilitiesquestionsabout the premiership arose because
response was a result ofquestionsabout the quality of justice
has demonstrated that responses toquestionsabout the scots language vary
timetable implications secondly we havequestionsabout the thinking behind the
character and raises important moralquestionsabout the validity of the
authorities but there are majorquestionsabout their capacity to deliver
says i was aye askinquestionsabout things you know f632:
started actually talkin an askingquestionsan thinkin about things which
between internal and external assessmentsquestionsare also raised about validity
verifiers is worth noting herequestionshave been raised about the
this solution having been profferedquestionsinevitably arise about what exactly
while we tried to suppressquestionson novels about horse racing
think about the sort ofquestionsthat a reader would want
issue undercuts all the constitutionalquestionsthat we are talking about
you would be prejudiced againstquestionsthat were talked about before
you of the rules governingquestionsto the chair about rulings
the scottish crime squad howeverquestionswere raised about how that
we have had about fivequestionswhich have been the same
of newspapers published in englandquestionswould arise about whether they
to the previous couple ofquestionsyou are talking about agri
item 5 in private 2questionsfor witnesses in private the
before we go on toquestionsalan stewart tayside police wildlife
advice to ministers unless thequestionsare on more general policy
be worth while if thequestionsare on more general policy
get to deal with thesequestionsbecause i was on the
will then move on toquestionsdes hudson scottish daily newspaper
by the lord advocate toquestionsfrom richard lochhead msp on
submitted i know that similarquestionshave been submitted on a
a view on certain keyquestionsi have read the evidence
shall touch on two priorquestionsi why bother with literature
on one occasion from askingquestionsin the parliament which probably
provide a list of suchquestionsincluding the date on which
carries on with its proceedingsquestionsof what we call in
jobs and poverty at scottishquestionson 9 november he expanded
on the expansion of thequestionson ethnicity that is not
household survey which asks specificquestionson income that are then
many european union countries includequestionson income that give them
opposed to the inclusion ofquestionson language spoken at home
by tempting him with innumerablequestionson matters theological that story
for the inclusion of additionalquestionson other topics particularly income
service whether acceptable and workablequestionson priority topics can be
that information gained from thequestionson religion and ethnic background
include in the census additionalquestionson religion and ethnic group
census users in scotland forquestionson religion and ethnicity but
main defence against including thequestionson religion and ethnicity is
way to parliament on thequestionson religion and ethnicity it
the decision to include thequestionson religion and ethnicity we
and against the inclusion ofquestionson religion and the scots
that there would be noquestionson religion on income on
christine grahame i have supplementaryquestionson something different the impact
authorities would have liked extraquestionson sources of income second
that we should concentrate ourquestionson the content of the
a number of other detailedquestionson the financial memorandum however
is a way to putquestionson the internet for young
gray who replied to myquestionson the matter for which
by asking one or twoquestionson the mechanics of the
tactfully dodged or ran withquestionson the merits of irish
containing its response to ourquestionson the proposed waste electric
i have a couple ofquestionson the right to buy
colin campbell has been lodgingquestionson the second matter so
generated by their responses toquestionson their social and familial
workin on these kind ofquestionsquite a lot m741: aye
are related to the initialquestionsrobin harper on our travels
christine grahame i have twoquestionsstarting with one on resources
considered the matter previously howeverquestionsstill exist on the health
i have a subset ofquestionsthat follow on what percentage
important i have a fewquestionsthat lead on from christine
comment has focused on additionalquestionsthat particular groups wish to
seek assurance from ministers onquestionsthat the witnesses have not
no comment on the additionalquestionsthat we are proposing to
the service on the widerquestionsthat were raised by john
on the structural and institutionalquestionsthat will arise as a
allowing a range of supplementaryquestionswe should move on to
links based on the followingquestionswere either both of your
on teasing us with unansweredquestionswhy are they there who
then arise although such constitutionalquestionswould not bear directly on
passage mike teavee untypically usesquestionsbut his first excited sceptical
i have a few briefquestionsfirst does richard simpson feel
the day i have twoquestionsfirst has the timetable that
will finish with two briefquestionsfirst how will puk be
angus mackay i have threequestionsthe first of which has
snp i have two quickquestionsthe first relates to your
changing that several more specificquestionswere raised the first of
could be questioned raises considerablequestionsfor the chamber i see
period will be allowed forquestionswe will see how that
point before we go toquestionsa short term working group
presentation before we move toquestionsalan ferguson chartered institute of
remarks before we proceed toquestionsalastair dempster sportscotland i thank
applicability of junior ministers answeringquestionsbefore we proceed to the
him before we proceed toquestionsbill swann scottish campaign against
statement before we move toquestionshector currie i have been
to bark out some morequestionsand crack some jokes at
ti start pause mibi somequestionsfi the group wid that
i ve got some toughquestionsin there because if they
a sheet wi some toughquestionsm608: aye m1163: because i
being made but some keyquestionsneed to be addressed three
of some of the keyquestionsraised by the bill scottish
if we could get toquestionssome of us want to
response to some of thequestionstabled in the report we
scotland ld i have somequestionsthat are not critical but
bill answering some of thequestionsthat we had raised he
to address some of thequestionsthat we will raise i
to begin with some generalquestionsto set the context for
barking out some obviously preparedquestionsto the post grads and
we should pursue some residualquestionswith the executive it has
proposals the deputy presiding officerquestions8 and 9 have been
good grasp does anyone havequestionsand comments ms irene oldfather
we will go straight toquestionsas the witnesses have the
i do not like dodgingquestionsbut i do not have
i have a series ofquestionsbut i recognise that others
margo macdonald have two quickquestionschristine grahame i return to
if there are no otherquestionsi have a follow up
there have been no stupidquestionsno stony silences either father
solway but there have beenquestionsof law in the past
i have been hogging thequestionsso i will let michael
no i must respond toquestionsthat have been raised already
to having all the additionalquestionsthat we have heard discussed
by individuals reflecting the additionalquestionsthat we have included and
i have two or threequestionsto finish off i wish
maybe have a couple ofquestionswith regard to that at
criteria for the selection ofquestionsand will he assure us
minutes left i will takequestionsfrom rhona brankin and from
add we will move toquestionshaving read the paper do
thank you we move toquestionsi will start the ball
if there are no morequestionsi will thank both our
open up the meeting toquestionsimmediately as ever we will
which we will proceed toquestionslindsay manson scottish executive development
your introduction i will invitequestionsmaureen moore ash scotland good
and whether he will takequestionsmichael russell so the minute
will try to make myquestionsshort although as you know
get it right and includequestionsthat will provide valuable information
in the census we needquestionsthat will reflect the ethnic
if there are no otherquestionsto nick johnston we will
we will now move toquestionsto our three witnesses we
i will go back toquestionsto the eis everybody agrees
to develop ideas no doubtquestionswill follow that welcome development
the private sector although suchquestionswill require consideration in future
but this only poses morequestionsand there are still strict
they eat etc such scaffoldingquestionsare a vital reminder to
surveys that allow follow upquestionsare more appropriate to topics
hae ye heard far thequestionsare pit in english an
15 00 iain smith myquestionsare short although they might
there are no comments orquestionsarising from mr dolan s
we are proposing to includequestionsas there are no such
these are not merely academicquestionsbut important dimensions of our
tobacco advertising there are severalquestionsfor the enterprise and lifelong
scott finally there are institutionalquestionsin brief they are improved
b are obviously general orientationquestionsleading to the pupils discussion
are five of the mainquestionsraised by the salmon conservation
in brief are the institutionalquestionsthat are raised by the
now come to the threequestionsthat are to be put
ye what comes up thequestionsthat come up are things
david steel there are threequestionsthat i must put as
whether statements are subject toquestionsthat is crucial for the
said in reply to previousquestionsthere are no absolute right
presents a list of 54questionsthese are grouped under four
embarrassing this college th- thequestionsthey were like are we
david steel there are ninequestionsto be put as a
david steel there are sevenquestionsto be put to chamber
david steel there are fivequestionsto put to the chamber
key features of such genresquestionsfor discussion which of these
does this by asking suchquestionsof the students as why
icc in dealing with suchquestionsto look to the case
ease of reference or imitationquestionswhich might encourage such discussion
amazin though they kept askinquestionsand then were really surprised
did not repeat the samequestionsand we were not returning
were in the form ofquestionsin order to elicit the
arguments for all the additionalquestionsthat were i believe dealt
of the interesting and searchingquestionsthat were put to the
heard their petition these werequestionsto which she had no
number of key issues andquestionswere raised by the scottish
teacher s voice for thequestionsand her own for the
presiding officer for information emergencyquestionsand other issues selection of
a few more minutes forquestionsbill aitken how many people
efforts michael hance is draftinquestionsfor donald gorrie msp aboot
kinds of information from otherquestionsfor example cross tabulations could
through transformation according to setquestionsfor example the two sentences
to agree that consideration ofquestionsfor witnesses and of the
also consider whether to discussquestionsfor witnesses for its inquiry
social justice annual report 3questionsfor witnesses in private in
hall the mound edinburgh 1questionsfor witnesses in private the
and for answering all thequestionsso ably one of the
morning and for answering ourquestionsthank you also for your
period for the answering ofquestionsthroughout the recess however it
would be right for ourquestionsto relate to general issues
matters which leads to unansweredquestionsand inaccurate results other methods
our performance in coping withquestionsand responding to them in
to whisk them away neverthelessquestionsarise this is an interesting
i am happy to takequestionsat the appropriate moment 10
to a discussion of thequestionsfacing translators of burns s
to the visuals and toquestionsfrom the teacher after sustained
great depth to all ourquestionshe observed a person with
and your responses to ourquestionsi am sure that i
thought until faced with interestedquestionsi began to wonder it
to his remarks and yourquestionsi travel i m not
apply to the lodging ofquestionsin the last week of
to the substance of myquestionsin your opening remarks you
to one of your earlierquestionsmiss goldie as an ex
motions amendments to motions andquestionsmust be in english they
both upwards and downwards toquestionsof this type secondly many
40 however the kin linkquestionsrelated only to links with
its finances and taxation andquestionsrelating to the succession arising
you know to just m608: questionsright m1163: bring them back
to discuss a number ofquestionsshould there be a one
to their role in answeringquestionsstanding orders conveners group the
obtained from the kinds ofquestionsthat it is possible to
available to handle all thequestionsthere was very little difference
more information in deciding whichquestionsto include in the census
simply we cannot keep addingquestionsto the census form without
the process please confine yourquestionsto the criminal penalties phil
meet us they put specificquestionsto us and expressed their
other the aim of thesequestionswas to establish how mobile
we prevent msps from askingquestionswe could continue to investigate
to flow past without raisingquestionswe get a heck of
various issues relating to recessquestionswe note that the executive
to address them explicitly thequestionswhich activated lochhead s generation
of solutions to the constitutionalquestionswhich could then arise although
interesting in response to thequestionswho qui how comment where
their team a few toughquestionsyou know to just m608:
of course that raises otherquestionstherefore we re in a
more of his student basedquestionsand we told him we
that we include the properquestionsin the census we need
that we get all thequestionsright and do not miss
the scottish executive with thequestionsthat simon watkins raised we
recess and the number ofquestionsthat we receive in a
difference between the number ofquestionsthat we received in this
should be aware of thequestionsf1150: yeah f1151: and i
was a deeve with myquestionsand my notemaking and they
per person and with householdquestionsthe standard five person form
take apart from preventing duplicatequestionsfrom being submitted i know
the tendering process and thequestionsthat arise from it andy
which was that people raisedquestionsreceived reassurances and nothing changed
investigate the increasing number ofquestionsand produce many documents like
past in 1996 he tabledquestionsasking the then secretary of
by line series of closedquestionsbut in a sort of
f606: mmhm m954: lots ofquestionserm you know he was
increase in the number ofquestionshas meant in resource terms
increase in the volume ofquestionshowever the point that the
fired off a salvo ofquestionsin rapid succession like popcorn
of delivery and rephrasing ofquestionsin the higher still framework
has stimulated a lot ofquestionsin the letter i received
increase in the number ofquestionsis a matter of shared
into that in advance byquestionsof the sort that i
ld sometimes the number ofquestionsor motions a member lodges
translators of burns s poemsquestionsposed immediately by the title
at the end of thequestionsshe says and how long
of the sort of corequestionsthat come up in philosophy
bit suspicious of too manyquestionsthe leading one was rather
and ill fated endeavour andquestionsthe priorities of her majesty
absence of an official recordquestionsthe use of 100 000
improvement in the answering ofquestionswithin the deadlines however the
and asks a lot ofquestionswithout ever visiting the galleries
i mean all these difficultquestions[laugh] yeah i mean there
i i just pitch thequestionsit s not it s
so i move that thequestionsbe now put the deputy
be only a few finalquestionsit is 12 35 and
can get through all thequestionsmiss goldie point two in
by sayin that the monyquestionsan concerns anent the leids
chocolate dolly emslie studied thequestionsclosely loquacious by nature she
a decade previously by raisingquestionsover the mosaic authorship and
i- setting up the examquestionsan stuff like that i
report concludes that the manyquestionsand concerns surrounding the languages
easily reassured and asking harderquestionsgeorge macbride that is an
but being called a retardquestionsyour intelligence f943: that s
the teacher would fire ootquestionsas fast as she could
three or four particular censusquestionsand i shall come back
i kin drive noo askinquestionsensaumple 11 kin ye play
and i was asking herquestionsi didn t i wasn
today however i kept thequestionssimple and it gave me
being used in class similarlyquestionsstatements commands and exclamations can
m608: but you choose yourquestionscarefully do you aye aye
they involve yes or noquestionsthe parliament either approves or
speirin at me wi hisquestionsan makin a richt hash
class this definition begs manyquestionsand she was astonished when
visible because men the poemquestionsconventional divisions between male art
lines raises a number oquestionsfirstly it seems a gey
children had finished answering thequestionsin the formal interview the
indicate their interest in askingquestionsmaureen macmillan highlands and islands
as well as answering thequestionsorally the children could also
in eu matters the variousquestionsposed in the laeken declaration
the official report motions andquestionsthe parliament s standing orders
glaissy ee an speired himquestionsthree oh dae ye bring
glaissy ee an speired himquestionsthree oh dae ye bring
into the bar and puttingquestionswhen the aforementioned mr gurdon

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