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some quilt some quilt somequiltf1111: what are we gonna
doin f1112: washing off myquiltf1111: your quilt f1112: uh
off my quilt f1111: yourquiltf1112: uh huh f1111: what
f1112: some quilt off somequiltoff i m washing off
ve rinsed it f1112: somequiltoff some quilt off i
what f1112: some quilt somequiltsome quilt f1111: what are
f1111: some what f1112: somequiltsome quilt some quilt f1111:
ocean was a patchwork crazyquiltalong the coast too a
a bit of a patchworkquiltthere are indications that some
shovin an kickin it thequiltme aye huvin ti wrap
f1112: it s yeah thatquiltf1111: that s fairy liquid
liquid it s not aquiltf1112: i d- eh f1111:
i m washing off myquiltf1111: fitt you doin f1112:
i m washing off thequilt[inaudible] f1111: no cause use
doon oan the duck downquiltduck down mind noh hen
flag flump i am aquiltslip playing fast and loose
countyside dis look like aquiltfermer maks silage gangs full
f1112: uh huh f1111: whatquiltf1112: it s yeah that
f1111: that s not aquiltthere s an awful lot
that much f1112: that squiltwhat f1111: pop it in
zeb lie sleeping on aquilton the ground tess will
s a bruise no cosyquiltcan cover up that minos
f1103: no that s aquiltcover but is it under
need to put on thequiltcover noo this is the
ah mind layin oan thequiltwi you sat aside mi
fell doon jist like thequiltslippin aff the end o
sea is f1103: [inaudible] myquiltf1104: fitt f1103: you whaur
een the paiterns o thequiltir lyke the swaws on
fences steek a quaker squilta sheugh o saffron saris

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