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broader issues that the petitionraiseson the broader issue of
mair o yeir lees heraiseshis sword moula awricht faither
git on wi it moragraisesthe sword sadly and the
yeir lugs for ye sheraisesher hand to strike the
hae duin naething eh heraiseshis fist to strike her
betty oh my god jackraiseshis arm jack you dare
tae slice aff next bethraisesher hand and spreads out
light of scientific research whichraisesconcerns about the environmental and
light of scientific research whichraisesconcerns about the environmental and
fighting poses behind them bothwellraisesan arm as though commanding
the men row back maryraisesan arm as though to
a sanctified act knox deliberatelyraisesthe style and obviously this
deacon as ever john mcallionraisesa challenging range of issues
has the issues that itraisesand whether the circumstances in
the issues that the petitionraisesat the meetings that we
the issues that mrs ewingraisesfor example access to nhs
inevitable that such a billraisesmany issues however in the
minister is helpful this correspondenceraisesseveral important issues in relation
that richard grant linda fabianiraisestwo issues if local authorities
address the issues that itraiseswe will support borders nhs
other issues that the billraiseswhich the justice and home
the convener donald gorrie probablyraiseswider issues about the nature
i agree that the provisionraisesa serious issue it is
is satisfied that the matterraisesan issue of particular significance
individuals when a trade unionraisesan issue with a body
the issue that tommy sheridanraisesand i am sure that
the issue that richard lochheadraisesi fully respect the committee
consider the issue that itraisesin relation to standing orders
alexander the issue that heraisesis not the business of
the fort at sheephill whichraisesthe issue of scheduled monuments
speak on this subject fergusraisesthis issue persistently every time
them sandy rosie christine grahameraisesa number of points but
the points that nora radclifferaisesand pass them on to
to read that paper whichraisessome relevant points i put
of points that the petitionraiseswe received from him a
you very much jim sheraisesher hand and strokes his
it tae any man thatraiseshis hand to a woman
toerag dod jist jokin heraiseshis hand to show he
wi her grannie noo heraiseshis hand towards the entrance
petition scott barrie the petitionraisesan interesting point but i
media within that single marketraisesserious concerns about the efficacy
tale 1481 1484 thir linesraisesa number o questions firstly
the statement could be questionedraisesconsiderable questions for the chamber
has a gothic character andraisesimportant moral questions about the
eh but of course thatraisesother questions therefore we re
and waiting times for treatmentraisesquestions about how long people
national farmers union of scotlandraisesthe question whether the amendment
matter bill aitken that interventionraisesan interesting point that was
consider the matter that sheraisesand to procure a more
point that dorothy grace elderraisesit is certainly a matter
matter that dorothy grace elderraiseswe are told that parents
of her hands she stopsraisesher hands turns them over
opportunity irene oldfather dennis canavanraisesa good point we should
area mr morrison mrs grantraisesa very important point two
the point that the memberraisesas i have been in
have all those problems thatraisesa question who has been
both independence and interdependence thatraisesthe question of fields and
estonia disaster in the balticraisesthe question of whether the
so this is eh itraisesthe question of whether there
had been under surveillance thatraisesthe question whether people should
which f718: uh huh m017: raisesthe whole question of how
name of the company thatraisesthe possibility of football shirts
the environment committee s reportraisesthe important subject of indemnity
for sayin that the knichtraiseshis eyes to heaven and
that annabel goldie s letterraisesabout the compatibility of our
looks at the audience andraisesan eyebrow at them na
of the themes that heraisesand we will take them
ensure that an individual whoraisesa court action that results
to do that provided heraisesa reasonable doubt he is

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