
See this word as a collocate cloud

yeah f835: spiders mice andratsan deep water and i
job was lonely with onlyratsand mice for company i
they were aw mice andrats[laugh] f643: dangerous m642: so
like a glove mice andratswere usually to be found
also have spiders mats anratsand like f835: oh yeah
bleck corn flakes is reallyratskeech speirt yin o the
ken that wullie ye meanratsshite speirt wullie wi a
always anticipate a plague ofratsif you have stored grain
culled from bats and laboratoryratsto add radar to our
he got rid o theratsm642: were at a risk
we got rid o theratswe got the electric we
uised ti say that evenratsis no sae bad aince
grandfaither aye uised ti sayratsis no sae bad aince
the heat in and theratsout jacket tackety boots were
we must grow more asratsget fat in the huge
britain s wetlands and bogsratshe s done it he
mental cruelty he kept snakesratsand was working on tarantulas
seemed to be thousand ofratsat the village shop that
two cross over for exampleratsgo underground and the best
i think aboot it eratshid likely naething tae dee
hid cam in like drookitratsten tin flasks stoppered wi
and here here s theratslooking through the hole lookin
it wis faar e waterratsbade though ye niver got
burn wis big bit eratscouldna a howkit oot sic
santa hoo big are yerratsnae doot ye ll be
as it will then attractratsother scavengers and even more
be winnerin aboot e watterratsbit thole awa boys we
em aside some o eratsholies wi widden pegs throwe
the redundancy money and theratsdaen it and then the
were overrunning the pacific likeratsby the time we re
but then ye see theratswere eatin the wires as
and it was movin wiratsit wis and the kids
bins and this his attractsratsand other vermin a pointer
there is an influx ofratsi am told that an
we cleaned it and theratsused tae eat the wallpaper
scorpions scourge of beetles andratsbush tailed david defying jungle

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