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aerial skyway intergalactic byway virtualrealityfor work and play for
digital scanning and b virtualrealitymodelling language with regard to
learn more about the harshrealitybehind pero and elena s
only if only the harshrealityof the situation off belfast
greig blurs the bounds atweenrealityand imagination as notit airlier
a triumph of imagination overrealityit seems that you are
she is ignoring or transformingrealityto suit her imagination her
there s no escape fromrealityno escape at all but
view that they have ofrealityand the grip on language
in getting a grip inrealityi was panicky and desperate
evidence of childhood impulses historicalrealityhas a share in the
memories of childhood and therealityof the adult world in
turn the objectives into practicalreality56 there were some individual
turn the objectives intil practicalreality56 there wis ae twae
seeking to hide from therealityof performance measures and performance
science and skills agenda arealityin the months and years
its own agenda and therealityof contracting with funders to
its own agenda and therealityof contracting with those who
however we must recognise therealityof the situation gaelic is
i do not know therealityof the situation i raised
we must deal with therealityof the situation which is
the committee to recognise thatrealityby supporting the executive s
more like the kind ofrealityi needed just then and
could prove it needed inrealitythere were far more papers
were broadly speaking based onrealityand that the novel shows
mythically speaking and and andrealitytoo you know i mean
career opportunities that is therealityand the scale of the
of course equal opportunities therealityis that people s view
accepts that ageism is arealityin modern scotland and must
and not blinkered against modernrealitywhat they should be concerning
sunhatted shepherdess lies a harsherrealitymallorcan cultivation is still based
turn that strategy into arealitywe look forward to examining
view did not reflect therealitythat most of us found
is for real and therealityis appalling the materials that
our vision of europe arealitywe need real influence in
yeah m762: getting out ofrealityin some way you know
of that fact however therealityis that many people in
fact as she communicates therealitythat in the absence of
can face up to therealityof who you are i
an fuckin society cannae facerealitystew wi need ti calm
of money that is inrealitya single housing budget that
intervention schemes in education inrealitythat money should come from
a political one however inrealityvery few decisions as any
that is no longer therealityin the commercial world we
first minister s comments therealityis that any gaelic act
respond to hints of confidencerealitybegins to loom only on
to make addressing them arealityonly a fundamental misunderstanding of
make the ferry service arealitythe executive was required to
make such a network arealitythere may be a case
to make the project arealityurges argyll and bute council
would be funny but inrealityit s far more worrying
the prospect more than therealityp 59 but a vivid
[laugh] m608: there s somethingrealitydoesn t change if you
want to do but inrealityit is something that is
and eroding english is inrealitya massive amalgam of innumerable
wrong as he sounds inrealityand this is my point
where symbolism is substituted forrealityhis satire is quite subtle
manipulation of style eh therealityis always variety and variation
will be wonderful but therealityis sometimes that they do
in some quarters but therealityis tae ensure that it
engagement with the public therealityis that acute services reviews
a hole for herself therealityis that several hundred local
with people in suits therealityis that the partnerships are
on earth that is therealityof devolution under labour we
woke up and faced therealitythat is staring her in
left office that is therealitythat the electorate faces at
per cent that is therealitywhile winter maintenance is 13
which is often encountered inrealityyet the observations and assumptions
stimulated passion for football intorealitythe boys in my dad
by to return to therealityof the debate older people
possible actually you know inrealityf963: yes yeah mmhm mm
later this month be arealityi know that the full
to 25 will become arealityon 1 may 2004 when
her from the pain ofrealityone last example after her
was going to write aboutrealityand not phantasy but if
report and a picture ofrealitygive less comfort about the
could use it now inrealityinstead of just writing about
where the mirror confirmed therealityof the throbbing inside my
of incor- tried to transmuterealityfrom a position f963: mm
convener moving from speculation torealitywill you describe the ways
we can get to therealityi would welcome clarification of
he blinked back to therealityof ben rinnes s heathery
for the millionth time therealityof experience and to forge
so because it recognises therealityof the future there has
to take account of therealityof the primary context in
microchips to bring home therealityof the responsibilities of early
and brings a sense ofrealityto our discussion i speak
costs eight times the historicrealitythat has made it inevitable
a tragic sight that wasrealityunlike the soundbites that we
s that s what therealitywas er m605: but no
that we exist tho inrealitywe dinna at aw ah
has nothing to do withrealityi e radioactivity what happened
which had no basis inrealityas a vehicle for an
difference here between rhetoric andrealitythe meeting in december will
image might have been myrealitya hair s breadth had
making the second hospice arealityand calls upon the park
whose estimates are closer torealitystewart sutherland s or david

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