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society on its strategy documentreducingfractures and osteoporosis in scotland
an excellent strategy document calledreducingfractures and osteoporosis in scotland
part of their work inreducingosteoporotic fractures the strategy is
the breathing space project onreducingthe suicide rate amongst young
the breathing space project onreducingthe suicide rate amongst young
the breathing space project onreducingthe suicide rate amongst young
the breathing space project onreducingthe suicide rate amongst young
and issue proposals for simplifyingreducingor removing such regulations and
travel dundee in removing orreducingthe bus services on certain
travel dundee in removing orreducingthe bus services on certain
that includes the aim ofreducingthe incidence and severity of
the nhs executive targets forreducingthe incidence of cancer heart
further approves work aimed atreducingthe intolerably high incidence of
factor had the effect ofreducingconsumption in the united kingdom
and jobs the impact ofreducingconsumption on employment in the
and jobs the impact ofreducingconsumption on employment in the
policies independent studies show thatreducingtobacco consumption in countries like
other part of the ukreducingtobacco consumption in scotland will
by courts and panels inreducingfuture offending take steps to
and standards sacro safeguarding communitiesreducingoffending 5 proposed protection from
the prison s role inreducingre offending supported by stewart
progress has been made inreducingdelayed discharges from hospitals s1o
that we are succeeding inreducingthe figures for delayed discharge
progress has been made inreducingthe level of delayed discharges
as we have delivered onreducingclass sizes for the first
in primary schools but byreducingclass sizes in secondary schools
areas there were advantages inreducingclass sizes particularly for the
youth crime reducing ill healthreducingenergy waste and costs the
to tackle reducing youth crimereducingill health reducing energy waste
they are designed to tacklereducingyouth crime reducing ill health
tackling drug related crime andreducingthe impact which this has
tackling drug related crime andreducingthe impact which this has
appointments susan deacon tackling andreducingwaiting times at every stage
expansion with particular emphasis onreducingbusiness rates b develop cohesive
expansion with particular emphasis onreducingbusiness rates b develop cohesive
with a particular emphasis onreducingviolent and disruptive behaviour and
and in the interests ofreducingcasualties improving communication and increasing
have in improving health andreducingcrime by helping drug addicts
have in improving health andreducingcrime by helping drug addicts
social inclusion by improving employabilityreducingskills gaps and creating new
to ministers its report entitledreducingthe risk improving the response
health boards and trusts ofreducingwaiting lists and improving service
the group s recommendations forreducingand stopping youth crime further
the group s recommendations forreducingand stopping youth crime further
for the health service byreducingill health cut crime by
community wardens could play inreducingthe fear of crime s1w
victims making them feel saferreducingthe fear of crime which
you will think seriously aboutreducingit to 10 beds that
beds available for treatment byreducingthe beds occupied by those
had a significant impact onreducingrepeat presentations and helping people
restoring the uniform business ratereducingbusiness regulation and effecting immediate
will publish the targets forreducingpositive drug tests among inmates
people taking exercise and toreducingthe rates of mortality from
to preserve salmon stocks byreducingfishing effort in its present
in the river environment byreducingfishing effort many of these
one factor might be byreducingfishing effort regulations made under
extending the waiting period orreducingthe expectations of those who
progress is being made inreducingwaiting times an important part
the knock on effect ofreducingchild poverty ms curran no
its overall policy aims ofreducingfuel poverty and promoting sustainable
have been more successful inreducingpoverty and social exclusion and
if we are committed toreducingthe level of child poverty
have a radical impact onreducingcosts the convener that is
would catch less fish andreducingincome the impact on the
save energy by specifying pollutionreducinglighting for new public lighting
problem but that it wasreducingin size and would be
landlords evading the system byreducingthe size threshold the council
part of its strategy forreducingemissions from motor vehicles to
non target species industrial fishingreducingstocks of salmon food species
have a useful effect inreducingthe number of spelling options
over a larger area soreducingthe particular benefits of national
progress has been made inreducingthe seasonality of tourism in
community support local food chainsreducingthe number of food miles
2001 whether the target forreducingexclusions from schools by one
been briefed about the numberreducingfrom you or from participation
strathclyde police in respect ofreducingthe number of road accidents
and are returning to spawnreducingthe number of spawning fish
making it more strategic andreducingdiscounts so as to mitigate
making secure accommodation better atreducingreoffending than it does at
has played a part byreducingvat on fuel from 8
and procurement services and byreducingduplication of courses appoint university
its co ordinated approach toreducingor eliminating the dependence on
its co ordinated approach toreducingor eliminating the dependence on
sex offenders act 1997 byreducingsome of its provisions i
that is being made inreducingthe element of assessment not
by recruiting more teachers andreducingbureaucracy nicol stephen liberal democrat
by providing more funding andreducingpaperwork s1w 29300 donald gorrie
the voluntary sector directly byreducingpeople s ability to contribute
have proved more effective atreducingreoffending than traditional methods in
morale and nurses safety andreducingstress promoting the well being
and improvement grants has beenreducingdo you think that sufficient
has had considerable success inreducingthe use of poisons on
whether it is committed toreducingtraffic growth and whether this
partnership with local authorities forreducingany backlog of council house
to any other person paymentreducingor extinguishing a local authority
laminate flooring in tenement dwellingsreducingnoise insulation of which many
and quality of nursing therebyreducingabsenteeism and reliance on agency
we were getting on withreducingthe outstanding data that was
barriers with a view toreducingaccidents and loss of life
have the added benefit ofreducingdaily living expenses the scottish
could be in danger ofreducingour standards to a lower
operation of the courts systemreducingthe amount of time wasted
public lowering response and soreducingthe effectiveness of the whole
statutory instrument would move towardsreducingthe effects of that element
funding and the principle ofreducingthe levels of grants to
value of the fishery howeverreducingthe opportunity for fishermen to
of strathclyde police force inreducingthe outstanding numbers of means
developing potential that is aboutreducingemployee turnover and instilling the
turning the situation around andreducingthe gap we will continue
road to rail and toreducingurban congestion calls upon the
to the time scale forreducingthe occupancy threshold will you
p 160 how is thatreducingthe gap mr hamilton that

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