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an neeps fleein ower ereefsat templand a soon o
it dreepit frae the slatereefso dessloch place it sweeled
that doos micht chuse theirreefstae thigg the god o
alangside abyne castle wi thereefso the mains fairm aboon
reefs what colour s thereefso the houses m1110: what
that side fitt aboot thereefswhat colour s the reefs
there s hardly ony thackitreefsto photograph nowadays and however
tidal energy sites and artificialreefsto provide suitable areas for
onybody that kens onything abootreefskens that a flat reef
braw ower the streets owerreefso torn plastic that s
e aal days on ereefso hooses first e pit
top of the of thereefsor or on or on

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