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or minority leid is uisedreferstae the geographical area whaur
or minority language is usedrefersto the geographical area in
a summary warrant the amendmentrefersto the intimation of a
summary warrant amendment 36 clearlyrefersto warrant sales under ordinary
provide it amendment 35 clearlyrefersto warrant sales under summary
times article to which herefersspecifically quoted a statement from
work is page 27 whichrefersspecifically to the action that
matters for example the documentrefersto a number of other
north a document of 1543refersto an area of the
learning direction the budget documentrefersto matters such as extending
outputs to which the documentreferswe have every reason to
functions the power of directionrefersto the sqa s substantive
corn referring to oats usuallyrefersin scots to oatmeal unless
bap in modern usage usuallyrefersto a softish floury roll
somewhat vague reference it usuallyrefersto an unleavened dough but
public petitions committee ppc formallyrefersthe petition to the health
to decide whether a petitionrefersto a matter within the
with the petition the recommendationrefersto an earlier petition pe223
page 8 of our paperrefersto petition pe283 which is
i understand that the petitionrefersto that issue but the
o scotland that poetry principallyreferstae english poetry sic like
the voluntary sector the nofrefersto paragraph 27 in particular
paragraph 1 of the schedulerefersto the plan s interim
paragraph 2 of the schedulerefersto the resources and financial
point under this section itrefersmore closely to the previous
correspondence dated 16 january whichrefersto previous meetings we find
of the principal rules whichrefersto association between those who
and carried on amendment 59refersto the general rules about
7 michael matheson amendment 7refersto section 27 on interpretation
what budget line each paymentrefersto s1w 23094 fiona hyslop
what budget line each paymentrefersto s1w 23095 fiona hyslop
before the convener the recommendationrefersonly to their role in
parliamentary role 15 standing ordersrefersto political parties which are
the letter from sarah boyackrefersto draft regulations which will
ministers jack mcconnell s letterrefersto the mccabe committee which
about the security council andrefersto a state being unable
in the way uk legislationrefersto the secretary of state
research to which mr monteithrefersit showed that in some
the submissions ingaithered a wheenreferstae research done that hauds
committee s guidance page 3refersto the fact that most
amendment is stronger because itrefersto further exploration of all
with the amendment as itrefersto the person authorising the
such discussion though it necessarilyrefersto particular features in texts
which i think the memberrefersif it is the same
the scheme to which herefersin addition more than 100
the decision to which sherefersis extremely difficult for those
premium to which fergus ewingrefersis not a premium but
services framework to which sherefersis not floating around but
parents to which mr barrierefersnicol stephen and i are
which robin harper supported pe508refersto a specific case with
of the executive motion whichrefersto services which will support
deliver services the annex alsorefersto the extent to which
by which stewart of baldynneisrefersto the title of james
all buses run to timerefersto the answer to written
the executive our written submissionrefersto the urgent need for
provide us with because itrefersto england and wales andrew
identity of this person mammonrefersto he that seduced you
dedication and care the motionrefersto that and the parliament
we put forward the motionrefersto the benefits that the
guide to collective decision makingrefersto the partnership executive 14
need to save myself andrefersto how although she saw
reported plus work in handrefersto serious crime although i
as liz lochhead frequentlie writesreferstae dedicates her work tae
would not work as itrefersto persons authorised for using
the work force our terminologyrefersto the education of the
in terranglian territories 2000 hagemannrefersto work on burns s
8 2 is that itrefersto motions for meetings of
is given me though itrefersto the plural form us
2 under the heading actionrefersto the need to strengthen
unclear whether a parliamentary questionrefersto an operational or policy
question richard lochhead my questionrefersto the report dated 31
yes yeah yes it alsorefersto a drunk don t
lyndsay of the mount alsorefersto his language as inglis
reception in germany he alsorefersto the views goethe expressed
1997 48 thi table ablowreferstae standard english categorisations o
english queen michie 1872 286refersto this anglo norman influence
different language usage practices herefers1972 73 to the border
behind fan is when birkierefershere to a smart well
eu directive 90 220 eecrefersobliquely to public consultation there
allowed patricia ferguson the pointrefersonly to business that has
as the cobbler this namerefersonly to the central peak
of that instead of thanrefersto a target for the
to me that clause 4refersto advertising inside a shop
is sectoral in that itrefersto arable land improved grassland
at the time farl nowrefersto different types of baking
all merely been dreaming herefersto himself and his fellow
here one of the submissionsrefersto market disorder and it
the executive s response thatrefersto paying money to crews
darker side to him oberonrefersto puck as hobgoblin he
wording is all important itrefersto removing a bar against
in danish by 1921 jakobsenrefersto the 1873 edition of
end of wordly glory hunterrefersto the collective guilt we
but if the legislation justrefersto the common law everything
is interesting that lloyd quinanrefersto the concerns and tensions
in the act the actrefersto the discharge of the
mackay and his forses thisrefersto the government army of
quondam domini johannis comyn andrefersto the premeditated iniquity excogitata
22 the principle of proportionalityrefersto the scale or effect
in the same poem davidsonrefersto the throbbing sky and
imrie clerk the stuc submissionrefersto two points the first
words are there mary scanlonrefersto westminster pension policy but
respect if seemly and dignifiedrefersto what is done in
to the members interests orderrefersto what is in the

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