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a couart in yeir ainregairdnou is it aye ti
merbil bonnie she is tiregairdan o byordnar bewtie hingin
the maist productive wey taeregairdit is as a potential
it is mair productive taeregairdthis challenge as a resource
no aw that different asregairdtae chynges in his poem
dout masell whan ye canregairdsic unco sichts an keep
ah ryse at dawin anregairdmasell in the luikin gless
juist hae ti lairn tiregairdthis puddok as a member
cohesion in policy terms wiregairdtae gaelic the need for
mair general points maistly wiregairdtae the law here in
benefit fae education wi particularregairdpeyed tae pupils wi disabilities

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