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scotland whose responsibilities in thisregardlie now with the minister
take their responsibilities in thatregardseriously donald gorrie central scotland
carrying out their responsibilities withregardto flood prevention s1w 32350
ask the scottish executive withregardto the division of responsibilities
ask the scottish executive withregardto the division of responsibilities
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of non
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of non
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of non
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of non
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of non
ask the scottish executive withregardto the appointment of the
because of its importance withregardto angling rights the abban
awarded mixed site status withregardto its cultural importance a
importance of genetic modification withregardto nourishing and feeding an
line 58 leave out haveregardto the importance of and
discharging the function shall haveregardto the importance of the
regard and encourage others toregardthe best interests of children
uk authority the commissioner shouldregardthe best interests of children
find out how many peopleregardthemselves as active practitioners of
young woman whose parents wouldregardthemselves as being of ethnic
the religion to which peopleregardthemselves as belonging today and
the speech of those whoregardthemselves as educated in recent
such a person does notregardthemselves as rich or wealthy
8 of duty to haveregardto best interests of dependent
to have full and properregardto the interests of tourists
whether a service provider hasregardto the rights interests and
patient the person shall haveregardin so far as it
patient the person shall haveregardto a the matters mentioned
above the court shall haveregardto all the circumstances of
the scottish ministers shall haveregardto any representations made to
case may be shall haveregardto any such guidance robert
case may be shall haveregardto any such guidance section
scottish natural heritage shall haveregardto the desirability of securing
b shall then decide havingregardto the results of that
mention two matters in thatregardalthough the amendments and re
ethnic group 4 after havingregardto a the matters mentioned
rates and effective policing withregardto matters of devolved competence
letter we sent them withregardto nine different matters a
to subsection 9 below haveregardto the matters mentioned in
shetland islands and whether specificregardis being given to any
it has specific proposals withregardto provision of additional lay
ministers to specify exemptions withregardto specific circumstances that individuals
general or specific character withregardto the discharge of its
general or specific character withregardto the discharge of the
life our efforts in thatregardbegin with listening to older
benefit from education with particularregardpaid to pupils with disabilities
benefit from education with particularregardpaid to pupils with disabilities
like iain smith might howeverregardthat with some concern the
issues to be considered withregardto a commissioner for children
it intends to take withregardto a compensation programme s1w
consultation has taken place withregardto a replacement for rural
the crown estates have withregardto a salmon fisheries b
ask the scottish executive withregardto action points d2 and
about implications of essentialism inregardto an association with mother
clyde nhs board with particularregardto any delayed referrals and
had with local authorities inregardto any difficulties that are
voluntary sector and others withregardto applications for objective 3
governors of the bbc withregardto appropriate services to serve
mothers talk eh use withregardto children a wee bit
and 1999 manifesto pledges withregardto class sizes in the
bill to restrict voting withregardto community burdens to the
lack of cohesive policy withregardto community language provision 101
lack of statistical data withregardto community languages as there
of decision making power withregardto consumer representation for gas
local authorities in particular withregardto decisions on housing developments
of this parliament thirdly withregardto driving disqualifications it must
stock of the situation withregardto editing at that date
impact on rural areas withregardto education the minister has
key quotes from that withregardto ehm secondary and where
be changed but only withregardto england and wales the
april may prove impractical withregardto ensuring the protection that
respect to concerns raised withregardto european document sp 1406
local housing strategy particularly withregardto evidence and the right
have now been closed withregardto f p s friends
interrogate accepted social commonplaces withregardto female experience in the
will simplify the process withregardto ferry or shipping services
by the crown estates withregardto fishing s1w 13108 michael
made 15 million available withregardto funding for post office
the executive s policy withregardto gaelic as follows i
what they are doing withregardto gaelic medium education legislative
cohesion in policy terms withregardto gaelic the need for
ask the scottish executive withregardto greater glasgow health board
up a learning curve withregardto how the committee might
buildings are currently underway withregardto insurance fraud any breach
by a procurator fiscal withregardto insurance fraud any breach
ask the scottish executive withregardto its announcement on 13
virtual reality modelling language withregardto its investment in 3d
ask the scottish executive withregardto its news release se0324
ask the scottish executive withregardto its news release se5621
that s talked about withregardto kind of linguistic fascism
for access to information withregardto land ownership s1w 3404
to make an announcement withregardto lifting the beef on
clyde trust board especially withregardto local accountability in the
carswell s own life withregardto marriage although not to
a range of actions withregardto medical conditions arising from
eadie dunfermline east lab withregardto meetings with the authorities
health boards too recently withregardto money from the community
outlines the current situation withregardto national parks in scotland
and community care outlined withregardto needs and care assessments
in our young people withregardto osteoporosis however i should
action has been taken withregardto overcrowding on the basis
ask the presiding officer withregardto paragraph 17 of the
ask the presiding officer withregardto paragraph 20 of the
ask the presiding officer withregardto paragraph 22 of the
ask the presiding officer withregardto paragraph 22 of the
ask the presiding officer withregardto paragraph 25 of the
and lothian transport plc withregardto parking of ministerial cars
smoking pressure groups particularly withregardto passive smoking and calls
what its policy is withregardto pay levels for academic
ask the scottish executive withregardto planning advice notice no
tone to the debate withregardto powers he mentioned that
with european union partners withregardto providing information about banking
such assistance would be withregardto providing information that would
the data protection acts withregardto providing papers to approved
office has any policy withregardto pursuing claims against schools
of spi s contribution withregardto quality in relation to
of the ospar strategy withregardto radioactive substances further notes
for resolving parent appeals withregardto record of needs s1w
make significant improvements particularly withregardto recycling further notes that
from [censored: companyname] construction company withregardto reinstating the land on
we could exc- explore withregardto resources now the curriculum
team the anomalous situation withregardto responsibility for edited copy
areas of scotland with particularregardto rural and village communities
should be no derogation withregardto seafarers and in light
pupils in east kilbride withregardto south lanarkshire council s
progress is being made withregardto statutory procedures in relation
should not take action withregardto stracathro but i know
about energy action scotland withregardto such consultation and to
to make a distinction withregardto such situations and leave
the policy of mainstreaming withregardto teaching children with autism
bliss draw quickly with noregardto technique i instructed myself
of update their skills withregardto terminology and that sort
crime and fraud secondly withregardto terrorist acts provision is
rest of the committee withregardto that and to people
a couple of questions withregardto that at at the
improve our own skills withregardto that but also ehm
updating our own skills withregardto that [cough] one of
overlooked authority has emerged withregardto that particular power not
secretary and miss [censored: surname] withregardto the aerobics club the
like to know first withregardto the appointments system whether
an experience for them withregardto the assurances that i
ask the scottish executive withregardto the branding and value
there is some inconsistency withregardto the collection of fines
is especially the case withregardto the contribution of eighteenth
perth and kinross council withregardto the council s proposals
power to the parliament withregardto the crown estates commission
steps it has taken withregardto the development of mobile
national federation of subpostmasters withregardto the development of the
she had been alive withregardto the display she said
change of government policy withregardto the drug question it
given to police forces withregardto the execution of failure
that is our position withregardto the executive we have
on vaccination and immunisation withregardto the flu vaccination program
for front line duty withregardto the funding that has
schools and young people withregardto the historical significance of
her majesty s government withregardto the impact on local
department seeks to develop withregardto the increase in transport
echt in december 1935 withregardto the inscription and design
the precise constitutional position withregardto the isle of man
ask the scottish executive withregardto the letter to me
to lay down directions withregardto the objectives of the
government scotland act 1982 withregardto the offence of dog
which we are involved withregardto the oft report on
having with local authorities withregardto the one year placement
parliamentary procedure explanatory statement withregardto the pension allowance or
course of therapy 5 withregardto the person s general
voluntary organisations in glasgow withregardto the plans for a
going training and updates withregardto the prescription of methadone
in local government and withregardto the proportional representation local
in local government and withregardto the proportional representation local
debt and legal advice withregardto the provision of central
local and national level withregardto the provision of public
disability discrimination act 1995 withregardto the provision of rail
the university of chicago withregardto the publication of the
to her majesty government withregardto the rate of excise
will provide an example withregardto the recently announced 5
evidence from young people withregardto the regulation of care
ask the scottish executive withregardto the reports in the
with premier prison service withregardto the running of hm
the executive since devolution withregardto the scottish block we
minister has offered reassurances withregardto the scottish compact on
to be looking ahead withregardto the scottish dictionary i
indwellers could do neither withregardto the size of the
accepted at stage 2 withregardto the super affirmative procedure
the council s actions withregardto the third age group
ask the scottish executive withregardto the trade in illegal
that your main concern withregardto the type of venue
teachers earlier this year withregardto the underfunding and under
and duties in law withregardto the use of gaelic
served by the a95 withregardto the various works to
setting the environmental objectives withregardto the water needs of
setting the environmental objectives withregardto the water needs of
more even playing field withregardto the way in which
of conduct for msps withregardto their contact with lobbyists
of scottish local authorities withregardto weight restrictions that are
relation to the trial withregardto what the european court
disagree with you particularly withregardto your second point i
of the child in particularregardand encourage others to regard
the court is to haveregardin particular to a the
the 1991 act tenancy havingregardto i the age of
the year 2002 onwards havingregardto such indices as the
an assessment and may havingregardto the assessment require from
mental health services while havingregardto the public interest and
mental health services while havingregardto the public interest and
the relevant bits do youregardas satisfactory the provision of
a primary consideration and haveregardto and encourage others to
and encourage others to haveregardto views of children and
take us forward in thatregardthat applies particularly to standards
needs of the child haveregardto the results of the
which the ministers must haveregardor do ministers intend to
council of ministers in thisregards1w 31135 christine grahame to
of the ministers in thatregardwork has to be done
the person cared for haveregardto the results of the
the person need not haveregardto the views of a
that local authorities seem toregardcharities and voluntary sector organisations
authorities and the nhs shouldregardsue ryder care as an
on this matter without anyregardfor the industry on that
them as english authors withoutregardfor their scottish roots and
s overcrowded prisons without sufficientregardto the protection of the
s overcrowded prisons without sufficientregardto the protection of the
was changed in any materialregardas a result of the
med at least if anyregardat all is given to
of a problem in thatregardin any of the countries
as a private company inregardto any aspects of its
into a contract to haveregardto any guidance issued to
such consultation and c haveregardto any guidance on the
registered social landlords and haveregardto any response to such
he or she should haveregardto the views of children
the basics of what iregardas best value on vindication
be independent and will haveregardto the views and best
central and local government officialsregardthe voluntary sector as a
of the belgian government inregardto crop trials of genetically
that have taken place inregardto the financing of students
be taken into account inregardto the future of the
larkos but we do notregardthat case as directly relevant
to the parliament in thisregard1 the eu s strategy
that it is reasonable toregarda a scots word er
is more objective however toregardall systems of pronunciation of
of scots language is toregardall the regional and urban
now he had come toregardart itself as mother sister
meant sense she seems toregardas a distraction we stuttered
society is important in thatregardbeing able to get out
pointless most foxhunters i knowregarddrag hunting as similar to
urge the committee to haveregardfor considerations of the kind
to the word papist butregardit as a term of
went on to state iregardit as a wasteful distraction
ways however i did notregardit as my place to
service announcers they seem toregardme as an odd pet
bill will allow people toregardregistration as a way of
development a tendency developed toregardscots as an inferior or
tendency among many people toregardstandard english as english implying
has been received do membersregardthat evidence as sufficient to
to be consistent in thisregardthe english translations are as
b allows the ombudsman toregardthis as a service failure
before the consultation process inregardto caledonian macbrayne has been
gallie and mr matheson inregardto different parts of the
media culture and sport inregardto ensuring that digital television
teaching unions and cosla inregardto reaching a settlement for
teaching unions and cosla inregardto reaching a settlement for
what its position is inregardto self funding clients in
the scottish qualifications authority inregardto the authority s performance
1999 he said that inregardto the differences between buchan
that we be vigilant inregardto the emergence of racism
serious complaint other than inregardto the holyrood project vote
methadone have sufficient education inregardto the medical implications of
the spcb to have dueregardto the need to eliminate
fifteen years 6 yet inregardto the need to transform
media market if we haveregardto the overall income for
we have had to haveregardto the overall length of
the committee s recommendations inregardto the procedure in mesothelioma
for learning scotland bill inregardto the replacement of the
made to hm treasury inregardto the tax paid as
is very important to haveregardto the track record of
that the commissioner must haveregardto the un convention on
of the louse problem inregardto the wild resource the
about proof of identity inregardto the young scot card
that have been issued inregardto what it charges patients
that we can establish inregardto what the date should
census we must also haveregardto whether the census is
happen but we will haveregardto your points when we
notwithstanding the assessment to whichregardwas had in making the
and south lanarkshire in thisregardwhile encouraging all councils to
but the executive must haveregardfor the impact that such
examination diet is being composedregardmust be had for the
off for home you mustregardthis as your home and
new announcement today in thatregardhowever it is well known
would be conducted we canregarda ban only as part
produced in what one wouldregardas a a a sort
what even the witnesses wouldregardas a perfectly legal thing
can understand and which theyregardas acceptable in public contexts
electricity both of which iregardas potentially far more hazardous
lot of what i iregardas quite fine poetry f718:
the london based papers wouldregardas the scottish pages are
the second issue which iregardas unsatisfactory which is the
is seriously defective in thatregardas well as in terms
yes yeah m762: and notregardit as a kind of
real intrusion into liberty iregardit as an important aspect
later in life ur gaunaeregardit as unfamiliar an foreign
teachers didn t didn tregardlatin as something you could
language and format some writersregardpoetry as a separate genre
hae been condition t taeregardscots as unsuitable fur school
awarded costs i do notregardthat as the executive s
orders is that members shouldregardthe 40 day period as
the issue we do notregardthe argument as about the
that wide ranging term youregardthe bill as a considerable
say that we do notregardthe matter as closed the
i express myself frankly iregardthis as bad usage whether
where they stand either theyregardus as week minded and
s it because she llregardyou lot as a bad
accent but some speakers stillregardcertain ways of speaking english
student and records its highregardfor the achievements of students
on their efforts in thisregardand believes that the scottish
minister s commitments in thatregardfree personal care should be
against much enthusiasm and positiveregardfor the language by pupils
a trade that has naeregardfor ony rights whitsoever and
we are committed in thatregardbecause of the failure of
and kinross councils in thisregardcommends the commitment of the
a metaphorical one of observeregardscrutinise from here it is
are some difficulties in thatregardthe range of payment rates
is very flexible in thatregardour current preference is for
will become better in thatregardat a later date hector
put on councils in thatregardgeorge reid s contribution unexpectedly
make further progress in thatregardiain mcmillan in fairness a
in aw the warld sregardimmortal rabbie fae timbuctu or
was not held in highregardin the lowlands and had
a real difference in thatregardmiss goldie your main concern
end insert in a materialregardmr andy kerr supported by
but his sentiments in thisregardwere on the whole reasonably
that s i always personallyregardthat s a very good

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