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regular updates and am inregularcontact i am delighted to
in the future i receiveregularupdates and am in regular
that he was aware ofregularupdates to the effect that
the chamber are removed atregularintervals 14 the northumbria t
balcony there are bars atregularintervals along the route where
wandered round particular districts atregularintervals being given quarters hence
fountain of binibasi vineyards atregularintervals groves of lemon trees
will feed the beast atregularintervals one linguistic point no
had to be pumped atregularintervals or the light went
by the first minister surgeriesregularmeetings held by msps in
local office or throu theirregularsurgeries in yer local area
local office or during theirregularsurgeries in your local area
are in place to ensureregularand frequent consultation over policy
libraries and even after aregulareven if not frequent visitor
boyack the scottish executive hasregularmeetings and frequent exchanges with
local councils we will encourageregularhealth screening to detect potential
in health screening by developingregularmens health checks and modern
be successfully treated to encourageregularscreening and help the prevention
work programme early intervention andregularscreening the earlier that potential
you do that on aregularbasis f641: priceless m608: priceless
amount of care on aregularbasis for a disabled child
amount of care on aregularbasis for another person aged
amount of care on aregularbasis for that person of
amount of care on aregularbasis for the child or
amount of care on aregularbasis for the child the
amount of care on aregularbasis for the person cared
joint police boards on aregularbasis however no formal meetings
back to it on aregularbasis if and when matters
t go oot on aregularbasis m608: yeah m1163: i
with a detective on aregularbasis or another member of
being prescribed methadone on aregularbasis s1o 5810 17 cathie
are prescribed methadone on aregularbasis s1w 28523 mary scanlon
to dental treatment on aregularbasis s1w 32316 mary scanlon
successfully with texts on aregularbasis setting up meaningful contexts
will be monitored on aregularbasis to ensure that strategy
very own newsletter on aregularbasis which will then be
edinburgh and glasgow on aregularbasis would send a positive
facilitated such meetings but moreregularand more formal dialogue would
was to be done atregularguild meetings forty one pairs
of scotland and whether furtherregularmeetings between them have been
of scotland and whether furtherregularmeetings between them have been
an agreed figure per headregularmeetings of cooperating partners were
in 1999 2000 at theregularmeetings of the aps project
those sites dcms will chairregularmeetings to discuss world heritage
invited scapa to attend theirregularmeetings which are open to
just the use of aregularcontact who volunteers information to
and up to 500 000regularvolunteers that is to say
work of the 500 000regularvolunteers those are the figures
to a healthier diet isregularexercise the physical activity task
the number of children undertakingregularphysical exercise through free access
people develop healthy bones throughregularphysical exercise we know from
jack mcconnell officials are inregularcontact with the forth estuary
that our officials are inregularcontact with them indeed they
well our officials are inregularcontact with uk government officials
endeavours and we are inregularcontact with it the presiding
greater scale with direct accessregularcontact with msps to give
jack mcconnell we are inregularcontact with the uk government
their diet and to takeregularexercise we can help them
the first meenister surgery theregularsederunts hauden by msps in
what rds jack describes asregulareasily decipherable semi italian hand
we didn t love ourregularchild minder school cleaner maggie
have just begun to getregularinformation about the work programme
public information centre should produceregularinformation bulletins in gaelic and
structured network of organisations receivingregularinformation on the convention s
more events here we haveregularand well supported competitions with
consider making it a moreregularevent supported by colin campbell
days late in making theirregularmonthly payments supported by john
the chairman and i hadregulardiscussions his favoured route between
that area and there wasregulartravel and intermarriage between the
be given at least someregularradio and t v coverage
has been the subject ofregularreview stb was given overall
it should be reinforced byregularinvolvement in the use of
highlighted the enormous burden thatregularuse of the expanded powers
weather again that i useregularwhen i go out in
cry of defense was aregularfeature of the early part
claggit up and so aregularpart of muckin e byre
part rhyme hart hurt rhythmregularpatterns of stress onomatopoeia sounds
local stores it is aregularplanned purchase that drives footfall
my mail comes through veryregulari had a letter from
through writing a daily diaryregularletters to his mother family
to do with being moreregularabout church on sundays and
you know it being usedregulari ve used bonny but
proposes replacing irregular spellings withregularrather than operating a more
authority to a enter intoregularand constructive dialogue with the
control the illness and withregularcheck ups can monitor your
friendship with most of herregularcorrespondents especially with florence mcneill
the metrical pattern is quiteregularestablished with the textbook first
began howling with laughter aregularhysterical fit the guys ower
display finished with cachets fromregularvisiting ships vote of thanks
expenses in on a aregularbusiness and pay their expenses
the added spice of aregularreturn to their rural origins
their rhythms are appropriately lessregularthan say a smooth love
that used to be theregularsunday thing in the summer
the youngest peed his brikksregularraither than sikk oot tae
scottish parliament that we haveregularreporting rather than one off
alongside that there must beregularmonitoring of those who have
that rules of language areregularand though moon becomes meen
of sound changes that areregularin the buchan dialect i
sealed mouths room service isregularthe bears are suitably rotund
is therefore time for theregularscrutiny process to take place
the parliament recognises that reliableregularand affordable air and sea
the parliament recognises that reliableregularand affordable air and sea
of priority and to provideregularreports to parliament on the
to your ma an daregularunless your ma was on
was based on quantitative metreregularpatterns of syllables of long
from the outset to collectregularstatistics on the scheme which
fisherman and a darts teamregularat the nearby fiddochside inn
the mullie it wis aregularjob makkin winnlins and at
of europe debate other nonregularopportunities for participation at the
spelling was by no meansregularor systematic at this time
additional info at present muchregulartraffic habitually ignores the no
and turned himself into aregularlittle art factory knocking out
seen as a footfall driverregularsmokers go into stores to
that time there was aregularbus service from laurencekirk to
century the reason for aregularcensus is to reflect the
were a christian they wereregularchurch goer f632: mmhm f646:
the opportunity of becoming aregularcontributor was a valuable investment
tortoises have benefited from aregulardash of moisturising cream to
f1067: but there is aregularfishing trade in my own
subordinate legislation will be aregularfunction of the european committee
in betweens have become aregularhabit now and i ll
the fishin club an aregularin oor shop whit the
you could have had aregularmeal if there hadn t
wurst and sauerkraut and myregularshabbos day cholent a tobacco
we don t host manyregularsports events that attract a
and 120 prisoners respectively getregularsupplies drug taking is a
members agreed to send aregularsupply of eggs to miss
to be a sort ofregularthing it s not an
the a77 but as aregularuser of the road i
undertake a full partial orregularvisit to or inspection of
should be most of theregulargow workforce will be there
its responsibility will undertake anyregularinspection of the conditions and
opportunity will be provided soonregularsigning in the chamber would
the issue of osteoporosis asregularas clockwork i too would
of highlighting the importance ofregulareye examinations and improving visual
like he kind of hasregulargigs an gets paid for
forking was one of myregularjobs but not every job
to keep the drum speedregularthe mound of straw left
that its departments which receiveregularreports from voluntary organisations in
to be kept clear forregularreplacements but the tummlin tam
yes mmhm the horses getregularbreaks you know they stop
in keith stovies were fairlyregularchappit tatties wi size throwe
places near lintmill that wereregularmeetin pints the smiddy an
the mainland there s noregulardirect f606: [tut] oh yeah
improvement task force has consideredregularaccreditation and regulation in considerable
words and punchlines that inspiredregularlaughter in the evening we
kich his breeks every thursdayregularas clockwork henry was i
now we must keep youregularjohnny she d coo regally
is particularly cost effective whenregularvisits allow pro active intervention
mail convoy that tuik thonregularpath the lave o the

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