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ministerial committees which is updatedregularly11 for example the first
census data must be updatedregularlyto provide a dynamic view
but people from islay wouldregularlyattend ballycastle fair for example
ministers attend eu councils andregularlydiscuss eu policy on eu
did not attend its meetingsregularlymr macintosh i want to
27 per cent of adultsregularlytake part in voluntary activity
27 per cent of adultsregularlytake part in voluntary work
authority powers to inspect buildingsregularlyand prevent danger and accidents
lessees should have their buildingsregularlysurveyed and assessed by approved
obliged to inspect existing buildingsregularlyto ensure that they are
to chill it farm workersregularlymoved from one farm to
fairly nomadic with farm workersregularlymoving from one farm to
curriculum thi texts yaised urregularlyscrieved in standard english an
texts encountered scottish works wereregularlyset at both higher and
only publication in existence whichregularlyappears in scots as such
badger digging so those areregularlyreported the countryside appears to
prague linguistic circle which metregularlyto discuss matters linguistic their
resources or time to meetregularlyto discuss the issues on
be referred to us fairlyregularlyi assume that members have
000 scots who suffer painregularlyand the immense strain this
fact that 500 000 peopleregularlyvolunteer for the 44 000
had not been attending schoolregularlya news report in september
in the senior management teamregularlychanges occur from time to
team to do that moreregularlyduring the session with the
after that catalina sent lettersregularlywith news of s estacca
from all constituted groups whoregularlymeet in the hall plus
deacon my colleagues and iregularlymeet representatives of all health
meet the disability rights commissionregularlymost recently last week michael
sport mike watson i meetregularlywith representatives from visitscotland to
management meetings that were heldregularlyin july is that what
reid and they turned upregularlyat busy seasons especially hairst
especially if similar instances areregularlyidentified and described in the
grandparents may have attended churchregularlyat a time when the
boys that used to goregularlyto church the teenagers and
the scieh figures are publishedregularlyin a bulletin pan european
the scottish examination board hasregularlypublished analysis of results at
might for example i amregularlyassailed through correspondence by a
from it i go thereregularlyas a matter of fact
cross cutting issues and reportregularlyto the cabinet details are
and butter were also maderegularlybeastie cheese being a favourlte
because i don t goregularlyi also feel a bit
muir russell we test themregularlythey are also tested at
hairy tatties were also eatenregularlythis was made with dried
that time it has beenregularlyused as a consultative body
the blackboard and it wasregularlyused for gaining the attention
a males and b femalesregularlytake anti depressants and what
cultural life all scottish ministersregularlytake expert advice on all
and i ll probably goregularlyif i can funnily enough
ritz go to the ritzregularlyreally need to [laugh] f810:
be taken to be chargedregularlya van came from bervie
from his wonderful sweet peasregularlydosed with diluted not so
f1067: you can get toregularlyfrom islay is jura and
about people from arbuthnott walkedregularlyto bervie and fordoun each
scots and then use itregularlywell this is self deluding
to 62 with others beingregularlyadded who for various reasons
a belfast businessman who travelledregularlyon the short sea route
the gp practice which reviewsregularlywhether somebody who is on
cracked lips still the incansregularlylived to 75 80 years
the club where he stillregularlywins medals as a concession
so you d say moreregularlythan i would say [laugh]
f829: i would say moreregularlythan you would yeah f606:
such tend to buy themregularlyalthough people with arthritis for
but i plan to speakregularlywith him over the coming
its spritual functions had combinedregularlywith secular pursuits when the
needed to examine its contentsregularlyit contains the notes and
faster we visit foreign countriesregularlytoday s youngsters will work
we ask for it quiteregularlybecause we are interested in
the problem was flagged upregularlybut schools were not listened
of fish flesh are monitoredregularlyby the veterinary medicines directorate
full advantage but we areregularlymonitoring the back court in
so obvious that students haveregularlycomplained of a disjunction between
frequently getting into trouble andregularlyprone to making a noisy
the amendments law enforcement agenciesregularlyrely on information volunteered to
the child unroc and reportsregularlyto the committee on the
local lothario whose former housekeepersregularlytrail pregnant to the workhouse
tobacco companies to supply andregularlyupdate gantries multiple retailers that
day north of edinburgh theyregularlyhad sowens at the old
and i haven t goneregularlyf641: mmhm f639: since then
the bed reaching for itregularlyand automatically as his sleep
some form or other asregularlyas shakespeare the leaving certificate
zero but snow is fallingregularlyand forming a powdery mush
f646: she says her prayersregularlyi think and f632: mmhm
muscles i checked my appearanceregularlyin the bathroom mirror they
the messages you come byregularlythe home help s in
temporary exhibitions will be createdregularlyrevolving around a central theme

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