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9 name of committee financeremitunchanged maximum number of members
committee health and community careremitunchanged maximum number of members
name of committee equal opportunitiesremitunchanged maximum number of members
7 name of committee auditremitunchanged maximum number of members
follows name of committee europeanremitunchanged maximum number of members
parliamentary standards commissioner european committeeremitprivate legislation temporary conveners and
parliamentary standards commissioner european committeeremitprivate legislation temporary conveners and
parliamentary standards commissioner european committeeremitprivate legislation temporary conveners and
parliamentary standards commissioner european committeeremitprivate legislation temporary conveners and
parliamentary standards commissioner european committeeremitprivate legislation temporary conveners and
disability rights commission concerning itsremitand priorities i also understand
to standing orders concerning theremitof the european committee contained
to standing orders concerning theremitof the european committee contained
the parliament a concerning theremitof the european committee contained
to standing orders concerning theremitof the european committee contained
the parliament a concerning theremitof the european committee contained
galleries of scotland bill committeeremitto consider the national galleries
galleries of scotland bill committeeremitto consider the national galleries
24 may 2001 what theremitand membership is of each
2003 contents volume 1 reportremitand membership remit to consider
scottish land fund including itsremitfunctions membership responsibilities and jurisdiction
relation to the membership andremitof its working group on
workforce what the membership andremitof the scottish leadership foundation
1 report remit and membershipremitto consider and report on
not outwith the executive sremitand it has a large
the petition lies outwith itsremitpe 307 from mr dougal
which are outwith our directremitperhaps we should therefore decide
that are way outwith theirremitthat is something of which
clarification of the role andremitof a commissioner timeline 23
parliamentary standards commissioner bill committeeremitto consider the scottish parliamentary
come under the commissioner sremituntil they reach 21 years
to return to the inquiryremitbefore we start to consider
as per the inquiry sremitbegins to establish supports and
uk that should inform theremitfor our lifelong learning inquiry
we come to consider theremitfor our lifelong learning inquiry
the committee considered the draftremitfor the inquiry the possibility
committee agreed the following generalremitfor the lifelong learning inquiry
of the lifelong learning inquiryremitmargo macdonald has joined us
the committee will consider theremitof its inquiry 3 stuc
be helpful in designing theremitof our lifelong learning inquiry
also form part of theremitof our lifelong learning inquiry
such an inquiry what theremitof such an inquiry should
be important to plan theremitof that inquiry so that
shefc the committee agreed theremitof the inquiry as to
help in deciding on theremitof the inquiry elaine thomson
as follows introduction 1 theremitof this inquiry is to
examination results what the inquiryremitwill be and when it
to contemporary life ewht sremitincludes historic buildings grants conservation
once a week the postwatchremitincludes providing advice and information
gets to the committee whoseremitincludes transport after the election
implementation of the strategy theremitof the partnership now includes
it is within the committeeremitand can first conduct an
committee has transport within itsremitangus mackay it is unfortunate
came within this committee sremitboth dennis canavan and irene
within glasgow who has aremitfor gaelic education and he
factoring within the regulator sremitfor the first time that
is therefore not within ourremithowever we should write to
within the standards committee sremitit is our responsibility to
already know that the justiceremitmeans that within three days
demonstrations could come within theremitof the bill i do
would it be within theremitof the crown office to
matter is firmly within theremitof the european committee and
guidance and checklist within theremitof the mobility and access
committee and not within theremitof the public petitions committee
to a matter within theremitof the scottish parliament and
content which falls within theremitof the subordinate legislation committee
that does come within theremitof this committee i refer
respond is it within theremitof this committee to do
not is it within theremitof this committee to send
committee is it within theremitof this committee to write
it will fall within theremitof westminster it is important
the issue falls within ourremitrobin harper i agree thoroughly
that are directly within ourremitsuch as planning powers have
that has some sort ofremitthat lies within the executive
not within your unit sremitto ensure that x per
do not fall within theirremitwe are noting that and
is obviously not within ourremitwe have identified the gap
that are directly within ourremitwe should refer the minister
lifelong learning when considering theremitof the committee perhaps we
it must relate to theremitof the enterprise and lifelong
budget and no long termremitindeed its remit was switched
long term remit indeed itsremitwas switched midway to include
audit in relation to theremitgiven by the auditor general
committee or by strengthening theremitof the existing audit committee
09 30 2 audit committeeremitthe committee will hear from
the scottish executive what theremitis of the clinical standards
that seeks to expand theremitof the building standards advisory
agreed to consider an expandedremitat a later meeting to
ssi 2000 378 7 committeeremitthe committee will consider a
established and named justice iiremitto consider and report on
committee transport and the environmentremitto consider and report on
name of committee local governmentremitto consider and report on
committee education culture and sportremitto consider and report on
to be renamed rural developmentremitto consider and report on
affairs be renamed justice iremitto consider and report on
sector be renamed social justiceremitto consider and report on
fisheries consolidation scotland bill committeeremitto consider the salmon and
fisheries consolidation scotland bill committeeremitto consider the salmon and
review of policing with aremitthat will include community policing
or otherwise of spte sremitto include this issue s1w
part of that reporter sremitwould include bringing back information
members the convener given itsremita committee on justice and
because of this committee sremitand some of the work
was that the committee sremitdoes not extend to reserved
a proposed change to itsremiteuropean committee 31 october 2000
99 7 4 issues paperremitof procedures committee liaison committee
her interests relevant to theremitof the committee 2 overview
his interests relevant to theremitof the committee 4 public
in committee room 4 1remitof the committee external relations
it is probably not theremitof the public petitions committee
that relates specifically to theremitof this committee in terms
it is part of theremitof this committee rather than
part of the committee sremitthe convener that was a
and the environment committee toremitthe petition to the rural
establish a committee with aremitto investigate the current crisis
5 is the committee sremitwe have had no update
culture and sport committee ourremitwould be for example court
and if so what theremitof such a role would
executive what the role andremitof the deputy minister for
role of the parliament theremitof the executive and other
role would be a possibleremitwould be to act as
ec water framework directive petitionsremitconvener s report scrutiny european
choosing paying and setting theremitfor consultants in relation to
of eaga in delivering itsremitin relation to the central
we must ensure that ourremitallows us to proceed in
order that relates to ourremiti note that bruce welcomes
argument that is beyond ourremitif we were to compensate
to do that under ourremitin the hope that any
to remind us where ourremitlies given that the subject
which were technically outside theremitof our research during that
whether that was in ourremitthe convener the clerk reminds
is clearly part of ourremitto look at rights and
that we would like theremitto reflect our interests in
issues that are in ourremitwhich is why we have
i can see under ourremitwould be as lloyd quinan
would be no different ourremitwould be the same take
still to agree the preciseremitand we agree that in
board i agree that myremitis very specific to monitor
legislation so we have noremitto go beyond it john
in private to discuss theremits headlines i do not
medium braidcaisting wi its heidmaistremitas programmes for younkers six
on the review and itsremitchristine grahame i have a
the precise details of itsremithave not been decided the
the scottish executive what theremitis of its network study
of the bill its singleremitis to advise the executive
setters as part of itsremitit became clear that more
a significant change to itsremituntil such time as there
report into community care itsremitwas slightly different from ours
the languages of scotland itsremitwas to inquire into the
that body what is itsremitwho sits on it when
that body what is itsremitwho sits on it when
that body what is itsremitwho sits on it when
to be established what itsremitwill be and what a
introducing a body with aremitsimilar to that of the
whether a copy of theremitand the gardner theobold report
wants to it may alsoremitany sum or part of
management plan part of thisremitis to pull together the
by another name the restrictedremitof the group saddens me
to limit the number andremitof special advisers appointed by
are in the justice committeesremitand issues that are in
chalice of the social justiceremiti wish them well this
that agreed members indicated agreementremitthe convener agenda item 5
question it was agreed toremitto the convener and clerk
any plans to extend theremitof the strathclyde passenger transport
professor gane what is hisremitthe convener it is essentially
railway industry falls under theremitof the health and safety
commissioning further research under theremitof the nhs into the
scottish police service under theremitof the proposed freedom of
under point 9 that theremitof the review would be
could well come under theremitof this parliament thirdly with
february 2002 what the specificremitis of the working group
the care development group sremitwas to come up with
other major scottish organisations whoseremitinvolves the provision of information
governance further information about theremitof each of the working
funded agency with a nationalremitfor the development and promotion
development forum and what theremitof the forum is s1w
other members feel about theremitwhich i think we have
the scottish executive what theremitis of the health technology
the scottish executive what theremitis of the public health
have a health and safetyremitwe would never place any
scoping work on the overallremitbased on what we know
the petersberg tasks what defenceremitcould be envisaged for the
the scottish executive what theremitis of the clinical resource
the scottish executive what theremitis of the common services
executive what is the possibleremitof scottish drugs courts s1o
postholder is and what theremitof the post is s1w
executive has changed the relevantremitand introduced a new concept
an announcement on the establishmentremitand budget of the scottish
charlie allan i broadened myremitfrom words to ways of
could be absorbed into theremitof one of the deputes
the cairngorms in 1997 theremitof the cairngorms partnership has
are probably covered by theremitof the education culture and
we plan to extend theremitof the new scottish labour
whether it will widen theremitof the scottish law commission
statute the aims objectives andremitof the sqa the point
which may be without theremitof the tourist board 21
existing member of staff sremitto take forward the implementation
scale and complexity of thatremittoday i and my ministerial
that in drawing up theremitwe will take into account
held was to set theremitand i have not even
to set a consultant sremitand indeed choose the consultant
a limit to the timeremitand money for this piece
at least oed s originalremitfor instance had been to
negotiations to seek an extendedremitfor the financial reporting advisory
are going slightly beyond theirremiton to the wider question
anyway i propose that weremitthe domestic violence item to
responsible for and have theremitto approve and oversee building
complete failure to fulfil theremitto bring the project in
a taskforce with the followingremitto examine the arrangements and
thousand and two with theremitto produce braw books for
to be established with theremitto provide pro active support
highlighted the fund has aremitto tackle social exclusion we
specifically financial the reporter sremitwas to examine the impact
it has a very restrictedremitwhich is to present another
for renewable energy and whoseremitwill be to pursue actively
choose pay and set theremitfor consultants who do environmental
institute with a uk wideremitand if so where it
environment and fisheries department revisedremitfor cairngorms partnership 11 snh
yeah that was my initialremitm608: aye uh huh m1163:

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