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sets out criteria for publishingreportsall reports that are laid
64 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 13
2000 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 14
2000 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 16
documents committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 20
327 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 22
documents committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 25
2002 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 26
1999 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 28
2000 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 29
2000 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 30
2002 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 31
253 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 5
1995 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 6
68 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 7
228 committee reports the followingreportsare being published on 8
sweeping statements reports or informationreportsare generalised factual descriptions providing
mainly to avoid sweeping statementsreportsor information reports are generalised
criteria for publishing reports allreportsthat are laid must be
services ombudsman act 2002 committeereportsthe following reports are being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following reports are being
procedure scotland act 1995 committeereportsthe following reports are being
accountability scotland act 2000 committeereportsthe following reports are being
ministers se 2002 327 committeereportsthe following reports are being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following reports are being
2002 sp paper 228 committeereportsthe following reports are being
executive se 2003 64 committeereportsthe following reports are being
the health act 1999 committeereportsthe following reports are being
accountability scotland act 2000 committeereportsthe following reports are being
executive se 2001 68 committeereportsthe following reports are being
2002 se 2001 253 committeereportsthe following reports are being
accountability scotland act 2000 committeereportsthe following reports are being
accountability scotland act 2000 committeereportsthe following reports are being
to 31 july 2002 committeereportsthe following reports are being
contemporary society such as businessreportspoliticians briefing documents etc the
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
of ministers and post councilreportsthese and the briefing papers
scotland sp 508 the followingreportsare being published on 14
24 february 2000 the followingreportsare subject to approval by
5 april 2000 the followingreportsare subject to approval by
24 february 2000 the followingreportsare subject to approval by
have been obtained following suchreportsin each sheriff court district
have been obtained following suchreportsin each sheriff court district
committee will consider the followingreportsin the context of its
the committee considered the followingreportsin the context of its
2000 se 2001 143 committeereportsthe following report is being
environment protection act 1985 committeereportsthe following report is being
provisions scotland act 1990 committeereportsthe following report is being
environment protection act 1985 committeereportsthe following report is being
etc scotland act 2000 committeereportsthe following report is being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following report is being
aid scotland act 1986 committeereportsthe following report is being
etc scotland act 1994 committeereportsthe following report is being
the census act 1920 committeereportsthe following report is being
department se 2000 66 committeereportsthe following report is being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following report is being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following report is being
section h new documents committeereportsthe following report is being
2004 se 2003 12 committeereportsthe following report is being
education scotland act 1996 committeereportsthe following report is being
environment protection act 1985 committeereportsthe following report is published
section h new documents committeereportsthe following report was printed
procedure scotland act 1995 committeereportsthe following report was published
european communities act 1972 committeereportsthe following report was published
of advice such as publishedreportsand we must look beyond
be published and any otherreportscovering the commissioner s functions
findings of the recently publishedreportsedinburgh and glasgow competitiveness and
the commissioner may lay otherreportsbefore the parliament as he
18 co operation with andreportsby commissioner the deputy presiding
at the same time asreportsby the commissioner under the
work areas considered relevant 11reportson investigations the commissioner must
to the commissioner 12 otherreportsto the parliament the commissioner
report 1975 h m ireportsavailable for 7 of the
the borders economy some keyreportsand documents the parliament debated
or european union documents thereportsare largely technical and indicate
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 2 committeereportsto the justice 1 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
that the justice 1 committeereportsto the justice 2 committee
the group notit the recentreportsaboot visit scotland openly discriminatin
this note highlights some recentreportsand provides some background information
may have noticed the newspaperreportsconcerning the recent violent and
the parliament commends the recentreportsinto children s services of
constructive recommendation of the recentreportsinto children s services the
constructive recommendation of the recentreportsinto children s services the
based expresses concern over recentreportsof developments at greenock morton
the light of the recentreportsthat a number of french
policy of uk ministers includingreportsthat the uk government would
ministers shortly one of thereportsthree strands looked at the
committee agreed remits for membersreportscathy peattie is to report
will consider two draft committeereportsconcerning complaints against members education
the committee will consider itsreportsfor stage 1 of the
the committee will hear progressreportsfrom irene mcgugan disability issues
reporters the committee received progressreportsfrom irene mcgugan disability issues
councils the committee will considerreportsfrom visits to highland council
the mccabe committee s originalreportshave been lived up to
to provide translations of theirreportsi would want the committee
scottish organiser health unison 3reportsin private the committee will
conveners to speak to committeereportsin the chamber the committee
consider a paper 3 committeereportsminority views the committee will
macdonald ags and audit committeereportson holyrood project that the
the committee will consider draftreportson its cross cutting reviews
the european committee considers andreportson proposals for specific european
private consideration of draft committeereportson scottish further education colleges
of the child unroc andreportsregularly to the committee on
point all drafts of committeereportsshould be kept confidential some
mackenzie sally daghlian 4 reportersreportsthe committee will hear progress
be before the auditor generalreportsto the audit committee in
possibly more important for myreportsto the committee will be
that the rural development committeereportsto the health and community
that the rural development committeereportsto the health and community
that the rural affairs committeereportsto the health and community
that the rural development committeereportsto the health and community
9 ian cowan the committeereportsto the parliament as follows
that the local government committeereportsto the transport and the
that the local government committeereportsto the transport and the
be kept confidential some draftreportsare very controversial and need
scotland s draft programme ofreportsfor 2001 02 4 national
normal practice to discuss draftreportsin private does that meet
decide whether to consider draftreportson stage 2 of the
further consideration of its draftreportson the cross cutting reviews
attention to the two draftreportsoutlining decisions that we have
executive gaelic 5 scottish executivereports6 the macpherson report 6
report results in future overviewreportsissues arising from the management
the scottish executive commissioned tworeportson gaelic the macpherson report
and the meek report bothreportsreached similar conclusions the macpherson
evidence is coming through fromreportssuch as the smee report
day typing out my lastreportsetc i will miss it
etc communicating the information throughreportsmaps graphs diagrams role plays
the other recommendations in thereportsand to act upon them
scottish executive how many areportshave been received by each
scottish executive how many areportshave been received by each
do so we have receivedreportsof suggestions to the contrary
a three year comparison ofreportsreceived by the service principally
reporting agencies the level ofreportsreceived has fallen slightly but
occupier we ve received disturbingreportswe believe you may be
every month except august andreportsto the council of the
scrutinised by the commission whichreportsto the european council all
95 the adults with incapacityreportsin relation to guardianship and
1 the adults with incapacityreportsin relation to guardianship and
1 the adults with incapacityreportsin relation to guardianship and
reporters in relation to completingreportsinto local planning matters s1w
in relation to the earlierreportsit is crucial for rural
assessment of these and otherreportsand an immediate investigation of
government in response to thesereportsand demands an urgent comprehensive
and how many of thesereportsconcerned complaints against a females
iain murdoch i have hadreportsfrom parents that these materials
important issues link these variousreportstaking into account the points
to stop these damnable newspaperreportsthat s why the job
progress plans to replace existingreportsthese would set individual goals
it will publish these engineeringreportswhether it will work with
put on our website thosereportscontain information on how the
about them we write informationreportsin primary schools this is
class focused together on informationreportson dinosaurs using an ohp
example also shows how informationreportsrefer to general subjects i
submit to the clerks somereportsthat will give background information
in instructions or in informationreportsthe use of the present
teaching the genre of informationreportswhen we want to describe
also reviews the annual progressreportsand recommends the employment guidelines
priority and to provide regularreportsto parliament on the progress
the scottish executive how manyreportsare awaited from public local
the scottish executive how manyreportsfrom public local inquiries are
the scottish executive how manyreportsfrom public local inquiries into
the scottish executive how manyreportsof child abuse were submitted
the scottish executive how manyreportsof offences were referred to
petition and how many suchreportsresulted in a conviction all
2002 how many of thereportssent to procurators fiscal under
scottish executive how many misconductreportswere lodged at each scottish
scottish executive how many misconductreportswere logged at hm prison
police officer how many suchreportswere proceeded with by the
the scottish executive how manyreportswere submitted to the lothian
daily record if all thosereportswere wrong how many times
to consider how our systemreportsand the purpose of our
item 8 one of thereportsthat we will consider relates
out of the local auditreportsfor 1999 2000 i do
regarding publication of stage 1reportson bills by secondary committees
social services notes that thereportshighlight a need to continue
social services notes that thereportshighlight a need to continue
news release 2002c scottish executivereportsbetween 1999 and 2002 the
some 177 000 jobs initialreportsfor 1999 are mixed with
2 by the convener 4reportsfrom visits to councils the
meeting on 6 november 2reportson the case of the
if so when the nextreportsare due to be made
be believed however the pupilsreportsare not consistent some pupils
phrases connected with time newspaperreportsare often recounts in fact
system as transparent as possiblereportsare part of that that
day staff are aye writinreportshis voice had a certain
[inhale] in england there arereportsof sermons delivered in the
market and there are noreportsof those publications having problems
insert the concern expressed withinreportsabout the pressures facing children
way furthermore according to newspaperreportsmubarak whose children go to
has carried out and breportshave been issued for each
for one of its mainreportsinto this subject 19 appendix
years been the subject ofreportsto a procurator fiscal or
hudson 6 source principal assessorsreports2003 assessment panel modern languages
makes valid points about thereportsand scotland s health record
examine the gist of thosereportsand put them in the
of the dates for futurereportsd a list of those
consoled ourselves with the positivereportsof those few coming down
yet been audited the auditreportson those figures will flow
the icc hears trials andreportsthem will those trials be
of the sqml and flussreportsthe higher still development team
and an impersonal formal stylereportsalso share some language features
the adverse side we hadreportsfrom some discouraged residents who
an explanation some of thereportsmay have been false some
the same till 7 somereportssuggest that consignia want to
by hector currie and inreportsfrom local authorities subsequent to
officials receive full and accuratereportsregarding local authority service performance
they may for instance convertreportsin their own writing into
has failed to publish scientificreportsinto the extent of the
followed by executive debate onreportsinto the investigation legal proceedings
fact factual recounts such asreportsof science experiments or of
to 10 17 am 4reportson the case of the
a register 4 approval ofreportsproposer mr peter [censored: surname] 11
its response is to pressreportson 10 march 2002 that
executive with regard to thereportsin the scotland on sunday
its departments which receive regularreportsfrom voluntary organisations in order
the parliament produces all itsreportsin english as a matter
to take account of bothreportswhen conducting its current inquiry
were based on quite fullreportsi do not know whether
the board or were yourreportsmade informally david elliot no
i see there were fourreportsof wildlife cases which resulted
which we were working thereportsthat we were getting out
end of june we gotreportsthat were based on a
to agree with that thereportsthat were given were often
houses in the area 3reportswere given verbally by the
clubs brief summaries of clubreportswere presented by the secretary
public read with fear thereportsin the newspapers of the
reporting rather than one offreportsto ensure that the public
the parliament having considered thereportson the holyrood project by
the parliament notes with concernreportson the number of discrepancies
will publish interim and fullreportsfrom the consultants employed by
ask the presiding officer whichreportsgenerated by the holyrood project
powerful lament inspired by newpaperreportsof famine and war in
advocated by all the languagereportsof the next twenty years
of this and other criticalreportssupported by mr michael matheson
that they would receive threereportsterm by term it is
the bay by aa thereportsthey had fun at the
presented by the secretary fullreportswill be printed in the
committees embark on drafting ofreportsbefore they have heard final
moment we rely on quarterlyreportsfrom the individual projects in
was the usual round ofreportson angling successes and disasters
better among the most disturbingreportson care of the elderly
take part in assemblies oralreportson completed work presented to
sequence rather than as inreportson phenomena and their features
problems until the millan commissionreportson that we cannot take
has seen the current engineeringreportson the bridge whether it
could include issuing statements orreportson the impact of possible
as well as my ownreportsscouts still turning up on
expect from richard simpson sreportsit was put together at
it is clear from variousreportsthat income inequality at the
will be required to obtainreportsincluding a psychological assessment the
there have certainly been morereportsof extreme weather worldwide like
control agency the number ofreportsof serious consequences has been
list of the design reviewreportsthat have been carried out
leids in scotland the comateereportstae the pairlament as ablow
to provide translations of theirreports14 the signage strategy for
gar the skouts gie faunsreportsanent us soldier richt awa
in fact previously cited thereportsas suggesting construction costs within
but joseph had read thereportscarefully and repeatedly and had
the skill of writing bothreportsexpressed concern at the lack
is the 2003 principal assessorsreportsfor the modern languages made
the structure of arguments andreportsgroup writing and writing conferences
publications called the international lawreportsi think that the decisions
to the use of doctorsreportsin court actions pe535 petition
has provided which indicates thatreportsof abuse of the elderly
the press and that dramaticreportsof armies of germs marching
can be found in thereportsof the sutherland commission and
piece appeared in the fishingreportsof trout and salmon september
2030 is concerned at thereportsthat glasgow airport could lose
[censored: forename] [censored: surname] and [censored: forename] [censored: surname]reportsthe president said that [censored: forename]
matter and for related scientificreportsto be placed in the
building together with the monitoringreportsto date s1w 6033 david
can look at the policereportsto find out about the
external interest groups the panelreportsto the acdap a decision
a uk wide operation thatreportsto the department for education
we usually have around 100reportsto the fiscal per year
managers in the preparation ofreportsto the hpg and c
which around 100 resulted inreportsto the procurator fiscal and
typical of this genre ofreportstogether the class and teacher
their own independent assessments andreportswe have got the story
while a number of earlierreportshad looked at reopening stretches
to ask for translations ofreportswe should do that in
log at work ie malaysiareportswe look forward to seeing
as inaccurate like my schoolreportsi d have worked myself
forward to seeing your furtherreportsyou have said that you
context and to make overviewreportsas up to date as
answer back or require lengthyreportsto a parole board composed
to mark and more seminarreportsto research and if i
school to ask for examinersreportsto try to re establish
i monthly bulletins ii formalreportsand iii special bulletins s1w
this time while we debatereportsand responses we must remember
clinical standards board and shasreportsas well as an ombudsman
a monthly basis reviews andreportscosts as suggested in recommendation
it up wi wi kidsreportsthat s [laugh] [inaudible] f606:
academic audits or institutional reviewreportsheis applying for university title
a l hear nae mairreportstak thaim awa a hae

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